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Activation of individual CD4+ T cells results in differential lymphokine expression: interleukin 2 (IL-2) is preferentially produced by T helper type 1 (TH1) cells, which are involved in cell-mediated immune responses, whereas IL-4 is synthesized by TH2 cells, which are essential for humoral immunity. The Ca(2+)-dependent factor NF-ATp plays a key role in the inducible transcription of both these lymphokine genes. However, while IL2 expression requires the contribution of Ca(2+)- and protein kinase C-dependent signals, we report that activation of human IL4 transcription through the Ca(2+)-dependent pathway is diminished by protein kinase C stimulation in Jurkat T cells. This phenomenon is due to mutually exclusive binding of NF-ATp and NF-kappa B to the P sequence, an element located 69 bp upstream of the IL4 transcription initiation site. Human IL4 promoter-mediated transcription is downregulated in Jurkat cells stimulated with the NF-kappa B-activating cytokine tumor necrosis factor alpha and suppressed in RelA-overexpressing cells. In contrast, protein kinase C stimulation or RelA overexpression does not affect the activity of a human IL4 promoter containing a mouse P sequence, which is a higher-affinity site for NF-ATp and a lower-affinity site for RelA. Thus, competition between two general transcriptional activators, RelA and NF-ATp, mediates the inhibitory effect of protein kinase C stimulation on IL4 expression and may contribute to differential gene expression in TH cells.


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Nerve growth factor-induced differentiation of adrenal chromaffin PC-12 cells to a neuronal phenotype involves alterations in gene expression and represents a model system to study neuronal differentiation. We have used the expressed-sequence-tag approach to identify approximately 600 differentially expressed mRNAs in untreated and nerve growth factor-treated PC-12 cells that encode proteins with diverse structural and biochemical functions. Many of these mRNAs encode proteins belonging to cellular pathways not previously known to be regulated by nerve growth factor. Comparative expressed-sequence-tag analysis provides a basis for surveying global changes in gene-expression patterns in response to biological signals at an unprecedented scale, is a powerful tool for identifying potential interactions between different cellular pathways, and allows the gene-expression profiles of individual genes belonging to a particular pathway to be followed.


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Elucidating the relevant genomic changes mediating development and evolution of prostate cancer is paramount for effective diagnosis and therapy. A putative dominant-acting nude mouse prostatic carcinoma tumor-inducing gene, PTI-1, has been cloned that is expressed in patient-derived human prostatic carcinomas but not in benign prostatic hypertrophy or normal prostate tissue. PTI-1 was detected by cotransfecting human prostate carcinoma DNA into CREF-Trans 6 cells, inducing tumors in nude mice, and isolating genes displaying increased expression in tumor-derived cells by using differential RNA display (DD). Screening a human prostatic carcinoma (LNCaP) cDNA library with a 214-bp DNA fragment found by DD permitted the cloning of a full-length 2.0-kb PTI-1 cDNA. Sequence analysis indicates that PTI-1 is a gene containing a 630-bp 5' sequence and a 3' sequence homologous to a truncated and mutated form of human elongation factor 1 alpha. In vitro translation demonstrates that the PTI-1 cDNA encodes a predominant approximately 46-kDa protein. Probing Northern blots with a DNA fragment corresponding to the 5' region of PTI-1 identifies multiple PTI-1 transcripts in RNAs from human carcinoma cell lines derived from the prostate, lung, breast, and colon. In contrast, PTI-1 RNA is not detected in human melanoma, neuroblastoma, osteosarcoma, normal cerebellum, or glioblastoma multiforme cell lines. By using a pair of primers recognizing a 280-bp region within the 630-bp 5' PTI-1 sequence, reverse transcription-PCR detects PTI-1 expression in patient-derived prostate carcinomas but not in normal prostate or benign hypertrophic prostate tissue. In contrast, reverse transcription-PCR detects prostate-specific antigen expression in all of the prostate tissues. These results indicate that PTI-1 may be a member of a class of oncogenes that could affect protein translation and contribute to carcinoma development in human prostate and other tissues. The approaches used, rapid expression cloning with the CREF-Trans 6 system and the DD strategy, should prove widely applicable for identifying and cloning additional human oncogenes.


