976 resultados para GENOMIC DNA


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A cardiomiopatia hipertrófica (CMH) é uma doença geneticamente determinada, caracterizada por hipertrofia ventricular primária, com prevalência estimada de 0.2% na população geral. Qualquer portador tem 50% de chance de transmitir esta doença para seus filhos, o que torna cada vez mais relevante a importância do estudo genético dos indivíduos acometidos e de seus familiares. Já foram descritas diversas mutações genéticas causadoras de CMH, a maioria em genes que codificam proteínas do sarcômero, e algumas mutações mais raras em genes não sarcoméricos. O objetivo desse estudo é sequenciar as regiões exônicas de genes candidatos, incluindo os principais envolvidos na hipertrofia miocárdica, utilizando o sequenciamento de nova geração (Generation Sequencing); testar a aplicabilidade e viabilidade deste sistema para identificar mutações já confirmadas e propor as prováveis novas mutações causadoras de CMH. Métodos e resultados: 66 pacientes não aparentados portadores de CMH foram estudados e submetidos à coleta de sangue para obtenção do DNA para analisar as regiões exômicas de 82 genes candidatos, utilizando a plataforma MiSeq (Illumina). Identificou-se 99 mutações provavelmente patogênicas em 54 pacientes incluídos no estudo (81,8%) relacionadas ou não a CMH, e distribuídas em 42 genes diferentes. Destas mutações 27 já haviam sido publicadas, sendo que 17 delas descritas como causadoras de CMH. Em 28 pacientes (42,4%) identificou-se mutação nos três principais genes sarcoméricos relacionados à CMH (MYH7, MYBPC3, TNNT2). Encontrou-se também um grande número de variantes não sonôminas de efeito clínico incerto e algumas mutações relacionadas a outras enfermidades. Conclusão: a análise da sequencia dos exônos de genes candidatos, demonstrou ser uma técnica promissora para o diagnóstico genético de CMH de forma mais rápida e sensível. A quantidade de dados gerados é o um fator limitante até o momento, principalmente em doenças geneticamente complexas com envolvimento de diversos genes e com sistema de bioinformática limitado.


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A maioria dos casos de puberdade precoce central (PPC) em meninas permanece idiopática. A hipótese de uma causa genética vem se fortalecendo após a descoberta de alguns genes associados a este fenótipo, sobretudo aqueles implicados com o sistema kisspeptina (KISS1 e KISS1R). Entretanto, apenas casos isolados de PPC foram relacionados à mutação na kisspeptina ou em seu receptor. Até recentemente, a maioria dos estudos genéticos em PPC buscava genes candidatos selecionados com base em modelos animais, análise genética de pacientes com hipogonadismo hipogonadotrófico, ou ainda, nos estudos de associação ampla do genoma. Neste trabalho, foi utilizado o sequenciamento exômico global, uma metodologia mais moderna de sequenciamento, para identificar variantes associadas ao fenótipo de PPC. Trinta e seis indivíduos com a forma de PPC familial (19 famílias) e 213 casos aparentemente esporádicos foram inicialmente selecionados. A forma familial foi definida pela presença de mais de um membro afetado na família. DNA genômico foi extraído dos leucócitos do sangue periférico de todos os pacientes. O estudo de sequenciamento exômico global realizado pela técnica ILLUMINA, em 40 membros de 15 famílias com PPC, identificou mutações inativadoras em um único gene, MKRN3, em cinco dessas famílias. Pesquisa de mutação no MKRN3 realizada por sequenciamento direto em duas famílias adicionais (quatro pacientes) identificou duas novas variantes nesse gene. O MKRN3 é um gene de um único éxon, localizado no cromossomo 15 em uma região crítica para a síndrome de Prader Willi. O gene MKRN3 sofre imprinting materno, sendo expresso apenas pelo alelo paterno. A descoberta de mutações em pacientes com PPC familial despertou o interesse para a pesquisa de mutações nesse gene em 213 pacientes com PPC aparentemente esporádica por meio de reação em cadeia de polimerase seguida de purificação enzimática e sequenciamento automático direto (Sanger). Três novas mutações e duas já anteriormente identificadas, incluindo quatro frameshifts e uma variante missense, foram encontradas, em heterozigose, em seis meninas não relacionadas. Todas as novas variantes identificadas estavam ausentes nos bancos de dados (1000 Genomes e Exome Variant Server). O estudo de segregação