988 resultados para Feo-zno-(cao sio2) System


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Five hundred meters of a unique Upper Cretaceous Cr-rich glauconitic sequence (Unit III) that overlies a 3-m-thick alkali-basalt flow with underlying epiclastic volcanogenic sediments was drilled at ODP Leg 120 Site 748. The Cr-rich glauconitic sequence is lithostratigraphically and biostratigraphically divided into three subunits (IIIA, IIIB, IIIC) that can also be recognized by the Cr concentration of the bulk sediment, which is low (<200 ppm) in Subunits IIIC and IIIA and high (400-800 ppm) in Subunit IIIB. The Cr enrichment is caused by Cr-spinel, which is the only significant heavy mineral component beside Fe-Ti ores. Other Cr-bearing components are glauconite pellets and possibly some other clay minerals. The glauconitic sequence of Subunit IIIB was formed by reworking of glauconite and volcanogenic components that were transported restricted distances and redeposited downslope by mass-transportation processes. The site of formation was a nearshore, shallow inner shelf environment, and final deposition may have been on the outer part of a narrow shelf, at the slope toward the restricted, probably synsedimentary, faulted Raggatt Basin. The volcanic edifices uncovered on land were tholeiitic basalts (T-MORB), alkali-basaltic (OIB) and (?)silicic volcanic complexes, and ultramafic rocks. The latter were the ultimate source for the Cr-spinel contribution. Terrestrial aqueous solutions carried Fe, K, Cr, Si, and probably Al into the marine environment, where, depending on the redox conditions of microenvironments in the sediment, green (Fe- and K-rich) or brown (Al-rich) glauconite pellets formed. The Upper Cretaceous glauconitic sequence at Site 748 on the Southern Kerguelen Plateau constitutes the transition in space and time from terrestrial to marine, from magmatically active subaerial to magmatically passive submarine conditions, and from a tranquil platform to active rifting conditions.


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Basalt underlying early Campanian chalk at Deep Sea Drilling Project (DSDP) Site 163 is divided into seven extrusive cooling units bounded by glassy margins. The margins have dips of 15° to 70°, suggestive of pillow flows rather than tabular flows. The margins are fresh sideromelane (glass) grading inward to opaque and reddish-brown globules containing microcrystalline material with radial, undulose extinction. Relative to adjacent sideromelane, the reddish-brown globules are enriched in sodium and calcium, whereas the opaque globules are depleted in these elements and enriched in iron and magnesium. It appears that basalt just inside the pillow margins has differentiated in place into globules of two distinct compositions. This globule zone grades inward to less rapidly cooled pyroxene varioles and intergrowths of plagioclase and opaque minerals. In the center of the thicker cooling units, the texture is diabasic. Alteration and calcite vein abundance are greatest at pillow margins and decrease inward; the interior of the thickest cooling unit is only slightly altered, and calcite veins are absent. Chemical analysis of whole rock by atomic absorption spectrophotometry, and of sideromelane by electron microprobe, indicates that the rock is a slightly weathered tholeiite. The atomic absorption analyses, except the one nearest the top of the basalt, are relatively uniform and similar to the sideromelane microprobe analyses, including those near the top of the basalt. This suggests that deep penetration is not necessary to get through the severely altered layer at the basalt surface, and that within this altered layer, analyses of sideromelane may be more representative of crustal composition than analyses of whole rock.


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During the Leg 67 drilling of the Middle America Trench (Guatemala transect), basalts were reached in Hole 495, 22 km seaward from the Trench axis, in Holes 500 and 500B at the foot of the continental slope, and at four other holes not sampled for this study. Only olivine-plagioclase phyric basalts are present in Hole 495, whereas in Holes 500 and 500B these rocks are associated with plagioclase phyric high-alumina basalts. As illustrated by the content of TiO2, Al2O3, and the K2O/K2O + Na2O ratio, some of the Middle America Trench basalts do not differ essentially from oceanic tholeiites, but others have a composition transitional to island-arc tholeiitic basalts. It is suggested that basalts transitional from oceanic to island-arc tholeiites are typical manifestations of magmatism in zones of convergence of the oceanic and continental or island-arc crust.


