854 resultados para Astronomía naútica


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Context. The early-type binary MY Cam belongs to the young open cluster Alicante 1, embedded in Cam OB3. Aims. MY Cam consists of two early-O type main-sequence stars and shows a photometric modulation suggesting an orbital period slightly above one day. We intend to confirm this orbital period and derive orbital and stellar parameters. Methods. Timing analysis of a very exhaustive (4607 points) light curve indicates a period of 1.1754514 ± 0.0000015 d. High-resolution spectra and the cross-correlation technique implemented in the todcor program were used to derive radial velocities and obtain the corresponding radial velocity curves for MY Cam. Modelling with the stellar atmosphere code fastwind was used to obtain stellar parameters and create templates for cross-correlation. Stellar and orbital parameters were derived using the Wilson-Devinney code, such that a complete solution to the binary system could be described. Results. The determined masses of the primary and secondary stars in MY Cam are 37.7 ± 1.6 and 31.6 ± 1.4M⊙, respectively. The corresponding temperatures, derived from the model atmosphere fit, are 42 000 and 39 000 K, with the more massive component being hotter. Both stars are overfilling their Roche lobes, sharing a common envelope. Conclusions. MY Cam contains the most massive dwarf O-type stars found so far in an eclipsing binary. Both components are still on the main sequence, and probably not far from the zero-age main sequence. The system is a likely merger progenitor, owing to its very short period.


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En este trabajo de investigación docente realizamos una puesta en común y recopilación de materiales docentes relacionados con asignaturas de Física de titulaciones de Master y Grado orientadas a la ingeniería y la arquitectura impartidas en la Escuela Politécnica Superior de la Universidad de Alicante. Para ello se fomenta la comunicación e intercambio de experiencias entre los docentes de nuestro departamento que imparten estas asignaturas con la finalidad de optimizar los recursos humanos, técnicos y económicos disponibles. Todo el material recopilado se revisa previamente por cada docente y se publica en servidores conectados a una red interna del departamento lo que permite el acceso de todo el personal docente relacionado con estas asignaturas a dichos recursos docentes fomentando la colaboración, mejora y enriquecimiento profesional entre los miembros involucrados de nuestro departamento. De esta forma se mejora la calidad de las asignaturas sobre las que se realiza este trabajo repercutiendo positivamente entre el alumnado.


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Context. VISTA Variables in the Vía Láctea (VVV) is one of six ESO Public Surveys using the 4 meter Visible and Infrared Survey Telescope for Astronomy (VISTA). The VVV survey covers the Milky Way bulge and an adjacent section of the disk, and one of the principal objectives is to search for new star clusters within previously unreachable obscured parts of the Galaxy. Aims. The primary motivation behind this work is to discover and analyze obscured star clusters in the direction of the inner Galactic disk and bulge. Methods. Regions of the inner disk and bulge covered by the VVV survey were visually inspected using composite JHKS color images to select new cluster candidates on the basis of apparent overdensities. DR1, DR2, CASU, and point spread function photometry of 10 × 10 arcmin fields centered on each candidate cluster were used to construct color–magnitude and color–color diagrams. Follow-up spectroscopy of the brightest members of several cluster candidates was obtained in order to clarify their nature. Results. We report the discovery of 58 new infrared cluster candidates. Fundamental parameters such as age, distance, and metallicity were determined for 20 of the most populous clusters.


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Numerosos estudios han puesto de manifiesto la dificultad del aprendizaje de la física tanto en la educación secundaria y bachillerato como en la educación universitaria. El espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) pone énfasis en el aprendizaje del alumnado y modifica el rol del profesorado como tutor de su aprendizaje, potenciando la adquisición de los conocimientos mediante metodologías activas. Nosotros nos centraremos en desarrollar competencias transversales y favorecer un aprendizaje interactivo y global. Por ejemplo, se potenciará la búsqueda de información relacionada con un tema, se provocará la reacción o participación del alumnado sobre aspectos de aplicación de los fundamentos físicos en la edificación y en la ingeniería, se comprobará mediante la autoevaluación la adquisición de los objetivos, se favorecerá el aprendizaje atemporal, etc. También proporcionará el trabajo de algunas capacidades como la planificación de las tareas, la comunicación y exposición de ideas sobre aspectos académicos o profesionales, la generación de nuevas ideas o la construcción de conocimiento a partir de sus aportaciones. Finalmente se recogerán los comentarios y sugerencias del alumnado para adaptar los materiales diseñados a sus necesidades.