familial em três dessas meninas com PPC aparentemente esporádica e mutação no MKRN3 confirmou o padrão de herança autossômica dominante com penetrância completa e transmissão exclusiva pelo alelo paterno, demonstrando que esses casos eram, na verdade, também familiares. A maioria das mutações encontradas no MKRN3 era do tipo frameshift ou nonsense, levando a stop códons prematuros e proteínas truncadas e, portanto, confirmando a associação com o fenótipo. As duas mutações missenses (p.Arg365Ser e p.Phe417Ile) identificadas estavam localizadas em regiões de dedo ou anel de zinco, importantes para a função da proteína. Além disso, os estudos in silico dessas duas variantes demonstraram patogenicidade. Todos os pacientes com mutação no MKRN3 apresentavam características clínicas e hormonais típicas de ativação prematura do eixo reprodutivo. A mediana de idade de início da puberdade foi de 6 anos nas meninas (variando de 3 a 6,5) e 8 anos nos meninos (variando de 5,9 a 8,5). Tendo em vista o fenômeno de imprinting, análise de metilação foi também realizada em um subgrupo de 52 pacientes com PPC pela técnica de MS-MLPA, mas não foram encontradas alterações no padrão de metilação. Em conclusão, este trabalho identificou um novo gene associado ao fenótipo de PPC. Atualmente, mutações inativadoras no MKRN3 representam a causa genética mais comum de PPC familial (33%). O MKRN3 é o primeiro gene imprintado associado a distúrbios puberais em humanos. O mecanismo preciso de ação desse gene na regulação da secreção de GnRH necessita de estudos adicionais


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As viroses causam perdas significativas na cultura do melão. Dentre essas, o vírus do mosaico amarelo da abobrinha-de-moita (Zucchini yellow mosaic virus- ZYMV) possui grande importância para a cultura e é encontrado em todos os locais de plantio de cucurbitáceas. O controle desse vírus através da resistência genética é a forma mais eficiente de manejo. O acesso PI414723 é a única fonte de resistência de meloeiro ao ZYMV. Essa resistência é oligogênica e supostamente condicionada por três genes dominantes: Zym-1, Zym-2 e Zym-3. A localização cromossômica do gene Zym-1 já foi confirmada no grupo de ligação 2, próximo ao marcador CMAG36. Entretanto, a localização de Zym-2 ainda carece de confirmação experimental, muito embora existam evidências de sua localização no grupo de ligação 10 (LGX). Sendo assim, um dos objetivos do presente trabalho foi confirmar a localização do gene Zym-2 através de análises de ligação com marcadores microssatélites (SSRs). Para tanto, foi utilizada uma população F2 derivada do cruzamento PI414723 x \'Védrantais\'. As plantas foram inoculadas mecanicamente com o isolado RN6-F, patótipo 0, duas vezes em um intervalo de 24 h. A confirmação da infecção e a quantificação dos títulos virais nas plantas F2 foram realizadas através do teste PTA-ELISA. O DNA genômico das plantas foi extraído da primeira folha verdadeira e utilizado nas reações de PCR com primers específicos para SSRs selecionados pertencentes ao LGX. Observou-se uma distribuição assimétrica de classes de absorbância e maior frequência de indivíduos F2 na classe com menor valor (0,1 a 0,2), sugerindo a existência de um gene de efeito maior. O teste chi-quadrado mostrou que todos os marcadores segregaram na frequência esperada (1:2:1), exceto o marcador CMCT134b. A ligação do Zym-2 aos marcadores foi confirmada por meio de regressão linear simples. Dos marcadores analisados, a regressão linear foi significativa para MU6549 e CMBR55, com p-valores de 0,011 e 0,0054, respectivamente. As análises de ligação mostraram que as ordens e as distâncias entre os marcadores condizem com os mapas presentes na literatura. Um segundo objetivo do estudo foi o de avaliar a reação ao ZYMV de 42 acessos de meloeiro oriundos da região Nordeste do Brasil, com o intuito de explorar novas fontes de resistência. Foram realizados dois experimentos utilizando a mesma metodologia citada anteriormente. O título viral médio entre os acessos variou de 0,123 a 0,621 no experimento 1 e de 0,019 a 0,368 no experimento 2. Alguns acessos apresentaram consistentemente baixos títulos virais, próximos aos do acesso resistente PI414723 e dos controles negativos (plantas não inoculadas da cultivar \'Védrantais\'). Portanto, estes acessos mostram-se como potenciais fontes de resistência ao vírus para o emprego em programas de melhoramento.