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Fifty-two samples of basalt from the four holes drilled on the Leg 81 transect across the Rockall margin were analyzed by X-ray fluorescence for Rb, Sr, Y, Zr, and Nb. On the basis of these results 13 samples were chosen for major and supplementary trace-element analysis. The results show no progressive change in the character of the volcanism, from Hole 555 in the continental domain through Holes 552 and 553A in the dipping reflector sequence to Hole 554A on the outer high. Two distinct magma types are present, apparently reflecting heterogeneity of the underlying mantle, but both types are present in both Holes 553A and 555, while Hole 552 and Hole 554 are each composed of a single type. Both magma types have a clear ocean-floor basalt signature when examined by discrimination diagrams, as does the basalt from Deep Sea Drilling Project Site 112, which formed at the same time as the Leg 81 basalts slightly farther south along the spreading center. In contrast, the basalts of East Greenland, formed at the same time, are more enriched in incompatible elements and have a within-plate geochemical signature, as is found in some basalts of Iceland today. Clearly the present distinction in geochemistry between the basalts of Iceland and those erupting well south on the Reykjanes Ridge was already established when continental splitting took place.


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Distriburtion and formation of clay minerals in different types of bottom sediments from the West Pacific are under consideration.


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Results of geological research carried out by V.I. Il'ichev Pacific Oceanological Institute (Far East Division of the Russian Academy of Sciences) and P.P. Shirshov Institute of Oceanology (Russian Academy of Sciences) on the submarine Vityaz Ridge during Cruise 37 of R/V Akademik Lavrentyev in 2005 are discussed. Various rocks composing the basement and the sedimentary cover of the ridge were dredged in three areas. Based on isotope geochronology, petrogeochemical, petrographic, and paleontological data and comparison with similar rocks available from the adjacent land and the Sea of Okhotsk, they are subdivided into several age complexes. Late Cretaceous, Eocene, Late Oligocene, Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes are defined among igneous rocks, while volcanogenic-sedimentary rocks are united into Late Cretaceous - Early Paleocene (Late Campanian - Danian), undivided Paleogene (Paleocene-Eocene?), Oligocene - Early Miocene, and Pliocene-Pleistocene complexes. Obtained data on age and formation settings of the defined complexes allowed to reconstruct geological evolution of the central Pacific slope of the Kurile Island arc.


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Mineral and chemical compositions, as well as conditions of formation of clay sediments in major structural elements of the Pacific Ocean floor with different ages are under consideration in the monograph. Depending on evolution of the region two ways of clay sediment formation are identified: terrigenous and authigenic. It is shown that terrigenous clay sediments predominate in marginal parts of the Pacific Ocean. Authigenic mineral formation occurring in the basal part of the sedimentary cover primarily results from removal of material from underlying basalts. This material is released during secondary alteration of the basalts due to their interaction with sea water, as well as with deep solutions.


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Geological features of some areas of the Tropical Atlantic (stratigraphy, tectonic structure, lithology, distribution of ore components in bottom sediments, petrography of bedrocks, etc.) are under consideration in the book. Regularities of concentration of trace elements in iron-manganese nodules, features of these nodules in bottom sediments, distribution of phosphorite nodules and other phosphorites have been studied. Much attention is paid to rocks of the ocean crust. A wide range of mineralization represented by magnetite, chromite, chalcopyrite, pyrite, pentlandite, and other minerals has been found.


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We report here chemical analyses of sulfide and other minerals occurring in the massive sulfide deposit cored at Site 471. Details of the mineralogy and inferred paragenesis of the deposit will be reported elsewhere. The sulfide deposit at Site 471 occurs between overlying pelagic sediment and underlying basalt. The deposit is vertically zoned and consists, from top to bottom, of the following mineral assemblages: (1) pyrite, chalcopyrite, and Zn-sulfide in chert and calcite gangue (about 35 cm thick); (2) a 5-cm-thick metalliferous sediment layer described in detail by Leinen (this volume); and (3) a 4-cm-thick chert layer. The overlying sediment is a calcareous silty claystone that contains middle Miocene coccoliths (Bukry, this volume). The underlying basalt has been extensively chloritized and veined with calcite. In places feldspars are albitized, and calcite occurs as pseudomorphs after olivine. Relict textures suggest that the basalt grades into diabase and gabbro with increasing depth. Neither stock work nor disseminated sulfides was observed in the altered rocks.


