992 resultados para British film


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Le cinéma des premiers temps, c'est-à-dire la production des deux premières décennies du cinéma, majoritairement caractérisée par des plans autonomes, des histoires courtes et un cadre fixe, n'a essentiellement connu d'études esthétiques que sous un angle narratologique, centrées notamment sur les prémisses du montage. Cette thèse déplace le regard - ou plus simplement le convoque -, en proposant de faire sa place à l'image. Car à qui sait les regarder, les premiers films dévoilent une parenté picturale jusqu'alors ignorée. Les images du cinéma des premiers temps - alors significativement appelées « tableaux » - se sont en effet définies à l'aune de la peinture, et même plus précisément par une imitation littérale des oeuvres d'art. Cette étude révèle que le tableau vivant, défini dans les termes stricts de la reconstitution d'une composition picturale par des acteurs vivants (que ceux-ci tiennent la pose ou non), est au fondement d'une esthétique du film des premiers temps. L'argument est structuré par les illustrations que l'auteure exhume (et compare, à la manière d'un spectaculaire et vivant jeu des 7 différences) parmi cette production filmique majoritairement disparue, brûlée, effacée, et ces références picturales aujourd'hui perdues, dénigrées, oubliées... Néanmoins ce ne sont pas quelques exemples isolés, mais un vrai phénomène historique qui est mis au jours à travers un corpus de films traversant tous les genres du cinéma des premiers temps, et prouvant que les productions du Film d'Art et des séries d'art ou le film Corner in Wheat (D.W. Griffith, 1909), souvent tenus comme un commencement, consistent bien plus en un aboutissement de cette tradition qui consiste à créer des images filmiques sous forme de tableaux vivants. Traçant d'abord ses « contexte et contours », le texte montre que la reconstitution picturale hante toutes les formes de spectacle à l'heure de l'émergence du cinéma. Les scènes de l'époque cultivent internationalement une esthétique de tableau vivant. Et la scène n'a pas l'exclusivité du phénomène : le médium photographique, dès son apparition, s'approprie le procédé, pour (chose jusqu'alors impossible) documenter l'effet visuel de ces reconstitutions, mais aussi pour les réinventer, en particulier pour se légitimer en tant que moyen artistique capable de rivaliser avec la peinture. Le cinéma émergent procède à une appropriation similaire du tableau vivant, qui fait le coeur de ce travail en y étant analysée selon quatre axes théoriques : Reproduire - où l'on découvre le caractère fondamentalement indirect de la filiation picturale de ces tableaux vivants, pris dans une dynamique de reproduction intermédiale qui en fait de véritables exercices de style, par lesquels les producteurs expérimentent et prennent conscience des moyens .artistiques de l'image filmique - ; Réincarner - où l'on étudie les problématiques engagées par la « mise en vie », et plus précisément la « mise en corps » des figures picturales (en particulier de Jésus et du nu), impliquant des enjeux de censure et un questionnement du regard sur l'art, sur le corps, et sur le statut de ces images qui semblent plus originales que l'original - ; Réanimer - où l'on examine la manière dont le cinéma mouvemente la peinture, en remettant la composition en action, en en redéployant l'instant prégnant, en expérimentant la pose gestuelle, l'arrêt du photogramme et tout le spectre de la temporalité cinématographique - ; enfin Recadrer - où l'on analyse le cadrage de ces tableaux repensés à l'aune de la caméra et de l'écran, qui nécessitent de complexifier les catégories théoriques baziniennes, et qui font émerger le tableau vivant comme un lieu de cristallisation d'une image filmique tabu/aire, offrant une résistance au montage linéaire. Or cette résistance se vérifiera jusque dans les films très contemporains, qui, en réactualisant le motif du tableau vivant, briseront la linéarité narrative du montage et feront rejaillir le poids artistique de l'image - ravivant en cela une esthétique fondatrice du cinéma.


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This article contributes to the study of cinema audiences in Europe by analyzing theactual behavior of Spanish moviegoers and their level of satisfaction. We modeledmoviegoers’ choice of film by country of origin (U.S.A., Spain, and other countries)according to a set of determinants: (1) consumers’ interpretation of several sources of information, (2) motivations and (3) choice rules. We found three clear consumerstereotypes related to each type of film: (1) U.S.A. films were preferred by almost everyone (especially families and younger audiences); (2) Spanish films had audiences composed of middle-age and middle-class moviegoers; and (3) European productions were preferred by a social or intellectual elite. U.S.A. films dominate the Spanish market for the reason that they provide most of what moviegoers prefer, namely, familiar, reliable entertainment in Spanish; three characteristics that are not satisfied by Spanish and European films. Additionally, we discuss the implications for the European cultural policy


