963 resultados para Contour Crafting
Ultrastructural analysis of the polydnavirus of the braconid wasp Chelonus inanitus revealed that virions consist of one cylindrical nucleocapsid enveloped by a single unit membrane. Nucleocapsids have a constant diameter of 33.7 +/- 1.4 nm and a variable length of between 8 and 46 nm. Spreading of viral DNA showed that the genome consists of circular dsDNA molecules of variable sizes and measurement of the contour lengths indicated sizes of between 7 and 31 kbp. When virions were exposed to osmotic shock conditions to release the DNA, only one circular molecule was released per particle suggesting that the various DNA molecules are singly encapsidated in this bracovirus. The viral genome was seen to consist of at least 10 different segments and the aggregate genome size is in the order of 200 kbp. By partial digestion of viral DNA with HindIII or EcoRI in the presence of ethidium bromide and subsequent ligation with HindIII-cut pSP65 or EcoRI-cut pSP64 and transfection into Escherichia coli, libraries of 103 HindIII and 23 EcoRI clones were obtained. Southern blots revealed that complete and unrearranged segments were cloned with this approach, and restriction maps for five segments were obtained. Part of a 16.8 kbp segment was sequenced, found to be AT-rich (73%) and to contain six copies of a 17 bp repeated sequence. The development of the female reproductive tract in the course of pupal-adult development of the wasp was investigated and seen to be strictly correlated with the pigmentation pattern. By the use of a semiquantitative PCR, replication of viral DNA was observed to initiate at a specific stage of pupal-adult development.
The aim of this study was to compare facial development in subjects with complete unilateral cleft lip and palate (CUCLP) treated with two different surgical protocols. Lateral cephalometric radiographs of 61 patients (42 boys, 19 girls; mean age, 10.9 years; SD, 1) treated consecutively in Warsaw with one-stage repair and 61 age-matched and sex-matched patients treated in Oslo with two-stage surgery were selected to evaluate craniofacial morphology. On each radiograph 13 angular and two ratio variables were measured in order to describe hard and soft tissues of the facial region. The analysis showed that differences between the groups were limited to hard tissues – the maxillary prominence in subjects from the Warsaw group was decreased by almost 4° in comparison with the Oslo group (sella-nasion-A-point (SNA) = 75.3° and 79.1°, respectively) and maxillo-mandibular morphology was less favorable in the Warsaw group than the Oslo group (ANB angle = 0.8° and 2.8°, respectively). The soft tissue contour was comparable in both groups. In conclusion, inter-group differences suggest a more favorable outcome in the Oslo group. However, the distinctiveness of facial morphology in background populations (ie, in Poles and Norwegians) could have contributed to the observed results.
Archduke Ernest of Austria (1553–1595), second son of Emperor Maximilian II and younger brother of Emperor Rudolf II, was in his youth a possible candidate for the thrones of the Empire or the Spanish Kingdom. Instead, he became Governor-General of the Netherlands in 1593 and relocated to Brussels in 1594 where he was welcomed with lavish festivities as the bearer of hope and prosperity. Unfortunately, Ernest died only thirteen months later without having achieved any political success. His brother and successor Albert of Austria commissioned the funeral monument for Ernest in 1600 after it was settled that he would be buried in Brussels and not Vienna. Focusing on this monument, which draws stylistically from various dynasty-related models, it will be shown that Albert intended to use this monument – and thus his brother’s memoria – to make the Brussels Cathedral the primary location of Habsburg dynastic memory in the Low Countries.
Diamonds are known for both their beauty and their durability. Jefferson National Lab in Newport News, VA has found a way to utilize the diamond's strength to view the beauty of the inside of the atomic nucleus with the hopes of finding exotic forms of matter. By firing very fast electrons at a diamond sheet no thicker than a human hair, high energy particles of light known as photons are produced with a high degree of polarization that can illuminate the constituents of the nucleus known as quarks. The University of Connecticut Nuclear Physics group has responsibility for crafting these extremely thin, high quality diamond wafers. These wafers must be cut from larger stones that are about the size of a human finger, and then carefully machined down to the final thickness. The thinning of these diamonds is extremely challenging, as the diamond's greatest strength also becomes its greatest weakness. The Connecticut Nuclear Physics group has developed a novel technique to assist industrial partners in assessing the quality of the final machining steps, using a technique based on laser interferometry. The images of the diamond surface produced by the interferometer encode the thickness and shape of the diamond surface in a complex way that requires detailed analysis to extract. We have developed a novel software application to analyze these images based on the method of simulated annealing. Being able to image the surface of these diamonds without requiring costly X-ray diffraction measurements allows rapid feedback to the industrial partners as they refine their thinning techniques. Thus, by utilizing a material found to be beautiful by many, the beauty of nature can be brought more clearly into view.
The interactions employed in the “linear” reaction A(g)+BC(g) -> AB(g) + C(g) in a “one dimensional world” can be used to illustrate the “reaction coördinate”, using Maple, in a manner which allows students to inspect potential energy surfaces, make contour maps of those surfaces, and conceptually construct the “reaction coördinate” by tracing the local minimum path on the surface created.“one dimensional world” can be used to illustrate the “reaction coördinate”, using Maple, in a manner which allows students to inspect potential energy surfaces, make contour maps of those surfaces, and conceptually construct the “reaction coördinate” by tracing the local minimum path on the surface created.
