992 resultados para Dynamic voltage restorer


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The crystallization of amorphous semiconductors is a strongly exothermic process. Once initiated the release of latent heat can be sufficient to drive a self-sustaining crystallization front through the material in a manner that has been described as explosive. Here, we perform a quantitative in situ study of explosive crystallization in amorphous germanium using dynamic transmission electron microscopy. Direct observations of the speed of the explosive crystallization front as it evolves along a laser-imprinted temperature gradient are used to experimentally determine the complete interface response function (i.e., the temperature-dependent front propagation speed) for this process, which reaches a peak of 16 m/s. Fitting to the Frenkel-Wilson kinetic law demonstrates that the diffusivity of the material locally/immediately in advance of the explosive crystallization front is inconsistent with those of a liquid phase. This result suggests a modification to the liquid-mediated mechanism commonly used to describe this process that replaces the phase change at the leading amorphous-liquid interface with a change in bonding character (from covalent to metallic) occurring in the hot amorphous material.


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Although LH is essential for survival and function of the corpus luteum (CL) in higher primates, luteolysis occurs during nonfertile cycles without a discernible decrease in circulating LH levels. Using genome-wide expression analysis, several experiments were performed to examine the processes of luteolysis and rescue of luteal function in monkeys. Induced luteolysis with GnRH receptor antagonist (Cetrorelix) resulted in differential regulation of 3949 genes, whereas replacement with exogenous LH (Cetrorelix plus LH) led to regulation of 4434 genes (1563 down-regulation and 2871 up-regulation). A model system for prostaglandin (PG) F-2 alpha-induced luteolysis in the monkey was standardized and demonstrated that PGF(2 alpha) regulated expression of 2290 genes in the CL. Analysis of the LH-regulated luteal transcriptome revealed that 120 genes were regulated in an antagonistic fashion by PGF(2 alpha). Based on the microarray data, 25 genes were selected for validation by real-time RT-PCR analysis, and expression of these genes was also examined in the CL throughout the luteal phase and from monkeys treated with human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) to mimic early pregnancy. The results indicated changes in expression of genes favorable to PGF(2 alpha) action during the late to very late luteal phase, and expressions of many of these genes were regulated in an opposite manner by exogenous hCG treatment. Collectively, the findings suggest that curtailment of expression of downstream LH-target genes possibly through PGF(2 alpha) action on the CL is among the mechanisms underlying cross talk between the luteotropic and luteolytic signaling pathways that result in the cessation of luteal function, but hCG is likely to abrogate the PGF(2 alpha)-responsive gene expression changes resulting in luteal rescue crucial for the maintenance of early pregnancy. (Endocrinology 150: 1473-1484, 2009)


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Among the multitude of test specimen geometries used for dynamic fiacture toughness evaluation, the most widely uscd specimen is lhc Chavpy specimen due its simple geomclry and availability of testing machines. The standard Chatpy specimen dimensions may llOl always give plane st~ain condilions and hence, it may be necessary Io coilduct lcs/s using specimens of dillEvcnt thicknesses to establish the plane strain K~a. An axisymmct/ic specimen, on the otlaev hand would always give flow constraints l~n a nominal specimen thickness i~rcspcctive of the test matctial. The notched disk specimen pVOl)oscd by Bcrn:ud ctal. [1] for static and dynamic initiation toughness measurement although p~ovicles plain-strain conditions, the crack plopagatcs at an angle to the direction of applied load. This makes inteq~retation of the test results difficult us it ~Ccluivcs ~actial slices to be cut fiom the fractured specimen to ascertain the angle o1 crack growth and a linite element model l~)r tl);t{ pa~ticulat ctack o~icntalion.


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This paper presents a new approach for assessing power system voltage stability based on artificial feed forward neural network (FFNN). The approach uses real and reactive power, as well as voltage vectors for generators and load buses to train the neural net (NN). The input properties of the NN are generated from offline training data with various simulated loading conditions using a conventional voltage stability algorithm based on the L-index. The performance of the trained NN is investigated on two systems under various voltage stability assessment conditions. Main advantage is that the proposed approach is fast, robust, accurate and can be used online for predicting the L-indices of all the power system buses simultaneously. The method can also be effectively used to determining local and global stability margin for further improvement measures.