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A drilling transect across the sedimented eastern flank of the Juan de Fuca Ridge, conducted during Leg 168 of the Ocean Drilling Program, resulted in the recovery of samples of volcanic basement rocks (pillow basalts, massive basalts, and volcanic glass breccias) that exhibit the effects of low-temperature hydrothermal alteration. Secondary clays are ubiquitous, with Mg-rich and Fe-rich saponite and celadonitic clays commonly accounting for several percent, and up to 10%-20% by volume. Present-day temperatures of the basement sites vary from 15° to 64°C, with the coolest site being about 0.8 Ma, and the warmest site being about 3.5 Ma. Whereas clays are abundant at sites that have been heated to present temperatures of 23°C and higher, the youngest site at 15°C has only a small trace of secondary clay alteration. Alteration increases as temperatures increase and as the volcanic basement ages. The chemical compositions of secondary clays were determined by electron microprobe, and additional trace element data were determined by both conventional nebulization inductively coupled plasma-mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) and laser-ablation ICP-MS. Trioctahedral saponite and pyrite are characteristic of the interior of altered rock pieces, forming under conditions of low-oxygen fugacity. Dioctahedral celadonite-like clays along with iron oxyhydroxide and Mg-saponite are characteristic of oxidized haloes surrounding the nonoxidized rock interiors. Chemical compositions of the clays are very similar to those determined from other deep-sea basalts altered at low temperature. The variable Mg:Fe of saponite appears to be a systematic function both of the Mg:Fe of the host rock and the oxidation state during water-rock interaction.


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Mineral compositions of residual peridotites collected at various locations in the Mid-Atlantic Ridge south of the Kane transform (MARK area) are consistent with generally smaller degrees of melting in the mantle near the large offset Kane transform than near the other, small offset, axial discontinuities in the area. We propose that this transform fault effect is due to along-axis variations in the final depth of melting in the subaxial mantle, reflecting the colder thermal regime of the ridge near the Kane transform. Calculations made with a passive mantle flow regime suggest that these along-axis variations in the final depth of melting would not produce the full range of crustal thickness variations observed in the MARK area seismic record. It is therefore likely that the transform fault effect in the MARK area is combined with other mechanisms capable of producing crustal thickness variations, such as along-axis melt migration, the trapping of part of the magma in a cold mantle root beneath the ridge, or active mantle upwelling.


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Examining volcanic materials in deep sea sediments may be one of the most important tasks of the Deep Sea Drilling Project. The investigation of volcanic ash near young source volcanoes is particularly helpful in enabling us to infer the history of volcanism in and around the island arcs. In the area of the Japanese islands volcanic deposits are usually distributed east of the source by prevailing westerly winds. It is also possible that some deep sea tephra has its source in a large, already known land volcanism.


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The book is devoted to comprehensive study of composition of sediments from the North Pacific Ocean. The sediments have been divided characterized by their lithologic and facial types, grain size composition and mineralogy. Influence of volcanism on formation of mineral and chemical composition of these sediments has been shown. Regularities of distribution of sediment accumulation rates and of a number of chemical elements on the Transpacific profile have been found. Determining role of mechanical fractionation in their localization has been shown.


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The high-resolution marine isotope climate record indicates pronounced global cooling during the Langhian (16-13.8 Ma), beginning with the warm middle Miocene climatic optimum and ending with significant Antarctic ice sheet expansion and the transition to "icehouse" conditions. Terrestrial paleoclimate data from this interval is sparse and sometimes conflicting. In particular, there are gaps in the terrestrial record in the Pacific Northwest during the late Langhian and early Serravallian between about 14.5 and 12.5 Ma. New terrestrial paleoclimate data from this time and region could reconcile these conflicting records. Paleosols are particularly useful for reconstructing paleoenvironment because the rate and style of pedogenesis is primarily a function of surface environmental conditions; however, complete and well-preserved paleosols are uncommon. Most soils form in erosive environments that are not preserved, or in environments such as floodplains that accumulate in small increments; the resulting cumulic soils are usually thin, weakly developed, and subject to diagenetic overprinting from subsequent soils. The paleosol at Cricket Flat in northeastern Oregon is an unusually complete and well-preserved paleosol from a middle Miocene volcanic sequence in the Powder River Volcanic Field. An olivine basalt flow buried the paleosol at approximately 13.8 ± 0.6 Ma, based on three 40Ar/39Ar dates on the basalt. We described the Cricket Flat paleosol and used its physical and chemical profile and micromorphology to assess pedogenesis. The Cricket Flat paleosol is an Ultisol-like paleosol, chemically consistent with a high degree of weathering. Temperature and rainfall proxies suggest that Cricket Flat received 1120 ± 180 mm precipitation y-1 and experienced a mean annual temperature of 14.5 ± 2.1 °C during the formation of the paleosol, significantly warmer and wetter than today. This suggests slower cooling after the middle Miocene climatic optimum than is seen in the existing paleosol record.