977 resultados para Galice, Province de
The Parry Sound domain is a granulite nappe-stack transported cratonward during reactivation of the ductile lower and middle crust in the late convergence of the Mesoproterozoic Grenville orogeny. Field observations suggest the following with respect to the ductile sheath: (1) Formation of a carapace of transposed amphibolite facies gneiss derived from and enveloping the western extremity of the Parry Sound domain and separating it from high-strain gneiss of adjacent allochthons. This ductile sheath formed dynamically around the moving granulite nappe through the development of systems of progressively linked shear zones. (2) Transposition initiated by hydration (amphibolization) of granulite facies gneiss by introduction of fluid along cracks accompanying pegmatite emplacement. Shear zones nucleated along pegmatite margins and subsequently linked and rotated. The source of the pegmatites was most likely subjacent migmatitic and pegmatite-rich units or units over which Parry Sound domain was transported. Comparison of gneisses of the ductile sheath with high-strain layered gneiss of adjacent allochthons show the mode of transposition of penetratively layered gneiss depended on whether or not the gneiss protoliths were amphibolite or granulite facies tectonites before initiation of transposition, resulting in, e.g., folding before shearing, no folding before shearing, respectively. Meter-scale truncation along high-strain gradients at the margins of both types of transposition-related shear zones observed within and marginal to Parry Sound domain mimic features at kilometer scales, implying that apparent truncation by transposition originating in a manner similar to the ductile sheath may be a common feature of deep crustal ductile reworking. Citation: Culshaw, N., C. Gerbi, and J. Marsh (2010), Softening the lower crust: Modes of syn-transport transposition around and adjacent to a deep crustal granulite nappe, Parry Sound domain, Grenville Province, Ontario, Canada, Tectonics, 29, TC5013, doi:10.1029/2009TC002537.
The recent increase in prices and production of quinoa have had important effects on the employment structures and livelihoods of rural communities in the Nor Lipez Province (Bolivia). The "quinoa boom" resulted in significant changes in household incomes and in gender roles in the context of increasing market integration. The nature of these changes however is not easy to grasp, as new official narratives on gender and on traditional systems of labour divisions and shared access to land have surfaced since the election of Evo Morales (2006) and the adoption of a new constitution (2009). Furthermore, rural employment is found to be much more diverse than the term suggests. Women have always participated in the production of quinoa when it was widely considered as a subsistence crop. Our research takes place in the Nor Lipez Province, Bolivia with exploratory studies that were conducted in January and February 2015 in 8 rural communities of quinoa producers. Preliminary results suggest positive effects for local women in that they managed to earn additional income which might have contributed to their empowerment. This article will present both preliminary results, challenges for gender-oriented research in Bolivia and the methodology aiming to capture changes at the individual, the household and the community level through a survey that will be conducted from September to November 2015 in 500 households.
The geologic history of the multi-ringed Argyre impact basin and surroundings has been reconstructed on the basis of geologic mapping and relative-age dating of rock materials and structures. The impact formed a primary basin, rim materials, and a complex basement structural fabric including faults and valleys that are radial and concentric about the primary basin, as well as structurally-controlled local basins. Since its formation, the basin has been a regional catchment for volatiles and sedimentary materials as well as a dominant influence on the flow of surface ice, debris flows, and groundwater through and over its basement structures. The basin is interpreted to have been occupied by lakes, including a possible Mediterranean-sized sea that formed in the aftermath of the Argyre impact event The hypothesized lakes froze and diminished through time, though liquid water may have remained beneath the ice cover and sedimentation may have continued for some time. At its deepest, the main Argyre lake may have taken more than a hundred thousand years to freeze to the bottom even absent any heat source besides the Sun, but with impact-induced hydrothermal heat, geothermal heat flow due to long-lived radioactivities in early martian history, and concentration of solutes in sub-ice brine, liquid water may have persisted beneath thick ice for many millions of years. Existence of an ice-covered sea perhaps was long enough for life to originate and evolve with gradually colder and more hypersaline conditions. The Argyre rock materials, diverse in origin and emplacement mechanisms, have been modified by impact, magmatic, eolian, fluvial, lacustrine, glacial, periglacial, alluvial, colluvial, and tectonic processes. Post-impact adjustment of part of the impact-generated basement structural fabric such as concentric faults is apparent. Distinct basin-stratigraphic units are interpreted to be