The State of Connecticut owns a LIght Detection and Ranging (LIDAR) data set that was collected in 2000 as part of the State’s periodic aerial reconnaissance missions. Although collected eight years ago, these data are just now becoming ready to be made available to the public. These data constitute a massive “point cloud”, being a long list of east-north-up triplets in the State Plane Coordinate System Zone 0600 (SPCS83 0600), orthometric heights (NAVD 88) in US Survey feet. Unfortunately, point clouds have no structure or organization, and consequently they are not as useful as Triangulated Irregular Networks (TINs), digital elevation models (DEMs), contour maps, slope and aspect layers, curvature layers, among others. The goal of this project was to provide the computational infrastructure to create a first cut of these products and to serve them to the public via the World Wide Web. The products are available at http://clear.uconn.edu/data/ct_lidar/index.htm.
Esta investigación analiza mediante la metodología Delphi varios indicadores de calidad del suelo del olivar español, en particular, la textura, la fertilidad, el color, la profundidad, la compactación, la aireación, la materia orgánica y la infiltración del agua. El objetivo consiste en describir la percepción de los olivicultores acerca del grado de erosión en la zona de estudio, teniendo en cuenta su propia autovaloración referida a su nivel de adopción de innovaciones y a su actitud frente al riesgo de aplicar nuevas tecnologías. El panel de expertos seleccionados está formado por 63 olivicultores de la cuenca granadina del Alto Genil en el año 2005; esta zona se caracteriza por el cultivo del olivar en ladera y sus consiguientes niveles de erosión medio-altos, por lo que la actividad agraria se encuentra fuertemente condicionada por el grado de implementación de prácticas de conservación del suelo, específicamente por el laboreo según curvas de nivel, el no laboreo con herbicidas y el mantenimiento de restos de poda sobre la capa edáfica (según una encuesta preliminar del año 2004), así como por su promoción a través de la reciente legislación europea en materia agroambiental.
Empresas como HEXA S.A. desean introducir SIG como elemento para incrementar el valor agregado de los proyectos de consultoría que realizan. Tal es el caso del trabajo encomendado por ellos al CIFOT titulado Esquema hidromorfológico de la cuenca del río Tunuyán Superior y clasificación de Usos del Suelo del Oasis Centro Oeste; Provincia de Mendoza. Se unifica en un único modelo digital una serie de cartas topográficas (IGM) digitalizan diversos niveles de información (curvas de nivel, hidrografía de la cuenca del río Tunuyán), red de caminos y su jerarquía. A partir de la base de datos lograda, se generan mapas temáticos de cada cuenca, apoyados con imágenes satelitales Landsat TM, que permiten identificar cobertura nivo- glacial y usos del suelo en el Oasis. Con esta información la empresa obtiene un modelo de simulación del Río Tunuyán para predecir el caudal que conduciría el río ante determinadas nevadas, por ejemplo. Se propone además un modelo de SIG para el monitoreo de la zona.
La información básica sobre el relieve de cuencas hidrográficas, mediante metodologías analítico-descriptivas permite contar con los parámetros físicos necesarios para el estudio de los recursos naturales tales como manejo integrado de cuencas, impacto ambiental, degradación de suelos, deforestación, conservación de los recursos hídricos, entre otros. Todos estos procesos ligados a una fuerte componente espacial permiten el uso de sistemas de información geográfica. Los Modelos Digitales de Elevación (DEM) y sus derivados son un componente relevante de estas fuentes de datos. En este trabajo se planteó evaluar los DEMs, generados por captura indirecta de datos fuente, (puntos digitalizados sobre un plano, en formato papel, con curvas de nivel) para determinar si su calidad altimétrica varía con la resolución espacial del mismo (tamaño de grilla). Asimismo se evaluó la posible existencia de alguna interacción entre el software utilizado y los tamaños de grilla, que podría influir sobre la calidad altimétrica del DEM. Se concluyó que la resolución espacial afecta la calidad altimétrica del DEM. Se constató, asimismo, que es posible encontrar un tamaño de grilla ideal en cuanto a calidad altimétrica y peso informático del modelo digital de elevaciones generado. Respecto de la existencia de una interacción entre el tamaño de grilla y el software, que pudieran afectar la calidad de los modelos obtenidos en función de la metodología de adquisición de datos fuente, se demostró que existe esta posibilidad cuando la base de datos se genera a partir de puntos digitalizados.
The bathymetry raster with a resolution of 5 m x 5 m was processed from unpublished single beam data from the Argentine Antarctica Institute (IAA, 2010) and multibeam data from the United Kingdom Hydrographic Office (UKHO, 2012) with a cell size of 5 m x 5 m. A coastline digitized from a satellite image (DigitalGlobe, 2014) supplemented the interpolation process. The 'Topo to Raster' tool in ArcMap 10.3 was used to merge the three data sets, while the coastline represented the 0-m-contour to the interpolation process ('contour type option').