873 resultados para Cohesion


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CPLP – A Cultura Como Principal Factor de Coesão é uma dissertação que analisa a história da Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa (CPLP), no sentido de descobrir qual será o elemento mais preponderante na sua unidade e coesão. Incentivar a difusão da língua portuguesa, da criação intelectual e artística, e contribuir para o reforço da solidariedade e fraternidade entre todos os povos que têm essa língua como um dos fundamentos da sua identidade específica são os seus objectivos. Investigou-se o grau e o modo do cumprimento desses propósitos. Da comparação dos dados ressaltou uma conclusão inequívoca: a cultura é o elo mais forte na coesão da CPLP, embora não se vislumbrem estratégias assumidas com rigor quer da política da língua portuguesa, quer da política das culturas lusófonas. Confirmou-se que a CPLP nasceu como Comunidade de língua e culturas e não como comunidade económica. Tentou-se caracterizar a «identidade» lusófona. Para tal, percorreu-se a história da expansão, os processos de colonização, as características de miscigenação física e intercultural, enquanto se chamavam as mais recentes teorias sociológicas para uma caracterização do conceito de cultura «lusófona»: «ecológica de saberes», «de fronteira», «intercultural» e «tradutora de culturas». São apontadas melhorias estratégicas.


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Como ha sido observado por estudiosos de la educación superior en el Perú y en América Latina, existen dificultades estructurales para el acceso de grupos vulnerables (pobres, minorías étnicas, grupos urbano-marginales, etc.) a la educación superior de calidad. Asimismo, se observa problemas de permanencia de estudiantes sobre quienes prevalecen relaciones de discriminación en sus entornos institucionales. El proyecto titulado “Programa marco interuniversitario para la equidad y la cohesión social de las instituciones de educación superior en América latina” (RIAIPE3, 2011-2013), del que es parte la Universidad Nacional Agraria-La Molina (UNALM), en Perú, es un esfuerzo interinstitucional que entre otros propósitos tuvo: “crear y aplicar un programa marco de referencia para promover las políticas y prácticas en las instituciones de educación superior en América Latina que favorezcan la equidad en poblaciones vulnerables y considere como focos de atención: la exclusión, el acceso, la permanencia en la educación superior de las poblaciones vulnerables (población rural, indígenas, colectivos urbanos marginales, etc.)”. Es en el marco de este proyecto que se realizó el presente estudio. El presente informe de investigación da cuenta de una primera exploración de la problemática de la inclusión social en una universidad pública nacional del Perú, la Universidad Nacional Agraria-La Molina, al empezar la segunda década del siglo XXI, a partir de información de fuente secundaria y autogenerada mediante una encuesta aplicada a estudiantes de pregrado de dos grupos específicos en el segundo semestre del año 2011: estudiantes ingresantes y estudiantes que terminan su carrera.


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Este artículo pasa revista al proceso de diálogo entre la Unión Europea y la Comunidad Andina. Los requerimientos establecidos por la UE para los acuerdos de asociación y la posibilidad de que los mismos sean cumplidos por los países de la CAN son analizados por el autor, quien señala que la falta de "profundidad" y una serie de obstáculos políticos e institucionales están vigentes en el grupo andino, lo que de alguna forma restringe la consolidación de espacios a nivel internacional. García señala que un Acuerdo de Asociación con la UE podría fortalecer la cooperación en lo que a cohesión social andina se refiere.


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La política de desarrollo tecnológico y derivada de esta, el papel que se pretende asignar a la universidad, se sustenta en un conjunto de ideas e interpretaciones erradas sobre la articulación entre ciencia, investigación y aplicaciones tecnológicas; ideas que han ido adquiriendo, aun en el medio académico, el estatus de sabiduría convencional de tal manera que, aceptadas como verdades, tienden a legitimar la acción de las instituciones y agencias gubernamentales. Este artículo analiza la propensión de ver a la universidad como la fuente de conocimiento e información directamente aplicable para la producción de bienes y servicios comerciales y cuestiona la perspectiva de considerar a la universidad simplemente como un agente de la esfera económica. El trabajo sostiene que el papel de la investigación universitaria consiste básicamente en un insumo para la enseñanza y que el bien público que provee la universidad es la creación de un sentido nacional de cultura, una forma de identidad y cohesión social.


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En 1871, el jesuita alemán Theodor Wolf comenzó a difundir el darwinismo en el Ecuador a través de las clases de geología y paleontología que impartía en la Escuela Politécnica. Expuso una posición conciliadora del evolucionismo con el catolicismo, en el contexto de un Estado que promovía la cohesión y la identidad nacional a través de la moral católica y las ciencias como vehículo para el progreso. En este estudio se discuten algunos apuntes que atribuyeron estas enseñanzas como la razón por la cual Wolf se separó de la Politécnica y de la Orden Jesuita en 1874, en el marco de una controversia mayor, en la cual el darwinismo fue determinante.


