978 resultados para Buck-boost


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RESUMO:O processo de glicosilação é a modificação pós-traducional de proteínas mais comum e está envolvido em vários processos fisiológicos e patológicos. Especificamente, certos perfis glicosídeos estão correlacionados a estados específicos de diferenciação celular, e podem modular vários eventos celulares, como sinalização celular, migração celular e interações hospedeiro-patogénio. Assim sendo, a glicosilação desempenha um papel crucial na modulação de vários processos imunológicos. No entanto, permanece por esclarecer como as estruturas glicosídicas influenciam a imunidade. Especificamente, algumas estruturas glicosídicas terminais que estão modificadas pela ligação de ácido siálico desempenham um papel importante em várias funções do sistema imune, nomeadamente migração leucocitária em contexto de inflamação e ativação de células imunes. Como tal, este trabalho teve como objectivo investigar como a expressão de certos glicanos influencia componentes importantes da resposta imune inata e adaptativa. Este trabalho está dividido em três componentes principais: 1) A imunidade está amplamente dependente da habilidade das células circulantes migrarem para os tecidos inflamados, sendo que a ligação de leucócitos à Eselectina endotelial é o primeiro passo. Assim, nós analisámos a estrutura e função dos ligandos de E-selectina que são expressos pelas células humanas mononucleares de sangue periférico (PBMCs), fornecendo novos conhecimentos para a compreensão dos intervenientes moleculares que mediam a ligação dos monócitos, células CD4+ e CD8+T e células B ao endotélio vascular. Surpreendentemente, os monócitos apresentaram maior capacidade de ligação à E-selectina comparativamente aos linfócitos. Esta observação pode ser explicada pelo facto de os monócitos humanos expressarem, uniformemente, um vasto reportório de glicoproteínas que exibem afinidade de ligação à E-selectina, nomeadamente: as glicoformas do CD43 (CD43E) e do CD44 (HCELL), em adição à já previamente reportada glicoforma da PSGL-1 (CLA). Consistentemente, a diferente capacidade que as diversas populações linfocitárias apresentam de se ligar à E-selectina, está integralmente relacionada com a sua expressão de glicoproteínas com afinidade de ligação à E-selectina. Enquanto que as células CD4+T apresentam uma elevada reatividade à E-selectina, as células CD8+T e B demonstram pouca ou nenhuma capacidade de ligação à E-selectina. Esta atividade de ligação à E-selectina das células CD4+T é conferida pela expressão de HCELL, em adição às já previamente reportadas CLA e CD43E. As células CD8+ T não expressam HCELL e apenas expressam pequenas quantidades de CLA e CD43E, enquanto que as células B não expressam ligandos de Eselectina. Mais, a exofucosilação da superfície destas células, levou ao dramático aumento da expressão dos ligandos de E-selectina em todos as populações leucocitárias, verificando-se que a criação de certos ligandos de E-selectina está dependente do tipo de célula, após fucosilação. Colectivamente, estes resultados redefinem o nosso conhecimento acerca dos mecanismos moleculares que governam o tráfico das células mononucleares de sangue periférico em contexto de inflamação. 2) A habilidade das células dendríticas (DCs) para extravasarem em locais de inflamação é crucial para o sucesso da terapia com DCs. Assim, analisámos a estrutura e função das moléculas de adesão que mediam a migração transendotelial (TEM) das DCs. Para isso, foram usadas DCs geradas a partir da diferenciação de monócitos (mo-DCS), obtidos quer pelo métodos de separação imuno-magnética de células CD14+ (CD14-S) ou por isolamento por aderência ao plástico (PA-S). Os resultados obtidos indicam que as glicoformas de ligação à Eselectina de PSGL-1, CD43 e CD44 são expressas pelas CD14-S mo-DCs, enquanto que as PA-S mo-DCs expressam apenas CLA. É importante notar que a ligação do CD44 nas mo-DCs, mas não nas PA-S mo-DCs, desencadeia a ativação e consequente adesão da VLA-4 