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Relatório apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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O estudo busca conhecer o trabalho desenvolvido por professores de diferentes componentes curriculares dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental da rede pública de ensino da cidade de São Paulo de modo a identificar e compreender suas percepções a respeito dos saberes docentes no contexto do processo ensino e aprendizagem. Assim discute-se os saberes que os professores adquirem e/ou reelaboram na prática pedagógica e que são por eles vistos como possibilidades de mudanças no processo ensino e aprendizagem que contemple um ensino de qualidade. O referencial adotado pauta-se em estudos sobre saberes docentes e sua prática, o conhecimento sobre os processos de ensino e aprendizagem e a formação dos professores que atuam nos anos finais do Ensino de Fundamental, tendo como autores principais, Tardif, Garrido, Gatti e Luckesi. Para tanto, procede-se à análise de documentos oficiais e à aplicação de um questionário a doze professores dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental com o objetivo de conhecer aspectos da vida profissional, bem como as articulações que eles fazem entre saberes docentes, práticas profissionais e processo ensino e aprendizagem. Os resultados demonstram os saberes desenvolvidos pelos docentes, e as práticas pedagógicas que construíram ao longo de seu exercício profissional frente as dificuldades evidenciadas em alguns grupos de alunos. Por fim, os dados revelam a necessidade de se garantir discussões sobre o currículo das turmas dos anos finais do Ensino Fundamental de forma a se perceber que a evolução que os educadores almejam com todos os envolvidos no processo ensino e aprendizagem se ressignificam na prática do conhecimento.


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico de Castelo Branco para o cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Atividade Física na especialização de Gerontomotricidade.


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Background Many breast cancer survivors continue to have a broad range of physical and psychosocial problems after breast cancer treatment. As cancer centres move forward with earlier discharge of stable breast cancer survivors to primary care follow-up it is important that comprehensive evidence-based breast cancer survivorship care is implemented to effectively address these needs. Research suggests primary care providers are willing to provide breast cancer survivorship care but many lack the knowledge and confidence to provide evidence-based care. Purpose The overall purpose of this thesis was to determine the challenges, strengths and opportunities related to implementing comprehensive evidence-based breast cancer survivorship guidelines by primary care physicians and nurse practitioners in southeastern Ontario. Methods This mixed-methods research was conducted in three phases: (1) synthesis and appraisal of clinical practice guidelines relevant to provision of breast cancer survivorship care within the primary care practice setting; (2) a brief quantitative survey of primary care providers to determine actual practices related to provision of evidence-based breast cancer survivorship care; and (3) individual interviews with primary care providers about the challenges, strengths and opportunities related to provision of comprehensive evidence-based breast cancer survivorship care. Results and Conclusions In the first phase, a comprehensive clinical practice framework was created to guide provision of breast cancer survivorship care and consisted of a one-page checklist outlining breast cancer survivorship issues relevant to primary care, a three-page summary of key recommendations, and a one-page list of guideline sources. The second phase identified several knowledge and practice gaps, and it was determined that guideline implementation rates were higher for recommendations related to prevention and surveillance aspects of survivorship care and lowest related to screening for and management of long-term effects. The third phase identified three major challenges to providing breast cancer survivorship care: inconsistent educational preparation, provider anxieties, and primary care burden; and three major strengths or opportunities to facilitate implementation of survivorship care guidelines: tools and technology, empowering survivors, and optimizing nursing roles. A better understanding of these challenges, strengths and opportunities will inform development of targeted knowledge translation interventions to provide support and education to primary care providers.


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Relatório apresentado para a obtenção do grau de mestre em Educação pré-escolar e 1º ciclo do ensino básico