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Pochonia chlamydosporia is a worldwide-distributed soil fungus with a great capacity to infect and destroy the eggs and kill females of plant-parasitic nematodes. Additionally, it has the ability to colonize endophytically roots of economically-important crop plants, thereby promoting their growth and eliciting plant defenses. This multitrophic behavior makes P. chlamydosporia a potentially useful tool for sustainable agriculture approaches. We sequenced and assembled ∼41 Mb of P. chlamydosporia genomic DNA and predicted 12,122 gene models, of which many were homologous to genes of fungal pathogens of invertebrates and fungal plant pathogens. Predicted genes (65%) were functionally annotated according to Gene Ontology, and 16% of them found to share homology with genes in the Pathogen Host Interactions (PHI) database. The genome of this fungus is highly enriched in genes encoding hydrolytic enzymes, such as proteases, glycoside hydrolases and carbohydrate esterases. We used RNA-Seq technology in order to identify the genes expressed during endophytic behavior of P. chlamydosporia when colonizing barley roots. Functional annotation of these genes showed that hydrolytic enzymes and transporters are expressed during endophytism. This structural and functional analysis of the P. chlamydosporia genome provides a starting point for understanding the molecular mechanisms involved in the multitrophic lifestyle of this fungus. The genomic information provided here should also prove useful for enhancing the capabilities of this fungus as a biocontrol agent of plant-parasitic nematodes and as a plant growth-promoting organism.


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La déficience intellectuelle est la cause d’handicap la plus fréquente chez l’enfant. De nombreuses évidences convergent vers l’idée selon laquelle des altérations dans les gènes synaptiques puissent expliquer une fraction significative des affections neurodéveloppementales telles que la déficience intellectuelle ou encore l’autisme. Jusqu’à récemment, la majorité des mutations associées à la déficience intellectuelle a été liée au chromosome X ou à la transmission autosomique récessive. D’un autre côté, plusieurs études récentes suggèrent que des mutations de novo dans des gènes à transmission autosomique dominante, requis dans les processus de la plasticité synaptique peuvent être à la source d’une importante fraction des cas de déficience intellectuelle non syndromique. Par des techniques permettant la capture de l’exome et le séquençage de l’ADN génomique, notre laboratoire a précédemment reporté les premières mutations pathogéniques dans le gène à transmission autosomique dominante SYNGAP1. Ces dernières ont été associées à des troubles comportementaux tels que la déficience intellectuelle, l’inattention, des problèmes d’humeur, d’impulsivité et d’agressions physiques. D’autres patients sont diagnostiqués avec des troubles autistiques et/ou des formes particulières d’épilepsie généralisée. Chez la souris, le knock-out constitutif de Syngap1 (souris Syngap1+/-) résulte en des déficits comme l’hyperactivité locomotrice, une réduction du comportement associée à l’anxiété, une augmentation du réflexe de sursaut, une propension à l’isolation, des problèmes dans le conditionnement à la peur, des troubles dans les mémoires de travail, de référence et social. Ainsi, la souris Syngap1+/- représente un modèle approprié pour l’étude des effets délétères causés par l’haploinsuffisance de SYNGAP1 sur le développement de circuits neuronaux. D’autre part, il est de première importance de statuer si les mutations humaines aboutissent à l’haploinsuffisance de la protéine. SYNGAP1 encode pour une protéine à activité GTPase pour Ras. Son haploinsuffisance entraîne l’augmentation des niveaux d’activité de Ras, de phosphorylation de ERK, cause une morphogenèse anormale des épines dendritiques et un excès dans la concentration des récepteurs AMPA à la membrane postsynaptique des neurones excitateurs. Plusieurs études suggèrent que l’augmentation précoce de l’insertion des récepteurs AMPA au sein des synapses glutamatergiques contribue à certains phénotypes observés chez la souris Syngap1+/-. En revanche, les conséquences de l’haploinsuffisance de SYNGAP1 