579 resultados para Herbs
This data set contains aboveground plant biomass in 2008 (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) of the monoculture plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment). In the monoculture plots the biomass of the sown plant community contains only a single species per plot and this species is a different one for each plot. Which species has been sown in which plot is stated in the plot information table for monocultures (see further details below). The monoculture plots of 3.5 x 3.5 m were established for all of the 60 plant species of the Jena Experiment species pool with two replicates per species. One of the replicate plots per species was given up after the vegetation period of 2007 for all but the nine species belonging also to the so called dominance experiment in Jena. These nine species are: Alopecurus pratensis, Anthriscus sylvestris, Arrhenatherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Geranium pratense, Poa trivialis, Phleum pratense, Trifolium repens and Trifolium pratense.In 2008 plot size was reduced to 2.5 x 2.5 m. These 60 species comprising the species pool of the Jena Experiment belong to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). Plots were sown in May 2002 and are since maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground plant biomass was harvested twice in 2008 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass in early June and in late August) on all experimental plots of the monocultures. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in 2 rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned prior to each harvest by random selection of coordinates within the core area of the plots (i.e. excluding an outer edge of 0.5 m). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material (i.e., dead plant material in the data file), and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category (i.e., unidentified plant material in the data file). All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. The data for individual subsamples (i.e. rectangles) and the mean over samples for all biomass measures are given.
This data set contains aboveground plant biomass in 2009 (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) of the monoculture plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment). In the monoculture plots the biomass of the sown plant community contains only a single species per plot and this species is a different one for each plot. Which species has been sown in which plot is stated in the plot information table for monocultures (see further details below). The monoculture plots of 3.5 x 3.5 m were established for all of the 60 plant species of the Jena Experiment species pool with two replicates per species. One of the replicate plots per species was given up after the vegetation period of 2007 for all but the nine species belonging also to the so called dominance experiment in Jena. These nine species are: Alopecurus pratensis, Anthriscus sylvestris, Arrhenatherum elatius, Dactylis glomerata, Geranium pratense, Poa trivialis, Phleum pratense, Trifolium repens and Trifolium pratense.In 2008 plot size was reduced to 2.5 x 2.5 m. These 60 species comprising the species pool of the Jena Experiment belong to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). Plots were sown in May 2002 and are since maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground plant biomass was harvested twice in 2009 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass in early June and in late August) on all experimental plots of the monocultures. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in 2 rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per plot. The location of these rectangles was in the center of the plot area. The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material (i.e., dead plant material in the data file), and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category (i.e., unidentified plant material in the data file). All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. The data for individual subsamples (i.e. rectangles) and the mean over samples for all biomass measures are given.
This data set contains aboveground plant biomass in 2002 (Sown plant community; measured in biomass as dry weight) of the monoculture plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment). In the monoculture plots the biomass of the sown plant community contains only a single species per plot and this species is a different one for each plot. Which species has been sown in which plot is stated in the plot information table for monocultures (see further details below). The monoculture plots of 3.5 x 3.5 m were established for all of the 60 plant species of the Jena Experiment species pool with two replicates per species. These 60 species comprising the species pool of the Jena Experiment belong to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). Plots were sown in May 2002 and are since maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground plant biomass was harvested twice in 2002 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass in early June and in late August) on all experimental plots of the monocultures. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in 2 rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned prior to each harvest by random selection of coordinates within the core area of the plots (i.e. excluding an outer edge of 0.5 m). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. From the harvested biomass only the separated biomass of the sown plant species was kept. All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. The data for individual subsamples (i.e. rectangles) and the mean over samples for all biomass measures are given.
This data set contains aboveground plant biomass in 2004 (Sown plant community, Weed plant community, Dead plant material, and Unidentified plant material; all measured in biomass as dry weight) of the monoculture plots of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment). In the monoculture plots the biomass of the sown plant community contains only a single species per plot and this species is a different one for each plot. Which species has been sown in which plot is stated in the plot information table for monocultures (see further details below). The monoculture plots of 3.5 x 3.5 m were established for all of the 60 plant species of the Jena Experiment species pool with two replicates per species. These 60 species comprising the species pool of the Jena Experiment belong to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). Plots were sown in May 2002 and are since maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. Aboveground plant biomass was harvested twice in 2004 just prior to mowing (during peak standing biomass in early June and in late August) on all experimental plots of the monocultures. This was done by clipping the vegetation at 3 cm above ground in 2 rectangles of 0.2 x 0.5 m per plot. The location of these rectangles was assigned prior to each harvest by random selection of coordinates within the core area of the plots (i.e. excluding an outer edge of 0.5 m). The positions of the rectangles within plots were identical for all plots. The harvested biomass was sorted into categories: sown plant species, weed plant species (species not sown at the particular plot), detached dead plant material (i.e., dead plant material in the data file), and remaining plant material that could not be assigned to any category (i.e., unidentified plant material in the data file). All biomass was dried to constant weight (70°C, >= 48 h) and weighed. The data for individual subsamples (i.e. rectangles) and the mean over samples for all biomass measures are given.
