984 resultados para Biology control
This article presents a back-electromotive force (BEMF)-based technique of detection for sensorless brushless direct current motor (BLDCM) drivers. The BLDCM has been chosen as the energy converter in rotary or pulsatile blood pumps that use electrical motors for pumping. However, in order to operate properly, the BLDCM driver needs to know the shaft position. Usually, that information is obtained through a set of Hall sensors assembled close to the rotor and connected to the electronic controller by wires. Sometimes, a large distance between the motor and controller makes the system susceptible to interference on the sensor signal because of winding current switching. Thus, the goal of the sensorless technique presented in this study is to avoid this problem. First, the operation of BLDCM was evaluated on the electronic simulator PSpice. Then, a BEMF detector circuitry was assembled in our laboratories. For the tests, a sensor-dependent system was assembled where the direct comparison between the Hall sensors signals and the detected signals was performed. The obtained results showed that the output sensorless detector signals are very similar to the Hall signals at speeds of more than 2500 rpm. Therefore, the sensorless technique is recommended as a responsible or redundant system to be used in rotary blood pumps.
Vessel dynamic positioning (DP) systems are based on conventional PID-type controllers and an extended Kalman filter. However, they present a difficult tuning procedure, and the closed-loop performance varies with environmental or loading conditions since the dynamics of the vessel are eminently nonlinear. Gain scheduling is normally used to address the nonlinearity of the system. To overcome these problems, a sliding mode control was evaluated. This controller is robust to variations in environmental and loading conditions, it maintains performance and stability for a large range of conditions, and presents an easy tuning methodology. The performance of the controller was evaluated numerically and experimentally in order to address its effectiveness. The results are compared with those obtained from conventional PID controller. (c) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
This work deals with a procedure for model re-identification of a process in closed loop with ail already existing commercial MPC. The controller considered here has a two-layer structure where the upper layer performs a target calculation based on a simplified steady-state optimization of the process. Here, it is proposed a methodology where a test signal is introduced in a tuning parameter of the target calculation layer. When the outputs are controlled by zones instead of at fixed set points, the approach allows the continuous operation of the process without an excessive disruption of the operating objectives as process constraints and product specifications remain satisfied during the identification test. The application of the method is illustrated through the simulation of two processes of the oil refining industry. (c) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Hormones are likely to be important factors modulating the light-dependent anthocyanin accumulation. Here we analyzed anthocyanin contents in hypocotyls of near isogenic Micro-Tom (MT) tomato lines carrying hormone and phytochrome mutations, as single and double-mutant combinations. In order to recapitulate mutant phenotype, exogenous hormone applications were also performed Anthocyanin accumulation was promoted by exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and inhibited by gibberellin (GA), in accordance to the reduced anthocyanin contents measured in ABA-deficient (notabills) and GA-constitutive response (procera) mutants. Exogenous cytokinin also enhanced anthocyanin levels in MT hypocotyls. Although auxin-insensitive chageotropica mutant exhibited higher anthocyanin contents, pharmacological approaches employing exogenous auxin and a transport inhibitor did not support a direct role of the hormone in anthocyanin accumulation Analysis of mutants exhibiting increased ethylene production (epwastic) or reduced sensitivity (Never ripe), together with pharmacological data obtained from plants treated with the hormone, indicated a limited role for ethylene in anthocyanin contents. Phytochrome-deficiency (aurea) and hormone double-mutant combinations exhibited phenotypes suggesting additive or synergistic interactions, but not fully espistatic ones, in the control of anthocyanin levels in tomato hypocotyls. Our results indicate that phytochrome-mediated anthocyanin accumulation in tomato hypocotyls is modulated by distinct hormone classes via both shared and independent pathways. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved
We progressively reduced the complexity of humic matter by a mild sequential removal of unbound or free components, weakly, and strongly bound molecules. The auxin-like response of residues from each step was tested using tomato (cv. Micro-Tom) seedlings expressing DR5 auxin synthetic promoter fused to the beta-glucuronidase (GUS) reporter gene and the low auxin-sensitivity diageotropica (dgt) mutant. Both exogenous auxin and humic matter promoted lateral root emergence in the control, but failed to induce lateral roots in the dgt mutant. When strongly bound components were removed from humic matter by breaking the ester and ether bonds, the humic residues lost their ability to induce the DR5
