933 resultados para Fernandez, Macedonio


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The fuel element of LMFBR consists of a bundle of rods wrapped with an helical wire as spacer, surrounded by an hexagonal duct. In the present work, a semi-empirical model is developed to calculate bundle average and subchannel based friction factors and flow redistribution. The obtained results were compared to experimental data and they were considered satisfactory for wide range of geometrical parameters.


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An experimental investigation is performed in a turbulent flow in a seven wire-wrapped rod bundle, mounted in an open air facility. Static pressure distributions are measured on central and peripheral rods. By using a Preston tube, the wall shear stress profiles are experimentally obtained along the perimeter of the rods. The geometric parameters of the test section are P/D=1.20 and H/D=15. The measuring section is located at L/D=40 from the air inlet. It is observed that the dimensionless static pressure and wall shear stress profiles are nearly independent of the Reynolds number and strongly dependent of the wire-spacer position, with abrupt variations of the parameters in the neighborhood of the wires.


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Euphorbia dentata es una maleza anual, de ciclo primavero - estival que está presente en el 85% del área agrícola del partido de Azul, Pcia Buenos Aires Argentina, con densidades que oscilan entre 20 a 200 plantas m-2. Estudios en campo fueron conducidos durante dos años para determinar la relación de competencia entre soja y E. dentata a través de la evaluación del efecto de distintas densidades de la maleza sobre los componentes del rendimiento del cultivo y su biomasa. El peso seco y rendimiento de soja mostraron una respuesta dependiente de la densidad y de la biomasa de la maleza, siendo reducidos al 80% por la interferencia a partir de la densidad de 20 plantas m-2. En el rango de densidades estudiadas se observó una respuesta lineal que fue ajustada a una ecuación de regresión que indica que la producción de semillas de soja decrece 6,73 kg ha-1 por el incremento de cada planta m-2 de E. dentata. De los componentes del rendimiento del cultivo, el número de vainas por planta fue el más severamente afectado por la competencia obteniéndose reducciones del 40% respecto del tratamiento sin maleza. Altos niveles de correlación fueron observados entre el rendimiento de soja, el número de vainas por planta y el peso de 1.000 semillas (98 y 85% respectivamente).


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Euphorbia dentata es una maleza anual, de ciclo primaveral estival que está presente en el 85% del área agrícola del partido de Azul, provincia de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Estudios en campo fueron conducidos durante dos años a fin de realizar ajustes de dosis y momentos de aplicación que permitan lograr una alta eficacia de control de E. dentata con glifosato y estudiar el uso de distintas concentraciones de un surfactante, para lograr resultados más predecibles en aplicaciones a campo. Se realizó un ensayo que consistió en la aplicación de dosis crecientes del herbicida en dos estados fenológicos de la maleza y con los datos se establecieron relaciones dosis respuesta, se ajustaron ecuaciones de regresión lineal y se determinaron las dosis de glifosato necesarias para lograr un 90% de control para cada estado fenológico de la maleza. Otro ensayo fue conducido para determinar la influencia del agregado de un surfactante en interacción con la dosis y el estado de la maleza. Se observó una dependencia de la eficacia de control de glifosato respecto del estado fenológico. La adición del surfactante a la solución de aspersión mejoró, en general la eficacia obtenida por las dosis de glifosato, detectándose una mayor influencia en los tratamientos realizados en estados fenológicos avanzados.


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Os efeitos dos herbicidas bentazon, metolachlor, trifluralin, imazethapyr, imazethapyr+lactofen, haloxyfop-methyl, glyphosate e chlorimuron-ethyl, testados em duas concentrações (duas e dez vezes a dose média recomendada por hectare), sobre a atividade microbiana foram estudados em amostras de solo que nunca haviam recebido tratamento com pesticidas. Como bioindicadores, utilizou-se a respiração microbiana, quantificando a emissão de CO2 aos 2, 4, 8, 12, 16, 20 e 24 dias após incubação, a atividade da enzima desidrogenase e a hidrólise de diacetato de fluoresceína (FDA), aos 8 e 28 dias. Bentazon e a mistura de imazethapyr+lactofen na maior concentração e o haloxyfop-methyl nas duas concentrações apresentaram efeitos inibitórios na respiração edáfica, embora diferentes em época e duração do efeito. Nenhum dos tratamentos herbicidas afetou a hidrólise da FDA. A atividade da desidrogenase foi inibida, o que foi verificado em análise realizada aos oito dias,nas amostras de solo com alta concentração de bentazon e imazethapyr; no entanto, foi estimulada nos tratamentos com baixa concentração de metolachlor e imazethapyr e na maior concentração de glyphosate. A respiração basal e a atividade da desidrogenase mostraram maior sensibilidade na detecção de efeitos dos herbicidas sobre a microbiota do solo que as determinações da hidrólise de FDA. Apenas foi encontrada correlação significativa entre a atividade da desidrogenase e a respiração basal aos oito dias de incubação. Os resultados destacam a importância da consideração de múltiplos indicadores na avaliação dos efeitos de herbicidas na microbiota do solo.


