919 resultados para Cortisol metabolites


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Low protein diet and odour emissions in meat chickens


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Sponges are the most primitive of the multicellular, These organisms don’t have any mechanical defense system, so their early appearance in evolution has given them a lot of time for the development of advanced secondary metabolites as chemical defense system. Sponges have the potential to provide drugs from chemical components against diseases. In this investigation the sponge samples, which it is Ircina spp., were collected at depth of 15- 24 meter, from locations on the coastline of Island Kish in Persian Gulf of Iran. For identifying natural components, methanolic and diethyletter were used as extraction solvents, after removal of the solvents, the GC/MS spectra of the fraction were obtained. Then in vitro cytotoxic, antimicrobial and antifungal were identified. In vitro cytotoxity screening, by XTT assay, against KB/ C359 and HUT-56/ C365 cell line, was conducted in this study in 1 - 544 μg/ml. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 325 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 364 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 544 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 454 μg/ml in HUT-56. IC54 for winter diethyletter extract was 454 μg/ml, winter methanolic extract was 444 μg/ml, IC54 for summer diethyletter extract was 344 μg/ml, and summer methanolic extract was 424 μg/ml in KB. In vitro antimicrobial activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical gram-positives and gram negatives (Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus and Bacillus subtilis). The results conducted that the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC values of winter diethyletter extract for Escherichia coli 24mg/ml, the MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Staphylococcus aureus was 2mg/ml and 24mg/ml. The MIC and MBC values of winter diethyletter extract for Bacillus subtilis was 1.5 mg/ml and 2mg/ml. In vitro antifungal activity by Broth Dilution Methods against clinical pathogens; Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus. The results conducted that the aqueous extracts didn’t have any antifungal activities on pathogens, the MFC of the summer and winter diethyletter extract was 30 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic extract was 0722 mg/ml and 2 mg/ml A. fumigates, the summer and winter methanolic was 4/75mg/ml, MFC 5 mg/ml on C. albicans.


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Background: The emergence of multiple-drug resistance bacteria has become a major threat and thus calls for an urgent need to search for new effective and safe anti-bacterial agents. Objectives: This study aims to evaluate the anticancer and antibacterial activities of secondary metabolites from Penicillium sp. , an endophytic fungus associated with leaves of Garcinia nobilis . Methods: The culture filtrate from the fermentation of Penicillium sp. was extracted and analyzed by liquid chromatography– mass spectrometry, and the major metabolites were isolated and identified by spectroscopic analyses and by comparison with published data. The antibacterial activity of the compounds was assessed by broth microdilution method while the anticancer activity was determined by the 3-(4,5-dimethylthiazol-2-yl)-2,5-diphenyltetrazolium bromide assay. Results: The fractionation of the crude extract afforded penialidin A-C (1-3), citromycetin (4), p-hydroxyphenylglyoxalaldoxime (5) and brefelfin A (6). All of the compounds tested here showed antibacterial activity (MIC = 0.50 – 128 μg/mL) against Gramnegative multi-drug resistance bacteria, Vibrio cholerae (causative agent of dreadful disease cholera) and Shigella flexneri (causative agent of shigellosis), as well as the significant anticancer activity (LC50 = 0.88 – 9.21 μg/mL) against HeLa cells. Conclusion: The results obtained indicate that compounds 1-6 showed good antibacterial and anticancer activities with no toxicity to human red blood cells and normal Vero cells.


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Suporte financeiro e não financeiro da Maternidade Alfredo da Costa, Lisboa, Portugal


