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The dielectric ceramics BaNd2Ti3Oto, BaNd2Ti4O12 and BaNd2Ti5O14 have been prepared by Conventional solid state ceramic route. The sintered ceramic samples have been characterized by X-ray diffraction and Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The dielectric properties in the microwave frequency range have been measured using conventional microwave dielectric resonator methods. The BaNd2Ti1O10, BaN2Ti4O12 and BaNd2Ti5O14 have dielectric constants (Er) ~ 60, 84 and 77 respectively. They have relatively high quality factors
The present study was designed to investigate the protective effect of glucose, oxygen and epinephrine resuscitation on impairment in the functional role of GABAergic, serotonergic, muscarinic receptors, PLC, BAX, SOD, CAT and GPx expression in the brain regions of hypoxia induced neonatal rats. Also, the role of hormones - Triiodothyronine (T3) and insulin, second messengers – cAMP, cGMP and IP3 and transcription factors – HIF and CREB in the regulation of neonatal hypoxia and its resuscitation methods were studied. Behavioural studies were conducted to evaluate the motor function and cognitive deficit in one month old control and experimental rats. The efficient and timely supplementation of glucose plays a crucial role in correcting the molecular changes due to hypoxia, oxygen and epinephrine. The sequence of glucose, epinephrine and oxygen administration at the molecular level is an important aspect of the study. The additive neuronal damage effect due to oxygen and epinephrine treatment is another important observation. The corrective measures by initial supply of glucose to hypoxic neonatal rats showed from the molecular study when brought to practice will lead to healthy intellectual capacity during the later developmental stages, which has immense clinical significance in neonatal care.
The thesis deals with the preparation and dielectric characterization of Poly aniline and its analogues in ISM band frequency of 2-4 GHz that includes part of the microwave region (300 MHz to 300 GHz) of the electromagnetic spectrum and an initial dielectric study in the high frequency [O.05MHz-13 MHz]. PolyaniIine has been synthesized by an in situ doping reaction under different temperature and in the presence of inorganic dopants such as HCl H2S04, HN03, HCl04 and organic dopants such as camphorsulphonic acid [CSA], toluenesulphonic acid {TSA) and naphthalenesulphonic acid [NSA]. The variation in dielectric properties with change in reaction temperature, dopants and frequency has been studied. The effect of codopants and microemulsions on the dielectric properties has also been studied in the ISM band. The ISM band of frequencies (2-4 GHz) is of great utility in Industrial, Scientific and Medical (ISM) applications. Microwave heating is a very efficient method of heating dielectric materials and is extensively used in industrial as well as household heating applications.
Mangrove swamps are unique inter-tidal wetland ecosystems found in sheltered tropical and subtropical shores.Mangrove sediments can be considered as large reservoirs of amino acids,which exist in several different forms,like free amino acids in the sediment micropores,as amino acids,peptides or proteins bound to clay minerals or as amino acids,peptides or proteins bound to humic colloids.Inorder to assess survival conditions of organisms of mangroves,it is important to understand stability of amino acids in the sediments.The amounts of amino acids present in sediment represent a balance between its synthesis and destruction by microorganisms.Thus amino acid analysis offers more insight into the processes of diagenesis,which changes the nature and characteristics of organic matter deposition and decomposition.
Information and communication technologies are the tools that underpin the emerging “Knowledge Society”. Exchange of information or knowledge between people and through networks of people has always taken place. But the ICT has radically changed the magnitude of this exchange, and thus factors such as timeliness of information and information dissemination patterns have become more important than ever.Since information and knowledge are so vital for the all round human development, libraries and institutions that manage these resources are indeed invaluable. So, the Library and Information Centres have a key role in the acquisition, processing, preservation and dissemination of information and knowledge. ln the modern context, library is providing service based on different types of documents such as manuscripts, printed, digital, etc. At the same time, acquisition, access, process, service etc. of these resources have become complicated now than ever before. The lCT made instrumental to extend libraries beyond the physical walls of a building and providing assistance in navigating and analyzing tremendous amounts of knowledge with a variety of digital tools. Thus, modern libraries are increasingly being re-defined as places to get unrestricted access to information in many formats and from many sources.The research was conducted in the university libraries in Kerala State, India. lt was identified that even though the information resources are flooding world over and several technologies have emerged to manage the situation for providing effective services to its clientele, most