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This study describes Australian media portrayal of mental illnesses, focusing on depression. A random sample of 1,123 items was selected for analysis from a pool of 13,389 nonfictional media items about mental illness collected between March 2000 and February 2001. Depression was portrayed more frequently than other mental illnesses. Items about depression, eating disorders, and substance use disorders most commonly described policies or programs, whereas items about schizophrenia most frequently portrayed individuals or symptoms and treatment. A minority of items about depression presented information about symptoms, causes, treatment, or prognosis. Although such information was generally accurate, a proportion of items conveyed misleading messages. There is therefore scope for increasing the level of accurate information provided about depression in the Australian media. (c) 2005 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Este trabalho faz um estudo analítico do fenômeno da conversão religiosa. Particularmente, dos fatores que motivam o trânsito de fiéis de uma religião qualquer para o Espiritismo, no Brasil. Os grupos em estudo, dos quais são provenientes os novos espíritas foram divididos em sete blocos: Catolicismo, Protestantismo, afro-brasileiras, Umbanda, orientais, outras e, nenhuma. Essa análise privilegia os fatores sociais e psicológicos que levam um indivíduo a mudar de religião. Ao explorar o caso brasileiro, este trabalho aborda também, a multiplicidade de religiões, seitas, crenças e movimentos religiosos presentes no cenário brasileiro, dentro da dinâmica de forças que envolvem esse campo religioso. Para isso, é apresentado um resumo da história dos principais movimentos religiosos no caso brasileiro. Dá-se ênfase ao Espiritismo no Brasil e no mundo, como forma de caracterizar os processos de evolução da Doutrina Espírita e os argumentos com que a essa Doutrina compete nesse mosaico de convicções religiosas. A pesquisa se apoia em um questionário distribuído em todo território nacional, que coleta dos respondentes, dados que permitem qualificá-los sob diversos aspectos: renda, educação, localização regional, conhecimento e prática da Doutrina Espírita, etc. Dentro dos quesitos de consulta estão sugeridas 18 opções, como razões da mudança da religião para o Espiritismo e, em outros vinte quesitos, um aprofundamento da opção que, no conjunto anterior se apresentou como a mais frequente. As opções iniciais se distribuem entre as razões mais frequentes da mudança de religião observadas pelo autor em sua experiência pessoal e na literatura. Os dados estatísticos foram coletados de mais de 2.300 depoentes, em mais de 400 municípios, em todos os Estados do Brasil.


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Segundo dados do INEP (2007) temos cerca de 8.866 cursos de lato sensu no Brasil e, consequentemente, o número de docentes que atuam no ensino superior se torna um crescente, se observarmos os dados do Censo da Educação Superior de 2010, onde foi registrado 345.335 vínculos de funções docentes em exercício nas instituições de educação superior. Baseados nestes dados surgem as seguintes questões: quais são os saberes e as práticas pedagógicas destes docentes diante do ensino no lato sensu? Como os professores que atuam neste segmento, se constituem docentes, tendo em vista que nem sempre a sua formação é pedagógica? A formação para a atuação nesta modalidade é prevista no Artigo 66 da Lei de Diretrizes e Bases da Educação Nacional, que afirma que a preparação para o exercício no magistério superior se fará em nível de pós-graduação, prioritariamente em Programas de Mestrado e/ou Doutorado e sabemos que não há, especificamente, uma indicação de formação pedagógica para a docência. Assim, a investigação sobre as questões acima anunciadas se realizou por meio de uma pesquisa sobre a trajetória formativa e profissional de docentes que atuam no lato sensu, para identificarmos se a falta de formação pedagógica influencia/influenciou seus saberes e práticas docentes, como construíram sua identidade de professor ao longo de sua carreira, e sobre qual a real motivação para tornar-se professor. Os sujeitos da pesquisa são quatro professores que atuam em uma Instituição particular em São Paulo/Capital. Foram realizadas entrevistas semi-estruturadas para a coleta de dados e organização de categorias de análises por meio da metodologia de análise de conteúdo. Esta pesquisa teve também uma contextualização histórica sobre a legislação do lato sensu e uma discussão teórica sobre saberes e práticas docentes direcionadas para o ensino superior. A análise dos dados confirmou a hipótese de que os professores que atuam no lato sensu resgatam seus saberes e práticas de experiências vivenciadas quando eram alunos, tomando como modelo referências que tiveram ao longo de sua trajetória formativa e profissional. Foi constatado que na maioria das vezes, o professor só procura a formação pedagógica após já estar inserido no contexto da atuação no lato sensu, dependendo quase que exclusivamente, de uma busca por iniciativa própria, uma vez que a legislação não pré-determina qual o perfil deste professor para atuação no lato sensu. Constituem-se docentes de maneira gradual e a formação pedagógica é mais uma possibilidade para a atuação, uma vez que em primeiro lugar vem a experiência da prática profissional de sua área de formação de origem.


