667 resultados para Croup -- Thérapeutique


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Descreve-se um surto de tétano em búfalos da raça Murrah em uma propriedade situada no município de São Caetano de Odivelas, localizado na região metropolitana de Belém, estado do Pará. Do rebanho de 250 bubalinos, 80 animais foram vacinados contra raiva por via intramuscular na região da garupa. Em um período de 15 a 19 dias após a vacinação quatro animais adoeceram, um morreu com dois dias de evolução, um foi eutanasiado in extremis no sétimo dia após o início dos sinais clínicos e os demais se recuperaram após tratamento. Nos bubalinos, o primeiro sinal clínico observado foi o prolapso da terceira pálpebra, em especial quando o animal era estimulado, seguido por andar rígido, manifestado por dificuldade de flexão dos membros e permanência em decúbito lateral com os membros estendidos, pálpebras muito abertas, sialorréia, hiperexcitabilidade, orelhas eretas, leve trismo e acúmulo de alimento na cavidade oral. À necropsia foi evidenciada uma área de coloração amarelada com presença de exsudação purulenta na musculatura da região da garupa, local de aplicação da vacina. Ao exame histopatológico não foram evidenciadas alterações significativas. Em dois animais foi realizado tratamento com penicilina por via intramuscular e soro antitetânico por via intramuscular e sub-aracnóide; após duas semanas esses animais se recuperaram. Diante do quadro clínico, dos dados epidemiológicos e da ausência de lesões histológicas foi feito o diagnóstico de tétano. Concluiu-se que o tétano é uma doença a ser considerada na bubalinocultura no Brasil. A infecção, provavelmente ocorreu durante o procedimento de vacinação, através injeções intramusculares utilizando agulhas contaminadas.


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A investigação da Inserção do Psicólogo no Hospital Psiquiátrico Juliano Moreira se constitui em uma proposta de resgate do desenvolvimento da Psicologia no Estado do Pará, com o objetivo de analisar tal percurso histórico no período 1978 a 1984, situando a formação e atuação do Psicólogo, posicionando-o historicamente no âmbito da referida instituição de saúde mental e seus reflexos na atualidade. Pretendeu-se, por meio da análise de conteúdo, trazer à tona o trabalho terapêutico, no contexto da Inserção do Psicólogo, desenvolvido por meio do recurso da história oral a ser viabilizada a partir de entrevistas semi-estruturadas com cinco sujeitos ex-estagiários do Hospital Psiquiátrico Juliano Moreira. Os resultados mostram que a Praxiterapia foi a base do trabalho terapêutico utilizado por esses psicólogos naquela época, mas que com o tempo houve avanços que permitiram a eles se posicionarem profissional e politicamente, processo esse possibilitado pelo estudo, pelas lutas, pela consolidação de sua identidade, como também por melhores condições de trabalho e assistência aos pacientes. Concluiu-se que o presente trabalho foi além do percurso histórico da Inserção e do trabalho terapêutico do Psicólogo, considerando o caráter protagonista e mobilizador que residia nesse profissional em prol de melhores condições para o lugar que, na prática, o formou.


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Pós-graduação em Medicina Veterinária - FMVZ


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Records from 14,288 animals of the Mangalarga Marchador breed, born from 1990 to 2005, were used to discard morphofunctional traits in a principal component analysis. The following traits were used: height at withers, height at croup, lengths of head, neck, back, croup, hip length and body, widths of head, hip width, thorax perimeter, cannon bone circumference and gait score. For the traits considered it was observed that 7 principal components showed variation lower than 0.7; suggesting that seven variables could be discarded. The reason is that when variable are highly correlated with the principal components of smaller variance, their variation is practically insignificant. Based on those results the recommendation is to maintain the following traits for future research with this database: gait score, height at croup, length of back, length of croup, width of head and cannon bone circumference.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Several studies have highlighted the importance of the correlation between body size and body weight. The objective of this study was to characterize the morphological structure of New Zealand White rabbits, phenotypically correlating body shape traits with body weight. For this purpose, forty rabbits, weaned at 35 days of age, were distributed in a completely randomized experimental design, consisting of two treatments (female and male) with twenty replicates each. At 88 days of age, animals were weighed to determine body weight (B W), and then the following body measures were determined using a measuring tape: ventral perimeter, thoracic perimeter, wither height, croup height, ear length, and body length. Average BW was 2,220 g, and average body measures were 34.4 cm, 28.4 cm, 8.95 cm, 10.4 cm, 10.6 cm, and 36 cm respectively. No significcmt differences between sexes were found relative to the studied traits. There was no negative correlation between body measures and BW, and, except for body length, all measures were significantly correlated with BW, with ear length and ventral perimeter presenting the highest values.


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With highlighted sprint ability, the racing line is important segment within the Quarter Horses breed, with huge impact on agribusiness. Theseanimals have noted morphological differences when compared to other lines within the breed, especially for larger body size proportions.The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters forbody measurements traitsof the racing line of the Quarter Horses breed via Bayesian inference. Here,289 animals of both sexes, registered at brazilian association of breeders (ABQM), were used. The results showed high coefficient of heritability for body length (0.74) and back-loin lenght(0.61). The heritability coefficients for height at withersand croup length were moderate (0.44 and 0.47, respectively). High genetic correlation for body length and croup length and for body length and back-loins lengthwas also observed(0.80 and 0.76, respectively). Taking into account the estimates of heritability and genetic correlations between body measurement traits, the body length and height at withers traits proved to be appropriate to provide future researches that investigate the genetic correlation between body measurements and racing performance.