of the university libraries in Kerala were unable to exploit these technologies at maximum level. Though the libraries have automated many of their functions, wide gap prevails between the possible services and provided services. There are many good examples world over in the application of lCTs in libraries for the maximization of services and many such libraries have adopted the principles of reengineering and re-defining as a management strategy. Hence this study was targeted to look into how effectively adopted the modern lCTs in our libraries for maximizing the efficiency of operations and services and whether the principles of re-engineering and- redefining can be applied towards this.Data‘ was collected from library users, viz; student as well as faculty users; library ,professionals and university librarians, using structured questionnaires. This has been .supplemented by-observation of working of the libraries, discussions and interviews with the different types of users and staff, review of literature, etc. Personal observation of the organization set up, management practices, functions, facilities, resources, utilization of information resources and facilities by the users, etc. of the university libraries in Kerala have been made. Statistical techniques like percentage, mean, weighted mean, standard deviation, correlation, trend analysis, etc. have been used to analyse data.All the libraries could exploit only a very few possibilities of modern lCTs and hence they could not achieve effective Universal Bibliographic Control and desired efficiency and effectiveness in services. Because of this, the users as well as professionals are dissatisfied. Functional effectiveness in acquisition, access and process of information resources in various formats, development and maintenance of OPAC and WebOPAC, digital document delivery to remote users, Web based clearing of library counter services and resources, development of full-text databases, digital libraries and institutional repositories, consortia based operations for e-journals and databases, user education and information literacy, professional development with stress on lCTs, network administration and website maintenance, marketing of information, etc. are major areas need special attention to improve the situation. Finance, knowledge level on ICTs among library staff, professional dynamism and leadership, vision and support of the administrators and policy makers, prevailing educational set up and social environment in the state, etc. are some of the major hurdles in reaping the maximum possibilities of lCTs by the university libraries in Kerala. The principles of Business Process Re-engineering are found suitable to effectively apply to re-structure and redefine the operations and service system of the libraries. Most of the conventional departments or divisions prevailing in the university libraries were functioning as watertight compartments and their existing management system was more rigid to adopt the principles of change management. Hence, a thorough re-structuring of the divisions was indicated. Consortia based activities and pooling and sharing of information resources was advocated to meet the varied needs of the users in the main campuses and off campuses of the universities, affiliated colleges and remote stations. A uniform staff policy similar to that prevailing in CSIR, DRDO, ISRO, etc. has been proposed by the study not only in the university libraries in kerala but for the entire country.Restructuring of Lis education,integrated and Planned development of school,college,research and public library systems,etc.were also justified for reaping maximum benefits of the modern ICTs.
Impact of teak and eucalypt monoculture on soils in the highlands of kerala .The thesis is arranged under nine chapters. The first chapter introduces the topic, reviews the literature pertaining to the study and presents the aims and objectives of the study. The second chapter briefly describes the study location. experimental design and sampling methodology. The third chapter deals with physical properties of plantation soils. The fourth and fifth chapters cover the chemical properties and macro- and micro nutrient status in plantation soils. The organic matter fractions in plantation soils are described in sixth chapter. First part of the seventh chapter presents the results of factor analysis and the second part deals with fertility index of plantations. All these chapters are self-contained with separate introduction, materials and methods and results and discussions. A general discussion of the results is included in the eighth chapter. The ninth chapter includes conclusions and summary A study that traces the variation in physical and chemical properties and nutrient status of teak soils with age of plantations, till the end of a rotation period is thus highly pertinent. Such a study, with an adjacent natural forest as a reference stand will not only generate information that will help us to understand the pattern of variation in soil properties, but will also aid us in formulating better management strategies. The data generated by such a study will be more useful if accompanied by information on soil changes following a short rotation plantation crop. As Eucalypt, a short rotation crop is the second major plantation crop in Kerala, it was chosen for the study.
