998 resultados para Empresas Públicas de Medellín
En Medellín, durante los años 2007 y 2008, diversos indicadores, estudios realizados por académicos y expertos, junto a la presión de las organizaciones de mujeres, le dieron reconocimiento social a las problemáticas de salud que afectaban al género femenino y que no eran debidamente atendidas por los establecimientos encargados -- En este contexto surge la propuesta de crear en la ciudad la Clínica de la Mujer, que proponía un modelo de cuidado integral para la salud de las mujeres con un enfoque de género -- En ese orden de ideas, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar a través del enfoque de las corrientes múltiples de John Kingdon el proceso de inscripción en la agenda del proyecto Clínica de la Mujer, el cual fue acogido como alternativa de solución por el Alcalde Alonso Salazar, durante su periodo de gobierno 2008-2011 -- Sin embargo, debido a la presión de diferentes participantes dentro y fuera del gobierno que se opusieron a la realización del proyecto con argumentos políticos e ideológicos, la Clínica de la Mujer no se implementó -- Para analizar este caso se realizó un análisis documental, un rastreo de prensa, de actas y videos que contenían información de los participantes y; finalmente, la investigación se apoya en tres entrevistas semiestructuradas para contrastar la información encontrada
En la actualidad, las empresas de telecomunicaciones, con el gran avance de la tecnología, son conscientes de que la mejor manera de cautivar y retener a los clientes es proporcionando productos y servicios que satisfagan las necesidades de éstos de una manera rápida y oportuna -- En consecuencia, estas empresas, centran su atención en los sistemas de relacionamiento con el cliente (CRM) que están enfocados en gestionar y conservar a los clientes de una manera eficiente -- En atención a lo expuesto, se vuelve fundamental que la implementación de este tipo de sistemas se realice cumpliendo con los alcances propuestos, con el costo estipulado y en el tiempo establecido -- Esto con el fin de desarrollar ventajas competitivas en el mercado -- El objetivo principal de esta investigación, es medir la efectividad de los lineamientos propuestos por el Project Management Institute (PMI) de gestión de proyectos, en la implementación del sistema de relacionamiento con el cliente (CRM) en la compañía colombiana de telecomunicaciones UNE EPM Telecomunicaciones
Este estudio describe la percepción de valor de los clientes actuales y potenciales de la firma consultora Penta sobre el servicio BPO de cultura corporativa y gestión humana en la ciudad de Medellín -- El trabajo fue de tipo descriptivo y de corte cualitativo, mediante la técnica de estudio de caso, sobre una población de catorce empresas -- Los resultados encontrados no solo ayudarán a que la firma consultora tome la decisión de implementar o no este nuevo servicio, sino que lleva a una reflexión frente al valor estratégico de la gestión humana y la reconfiguración a la que está llamada, luego de la aparición de la nueva generación de trabajadores conocida como millennials -- Las respuestas de las empresas entrevistadas permitieron conocer cómo el comportamiento de esta nueva generación incide en el funcionamiento y la competitividad de las empresas -- Luego del estudio se concluye que existe el potencial para crear el servicio, que se persigue que se convierta en una herramienta para las micro y las pequeñas empresas, de modo tal que les permita crecer en el mercado mediante el fortalecimiento y la estructuración del componente humano y cultural frente a un entorno competitivo de empresas medianas, nacionales y multinacionales
Bogotá (Colombia): Universidad de La Salle. Facultad de Ciencias Administrativas y Contables. Programa de Administración de Empresas
La realización de esta investigación es importante para los profesionales graduados en la carrera de Licenciatura en Administración de Empresas del municipio de La Unión puesto que tendrán un mayor conocimiento sobre la inserción laboral sobre los factores que más inciden para poder ingresar al mercado laboral, y las futuras generaciones que deseen estudiar esta carrera. Lo que nos incentiva, como equipo de investigación, a realizar este estudio es que cada vez son más los profesionales que se gradúan de Licenciatura en Administración de empresa, en las distintas universidades en la zona oriental, que salen con grandes expectativas de ingresar al sistema laboral de la sociedad; pero se enfrentan a un mercado laboral saturado por profesionales en busca de un empleo, y una demanda escasa por parte de las instituciones públicas y empresa privadas, que soliciten dichos profesionales; y por ello las exigencias del mercado laboral requiere que los profesionales tengan una aptitud dinámica de adaptación a los cambios tecnológicos, y con disposición de aprendizaje continuo para poder acoplarse a las necesidades del entorno, laboral y empresarial. La población estudiantil podrá beneficiarse pues los datos pueden procurarles estudiar y graduarse en carreras que les permitan una inserción ágil al mercado de trabajo y además auto realizarse a nivel individual y familiar, permitiéndoles un adecuado desarrollo social en la medida que se propicien espacios que generen nuevos proyectos de educación superior en la Zona Oriental. La realización de esta investigación permitirá, al equipo de tesis, conocer las perspectivas de inserción laboral en el mercado de trabajo, por parte de los estudiantes universitarios y en forma específica podremos determinar los puestos de trabajo más demandados por el mercado de trabajo de la zona Oriental, a los que pueden acceder de forma inmediata los nuevos profesionales También se establecen metas a cumplir al finalizar la investigación, éstas son: Conocer el número de profesionales en Administración de Empresas que pueden insertarse en el mercado de trabajo de La Unión y encontrar cuáles son los puestos de trabajo más demandados por dicho mercado.