The growth of Eucalyptus stands varies several fold across sites, under the influence of resource availability, stand age and stand structure. We describe a series of related studies that aim to understand the mechanisms that drive this great range in stand growth rates. In a seven-year study in Hawaii of Eucalyptus saligna at a site that was not water limited, we showed that nutrient availability differences led to a two-fold difference in stand wood production. Increasing nutrient supply in mid-rotation raised productivity to the level attained in continuously fertilised plots. Fertility affected the age-related decline in wood and foliage production; production in the intensive fertility treatments declined more slowly than in the minimal fertility treatments. The decline in stem production was driven largely by a decline in canopy photosynthesis. Over time, the fraction of canopy photosynthesis partitioned to below-ground allocation increased, as did foliar respiration, further reducing wood production. The reason for the decline in photosynthesis was uncertain, but it was not caused by nutrient limitation, a decline in leaf area or in photosynthetic capacity, or by hydraulic limitation. Most of the increase in carbon stored from conversion of the sugarcane plantation to Eucalyptus plantation was in the above-ground woody biomass. Soil carbon showed no net change. This study and other studies on carbon allocation showed that resource availability changes the fraction of annual photosynthesis used below-ground and for wood production. High resources (nutrition or water) decrease the partitioning below-ground and increase partitioning to wood production. Annual foliage and wood respiration and foliage production as a fraction of annual photosynthesis was remarkably constant across a wide range of fertility treatments and forest age. In the Brazil Eucalyptus Productivity Project, stand structure was manipulated by planting clonal Eucalyptus all at once or in three groups at three-monthly intervals, producing a stand where trees did not segregate into dominants and one that had strong dominance. The uneven stand structure reduced production 10-15% throughout the rotation.
Aceria guerreronis Keifer (Acari: Eriophyidae) is a major pest of coconut fruits (Cocos nucifera L.) in many countries of the Americas, Africa, and parts of Asia. Considerable attention has been given to studies of biological control agents of A. guerreronis. Proctolaelaps bulbosus Moraes, Reis and Gondim Jr. is a predator recently discovered in association with A. guerreronis. Nothing is known about its biology. The aim of this study was to determine suitable food sources for P. bulbosus, among items commonly found on coconut fruits, including A. guerreronis. Food sources evaluated included the mites A. guerreronis, Steneotarsonemus concavuscutum Lofego and Gondim Jr., and Tyrophagus putrescentiae (Schrank), the fungus Rhizopus aff. stolonifer (Ehrenb.) Vuill and coconut pollen; the mite Tetranychus urticae Koch was also included in the assessments, for being a commonly used prey for mass production and laboratory rearing of predatory mites. Proctolaelaps bulbosus was able to develop up to adulthood when fed A. guerreronis, R. aff. stolonifer and T. putrescentiae. It had the highest population growth rates when feeding on the former (R (o) = 17.5; r (m) = 0.392). These results indicate that A. guerreronis is the most suitable food for P. bulbosus among the possible food sources found on coconut fruits and that P. bulbosus can survive in the absence of eriophyid using R. aff. stolonifer as a food source.
Anagasta kuehniella is a polyphagous pest that feeds on a wide variety of stored products. The possible roles suggested for seed proteinase inhibitors include the function as a part of the plant defensive system against pest via inhibition of their proteolytic enzymes. In this study, a trypsin inhibitor (ApTI) was purified from Adenanthera pavonina seed and was tested for insect growth regulatory effect. The chronic ingestion of ApTI did result in a significant reduction in larval survival and weight. Larval and pupal developmental time of larvae fed on ApTI diet at 1% was significantly longer; the larval period was extended by 5 days and pupal period was 10 days longer, therefore delaying by up to 20 days and resulting in a prolonged period of development from larva to adult. As a result, the ApTI diet emergence rate was only 28% while the emergence rate of control larvae was 80%. The percentage of surviving adults (%S) decreased to 62%. The fourth instar larvae reared on a diet containing 1% ApTI showed a decrease in tryptic activity of gut and that no novel proteolytic form resistant to ApTI was induced. In addition, the tryptic activity in ApTI -fed larvae was sensitive to ApTI. These results suggest that ApTI have a potential antimetabolic effect when ingested by A. kuehniella. (C) 2010 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
Fungal entomopathogens have been used more frequently than other types of pathogens for classical biological control. Among 136 programs using different groups of arthropod pathogens, 49.3% have introduced fungal pathogens (including both the traditional fungi and microsporidia). The most commonly introduced species was Metarhizium anisopliae (Metschnikoff) Sorokin, with 13 introductions, followed by Entomophaga maimaiga Humber, Shimazu & Soper, which was released seven times. The majority of introduction programs have focused on controlling invasive species of insects or mites (70.7%) rather than on native hosts (29.4%). Almost half of the introductions of traditional fungi targeted species of Hemiptera and 75% of the microsporidia introduced have been introduced against lepidopteran species. The United States was the country where most introductions of fungi took place (n = 24). From 1993 to 2007, no arthropod pathogens were released in the US due to the rigorous regulatory structure, but in 2008 two species of microsporidia were introduced against the gypsy moth, Lymantria dispar (L.). Establishment of entomopathogenic fungi in programs introducing traditional fungi was 32.1% and establishment was 50.0% for programs introducing microsporidia. In some programs, releases have resulted in permanent successful establishment with no non-target effects. In summary, classical biological control using fungal entomopathogens can provide a successful and environmentally friendly avenue for controlling arthropod pests, including the increasing numbers of invasive non-native species.