Present study consists the species diversity, abundance and community structure of ichthyofauna in the seagrass meadow of Minicoy Atoll, Lakshadweep Islands. Two hundred and three species of fishes were recorded during the study, from four stations in the Atoll. They belonged to 2 classes, 11orders, 43 families and 93 genera. Six species belonged to the class Chondreichthyes and 197 species to Osteichthyes. Family Pomacentridae showed maximum abundance of species (22%). Station I, having close proximity to the coral reefs, observed the maximum number of families (37) and species (129) and that with minimum number was in station II (23 families and 52 species). Bray-Curtis similarity plot showed a similarity range of 22 to 52%, seasonally. Station I showed highest Shannon-Wiener diversity index (H’log2) (4.22) during August and the lowest (2.91) during June. Stations I and III showed comparatively higher abundance and diversity of fishes. Variability in seagrass habitat structure and the interaction with coral reefs influenced the species composition and diversity of fishes in Minicoy Atoll. The findings of the present investigation can be used as baseline information for the fishery resource management of the region
Heavy metals in the surface sediments of the two coastal ecosystems of Cochin, southwest India were assessed. The study intends to evaluate the degree of anthropogenic influence on heavy metal concentration in the sediments of the mangrove and adjacent estuarine stations using enrichment factor and geoaccumulation index. The inverse relationship of Cd and Zn with texture in the mangrove sediments suggested the anthropogenic enrichment of these metals in the mangrove systems. In the estuarine sediments, the absence of any significant correlation of the heavy metals with other sedimentary parameters and their strong interdependence revealed the possibility that the input is not through the natural weathering processes. The analysis of enrichment factor indicated a minor enrichment for Pb and Zn in mangrove sediments. While, extremely severe enrichment for Cd, moderate enrichment for Zn and minor enrichment of Pb were observed in estuarine system. The geo accumulation index exhibited very low values for all metals except Zn, indicating the sediments of the mangrove ecosystem are unpolluted to moderately polluted by anthropogenic activities. However, very strongly polluted condition for Cd and a moderately polluted condition for Zn were evident in estuarine sediments
Cochin estuarine system is among the most productive aquatic environment along the Southwest coast of India, exhibits unique ecological features and possess greater socioeconomic relevance. Serious investigations carried out during the past decades on the hydro biogeochemical variables pointed out variations in the health and ecological functioning of this ecosystem. Characterisation of organic matter in the estuary has been attempted in many investigations. But detailed studies covering the degradation state of organic matter using molecular level approach is not attempted. The thesis entitled Provenance, Isolation and Characterisation of Organic Matter in the Cochin Estuarine Sediment-“ A Diagenetic Amino Acid Marker Scenario” is an integrated approach to evaluate the source, quantity, quality, and degradation state of the organic matter in the surface sediments of Cochin estuarine system with the combined application of bulk and molecular level tools. Sediment and water samples from nine stations situated at Cochin estuary were collected in five seasonal sampling campaigns, for the biogeochemical assessment and their distribution pattern of sedimentary organic matter. The sampling seasons were described and abbreviated as follows: April- 2009 (pre monsoon: PRM09), August-2009 (monsoon: MON09), January-2010 (post monsoon: POM09), April-2010 (pre monsoon: PRM10) and September- 2012 (monsoon: MON12). In order to evaluate the general environmental conditions of the estuary, water samples were analysed for water quality parameters, chlorophyll pigments and nutrients by standard methods. Investigations suggested the fact that hydrographical variables and nutrients in Cochin estuary supports diverse species of flora and fauna. Moreover the sedimentary variables such as pH, Eh, texture, TOC, fractions of nitrogen and phosphorous were determined to assess the general geochemical setting as well as redox status. The periodically fluctuating oxic/ anoxic conditions and texture serve as the most significant variables controlling other variables of the aquatic environment. The organic matter in estuary comprise of a complex mixture of autochthonous as well as allochthonous materials. Autochthonous input is limited or enhanced by the nutrient elements like N and P (in their various fractions), used as a tool to evaluate their bioavailability. Bulk parameter approach like biochemical composition, stoichiometric elemental ratios and stable carbon isotope ratio was also employed to assess the quality and quantity of sedimentary organic matter in the study area. Molecular level charactersation of free sugars and amino acids were carried out by liquid chromatographic techniques. Carbohydrates are the products of primary production and their occurrence in sediments as free sugars can provide information on the estuarine productivity. Amino acid biogeochemistry provided implications on the system productivity, nature of organic matter as well as degradation status of the sedimentary organic matter in the study area. The predominance of carbohydrates over protein indicated faster mineralisation of proteinaceous organic matter in sediments and the estuary behaves as a detrital trap for the accumulation of aged organic matter. The higher lipid content and LPD/CHO ratio pointed towards the better food quality that supports benthic fauna and better accumulation of lipid compounds in the sedimentary environment. Allochthonous addition of carbohydrates via terrestrial run off was responsible for the lower PRT/CHO ratio estimated in thesediments and the lower ratios also denoted a detrital heterotrophic environment. Biopolymeric carbon and the algal contribution to BPC provided important information on the better understanding the trophic state of the estuarine system and the higher values of chlorophyll-a to phaeophytin ratio indicated deposition of phytoplankton to sediment at a rapid rate. The estimated TOC/TN ratios implied the combined input of both terrestrial and autochthonous organic matter to sedimentsAmong the free sugars, depleted levels of glucose in sediments in most of the stations and abundance of mannose at station S5 was observed during the present investigation. Among aldohexoses, concentration of galactose was found to be higher in most of the stationsRelative abundance of AAs in the estuarine sediments based on seasons followed the trend: PRM09-Leucine > Phenylalanine > Argine > Lysine, MON09-Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Tyrosine > Phenylalanine, POM09-Lysine > Histadine > Phenyalanine > Leucine > Methionine > Serine > Proline > Aspartic acid, PRM10-Valine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Phenylalanine > Serine > Proline, MON12-Lysine > Phenylalanine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Valine > Tyrsine > MethionineThe classification of study area into three zones based on salinity was employed in the present study for the sake of simplicity and generalized interpretations. The distribution of AAs in the three zones followed the trend: Fresh water zone (S1, S2):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Methionine > Valine ῀ Leucine > Proline > Histidine > Glycine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Tyrosine > Arginine > Alanine > Threonine > Cysteine > Isoleucine. Estuarine zone (S3, S4, S5, S6):- Lysine > Aspartic acid > Phenylalanine > Leucine > Valine > Histidine > Methionine > Tyrosine > Serine > Glutamic acid > Proline > Glycine > Arginine > Alanine > Isoleucine > Cysteine > Threonine. Riverine /Industrial zone (S7, S8, S9):- Phenylalanine > Lysine > Aspartic acid > Histidine > Serine > Arginine > Tyrosine > Leucine > Methionine > Glutamic acid > Alanine > Glycine > Cysteine > Proline > Isoleucine > Threonine > Valine. The abundance of AAs like glutamic acid, aspartic acid, isoleucine, valine, tyrosine, and phenylalanine in sediments of the study area indicated freshly derived organic matter.