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Introducción. El estado hídrico previo al inicio de un ejercicio (hiperhidratación-deshidratación o hipohidratación y euhidratación) modifica la respuesta neurohumoral. En personas, la deshidratación origina una liberación incrementada de las hormonas implicadas en el mantenimiento de la volemia y del estado hidroelectrolítico, tales como la renina (REN), angiotensina (ANG) y aldosterona (ALD). La testosterona (T) es una hormona anabólica, mientras que el cortisol (C) es una hormona de estrés, con funciones catabólicas. El cociente T/C es un reflejo de la intensidad anabólica/catabólica de un ejercicio y en atletas humanos, se ve afectada por el estado hídrico. Objetivos. 1) Describir las variaciones en las concentraciones de REN, ANG, ALD, T, C y ratio T/C en caballos durante un ejercicio de tiro y arrastre, en relación con otros marcadores de equilibrio hidroelectrolítico y en función de la carga arrastrada; 2) Analizar si la respuesta de estas hormonas al ejercicio difiere entre animales con deshidratación hipertónica y euhidratados; Hipótesis: 1) Que las concentraciones de REN, ANG, ALD, T, C serán más elevadas en los caballos deshidratados que en los euhidratados; 2) Que el ejercicio de tiro y arrastre, particularmente en los animales de mayor peso corporal, inducirá una mayor activación del eje REN, ANG, ALD y una liberación superior de T; 3) Que los animales deshidratados experimentarán un incremento más intenso de estas hormonas en respuesta al ejercicio. Material y métodos. Se han llevado a cabo dos estudios simultáneos. En el estudio I, se han analizado los siguientes parámetros: valor hematócrito (HTO), albúmina (ALB), sodio (Na), potasio (K), cloro (Cl), lactato (LA) y concentraciones séricas de REN, ANG y ALD y en el estudio II, se han determinado las concentraciones de ALB, T, C y ratio T/C. En el estudio I, se han incluido 64 caballos machos, enteros y castrados, divididos en dos grupos según su estado hídrico: grupo control o euhidratado (CTR, n=11) y grupo deshidratado (DH; n=53), con deshidratación hipertónica inducida por restricción de agua y comida. Además, según su peso corporal, los animales se han dividido en 3 categorías de peso: I (<350 kg; n=3 para grupo CTR; n=23 para DH), II (351-450 kg; n=3 para CTR; n=18 para DH) y III (>451 kg; n=5 para CTR; n=12 para DH). En el estudio II, se han incluido los mismos animales, con excepción de la categoría de peso III para el grupo CTR, que solo está constituida por 3 animales, en lugar de 5, al descartar a los machos castrados, debido a la medición de T. Todos los animales, realizaron un ejercicio consistente en recorrer una pista de arena de playa de 60 m de longitud, tirando de un carruaje, con 2, 2,25 y 2,5 veces su peso corporal para las tres categorías de peso. La pista de arena se dividió en cuatro áreas de 15 m, en cada una de las cuales, el animal hizo una parada obligatoria, de duración decidida por el acompañante, y que se incluyó como tiempo de carrera. Los animales eran eliminados si se superan los 5 min de duración. En los dos estudios, se tomaron muestras de sangre en los siguientes tiempos: en reposo, antes del ejercicio (R), dentro del primer minuto tras finalizar el ejercicio (E) y a los 5, 10, 15 y 30 minutos de una recuperación pasiva (5REC, 10REC, 15REC y 30REC). Resultados. Estudio I. La diferencia de peso de los caballos tuvo una influencia mínima en los valores basales y en la respuesta al ejercicio. En reposo, los caballos DH tuvieron valores superiores de HTO, ALB, LA, Na, K y ANG en comparación con los CTR. El ejercicio condicionó una elevación de HTO, ALB, LA y Na, tanto en los caballos CTR como en los DH. Se encontró un incremento de ANG en los caballos DH y de ALD en los caballos CTR. La elevación con el ejercicio experimentada por los parámetros analizados fue de magnitud similar en los grupos CTR y DH, con excepción del LA (incrementó más en DH) y ALD (aumentó más en CTR). Estudio II. El ejercicio dio lugar a un aumento de T en las categorías I y III de los grupos CTR y DH, así como un descenso en la categoría II del grupo CTR. El C mostró un aumento progresivo en las tres categorías y en los dos grupos de estado hídrico, con los valores máximos en el tiempo 30REC. El ratio T/C aumentó en la categoría III del grupo DH, descendió en la categoría II del grupo CTR y no varió en los otros casos. Los animales DH, independientemente de la categoría de peso, tuvieron valores superiores de T y C, en la mayoría de los tiempos de extracción de muestras. Sin embargo, si se consideran los cambios experimentados por estas hormonas durante el ejercicio o en la recuperación, en relación a los valores basales, el aumento del C fue más marcado en el grupo CTR que en el DH, para las tres categorías de peso. Las variaciones de la concentración de T fueron superiores en las categorías de peso I y III del grupo CTR que en el grupo DH. El ratio T/C fue estadísticamente igual entre caballos CTR y DH en las categorías I y III, mientras que en la categoría II, los caballos DH presentaron cocientes T/C mayores. Conclusiones. La deshidratación hipertónica altera la concentración de las hormonas implicadas en la regulación del equilibrio hidro-electrolítico, de la presión sanguínea y del metabolismo. Sin embargo, el estado hídrico previo al ejercicio tiene una acción mínima sobre la magnitud de estos cambios en respuesta a un ejercicio de tiro y arrastre de corta duración (inferior a 5 min). Relevancia. Se ha demostrado que la respuesta neurohumoral, determinada en base a las concentraciones circulantes de las hormonas REN, ANG, ALD, T y C, se ve afectada por el ejercicio cuando el animal empieza el mismo en estado de euhidratación o de deshidratación.


