755 resultados para Decline in child abuse
To study the role of early energetic abnormalities in the subsequent development of heart failure, we performed serial in vivo combined magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and (31)P magnetic resonance spectroscopy (MRS) studies in mice that underwent pressure-overload following transverse aorta constriction (TAC). After 3 wk of TAC, a significant increase in left ventricular (LV) mass (74 +/- 4 vs. 140 +/- 26 mg, control vs. TAC, respectively; P < 0.000005), size [end-diastolic volume (EDV): 48 +/- 3 vs. 61 +/- 8 microl; P < 0.005], and contractile dysfunction [ejection fraction (EF): 62 +/- 4 vs. 38 +/- 10%; P < 0.000005] was observed, as well as depressed cardiac energetics (PCr/ATP: 2.0 +/- 0.1 vs. 1.3 +/- 0.4, P < 0.0005) measured by combined MRI/MRS. After an additional 3 wk, LV mass (140 +/- 26 vs. 167 +/- 36 mg; P < 0.01) and cavity size (EDV: 61 +/- 8 vs. 76 +/- 8 microl; P < 0.001) increased further, but there was no additional decline in PCr/ATP or EF. Cardiac PCr/ATP correlated inversely with end-systolic volume and directly with EF at 6 wk but not at 3 wk, suggesting a role of sustained energetic abnormalities in evolving chamber dysfunction and remodeling. Indeed, reduced cardiac PCr/ATP observed at 3 wk strongly correlated with changes in EDV that developed over the ensuing 3 wk. These data suggest that abnormal energetics due to pressure overload predict subsequent LV remodeling and dysfunction.
On selvää, että tänä päivänä maailmankaupan painopiste on hiljalleen siirtymässä Aasiaan ja varsinkin Kiina on ollut huomion keskipisteessä. Erityisesti valmistavien yritysten perspektiivistä muutos on ollut merkittävä ja tämä tosiasia kasvattaa yrityksissä paineita luoda kustannustehokkaita toimitusketjuratkaisuja,joiden vasteaika on mahdollisimman lyhyt. Samaan aikaan kun tarkastellaan kuljetusvirtoja, huomattaan että maanosien välillä on suuri epätasapaino. Tämä on enimmäkseen seurausta suurten globaalisti toimivien yritysten toimitusketjustrategioista. Useimmat näistä toimijoista optimoivat verkostonsa turvautumalla 'paikalliseen hankintaan', jotta he voisivat paremmin hallita toimitusketjujaan ja saada näitä reagointiherkimmiksi. Valmistusyksiköillä onkin monesti Euroopassa pakko käyttää kalliita raaka-aineita ja puolivalmisteita. Kriittisiksi tekijöiksi osoittautuvat kuljetus- ja varastointikustannukset sekä näiden seurauksena hukka-aika, joka aiheutuu viivästyksistä. Voidakseen saavuttaa optimiratkaisun, on tehtävä päätös miten tuotteet varastoidaan: keskitetysti tai hajautetusti ja integroida tämä valinta sopivien kuljetusmuotojen kanssa. Aasiasta Pohjois-Eurooppaan on halpaa käyttää merikuljetusta, mutta operaatio kestää hyvin pitkään - joissain tapauksessa jopa kahdeksan viikkoa. Toisaalta lentokuljetus on sekä kallis että rajoittaa siirrettävien tuotteiden eräkokoa.On olemassa kolmaskin vaihtoehto, josta voisi olla ratkaisuksi: rautatiekuljetus on halvempi kuin lentokuljetus ja vasteajat ovat lyhyemmät kuin merikuljetuksissa. Tässä tutkimuksessa tilannetta selvitetään kyselyllä, joka suunnattiin Suomessa ja Ruotsissa toimiville yrityksille. Tuloksien perusteella teemme johtopäätökset siitä, mitkä kuljetusmuotojen markkinaosuudet tulevat olemaan tulevaisuudessa sekä luomme kuvan kuljetusvirroista Euroopan, Venäjän, Etelä-Korea, Intian, Kiinan ja Japanin välillä. Samalla on tarkoitus ennakoida sitä, miten tarkastelun kohteena olevat yritykset aikovat kehittää kuljetuksiaan ja varastointiaan tulevien vuosien aikana. Tulosten perusteella näyttää siltä, että seuraavan viiden vuoden kuluessa kuljetuskustannukset eivät merkittävissä määrin tule muuttuman ja meri- sekä kumipyöräkuljetukset pysyvät suosituimpina vaihtoehtoina.Kuitenkin lentokuljetusten osuus laskee hiukan, kun taas rautatiekuljetusten painotus kasvaa. Tulokset paljastavat, että Kiinassa ja Venäjällä kuljetettava konttimäärä kasvaa; Intiassa tulos on saman suuntainen, joskaan ei niin voimakas. Analyysimme mukaan kuljetusvirtoihin