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Purpose: This paper aims to describe an investigation into how company performance can be improved by integrating internal and external customers and technology. The approach was developed, implemented and evaluated in the operations of the building components industry. The research was carried out in the precast concrete division of a Singapore company. Design/methodology/ approach: For the purpose of undertaking the investigation an exploratory case study approach was used. This was divided into conceptual and action research stages. The action research was also used to implement the changes in the company. Questionnaire surveys were carried out among company employees and external customers to assess the effect of these changes. Results of the investigation were derived using content and statistical analysis. Triangulation between three sources was used for validating the data. Findings: The exploratory case study strategy resulted in rich research data, which provided evidence of the changes taking place and integration happening, leading to improved performance. The action research approach proved a powerful tool where the uncertainty of outcomes makes it near impossible to make accurate forecasts. Another output of the research was the development of an "integrated customer orientation" (ICO) model. Research limitations/implications: The research in this paper used a single site action research investigation so should be interpreted within the specific company and industry context. There are implications for theory and practice in a number of areas of production and marketing as well as contributions to understanding about productivity improvement and organisational development. The investigation also fulfils the dual objectives of action research by contributing to both knowledge and practice. Originality/value: The paper describes a unique approach towards improving productivity, quality and service through the use of action research to implement changes, as well as providing the research evidence to evaluate both the process of implementation and results achieved. © Emerald Group Publishing Limited.


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Background - Expansion of the pharmacists' role within the United Kingdom has raised the question as to whether pharmacy graduates are equipped with the professional skills and attributes they will need to fulfil such roles. Aim - To describe the professional skills and attributes pre-registration recruiters perceive pharmacy graduates should exhibit and to establish whether final year students perceive they possess these skills and attributes. Method - Five individuals were interviewed from a variety of pre-registration employers; 90 final year students completed a questionnaire (response 69.2%). Results - The recruiters thought that whilst graduates possess sufficient knowledge, they show weaknesses such as inability to apply theoretical knowledge into practice and the lack of good communication and interpersonal skills. Conversely, a majority of students felt that they did possess the necessary skills to enter pre-registration training. Conclusion - Schools of pharmacy need to ensure that students have an opportunity to develop key professional skills to assist students in securing pre-registration positions. © 2010 FIP.


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Diabetes mellitus is a condition which requires a high degree of patient cooperation in self-management to achieve optimal glycaemic control. The concept of patient education, to enhance the treatment and management of diabetes, is well recognised. Several diabetes education programmes have already been described, but increased knowledge of diabetes did not necessarily result in improved self-mangement or glycaemic control. Other factors, such as attitudes and motivations, may therefore be particuarly important. The aims of the present study were to investigate the influence of patients' attitudes to diabetes, and to develop motivational aspects which enable the application of knowledge to enhance self-management and compliance with treatment. Thirty-one insulin-dependent diabetic (IDD) patients entered into a 12 month educational programme, particularly designed to increase motivation. Patients' attitudes to diabetes, their knowledge and self-management skills were assessed using questionnaires and practical tests, and parameters of glycaemic control were measured. The progress of these patients was compared at intervals with a close matched group of 25 control IFF patients who continued to receive routine clinic care. Patients completing the educational programme achieved better glycaemic control (p< 0.05), greater knowledge (p< 0.001), more favourable attitudes (p< 0.03) and increased competence in management skills (p< 0.02) compared with the control group. Evaluation procedures indicated that the programme was acceptable to the patients, and was successful in terms of increasing patient motivation. Six months after completion of the programme, glycaemic control deteriorated, although knowledge, attitudes and management skills were unchanged. This might reflect the withdrawal of extrinsic motivation, attention and supervision provided during the programme. It is recommended that consideration be given to the development of patients' intrinsic motivation to achieve maximum benefit from diabetes education programmes.