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Background: In the recent years natural resources are being in focus due to their great potential to be exploited in the discovery/development of novel bioactive compounds and, among them, mushrooms can be highlighted as alternative sources of anti-inflammatory agents. Scope and approach: The present review reports the anti-inflammatory activity of mushroom extracts and of their bioactive metabolites involved in this bioactive action. Additionally the most common assays used to evaluate mushrooms anti-inflammatory activity were also reviewed, including in vitro studies in cell lines, as well as in animal models in vivo. Key findings and conclusions: The anti-inflammatory compounds identified in mushrooms include polysaccharides, terpenes, phenolic acids, steroids, fatty acids and other metabolites. Among them, polysaccharides, terpenoids and phenolic compounds seem to be the most important contributors to the anti-inflammatory activity of mushrooms as demonstrated by numerous studies. However, clinical trials need to be conducted in order to confirm the effectiveness of some of these mushroom compounds namely, inhibitors of NF-κB pathway and of cyclooxygenase related with the expression of many inflammatory mediators.


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OBJETIVO: Comparar os níveis de cortisol sérico e salivar, alfa-amilase salivar (sAA) e fluxo de saliva não estimulada (UWS) em gestantes e não gestantes. MÉTODOS: Trata-se de um estudo longitudinal realizado no centro de promoção da saúde de um hospital universitário. Nove gestantes e 12 não gestantes participaram do estudo. Foram coletados e analisados soro e UWS nos três trimestres gestacionais e duas vezes por mês durante o ciclo menstrual. A análise do cortisol salivar e sérico foi realizada com o uso de quimiluminescência e a atividade da sAA foi determinada por meio de analisador automático para bioquímica. RESULTADOS: Foi verificado que a mediana (intervalo interquartil) dos níveis de cortisol sérico no grupo de gestantes foi maior que 23,8 µL/dL (19,4-29,4) quando comparado ao grupo de não gestantes, que teve média de 12,3 (9,6-16,8; p<0,001). Os níveis de sAA seguiram o mesmo padrão, com médias de 56,7 U/L (30,9-82,2) e 31,8 (18,1-53,2; p<0,001), respectivamente. Foram observadas diferenças dos níveis de cortisol sérico e salivar (µL/dL) e de sAA entre a fase folicular versus a fase lútea (p<0,001). As medianas dos fluxos salivares (UWS) foram semelhantes em gestantes (0,26 [0,15-0,30] mL/min) e não gestantes (0,23 [0,20-0,32] mL/min). Foram encontradas correlações significativas entre o cortisol salivar e o sérico (p=0,02) e entre o cortisol salivar e a sAA (p=0,01). CONCLUSÕES: Os níveis de cortisol sérico de sAA durante a gestação elevam-se. Na fase lútea do ciclo ovariano, os níveis de cortisol salivar aumentam ao passo que os níveis de cortisol sérico e sAA diminuem. _______________________________________________________________________________________ ABSTRACT