liittyvä epätasapaino säilyy Venäjän kuljetusten suhteen: yritykset jatkavat tulevaisuudessakin vientiperusteista strategiaansa. Varastoinnin puolella tunnistamme pienemmän muutoksen, jonka mukaan pienikokoisten varastojen määrät todennäköisesti vähenevät tulevaisuudessa ja kiinnostus isoja varastoja kohtaan lisääntyy. Tässä kohtaa on mainittava, että suomalaisilla yrityksillä on enemmän varastoja Keski- ja Itä-Euroopassa verrattuna ruotsalaisiin toimijoihin, jotka keskittyvät selkeämmin Länsi-Euroopan maihin. Varastoja yrityksillä on molemmissa tapaukissa paljolti kotimaassaan. Valitessaan varastojensa sijoituskohteita yritykset painottavat seuraavia kriteereitä: alhaiset jakelukustannukset, kokoamispaikan/valmistustehtaan läheisyys, saapuvan logistiikan integroitavuus ja saatavilla olevat logistiikkapalvelut. Tutkimuksemme lopussa päädymme siihen, että varastojen sijoituspaikat eivät muutu satamien rakenteen ja liikenneyhteyksien takia kovinkaan nopeasti.
Background: Breast cancer (BC) causes more deaths than any other cancer among women in Catalonia. Early detection has contributed to the observed decline in BC mortality. However, there is debate on the optimal screening strategy. We performed an economic evaluation of 20 screening strategies taking into account the cost over time of screening and subsequent medical costs, including diagnostic confirmation, initial treatment, follow-up and advanced care. Methods: We used a probabilistic model to estimate the effect and costs over time of each scenario. The effect was measured as years of life (YL), quality-adjusted life years (QALY), and lives extended (LE). Costs of screening and treatment were obtained from the Early Detection Program and hospital databases of the IMAS-Hospital del Mar in Barcelona. The incremental cost-effectiveness ratio (ICER) was used to compare the relative costs and outcomes of different scenarios. Results: Strategies that start at ages 40 or 45 and end at 69 predominate when the effect is measured as YL or QALYs. Biennial strategies 50-69, 45-69 or annual 45-69, 40-69 and 40-74 were selected as cost-effective for both effect measures (YL or QALYs). The ICER increases considerably when moving from biennial to annual scenarios. Moving from no screening to biennial 50-69 years represented an ICER of 4,469€ per QALY. Conclusions: A reduced number of screening strategies have been selected for consideration by researchers, decision makers and policy planners. Mathematical models are useful to assess the impact and costs of BC screening in a specific geographical area.
Increased peripheral and central nervous system cortisol levels have been reported in Alzheimer's disease (AD) and may reflect dysfunction of cerebral components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. However, brain exposure to high cortisol concentrations may also accelerate disease progression and cognitive decline. The objectives of this study were to investigate whether HPA-axis dysregulation occurs at early clinical stages of AD and whether plasma and CSF cortisol levels are associated with clinical disease progression. Morning plasma and CSF cortisol concentrations were obtained from the subjects with AD dementia, mild cognitive impairment of AD type (MCI-AD), MCI of other type (MCI-O), and controls with normal cognition included in a multicenter study from the German Dementia Competence Network. A clinical and neuropsychological follow-up was performed in a subgroup of participants with MCI-AD, MCI-O, and AD dementia. CSF cortisol concentrations were increased in the subjects with AD dementia or MCI-AD compared with subjects with MCI-O or normal cognition. After controlling for possible confounders including CSF measures of amyloid beta1-42 and total tau, higher baseline CSF cortisol levels were associated with faster clinical worsening and cognitive decline in MCI-AD. The findings suggest that HPA-axis dysregulation occurs at the MCI stage of AD and may accelerate disease progression and cognitive decline.