Fondo Margaritainés Restrepo
Some authors have shown the need of understanding the technological structuring process in contemporary firms. From this perspective, the software industry is a very important element because it provides products and services directly to many organizations from many fields. In this case, the Brazilian software industry has some peculiarities that distinguish it from other industries located in developed countries, which makes its understanding even more relevant. There is evidence that local firms take different strategies and structural configurations to enter into a market naturally dominated by large multinational firms. Therefore, this study aims to understand not only the structural configurations assumed by domestic firms but also the dynamic and the process that lead to these different configurations. To do so, this PhD dissertation investigates the institutional environment, its entities and the isomorphic movements, by employing an exploratory, descriptive and explanatory multiple cases study. Eight software development companies from the Recife's information technology Cluster were visited. Also, a form was applied and an interview with one of the main firm s professional was conducted. Although the study is predominantly qualitative, part of the data was analyzed through charts and graphs, providing a companies and environment overview that was very useful to analysis done through the interviews interpretation. As a result, it was realized that companies are structured around hybrids business models from two ideal types of software development companies, which are: software factory and technology-based company. Regarding the development process, it was found that there is a balanced distribution between the traditional and agile development paradigm. Among the traditional methodologies, the Rational Unified Process (RUP) is predominant. The Scrum is the most used methodology among the organizations based on the Agile Manifesto's principles. Regarding the structuring process, each institutional entity acts in such way that generates different isomorphic pressure. Emphasis was given to entities such as customers, research agencies, clusters, market-leading businesses, public universities, incubators, software industry organizations, technology vendors, development tool suppliers and manager s school and background because they relate themselves in a close way with the software firms. About this relationship, a dual and bilateral influence was found. Finally, the structuring level of the organizational field has been also identified as low, which gives a chance to organizational actors of acting independently
The present study investigated the management of social, environmental and economic sustainability practices employed by 72 oil companies in Rio Grande do Norte state in Brazil associated to Joint Business Network for Enhancing the Competitive Ability of Suppliers of Goods and Services to the Gas and Oil Industry in Rio Grande do Norte (REDEPETRO-RN). Thus, our investigation aimed to determine the extent to which sustainability practices of companies associated to REDEPETRO-RN are developed through their own efforts or influenced by the Triple Helix interorganizational arrangement (governamental organizations, education and research institutions, and industries). The research instrument used was a questionnaire in order to map and characterize the sustainability practices. The research subjects were business owners and managers. The data collected supported the descriptive, correspondence and correlation analyzes. Were identified a greater emphasis of the companies surveyed in developing sustainability practices and greater economic influence of business organizations in the construction of sustainability status. It was concluded with confirmation of thesis of the REDEPETRO-RN arrangement exhibits the characteristics and functioning of a common Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement, not those of a triple helix interorganizational arrangement, given that the influences exerted for the development of social, environmental and economical sustainability on the part of teaching and research institutions, and government and business organizations do not interact with one another sufficiently to create a virtuous circle of cooperation among the associated companies. By contrast, the Interorganizational Cooperative Arrangement plays an important role in strengthening the competitiveness of companies affiliated to REDEPETRO-RN, by combining different competencies in an attempt at supporting the adoption of sustainability practices, a role reinforced by the scope of PETROBRAS, which, due to its economic importance, has considerable weight in the managerial decisions of associated companies
