999 resultados para Diálogo experimental


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The Ramachandran map clearly delineates the regions of accessible conformational (phi-) space for amino acid residues in proteins. Experimental distributions of phi, values in high-resolution protein structures, reveal sparsely populated zones within fully allowed regions and distinct clusters in apparently disallowed regions. Conformational space has been divided into 14 distinct bins. Residues adopting these relatively rare conformations are presented and amino acid propensities for these regions are estimated. Inspection of specific examples in a completely arid, fully allowed region in the top left quadrant establishes that side-chain and backbone interactions may provide the energetic compensation necessary for populating this region of phi- space. Asn, Asp, and His residues showed the highest propensities in this region. The two distinct clusters in the bottom right quadrant which are formally disallowed on strict steric considerations correspond to the gamma turn (C7 axial) conformation (Bin 12) and the i + 1 position of Type II turns (Bin 13). Of the 516 non-Gly residues in Bin 13, 384 occupied the i + 1 position of Type II turns. Further examination of these turn segments revealed a high propensity to occur at the N-terminus of helices and as a tight turn in hairpins. The strand-helix motif with the Type II turn as a connecting element was also found in as many as 57 examples. Proteins 2014; 82:1101-1112. (c) 2013 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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This paper highlights the role of globular microstructure on the weldability of semi-solid processed aluminum alloys via high temperature flow behavior. The investigation was carried out on the joining of thixocast A356 aluminum alloy components by friction welding. A thermomechanical model was developed to predict the temperature and stress distributions, as well as to identify the suitable and safe range of parameters. Good comparisons between numerical and experimental results were observed. In addition, metallographic examinations and hardness and tensile tests of the welded samples were carried out. It was found that the tensile strength of the joint is higher than the tensile strength of the parent material for the optimum set of parameters. (C) 2014 Acta Materialia Inc. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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We present direct experimental signatures of a nonequilibrium phase transition associated with the yield point of a prototypical soft solid-a binary colloidal glass. By simultaneously quantifying single-particle dynamics and bulk mechanical response, we identified the threshold for the onset of irreversibility with the yield strain. We extracted the relaxation time from the transient behavior of the loss modulus and found that it diverges in the vicinity of the yield strain. This critical slowing down is accompanied by a growing correlation length associated with the size of regions of high Debye-Waller factor, which are precursors to yield events in glasses. Our results affirm that the paradigm of nonequilibrium critical phenomena is instrumental in achieving a holistic understanding of yielding in soft solids.


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This paper reports instability and oscillations in the stator current under light-load conditions in a practical 100-kW induction motor drive. Dead-time is shown to be a cause for such oscillations. This paper shows experimentally that these oscillations could be mitigated significantly with the help of a simple dead-time compensation scheme.


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Thermal decomposition of propargyl alcohol (C3H3OH), a molecule of interest in interstellar chemistry and combustion, was investigated using a single pulse shock tube in the temperature ranging from 953 to 1262 K. The products identified include acetylene, propyne, vinylacetylene, propynal, propenal, and benzene. The experimentally observed overall rate constant for thermal decomposition of propargyl alcohol was found to be k = 10((10.17 +/- 0.36)) exp(-39.70 +/- 1.83)/RT) s(-1) Ab initio theoretical calculations were carried out to understand the potential energy surfaces involved in the primary and secondary steps of propargyl alcohol thermal decomposition. Transition state theory was used to predict the rate constants, which were then used and refined in a kinetic simulation of the product profile. The first step in the decomposition is C-O bond dissociation, leading to the formation of two important radicals in combustion, OH and propargyl. This has been used to study the reverse OH propargyl radical reaction, about which there appears to be no prior work. Depending on the site of attack, this reaction leads to propargyl alcohol or propenal, one of the major products at temperatures below 1200 K. A detailed mechanism has been derived to explain all the observed products.


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Insulated gate bipolar transistors (IGBTs) are used in high-power voltage-source converters rated up to hundreds of kilowatts or even a few megawatts. Knowledge of device switching characteristics is required for reliable design and operation of the converters. Switching characteristics are studied widely at high current levels, and corresponding data are available in datasheets. But the devices in a converter also switch low currents close to the zero crossings of the line currents. Further, the switching behaviour under these conditions could significantly influence the output waveform quality including zero crossover distortion. Hence, the switching characteristics of high-current IGBTs (300-A and 75-A IGBT modules) at low load current magnitudes are investigated experimentally in this paper. The collector current, gate-emitter voltage and collector-emitter voltage are measured at various low values of current (less than 10% of the device rated current). A specially designed in-house constructed coaxial current transformer (CCT) is used for device current measurement without increasing the loop inductance in the power circuit. Experimental results show that the device voltage rise time increases significantly during turn-off transitions at low currents.


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The present study experimentally evaluates the performance of control (standard cylinder specimen), damaged (mechanical loading after thermal exposure) and repaired / retrofitted normal plain concrete cylinders using different repair schemes such as on use of FRP wraps, Geo-polymers, etc., to restore the capacity of damaged structural concrete elements. The control-companion specimen in the series provides the reference frame against which both, specimen damage levels were quantified and the benefits of a specimen repaired subsequent to damage were assessed.