BACKGROUND: The considerable malaria decline in several countries challenges the strategy of chemoprophylaxis for travellers visiting moderate- to low-risk areas. An international consensus on the best strategy is lacking. It is essential to include travellers' opinions in the decision process. The preference of travellers regarding malaria prevention for moderate- to low-risk areas, related to their risk perception, as well as the reasons for their choices were investigated. METHODS: Prior to pre-travel consultation in the Travel Clinic, a self-administered questionnaire was given to travellers visiting moderate- to low-risk malaria areas. Four preventive options were proposed to the traveller, i.e., bite prevention only, chemoprophylaxis, stand-by emergency treatment alone, and stand-by emergency treatment with rapid diagnostic test. The information was accompanied by a risk scale for incidence of malaria, anti-malarial adverse drug reactions and other travel-related risks, inspired by Paling palettes from the Risk Communication Institute. RESULTS: A total of 391 travellers were included from December 2012 to December 2013. Fifty-nine (15%) opted for chemoprophylaxis, 116 (30%) for stand-by emergency treatment, 112 (29%) for stand-by emergency treatment with rapid diagnostic test, 100 (26%) for bite prevention only, and four (1%) for other choices. Travellers choosing chemoprophylaxis justified their choice for security reasons (42%), better preventive action (29%), higher efficacy (15%) and easiness (15%). The reasons for choosing stand-by treatment or bite prevention only were less medication consumed (29%), less adverse drug reactions (23%) and lower price (9%). Those who chose chemoprophylaxis were more likely to have used it in the past (OR = 3.0 (CI 1.7-5.44)), but were not different in terms of demographic, travel characteristics or risk behaviour. CONCLUSIONS: When travelling to moderate- to low-risk malaria areas, 85% of interviewees chose not to take chemoprophylaxis as malaria prevention, although most guidelines recommend it. They had coherent reasons for their choice. New recommendations should include shared decision-making to take into account travellers' preferences.
Several studies contributed to improving the diagnostic and prognostic assessment of delirium in hospitalized older patients. Direct patient education proved efficient in benzodiazepines withdrawal. A position statement of the American Geriatrics Society does not recommend tube feeding when eating difficulties arise in older persons suffering from advanced dementia. Several studies emphasized once again the potential importance of preventative interventions (in particular physical activity) to prevent or delay dementia occurrence. Two randomized controlled trials of monoclonal antibodies that bind amyloid did not show benefit in patients with mild-to-moderate Alzheimer's dementia (AD). In contrast, vitamin E reduced functional decline in these patients, and citalopram reduced agitation among AD patients as well as their caregiver's stress.
The international scientific community points to the need to include contents on prevention and early detection of gender violence in initial teacher training and provides guidance to ensure their quality. Many of these studies highlight the role played by teachers in the domestic context. Scientific literature also provides guidance to train teachers in the intervention and coordination with the various professionals and stakeholders in working with children, adolescents and women. Domestic violence is a social problem and the intervention of the whole community is key for its prevention and early detection. Some schools are already promoting this model of communitarian and dialogic work.
Background Mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (MTLE) is the most common type of focal epilepsy in adults and can be successfully cured by surgery. One of the main complications of this surgery however is a decline in language abilities. The magnitude of this decline is related to the degree of language lateralization to the left hemisphere. Most fMRI paradigms used to determine language dominance in epileptic populations have used active language tasks. Sometimes, these paradigms are too complex and may result in patient underperformance. Only a few studies have used purely passive tasks, such as listening to standard speech. Methods In the present study we characterized language lateralization in patients with MTLE using a rapid and passive semantic language task. We used functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) to study 23 patients [12 with Left (LMTLE), 11 with Right mesial temporal lobe epilepsy (RMTLE)] and 19 healthy right-handed controls using a 6 minute long semantic task in which subjects passively listened to groups of sentences (SEN) and pseudo sentences (PSEN). A lateralization index (LI) was computed using a priori regions of interest of the temporal lobe. Results The LI for the significant contrasts produced activations for all participants in both temporal lobes. 81.8% of RMTLE patients and 79% of healthy individuals had a bilateral language representation for this particular task. However, 50% of LMTLE patients presented an atypical right hemispheric dominance in the LI. More importantly, the degree of right lateralization in LMTLE patients was correlated with the age of epilepsy onset. Conclusions The simple, rapid, non-collaboration dependent, passive task described in this study, produces a robust activation in the temporal lobe in both patients and controls and is capable of illustrating a pattern of atypical language organization for LMTLE patients. Furthermore, we observed that the atypical right-lateralization patterns in LMTLE patients was associated to earlier age at epilepsy onset. These results are in line with the idea that early onset of epileptic activity is associated to larger neuroplastic changes.