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With highlighted sprint ability, the racing line is important segment within the Quarter Horses breed, with huge impact on agribusiness. Theseanimals have noted morphological differences when compared to other lines within the breed, especially for larger body size proportions.The objective of this study was to estimate genetic parameters forbody measurements traitsof the racing line of the Quarter Horses breed via Bayesian inference. Here,289 animals of both sexes, registered at brazilian association of breeders (ABQM), were used. The results showed high coefficient of heritability for body length (0.74) and back-loin lenght(0.61). The heritability coefficients for height at withersand croup length were moderate (0.44 and 0.47, respectively). High genetic correlation for body length and croup length and for body length and back-loins lengthwas also observed(0.80 and 0.76, respectively). Taking into account the estimates of heritability and genetic correlations between body measurement traits, the body length and height at withers traits proved to be appropriate to provide future researches that investigate the genetic correlation between body measurements and racing performance. Keywords: Heritability, Correlation, Length, Heigth.


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Nebulized l-epinephrine has been recommended for the treatment of viral croup. However, the few studies assessing its effect on post-extubation stridor (PES) have shown conflicting results. We compared the efficacy and safety of nebulized l-epinephrine at three different doses for the treatment of PES. We conducted a prospective, randomized, double-blind trial including all consecutive children with a PES score of a parts per thousand yen4 (Westley score). The primary efficacy outcome was change in PES score at 40 min. A reduction of a parts per thousand yen2 points in stridor score was defined as clinically significant. A total of 96 patients were randomly assigned to receive one of three doses of nebulized l-epinephrine upon achieving a PES score of 4 or more following extubation. Stridor score and vital signs were recorded before treatment, and at 20, 40, 60 and 180 min after nebulization. Baseline characteristics were similar among all study groups. No significant difference was detected among the treatments based on change in Westley score by intent-to-treat analysis. In addition, the difference in the number of patients who clinically improved among the treatment groups was not significant (p = 0.54). Patients receiving 5 ml nebulized epinephrine had a significant increase of systolic and diastolic blood pressure at 40 and 180 min. Nebulized l-epinephrine at doses of 0.5, 2.5 and 5 ml demonstrated a lack of dose response in effect on PES and a modestly clinically significant increase in undesired side effects (heart rate and blood pressure) at higher doses.


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Ce mémoire propose la traduction de certains passages du livre « Per dieci minuti » de Chiara Gamberale. Ce roman raconte l’histoire de Chiara, une fille qui, pendant un période de troubles de sa vie où elle croit avoir perdu tous ses points de repère, décide d’essayer une thérapie-jeu: tous les jours, pendant dix minutes, elle doit faire quelque chose de nouveau, qu’elle n’a jamais expérimenté avant. Ce traitement thérapeutique s’inspire de la théorie des six exercices de Rudolf Steiner, un pédagogue autrichien qui décrit les six étapes fondamentales pour retrouver l’équilibre intérieur. D’un côté, ce mémoire veut souligner l’importance de se consacrer à la traduction d’un genre qui semble avoir de plus en plus du succès de nos jours: la littérature sur le développement personnel et le bien-être. De l’autre, il présente une analyse de l’histoire de la traduction, surtout en ce qui concerne la traduction des référents culturels, à travers une comparaison entre l’approche « normalisante » et l’approche « exotisante ». De plus, il traite le sujet épineux, puisque complexe et fascinant en même temps, des « intraduisibles », c’est-à-dire les implicites culturels. Il s’agit de mots pour lesquels il est impossible de trouver un équivalent direct dans les autres langues puisqu’ils décrivent les habitudes spécifiques d’une certaine communauté ou ils sont le fruit d’une vision spécifique et unique du monde de la part d’une culture. Moi-même, à travers cette traduction, j’ai dû me confronter avec toute une série de défis au niveau traductif , liés surtout au contexte culturel et au style de l’écrivain: j’ai traduit par exemple des parties en dialecte, des passages en rimes et j’ai dû même reproduire volontairement des erreurs de grammaire afin de m’adapter au registre linguistique de certains personnages.


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Smoking remains a major public health problem. It is associated with a considerable number of deaths in the world's population. Smoking is just like high blood pressure, an independent predictor of progression to any primary renal disease and renal transplant patients. It seems that smoking cessation slows the progression of kidney disease in smokers. The literature data are sometimes contradictory about it because of some methodological weaknesses. However, experimental models highlight the harmful effects of tobacco by hemodynamic and non-hemodynamic factors. The conclusion is that a major effort should be further produced by the nephrology community to motivate our patients to stop smoking.


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In recent years, a growing number of reports in the literature have linked osteonecrosis of the jaw bones with intravenously administered bisphosphonates prescribed for the treatment of hypercalcemia of malignancy due to bone lesions of multiple myeloma or bone metastases in patients with breast or prostate cancer. Furthermore, an association between chronic oral bisphosphonate use in patients with osteoporosis or Paget's disease, and bone necrosis in the mandible or maxilla has been demonstrated in numerous case reports and case series in the last couple of years. Therapeutically, osteonecrosis of the jaws seems to be difficult to treat surgically, often resulting in a recurring or even progressing lesion. In the present case report of a bisphosphonate-associated osteonecrosis of the maxilla in a patient with osteoporosis, the current literature will be discussed, and open research questions and potential problems for our daily dental practice routine will be addressed.