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The cultivated strawberry (Fragaria x ananassa) is the berry fruit most consumed worldwide and is well-known for its delicate flavour and nutritional properties. However, fruit quality attributes have been lost or reduced after years of traditional breeding focusing mainly on agronomical traits. To face the obstacles encountered in the improvement of cultivated crops, new technological tools, such as genomics and high throughput metabolomics, are becoming essential for the identification of genetic factors responsible of organoleptic and nutritive traits. Integration of “omics” data will allow a better understanding of the molecular and genetic mechanisms underlying the accumulation of metabolites involved in the flavour and nutritional value of the fruit. To identify genetic components affecting/controlling? fruit metabolic composition, here we present a quantitative trait loci (QTL) analysis using a 95 F1 segregating population derived from genotypes ‘1392’, selected for its superior flavour, and ‘232’ selected based in high yield (Zorrilla-Fontanesi et al., 2011; Zorrilla-Fontanesi et al., 2012). Metabolite profiling was performed on red stage strawberry fruits using gas chromatography hyphenated to time-of-flight mass spectrometry, which is a rapid and highly sensitive approach, allowing a good coverage of the central pathways of primary metabolism. Around 50 primary metabolites, including sugars, sugars derivatives, amino and organic acids, were detected and quantified after analysis in each individual of the population. QTL mapping was performed on the ‘232’ x ‘1392’ population separately over two successive years, based on the integrated linkage map (Sánchez-Sevilla et al., 2015). First, significant associations between metabolite content and molecular markers were identified by the non-parametric test of Kruskal-Wallis. Then, interval mapping (IM), as well as the multiple QTL method (MQM) allowed the identification of QTLs in octoploid strawberry. A permutation test established LOD thresholds for each metabolite and year. A total of 132 QTLs were detected in all the linkage groups over the two years for 42 metabolites out of 50. Among them, 4 (9.8%) QTLs for sugars, 9 (25%) for acids and 7 (12.7%) for amino acids were stable and detected in the two successive years. We are now studying the QTLs regions in order to find candidate genes to explain differences in metabolite content in the different individuals of the population, and we expect to identify associations between genes and metabolites which will help us to understand their role in quality traits of strawberry fruit.


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Increasing research suggests that elevations in the cortisol awakening response (CAR), the natural increase of cortisol 30 to 40 minutes after waking, may serve as a vulnerability marker for depression. However, existing studies have focused on adolescence and adulthood; very little is known about the CAR in early childhood and the factors that are associated with it. The current study aimed to examine the validity of the CAR as a potential early-emerging vulnerability marker for depression in a sample of preschool-age children. We examined associations between the CAR and two well-established risk factors for depression: maternal psychopathology and early child temperament (high negative emotionality (NE) and/or low positive emotionality (PE)). The sample consisted of 146 preschool-age children, of whom 71 (49.3%) had a biological mother with a history of depression and 65 (45.5%) had a biological mother with a history of anxiety. To assess the CAR, salivary cortisol samples were collected from the child upon waking, 30 and 45 minutes post-waking on two weekdays. Children’s CAR was examined as the total volume of cortisol secreted (AUCg) and the total increase in cortisol (AUCi) across waking. Evening cortisol was collected 30 minutes before bedtime. Child temperament was assessed using observational laboratory measures. Maternal depression and anxiety were assessed with clinical interviews. Associations with children’s CAR, as indicated by AUCg or AUCi, appeared to be specific to maternal current psychopathology and symptoms of anhedonia. Additionally, we observed significant interactions for both maternal lifetime and current depression and anxiety, in combination with child NE and PE, on elevated evening cortisol levels and flattened diurnal cortisol rhythms, indicating altered patterns of basal cortisol activity in offspring. Our study contributes to the limited but growing knowledge on the development of the CAR in preschool age children and as a marker of early risk. Findings suggest that there is a complex interplay between familial risk, affective vulnerability, and their joint effects on neuroendocrine dysfunction in young children, and highlight the need for future research to examine which aspects of the early diurnal rhythm predict the emergence of later depressive illness.


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Parenting is a robust predictor of developmental outcomes among children with ADHD. Early parenting predicts the persistence and course of ADHD and comorbid problems above and beyond risk associated with shared genetic effects. Yet, on average, mothers of children with ADHD are less positive and more negative in their parent-child interactions compared to mothers of non-disordered children. Little is known about psychobiological markers which may be associated with individual variations in maternal parenting in families of children with ADHD. Neurobiological models of parenting suggest that maternal cortisol levels following a stressor may be positively associated with hostile and intrusive parenting; however, to date no studies have examined maternal cortisol reactivity and parenting in school-age, or clinical samples of, children. Mothers’ regulation of physiological stress responses may be particularly important for families of children with ADHD, as parenting a child with chronically challenging behaviors represents a persistent environmental stressor. The current study sought to extend the existing literature by providing an empirical examination of the relationship between maternal cortisol reactivity following two laboratory stressors and parenting among mothers of children with and without ADHD. It was hypothesized that child ADHD group would moderate the relationship between cortisol reactivity and self-reported and observed parenting. Greater total cortisol output and greater increase in cortisol during the TSST were associated with decreased positive parenting and increased negative and directive parenting, with the exception of parental involvement, which was associated with increased cortisol output during the TSST. Conversely, cortisol output during the PCI was associated with increased positive parenting, increased parental involvement, and decreased negative parenting. In contrast to the TSST, a greater decrease in cortisol during the PCI indicated more positive parenting and parental involvement. These associations were specific to mothers of children with ADHD, with the exception of maternal directiveness, which was specific to comparison mothers. Findings add to our understanding of physiological processes associated with maternal parenting and contribute to an integrative biological, psychological, and cognitive process model of parenting in families of children with ADHD.


