944 resultados para Brazilian university libraries


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Tetradifon, a potentially carcinogenic and mutagenic pesticide, can contribute to environmental and human contamination when applied to green bell pepper crops. In this context, in this work, a reliable and sensitive method for determination of tetradifon in Brazilian green bell pepper samples involving a differential pulse voltammetry (DPV) technique on a glassy carbon electrode is proposed. The electrochemical behavior of tetradifon as followed by cyclic voltammetry (CV) suggests that its reduction occurs via an irreversible five-electron transfer vs. Ag vertical bar AgCl, KCl 3 M reference electrode. Very well-resolved diffusion controlled voltammetric peaks have been obtained in a supporting electrolyte solution composed of a mixture of 40% dimethylformamide (DMF), 30% methanol, and 30% NaOH 0.3 mol L-1 at -1.43, -1.57, -1.73, -1.88, and -2.05 V. The proposed DPV method has a good linear response in the 3.00 - 10.0 mu mol L-1 range, with a limit of detection (L.O.D) of 0.756 mu mol L-1 and 0.831 mu mol L-1 in the absence and in the presence of the matrix, respectively. Moreover, improved L.O.D results (0.607 mu mol L-1) have been achieved in the absence of DMF from the supporting electrolyte solution. Recovery has been evaluated in five commercial green bell pepper samples, and recovery percentages ranging from 91.0 to 109 have been obtained for tetradifon determinations. The proposed voltammetric method has also been tested for reproducibility, repeatability, and potential interferents, and the results obtained for these three analytical parameters are satisfactory for electroanalytical purposes. (C) 2012 The Electrochemical Society. [DOI: 10.1149/2.024207jes] All rights reserved.


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Objectives: This investigation was performed to examine genetic variation at the beta-globin locus in a sample of 30 healthy individuals from native populations in South America. The patterns of haplotypic variation were compared with those of previous studies including samples for various worldwide populations in an attempt to make inferences about the occupation of the Americas from a deeper temporal perspective than is typically available with haploid markers. Methods: A 2.67-kb segment containing the beta-globin gene and its flanking regions was examined for genetic variation in a sample of 60 chromosomes from native populations in South America. The fragment was PCR-amplified and directly sequenced. To determine linkage relationships in compound heterozygotes, we used the amplification refractory mutation system. In addition, we assessed genetic variability and differentiation among populations, and we performed tests of selective neutrality. These analyses were performed for Brazilian Amerindian group and other worldwide populations previously studied. Results: Eleven polymorphic sites were found in the studied fragment, which distinguished eight different haplotypes, three recombinants haplotypes (present as single copies) and five previously described haplotypes, including some of those most highly differentiated. Genetic variation found in the pooled sample is substantial. Conclusions: Although only five known haplotypes are observed in Amazonia, some of these are highly divergent, resulting in patterns of molecular polymorphism equal to or higher than those from other world regions. Am. J. Hum. Biol. 2012. (C) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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INVESTIGATING THE PRESENCE OF THE HISTORY OF SCIENCE IN UNIVERSITY GENERAL CHEMISTRY TEXTBOOKS. This paper aims at analyzing the history of science content of three general chemistry textbooks used in Brazilian universities: the translations of Kotz and Treichel's Chemistry & Chemical Reactivity, Atkins and Jones's Chemical Principles, and Garritz and Chamizo's Quimica. Results revealed different trends for the inclusion of history of science in chemistry teaching. Katz & Treichel and Atkins & Jones used history mainly as curiosity and ornament. Garritz & Chamizo adopted the historical approach as one of the organizing axis of their textbook. Nevertheless, the historical content of the three textbooks may be criticized from current historiographical standpoint.


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For many tree species, mating system analyses have indicated potential variations in the selfing rate and paternity correlation among fruits within individuals, among individuals within populations, among populations, and from one flowering event to another. In this study, we used eight microsatellite markers to investigate mating systems at two hierarchical levels (fruits within individuals and individuals within populations) for the insect pollinated Neotropical tree Tabebuia roseo-alba. We found that T. roseo-alba has a mixed mating system with predominantly outcrossed mating. The outcrossing rates at the population level were similar across two T. roseo-alba populations; however, the rates varied considerably among individuals within populations. The correlated paternity results at different hierarchical levels showed that there is a high probability of shared paternal parentage when comparing seeds within fruits and among fruits within plants and full-sibs occur in much higher proportion within fruits than among fruits. Significant levels of fixation index were found in both populations and biparental inbreeding is believed to be the main cause of the observed inbreeding. The number of pollen donors contributing to mating was low. Furthermore, open-pollinated seeds varied according to relatedness, including half-sibs, full-sibs, self-sibs and self- half-sibs. In both populations, the effective population size within a family (seed-tree and its offspring) was lower than expected for panmictic populations. Thus, seeds for ex situ conservation genetics, progeny tests and reforestation must be collected from a large number of seed-trees to guarantee an adequate effective population in the sample.