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Las matemáticas constituyen un lenguaje universal, más concretamente son fundamentales para la ciencia y la ingeniería. Más aún, podríamos decir que son no sólo la base de todo conocimiento, sino también de cualquier tipo de desarrollo científico y tecnológico. Especialmente significante resulta que la física, la astronomía o la química dependen en buena medida de ellas y que son muy útiles en las ciencias económicas y sociales o en la informática. De hecho, ciencias como la filosofía o la psicología se valen de modelos matemáticos para la resolución de sus problemas. Las matemáticas forman una ciencia lógica y deductiva, y con tal de poder extraer información acerca de ellas es indispensable conocer los objetos que se utilizan y las herramientas necesarias para manejarlos. Ahora bien, casi de forma inconsciente la primera reacción cuando se habla de matemáticas es de recelo ante una materia que para mucha gente parece incomprensible, abstracta y alejada de nuestra vida más cotidiana. En este sentido, este estudio explora la percepción que presentan nuestros estudiantes acerca de cómo las matemáticas interaccionan con nuestra vida cotidiana y cómo perciben su divulgación en las aulas o en el propio contexto por el que se mueven diariamente.


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We provide a complete characterization of the astrophysical properties of the σ Ori Aa, Ab, B hierarchical triple system and an improved set of orbital parameters for the highly eccentric σ Ori Aa, Ab spectroscopic binary. We compiled a spectroscopic data set comprising 90 high-resolution spectra covering a total time span of 1963 days. We applied the Lehman-Filhés method for a detailed orbital analysis of the radial velocity curves and performed a combined quantitative spectroscopic analysis of the σ Ori Aa, Ab, B system by means of the stellar atmosphere code FASTWIND. We used our own plus other available information on photometry and distance to the system for measuring the radii, luminosities, and spectroscopic masses of the three components. We also inferred evolutionary masses and stellar ages using the Bayesian code BONNSAI. The orbital analysis of the new radial velocity curves led to a very accurate orbital solution of the σ Ori Aa, Ab pair. We provided indirect arguments indicating that σ Ori B is a fast-rotating early B dwarf. The FASTWIND+BONNSAI analysis showed that the Aa, Ab pair contains the hottest and most massive components of the triple system while σ Ori B is a bit cooler and less massive. The derived stellar ages of the inner pair are intriguingly younger than the one widely accepted for the σ Orionis cluster, at 3 ± 1 Ma. The outcome of this study will be of key importance for a precise determination of the distance to the σ Orionis cluster, the interpretation of the strong X-ray emission detected for σ Ori Aa, Ab, B, and the investigation of the formation and evolution of multiple massive stellar systems and substellar objects.


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Vela X–1 is the prototype of the class of wind-fed accreting pulsars in high-mass X-ray binaries hosting a supergiant donor. We have analysed in a systematic way 10 years of INTEGRAL data of Vela X–1 (22–50 keV) and we found that when outside the X-ray eclipse, the source undergoes several luminosity drops where the hard X-rays luminosity goes below ∼3 × 1035 erg s−1, becoming undetected by INTEGRAL. These drops in the X-ray flux are usually referred to as ‘off-states’ in the literature. We have investigated the distribution of these off-states along the Vela X–1 ∼ 8.9 d orbit, finding that their orbital occurrence displays an asymmetric distribution, with a higher probability to observe an off-state near the pre-eclipse than during the post-eclipse. This asymmetry can be explained by scattering of hard X-rays in a region of ionized wind, able to reduce the source hard X-ray brightness preferentially near eclipse ingress. We associate this ionized large-scale wind structure with the photoionization wake produced by the interaction of the supergiant wind with the X-ray emission from the neutron star. We emphasize that this observational result could be obtained thanks to the accumulation of a decade of INTEGRAL data, with observations covering the whole orbit several times, allowing us to detect an asymmetric pattern in the orbital distribution of off-states in Vela X–1.