The internationalization as an organizational phenomenon fundamentally strategic had as theoretical contributions some Schools that throughout the decades 60, 70, and 80 developed behavioral and economic approaches in order to explain the process. The behavioral approach deals with the perception of phenomenon as a gradual process from the perspective of the executives behavior (JOHANSON and VAHLNE, 1977; HALLÉN and WIEDERSHEIM - PAUL, 1979; CZINKOTA, 1985). This phenomenon in permanent theoretical and managerial evolution made an opportunity to build this investigation, whose goal is to analyse the impact comes from organizational capabilities and the external environment on the international performance of exporting firms. For both, were used as theoretical basis two types of analysis for the comprehension of international performance: Strategic Management - Industrial Organization and Resource-Based View and International Businesses - Current Economic and Behavioral. It was made a cross-sectional survey-based explanatory research, including 150 exporting companies with operations in the Northeast of Brazil. A conceptual model was made with eight constructs and eight research hypotheses, representative of the effects of external factors on international performance. The data were processed using the Exploratory Factor Analysis and Structural Equation Modeling. The structural equations model was reespecified and estimated through the use of the maximum-likelihood method up to achieve adequated values of indexes of adjustment. As the main theoretical contribution, were identified organizational and physical resources which shows the importance of the management skills development, of the learning capability and capability to establish strategic alliances abroad. That because the knowledge, as the operational point of view as in its strategic application, offers to organization conditions of market positioning which can create opportunities sustainable competitive advantages and which impact the performance of international companies
Consumer dissatisfaction, when properly handled, is a significant information source for the manager. Studies in this area allow broadening the understanding of certain customer attitudes and behaviors, such as loyalty, repurchase intention or satisfaction and trust increase. Above and beyond supporting consumer feedback, dissatisfaction can provide significant opportunities for organizational learning. Starting from dissatisfied customer information, companies can detect service flaws and develop new products. This work presents the results of an investigation on the behavior of businesses belonging to the hotel sector in Natal, RN, through the dissatisfaction of their customers. We have sought to map the main problems presented by customers to hotels, in the perception of managers and employees, as well as to understand both the process of dissatisfactionrelated data collection, analysis, and processing, and the utilization of such information by businesses. Beyond this, we have compared the habits of organizations to the company reaction approaches described in the literature: Complaint Handling, Complaint Management, and Dissatisfaction Management. The used methodology has been based on case study. Data was collected via indepth interviews with managers and employees in six hotels, two independent ones and four belonging to national and international hotel networks. We have also made use of documents provided by the organizations, such as guest complaint registers and reports from satisfaction surveys on which content analysis was subsequently performed. The results of the investigation point to a high level of awareness in the companies concerning the importance of consumer dissatisfaction. Even though the maximum grade in the procedure scale is not achieved, it has been observed that answer to dissatisfaction is given in planned and systematic form, geared towards consumer satisfaction and improvement of products and processes. Hotel businesses still have to look into other possibilities for mapping consumer dissatisfaction, which implies, among other aspects, articulation with a range of public and private organizations in such a way as to guarantee sustainability of touristic activities in the long term
La necesidad de mejorar la eficiencia de las organizaciones ha obligado a adoptar nuevas políticas de gestión. Esta necesidad también ha llegado a las empresas e instituciones públicas, incluyendo a las Universidades. Una de las posibilidades de mejora es la aplicación del enfoque de la gestión por procesos a través del Business Process Management (BPM). Las TIC proporcionan la posibilidad de implementar este enfoque a través de los BPMS, lo que aumenta las ventajas de la nueva gestión ya que ofrece la automatización de los procesos, su rediseño y mejora continúa. El caso de estudio es la aplicación de un BPMS en una institución pública educativa de Ecuador para observar como la gestión se mejora, alcanzándose mayores niveles de calidad y una reducción de los tiempos de proceso.