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Shiga toxin (Stx)-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) colonizes the large intestine causing a spectrum of disorders, including watery diarrhea, bloody diarrhea (hemorrhagic colitis), and hemolytic-uremic syndrome. It is estimated that hemolytic-uremic syndrome is the most common cause of acute renal failure in infants in Argentina. Stx is a multimeric toxin composed of one A subunit and five B subunits. In this study we demonstrate that the Stx2 B subunit inhibits the water absorption (Jw) across the human and rat colonic mucosa without altering the electrical parameters measured as transepithelial potential difference and short circuit current. The time-course Jw inhibition by 400 ng/ml purified Stx2 B subunit was similar to that obtained using 12 ng/ml Stx2 holotoxin suggesting that both, A and B subunits of Stx2 contributed to inhibit the Jw. Moreover, non-hemorrhagic fluid accumulation was observed in rat colon loops after 16 h of treatment with 3 and 30 ng/ml Stx2 B subunit. These changes indicate that Stx2 B subunit induces fluid accumulation independently of A subunit activity by altering the usual balance of intestinal absorption and secretion toward net secretion. In conclusion, our results suggest that the Stx2 B subunit, which is non-toxic for Vero cells, may contribute to the watery diarrhea observed in STEC infection. Further studies will be necessary to determine whether the toxicity of Stx2 B subunit may have pathogenic consequences when it is used as a component in an acellular STEC vaccine or as a vector in cancer vaccines.


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In the present study we determined the effect of chronic diet supplementation with n-3 PUFA on renal function of healthy and cachectic subjects by providing fish oil (1 g/kg body weight) to female rats throughout pregnancy and lactation and then to their offspring post-weaning and examined its effect on renal function parameters during their adulthood. The animals were divided into four groups of 5-10 rats in each group: control, control supplemented with fish oil (P), cachectic Walker 256 tumor-bearing (W), and W supplemented with fish oil (WP). Food intake was significantly lower in the W group compared to control (12.66 ± 4.24 vs 25.30 ± 1.07 g/day). Treatment with fish oil significantly reversed this reduction (22.70 ± 2.94 g/day). Tumor growth rate was markedly reduced in the P group (16.41 ± 2.09 for WP vs 24.06 ± 2.64 g for W). WP group showed a significant increase in mean glomerular filtration rate compared to P and control (1.520 ± 0.214 ml min-1 kg body weight-1; P < 0.05). Tumor-bearing groups had low urine osmolality compared to control rats. The fractional sodium excretion decreased in the W group compared to control (0.43 ± 0.16 vs 2.99 ± 0.87%; P < 0.05), and partially recovered in the WP group (0.90 ± 0.20%). In summary, the chronic supplementation with fish oil used in this study increased the amount of fat in the diet by only 0.1%, but caused remarkable changes in tumor growth rate and cachexia, also showing a renoprotective function.


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The interaction between H+ extrusion via H+-ATPase and Cl- conductance was studied in the C11 clone of MDCK cells, akin to the intercalated cells of the collecting duct. Cell pH (pHi) was measured by fluorescence microscopy using the fluorescein-derived probe BCECF-AM. Control recovery rate measured after a 20 mM NH4Cl acid pulse was 0.136 ± 0.008 pH units/min (dpHi/dt) in Na+ Ringer and 0.032 ± 0.003 in the absence of Na+ (0 Na+). With 0 Na+ plus the Cl- channel inhibitor NPPB (10 µM), recovery was reduced to 0.014 ± 0.001 dpHi/dt. 8-Br-cAMP, known to activate CFTR Cl- channels, increased dpHi/dt in 0 Na+ to 0.061 ± 0.009 and also in the presence of 46 nM concanamycin and 50 µM Schering 28080. Since it is thought that the Cl- dependence of H+-ATPase might be due to its electrogenic nature and the establishment of a +PD (potential difference) across the cell membrane, the effect of 10 µM valinomycin at high (100 mM) K+ was tested in our cells. In Na+ Ringer, dpHi/dt was increased, but no effect was detected in 0 Na+ Ringer in the presence of NPPB, indicating that in intact C11 cells the effect of blocking Cl- channels on dpHi/dt was not due to an adverse electrical gradient. The effect of 100 µM ATP was studied in 0 Na+ Ringer solution; this treatment caused a significant inhibition of dpHi/dt, reversed by 50 µM Bapta. We have shown that H+-ATPase present in MDCK C11 cells depends on Cl- ions and their channels, being regulated by cAMP and ATP, but not by the electrical gradient established by electrogenic H+ transport.