ao endotélio na ausência de um gradiente de quimiocinas. Procedeu-se também à análise dos ligandos E-selectina expressos em mo-DCs geradas a partir de monócitos do sangue do cordão umbilical (UCB) e, inesperadamente, as UCB mo-DCs não expressam qualquer glicoproteína com reatividade à E-selectina. Além disso, a exofucosilação das mo- DCs humanas utilizando uma α(1,3)-fucosiltransferase aumenta significativamente a expressão de HCELL e, portanto, estas células apresentam uma capacidade aumentada para se ligarem à E-selectina em condições de fluxo hemodinâmico. Estes resultados destacam o papel do HCELL no desencadeamento do TEM das CD14-S mo-DCs e sugerem que estratégias para potenciar a expressão de HCELL poderão impulsionar o recrutamento de mo-DCs para locais de inflamação. 3) Outro obstáculo para alcançar o sucesso promissor de vacinas baseadas em DCs é o estabelecimento de abordagens eficientes que poderão melhorar o estado de maturação e apresentação antigénica das DCs. Por conseguinte, foram investigadas abordagens alternativas que podem superar este obstáculo. Através da remoção de ácido siálico de superfície celular das DCs, conseguiu-se induzir a maturação de DC humanas e de ratinhos. Notavelmente, tanto as DCs humanas como as de ratinho, ao serem desialiladas mostraram uma capacidade aumentada para induzir a proliferação de células T, para secretar citocinas Th1 e para induzir a morte específica de células tumorais. Em adição, as DCs desialiladas apresentam uma maior capacidade de apresentação cruzada de antigénios tumorais às células T citotóxicas. Colectivamente, o presente estudo oferece uma visão chave para optimizar a capacidade das DCs em induzir respostas imunitárias anti-tumorais, e indica que o tratamento com sialidase é uma nova tecnologia para melhorar a eficácia e aplicabilidade das vacinas baseadas em DCs. Coletivamente, os nossos resultados demostram como a glicosilação e a sua manipulação podem modular a imunidade. Concretamente, através de uma reação de exofucosilação conseguimos aumentar fortemente a capacidade de os leucócitos extravasarem para os tecidos afectados, enquanto que a remoção dos níveis de ácido siálico da superfície celular das DCs, induz potentes respostas anti-tumorais mediadas por células T citotóxicas. ---------------------------- ABSTRACT: Glycosylation is the most widely form of protein post-translational modification and is involved in many physiological and pathological processes. Specifically, certain patterns of glycosylation are associated with determined stages of cell differentiation and can modulate processes like cell-signaling and migration and host-pathogen interactions. As such, glycosylation plays a crucial role in the modulation of several immune events. However, how glycans execute this immune-modulation and, therefore, influence immunity is still poorly unknown. Specifically, some terminal sialic acid-modified determinants are known to be involved in several physiological immune processes, including leukocyte trafficking into sites of inflammation and cell immune activation. Therefore, in this work, we sought to investigate more deeply how the expression of these glycosidic structures affects events form both innate and adaptive immune responses. To this end, we divided our work into three main parts: 1) Immunity critically depends on the ability of sentinel circulating cells to infiltrate injured sites, of which leukocyte binding to endothelial E-selectin is the critical first step. Thus, we first analyzed the structure and function of the E-selectin ligands expressed on native human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs), providing novel insights into the molecular effectors governing adhesion of circulating monocytes, and of circulating CD4+T, CD8+T and B cells, to vascular endothelium under hemodynamic shear conditions. Strikingly, monocytes show a higher ability to tether and roll on endothelial cells than lymphocyte subsets. This is due to the fact that human circulating monocytes uniformly display a wide