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El pasado 23 de junio se celebró en Londres una jornada dedicada a los resultados del proyecto LIFE (Life Cycle Information for E-Literature) , centrado en los costes de la preservación digital. Este proyecto, financiado por JISC y llevado a cabo conjuntamente por la British Library (BL) y la University College London (UCL) se ha realizado en 2 fases: en la primera (2005-2006), se elaboró una metodología basada en ciclos vitales (life cycles) para calcular el coste de la preservación de recursos digitales durante 5, 10 y 100 años. Para ello, se identificaron seis procedimientos (o «etapas») considerados básicos para la gestión de material digital y luego se asignaron a cada uno los principales factores de coste. El modelo resultante se aplicó a varias colecciones de la BL y la UCL. ...


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Research into online addictions has increased substantially over the last decade, particularly amongst youth. This study adapted the Problematic Internet Entertainment Use Scale for Adolescents [PIEUSA] for use with a British population. The adapted scale was used to (i) validate the instrument for English-speaking adolescent samples, (ii) estimate the prevalence of adolescent online problem users and describe their profile, and (iii) assess the accuracy of the scale"s classification of symptomatology. A survey was administered to 1097 adolescents aged between 11 and 18 years. The results indicated that (i) reliability of the adapted scale was excellent; factor validity showed unidimensionality, and construct validity was adequate. The findings also indicated that (ii) prevalence of online problem users was 5.2% and that they were more likely to younger males that engaged in online gaming for more than two hours most days. The majority of online problem users displayed negative addictive symptoms, especially"loss of control" and"conflict". The adapted scale showed (iii) very good sensitivity, specificity, and classification accuracy, and was able to clearly differentiate between problem and non-problem users. The results suggest certain differences between adolescent and adult online problem users based in the predominance of slightly different psychological components.


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The problematic use of mobile phones among adolescents has not been widely studied. There are very few instruments for assessing potential technological addiction to mobile phones, or for categorizing different types of users or uses. The most widely used scale is the Mobile Phone Problem Use Scale (MPPUS), which is used to study adult populations, and has been applied in various forms in international contexts. The aims of this study were to adapt the Spanish version of this scale (MPPUSA) to British adolescents, and then to estimate the prevalence of possible problematic users. A questionnaire was administered to a sample of 1,529 secondary school pupils aged between 11 and 18 years, with 1,026 completed questionnaires being collected. The analysis showed that the factor and construct validity and reliability were comparable to those obtained in previous studies. The prevalence of problematic users among the students was 10%, and the typical problematic user tended to be an adolescent between 11 and 14 years old, studying in a public school, who considered themselves to be an expert user of this technology, who made extensive use of his/her mobile phone, and who attributed the same problem of use among their peers. These users presented notable scores in all the symptoms covered by the scale used to assess problematic use. In conclusion, the adaptation of the MPPUSA as a screening scale for British adolescents presents good sensitivity and specificity for detecting the main addictive symptoms proposed in this validated version.


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The electrochemical behaviour of zinc has been extensively studied in alkaline and acid media, but only a few studies have been reported in neutral solutions, particularly in deaerated media. Zinc passivation in neutral medium and the effect of the ClO4- ion on the nucleation and growth of the passive layer is studied in this paper by a transient technique at different electrolyte concentrations and applied potentials. ZnO growth rate was shown to decrease with increasing electrolyte concentration. Moreover, passive layer growth occurred followed by pitting nucleation and growth. Film growth and pit nucleation are explained by means of the Macdonald and Engell-Stolica models.


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The complex permittivity of films of polyether ether ketone (PEEK) has been investigated over a wide range of frequency. There is no relaxation peak in the range of 1Hz to 10(5) Hz but in the low-frequency side (10-4 Hz) there is an evidence of a peak that also can be observed by thermally stimulated discharge current measurements. That peak is related with the glass transition temperature (Tg) of the polymer. The activation energy of the relaxation was found to be 0.44 eV, similar to that of several synthetic polymers. Space charges are important in the conduction mechanism as shown by discharging transient.


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This thesis is a literary research, which aims to uncover reasons for the downfall of automotive industry in the United Kingdom in the late 20th century. First, there is a short review on the history of the industry in the UK and then there are more present cases presented in the form of BMW-Rover and Tata-Jaguar Land Rover. Finally, the thesis suggests some ideas to which the UK should work towards in order to ensure future competitiveness. The automotive industry in the United Kingdom is one of the oldest in the world, but as the end of last millennium was approaching it was not doing too well. Industry that was still flourishing in the mid-century was soon heading down river and by the end of the century all large English car manufacturers had either closed down or were forced under foreign ownership. The thesis suggests possible targets for future prospects from the literary review and from the conclusions made. These are to ensure the continuity of the industry and the competitiveness on an international level. The suggestions are for long term and are mainly focused around research and development of renewable energy forms.