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The influence of a synthetic retroviral peptide, CKS-17, on T helper type 1 (Th1)- or Th2-related cytokines was investigated in human blood mononuclear cells. Cells were stimulated with staphylococcal enterotoxin A, anti-CD3 plus anti-CD28 monoclonal antibodies, or lipopolysaccharide to induce cytokine mRNA. mRNA was detected by a reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction or Northern blot analysis. CKS-17 down-regulated stimulant-induced mRNA accumulation for interferon gamma (IFN-gamma), interleukin (IL)-2, and p40 heavy and p35 light chains of IL-12, a cytokine that mediates development of Th1 response. CKS-17 up-regulated stimulant-induced mRNA accumulation of IL-10 and did not suppress Th2-related cytokine (IL-4, IL-5, IL-6, or IL-13) mRNA expression. A reverse sequence of CKS-17 peptide, used as a control, showed no such action. Anti-human IL-10 monoclonal antibody blocked ability of CKS-17 to inhibit mRNA accumulation for IFN-gamma but not the CKS-17 suppressive activity of IL-12 p40 heavy chain mRNA. Thus, CKS-17-mediated suppression of IFN-gamma mRNA expression is dependent upon augmentation of IL-10 production by CKS-17. This conserved component of several retroviral envelope proteins, CKS-17, may act as an immunomodulatory epitope responsible for cytokine dysregulation that leads to suppression of cellular immunity.


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Motivation: An important problem in microarray experiments is the detection of genes that are differentially expressed in a given number of classes. We provide a straightforward and easily implemented method for estimating the posterior probability that an individual gene is null. The problem can be expressed in a two-component mixture framework, using an empirical Bayes approach. Current methods of implementing this approach either have some limitations due to the minimal assumptions made or with more specific assumptions are computationally intensive. Results: By converting to a z-score the value of the test statistic used to test the significance of each gene, we propose a simple two-component normal mixture that models adequately the distribution of this score. The usefulness of our approach is demonstrated on three real datasets.


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In many instances, kidney dysgenesis results as a secondary consequence to defects in the development of the ureter. Through the use of mouse genetics a number of genes associated with such malformations have been identified, however, the cause of many other abnormalities remain unknown. In order to identify novel genes involved in ureter development we compared gene expression in embryonic day (E) 12.5, E15.5 and postnatal day (P) 75 ureters using the Compugen mouse long oligo microarrays. A total of 248 genes were dynamically upregulated and 208 downregulated between E12.5 and P75. At E12.5, when the mouse ureter is comprised of a simple cuboidal epithelium surrounded by ureteric mesenchyme, genes previously reported to be expressed in the ureteric mesenchyme, foxC1 and foxC2 were upregulated. By E15.5 the epithelial layer develops into urothelium, impermeable to urine, and smooth muscle develops for the peristaltic movement of urine towards the bladder. The development of these two cell types coincided with the upregulation of UPIIIa, RAB27b and PPAR gamma reported to be expressed in the urothelium, and several muscle genes, Acta1, Tnnt2, Myocd, and Tpm2. In situ hybridization identified several novel genes with spatial expression within the smooth muscle, Acta1; ureteric mesenchyme and smooth muscle, Thbs2 and Co15a2; and urothelium, Kcnj8 and Adh1. This study marks the first known report defining global gene expression of the developing mouse ureter and will provide insight into the molecular mechanisms underlying kidney and lower urinary tract malformations. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Conifers are resistant to attack from a large number of potential herbivores or pathogens. Previous molecular and biochemical characterization of selected conifer defence systems support a model of multigenic, constitutive and induced defences that act on invading insects via physical, chemical, biochemical or ecological (multitrophic) mechanisms. However, the genomic foundation of the complex defence and resistance mechanisms of conifers is largely unknown. As part of a genomics strategy to characterize inducible defences and possible resistance mechanisms of conifers against insect herbivory, we developed a cDNA microarray building upon a new spruce (Picea spp.) expressed sequence tag resource. This first-generation spruce cDNA microarray contains 9720 cDNA elements representing c. 5500 unique genes. We used this array to monitor gene expression in Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) bark in response to herbivory by white pine weevils (Pissodes strobi, Curculionidae) or wounding, and in young shoot tips in response to western spruce budworm (Choristoneura occidentalis, Lepidopterae) feeding. Weevils are stem-boring insects that feed on phloem, while budworms are foliage feeding larvae that consume needles and young shoot tips. Both insect species and wounding treatment caused substantial changes of the host plant transcriptome detected in each case by differential gene expression of several thousand array elements at 1 or 2 d after the onset of treatment. Overall, there was considerable overlap among differentially expressed gene sets from these three stress treatments. Functional classification of the induced transcripts revealed genes with roles in general plant defence, octadecanoid and ethylene signalling, transport, secondary metabolism, and transcriptional regulation. Several genes involved in primary metabolic processes such as photosynthesis were down-regulated upon insect feeding or wounding, fitting with the concept of dynamic resource allocation in plant defence. Refined expression analysis using gene-specific primers and real-time PCR for selected transcripts was in agreement with microarray results for most genes tested. This study provides the first large-scale survey of insect-induced defence transcripts in a gymnosperm and provides a platform for functional investigation of plant-insect interactions in spruce. Induction of spruce genes of octadecanoid and ethylene signalling, terpenoid biosynthesis, and phenolic secondary metabolism are discussed in more detail.