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An experimental investigation into the dynamic strain ageing (DSA) of a wrought Ni-base superalloy 720Li was conducted. Characteristics of jerky, flow have been studied at intermediate temperatures of 350, 400 and 450 degrees C at strain-rates between 10(-3) and 10(-5) s(-1). Serrations of Type C are predominant within the temperature/strain-rate range explored. The major characteristics of the serrations-i.e. (a) critical plastic strain for onset of serrations, epsilon(c); (b) average stress decrement, Delta sigma(avg); and (c) strain increment between serrations. Delta epsilon(BS)-have been examined at selected temperatures and strain-rates. Negative strain-rate sensitivity was observed in the DSA regime. However. temperature did not influence tensile properties such as yield strength, ultimate strength. elongation, reduction in area, and work hardening rate or fracture features in DSA regime. Analysis of the results Suggests that locking of the mobile dislocations by substitutional alloying elements is responsible for the DSA in alloy 720Li.


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Robot Path Planning (RPP) in dynamic environments is a search problem based on the examination of collision-free paths in the presence of dynamic and static obstacles. Many techniques have been developed to solve this problem. Trapping in a local minima and maintaining a Real-Time performance are known as the two most important challenges that these techniques face to solve such problem. This study presents a comprehensive survey of the various techniques that have been proposed in this domain. As part of this survey, we include a classification of the approaches and identify their methods.


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Thin films are developed by dispersing carbon black nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes (CNTs) in an epoxy polymer. The films show a large variation in electrical resistance when subjected to quasi-static and dynamic mechanical loading. This phenomenon is attributed to the change in the band-gap of the CNTs due to the applied strain, and also to the change in the volume fraction of the constituent phases in the percolation network. Under quasi-static loading, the films show a nonlinear response. This nonlinearity in the response of the films is primarily attributed to the pre-yield softening of the epoxy polymer. The electrical resistance of the films is found to be strongly dependent on the magnitude and frequency of the applied dynamic strain, induced by a piezoelectric substrate. Interestingly, the resistance variation is found to be a linear function of frequency and dynamic strain. Samples with a small concentration of just 0.57% of CNT show a sensitivity as high as 2.5% MPa-1 for static mechanical loading. A mathematical model based on Bruggeman's effective medium theory is developed to better understand the experimental results. Dynamic mechanical loading experiments reveal a sensitivity as high as 0.007% Hz(-1) at a constant small-amplitude vibration and up to 0.13%/mu-strain at 0-500 Hz vibration. Potential applications of such thin films include highly sensitive strain sensors, accelerometers, artificial neural networks, artificial skin and polymer electronics.


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This paper proposes a novel way of generating high voltage for electric discharge plasma in controlling NOx emission in diesel engine exhaust. A solar powered high frequency electric discharge topology has been suggested that will improve the size and specific energy density required when compared to the traditional repetitive pulse or 50 Hz AC energization. This methodology has been designed, fabricated and experimentally verified by conducting studies on real diesel engine exhaust.


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Polymerized carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are promising materials for polymer-based electronics and electro-mechanical sensors. The advantage of having a polymer nanolayer on CNTs widens the scope for functionalizing it in various ways for polymer electronic devices. However, in this paper, we show for the first time experimentally that, due to a resistive polymer layer having carbon nanoparticle inclusions and polymerized carbon nanotubes, an interesting dynamics can be exploited. We first show analytically that the relative change in the resistance of a single isolated semiconductive nanotube is directly proportional to the axial and torsional dynamic strains, when the strains are small, whereas, in polymerized CNTs, the viscoelasticity of the polymer and its effective electrical polarization give rise to nonlinear effects as a function of frequency and bias voltage. A simplified formula is derived to account for these effects and validated in the light of experimental results. CNT–polymer-based channels have been fabricated on a PZT substrate. Strain sensing performance of such a one-dimensional channel structure is reported. For a single frequency modulated sine pulse as input, which is common in elastic and acoustic wave-based diagnostics, imaging, microwave devices, energy harvesting, etc, the performance of the fabricated channel has been found to be promising.