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This thesis is an examination of organisational issues faced by Third Sector organisations which undertake nonviolent direct action. A case study methodology is employed and data gathered from four organisations: Earth First!; genetiX Snowball; Greenpeace; and Trident Ploughshares. The argument commences with a review of the literature which shows that little is known of the organising of nonviolent direct action. Operational definitions of 'organisation' and 'nonviolent direct action' are drawn from the literature. 'Organisation' is conceptualised using new institutionalism. 'Nonviolent direct action' is conceptualised using new social movement theory. These concepts inform the case study methodology in the choice of case, the organisations selected and the data gathering tools. Most data were gathered by semi-structured interview and participant observation. The research findings result from theory-building arising from thick descriptions of the case in the four organisations. The findings suggest that nonviolent direct action is qualitatively different from terrorism or violence. Although there is much diversity in philosophies of nonviolence, the practice of nonviolent direct action has much in common across the four organisations. The argument is that nonviolent direct action is an institution. The findings also suggest that new institutionalism is a fruitful approach to studies of these organisations. Along with nonviolent direct action, three other institutions are identified: 'rules'; consensus decision-making; and 'affinity groups'. An unanticipated finding is how the four organisations are instances of innovation. Tentative theory is developed which brings together the seemingly incompatible concepts of institutions and innovation. The theory suggests preconditions and then stages in the development of new organisational forms in new social movements: innovation. The three pre-conditions are: the existence of an institutional field; an 'institution-broker' with access to different domains; and a shared 'problem' to resolve. The three stages are: unlocking existing knowledge and practice; bridging different domains of practice or different fields to add, develop or translocate those practices; and establishing those practices within their new combinations or novel locations. Participants are able to move into and between these new organisational forms because they consist of familiar and habitual institutional behaviour.


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As mobile devices become increasingly diverse and continue to shrink in size and weight, their portability is enhanced but, unfortunately, their usability tends to suffer. Ultimately, the usability of mobile technologies determines their future success in terms of end-user acceptance and, thereafter, adoption and social impact. Widespread acceptance will not, however, be achieved if users’ interaction with mobile technology amounts to a negative experience. Mobile user interfaces need to be designed to meet the functional and sensory needs of users. Social and Organizational Impacts of Emerging Mobile Devices: Evaluating Use focuses on human-computer interaction related to the innovation and research in the design, evaluation, and use of innovative handheld, mobile, and wearable technologies in order to broaden the overall body of knowledge regarding such issues. It aims to provide an international forum for researchers, educators, and practitioners to advance knowledge and practice in all facets of design and evaluation of human interaction with mobile technologies.


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Simulation is an effective method for improving supply chain performance. However, there is limited advice available to assist practitioners in selecting the most appropriate method for a given problem. Much of the advice that does exist relies on custom and practice rather than a rigorous conceptual or empirical analysis. An analysis of the different modelling techniques applied in the supply chain domain was conducted, and the three main approaches to simulation used were identified; these are System Dynamics (SD), Discrete Event Simulation (DES) and Agent Based Modelling (ABM). This research has examined these approaches in two stages. Firstly, a first principles analysis was carried out in order to challenge the received wisdom about their strengths and weaknesses and a series of propositions were developed from this initial analysis. The second stage was to use the case study approach to test these propositions and to provide further empirical evidence to support their comparison. The contributions of this research are both in terms of knowledge and practice. In terms of knowledge, this research is the first holistic cross paradigm comparison of the three main approaches in the supply chain domain. Case studies have involved building ‘back to back’ models of the same supply chain problem using SD and a discrete approach (either DES or ABM). This has led to contributions concerning the limitations of applying SD to operational problem types. SD has also been found to have risks when applied to strategic and policy problems. Discrete methods have been found to have potential for exploring strategic problem types. It has been found that discrete simulation methods can model material and information feedback successfully. Further insights have been gained into the relationship between modelling purpose and modelling approach. In terms of practice, the findings have been summarised in the form of a framework linking modelling purpose, problem characteristics and simulation approach.


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Most of the existing work on information integration in the Semantic Web concentrates on resolving schema-level problems. Specific issues of data-level integration (instance coreferencing, conflict resolution, handling uncertainty) are usually tackled by applying the same techniques as for ontology schema matching or by reusing the solutions produced in the database domain. However, data structured according to OWL ontologies has its specific features: e.g., the classes are organized into a hierarchy, the properties are inherited, data constraints differ from those defined by database schema. This paper describes how these features are exploited in our architecture KnoFuss, designed to support data-level integration of semantic annotations.