Biology of predator mite Euseius alatus DeLeon (Acari: Phytoseiidae) under different temperatures. Euseius alatus DeLeon (Acari: Phytoseiidae) is one of the most common predators of tropical fruit trees in Brazil, feeding of pollen, mites and other small arthropods. This predator presents wide distribution, occurring from Rio Grande do Sul to Ceara. This work had as objective to evaluate the effect of temperature oil the development and reproduction of E. alatus, in addition to determining their thermal requirements. The study was accomplished at temperatures of 18, 21, 24, 27, 30 and 33 degrees C; relative humidity of 70 +/- 5%; and 12-h photophase. At these temperatures, the egg-adult period lasted 14.0; 8.1; 5.5; 4.9; 3.8 and 3.1 days, respectively. The egg, larva, protonymph and deutonymph stages and the egg-adult period presented thermal thresholds of 12.52; 13.85; 14.86; 14.86 and 13.31 degrees C,and thermal constants of 22.32; 14.23; 16.23; 17.3 and 70.16 degrees days. The values for the parameters of the fertility life table, analyzed ill conjunction With the values of the different variables of development at different temperatures, showed that the temperature of 30 degrees C is the Most suitable for development and reproduction of E. alatus in the laboratory. Therefore, is it apparent that the best temperature conditions for the development of L alatus are found in the warmer regions of Brazil, such as those observed in northeastern Brazil.
The Mediterranean flour moth, Anagasta kuehniella, is one of the most important insect pests of grains, reported worldwide, feeding on stored grains and products of rice, rye, corn and wheat. Plants synthesize a variety of molecules, including trypsin inhibitors, to defend themselves against attack by insects. In this study, a trypsin inhibitor (PFTI) was purified from Plathymenia foliolosa (Benth.) seeds and was tested for insect growth regulatory effect. The survival and mass of A. kuehniella larvae feeding on control seeds were about 82.7% and 5 ring, respectively, whereas survival on seeds containing 0.7% PFTI was about 56%, while a 66.1% reduction in the average mass of the larvae was observed. The results from dietary utilization experiments with A. kuehniella larvae showed a reduction in efficiency of conversion of ingested food and digested food, and an increase in approximate digestibility and metabolic cost. The level of trypsin was significantly decreased in larval midgut and increased in the feces of larvae reared on a diet containing 0.7% PFTI. Results indicate that PFTI possesses a toxic effect against A. kuehniella larvae. (C) 2008 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Xylella fastidiosa is a vector-borne, plant-pathogenic bacterium that causes disease in citrus (citrus variegated chlorosis [CVC]) and coffee (coffee leaf scorch [CLS]) plants in Brazil. CVC and CLS occur sympatrically and share leafhopper vectors; thus, determining whether X. fastidiosa isolates can be dispersed from one crop to another and cause disease is of epidemiological importance. We sought to clarify the genetic and biological relationships between CVC- and CLS-causing X. fastidiosa isolates. We used cross-inoculation bioassays and microsatellite and multilocus sequence typing (MLST) approaches to determine the host range and genetic structure of 26 CVC and 20 CLS isolates collected from different regions in Brazil. Our results show that citrus and coffee X. fastidiosa isolates are biologically distinct. Cross-inoculation tests showed that isolates causing CVC and CLS in the field were able to colonize citrus and coffee plants, respectively, but not the other host, indicating biological isolation between the strains. The microsatellite analysis separated most X. fastidiosa populations tested on the basis of the host plant from which they were isolated. However, recombination among isolates was detected and a lack of congruency among phylogenetic trees was observed for the loci used in the MLST scheme. Altogether, our study indicates that CVC and CLS are caused by two biologically distinct strains of X. fastidiosa that have diverged but are genetically homogenized by frequent recombination.