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As the conventional MOSFET's scaling is approaching the limit imposed by short channel effects, Double Gate (DG) MOS transistors are appearing as the most feasible candidate in terms of technology in sub-45nm technology nodes. As the short channel effect in DG transistor is controlled by the device geometry, undoped or lightly doped body is used to sustain the channel. There exits a disparity in threshold voltage calculation criteria of undoped-body symmetric double gate transistors which uses two definitions, one is potential based and the another is charge based definition. In this paper, a novel concept of "crossover point'' is introduced, which proves that the charge-based definition is more accurate than the potential based definition.The change in threshold voltage with body thickness variation for a fixed channel length is anomalous as predicted by potential based definition while it is monotonous for charge based definition.The threshold voltage is then extracted from drain currant versus gate voltage characteristics using linear extrapolation and "Third Derivative of Drain-Source Current'' method or simply "TD'' method. The trend of threshold voltage variation is found same in both the cases which support charge-based definition.


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As the conventional MOSFETs scaling is approaching the limit imposed by short channel effects, Double Gate (DG) MOS transistors are appearing as the most feasible andidate in terms of technology in sub-45nm technology nodes. As the short channel effect in DG transistor is controlled by the device geometry, undoped or lightly doped body, is used to sustain the channel. There exits a disparity in threshold voltage calculation criteria of undoped-body symmetric double gate transistors which uses two definitions, one is potential based and the another is charge based definition. In this paper, a novel concept of "crossover point" is introduced, which proves that the charge-based definition is more accurate than the potential based definition. The change in threshold voltage with body thickness variation for a fixed channel length is anomalous as predicted by, potential based definition while it is monotonous for change based definition. The threshold voltage is then extracted from drain currant versus gate voltage characteristics using linear extrapolation and "Third Derivative of Drain-Source Current" method or simply "TD" method. The trend of threshold voltage variation is found some in both the cases which support charge-based definition.


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Current source inverter (CSI) is an attractive solution in high-power drives. The conventional gate turn-off thyristor (GTO) based CSI-fed induction motor drives suffer from drawbacks such as low-frequency torque pulsation, harmonic heating, and unstable operation at low-speed ranges. These drawbacks can be overcome by connecting a current-controlled voltage source inverter (VSI) across the motor terminal replacing the bulky ac capacitors. The VSI provides the harmonic currents, which results in sinusoidal motor voltage and current even with the CSI switching at fundamental frequency. This paper proposes a CSI-fed induction motor drive scheme where GTOs are replaced by thyristors in the CSI without any external circuit to assist the turning off of the thyristors. Here, the current-controlled VSI, connected in shunt, is designed to supply the volt ampere reactive requirement of the induction motor, and the CSI is made to operate in leading power factor mode such that the thyristors in the CSI are autosequentially turned off. The resulting drive will be able to feed medium-voltage, high-power induction motors directly. A sensorless vector-controlled CSI drive based on the proposed configuration is developed. The experimental results from a 5 hp prototype are presented. Experimental results show that the proposed drive has stable operation throughout the operating range of speeds.


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Timoshenko's shear deformation theory is widely used for the dynamical analysis of shear-flexible beams. This paper presents a comparative study of the shear deformation theory with a higher order model, of which Timoshenko's shear deformation model is a special case. Results indicate that while Timoshenko's shear deformation theory gives reasonably accurate information regarding the set of bending natural frequencies, there are considerable discrepancies in the information it gives regarding the mode shapes and dynamic response, and so there is a need to consider higher order models for the dynamical analysis of flexure of beams.


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For a multiarmed bandit problem with exponential discounting the optimal allocation rule is defined by a dynamic allocation index defined for each arm on its space. The index for an arm is equal to the expected immediate reward from the arm, with an upward adjustment reflecting any uncertainty about the prospects of obtaining rewards from the arm, and the possibilities of resolving those uncertainties by selecting that arm. Thus the learning component of the index is defined to be the difference between the index and the expected immediate reward. For two arms with the same expected immediate reward the learning component should be larger for the arm for which the reward rate is more uncertain. This is shown to be true for arms based on independent samples from a fixed distribution with an unknown parameter in the cases of Bernoulli and normal distributions, and similar results are obtained in other cases.


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Two different definitions, one is potential based and the other is charge based, are used in the literatures to define the threshold voltage of undoped body symmetric double gate transistors. This paper, by introducing a novel concept of crossover point, proves that the charge based definition is more accurate than the potential based definition. It is shown that for a given channel length the potential based definition predicts anomalous change in threshold voltage with body thickness variation while the charge based definition results in monotonous change. The threshold voltage is then extracted from drain current versus gate voltage characteristics using linear extrapolation, transconductance and match-point methods. In all the three cases it is found that trend of threshold voltage variation support the charge based definition.