repertoire of E-selectin binding glycoproteins, namely the E-selectin-binding glycoforms of CD43 (CD43E) and CD44 (HCELL), in addition to the previously described E-selectin-binding glycoform of PSGL-1 (CLA). In addition, we also observed a differential ability of the different lymphocyte subsets to bind to Eselectin under hemodynamic shear stress conditions, and these differences were highly correlated with their individual expression of E-selectin binding glycoproteins. While CD4+T cells show a robust E-selectin binding ability, CD8+T and B cells show little to no E-selectin reactivity. CD4+T cell potent Eselectin rolling activity is conferred by HCELL expression, in addition to the previously reported E-selectin-binding glycoproteins CD43E and CLA. CD8+T cells display no HCELL and low amounts of CLA and CD43E, whereas B cells lack E-selectin ligand expression. Moreover, enforced exofucosylation of cell surface of these cells noticeably increases expression of functional E-selectin ligands among all leukocytes subsets, with cell type-dependent specificity in the protein scaffolds that are modified. Taken together, these findings redefine our understanding of the molecular mechanisms governing the trafficking patterns of PBMCs that are relevant in the context of acute or chronic inflammatory conditions. 2) The ability of circulating dendritic cells (DCs) to extravasate at inflammatory sites is critical to the success of DC-based therapies. Therefore, we assessed the structure and function of adhesion molecules mediating the transendothelial migration (TEM) of human monocyte derived-DCs (mo-DCs), obtained either by CD14 positive immune-magnetic selection (CD14-S) or by plastic adherence of blood monocytes (PA-S). We report for the first time that the E-selectin binding glycoforms of PSGL-1, CD43 and CD44 are all expressed on CD14-S mo-DCs, in contrast to PA-S mo-DCs that express only CLA. Importantly, CD44 engagement on CD14-S mo-DCs, but not on PA-S mo-DCs, triggers VLA-4-dependent adhesiveness and programs TEM in absence of chemokine gradient. We also analyzed the E-selectin ligands expressed on mo-DCs generated from umbilical cord blood (UCB) monocytes, and unexpectedly, UCB mo-DCs do not express any glycoprotein with E-selectin reactivity. Furthermore, exoglycosylation of human mo-DCs using an α(1,3)-fucosyltransferase significantly increases expression of HCELL, and therefore exofucosylated mo-DCs exhibit an augmented ability to bind to E-selectin under hemodynamic shear stress conditions. These findings highlight a role for HCELL engagement in priming TEM of CD14-S mo-DCs, and suggest that strategies to enforce HCELL expression could boost mo-DC recruitment to inflammatory sites.3) Another obstacle to achieve the promising success of DC-based vaccines is the establishment of efficient approaches that could successfully enhance maturation and cross-presentation ability of DCs. Therefore, we investigated an alternative approach that can overcome this problem. Through removal of sialic acid content from DC cell surface we are able to elicit maturation of both human and mouse DCs. Notably, desialylated human and murine DCs showed enhanced ability to induce autologous T cell to proliferate, to secrete Th1 cytokines and to kill tumor cells. Moreover, desialylated DCs display enhanced cross-presentation of tumor antigens to cytotoxic CD8+ T cells. Collectively, this study offers key insight to optimize the ability of DCs to boost anti-tumor immune responses, and indicates that the treatment with an exogenous sialidase is a powerful new technology to improve the efficacy and applicability of DC-based vaccines. Overall, our findings show how glycosylation and its manipulation can modulate immunity. Concretely, through an exofucosylation reaction we are able to greatly augment the ability of leukocytes to extravasate into injured tissues, while removal of sialic acid moieties from cell surface of DCs, significantly potentiate their ability to induce anti-tumor cytotoxic T cell-mediate responses.