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Background: Exposure to fine fractions of particulate matter (PM2.5) is associated with increased hospital admissions and mortality for respiratory and cardiovascular disease in children and the elderly. This study aims to estimate the toxicological risk of PM2.5 from biomass burning in children and adolescents between the age of 6 and 14 in Tangara da Serra, a municipality of Subequatorial Brazilian Amazon. Methods: Risk assessment methodology was applied to estimate the risk quotient in two scenarios of exposure according to local seasonality. The potential dose of PM2.5 was estimated using the Monte Carlo simulation, stratifying the population by age, gender, asthma and Body Mass Index (BMI). Results: Male asthmatic children under the age of 8 at normal body rate had the highest risk quotient among the subgroups. The general potential average dose of PM2.5 was 1.95 mu g/kg.day (95% CI: 1.62 - 2.27) during the dry scenario and 0.32 mu g/kg. day (95% CI: 0.29 - 0.34) in the rainy scenario. During the dry season, children and adolescents showed a toxicological risk to PM2.5 of 2.07 mu g/kg. day (95% CI: 1.85 - 2.30). Conclusions: Children and adolescents living in the Subequatorial Brazilian Amazon region were exposed to high levels of PM2.5 resulting in toxicological risk for this multi-pollutant. The toxicological risk quotients of children in this region were comparable or higher to children living in metropolitan regions with PM2.5 air pollution above the recommended limits to human health.


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Nuclear abnormalities in erythrocytes (NAE) were taken as biomarkers in the catfish Cathorops spixii (Ariidae) sampled in an estuary little affected by human activity (Cananeia) and in three regions (Santos Channel: SC, Santos Bay: SB and Sao Vicente Channel: SVC) of the Santos-Sao Vicente estuary impacted by various anthropogenic activities. Increases in NAE were observed in fish from SC and SVC sampled in the summer period as compared with specimens from the Cananeia estuary. These results suggest the presence of genotoxic compounds in these regions. However, the absence of significant differences in micronuclei frequency reflects slight mutagenic effects in these individuals. It is possible that the lower NAE frequency in specimens from SB might be associated with the greater remobilization and dilution of chemicals in this region. The low frequency of NAE in C. spixii from the Cananeia estuary is in accordance with the slight anthropogenic influence in this system, and may be suggestive of the absence of genotoxic and mutagenic effects in these organisms.


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Objectives: The Brazilian public health system does not provide electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), which is limited to a few academic services. National mental health policies are against ECT. Our objectives were to analyze critically the public policies toward ECT and present the current situation using statistics from the Institute of Psychiatry of the University of Sao Paulo (IPq-HCFMUSP) and summary data from the other 13 ECT services identified in the country. Methods: Data regarding ECT treatment at the IPq-HCFMUSP were collected from January 2009 to June 2010 (demographical, number of sessions, and diagnoses). All the data were analyzed using SPSS 19, Epic Info 2000, and Excel. Results: During this period, 331 patients were treated at IPq-HCFMUSP: 221 (67%) were from Sao Paulo city, 50 (15.2%) from Sao Paulo's metropolitan area, 39 (11.8%) from Sao Paulo's countryside, and 20 (6.1%) from other states; 7352 ECT treatments were delivered-63.0% (4629) devoted entirely via the public health system (although not funded by the federal government); the main diagnoses were a mood disorder in 86.4% and schizophrenia in 7.3% of the cases. Conclusions: There is an important lack of public assistance for ECT, affecting mainly the poor and severely ill patients. The university services are overcrowded and cannot handle all the referrals. The authors press for changes in the mental health policies.