sur les circuits neuronaux GABAergiques restent inconnues. Les enjeux de mon projet de PhD sont: 1) d’identifier l’impact de mutations humaines dans la fonction de SYNGAP1; 2) de déterminer si SYNGAP1 contribue au développement et à la fonction des circuits GABAergiques; 3) de révéler comment l’haploinsuffisance de Syngap1 restreinte aux circuits GABAergiques affecte le comportement et la cognition. Nous avons publié les premières mutations humaines de type faux-sens dans le gène SYNGAP1 (c.1084T>C [p.W362R]; c.1685C>T [p.P562L]) ainsi que deux nouvelles mutations tronquantes (c.2212_2213del [p.S738X]; c.283dupC [p.H95PfsX5]). Ces dernières sont toutes de novo à l’exception de c.283dupC, héritée d’un père mosaïque pour la même mutation. Dans cette étude, nous avons confirmé que les patients pourvus de mutations dans SYNGAP1 présentent, entre autre, des phénotypes associés à des troubles comportementaux relatifs à la déficience intellectuelle. En culture organotypique, la transfection biolistique de l’ADNc de Syngap1 wild-type dans des cellules pyramidales corticales réduit significativement les niveaux de pERK, en fonction de l’activité neuronale. Au contraire les constructions plasmidiques exprimant les mutations W362R, P562L, ou celle précédemment répertoriée R579X, n’engendre aucun effet significatif sur les niveaux de pERK. Ces résultats suggèrent que ces mutations faux-sens et tronquante résultent en la perte de la fonction de SYNGAP1 ayant fort probablement pour conséquences d’affecter la régulation du développement cérébral. Plusieurs études publiées suggèrent que les déficits cognitifs associés à l’haploinsuffisance de SYNGAP1 peuvent émerger d’altérations dans le développement des neurones excitateurs glutamatergiques. Toutefois, si, et auquel cas, de quelle manière ces mutations affectent le développement des interneurones GABAergiques résultant en un déséquilibre entre l’excitation et l’inhibition et aux déficits cognitifs restent sujet de controverses. Par conséquent, nous avons examiné la contribution de Syngap1 dans le développement des circuits GABAergiques. A cette fin, nous avons généré une souris mutante knockout conditionnelle dans laquelle un allèle de Syngap1 est spécifiquement excisé dans les interneurones GABAergiques issus de l’éminence ganglionnaire médiale (souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Syngap1flox/+). En culture organotypique, nous avons démontré que la réduction de Syngap1 restreinte aux interneurones inhibiteurs résulte en des altérations au niveau de leur arborisation axonale et dans leur densité synaptique. De plus, réalisés sur des coupes de cerveau de souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Syngap1flox/+, les enregistrements des courants inhibiteurs postsynaptiques miniatures (mIPSC) ou encore de ceux évoqués au moyen de l’optogénétique (oIPSC) dévoilent une réduction significative de la neurotransmission inhibitrice corticale. Enfin, nous avons comparé les performances de souris jeunes adultes Syngap1+/-, Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Syngap1flox/+ à celles de leurs congénères contrôles dans une batterie de tests comportementaux. À l’inverse des souris Syngap1+/-, les souris Tg(Nkx2.1-Cre);Syngap1flox/+ ne présentent pas d’hyperactivité locomotrice, ni de comportement associé à l’anxiété. Cependant, elles démontrent des déficits similaires dans la mémoire de travail et de reconnaissance sociale, suggérant que l’haploinsuffisance de Syngap1 restreinte aux interneurones GABAergiques dérivés de l’éminence ganglionnaire médiale récapitule en partie certains des phénotypes cognitifs observés chez la souris Syngap1+/-. Mes travaux de PhD établissent pour la première fois que les mutations humaines dans le gène SYNGAP1 associés à la déficience intellectuelle causent la perte de fonction de la protéine. Mes études dévoilent, également pour la première fois, l’influence significative de ce gène dans la régulation du développement et de la fonction des interneurones. D’admettre l’atteinte des cellules GABAergiques illustre plus réalistement la complexité de la déficience intellectuelle non syndromique causée par l’haploinsuffisance de SYNGAP1. Ainsi, seule une compréhension raffinée de cette condition neurodéveloppementale pourra mener à une approche thérapeutique adéquate.