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The nature tourism experienced a great expansion of its market with the appearance of different lifestyles. In this Work Project a study regarding the website direct sales of Rota Vicentina was developed. Its website shows the idea of being solely an information structure and not a purchase one, leading to a current absence of online sales. Hence, it is suggested the modification of its business model, using different instruments and channels. Some digital marketing recommendations were developed in order to boost website sales, such as a platform for online reviews, remarketing campaigns and social media activity.


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This Work Project aims to discuss the Context Costs and Comparative Advantages of the Telecommunications sector both in Portugal and China. The work was built mostly on primary research by interviews with relevant people (business persons, University Professors and Agencies directors), and by economic data publicly available. A list of context costs and comparative advantages was drawn for each country and possible resolutions suggestions were made in the end. The context costs depend heavily on the economic situation of the countries and it should be taken into account when assessing the degree of magnitude of each cost of context. The competitive advantages of each country were drawn in comparison with one another. Some key results stand out: firstly, Portugal’s costs of context depend mainly on governmental decisions, uncertainties and instability and China’s cost of context depend primarily on cultural norms, mainly the Guanxi; second, the telecommunications sector shares most of its context costs and advantages with other sectors; third, China as an economic power could use the telecommunications sector as a way to further develop and boost its economy.


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CD8 T cells play a key role in mediating protective immunity against selected pathogens after vaccination. Understanding the mechanism of this protection is dependent upon definition of the heterogeneity and complexity of cellular immune responses generated by different vaccines. Here, we identify previously unrecognized subsets of CD8 T cells based upon analysis of gene-expression patterns within single cells and show that they are differentially induced by different vaccines. Three prime-boost vector combinations encoding HIV Env stimulated antigen-specific CD8 T-cell populations of similar magnitude, phenotype, and functionality. Remarkably, however, analysis of single-cell gene-expression profiles enabled discrimination of a majority of central memory (CM) and effector memory (EM) CD8 T cells elicited by the three vaccines. Subsets of T cells could be defined based on their expression of Eomes, Cxcr3, and Ccr7, or Klrk1, Klrg1, and Ccr5 in CM and EM cells, respectively. Of CM cells elicited by DNA prime-recombinant adenoviral (rAd) boost vectors, 67% were Eomes(-) Ccr7(+) Cxcr3(-), in contrast to only 7% and 2% stimulated by rAd5-rAd5 or rAd-LCMV, respectively. Of EM cells elicited by DNA-rAd, 74% were Klrk1(-) Klrg1(-)Ccr5(-) compared with only 26% and 20% for rAd5-rAd5 or rAd5-LCMV. Definition by single-cell gene profiling of specific CM and EM CD8 T-cell subsets that are differentially induced by different gene-based vaccines will facilitate the design and evaluation of vaccines, as well as enable our understanding of mechanisms of protective immunity.


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Novel cancer vaccines are capableto efficiently induce and boost humantumor antigen specific T-cells. However,the properties of these CD8T-cells are only partially characterized.For in depth investigation ofT-cells following Melan-A/MART-1peptide vaccination in melanoma patients,we conducted a detailed prospectivestudy at the single cell level.We first sorted individual human naiveand effector CD8 T-cells from peripheralblood by flow cytometry, andtested a modified RT-PCR protocolincluding a global amplification ofexpressed mRNAs to obtain sufficientcDNAfromsingle cells.We successfullydetected the expression ofseveral specific genes of interest evendown to 106-fold dilution (equivalentto 10-5 cell). We then analyzed tumor-specific effector memory (EM)CD8T-cell subpopulations ex vivo, assingle cells from vaccinated melanomapatients. To elucidate the hallmarksof effective immunity the genesignatures were defined by a panel ofgenes related to effector functions(e.g. IFN-, granzyme B, perforin),and individual clonotypes were identifiedaccording to the expression ofdistinct T-cell receptors (TCR). Usingthis novel single cell analysis approach,we observed that T-cell differentiationis clonotype dependent,with a progressive restriction in TCRBV clonotype diversity from EMCD28pos to EMCD28neg subsets. However,the effector function gene imprintingis clonotype-independent,but dependent on differentiation,since it correlates with the subset oforigin (EMCD28pos or EMCD28neg). We also conducted a detailedcomparative analysis after vaccinationwith natural vs. analog Melan-Apeptide. We found that the peptideused for vaccination determines thefunctional outcome of individualT-cell clonotypes, with native peptideinducing more potent effector functions.Yet, selective clonotypic expansionwith differentiation was preservedregardless of the peptide usedfor vaccination. In summary, the exvivo single cell RT-PCR approach ishighly sensitive and efficient, andrepresents a reliable and powerfultool to refine our current view of molecularprocesses taking place duringT-cell differentiation.