The effects of dark-induced stress on the evolution of the soluble metabolites present in senescent soybean (Glycine max L.) nodules were analysed in vitro using C-13- and P-31-NMR spectroscopy. Sucrose and trehalose were the predominant soluble storage carbons. During dark-induced stress, a decline in sugars and some key glycolytic metabolites was observed. Whereas 84% of the sucrose disappeared, only one-half of the trehalose was utilised. This decline coincides with the depletion of Gln, Asn, Ala and with an accumulation of ureides, which reflect a huge reduction of the N-2 fixation. Concomitantly, phosphodiesters and compounds like P-choline, a good marker of membrane phospholipids hydrolysis and cell autophagy, accumulated in the nodules. An autophagic process was confirmed by the decrease in cell fatty acid content. In addition, a slight increase in unsaturated fatty acids (oleic and linoleic acids) was observed, probably as a response to peroxidation reactions. Electron microscopy analysis revealed that, despite membranes dismantling, most of the bacteroids seem to be structurally intact. Taken together, our results show that the carbohydrate starvation induced in soybean by dark stress triggers a profound metabolic and structural rearrangement in the infected cells of soybean nodule which is representative of symbiotic cessation.
Regular aerobic exercise training, which is touted as a way to ameliorate metabolic diseases, increases aerobic capacity. Aerobic capacity usually declines with advanced age. The decline in aerobic capacity is typically associated by a decrease in the quality of skeletal muscle. At the molecular level, this decreased quality comes in part from perturbations in skeletal muscle mitochondria. Of particular is a decrease in the total amount of mitochondria that occupy the skeletal muscle volume. What is not well established is if this decrease in mitochondrial content is due to inactive lifestyle or the process of aging. Herein, the work of the thesis shows a clear connection between mitochondrial content and aerobic capacity. This indicates that active individuals with higher VChmax levels also contain higher volumes of mitochondria inside their muscle as opposed to sedentary counterparts who have lower levels of mitochondrial content. Upon taking these previously sedentary individuals and entering them into an aerobic exercise intervention, they are able to recover their mitochondrial content as well as function to similar levels of lifelong athletes of the same age. Furthermore, the results of this thesis show that mitochondrial content and function also correlate with exercise efficiency. If one is more efficient, he/she is able to expend less energy for a similar power output. Furthermore, individuals who increase in efficiency also increase in the ability to oxidize and utilize fat during pro-longed exercise. This increased reliance on fat after the intervention is associated with an increased amount of mitochondria, particularly in the intermyofibrillar region of skeletal muscle. Therefore, elderly adults who were once sedentary were able to recover mitochondrial content and function and are able to reap other health benefits from regular aerobic exercise training. Aging per se does not seem to be the culprit that will lead to metabolic diseases but rather it seems to be a lack of physical activity. -- Un entraînement sportif d'endurance, connu pour réduire le risque de développer des maladies métaboliques, augmente notre capacité aérobie. La capacité aérobie diminue généralement avec l'âge. Ce déclin est typiquement associé d'une diminution de la qualité du muscle squelettique. Au niveau moléculaire, cette diminution est due à des perturbations dans les mitochondries du muscle squelettique,, ce qui conduit à une diminution de la quantité totale des mitochondries présentes dans le muscle squelettique. Il n'a pas encore été établi si cette diminution de la teneur mitochondriale est due à un mode de vie sédentaire ou au processus du vieillissement. Ce travail de thèse montre un lien clair entre le contenu mitochondrial et la capacité aérobie. Il indique que des personnes âgées actives, avec des niveaux de V02max plus élevés, possèdent également un volume plus élevé de mitochondries dans leurs muscles en comparaison à leurs homologues sédentaires. En prenant des individus sédentaires et leur faisant pratiquer une activité physique aérobie, il est possible d'accroître leur contenu de même que leur fonction mitochondriale à des niveaux similaires à ceux d'athlètes du même âge ayant pratiqué une activité physique tout au long de leur vie. De plus, les résultats de ce travail démontrent que le contenu et la fonction mitochondriale sont en corrélation avec l'efficiscience lors d'exercice physique. En agumentant l'effiscience, les personnes sont alors capables de dépenser moins d'énergie pour une puissance d'exercice similaire. Donc, un volume mitochondrial accru dans le muscle squelettique, associé à une fonction mitochondriale améliorée, est associté à une augmentation de l'effiscience. En outre, les personnes qui augmentent leur effiscience, augmentent aussi leur capacité à oxyder les graisses durant l'exercice prolongé. Une augmentation du recours au graisses après l'intervention est associée à une quantité accrue de mitochondries, en particulier dans la région inter-myofibrillaire du muscle squelettique. Par conséquent, les personnes âgées autrefois sédentaires sont en mesure de récupérer leur contenu et leur fonction mitochondriale ainsi que d'autres avantages pour la santé grâce à un entraînement aérobie régulier. Le vieillissement en soi ne semble donc pas être le coupable conduisant aux maladies métaboliques qui semblent plutôt être lié à un manque d'activité physique.
