984 resultados para Forensic document examination


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The resolution of the SSU rRNA gene for phylogenetic analysis in the diatoms has been evaluated by Theriot et al. who claimed that the SSU rRNA gene could not be used to resolve the monophyly of the three diatoms classes described by Medlin and Kaczmarska. Although they used both only bolidomonads and heterokonts as outgroups, they did not explore outgroups further away than the heterokonts. In this study, the use of the multiple outgroups inside and outside the heterokonts with the rRNA gene for recovering the three monophyletic clades at the class level is evaluated. Trees with multiple outgroups ranging from only bolidophytes to Bacteria and Archea were analyzed with Bayesian and Maximum Likelihood analyses and two data sets were recovered with the classes being monophyletic. Other data sets were analyzed with non-weighted and weighted maximum parsimony. The latter reduced the number of clades and lengthened branch lengths between the clades. One data set using a weighted analysis recovered the three classes as monophyletic. Taking only bolidophytes as the only outgroup never produced monophyletic clades. Multiple outgroups including many heterokonts and certain members of the crown group radiation recovered monophyletic clades. The three classes can be defined by clear morphological differences primarily based on auxospore ontogeny and envelope structure, the presence or absence of a structure (tube process or sternum) associated with the annulus and the location of the cribrum in those genera with loculate areolae. A cladistic analysis of some of these features is presented and recovers the three classes.


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The AltiKa altimeter records the reflection of Ka-band radar pulses from the Earth’s surface, with the commonly used waveform product involving the summation of 96 returns to provide average echoes at 40 Hz. Occasionally there are one-second recordings of the complex individual echoes (IEs), which facilitate the evaluation of on-board processing and offer the potential for new processing strategies. Our investigation of these IEs over the ocean confirms the on-board operations, whilst noting that data quantization limits the accuracy in the thermal noise region. By constructing average waveforms from 32 IEs at a time, and applying an innovative subwaveform retracker, we demonstrate that accurate height and wave height information can be retrieved from very short sections of data. Early exploration of the complex echoes reveals structure in the phase information similar to that noted for Envisat’s IEs.


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Se ha planteado como objetivo la mejora de la calidad de la docencia de la Microbiología mediante la actualización de la metodología docente , introduciendo como actividad docente el aprendizaje activo basado en preguntas (inquirybased learning:IBL) para conseguir mejorar las competencias que deberán adquirir los estudiantes como parte de su formación integral. En este estudio han participado 55 alumnos de Segundo Curso del Grado de Podología (Curso 2014-2015),y se ha calculado el porcentaje de alumnos que participaron en las 3 pruebas (3 IBL), en 2 (2 IBL), en 1 (1 IBL), y los que no participaron en ninguna y posteriormente se relacionó con las calificaciones obtenidas en la asignatura de Microbiología. Se incluyeron las preguntas IBL que se realizaron en clase en el campus virtual de la asignatura, pero sin incluir la corrección de las mismas. En los alumnos que realizaron alguna prueba IBL se obtuvieron calificaciones mejores en las preguntas diseñadas para analizar la síntesis de conocimientos y el análisis de datos que en aquellos que no habían participado en ninguna. Al finalizar la actividad se realizó un estudio transversal a través de un cuestionario autocumplimentado en el que se valoraba la opinión de los alumnos sobre el aprendizaje activo mediante IBL valorando positivamente esta actividad para medir el aprendizaje y mejorar la preparación del examen. Consideramos que el uso del campus virtual unido a la actualización en la metodología docente puede mejorar el rendimiento académico de los estudiantes de Microbiología.


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The purpose of this study was to mathematically characterize the effects of defined experimental parameters (probe speed and the ratio of the probe diameter to the diameter of sample container) on the textural/mechanical properties of model gel systems. In addition, this study examined the applicability of dimensional analysis for the rheological interpretation of textural data in terms of shear stress and rate of shear. Aqueous gels (pH 7) were prepared containing 15% w/w poly(methylvinylether-co-maleic anhydride) and poly(vinylpyrrolidone) (PVP) (0, 3, 6, or 9% w/w). Texture profile analysis (TPA) was performed using a Stable Micro Systems texture analyzer (model TA-XT 2; Surrey, UK) in which an analytical probe was twice compressed into each formulation to a defined depth (15 mm) and at defined rates (1, 3, 5, 8, and 10 mm s-1), allowing a delay period (15 s) between the end of the first and beginning of the second compressions. Flow rheograms were performed using a Carri-Med CSL2-100 rheometer (TA Instruments, Surrey, UK) with parallel plate geometry under controlled shearing stresses at 20.0°?±?0.1°C. All formulations exhibited pseudoplastic flow with no thixotropy. Increasing concentrations of PVP significantly increased formulation hardness, compressibility, adhesiveness, and consistency. Increased hardness, compressibility, and consistency were ascribed to enhanced polymeric entanglements, thereby increasing the resistance to deformation. Increasing probe speed increased formulation hardness in a linear manner, because of the effects of probe speed on probe displacement and surface area. The relationship between formulation hardness and probe displacement was linear and was dependent on probe speed. Furthermore, the proportionality constant (gel strength) increased as a function of PVP concentration. The relationship between formulation hardness and diameter ratio was biphasic and was statistically defined by two linear relationships relating to diameter ratios from 0 to 0.4 and from 0.4 to 0.563. The dramatically increased hardness, associated with diameter ratios in excess of 0.4, was accredited to boundary effects, that is, the effect of the container wall on product flow. Using dimensional analysis, the hardness and probe displacement in TPA were mathematically transformed into corresponding rheological parameters, namely shearing stress and rate of shear, thereby allowing the application of the power law (??=?k?n) to textural data. Importantly, the consistencies (k) of the formulations, calculated using transformed textural data, were statistically similar to those obtained using flow rheometry. In conclusion, this study has, firstly, characterized the relationships between textural data and two key instrumental parameters in TPA and, secondly, described a method by which rheological information may be derived using this technique. This will enable a greater application of TPA for the rheological characterization of pharmaceutical gels and, in addition, will enable efficient interpretation of textural data under different experimental parameters.


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There is convincing evidence that applied behaviour analysis (ABA) offers a highly effective form of intervention for children with autistic spectrum disorder (ASD). There is less evidence, however, about how parents perceive and evaluate ABA programmes. In this paper an examination of parents’ perceptions of outcome is reported. Twenty-two questionnaires were completed by two groups of parents. The first group had just completed an introductory course in ABA and were in the early stages of implementing ABA programmes with their children. The second group had been involved in ABA education for more than 2 years. Overall, both groups of parents reported a positive impact of ABA on the lives of their children, their family life, and themselves. The long- term group reported that they had achieved complex goals with their children, whilst the short-term group reported an immediate positive impact on child and family functioning and parental self-esteem. Conclusions are drawn in the context of evidence-based practice.