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Taking advantage of homeostatic mechanisms to boost tumor-specific cellular immunity is raising increasing interest in the development of therapeutic strategies in the treatment of melanoma. Here, we have explored the potential of combining homeostatic proliferation, after transient immunosuppression, and antigenic stimulation of Melan-A/Mart-1 specific CD8 T-cells. In an effort to develop protocols that could be readily applicable to the clinic, we have designed a phase I clinical trial, involving lymphodepleting chemotherapy with Busulfan and Fludarabine, reinfusion of Melan-A specific CD8 T-cell containing peripheral blood mononuclear cells (exempt of growth factors), and Melan-A peptide vaccination. Six patients with advanced melanoma were enrolled in this outpatient regimen that demonstrated good feasibility combined with low toxicity. Consistent depletion of lymphocytes with persistent increased CD4/CD8 ratios was induced, although the proportion of circulating CD4 regulatory T-cells remained mostly unchanged. The study of the immune reconstitution period showed a steady recovery of whole T-cell numbers overtime. However, expansion of Melan-A specific CD8 T-cells, as measured in peripheral blood, was mostly inconsistent, accompanied with marginal phenotypic changes, despite vaccination with Melan-A/Mart-1 peptide. On the clinical level, 1 patient presented a partial but objective antitumor response following the beginning of the protocol, even though a direct effect of Busulfan/Fludarabine cannot be completely ruled out. Overall, these data provide further ground for the development of immunotherapeutic approaches to be both effective against melanoma and applicable in clinic.


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With the availability of new generation sequencing technologies, bacterial genome projects have undergone a major boost. Still, chromosome completion needs a costly and time-consuming gap closure, especially when containing highly repetitive elements. However, incomplete genome data may be sufficiently informative to derive the pursued information. For emerging pathogens, i.e. newly identified pathogens, lack of release of genome data during gap closure stage is clearly medically counterproductive. We thus investigated the feasibility of a dirty genome approach, i.e. the release of unfinished genome sequences to develop serological diagnostic tools. We showed that almost the whole genome sequence of the emerging pathogen Parachlamydia acanthamoebae was retrieved even with relatively short reads from Genome Sequencer 20 and Solexa. The bacterial proteome was analyzed to select immunogenic proteins, which were then expressed and used to elaborate the first steps of an ELISA. This work constitutes the proof of principle for a dirty genome approach, i.e. the use of unfinished genome sequences of pathogenic bacteria, coupled with proteomics to rapidly identify new immunogenic proteins useful to develop in the future specific diagnostic tests such as ELISA, immunohistochemistry and direct antigen detection. Although applied here to an emerging pathogen, this combined dirty genome sequencing/proteomic approach may be used for any pathogen for which better diagnostics are needed. These genome sequences may also be very useful to develop DNA based diagnostic tests. All these diagnostic tools will allow further evaluations of the pathogenic potential of this obligate intracellular bacterium.


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Transcriptional coregulators control the activity of many transcription factors and are thought to have wide-ranging effects on gene expression patterns. We show here that muscle-specific loss of nuclear receptor corepressor 1 (NCoR1) in mice leads to enhanced exercise endurance due to an increase of both muscle mass and of mitochondrial number and activity. The activation of selected transcription factors that control muscle function, such as MEF2, PPARβ/δ, and ERRs, underpins these phenotypic alterations. NCoR1 levels are decreased in conditions that require fat oxidation, resetting transcriptional programs to boost oxidative metabolism. Knockdown of gei-8, the sole C. elegans NCoR homolog, also robustly increased muscle mitochondria and respiration, suggesting conservation of NCoR1 function. Collectively, our data suggest that NCoR1 plays an adaptive role in muscle physiology and that interference with NCoR1 action could be used to improve muscle function.