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Studien grundar sig på tanken att populärkulturen och dess uttrycksformer är viktiga att analysera närmare även när det gäller en förståelse av religion i dagens värld. Populärkulturen kan antas både spegla och påverka oss. Detta sker naturligtvis inte på ett enkelt sätt, men populärkulturen kan ändå anses vara med och forma hur vi ser på världen omkring oss och på fenomen som t.ex. religion och könsroller. Den genre Sjö valt att rikta in sig på, science fiction, är vald med tanke på hur denna genre tagit sig an både frågor om religion och genus och hur den även blir av betydelse för analyser av dagens värld. Studien riktar i första hand in sig på forskning kring frälsartemat i populärkulturen. Det delvis nya som tillförs forskningen är ett genusperspektiv. Istället för att rikta in sig på de oftast manliga messiasgestalterna ser studien således till den kvinnliga närvaron i berättelserna. För det första analyseras kvinnliga karaktärer i rollerna som kärleksobjekt och mödrar. Centrala frågor som tas upp i denna del av avhandlingen är de kvinnliga karaktärernas roll i förhållande till manliga messiasgestalter och messiasmyter i materialet. Andra frågor som behandlas är de kvinnliga karaktärernas tillgång till en religiös röst och religiöst ledarskap, samt en hurdan kvinnlighet de kan anses representera. För det andra ser studien närmare på frågan om vad som händer med messiasmyten när en kvinna istället för en man tillåts rädda världen. En jämförelse görs mellan manliga och kvinnliga messiasgestalter och vissa tydliga olikheter särskilt i relation till frågor om religiös makt presenteras. Sofia Sjös avhandling visar på problem när det gäller frågor om kvinnligt religiöst ledarskap som även kan relateras till attityder i dagens värld, men pekar också på hur traditionella framställningar av både messiasmyt och kvinnlighet utmanas och förändras i det undersökta materialet.


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This work investigates the Bullwhip Effect, which is one of the most important phenomena in contemporary supply chain management. The author uses most recent theoretical apparatus to analyze operational activities of a leading FMCG company British American Tobacco Eastern Europe. This paper investigates and describes the process in BAT supply chain management and considers the impact of the Bullwhip Effect together with the potential risks threatening company's operations. Emergence of the Bullwhip Effect leads to supply chain inefficiency. This paper contains methodological supply chain risk mitigation recommendations, description of a real case study and an analytical study of internal and external supply chain processes


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Operation Musketeer, a combined joint Anglo-French operation aimed at regaining control of the Suez Canal in 1956, has received much attention from scholars. The most common approach to the crisis has been to examine the political dimension. The political events that led Prime Minister Anthony Eden’s cabinet to decide to use military force against the wishes of their superior American ally and in the face of American economic pressure and a Soviet threat to attack Paris and London with rockets have been analysed thoroughly. This is particularly the case because the ceasefire and eventual withdrawal were an indisputable defeat of British policy in the Middle East. The military operation not only ruined Prime Minister Eden’s career, but it also diminished the prestige of Britain. It was the beginning of the end, some claim. The British Empire would never be the same. As the consequences of using force are generally considered more important than the military operations themselves, very little attention has been paid to the military planning of Operation Musketeer. The difference between the number of publications on Operation Corporate of the Falklands War and Operation Musketeer is striking. Not only has there been little previous research on the military aspects of Musketeer, the conclusions drawn in the existing works have not reached a consensus. Some historians, such as Correlli Barnett, compare Musketeer to the utter failures of the Tudor landings and Gallipoli. Among significant politicians, Winston Churchill, who had retired from the prime ministership only a year before the Suez Crisis, described the operation as “the most ill-conceived and ill-executed imaginable”. Colin McInnes, a well-known author on British defence policy, represents the middle view when he describes the execution as “far from failure”. Finally, some, like Julian Thompson, the Commander of 3 Commando Brigade during the Falklands War, rate the military action itself as being successful. The interpretation of how successful the handling of the Suez Crisis was from the military point of view depends very much on the approach taken and the areas emphasised in the subject. Frequently, military operations are analysed in isolation from other events. The action of a country’s armed forces is separated from the wider context and evaluated without a solid point of comparison. Political consequences are often used as validated criteria, and complicated factors contributing to military performance are ignored. The lack of comprehensive research on the military action has left room for an analysis concentrating on the military side of the crisis.


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14 x 21 cm


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