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The identification of northern and southern components in different vertebrate species led researchers to accept a two-component hypothesis for the Brazilian Atlantic forest (BAF). Nevertheless, neither a formal proposal nor a meta-analysis to confirm this coincidence was ever made. Our main objective here was therefore to systematically test in how many vertebrate components the BAF could be divided by analysing existing empirical data. We used two approaches: (1) mapping and comparing the proposed areas of vertebrate endemism in the BAF and (2) analysing studies mentioning spatial subdivisions in distinct forest-dependent vertebrates within the biome, by the use of panbiogeography. The four large-scale endemism area components together with the six small-scale panbiogeographical ones allowed the definition of three BAF greater regions, subdivided into nine vertebrate components, latitudinally and longitudinally organized. Empirical time estimates of the diversification events within the BAF were also reviewed. Diversification of these vertebrates occurred not only in the Pleistocene but also throughout the Miocene. Our results confirm the BAF's complex history, both in space and time. We propose that future research should be small-scale and focused in the vertebrate components identified herein. Given the BAF's heterogeneity, studying via sections will be much more useful in identifying the BAF's historical biogeography. (c) 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 107, 39-55.


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In this work, an analysis of scientific bibliographic productivity was made using the Faculdade de Filosofia e Ciencias, Universidade Estadual Paulista (FFC-UNESP) as example. It is composed by nine departments which offer altogether nine undergraduate courses: 1) Archival, 2) Library, 3) Speech Therapy, 4) Pedagogy, 5) International Relations, 6) Physiotherapy, 7) Occupational Therapy, 8) Philosophy, 9) Social Sciences and six graduate programs leading to M. S. and Ph.D. degrees. Moreover, when analyzing the different courses of FFC-UNESP, they represent typical academic organization in Brazil and Latin America and could be taken as a model for analyzing other Brazilian research institutions. Using data retrieved from the Lattes Plataform database (Curriculum Lattes) we have quantitatively the scientific productivity percentage of professors at UNESP. We observed that bibliometric evaluations using the Curriculum Lattes (CL) showed that the professors published papers in journal are not indexed by ISI and SCOPUS. This analysis was made using: 1) the total number of papers (indexed in Curriculum Lattes database), 2) the number of papers indexed by Thomson ISI Web of Science database and SCOPUS database, and 3) the Hirsch (h-index) by ISI and SCOPUS. Bibliometric evaluations of departments showed a better performance of Political Science and Economics Department when compared to others departments, in relation total number of papers (indexed in Curriculum Lattes database). We also analyzed the academic advisory (Master's Thesis and Ph. D. Thesis) by nine departments of FFC/UNESP. The Administration and School Supervision Department presented a higher academic advisory (concluded and current) when compared to the others departments.


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The Work Disability Diagnosis Interview (WoDDI) is a structured interview guide developed by the University of Sherbrooke, Canada to help clinicians detect the most important work-related disability predictors and to identify one or more causes of prolonged absenteeism. This methodological study aims for the cross-cultural adaptation of the WoDDI for the Brazilian context. The method followed international guidelines for studies of this kind, including the following steps: initial translation, synthesis of translations, back translation, evaluation by an expert committee and testing of the penultimate version. These steps allowed obtaining conceptual, semantic, idiomatic, experiential and operational equivalences, in addition to content validity. The results showed that the translated WoDDI is adapted to the Brazilian context and can be used after training.


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OBJECTIVE: The establishment of the intestinal microbiota in newborns is a critical period with possible long-term consequences for human health. In this research, the development of the fecal microbiota of a group of exclusively breastfed neonates living in low socio-economic conditions in the city of Sao Paulo, Brazil, during the first month of life, was studied. METHODS: Fecal samples were collected from ten neonates on the second, seventh, and 30th days after birth. One of the neonates underwent antibiotic therapy. Molecular techniques were used for analysis; DNA was extracted from the samples, and 16S rRNA libraries were sequenced and phylogenetically analyzed after construction. A real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) was performed on the samples taken from the 30th day to amplify DNA from Bifidobacterium sp. RESULTS: The primary phylogenetic groups identified in the samples were Escherichia and Clostridium. Staphylococcus was identified at a low rate. Bifidobacterium sp. was detected in all of the samples collected on the 30th day. In the child who received antibiotics, a reduction in anaerobes and Escherichia, which was associated with an overgrowth of Klebsiella, was observed throughout the experimental period. CONCLUSION: The observed pattern of Escherichia predominance and reduced Staphylococcus colonization is in contrast with the patterns observed in neonates living in developed countries.