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DNA of Leifsonia xyli subsp. xyli (Lxx), the causal agent of ratoon stunting disease of sugarcane, was detected in the fibrovascular fluid of sugarcane plants using random amplified polymorphic DNA PCR-based amplification using two 10-mer oligonucleotide primers. The primers OPC-02 and OPC-11 produced Lxx-specific markers of approximately 800 bp and 1000 bp, respectively. A cloned DNA fragment from the 800 bp PCR product (pSKC2-800) hybridised to a single genomic DNA fragment from Lxx when used as a probe in Southern hybridisation. This cloned fragment did not hybridise to L. xyli subsp. cynodontis (Lxc), or L. xyli-like bacteria isolated from grasses in Australia, indicating the usefulness of this DNA fragment as a specific probe for Lxx. A cloned fragment from the 1000 bp PCR product ( pSKC11-1000) hybridised to three genomic fragments in Lxx isolates, one genomic fragment in two of the four isolates of L. xyli-like bacteria, and in two of the four isolates of Lxc isolated from the USA. These results indicate that L. xyli-like bacteria are more likely to be related to Lxc than Lxx. These probes did not hybridise to the DNA from strains of the species of Clavibacter, Rathayibacter, Acidovorax, Ralstonia, Pseudomonas and Xanthomonas tested. Two oligonucleotide primers (21-mer) designed from the pSKC2-800 sequences specifically amplified template DNA from Lxx and detected as few as 5 x 10(4) cells/mL in fibrovascular fluid from sugarcane plants infected with Lxx.


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Stx2d is a recently described Shiga toxin whose cytotoxicity is activated 10- to 1,000-fold by the elastase present in mouse or human intestinal mucus. We examined Shiga toxigenic Escherichia coli (STEC) strains isolated from food and livestock sources for the presence of activatable stx(2d). The stx(2) operons of STEC were first analyzed by PCR-restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) analysis and categorized as stx(2), stx(2c) (vha), stx(2c) (vhb), or stx(2d) (EH250). Subsequently, the stx(2c) (vha) and stx(2c) (vhb) operons were screened for the absence of a PstI site in the stx(2a) subunit gene, a restriction site polymorphism which is a predictive indicator for the stx(2d) (activatable) genotype. Twelve STEC isolates carrying putative stx(2d) operons were identified, and nucleotide sequencing was used to confirm the identification of these operons as stx(2d). The complete nucleotide sequences of seven representative stx(2d) operons were determined. Shiga toxin expression in stx(2d) isolates was confirmed by immunoblotting. stx(2d) isolates were induced for the production of bacteriophages carrying stx. Two isolates were able to produce bacteriophages phi1662a and phi1720a carrying the stx(2d) operons. RFLP analysis of bacteriophage genomic DNA revealed that phi1662a and phi1720a were highly related to each other; however, the DNA sequences of these two stx(2d) operons were distinct. The STEC strains carrying these operons were isolated from retail ground beef. Surveillance for STEC strains expressing activatable stx(2d) Shiga toxin among clinical cases may indicate the significance of this toxin subtype to human health.


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As part of a comparative mapping study between sugarcane and sorghum, a sugarcane cDNA clone with homology to the maize Rp1-D rust resistance gene was mapped in sorghum. The cDNA probe hybridised to multiple loci, including one on sorghum linkage group (LG) E in a region where a major rust resistance QTL had been previously mapped. Partial sorghum Rp1-D homologues were isolated from genomic DNA of rust-resistant and -susceptible progeny selected from a sorghum mapping population. Sequencing of the Rp1-D homologues revealed five discrete sequence classes: three from resistant progeny and two from susceptible progeny. PCR primers specific to each sequence class were used to amplify products from the progeny and confirmed that the five sequence classes mapped to the same locus on LG E. Cluster analysis of these sorghum sequences and available sugarcane, maize and sorghum Rp1-D homologue sequences showed that the maize Rp1-D sequence and the partial sugarcane Rp1-D homologue were clustered with one of the sorghum resistant progeny sequence classes, while previously published sorghum Rp1-D homologue sequences clustered with the susceptible progeny sequence classes. Full-length sequence information was obtained for one member of a resistant progeny sequence class (Rp1-SO) and compared with the maize Rp1-D sequence and a previously identified sorghum Rp1 homologue (Rph1-2). There was considerable similarity between the two sorghum sequences and less similarity between the sorghum and maize sequences. These results suggest a conservation of function and gene sequence homology at the Rp1 loci of maize and sorghum and provide a basis for convenient PCR-based screening tools for putative rust resistance alleles in sorghum.