linked to large-scale geologic activity far from the basin, including growth of the Tharsis magmatic-tectonic complex and the growth into southern middle latitudes of south polar ice sheets. Along with the migration of surface and sub-surface volatiles towards the central part of the primaiy basin, the substantial difference in elevation with respect to the surrounding highlands and Tharsis and the Thaumasia highlands result in the trapping of atmospheric volatiles within the basin in the form of fog and regional or local precipitation, even today. In addition, the impact event caused long-term (millions of years) hydrothermal activity, as well as deep-seated basement structures that have tapped the internal heat of Mars, as conduits, for far greater time, possibly even today. This possibility is raised by the observation of putative open-system pingos and nearby gullies that occur in linear depressions with accompanying systems of faults and fractures. Long-term water and heat energy enrichment, complemented by the interaction of the nutrient-enriched primordial crustal and mantle materials favorable to life excavated to the surface and near-surface environs through the Argyre impact event, has not only resulted in distinct geomorphology, but also makes the Argyre basin a potential site of exceptional astrobiological significance. (C) 2015 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper describes the present-day vegetation, stratigraphy and developmental history of the mire of Egelsee-Moor (Salzburg, Austria; 45°45′N, 13°8.5′E, 700 m a.s.l., 15 ha in area) since the early Late Glacial on the basis of 4 transects with 14 trial borings across the peatland. We present a vegetation map of the mire, a longitudinal section through the peat body based on six cores showing the peat types, overview macrofossil diagrams of six cores showing the local mire development and two pollen diagrams covering the Late Glacial and Holocene. The chronology of the diagrams depends on biostratigraphic dating for the Late Glacial and early Holocene and radiocarbon dating for the remaining Holocene. The northern part of the mire originated through terrestrialisation of nutrient-rich, mostly inundated fen and the southern part through paludification of wet soils. The very small lake of today was a reservoir until recently for providing water-power for timber rafting (‘Holztrift’). The mire vegetation today is a complex of forested parts (mainly planted Pinus sylvestris and Thuja occidentalis, but also spontaneous Picea abies, Betula pubescens and Frangula alnus), reed-lands (Phragmites) and litter meadows (Molinietum, Schoenetum, etc.). The central part has hummock-hollow complexes with regionally rare species of transitional mires (Drosera anglica, D. intermedia, Lycopodiella inundata, Scorpidium scorpioides, Sphagnum platyphyllum, S. subnitens). The results indicate that some of the mid-Holocene sediments may have been removed by the timber-rafting practices, and that water extraction from the hydrological catchment since 1967 has resulted in a partial shift of transitional mire to ombrotrophic bog. The latter potentially endangers the regionally rare species and was used as an argument to stop further water extraction.
Increasing numbers of children and adolescents are becoming vulnerable or orphaned due to the HIV/AIDS epidemic in Nyanza Province, Kenya. Research indicates food security remains a top concern for those caring for these children or adolescents. This study was a examined thinness, stunting, and perceptions about food availability in adolescents ages 10-17 years in Nyanza Province. No evidence was found suggesting orphaned adolescents experience greater amounts of stunting or thinness over non-orphaned adolescents in the province. Orphans did not perceive less available food in their households. Instead, predictors of thinness, stunting, or low perceptions of food availability included age, household facilities, perceptions of equal or unequal treatment in the household, and perceptions about the household's ability to provide them with basic needs. Findings suggest interventions aimed at decreasing malnutrition focus less on orphaned versus non-orphaned adolescents, but they should focus on adolescents made vulnerable due to lower socioeconomic status. ^
Radiolaria were studied in 19 manganese nodules raised from the bottom. The nodules occurred mainly on the surface of thin Quaternary sediments covering Tertiary deposits of various ages (Middle Eocene to Early Miocene). Radiolaria in nodule cores and in inner and surface layers were studied. We found 85 radiolaria species and groups of species. Usually 1-4 to 6-19 radiolaria species were detected in each of the samples. Species belonging to Middle Eocene, Late Miocene to Early Oligocene, and Oligocene to Early Miocene were found. Rare Neogene species were revealed only in fractured surface layers. Age of the nodules is mainly Oligocene. Seismic waves cause sediment vibration, loosening disintegration, and removal of suspension by bottom currents. The vibration effect causes ancient nodules to float up to the surface of Quaternary sediment. This hypothesis suggests the reason for characteristics of the Clarion-Clipperton zone: regional stratigraphic hiatus, accumulation of residual fields of nodules, and the ''floating up'' of nodules to the surface of the Quaternary sediments.