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Over the past decade, many efforts have been made to identify MHC class II-restricted epitopes from different tumor-associated Ags. Melan-A/MART-1(26-35) parental or Melan-A/MART-1(26-35(A27L)) analog epitopes have been widely used in melanoma immunotherapy to induce and boost CTL responses, but only one Th epitope is currently known (Melan-A51-73, DRB1*0401 restricted). In this study, we describe two novel Melan-A/MART-1-derived sequences recognized by CD4 T cells from melanoma patients. These epitopes can be mimicked by peptides Melan-A27-40 presented by HLA-DRB1*0101 and HLA-DRB1*0102 and Melan-A25-36 presented by HLA-DQB1*0602 and HLA-DRB1*0301. CD4 T cell clones specific for these epitopes recognize Melan-A/MART-1+ tumor cells and Melan-A/MART-1-transduced EBV-B cells and recognition is reduced by inhibitors of the MHC class II presentation pathway. This suggests that the epitopes are naturally processed and presented by EBV-B cells and melanoma cells. Moreover, Melan-A-specific Abs could be detected in the serum of patients with measurable CD4 T cell responses specific for Melan-A/MART-1. Interestingly, even the short Melan-A/MART-1(26-35(A27L)) peptide was recognized by CD4 T cells from HLA-DQ6+ and HLA-DR3+ melanoma patients. Using Melan-A/MART-1(25-36)/DQ6 tetramers, we could detect Ag-specific CD4 T cells directly ex vivo in circulating lymphocytes of a melanoma patient. Together, these results provide the basis for monitoring of naturally occurring and vaccine-induced Melan-A/MART-1-specific CD4 T cell responses, allowing precise and ex vivo characterization of responding T cells.


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Lactate has been shown to offer neuroprotection in several pathologic conditions. This beneficial effect has been attributed to its use as an alternative energy substrate. However, recent description of the expression of the HCA1 receptor for lactate in the central nervous system calls for reassessment of the mechanism by which lactate exerts its neuroprotective effects. Here, we show that HCA1 receptor expression is enhanced 24 hours after reperfusion in an middle cerebral artery occlusion stroke model, in the ischemic cortex. Interestingly, intravenous injection of L-lactate at reperfusion led to further enhancement of HCA1 receptor expression in the cortex and striatum. Using an in vitro oxygen-glucose deprivation model, we show that the HCA1 receptor agonist 3,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid reduces cell death. We also observed that D-lactate, a reputedly non-metabolizable substrate but partial HCA1 receptor agonist, also provided neuroprotection in both in vitro and in vivo ischemia models. Quite unexpectedly, we show D-lactate to be partly extracted and oxidized by the rodent brain. Finally, pyruvate offered neuroprotection in vitro whereas acetate was ineffective. Our data suggest that L- and D-lactate offer neuroprotection in ischemia most likely by acting as both an HCA1 receptor agonist for non-astrocytic (most likely neuronal) cells as well as an energy substrate.


