885 resultados para Dalton


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Despite the wealth of material related to China in Victorian and Edwardian children’s literature, relatively few scholarly works have been published on the subject. Critics who have discussed the topic have tended to emphasize the negative discourse and stereotypical images of the Chinese in late nineteenth-century children’s literature. I use the case of William Dalton’s The Wolf Boy of China (1857), one of the earliest full-length Victorian children’s novels set in China, to complicate previous generalizations about negative representations of China and the Chinese and to highlight the unpredictable nature of child readers’ reactions to a text. First, in order to trace the complicated process of how information about the country was disseminated, edited, framed, and translated before reaching Victorian and Edwardian readers, I analyse how Dalton wove fragments from his reading of a large archive of texts on China into his novel.
Although Dalton may have preserved and transmitted some ‘factual’ information about China from his sources, he also transformed material that he read in innovative ways. These are reflected in the more subversive and radical parts of the novel, which are discussed in the second part of the essay. In the final section, I provide examples of historical readers of The Wolf Boy of China to challenge the notion that children passively accept the imperialist messages in books of empire.


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The move by the Medical Board of Australia to commence a conversation with the medical profession about revalidation reflects that patient-centred care is at the heart of good medical practice. Patients judge their doctors' commitment to them based on whether their individual interactions with doctors meet their needs. We argue that ensuring that doctors are continuing to perform at a level that the community regards as acceptable is a demonstration of an individual doctor's professionalism and thus their commitment to patient-centred care. This impacts on the profession as a whole, which needs to commit to what we call 'demonstrable professionalism' - the ongoing and active demonstration of performance that the community regards as acceptable. This needs to be supported by organisations in which doctors work, reflecting the importance of organisational context to clinical practice. Revalidation processes thus need both to reflect the work of doctors and be meaningful to the community. The move to consider revalidation of doctors by regulatory authorities should not be seen by the profession as a threat, but more as an opportunity to demonstrate the profession's commitment to patient-centred care


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BACKGROUND: Falls among older people are of growing concern globally. Implementing cost-effective strategies for their prevention is of utmost importance given the ageing population and associated potential for increased costs of fall-related injury over the next decades. The purpose of this study was to undertake a cost-utility analysis and secondary cost-effectiveness analysis from a healthcare system perspective, of a group-based exercise program compared to routine care for falls prevention in an older community-dwelling population.

METHODS: A decision analysis using a decision tree model was based on the results of a previously published randomised controlled trial with a community-dwelling population aged over 70. Measures of falls, fall-related injuries and resource use were directly obtained from trial data and supplemented by literature-based utility measures. A sub-group analysis was performed of women only. Cost estimates are reported in 2010 British Pound Sterling (GBP).

RESULTS: The ICER of GBP£51,483 per QALY for the base case analysis was well above the accepted cost-effectiveness threshold of GBP£20,000 to £30,000 per QALY, but in a sensitivity analysis with minimised program implementation the incremental cost reached GBP£25,678 per QALY. The ICER value at 95% confidence in the base case analysis was GBP£99,664 per QALY and GBP£50,549 per QALY in the lower cost analysis. Males had a 44% lower injury rate if they fell, compared to females resulting in a more favourable ICER for the women only analysis. For women only the ICER was GBP£22,986 per QALY in the base case and was below the cost-effectiveness threshold for all other variations of program implementation. The ICER value at 95% confidence was GBP£48,212 in the women only base case analysis and GBP£23,645 in the lower cost analysis. The base case incremental cost per fall averted was GBP£652 (GBP£616 for women only). A threshold analysis indicates that this exercise program cannot realistically break even.

CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that this exercise program is cost-effective for women only. There is no evidence to support its cost-effectiveness in a group of mixed gender unless the costs of program implementation are minimal. Conservative assumptions may have underestimated the true cost-effectiveness of the program.


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A presente pesquisa analisa o processo de escolha dos empresários de pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras em relação ao financiamento do crescimento, com ênfase na modalidade capital de risco. A pesquisa foi desenvolvida em duas partes. A primeira avaliou o ciclo financeiro das empresas, os elementos teóricos influentes nas decisões de relação dívidacapital das empresas e teorias relacionadas à agregação de valor do instrumento de capital de risco. A segunda parte consistiu em uma pesquisa de campo com 25 empresários de pequenas e médias empresas brasileiras. Essa pesquisa foi realizada através de um questionário com 43 perguntas, que objetivavam analisar os aspectos de maior importância e maior impacto na decisão de financiamento das empresas e a visão do empresário acerca de elementos do processo de financiamento, como sua percepção em relação aos riscos, custo do capital e associação. O cruzamento dos elementos teóricos com os resultados da pesquisa apresentou resultados significativos. Foi constatado que os empresários optam por financiamento através de dívida para lidar com a hipótese de crescimento da empresa e consolidação da reputação corporativa. Além disso, o custo da captação foi apontado como o elemento mais representativo na escolha da modalidade de financiamento. Nesse sentido, os empresários evidenciam problemas de Assimetria Informacional ao apontarem como desvantagens do instrumento de capital de risco elementos relacionados à governança corporativa, como o potencial engessamento da gestão e monitoramento. Por outro lado, as principais vantagens do capital de risco percebidas pelos empresários foram apoio estratégico do investidor, impulso pela profissionalização da empresa e reputação trazida pelo investidor.


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Analisamos a previsibilidade dos retornos mensais de ativos no mercado brasileiro em um período de 10 anos desde o início do plano Real. Para analisarmos a variação cross-section dos retornos e explicarmos estes retornos em função de prêmios de risco variantes no tempo, condicionados a variáveis de estado macroeconômicas, utilizamos um novo modelo de apreçamento de ativos, combinando dois diferentes tipos de modelos econômicos, um modelo de finanças - condicional e multifatorial, e um modelo estritamente macroeconômico do tipo Vector Auto Regressive. Verificamos que o modelo com betas condicionais não explica adequadamente os retornos dos ativos, porém o modelo com os prêmios de risco (e não os betas) condicionais, produz resultados com interpretação econômica e estatisticamente satis fatórios


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Lets imagine how should be fine to disclose a new measure form to investigate the businessman performance as if the job done is bringing back to the stockholder, the best results. Also, would be better to exists an executive compensation, by his add value created to the stockholder.The word ¿add value¿ is at the summit point on the financial world, all the companies are involved on creating add value" into the assets.So, the EVA (Economic Value Added) has come, a patented trade mark by a consulting corporation company, the Stern & Stewart Co. as a new indicator of companies performances.This assignment has motivated to running out na empirical research in order to find out the right methodology its qualitys and its differentials."