Tetranychus evansi Baker and Pritchard and Tetranychus urticae Koch (Acari: Tetranychidae) are important pests of Solanaceae in many countries. Several studies have demonstrated that T. urticae is an acceptable prey to many predatory mites, although the suitability of this prey depends on the host plant. T. evansi, has been shown to be an unfavorable prey to most predatory mites that have been tested against it. The predator Phytoseiulus fragariae Denmark and Schicha (Acari: Phytoseiidae) has been found in association with the two species in Brazil. The objective of this work was to compare biological parameters of P. fragariae on T. evansi and on T. urticae as prey. The study was conducted under laboratory conditions at 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 degrees C. At all temperatures, survivorship was lower on T. evansi than on T. urticae. No predator reached adulthood at 10 degrees C on the former species; even on the latter species, only about 36% of the predators reached adulthood at 10 degrees C. For both prey, in general, duration of each life stage was shorter, total fecundity was lower and intrinsic rate of population increase (r(m) ) was higher with increasing temperatures. The slower rate of development of P. fragariae on T. evansi resulted in a slightly higher thermal requirement (103.9 degree-days) on that prey than on T. urticae (97.1 degree-days). The values of net reproduction rate (R-0), intrinsic rate of increase (r (m) ) and finite rate of increase (lambda) were significantly higher on T. urticae, indicating faster population increase of the predator on this prey species. The highest value of r (m) of the predator was 0.154 and 0.337 female per female per day on T. evansi and on T. urticae, respectively. The results suggested that P. fragariae cannot be considered a good predator of T. evansi.
The aim was to verify if the fungigation via drip irrigation is an alternative to the conventional method of spraying on tomato for controlling early blight. Tomato plants (variety Santa Clara) were grown in pots inside a greenhouse. Fifty days after transplanting, the plants were inoculated with Alternaria solani and treated with four different fungicides: azoxystrobin (8 g 100 L(-1)), difeconazole (50 mL 100 L(-1)), metiram+piraclostrobin (200 g 100 L(-1)) and tebuconazole (100 mL 100 L(-1)) using two applications methods: conventional spraying and fiingigation dripping. The control plants did not receive fungicide application. To assess the severity of the disease, we used a rating scale expressed as the area under the disease progress curve (AUDPC) and production factors, such as number, weight and average diameter of the fruit and its productivity. The experimental design was completely randomized in factorial scheme 4 x 2 + 1 with eight replicates. Each plot had one plant in one pot. A 27% reduction in disease severity was observed when compared with the control plants, with no significant difference noted regarding the application method. The number of fruits did not statistically differ between the treatments. The average weight and diameter of the fruits were superior in the plants that had fungicide application compared to the control plant, reflecting an increase in productivity. Fungigation through water dripping is an alternative to the conventional method of spraying cultured tomatoes.
Crop rotation in center-pivot for phytonematode control: density variation, pathogenicity and crop loss estimation A field study conducted over three consecutive years, on a farm using crop rotation system under center-pivot and infested with the nematodes Pratylenchus brachyurus, P. zeae, Meloidogyne incognita, Paratrichodorus minor, Helicotylenchus dihystera, Mesocriconema ornata and M. onoense, demonstrated that intensive crop systems provide conditions for the maintenance of high densities of polyphagous phytonematodes. Of the crops established on the farm (cotton, maize, soybean and cowpea), cotton and soybean suffered the most severe crop losses, caused respectively by M. incognita and P. brachyurus. Since maize is a good host for both nematodes, but tolerant of M. incognita, its exclusion from cropping system would be favorable to the performance of cotton, soybean and cowpea. Results from experiments carried out in controlled conditions confirmed the pathogenicity of P. brachyurus on cotton. Additional management with genetic resistance was useful in fields infested with M. incognita, although the soybean performance was affected by low resistance of the cultivars used for P. brachyurus. In conclusion, crop rotation must be carefully planned in areas infested with polyphagous nematodes, specifically in the case of occurrence of two or more major pathogenic nematodes.