The purpose of this study was the estimation of current and potential water erosion rates in Castellon Province (Spain) using RUSLE3D (Revised Universal Soil Loss Equation-3D) model with Geographical Information System (GIS) support. RUSLE3D uses a new methodology for topographic factor estimation (LS factor) based on the impact of flow convergence allowing better assessment of sediment distribution detached by water erosion. In RUSLE3D equation, the effect that vegetation cover has on soil erosion rate is reflected by the C factor. Potential erosion indicates soil erosion rate without considering C factor in RUSLE3D equation. The results showed that 57% of estimated current erosion does not exceed 10 t/ha.year (low erosion). In the case of potential erosion rates, 5% of the area of Castellon Province does not exceed 10 t/ha.year but 55% exceed 200 t/ha.year. Based on these results, the current vegetation cover of Castellon Province is adequate but needs to be conserved to avoid an increase in the current soil erosion rates as shown by potential erosion rates.
Background: In Argentina, abortion has been decriminalized under certain circumstances since the enactment of the Penal Code in 1922. Nevertheless, access to abortion under this regulatory framework has been extremely limited in spite of some recent changes. This article reports the findings of the first phase of an operations research study conducted in the Province of Santa Fe, Argentina, regarding the implementation of the local legal and safe abortion access policy. Methods: The project combined research and training to generate a virtuous circle of knowledge production, decision-making, and the fostering of an informed healthcare policy. The project used a pre-post design of three phases: baseline, intervention, and evaluation. It was conducted in two public hospitals. An anonymous self-administered questionnaire (n = 157) and semi-structured interviews (n = 27) were applied to gather information about tacit knowledge about the regulatory framework; personal opinions regarding abortion and its decriminalization; opinions on the requirements needed to carry out legal abortions; and service’s responses to women in need of an abortion. Results: Firstly, a fairly high percentage of health care providers lack accurate information on current legal framework. This deficit goes side by side with a restrictive understanding of both health and rape indications. Secondly, while a great majority of health care providers support abortion under the circumstances consider in the Penal Code, most of them are reluctant towards unrestricted access to abortion. Thirdly, health care providers’ willingness to perform abortions is noticeably low given that only half of them are ready to perform an abortion when a woman’s life is at risk. Willingness is even lower for each of the other current legal indications. Conclusions: Findings suggest that there are important challenges for the implementation of a legal abortion policy. Results of the study call for specific strategies targeting health care providers in order to better inform about current legal abortion regulations and to sensitize them about abortion social determinants. The interpretation of the current legal framework needs to be broadened in order to reflect a comprehensive view of the health indication, and stereotypes regarding women’s sexuality and abortion decisions need to be dismantled.