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The features of the nucleotide sequences in both replication and promoter regions have been investigated in many organisms. Intrinsically bent DNA sites associated with transcription have been described in several prokaryotic organisms. The aim of the present study was to investigate intrinsic bent DNA sites in the segment that holds the chromosomal replication origin, oriC, of Xylella fastidiosa 9a5c. Electrophoretic behavior analyses, as well as in silico analyses of both the 2-D projection and helical parameters, were performed. The chromosomal segment analyzed contains the initial sequence of the rpmH gene, an intergenic region, the dnaA gene, the oriC sequence, and the 5' partial sequence of the dnaN gene. The analysis revealed fragments with reduced electrophoretic mobility, which indicates the presence of curved DNA segments. The analysis of the helical parameter ENDS ratio revealed three bent DNA sites (b1, b2, and b3) located in the rpmH-dnaA intergenic region, the dnaA gene, and the oriC 5' end, respectively. The chromosomal segment of X. fastidiosa analyzed here is rich in phased AT tracts and in CAnT motifs. The 2-D projection indicated a segment whose structure was determined by the cumulative effect of all bent DNA sites. Further, the in silico analysis of the three different bacterial oriC sequences indicated similar negative roll and twist >34.00° values. The DnaA box sequences, and other motifs in them, may be associated with the intrinsic DNA curvature.


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Vacuolar H+-ATPase is a large multi-subunit protein that mediates ATP-driven vectorial H+ transport across the membranes. It is widely distributed and present in virtually all eukaryotic cells in intracellular membranes or in the plasma membrane of specialized cells. In subcellular organelles, ATPase is responsible for the acidification of the vesicular interior, which requires an intraorganellar acidic pH to maintain optimal enzyme activity. Control of vacuolar H+-ATPase depends on the potential difference across the membrane in which the proton ATPase is inserted. Since the transport performed by H+-ATPase is electrogenic, translocation of H+-ions across the membranes by the pump creates a lumen-positive voltage in the absence of a neutralizing current, generating an electrochemical potential gradient that limits the activity of H+-ATPase. In many intracellular organelles and cell plasma membranes, this potential difference established by the ATPase gradient is normally dissipated by a parallel and passive Cl- movement, which provides an electric shunt compensating for the positive charge transferred by the pump. The underlying mechanisms for the differences in the requirement for chloride by different tissues have not yet been adequately identified, and there is still some controversy as to the molecular identity of the associated Cl--conducting proteins. Several candidates have been identified: the ClC family members, which may or may not mediate nCl-/H+ exchange, and the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator. In this review, we discuss some tissues where the association between H+-ATPase and chloride channels has been demonstrated and plays a relevant physiologic role.


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Our objective was to determine the effect of arachidonylethanolamide (anandamide, AEA) injected intracerebroventricularly (icv) into the lateral ventricle of the rat brain on submandibular gland (SMG) salivary secretion. Parasympathetic decentralization (PSD) produced by cutting the chorda tympani nerve strongly inhibited methacholine (MC)-induced salivary secretion while sympathetic denervation (SD) produced by removing the superior cervical ganglia reduced it slightly. Also, AEA (50 ng/5 µL, icv) significantly decreased MC-induced salivary secretion in intact rats (MC 1 µg/kg: control (C), 5.3 ± 0.6 vs AEA, 2.7 ± 0.6 mg; MC 3 µg/kg: C, 17.6 ± 1.0 vs AEA, 8.7 ± 0.9 mg; MC 10 µg/kg: C, 37.4 ± 1.2 vs AEA, 22.9 ± 2.6 mg). However, AEA did not alter the significantly reduced salivary secretion in rats with PSD, but decreased the slightly reduced salivary secretion in rats with SD (MC 1 µg/kg: C, 3.8 ± 0.8 vs AEA, 1.4 ± 0.6 mg; MC 3 µg/kg: C, 14.7 ± 2.4 vs AEA, 6.9 ± 1.2 mg; P < 0.05; MC 10 µg/kg: C, 39.5 ± 1.0 vs AEA, 22.3 ± 0.5 mg; P < 0.001). We showed that the inhibitory effect of AEA is mediated by cannabinoid type 1 CB1 receptors and involves GABAergic neurotransmission, since it was blocked by previous injection of the CB1 receptor antagonist AM251 (500 ng/5 µL, icv) or of the GABA A receptor antagonist, bicuculline (25 ng/5 µL, icv). Our results suggest that parasympathetic neurotransmission from the central nervous system to the SMG can be inhibited by endocannabinoid and GABAergic systems.