Vignettes and self-reported work disability in the United States: Correction of report heterogeneity
Subjective measures of health tend to suffer from bias given by reporting heterogeneity. however, some methodologies are used to correct the bias in order to compare self-assessed health for respondents with different sociodemographic characteristics. One of the methods to correct this is the hierarchical ordered probit (hopit), which includes rates of vignettes -hypothetical individuals with a fixed health state- and where two assumptions have to be fulfilled, vignette equivalence and response consistency. this methodology is used for the self-reported work disability for a sample of the united states for 2011. The results show that even though sociodemographic variables influence rating scales, adjusting for this does not change their effect on work disability, which is only influenced by income. the inclusion of variables related with ethnicity or place of birth does not influence the true work disability. however, when only one of them is excluded, it becomes significant and affects the true level of work disability as well as income.
It is with increasing frequency that States undertake unilateral acts. For that reason this article undertakes to demonstrate the development of unilateral acts of States in the heart of the International Law Commission of the United Nations - ILC. It analyzes unilateral and autonomous acts which can by themselves have juridical effects. In this sense, silence acquiescence and acceptance may have an influence in these acts.The ILC has studied this issue for ten years, analyzing its interpretation, the specific rules which are applicable, their modification, termination and the revocation of unilateral acts.
Right to Audience and Right to a Lawful Judge are presumed to be two of the most important guaranties for the rule of law. Both liberties are established in the Spanish Constitution of 1978 as “fundamental rights”, and they are included as a part of a most generic right: the right to due process of law. Along this text, I will try to show its content and significance, according to the sentences of the Spanish “Tribunal Constitucional”, passed through more than 25 years.
Introduction. Duchenne and Becker Muscular Dystrophies (DMD/DMB) are X-linked recessive diseases characterized by progressive muscle weakness and wasting, loss of motor skills and death after the second decade of life. Deletions are the most prevalent mutations that affect the dystrophin gene, which spans 79 exons.Objective: Identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients affected with DMD.Methods: Through multiplex PCR identify deletions on the dystrophin gene in 58 patients with DMD and observe the frequency of this mutation in our population.Results: We found deletions in 1.72% of patients (1 of 58 persons). Deletions were not the principal cause of disease in our population. It is possible that duplications and point mutations caused this illness in our patients.Conclusions: The frequency of deletions in the 15 exons analyzed from the dystrophin gene was low. The predominant types of mutation in our patients` samples were not deletions as has been observed in the literature worldwide, therefore, it is important to determine other types of mutations as are duplications and point mutations.
This article examines the mismatch between labor supply and demand for educational qualificationsin the Uruguayan labor market during 2000-2009. It attempts to measure the phenomenonof under-qualification and overqualification by occupation type based on educational requirementfor each occupation. Following the previous literature, the empirical work concentrates onthe determinants of over-education and its impact on wages.
Recurso para que los profesionales den el apoyo adecuado a los niños pequeños con necesidades educativas especiales e identifiquen y planifiquen nuevas necesidades de cada niño que tienen bajo su cuidado. Trata observación y evaluación de las necesidades, el desarrollo físico, y cómo detectar los problemas, la comunicación, el lenguaje y la alfabetización, y cómo detectar las dificultades. Hay también estudio de casos de niños de cero a cinco años y un CD-ROM con material fotocopiable.