In the past four decades, women have made major inroads into occupations previously dominated by men. This paper examines whether occupational feminization is accompanied by a decline in wages: Do workers suffer a wage penalty if they remain in, or move into, feminizing occupations? We analyze this question over the 1990s and 2000s in Britain, Germany, and Switzerland, using longitudinal panel data to estimate individual fixed effects for men and women. Moving from an entirely male to an entirely female occupation entails a loss in individual earnings of 13 percent in Britain, 7 percent in Switzerland, and 3 percent in Germany. The impact of occupational feminization on wages is not linear, but sets apart occupations holding more than 60 percent of women. Moving into such female occupations incurs a wage penalty. Contrary to the prevailing idea in economics, differences in productivity-human capital, job-specific skills, and time investment-do not fully explain the wage gap between male and female occupations. The wage penalty associated with working in a female occupation is also much larger where employer discretion is greater-in the private sector-than where wagesetting is guided by formal rules-the public sector. These findings suggest that wage disparities across male and female occupations are due to gender devaluation.
Madagascar is renowned for the loss of the forested habitat of lemurs and other species endemic to the island. Less well known is that in the highlands, a region often described as an environmental "basket-case" of fire-degraded, eroded grasslands, woody cover has been increasing for decades. Using information derived from publically available high- and medium-resolution satellites, this study characterizes tree cover dynamics in the highlands of Madagascar over the past two decades. Our results reveal heterogeneous patterns of increased tree cover on smallholder farms and village lands, spurred by a mix of endogenous and exogenous forces. The new trees play important roles in rural livelihoods, providing renewable supplies of firewood, charcoal, timber and other products and services, as well as defensible claims to land tenure in the context of a decline in the use of hillside commons for grazing. This study documents this nascent forest transition through Land Change Science techniques, and provides a prologue to political ecological analysis by setting these changes in their social and environmental context and interrogating the costs and benefits of the shift in rural livelihood strategies.
Previous studies have shown that over 40% of babies with Down syndrome have a major cardiac anomaly and are more likely to have other major congenital anomalies. Since 2000, many countries in Europe have introduced national antenatal screening programs for Down syndrome. This study aimed to determine if the introduction of these screening programs and the subsequent termination of prenatally detected pregnancies were associated with any decline in the prevalence of additional anomalies in babies born with Down syndrome. The study sample consisted of 7,044 live births and fetal deaths with Down syndrome registered in 28 European population-based congenital anomaly registries covering seven million births during 2000-2010. Overall, 43.6% (95% CI: 42.4-44.7%) of births with Down syndrome had a cardiac anomaly and 15.0% (14.2-15.8%) had a non-cardiac anomaly. Female babies with Down syndrome were significantly more likely to have a cardiac anomaly compared to male babies (47.6% compared with 40.4%, P < 0.001) and significantly less likely to have a non-cardiac anomaly (12.9% compared with 16.7%, P < 0.001). The prevalence of cardiac and non-cardiac congenital anomalies in babies with Down syndrome has remained constant, suggesting that population screening for Down syndrome and subsequent terminations has not influenced the prevalence of specific congenital anomalies in these babies.