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Since 2006, the European Near Earth Asteroids Research (EURONEAR) project has been contributing to the research of near-Earth asteroids (NEAs) within a European network. One of the main aims is the amelioration of the orbits of NEAs, and starting in 2014 February we focus on the recovery of one-opposition NEAs using the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in La Palma in override mode. Part of this NEA recovery project, since 2014 June EURONEAR serendipitously started to discover and secure the first NEAs from La Palma and using the INT, thanks to the teamwork including amateurs and students who promptly reduce the data, report discoveries and secure new objects recovered with the INT and few other telescopes from the EURONEAR network. Five NEAs were discovered with the INT, including 2014 LU14, 2014 NL52 (one very fast rotator), 2014 OL339 (the fourth known Earth quasi-satellite), 2014 SG143 (a quite large NEA), and 2014 VP. Another very fast moving NEA was discovered but was unfortunately lost due to lack of follow-up time. Additionally, another 14 NEA candidates were identified based on two models, all being rapidly followed-up using the INT and another 11 telescopes within the EURONEAR network. They include one object discovered by Pan-STARRS, two Mars crossers, two Hungarias, one Jupiter trojan, and other few inner main belt asteroids (MBAs). Using the INT and Sierra Nevada 1.5 m for photometry, then the Gran Telescopio de Canarias for spectroscopy, we derived the very rapid rotation of 2014 NL52, then its albedo, magnitude, size, and its spectral class. Based on the total sky coverage in dark conditions, we evaluate the actual survey discovery rate using 2-m class telescopes. One NEA is possible to be discovered randomly within minimum 2.8 deg2 and maximum 5.5 deg2. These findings update our past statistics, being based on double sky coverage and taking into account the recent increase in discovery.


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We present a comprehensive analysis of the whole sample of available XMM-Newton observations of high-mass X-ray binaries (HMXBs) until August 2013, focusing on the FeKα emission line. This line is key to better understanding the physical properties of the material surrounding the X-ray source within a few stellar radii (the circumstellar medium). We collected observations from 46 HMXBs and detected FeKα in 21 of them. We used the standard classification of HMXBs to divide the sample into different groups. We find that (1) different classes of HMXBs display different qualitative behaviours in the FeKα spectral region. This is visible especially in SGXBs (showing ubiquitous Fe fluorescence but not recombination Fe lines) and in γ Cass analogues (showing both fluorescent and recombination Fe lines). (2) FeKα is centred at a mean value of 6.42 keV. Considering the instrumental and fits uncertainties, this value is compatible with ionization states that are lower than Fe xviii. (3) The flux of the continuum is well correlated with the flux of the line, as expected. Eclipse observations show that the Fe fluorescence emission comes from an extended region surrounding the X-ray source. (4) We observe an inverse correlation between the X-ray luminosity and the equivalent width of FeKα (EW). This phenomenon is known as the X-ray Baldwin effect. (5) FeKα is narrow (σline< 0.15 keV), reflecting that the reprocessing material does not move at high speeds. We attempt to explain the broadness of the line in terms of three possible broadening phenomena: line blending, Compton scattering, and Doppler shifts (with velocities of the reprocessing material V ~ 1000 km s-1). (6) The equivalent hydrogen column (NH) directly correlates to the EW of FeKα, displaying clear similarities to numerical simulations. It highlights the strong link between the absorbing and the fluorescent matter. (7) The observed NH in supergiant X-ray binaries (SGXBs) is in general higher than in supergiant fast X-ray transients (SFXTs). We suggest two possible explanations: different orbital configurations or a different interaction compact object – wind. (8) Finally, we analysed the sources IGR J16320-4751 and 4U 1700-37 in more detail, covering several orbital phases. The observed variation in NH between phases is compatible with the absorption produced by the wind of their optical companions. The results clearly point to a very important contribution of the donor’s wind in the FeKα emission and the absorption when the donor is a supergiant massive star.


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In 2013 April a new magnetar, SGR 1745−2900, was discovered as it entered an outburst, at only 2.4 arcsec angular distance from the supermassive black hole at the centre of the Milky Way, Sagittarius A*. SGR 1745−2900 has a surface dipolar magnetic field of ∼2 × 1014 G, and it is the neutron star closest to a black hole ever observed. The new source was detected both in the radio and X-ray bands, with a peak X-ray luminosity LX ∼ 5 × 1035 erg s−1. Here we report on the long-term Chandra (25 observations) and XMM–Newton (eight observations) X-ray monitoring campaign of SGR 1745−2900 from the onset of the outburst in 2013 April until 2014 September. This unprecedented data set allows us to refine the timing properties of the source, as well as to study the outburst spectral evolution as a function of time and rotational phase. Our timing analysis confirms the increase in the spin period derivative by a factor of ∼2 around 2013 June, and reveals that a further increase occurred between 2013 October 30 and 2014 February 21. We find that the period derivative changed from 6.6 × 10−12 to 3.3 × 10−11 s s−1 in 1.5 yr. On the other hand, this magnetar shows a slow flux decay compared to other magnetars and a rather inefficient surface cooling. In particular, starquake-induced crustal cooling models alone have difficulty in explaining the high luminosity of the source for the first ∼200 d of its outburst, and additional heating of the star surface from currents flowing in a twisted magnetic bundle is probably playing an important role in the outburst evolution.