The present objective study to inside identify the critical factors of success of the local family companies of a competitive boarding. For in such a way the same it understands the culture and the management of the family companies of success, identifies the essential areas of performance, it establishes the restrictive factors of the success, and analyzes the level of influence of the critical factors of success in the competitiveness of this type of company. In function of the subject little to be explored, and of this study to provide a general vision concerning the factors that take the family companies to get success, this research is explorer. On the other hand, for describing characteristic of the familiar companies in prominence in the local scene and for being worried about the practical performance, the same one also is descriptive. The sample in turn is the not-probabilist one of the intentional type, for accessibility. For operacionalization of the collection of data, the direct contact was used, being the composed instrument of research for variable as management, culture, critical factors of success and competitiveness. The study it evidences that in regards to the management and the culture of the family companies of success, some variable are turned aside from the standard of the conventional family companies cited by literature. Of general form in the familiar companies of success it has a bigger level of professionalization of the management. As for the value given to the knowledge, the study sample that the conventional family companies give little importance to it, in contrast of the family companies in prominence, who value of significant form the search for the knowledge. He is demonstrated despite the family companies of success, even so total are not professionalized, possess a bigger level of professionalization of the management, ratifying of certain forms the reason for which the majority develops the Strategical Planning formal periodically. In short, the results point 17 critical factors of success with respect to the family companies, in special factors as the product quality and services, and the use of the technology
Como es sabido, la principal intervención del Estado se hace a través de sus funciones, como integrante fundamental de los sectores macroeconómicos (sectores: familias, empresas, gobierno, resto del mundo o externo). ¿Cuáles son esas funciones? •Asignar los recursos, olvidándose un poco de la economía del mercado y por lo tanto del precio. Su papel, del único que puede y debe hacer socialismo, entregando o transfiriendo servicios a la sociedad sin ningún cobro o con bajas tarifas. • La distribución del ingreso, asignándole más impuestos a los más poderosos en ingresos y riqueza; para ayudar a los menos favorecidos. • La estabilidad de la economía, lograr que la economía elimine los problemas de inestabilidad: inflación, desempleo, un inadecuado crecimiento del PNB y el déficit en balanza de pagos.
This study addresses the question of attraction and retention of talent in companies that produce engineering projects in the area of oil and natural gas in the city of Natal. The objectives were to identify the mechanisms that these companies use to attract and retain talented professionals and what the relationship between these practices and performance of these organizations in the market. This is a case study of a qualitative nature which were included in the fullness of companies that work in that class in the capital Potiguar. Have been applied to the managers of these companies structured questionnaires with eleven issues orientativas based on theoretical reference adopted. The research finds that managers understand the word "talent", recognize the importance of the appreciation of its employees and the development of their innate abilities to better organizational performance, much due to the fact they are acting in a market of fierce competition. His companies - though not submit the formal procedures related to the subject in question - have mechanisms that can be characterized as the attraction and retention of talent. The relationships identified in this study are consistent with the results found in other studies and put the information here can serve as the basis for that other managers, including other areas, to reach excellence in their respective industries