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Although mangroves represent ecosystems of global importance, the genetic diversity and abundance of functional genes that are key to their functioning scarcely have been explored. Here, we present a survey based on the nifH gene across transects of sediments of two mangrove systems located along the coast line of Sao Paulo state (Brazil) which differed by degree of disturbance, i.e., an oil-spill-affected and an unaffected mangrove. The diazotrophic communities were assessed by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), quantitative PCR (qPCR), and clone libraries. The nifH gene abundance was similar across the two mangrove sediment systems, as evidenced by qPCR. However, the nifH-based PCR-DGGE profiles revealed clear differences between the mangroves. Moreover, shifts in the nifH gene diversities were noted along the land-sea transect within the previously oiled mangrove. The nifH gene diversity depicted the presence of nitrogen-fixing bacteria affiliated with a wide range of taxa, encompassing members of the Alphaproteobacteria, Betaproteobacteria, Gammaproteobacteria, Firmicutes, and also a group of anaerobic sulfate-reducing bacteria. We also detected a unique mangrove-specific cluster of sequences denoted Mgv-nifH. Our results indicate that nitrogen-fixing bacterial guilds can be partially endemic to mangroves, and these communities are modulated by oil contamination, which has important implications for conservation strategies.


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The activity of natural killer cells depends on the balance between activating and inhibitory signals coming from their receptors. Among these are the killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors (KIR) that recognize specific HLA class I allotypes. Here we characterized KIR genetic diversity and their HLA ligands in the population of Curitiba, Parana State (n = 164), and compared it with other worldwide populations. The distribution of 2DL4 alleles was also analyzed. The Curitiba population did not differ significantly from European and Euro-descendant populations, but as an admixed population showed higher genetic diversity. We found 27 KIR profiles, many of them uncommon in European populations, in agreement with the elevated historically recent gene flow in the study population. The frequencies of KIR genes and their respective HLA ligands were distributed independently and none of the analyzed individuals lacked functional KIR-HLA ligand combinations. KIR gene frequencies of 33 worldwide populations were consistent with geographic and ethnic distribution, in agreement with demography being the major factor shaping the observed gene content diversity of the KIR locus.


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The aim of the current study was to investigate the exposure of captive wild felids to various infectious pathogens using serological and molecular methods. One hundred and fifty-nine neotropic felids and 51 exotic felids from 28 captive settings in Brazil were tested. While antibodies against Feline parvovirus and Feline coronavirus (FCoV), Feline calicivirus and Bartonella spp. were frequently detected by serologic tests, antibodies against Felid herpesvirus 1 or infection with hemotropic mycoplasmas were less prevalent. Serologic evidence of exposure to Ehrlichia spp., Feline immunodeficiency virus, and Feline leukemia virus (FeLV) was detected rarely, and infections with FeLV, Ehrlichia spp., and Cytauxzoon spp. were found infrequently. The detected Bartonella sequence was molecularly similar to B. koehlerae and B. henselae; for Cytauxzoon, the sequence resembled those from domestic cats. No Anaplasma phagocytophilum and Theileria spp. infections were detected. The positive test results varied significantly among different facilities and species. Additionally, FCoV seropositivity was more prevalent in captivity than in free-ranging populations. Results suggest that testing is appropriate prior to relocation of felids.


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Objective. To analyze survival, prognostic factors, and causes of death in a large cohort of patients with systemic sclerosis (SSc). Methods. From 1991 to 2010, 947 patients with SSc were treated at 2 referral university centers in Brazil. Causes of death were considered SSc-related and non-SSc-related. Multiple logistic regression analysis was used to identify prognostic factors. Survival at 5 and 10 years was estimated using the Kaplan-Meier method. Results. One hundred sixty-eight patients died during the followup. Among the 110 deaths considered related to SSc, there was predominance of lung (48.1%) and heart (24.5%) involvement. Most of the 58 deaths not related to SSc were caused by infection, cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease, and cancer. Male sex, modified Rodnan skin score (mRSS) > 20, osteoarticular involvement, lung involvement, and renal crisis were the main prognostic factors associated to death. Overall survival rate was 90% for 5 years and 84% for 10 years. Patients presented worse prognosis if they had diffuse SSc (85% vs 92% at 5 yrs, respectively, and 77% vs 87% at 10 yrs, compared to limited SSc), male sex (77% vs 90% at 5 yrs and 64% vs 86% at 10 yrs, compared to female sex), and mRSS > 20 (83% vs 90% at 5 yrs and 66% vs 86% at 10 yrs, compared to mRSS <20). Conclusion. Survival was worse in male patients with diffuse SSc, and lung and heart involvement represented the main causes of death in this South American series of patients with SSc. (First Release Aug 15 2012; J Rheumatol 2012;39:1971-8; doi:10.3899/jrheum.111582)