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Hemopoietic cells, apparently committed to one lineage, can be reprogrammed to display the phenotype of another lineage. The J2E erythroleukemic cell line has on rare occasions developed the features of monocytic cells. Subtractive hybridization was used in an attempt to identify genes that were up-regulated during this erythroid to myeloid transition. We report here on the isolation of hemopoietic lineage switch 5 (Hls5), a gene expressed by the monocytoid variant cells, but not the parental J2E cells. Hls5 is a novel member of the RBCC (Ring finger, B box, coiled-coil) family of genes, which includes Pml, Herf1, Tif-1alpha, and Rfp. Hls5 was expressed in a wide range of adult tissues; however, at different stages during embryogenesis, Hls5 was detected in the branchial arches, spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia, limb buds, and brain. The protein was present in cytoplasmic granules and punctate nuclear bodies. Isolation of the human cDNA and genomic DNA revealed that the gene was located on chromosome 8p21, a region implicated in numerous leukemias and solid tumors. Enforced expression of Hls5 in HeLa cells inhibited cell growth, clonogenicity, and tumorigenicity. It is conceivable that HLS5 is one of the tumor suppressor genes thought to reside at the 8p21 locus.


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The dwarf somaclonal variant is a major problem affecting micropropagation of the banana cultivar Williams (Musa spp. AAA; subgroup Cavendish). This problem arises from genetic changes that occur during the tissue culture process. Early identification of this problem is difficult and propagators must wait until plants are ex vitro in order to visualise the dwarfism phenotype. In this study, we have improved a SCAR-based molecular diagnostic technique, developed by Damasco et al. [Acta Hortic. 461 (1997) 157], for the early identification of dwarf off-types. We have included a positive internal control in a multiplex PCR and adapted the technique for use with small amounts of fresh in vitro leaf material as PCR template. The control product is a 500 bp fragment from 18S rRNA and is amplified in all tissues irrespective of phenotype. The use of small in vitro leaf material removing the need for genomic DNA extraction. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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The I-3 gene from the wild tomato species Lycopersicon pennellii confers resistance to race 3 of the devastating vascular wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. lycopersici. As an initial step in a positional cloning strategy for the isolation of I-3, we converted restriction fragment length polymorphism and conserved orthologue set markers, known genes and a resistance gene analogue (RGA) mapping to the I-3 region into PCR-based sequence characterised amplified region (SCAR) and cleaved amplified polymorphic sequence (CAPS) markers. Additional PCR-based markers in the I-3 region were generated using the randomly amplified DNA fingerprinting (RAF) technique. SCAR, CAPS and RAF markers were used for high-resolution mapping around the I-3 locus. The I-3 gene was localised to a 0.3-cM region containing a RAF marker, eO6, and an RGA, RGA332. RGA332 was cloned and found to correspond to a putative pseudogene with at least two loss-of-function mutations. The predicted pseudogene belongs to the Toll interleukin-1 receptor-nucleotide-binding site-leucine-rich-repeat sub-class of plant disease resistance genes. Despite the presence of two RGA332 homologues in L. esculentum, DNA gel blot and PCR analysis suggests that no other homologues are present in lines carrying I-3 that could be alternative candidates for the gene.


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Several linkage studies across multiple population groups provide convergent support for a susceptibility locus for schizophrenia - and, more recently, for bipolar disorder - on chromosome 6q13-q26. We genotyped 192 European-ancestry and African American (AA) pedigrees with schizophrenia from samples that previously showed linkage evidence to 6q13-q26, focusing on the MOXD1-STX7-TRARs gene cluster at 6q23.2, which contains a number of prime candidate genes for schizophrenia. Thirty-one screening single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) were selected, providing a minimum coverage of at least 1 SNP/20 kb. The association observed with rs4305745 (P = .0014) within the TRAR4 (trace amine receptor 4) gene remained significant after correction for multiple testing. Evidence for association was proportionally stronger in the smaller AA sample. We performed database searches and sequenced genomic DNA in a 30-proband subsample to obtain a high-density map of 23 SNPs spanning 21.6 kb of this gene. Single-SNP analyses and also haplotype analyses revealed that rs4305745 and/or two other polymorphisms in perfect linkage disequilibrium (LD) with rs4305745 appear to be the most likely variants underlying the association of the TRAR4 region with schizophrenia. Comparative genomic analyses further revealed that rs4305745 and/or the associated polymorphisms in complete LD with rs4305745 could potentially affect gene expression. Moreover, RT-PCR studies of various human tissues, including brain, confirm that TRAR4 is preferentially expressed in those brain regions that have been implicated in the pathophysiology of schizophrenia. These data provide strong preliminary evidence that TRAR4 is a candidate gene for schizophrenia; replication is currently being attempted in additional clinical samples.