The Jena Biodiversity Experiment is located on a Central European mesophilic floodplain on the banks of the Saale River (see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown in the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, or 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. In June 2013, a natural 200-year flood event occurred at the field site. Rainfall in May 2013 in Jena was ~150mm, constituting >25% of annual precipitation at the site that year. Overall the flood affected the entire Elbe River Basin and much of Europe and was one of the largest natural flooding events in the past two centuries. The flood lasted for a total of 24 days at the site (30 May-24 June) and led to anaerobic soil conditions. Due to small topographical differences among the plots in the experiment (<1m), there was variation in the duration of flooding and the proportion of each plot that was flooded. This variation was well-distributed across the diversity gradient. To assess the importance of flood severity, the proportion of each plot that was flooded was estimated by eye (using five classes: 0 completely dry, 0.25 up to a quarter under water, 0.5 half, 0.75 up to three quarters under water, and 1 more than three quarters under water up to completely submerged). These values, for each of the 24 days that the flood lasted, were summed up to calculate a flooding index. The resulting flooding index is given for each plot of the Main Experiment.
This collection contains measurements of environmental conditions measured on the plots of the different sub-experiments at the field site of a large grassland biodiversity experiment (the Jena Experiment; see further details below). In the main experiment, 82 grassland plots of 20 x 20 m were established from a pool of 60 species belonging to four functional groups (grasses, legumes, tall and small herbs). In May 2002, varying numbers of plant species from this species pool were sown into the plots to create a gradient of plant species richness (1, 2, 4, 8, 16 and 60 species) and functional richness (1, 2, 3, 4 functional groups). Plots were maintained by bi-annual weeding and mowing. The following series of datasets are contained in this collection: 1.Soil temperature measurements on plots of the Main Experiment; 2. Quantification of the duration that individual plots of the Main Experiment were submerged during a flooding event occurring in June 2013
Abstract: BRIGUICHE. H, ZIDANE. L. Floristic And Ethnobotanical Studies Of Medicinal Plants Of The City Of El -Jadida (MOROCCO). In the framework of the ethnobotanical studies on medicinal plants undertaken by the Laboratory of Biodiversity and Natural Resources of the Faculty of Sciences of Kenitra (Morocco), we are interested in the area of El Jadida which presents a rather important floristic richness thanks to changes in its ecological conditions By using 204 questionnaire, the ethnobotanical surveys were conducted in the field during the years 2012-2013. The location of the different sampling sites was determined by the stratified sampling method. The analysis of the results obtained from the questionnaires and forms using statistical processing allowed us to identify 70 plant species distributed in 69 genera and 37 families. These results also show that most of these species are mainly used in the care of the digestive system and respiratory system. The seed is the most used part in local traditional medicines and the decoction is the most frequent mode with a rate of 31%. The species Origanum compactum is the most used by the population of the city of El Jadida 47 quotes.
ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Síndromes de polinização ocorrentes em uma área de Mata Atlântica, Paraíba, Brasil. Biotemas, Florianopolis, v. 4, n. 22, p.83-94, dez. 2009. Disponível em:
Les écosystèmes dunaires remplissent plusieurs fonctions écologiques essentielles comme celle de protéger le littoral grâce à leur capacité d’amortissement face aux vents et vagues des tempêtes. Les dunes jouent aussi un rôle dans la filtration de l’eau, la recharge de la nappe phréatique, le maintien de la biodiversité, en plus de présenter un attrait culturel, récréatif et touristique. Les milieux dunaires sont très dynamiques et incluent plusieurs stades de succession végétale, passant de la plage de sable nu à la dune bordière stabilisée par l’ammophile à ligule courte, laquelle permet aussi l’établissement d’autres herbacées, d’arbustes et, éventuellement, d’arbres. Or, la survie de ces végétaux est intimement liée aux microorganismes du sol. Les champignons du sol interagissent intimement avec les racines des plantes, modifient la structure des sols, et contribuent à la décomposition de la matière organique et à la disponibilité des nutriments. Ils sont donc des acteurs clés de l’écologie des sols et contribuent à la stabilisation des dunes. Malgré cela, la diversité et la structure des communautés fongiques, ainsi que les mécanismes influençant leur dynamique écologique, demeurent relativement méconnus. Le travail présenté dans cette thèse explore la diversité des communautés fongiques à travers le gradient de succession et de conditions édaphiques d’un écosystème dunaire côtier afin d’améliorer la compréhension de la dynamique des sols en milieux dunaires. Une vaste collecte de données sur le terrain a été réalisée sur une plaine de dunes reliques se trouvant aux Îles de la Madeleine, Qc. J’ai échantillonné plus de 80 sites répartis sur l’ensemble de ce système dunaire et caractérisé les champignons du sol grâce au séquençage à haut débit. Dans un premier temps, j’ai dressé un portait d’ensemble des communautés fongiques du sol à travers les différentes zones des dunes. En plus d’une description taxonomique, les modes de vie fongiques ont été prédits afin de mieux comprendre comment les variations au niveau des communautés de champignons du sol peuvent se traduire en changements fonctionnels. J’ai observé un niveau de diversité fongique élevé (plus de 3400 unités taxonomiques opérationnelles au total) et des communautés taxonomiquement et fonctionnellement distinctes à travers un gradient de succession et de conditions édaphiques. Ces résultats ont aussi indiqué que toutes les zones des dunes, incluant la zone pionière, supportent des communautés fongiques diversifiées. Ensuite, le lien entre les communautés végétales et fongiques a été étudié à travers l’ensemble de la séquence dunaire. Ces résultats ont montré une augmentation claire de la richesse spécifique végétale, ainsi qu’une augmentation de la diversité des stratégies d’acquisition de nutriments (traits souterrains lié à la nutrition des plantes, soit mycorhizien à arbuscule, ectomycorhizien, mycorhizien éricoide, fixateur d’azote ou non spécialisé). J’ai aussi pu établir une forte corrélation entre les champignons du sol et la végétation, qui semblent tous deux réagir de façon similaire aux conditions physicochimiques du sol. Le pH du sol influençait fortement les communautés végétales et fongiques. Le lien observé entre les communautés végétales et fongiques met l’emphase sur l’importance des interactions biotiques positives au fil de la succession dans les environnements pauvres en nutriments. Finalement, j’ai comparé les communautés de champignons ectomycorhiziens associées aux principales espèces arborescentes dans les forêts dunaires. J’ai observé une richesse importante, avec un total de 200 unités taxonomiques opérationnelles ectomycorhiziennes, appartenant principalement aux Agaricomycètes. Une analyse de réseaux n’a pas permis de détecter de modules (c'est-à-dire des sous-groupes d’espèces en interaction), ce qui indique un faible niveau de spécificité des associations ectomycorhiziennes. De plus, je n’ai pas observé de différences en termes de richesse ou de structure des communautés entre les quatre espèces hôtes. En conclusion, j’ai pu observer à travers la succession dunaire des communautés diversifiées et des structures distinctes selon la zone de la dune, tant chez les champignons que chez les plantes. La succession semble toutefois moins marquée au niveau des communautés fongiques, par rapport aux patrons observés chez les plantes. Ces résultats ont alimenté une réflexion sur le potentiel et les perspectives, mais aussi sur les limitations des approches reposant sur le séquençage à haut-débit en écologie microbienne.
ARAUJO, Afranio Cesar de et al. Síndromes de polinização ocorrentes em uma área de Mata Atlântica, Paraíba, Brasil. Biotemas, Florianopolis, v. 4, n. 22, p.83-94, dez. 2009. Disponível em:
O presente trabalho objetiva investigar a Revitalização dos Saberes e Práticas Kaingang Sobre as Plantas Tradicionais como Proposta de Educação Ambiental na comunidade Terra Indígena de Ligeiro no município de Charrua - RS. Trata-se de uma pesquisa de campo que busca melhor compreender o que provocou o abandono e esquecimento desses saberes, bem como possíveis alternativas teóricas e práticas para que a revitalização dos saberes culturais ancestrais seja realizada. Justifica-se pelo fato da utilização de plantas medicinais para o tratamento de enfermidades estar enraizada nas culturas indígenas e poder assim suprir, em parte, a deficiente atenção à saúde e as realidades da fome em muitas T.I. Foram realizadas visitas a campo para análise da situação atual e coleta de informações, com aplicação de entrevistas com vários indígenas, bem como com kujà e curandeiras; se implantou um horto medicinal com várias plantas, ervas e se distribuíram mudas de plantas frutíferas nativas. Para este projeto, dois alunos indígenas do IFRS - Campus Sertão atuaram na implantação deste Horto, assim como outros alunos indígenas da Escola Estadual Indígena de Ensino Médio Fág Mág (Pinheiro Grande) trabalharam e apoiaram na execução dessa ação. Através da realização de fotos e vídeos, foram analisadas também as expressões atuais da cultura Kaingang na conjuntura, os elementos significativos que estão guardados ao longo das gerações e apontamos os desafios de permanecer na comunidade e revitalizar com sustentabilidade os saberes e práticas Kaingang, sempre com um olhar incondicional pela natureza. Foram sistematizadas as denominações específicas da cada planta, em correspondência com seu nome científico e com o seu nome tradicional da cosmologia dual Kaingang (kam e kanhru). Conclui-se a partir dessa investigação que houve efetivamente o abandono e a falta de valorização de saberes e práticas relacionadas com a educação ambiental, pelas pressões da sociedade branca, o desejo de alguns indígenas de ser moderno e aceito na sociedade branca e pela ausência de trabalho de um educador ambiental. As iniciativas de revitalização são possíveis; o uso de plantas e alimentos tradicionais estão relacionadas com atividades que precisam ser vivenciadas primordialmente na escola, na relação com os kujà tradicionais e no desenvolvimento de projetos específicos e na motivação permanente para a responsabilidade ambiental, preservando a cultura e os costumes Kaingang que ainda são preciosos, especialmente na promoção da saúde da comunidade
Em se tratando do estudo comparativo entre o Almanaque Brasileiro Garnier, produzido por uma das últimas filiais francesas no Rio de Janeiro, e o Almanach Hachette, editado pela Librarie Hachette em Paris, propomos a aferição das cidades excelentes, Paris e Rio de Janeiro, por meio da análise de duas propagandas ou almanaquias concernentes a tratamentos terapêuticos, Nutrigène e Pilules Pink, para cura - em um microcosmo popular inscrito no mítico-poético - dos males da modernidade. Ora, a construção, de tais sítios oníricos enraizados no popular, permite que façamos a inferência segundo a qual os antigos tratamentos naturais, como as garrafadas, os chás e as ervas, agora recebam uma roupagem moderna, em que os antigos pacotes ou sacos, são, doravante, encapsulados e enfrascados, como as Pilules Pink e o Nutrigène, uma espécie de ‘’modernização’’ dos princípios terapêuticos e místicos advindos dos bálsamos populares de outrora.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Biológicas, Departamento de Ecologia, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Ecologia, 2015.
The processing of meats at the factory level can trigger the onset of lipid oxidation, which can lead to meat quality deterioration. Warmed over flavor is an off-flavor, which is associated with oxidative deterioration in meat. To avoid or delay the auto-oxidation process in meat products, synthetic and natural antioxidants have been successfully used. Grape (Vitis Vinifera) is of special interest due to its high content of phenolic compounds. Grape seed extract sold commercially as a dietary supplement, has the potential to reduce lipid oxidation and WOF in cooked ground beef when added at 1%. The objective of study 1 was to compare the antioxidant activity of natural antioxidants including grape seed extract and some herbs belonging to the Lamiaciae family: rosemary (Rosmarinus Officinalis), sage (Salvia Officinalis) and oregano (Origanum Vulgare) with commercial synthetic antioxidants like BHT, BHA, propyl gallate and ascorbic acid using the ORAC assay. All sample solutions were prepared to contain 1.8 gm sample/10 ml solvent. The highest antioxidant activity was observed for the grape seed extract sample (359.75 µM TE), while the lowest was observed for BHA, propyl gallate and rosemary also showed higher antioxidant potential with ORAC values above 300 μmol TE/g. ORAC values obtained for ascorbic acid and Sage were between 250-300μ mol TE/g while lowest values were obtained for Butylated Hydroxytoluene (28.50 µM TE). Based on the high ORAC values obtained for grape seed extract, we can conclude that byproducts of the wine/grape industry have antioxidant potential comparable to or better than those present in synthetic counterparts. The objective of study 2 was to compare three levels of grape seed extract (GSE) to commonly used antioxidants in a pre-cooked, frozen, stored beef and pork sausage model system. Antioxidants added for comparison with control included grape seed extract (100, 300, 500 ppm), ascorbic acid (AA, 100 ppm of fat) and propyl gallate (PG, 100 ppm of fat). Product was formed into rolls, frozen, sliced into patties, cooked on a flat griddle to 70C, overwrapped in PVC, and then frozen at –18C for 4 months. GSE- and PG-containing samples retained their fresh cooked beef odor and flavor longer (p<0.05) than controls during storage. Rancid odor and flavor scores of GSE-containing samples were lower (p<0.05) than those of controls after 4 months of storage. The L* value of all samples increased (p<0.05) during storage. Thiobarbituric acid reactive substances (TBARS) of the control and AA-containing samples increased (p<0.05); those of GSE-containing samples did not change significantly (p>0.05) over the storage period.