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The EU is in the process of negotiating its 2014-20 financial framework. Failure to reach an agreement would imply a delay in the preparation of the strategic plans each member state puts together to explain how it will use Structural and Cohesion Funds. Even if solutions are found – for example annual renewals of the budget based on the previous year's figures – there will be political and institutional costs. EU leaders have too often and too forcefully advocated the use of the EU budget for growth to be able to drop the idea without consequences. • The overwhelming attention paid to the size of the budget is misplaced. EU leaders should instead aim to make the EU budget more flexible, safeguard it from future political power struggles, and reinforce assessment of the impact of EU funded growth policies. • To improve flexibility a commitment device should be created that places the EU budget above continuous political disagreement. We suggest the creation of a European Growth Fund, on the basis of which the European Commission should be allowed to borrow on capital markets to anticipate pre-allocated EU expenditure, such as Structural and Cohesion Funds. Markets would thus be a factor in EU budget policymaking, with a potentially disciplining effect. Attaching conditionality to this type of disbursement appears legitimate, as capital delivered in this way is a form of assistance.


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Increasingly, we regard the genome as a site and source of genetic conflict. This fascinating 'bottom-up' view brings up appealing connections between genome biology and whole-organism ecology, in which populations of elements compete with one another in their genomic habitat. Unlike other habitats, though, a host genome has its own evolutionary interests and is often able to defend itself against molecular parasites. Most well-studied organisms employ strategies to protect their genomes against the harmful effects of genomic parasites, including methylation, various pathways of RNA interference, and more unusual tricks such as repeat induced point-mutation (RIP). These genome defence systems are not obscure biological curiosities, but fundamentally important to the integrity and cohesion of the genome, and exert a powerful influence on genome evolution.


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The research uses a sociological perspective to build an improved, context specific understanding of innovation diffusion within the UK construction industry. It is argued there is an iterative interplay between actors and the social system they occupy that directly influences the diffusion process as well as the methodology adopted. The research builds upon previous findings that argued a level of best fit for the three innovation diffusion concepts of cohesion, structural equivalence and thresholds. That level of best fit is analysed here using empirical data from the UK construction industry. This analysis allows an understanding of how the relative importance of these concepts' actually varies within the stages of the innovation diffusion process. The conclusion that the level of relevance fluctuates in relation to the stages of the diffusion process is a new development in the field.


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The UK Construction Industry has been criticized for being slow to change and adopt innovations. The idiosyncrasies of participants, their roles in a social system and the contextual differences between sections of the UK Construction Industry are viewed as being paramount to explaining innovation diffusion within this context. Three innovation diffusion theories from outside construction management literature are introduced, Cohesion, Structural Equivalence and Thresholds. The relevance of each theory, in relation to the UK Construction Industry, is critically reviewed using literature and empirical data. Analysis of the data results in an explanatory framework being proposed. The framework introduces a Personal Awareness Threshold concept, highlights the dominant role of Cohesion through the main stages of diffusion, together with the use of Structural Equivalence during the later stages of diffusion and the importance of Adoption Threshold levels.


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The construction industry has incurred a considerable amount of waste as a result of poor logistics supply chain network management. Therefore, managing logistics in the construction industry is critical. An effective logistic system ensures delivery of the right products and services to the right players at the right time while minimising costs and rewarding all sectors based on value added to the supply chain. This paper reports on an on-going research study on the concept of context-aware services delivery in the construction project supply chain logistics. As part of the emerging wireless technologies, an Intelligent Wireless Web (IWW) using context-aware computing capability represents the next generation ICT application to construction-logistics management. This intelligent system has the potential of serving and improving the construction logistics through access to context-specific data, information and services. Existing mobile communication deployments in the construction industry rely on static modes of information delivery and do not take into account the worker’s changing context and dynamic project conditions. The major problems in these applications are lack of context-specificity in the distribution of information, services and other project resources, and lack of cohesion with the existing desktop based ICT infrastructure. The research works focus on identifying the context dimension such as user context, environmental context and project context, selection of technologies to capture context-parameters such wireless sensors and RFID, selection of supporting technologies such as wireless communication, Semantic Web, Web Services, agents, etc. The process of integration of Context-Aware Computing and Web-Services to facilitate the creation of intelligent collaboration environment for managing construction logistics will take into account all the necessary critical parameters such as storage, transportation, distribution, assembly, etc. within off and on-site project.


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Tourism is the worlds largest employer, accounting for 10% of jobs worldwide (WTO, 1999). There are over 30,000 protected areas around the world, covering about 10% of the land surface(IUCN, 2002). Protected area management is moving towards a more integrated form of management, which recognises the social and economic needs of the worlds finest areas and seeks to provide long term income streams and support social cohesion through active but sustainable use of resources. Ecotourism - 'responsible travel to natural areas that conserves the environment and improves the well- being of local people' (The Ecotourism Society, 1991) - is often cited as a panacea for incorporating the principles of sustainable development in protected area management. However, few examples exist worldwide to substantiate this claim. In reality, ecotourism struggles to provide social and economic empowerment locally and fails to secure proper protection of the local and global environment. Current analysis of ecotourism provides a useful checklist of interconnected principles for more successful initiatives, but no overall framework of analysis or theory. This paper argues that applying common property theory to the application of ecotourism can help to establish more rigorous, multi-layered analysis that identifies the institutional demands of community based ecotourism (CBE). The paper draws on existing literature on ecotourism and several new case studies from developed and developing countries around the world. It focuses on the governance of CBE initiatives, particularly the interaction between local stakeholders and government and the role that third party non-governmental organisations can play in brokering appropriate institutional arrangements. The paper concludes by offering future research directions."