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Lines of transgenic tobacco have been generated that are transformed with either the wild-type peanut peroxidase prxPNC2 cDNA, driven by the CaMV3 5S promoter (designated 35S::prxPNC2-WT) or a mutated PNC2 cDNA in which the asparagine residue (Asn(189)) associated with the point of glycan attachment (Asn(189)) has been replaced with alanine (designated 35S::prxPNC2-M). PCR, using genomic DNA as template, has confirmed the integration of the 35S::prxPNC2-WT and 35::prxPNC2-M constructs into the tobacco genome, and western analysis using anti-PNC2 antibodies has revealed that the prxPNC2-WT protein product (PNC2-WT) accumulates with a molecular mass of 34,670 Da, while the prxPNC2-M protein product (PNC2-M) accumulates with a molecular mass of 32,600 Da. Activity assays have shown that both PNC2-WT and PNC2-M proteins accumulate preferentially in the ionically-bound cell wall fraction, with a significantly higher relative accumulation of the PNC2-WT isoenzyme in the ionically-bound fraction when compared with the PNC2-M isoform. Kinetic analysis of the partially purified PNC2-WT isozyme revealed an affinity constant (apparent K-m) of 11.2 mM for the reductor substrate guaiacol and 1.29 mM for H2O2, while values of 11.9 mM and 1.12 mM were determined for the PNC2-M isozyme. A higher Arrenhius activation energy (E,,) was determined for the PNC2-M isozyme (22.9 kJ mol(-1)), when compared with the PNC2-WT isozyme (17.6 kJ mol(-1)), and enzyme assays have determined that the absence of the glycan influences the thermostability of the PNC2-M isozyme. These results are discussed with respect to the proposed roles of N-linked glycans attached to plant peroxidases. (c) 2005 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Seventy-two lactic acid producing bacterial isolates (excluding streptococci) were cultured from the gastrointestinal tract of six horses. Two of the horses were orally dosed with raftilose to induce lactic acidosis and laminitis while the remaining four were maintained on a roughage diet. Near complete 16S rDNA was amplified by PCR from the genomic DNA of each isolate. Following RFLP analysis with the restriction enzymes MboI, HhaI and HinfI, the PCR products from the IS isolates that produced L- and/or D-lactate were subsequently cloned and sequenced. DNA sequence analysis indicated that the majority of the isolates were closely related to species within the genus Lactobacillus, including Lactobacillus salivarius, Lactobacillus mucosae and Lactobacillus delbrueckii. Four isolates were closely related to Mitsuokella jalaludinii. Lactic acid producing bacteria (LAB) from the equine gastrointestinal tract was dominated by representatives from the genus Lactobacillus, but also included D-lactate-producing bacteria closely related to M. jalaludinii. Identification and characterization of LAB from the equine gastrointestinal tract should contribute to our understanding and management of fermentative acidosis, ulceration of the stomach and laminitis. (c) 2005 Federation of European Microbiological Societies. Published by Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Koala retrovirus (KoRV) is a newly described endogenous retrovirus and is unusual in that inserts comprise a full-length replication competent genome. As koalas are known to suffer from an extremely high incidence of leukaemia/lymphoma, the association between this retrovirus and disease in koalas was examined. Using quantitative real-time reverse transcriptase PCR it was demonstrated that KoRV RNA levels in plasma are significantly increased in animals suffering from leukaemia or lymphoma when compared with healthy animals. Increased levels of KoRV were also seen for animals with clinical chlamydiosis. A significant positive association between viral RNA levels and age was also demonstrated. Real-time PCR demonstrated as much as 5 log variation in KoRV proviral DNA levels in genomic DNA extracted from whole blood from different animals. Taken together these data indicate that KoRV is an active endogenous retrovirus and suggests that it may be causally linked to neoplastic disease in koalas.