Many studies indicate a crucial role for the vitamin B12 and folate-dependent enzyme methionine synthase (MS) in brain development and function, but vitamin B12 status in the brain across the lifespan has not been previously investigated. Vitamin B12 (cobalamin, Cbl) exists in multiple forms, including methylcobalamin (MeCbl) and adenosylcobalamin (AdoCbl), serving as cofactors for MS and methylmalonylCoA mutase, respectively. We measured levels of five Cbl species in postmortem human frontal cortex of 43 control subjects, from 19 weeks of fetal development through 80 years of age, and 12 autistic and 9 schizophrenic subjects. Total Cbl was significantly lower in older control subjects (> 60 yrs of age), primarily reflecting a >10-fold age-dependent decline in the level of MeCbl. Levels of inactive cyanocobalamin (CNCbl) were remarkably higher in fetal brain samples. In both autistic and schizophrenic subjects MeCbl and AdoCbl levels were more than 3-fold lower than age-matched controls. In autistic subjects lower MeCbl was associated with decreased MS activity and elevated levels of its substrate homocysteine (HCY). Low levels of the antioxidant glutathione (GSH) have been linked to both autism and schizophrenia, and both total Cbl and MeCbl levels were decreased in glutamate-cysteine ligase modulatory subunit knockout (GCLM-KO) mice, which exhibit low GSH levels. Thus our findings reveal a previously unrecognized decrease in brain vitamin B12 status across the lifespan that may reflect an adaptation to increasing antioxidant demand, while accelerated deficits due to GSH deficiency may contribute to neurodevelopmental and neuropsychiatric disorders.
Le corps humain emploie le glucose comme source principale d'énergie. L'insuline, sécrétée par les cellules ß-pancreatiques situées dans les îlots de Langerhans, est l'hormone principale assurant un maintien constant du taux de glucose sanguin (glycémie). Les prédispositions génétiques, le manque d'activité physique et un régime déséquilibré peuvent entraîner une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline et des taux de glucose dans le sang élevé (hyperglycémie), une condition nommée diabète de type 2. Cette maladie est initiée par une sensibilité diminuée à l'insuline dans les tissus périphériques, entraînant une demande accrue en insuline. Cette pression continue finie par épuiser les cellules ß-pancreatiques, qui sécrètent alors des niveaux d'insuline insuffisant en trainant l'apparition du diabète. Le vieillissement est un facteur de risque important pour les maladies métaboliques dont le diabète de type 2 faits partis. En effet la majeure partie des diabétiques de type 2 ont plus de 45 ans. Il est connu que le vieillissement entraine une perte de sensibilité à l'insuline, une sécrétion altérée d'insuline, une baisse de réplication et une plus grande mort des ß-cellules pancréatiques. Le but de ma thèse était de mieux comprendre les mécanismes contribuante au dysfonctionnement des cellules ß- pancréatiques lors du vieillissement. Les travaux du « Human Genome Project » ont révélés que seulement 2% de notre génome code pour des protéines. Le reste non-codant fut alors désigné sous le nom de « ADN déchets ». Cependant, l'étude approfondie de cet ADN non-codant ces dernières deux décennies a démontré qu'une grande partie code pour des «MicroARNs », des ARNs courts (20-22 nucleotides) découverts en 1997 chez le vers C.elegans. Depuis lors ces molécules ont été intensivement étudiées, révélant un rôle crucial de ces molécules dans la fonction et la survie des cellules en conditions normales et pathologiques. Le but de cette thèse était d'étudier le rôle des microARNs dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules ß lors du vieillissement. Nos données suggèrent qu'ils peuvent jouer un rôle tantôt salutaire, tantôt nocif sur les cellules ß. Par exemple, certains microARNs réduisent la capacité des cellules ß à se multiplier ou réduisent leur survie, alors que d'autres protègent ces cellules contre la mort. Pour conclure, nous avons démontré les microARNs jouent un rôle important dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules ß lors du vieillissement. Ces nouvelles découvertes préparent le terrain pour la conception de futures stratégies visant à améliorer la résistance des cellules ß pancréatiques afin de trouver de nouveaux traitements du diabète de type 2. -- Le diabète de type 2 est une maladie métabolique due à la résistance à l'action de l'insuline des tissus cibles combinée à l'incapacité des cellules ß pancréatiques à sécréter les niveaux adéquats d'insuline. Le vieillissement est associé à un déclin global des fonctions