999 resultados para Catalunya -- Condicions rurals -- 1975-1996


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Análise Social, vol. XLIII (4.º), p. 817-840


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Tomando como ponto de partida o movimento de teatro experimental português do pós-Segunda Guerra Mundial, a presente investigação centra-se no trajecto da Casa da Comédia, fundada por Fernando Amado em 1946, e que retoma a actividade em 1962. Procuramos identificar as ideias de teatro que animam o percurso deste grupo, dar eco da recepção aos seus espectáculos, bem como inserir o seu projecto no âmbito dos esforços de renovação cénica que vão tendo lugar um pouco por toda a Europa.


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Dissertação apresentada ao Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Empreendedorismo e Internacionalização Orientadora: Professora Doutora Maria Clara Ribeiro Coorientadora: Mestre Maria Luísa Verdelho Alves


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A total of 574 S. Enteritidis strains (383 from human sources and 191 from non-human sources) isolated between 1975-95, in São Paulo State, Brazil, were phagetyped. Among the strains isolated during the period of 1975-92, 80.9% of them belonged to phage type 8 (PT-8), but in 1993 strains of PT-4 accounted for 65.2% of all the S. Enteritidis isolates. In the following years, PT-4 strains accounted for 99.7% and 98.4% of phagetyped S. Enteritidis strains. The results obtained suggested that the current epidemic of S. Enteritidis in São Paulo State is clearly associated with the progression of PT-4 strains.


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Early in 1995 the first case of Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome was serologically confirmed in El Bolsón (Province of Río Negro, Argentina), corresponding to the third outbreak reported in Argentina. A total of 26 cases of HPS related to the Andean region of Rio Negro Province, were reported from 1993 to 1996, 17 in El Bolsón, 4 in San Carlos de Bariloche, and 5 in Buenos Aires. The incidence rate was 5.03 x 100000 with a mortality rate of 51.85 x 100. The occurrence of cases was mainly seasonal, with a significantly greater number in the spring, and the persons affected mainly lived in urban or periurban areas. In four cases, the affected individuals were members of a couple, spouses or live-in contacts. Seven cases were Health workers (physicians, nurses or administrative staff). Twelve cases were related among them, due to an outbreak of 80 days. Two of them did not visit the Andean region. A total of 139 rodents were captured and seven of them, Olygoryzomys longicaudatus, were found to be serologically positive. The possibility of infection by contact with rodents or fecal matter is being analyzed and also hypothesis related with interhuman transmission


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A large epidemic of serogroup B meningococcal disease (MD), has been occurring in greater São Paulo, Brazil, since 1988.21 A Cuban-produced vaccine, based on outer-membrane-protein (OMP) from serogroup B: serotype 4: serosubtype P1.15 (B:4:P1.15) Neisseria meningitidis, was given to about 2.4 million children aged from 3 months to 6 years during 1989 and 1990. The administration of vaccine had little or no measurable effects on this outbreak. In order to detect clonal changes that could explain the continued increase in the incidence of disease after the vaccination, we serotyped isolates recovered between 1990 and 1996 from 834 patients with systemic disease. Strains B:4:P1.15, which was detected in the area as early as 1977, has been the most prevalent phenotype since 1988. These strains are still prevalent in the area and were responsible for about 68% of 834 serogroup B cases in the last 7 years. We analyzed 438 (52%) of these strains by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLPs) of rRNA genes (ribotyping). The most frequent pattern obtained was referred to as Rb1 (68%). We concluded that the same clone of B:4:P1.15-Rb1 strains was the most prevalent strain and responsible for the continued increase of incidence of serogroup B MD cases in greater São Paulo during the last 7 years in spite of the vaccination trial.


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Between March and July 1996, a focalized epidemic outbreak of cutaneous leishmaniasis in General Vedia, province of Chaco, associated to the gallery forest of the Oro river was verified. The incidence rate in the area, which was 0-2/000 cases in preceding years, reached 8/000 cases in 1996. The risk of symptomatic infection was similar between sexes, but was different when analizing the different age groups by sex, suggesting a greater relative importance of the peridomestic transmission for the females and of the transmission in the subtropical forest for the males. Specimens of Lutzomyia intermedia, a species already incriminated as a vector of Leishmaniasis in other provinces of northern Argentina, were captured and identified in the focus locality in May 1996. The possible causes of the outbreak related to the climatic variables and the vector abundance are analyzed and the results in the framework of possible preventive and control activities are discussed.


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RESUMO - Através da investigação teórica analisa-se o processo de implementação da contratualização em Portugal e procura- -se perspectivar o seu desenvolvimento. Questionam-se ainda os factores críticos que no contexto português condicionam a implementação de políticas de mudança no sector da saúde e descortina-se o desenvolvimento deste importante instrumento de mudança à luz dos ensinamentos obtidos, quer na revisão bibliográfica quer nos casos Inglês e Espanhol. --------------------------ABSTRACT – Through a theoretical research, the implementation of the contracting process in Portugal is analysed and its development is envisioned. In addition, the critical factors, which constrain the implementation of change policies in the Portuguese health sector, are questioned. The development of this important tool of change is foreseen in the light of relevant findings, arising both from the literature review and from the British


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Dissertação de mestrado em História Contemporânea


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Salmonellosis remains an important cause of diarrheal illness in humans in São Paulo State, Brazil. In this study were identified 3554 Salmonella isolates from human infections, during the period 1996-2003. Among 68 different serovars determined, S. Enteritidis was the most frequent one in gastrointestinal and extra-intestinal infections accounting for 67.4% of all isolates. S. Typhimurium and S. enterica subsp. enterica (4,5,12:i:-) were most frequently isolated from children aged < 1-4 year-old, in contrast, people with S. Enteritidis infections were most likely to be 20-50 year-old. In our geographic area the continued laboratorial surveillance of salmonellosis, including serotyping, has showed the trends in Salmonella serovars causing infections in humans throughout the time.


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Dissertação para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Ensino de Matemática no 3º ciclo do Ensino Básico e no Secundário


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Gestão do Território/especialidade em Ambiente e Recursos Naturais


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Dos números recentemente publicados pela Direcção Geral da Saúde / Núcleo de Tuberculose e Doenças Respiratórias relativos aos anos de 1992 e 1993 e pelo Instituto Nacional de Estatística relativos a 1994, conclui-se que os casos de Tuberculose (TB) notificados pouco têm decrescido nos últimos 15 anos: descida média anual de 6,3% para os casos em geral e 14% para os menores de 15 anos; a taxa global de incidência apurada em 1994 voltou a subir — 51,1 (52,4 no Continente). Para o autor a melhoria das taxas de incidência de TB infantil, sobretudo até 1991/1992, ficou a dever-se aos melhores cuidados na assistência materno-infantil, com uma maior cobertura pediátrica e obstétrica por todo o País, e à vacinação generalizada dos recém-nascidos com o BCG. Esta cobertura não ia além de 40% em 1975, atingiu os 75% em 1985 e chegou aos 91% em 1993. Esta evolução de TB infantil não deve dar lugar a nenhum optimismo porque a TB infantil depende inteiramente das taxas de TB do adulto e se estas não melhorarem, o paralelismo vai reaparecer para continuar. As medidas positivas que permitiram a significativa melhoria das taxas de incidência da TB infantil até 1991/1992 estão esgotadas se, no combate à TB do adulto, medidas urgentes não forem tomadas a curto prazo.