Processes governing the formation of rare earth element (REE) composition are under consideration for ferromanganese deposits (nodules, separate parts of nodules, and micronodules of different size fractions) within the Clarion-Clipperton ore province in the Pacific Ocean. It is shown that ferromanganese oxyhydroxide deposits with different chemical compositions can be produced in sediments under similar sedimentation conditions. In areas with high bioproductivity size of micronodules has positive correlation with Mn content and Mn/Fe and P/Fe ratios and negative correlation with Fe, P, REE, and Ce anomaly. Behavior of REE in micronodules from sediments within bioproductive zones is related to increase of influence of diagenetic processes in sediments as a response to the growth of size of micronodules. Distinctions in chemical composition of micronodules and nodules are related to their interaction with associated sediments. Micronodules grow in sediments using hydrogenous ferromanganese oxyhydroxides. As they grow, micronodules are enriched in labile fraction of sediments reworked during diagenesis. Sources of material of ferromanganese nodules are governed by their formation at the water bottom interface. Their upper part is formed by direct settling of iron oxyhydroxides from bottom water, whereas the lower part is accumulated due to diagenetic processes in sediments. Differences of REE compositions in ferromanganese deposits are caused by the reduction of manganese during diagenesis and its separation from iron. Iron oxyhydroxides form a sorption complex due to sorption of phosphate-ion from bottom and pore waters. Sorption of phosphate-ion results in additional sorption of REE.
El municipio es considerado como un espacio donde sus habitantes comparten no sólo el territorio sino también los problemas y los recursos existentes. La institución municipal -como gobierno local- es el ámbito en el cual se toman decisiones sobre el territorio, que implican a sus habitantes. En cuanto a los actores, estos pueden ser funcionarios, empleados y la comunidad (individual y organizada en ongs), todos aportan sus conocimientos y valores, pero tienen diferentes intereses y diferentes tiempos. Vinculada a las decisiones, encontramos que la forma en que se gestiona la información territorial, es determinante si se pretende apuntar hacia acciones con impacto positivo, y sustentables en lo ambiental y en el tiempo. Este trabajo toma tres municipios: San Salvador de Jujuy, capital de la provincia localizada en los Valles Templados; San Pedro de Jujuy, principal municipio de la región de las Yungas y Tilcara en la Quebrada de Humahuaca. El aporte de la Inteligencia Territorial, a través del observatorio OIDTe, permite analizar los modos de gestión de la información, especialmente mediante el uso de las tecnologías de la información y comunicación (pagina web municipal, equipamiento informático en las oficinas, estrategias de comunicación y vinculación con la población) y mediante la organización de las estructuras administrativas (organigrama) por las cuales circula la información municipal. Además, con la participación enriquecedora de equipos multidisciplinarios en las diferentes etapas. Se busca, a partir de un diagnóstico, generar estrategias para la introducción de innovaciones con los propios actores municipales, a partir de las situaciones y modos culturales propios de cada lugar, incorporando los marcos conceptuales de la Inteligencia Territorial. En este sentido el OIDTe al promover el entendimiento entre los actores, institucionales y la sociedad, facilita la coordinación de diferentes intereses propiciando la toma de decisiones por acuerdos. Asimismo, el método Portulano, puede orientar la introducción de innovaciones en la coordinación de la información cartográfica, para que las diferentes oficinas puedan complementar sus aportes y la comunicación hacia fuera de la institución. En la fase de diagnóstico, se aplicaron entrevistas a informantes claves, se realizó un workshop con técnicos de planta permanente y funcionarios de áreas que manejan información territorial, y de planificación. También por la importancia de la capacidad instalada de recursos humanos, se analizó el nivel de instrucción y la capacitación con que cuenta el personal de planta permanente de cada área
This work belongs to one of the activities that are carried out in the Vocational and Occupational Guidance Center (V.O.G.C.) of the Faculty of Humanities and Educational Sciences at the L.P.N.U. In the year 1994 the Vocational/Occupational Guidance Programme for Municipalities was created, destined for work with adolescents who are attending their last year at secondary schools in the interior of the Province of Buenos Aires . The Programme aims at fostering the development of spaces for reflection related to the educational/working projects of the adolescents who are close to entering university. The proposal is based on the methodology of work groups, in the journeys preoccupations are sheared, the worries and fears experienced by the students are shared with their hosts, possibilities are used as ground for construction, dealing both with aspects of their current situation and their future possibilities. From the analysis of the group productions collected throughout these years, we have developed a student's profile that - although it resembles the one obtained from local adolescents- adds new questions and points of view, thus increasing the complexity of the balance of forces related to the question of having to make a choice.