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Nuclear Factor Y (NF-Y) is a trimeric complex that binds to the CCAAT box, a ubiquitous eukaryotic promoter element. The three subunits NF-YA, NF-YB and NF-YC are represented by single genes in yeast and mammals. However, in model plant species (Arabidopsis and rice) multiple genes encode each subunit providing the impetus for the investigation of the NF-Y transcription factor family in wheat. A total of 37 NF-Y and Dr1 genes (10 NF-YA, 11 NF-YB, 14 NF-YC and 2 Dr1) in Triticum aestivum were identified in the global DNA databases by computational analysis in this study. Each of the wheat NF-Y subunit families could be further divided into 4-5 clades based on their conserved core region sequences. Several conserved motifs outside of the NF-Y core regions were also identified by comparison of NF-Y members from wheat, rice and Arabidopsis. Quantitative RT-PCR analysis revealed that some of the wheat NF-Y genes were expressed ubiquitously, while others were expressed in an organ-specific manner. In particular, each TaNF-Y subunit family had members that were expressed predominantly in the endosperm. The expression of nine NF-Y and two Dr1 genes in wheat leaves appeared to be responsive to drought stress. Three of these genes were up-regulated under drought conditions, indicating that these members of the NF-Y and Dr1 families are potentially involved in plant drought adaptation. The combined expression and phylogenetic analyses revealed that members within the same phylogenetic clade generally shared a similar expression profile. Organ-specific expression and differential response to drought indicate a plant-specific biological role for various members of this transcription factor family.


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Maximum-likelihood estimates of the parameters of stochastic differential equations are consistent and asymptotically efficient, but unfortunately difficult to obtain if a closed-form expression for the transitional probability density function of the process is not available. As a result, a large number of competing estimation procedures have been proposed. This article provides a critical evaluation of the various estimation techniques. Special attention is given to the ease of implementation and comparative performance of the procedures when estimating the parameters of the Cox–Ingersoll–Ross and Ornstein–Uhlenbeck equations respectively.


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Background: Biomineralization is a process encompassing all mineral containing tissues produced within an organism. One of the most dynamic examples of this process is the formation of the mollusk shell, comprising a variety of crystal phases and microstructures. The organic component incorporated within the shell is said to dictate this architecture. However general understanding of how this process is achieved remains ambiguous. The mantle is a conserved organ involved in shell formation throughout molluscs. Specifically the mantle is thought to be responsible for secreting the protein component of the shell. This study employs molecular approaches to determine the spatial expression of genes within the mantle tissue to further the elucidation of the shell biomineralization. Results: A microarray platform was custom generated (PmaxArray 1.0) from the pearl oyster Pinctada maxima. PmaxArray 1.0 consists of 4992 expressed sequence tags (ESTs) originating from mantle tissue. This microarray was used to analyze the spatial expression of ESTs throughout the mantle organ. The mantle was dissected into five discrete regions and analyzed for differential gene expression with PmaxArray 1.0. Over 2000 ESTs were determined to be differentially expressed among the tissue sections, identifying five major expression regions. In situ hybridization validated and further localized the expression for a subset of these ESTs. Comparative sequence similarity analysis of these ESTs revealed a number of the transcripts were novel while others showed significant sequence similarities to previously characterized shell related genes.


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Topographically and chemically modified titanium implants are recognized to have improved osteogenic properties; however, the molecular regulation of this process remains unknown. This study aimed to determine the microRNA profile and the potential regulation of osteogenic differentiation following early exposure of osteoprogenitor cells to sand-blasted, large-grit acid-etched (SLA) and hydrophilic SLA (modSLA) surfaces. Firstly, the osteogenic characteristics of the primary osteoprogenitor cells were confirmed using ALP activity and Alizarin Red S staining. The effect of smooth (SMO), SLA and modSLA surfaces on the TGF-β/BMP (BMP2, BMP6, ACVR1) and non-canonical WNT/Ca2+ (WNT5A, FZD6) pathways, as well as the integrins ITGB1 and ITGA2, was determined. It was revealed that the modified titanium surfaces could induce the activation of TGF-β/BMP and non-canonical WNT/Ca2+ signaling genes. The expression pattern of microRNAs (miRNAs) related to cell differentiation was evaluated. Statistical analysis of the differentially regulated miRNAs indicated that 35 and 32 miRNAs were down-regulated on the modSLA and SLA surfaces respectively, when compared with the smooth surface (SMO). Thirty-one miRNAs that were down-regulated were common to both modSLA and SLA. There were 10 miRNAs up-regulated on modSLA and nine on SLA surfaces, amongst which eight were the same as observed on modSLA. TargetScan predictions for the down-regulated miRNAs revealed genes of the TGF-β/BMP and non-canonical Ca2+ pathways as targets. This study demonstrated that modified titanium implant surfaces induce differential regulation of miRNAs, which potentially regulate the TGF-β/BMP and WNT/Ca2+ pathways during osteogenic differentiation on modified titanium implant surfaces.