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Les mécanismes qui régulent le processus de guérison de la peau lésée ne sont pas entièrement compris. Nous avons précédemment montré que les cellules dendritiques plasmocytoïdes (pDCs) sont normalement absentes de la peau saine mais infiltrent rapidement la peau humaine ainsi que celle des souris après une blessure cutanée. Après avoir infiltré la peau, ces pDCs sont capables de détecter les acides nucléiques par l'expression des récepteurs de type Toll 7 et 9 ce qui les active à produire de 1' interféron (IFN) de type I. Ce processus est primordial pour la re- épithélisation des blessures cutanées. Cependant, les mécanismes conduisant à l'infiltration et à 1'activation des pDCs restent inconnus. Dans notre projet, nous montrons que la chimiokine CxcllO est responsable de l'infiltration des pDCs. De façon importante, nous démontrons que les neutrophiles qui infiltrent également la peau lésée sont la source majeure de cette chimiokine. La déplétion des neutrophiles abolit d'ailleurs le recrutement des pDCs confirmant ainsi que CxcllO produit par les neutrophiles est responsable de l'infiltration des pDCs dans la peau endommagée. De façon intéressante, nous avons trouvé que CxcllO en plus de son activité chimiotactique, est capable de former des complexes avec l'ADN et d'activer ainsi les pDCs à produire de l'IFN de type I. De plus, nous avons observé que les neutrophiles qui infiltrent la peau forment des Neutrophil Extracellular Traps (NETs). Ces NETs sont constitués de filaments extracellulaires d'ADN recouverts par de nombreuses protéines principalement d'origine granulaire. D'une manière frappante, le blocage de la NETose ou l'utilisation de souris déficientes pour la formation de NETs altère le recrutement et l'activation des pDCs ainsi que la réponse inflammatoire qui en découle ainsi que le processus de re-epithélisation qui s'ensuit. En prenant en compte toutes ces données, nos résultats démontrent que suite à une blessure de la peau, les neutrophiles par la production de CxcllO contrôlent l'infiltration des pDCs dans la peau lésée et par la formation de NETs, promeuvent l'activation des pDCs. Notre étude fournit donc de nouvelles informations sur les mécanismes de guérison de la peau et ouvre de nouvelles perspectives thérapeutiques quant à la réparation tissulaire de la peau soit dans le but de l'amplifier ou de l'inhiber. -- The mechanisms that regulate healing of the injured skin are not well understood. We have previously shown that plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs) are normally absent from the healthy skin, but rapidly infiltrate both murine and human skin upon injury. Upon skin infiltration, pDCs sense nucleic acids via TLR7/TLR9 and are activated to produce type I interferon (IFN), a process that is crucial for re-epithelialisation of skin wounds. However, the mechanisms that drive pDCs recruitment and activation in injured skin remain unclear. We show that CxcllO is responsible for pDCs infiltration. Importantly, we demonstrate that skin infiltrating neutrophils are the major source of this chemokine. Neutrophils depletion completely abrogated pDCs recruitment confirming that CxcllO- driven pDCs recruitment is controlled by neutrophils. Interestingly, CxcllO was also found to form complexes with DNA and to activate pDCs to produce Type I IFN in addition to its chemotactic activity. Moreover, we observed that infiltrating neutrophils release Neutrophils Extracellular Traps (NETs) composed of DNA filaments decorated with neutrophils-derived proteins. Strikingly, blocking NETosis or using mice deficient for NETs production impaired pDCs recruitment and activation as well as the subsequent inflammatory response and the re-epithelialisation process. Altogether, these data demonstrate that upon skin injury, neutrophils control pDCs infiltration into the injured skin by the release of CxcllO and via the production of NETs, they allow complex formation between CxcllO and NET-DNA leading to pDCs activation. Our findings provide new insights into the mechanisms of wound healing and open new avenues for potential therapeutic interventions to boost or inhibit wound repair in the skin.


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Competitividad y valor compartido


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Structures related to ductile siMple shear parallel to the Bankf ield-Tonbill Fault, define a 5km wide zone, the Barton Bay Deformation Zone. Structures present within this zone Include; simple shear fabrics S, C and C , asymmetric Z shaped folds with rotated axes, boudinage and pinch and swell structures and a subhorlzontal extension llneation. The most highly deformed rock is a gabbro mylonite which occurs in the fault zone. The deformation of this gabbro has been traced in stages from a protomylonite to an ultramylonite In which feldspar and chlorite grainslze has been reduced from over 100 microns to as little as 5 microns. Evidence from the mylonite and the surrounding structure indicates that deformation within the Barton Bay Deformation Zone is related to a regional simple shear zone, the Bankf ield-Tombill Fault. Movement along this shear zone was in a south over north oblique strike slip fashion with a dextral sense of displacement.


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Sculpture by R. Bret Price in front of the Harold Hutton Sports Center, 219 E. Sycamore St., Chapman College, Orange, California. The Harold Hutton Sports Center completed in 1978, is named in honor of this former trustee, and made possible by a gift from his wife, Betty Hutton Williams. Image used for holiday card by Chapman College president G. T. "Buck" Smith and his wife Joni.