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Aim: To investigate the relation between uncooperative behavior and salivary cortisol level in children who underwent preventive dental care. Methods: The sample was composed by 10 children of both sexes aged 40 to 52 months, presenting uncooperative behavior during dental preventive treatments. The saliva collection was performed using a cotton wheel and an Eppendorf tube (Sarstedt Salivete®) in 3 different moments: a) at home, on a day without dental treatment and at the same time on the day of the sessions treatment; b) 30 min after the end of the session, when there was manifestation of uncooperative behavior; c) 30 min after the end of the session, when there was a cooperative behavior of the child. A sample of saliva was centrifuged for 5 minutes at 2400 rpm, 1 of mL of saliva was pipetted in an Eppendorf tube and stored in a freezer at -20 ° C. For the determination of the levels of salivary cortisol was used an Active® kit for cortisol enzyme immunoassay (EIA) DSL-10-67100, composed of specific rabbit antibody anti-cortisol. Data were analyzed statistically for the uncooperative behavior issued in the beginning and at the end of sessions, using the paired t test (p<0.05) and for cortisol levels in saliva samples at home, after the beginning and at the end of sessions, using repeated-measures ANOVA and Tukey’s test (p<0.05). Results: During expression of uncooperative behavior in preventive dental care sessions the salivary cortisol level was significantly higher (0.65 ± 0.25 μg/dL) compared with expression of collaborative behavior (0.24 ± 0.10 μg/dL). Conclusions: It is possible to conclude that, even under preventive intervention, the stress must be controlled in order to reduce dental anxiety and fear.


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Dissertação de mestrado, Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade do Algarve, 2014


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Dissertação de mest. em Aquacultura e Pescas, Faculdade de Ciências do Mar e do Ambiente, Univ. do Algarve, 2006


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Ornamental fish may be severely affected by a stressful environment. Stressors impair the immune response, reproduction and growth rate; thus, the identification of possible stressors will aid to improve the overall quality of ornamental fish. The aim of this study was to determine whole-body cortisol of adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, following visual or direct contact with a predator species. Zebrafish were distributed in three groups: the first group, which consisted of zebrafish reared completely isolated of the predator, was considered the negative control; the second group, in which the predator, Parachromis managuensis was stocked together with zebrafish, was considered the positive control; the third group consisted of zebrafish stocked in a glass aquarium, with direct visual contact with the predator. The mean whole-body cortisol concentration in zebrafish from the negative control was 6.78 +/- 1.12 ng g(-1), a concentration statistically lower than that found in zebrafish having visual contact with the predator (9.26 +/- 0.88 ng g(-1)) which, in turn, was statistically lower than the mean whole-body cortisol of the positive control group (12.35 +/- 1.59 ng g(-1)). The higher whole-body cortisol concentration found in fish from the positive control can be attributed to the detection, by the zebrafish, of relevant risk situations that may involve a combination of chemical, olfactory and visual cues. One of the functions of elevated cortisol is to mobilize energy from body resources to cope with stress. The elevation of whole-body cortisol in fish subjected to visual contact with the predator involves only the visual cue in the recognition of predation risk. We hypothesized that the zebrafish could recognize predator characteristics in P managuensis, such as length, shape, color and behavior. Nonetheless, the elevation of whole-body cortisol in zebrafish suggested that the visual contact of the predator may elicit a stress response in prey fish. This assertion has a strong practical application concerning the species distribution in ornamental fish markets in which prey species should not be allowed to see predator species. Minimizing visual contact between prey and predator fish may improve the quality, viability and welfare of small fish in ornamental fish markets. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.