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Aims. In this study we conduct a pilot program aimed at the red supergiant population of the Magellanic Clouds. We intend to extend the current known sample to the unexplored low end of the brightness distribution of these stars, building a more representative dataset with which to extrapolate their behaviour to other Galactic and extra-galactic environments. Methods. We select candidates using only near infrared photometry, and with medium resolution multi-object spectroscopy, we perform spectral classification and derive their line-of-sight velocities, confirming the nature of the candidates and their membership in the clouds. Results. Around two hundred new red supergiants have been detected, hinting at a yet to be observed large population. Using near- and mid-infrared photometry we study the brightness distribution of these stars, the onset of mass-loss, and the effect of dust in their atmospheres. Based on this sample, new a priori classification criteria are investigated, combining mid- and near-infrared photometry to improve the observational efficiency of similar programs to this.


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The discovery almost three decades ago of non-nuclear, point-like X-ray sources with X-ray luminosities LX ≥ 3 × 1039 erg s−1 revolutionized the physics of black hole accretion. If of stellar origin, such Ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) would have to accrete at super-Eddington rates in order to reach the observed high X-ray luminosities. Alternatively, ULXs could host sub-Eddington accreting intermediate-mass black holes, which are the long-time sought missing link between stellar and supermassive black holes and the possible seeds of the supermassive black holes that formed in the early Universe. The nature of ULXs can be better investigated in those cases for which a radio counterpart is detected. Radio observations of ULXs have revealed a wide variety of morphologies and source types, from compact and extended jets to radio nebulae and transient behaviours, providing the best observational evidence for the presence of an intermediate-mass black hole in some of them. The high sensitivity of the SKA will allow us to study the faintest ULX radio counterparts in the Local Universe as well as to detect new sources at much larger distances. It will thus perform a leap step in understanding ULXs, their accretion physics, and their possible role as seed black holes in supermassive black hole and galaxy growth.


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The unprecedented sensitivity and large field of view of SKA will be of paramount importance for pulsar science, and for many related research fields. In particular, beside the obvious discovery of many more pulsars (even those with very low luminosity), and the extremely accurate timing analysis of the current pulsar population, SKA will allow to use pulsars to measure or put strong constraints on gravitational waves, Galactic magnetism, planet masses, general relativity and nuclear physics.


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High-mass X-ray binaries consist of a massive donor star and a compact object. While several of those systems have been well studied in X-rays, little is known for most of the donor stars as they are often heavily obscured in the optical and ultraviolet regime. There is an opportunity to observe them at infrared wavelengths, however. The goal of this study is to obtain the stellar and wind parameters of the donor star in the X1908+075 high-mass X-ray binary system with a stellar atmosphere model to check whether previous studies from X-ray observations and spectral morphology lead to a sufficient description of the donor star. We obtained H- and K-band spectra of X1908+075 and analysed them with the Potsdam Wolf-Rayet (PoWR) model atmosphere code. For the first time, we calculated a stellar atmosphere model for the donor star, whose main parameters are: Mspec = 15 ± 6 M⊙, T∗ = 23-3+6 kK, log geff = 3.0 ± 0.2 and log L/L⊙ = 4.81 ± 0.25. The obtained parameters point towards an early B-type (B0–B3) star, probably in a supergiant phase. Moreover we determined a more accurate distance to the system of 4.85 ± 0.50 kpc than the previously reported value.


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Context. We monitored the quiescent thermal emission from neutron stars in low-mass X-ray binaries after active periods of intense activity in X-rays (outbursts). Aims. The theoretical modeling of the thermal relaxation of the neutron star crust may be used to establish constraints on the crust composition and transport properties, depending on the astrophysical scenarios assumed. Methods. We numerically simulated the thermal evolution of the neutron star crust and compared them with inferred surface temperatures for five sources: MXB 1659−29, KS 1731−260, XTE J1701−462, EXO 0748−676  and IGR J17480−2446. Results. We find that the evolution of MXB 1659−29, KS 1731−260 and EXO 0748−676 can be well described within a deep crustal cooling scenario. Conversely, we find that the other two sources can only be explained with models beyond crustal cooling. For the peculiar emission of XTE J1701−462 we propose alternative scenarios such as residual accretion during quiescence, additional heat sources in the outer crust, and/or thermal isolation of the inner crust due to a buried magnetic field. We also explain the very recent reported temperature of IGR J17480−2446 with an additional heat deposition in the outer crust from shallow sources.