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This article reports on analysis of fracture processes in reinforced concrete (RC) beams with acoustic emission (AE) technique. An emphasis was given to study the effect of loading rate on variation in AE based b-values with the development of cracks in RC structures. RC beams of length 3.2 m were tested under load control at a rate of 4 kN/s, 5 kN/s and 6 kN/s and the b-value analysis available in seismology was used to study the fracture process in RC structures. Moreover, the b-value is related to the strain in steel to assess the damage state. It is observed that when the loading rate is higher, quick cracking development lead to rapid fluctuations and drops in the b-values. Also it is observed that concrete behaves relatively more brittle at higher loading rates (or at higher strain rates). The average b-values are lower as a few but larger amplitudes of AE events occur in contrast to more number of low amplitude AE events occur at low loading rates (or at low strain rates). (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Experimental and theoretical charge density analyses on 2,2-dibromo-2,3-dihydroinden-1-one have been carried out to quantify the topological features of a short CBr....O halogen bond with nearly linear geometry (2.922 angstrom, angle CBr....O = 172.7 degrees) and to assess the strength of the interactions using the topological features of the electron density. The electrostatic potential map indicates the presence of the s-hole on bromine, while the interaction energy is comparable to that of a moderate OH....O hydrogen bond. In addition, the energetic contribution of CH.....Br interaction is demonstrated to be on par with that of the CBr....O halogen bond in stabilizing the crystal structure.


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An organic molecule-o-phenylene diamine (OPD)-is selected as an aldehyde sensing material. It is studied for selectivity to aldehyde vapours both by experiment and simulation. A chemiresistor based sensor for detection of aldehyde vapours is fabricated. An o-phenylene diamine-carbon black composite is used as the sensing element. The amine groups in the OPD would interact with the carbonyl groups of the aldehydes. The selectivity and cross-sensitivity of the OPD-CB sensor to VOCs aldehyde, ketone and alcohol-are studied. The sensor shows good response to aldehydes compared to other VOCs. The higher response for aldehydes is attributed to the interaction of the carbonyl oxygen of aldehydes with-NH2 groups of OPD. The surface morphology of the sensing element is studied by scanning electron microscopy. The OPD-CB sensor is responsive to 10 ppm of formaldehyde. The interaction of the VOCs with the OPD-CB nanocomposite is investigated by molecular dynamics studies. The interaction energies of the analyte with the OPD-CB nanocomposite were calculated. It is observed that the interaction energies for aldehydes are higher than those for other analytes. Thus the OPD-CB sensor shows selectivity to aldehydes. The simulated radial distribution function is calculated for the O-H pair of analyte and OPD which further supports the finding that the amine groups are involved in the interaction. These results suggest that it is important and easy to identify appropriate sensing materials based on the understanding of analyte interaction properties.


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The static and dynamic pressure concentration isotherms (PCIs) of MmNi(5-x)Al(x). (x = 0, 0.3, 0.5 and 0.8) hydrides were measured at different temperatures using volumetric method. The effect of Al substitution on PCI and thermodynamic properties were studied. The plateau pressure and maximum hydrogen storage capacity decreased with Al content whereas reaction enthalpy increased. The plateau pressure, plateau slope and hysteresis effect was observed more for dynamic PCIs compared to static PCIs. Different mathematical models used for metal hydride-based thermodynamic devices simulation are compared to select suitable model for static and dynamic PCI simulation of MmNi(5)-based hydrides. Few important physical coefficients (partial molar volume, reaction enthalpy, reaction entropy, etc.) useful for development of thermodynamic devices were estimated. A relation has been proposed to correlate aluminium content and physical coefficients for the prediction of unknown PCI. The simulated and experimental PCIs were found matching closely for both static and dynamic conditions. Copyright (C) 2014, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The participation of a nitrogen atom acting as an electrophile in pnicogen bonding, a hitherto unexplored interaction has been established by experimental charge density analysis. QTAIM and NBO analyses ratify this observation.


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Robotic surgical tools used in minimally invasive surgeries (MIS) require miniaturized and reliable actuators for precise positioning and control of the end-effector. Miniature pneumatic artificial muscles (MPAMs) are a good choice due to their inert nature, high force to weight ratio, and fast actuation. In this paper, we present the development of miniaturized braided pneumatic muscles with an outer diameter of similar to 1.2 mm, a high contraction ratio of about 18%, and capable of providing a pull force in excess of 4 N at a supply pressure of 0.8 MPa. We present the details of the developed experimental setup, experimental data on contraction and force as a function of applied pressure, and characterization of the MPAM. We also present a simple kinematics and experimental data based model of the braided pneumatic muscle and show that the model predicts contraction in length to within 20% of the measured value. Finally, a robust controller for the MPAMs is developed and validated with experiments and it is shown that the MPAMs have a time constant of similar to 10 ms thereby making them suitable for actuating endoscopic and robotic surgical tools.