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Diatraea saccharalis (Fabricius, 1794) (Lepidoptera: Crambidae) is an important pest for Brazilian sugarcane. In the present study, we detected two distinct spots in hemolymph from septic injured larvae (HDs1 and HDs2), which are separated by 2DE gel electrophoresis. Both spots were subjected to in-gel tryptic digestion and MALDI-TOF/TOF analysis, which revealed the sequence VFGTLGSDDSGLFGK present in both HDs1 and HDs2. This sequence had homology and 80% identity with specific Lepidoptera antimicrobial peptides called gloverins. Analyses using the ImageMaster 2D software showed pI 8.94 of the HDs1 spot, which is similar to that described to Hyalophora gloveri gloverin (pI 8.5). Moreover, the 14-kDa molecular mass of the spot HDs1 is compatible to that of gloverins isolated from the hemolymph of Trichoplusia ni, Helicoverpa armigera and H. gloveri. Antimicrobial assays with partially purified fractions containing the HDs1 and HDs2 polypeptides demonstrated activity against Escherichia coli. This is the first report of antimicrobial polypeptides in D. saccharalis, and the identification of these peptides may help in the generation of new strategies to control this pest.


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The aim of the present study was to determine the effect of volume and composition of fluid replacement on the physical performance of male football referees. Ten referees were evaluated during three official matches. In one match the participants were asked to consume mineral water ad libitum, and in the others they consumed a pre-determined volume of mineral water or a carbohydrate electrolyte solution (6.4% carbohydrate and 22 mM Na+) equivalent to 1% of their baseline body mass (half before the match and half during the interval). Total water loss, sweat rate and match physiological performance were measured. When rehydrated ad libitum (pre-match and at half time) participants lost 1.97 ± 0.18% of their pre-match body mass (2.14 ± 0.19 L). This parameter was significantly reduced when they consumed a pre-determined volume of fluid. Sweat rate was significantly reduced when the referees ingested a pre-determined volume of a carbohydrate electrolyte solution, 0.72 ± 0.12 vs 1.16 ± 0.11 L/h ad libitum. The high percentage (74.1%) of movements at low speed (walking, jogging) observed when they ingested fluid ad libitum was significantly reduced to 71% with mineral water and to 69.9% with carbohydrate solution. An increase in percent movement expended in backward running was observed when they consumed a pre-determined volume of carbohydrate solution, 7.7 ± 0.5 vs 5.5 ± 0.5% ad libitum. The improved hydration status achieved with the carbohydrate electrolyte solution reduced the length of time spent in activities at low-speed movements and increased the time spent in activities demanding high-energy expenditure.


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The objective of the present study was to evaluate the response of social anxiety disorder (SAD) patients to threat scenarios. First-choice responses to 12 scenarios describing conspecific threatening situations and mean scores of defensive direction and defensive intensity dimensions were compared between 87 SAD patients free of medication and 87 matched healthy controls (HC). A significant gender difference in the first-choice responses was identified for seven scenarios among HCs but only for two scenarios among SAD patients. A significantly higher proportion of SAD patients chose "freezing" in response to "Bush" and "Noise" scenarios, whereas the most frequent response by HCs to these scenarios was "check out". SAD males chose "run away" and "yell" more often than healthy men in response to the scenarios "Park" and "Elevator", respectively. There was a positive correlation between the severity of symptoms and both defensive direction and defensive intensity dimensions. Factorial analysis confirmed the gradient of defensive reactions derived from animal studies. SAD patients chose more urgent defensive responses to threat scenarios, seeming to perceive them as more dangerous than HCs and tending to move away from the source of threat. This is consistent with the hypothesis that the physiopathology of anxiety disorders involves brain structures responsible for defensive behaviors.


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The aim of this study was to measure the energy expenditure for locomotor activities usually performed by soccer referees during a match (walking, jogging, and running) under laboratory conditions, and to compare forward with backward movements. The sample was composed by 10 male soccer referees, age 29±7.8 years, body mass 77.5±6.2 kg, stature 1.78±0.07 m and professional experience of 7.33±4.92 years. Referees were evaluated on two separate occasions. On the first day, maximal oxygen uptake (VO2max) was determined by a maximal treadmill test, and on the second day, the oxygen consumption was determined in different speeds of forward and backward movements. The mean VO2max was 41.20±3.60 mL·kg-1·min-1 and the mean heart rate achieved in the last stage of the test was 190.5±7.9 bpm. When results of forward and backward movements were compared at 1.62 m/s (walking speed), we found significant differences in VO2, in metabolic equivalents, and in kcal. However, the same parameters in forward and backward movements at jogging velocities (2.46 m/s) were not significantly different, showing that these motor activities have similar intensity. Backward movements at velocities equivalent to walking and jogging are moderate-intensity activities, with energy expenditure less than 9 kcal. Energy expenditure was overestimated by at least 35% when calculated by mathematical equations. In summary, we observed that backward movements are not high-intensity activities as has been commonly reported, and when calculated using equations available in the literature, energy expenditure was overestimated compared to the values obtained by indirect calorimetry.