de l'organisme incluant une diminution de la fonction et du renouvellement des cellules ß pancréatiques. Il constitue ainsi un risque majeur de développement des maladies métaboliques dont le diabète de type 2. Le but de cette thèse était d'étudier le rôle des microARNs (une classe d'ARN non- codants) dans le dysfonctionnement lié au vieillissement des cellules ß. L'analyse par microarray des niveaux d'expression des microARN dans les îlots pancréatiques de rats Wistar mâles âgés de 3 et 12 mois nous a permis d'identifier de nombreux changements d'expression de microARNs associés au vieillissement. Afin d'étudier les liens entre ces modifications et le déclin des cellules ß, les changements observés lors du vieillissement ont été reproduits spécifiquement dans une lignée cellulaire, dans des cellules ß primaires de jeune rats ou de donneurs humains sains. La diminution du miR-181a réduit la prolifération des cellules ß, tandis que la diminution du miR-130b ou l'augmentation du miR-383 protège contre l'apoptose induite par les cytokines. L'augmentation du miR-34a induit l'apoptose et inhibe la prolifération des cellules ß en réponse aux hormones Exendin-4 et prolactine et au facteur de croissance PDGF-AA. Cette perte de capacité réplicative est similaire à celle observée dans des cellules ß de rats âgés de 12 mois. Dans la littérature, la perte du récepteur au PDGF-r-a est associée à la diminution de la capacité proliférative des cellules ß observée lors du vieillissement. Nous avons pu démontrer que PDGF-r-a est une cible directe de miR- 34a, suggérant que l'effet néfaste de miR-34a sur la prolifération des cellules ß est, du moins en partie, lié à l'inhibition de l'expression de PDGF-r-a. L'expression de ce miR est aussi plus élevée dans le foie et le cerveau des animaux de 1 an et augmente avec l'âge dans les ilôts de donneurs non-diabétiques. Ces résultats suggèrent que miR-34a pourrait être non seulement impliqué dans l'affaiblissement des fonctions pancréatiques associé à l'âge, mais également jouer un rôle dans les tissus cibles de l'insuline et ainsi contribuer au vieillissement de l'organisme en général. Pour conclure, les travaux obtenus durant cette thèse suggèrent que des microARNs sont impliqués dans le dysfonctionnement des cellules ß pancréatiques durant le vieillissement. -- Type 2 diabetes is a metabolic disease characterized by impaired glucose tolerance, of the insulin sensitive tissues and insufficient insulin secretion from the pancreatic ß-cells to sustain the organism demand. Aging is a risk factor for the majority of the metabolic diseases including type 2 diabetes. With aging is observed a decline in all body function, due to decrease both in cell efficiency and renewal. The aim of this thesis was to investigate the potential role of microRNAs (short non- coding RNAs) in the pancreatic ß-cell dysfunction associated with aging. Microarray analysis of microRNA expression profile in pancreatic islets from 3 and 12 month old Wistar male rats revealed important changes in several microRNAs. To further study the link between those alterations and the decline of ß-cells, the changes observed in old rats were mimicked in immortalized ß-cell lines, primary young rat and human islets. Downregulation of miR-181a inhibited pancreatic ß-cell proliferation in response to proliferative drugs, whereas downregulation of miR-130b and upregulation of miR-383 protected pancreatic ß-cells from cytokine stimulated apoptosis. Interestingly, miR-34a augmented pancreatic ß-cell apoptosis and inhibited ß-cell proliferation in response to the proliferative chemicals Exendin-4, prolactin and PDGF-AA. This loss of replicative capacity is reminiscent of what we observed in pancreatic ß-cells isolated from 12 month old rats. We further observed a correlation between the inhibitory effect of miR-34a on pancreatic ß-cell proliferation and its direct interfering effect of this microRNA on PDGF-r-a, which was previously reported to be involved in the age-associated decline of pancreatic ß-cell proliferation. Interestingly miR-34a was upregulated in the liver and brain of 1 year old animals and positively correlated with age in pancreatic islets of normoglycemic human donors. These results suggest that miR-34a might be not only involved in the age-associated impairment of the pancreatic ß-cell functions, but also play a role in insulin target tissues and contribute to the aging phenotype on the organism level. To conclude, we have demonstrated that microRNAs are indeed involved in the age-associated pancreatic ß-cell dysfunction and they can play both beneficial and harmful roles in the context of pancreatic ß-cell aging.