1000 resultados para Análisis experimental


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A hydraulic jump is characterized by strong energy dissipation and mixing, large-scale turbulence, air entrainment, waves and spray. Despite recent pertinent studies, the interaction between air bubbles diffusion and momentum transfer is not completely understood. The objective of this paper is to present experimental results from new measurements performed in rectangular horizontal flume with partially-developed inflow conditions. The vertical distributions of void fraction and air bubbles count rate were recorded for inflow Froude number Fr1 in the range from 5.2 to 14.3. Rapid detrainment process was observed near the jump toe, whereas the structure of the air diffusion layer was clearly observed over longer distances. These new data were compared with previous data generally collected at lower Froude numbers. The comparison demonstrated that, at a fixed distance from the jump toe, the maximum void fraction Cmax increases with the increasing Fr1. The vertical locations of the maximum void fraction and bubble count rate were consistent with previous studies. Finally, an empirical correlation between the upper boundary of the air diffusion layer and the distance from the impingement point was provided.


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Experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis (EAE) is an inflammatory demyelinating disease of the central nervous system (CNS), and is widely studied as an animal model of the human CNS demyelinating diseases, including multiple sclerosis (Raine, 1984). EAE can be induced by inoculation with whole CNS tissue, purified myelin basic protein (MBP) or myelin proteolipid protein (PLP), together with adjuvants. It may also be induced by the passive transfer of T cells specifically reactive to these myelin antigens. EAE may have either an acute or a chronic relapsing course. Acute EAE closely resembles the human disease acute disseminated encephalomyelitis, while chronic relapsing EAE resembles multiple sclerosis. EAE is also the prototype for T-cell-mediated autoimmune disease in general. This chapter will focus on the immunopathology and pathophysiology of EAE, which are the subjects of investigation in my laboratory.


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This study describes the pedagogical impact of real-world experimental projects undertaken as part of an advanced undergraduate Fluid Mechanics subject at an Australian university. The projects have been organised to complement traditional lectures and introduce students to the challenges of professional design, physical modelling, data collection and analysis. The physical model studies combine experimental, analytical and numerical work in order to develop students’ abilities to tackle real-world problems. A first study illustrates the differences between ideal and real fluid flow force predictions based upon model tests of buildings in a large size wind tunnel used for research and professional testing. A second study introduces the complexity arising from unsteady non-uniform wave loading on a sheltered pile. The teaching initiative is supported by feedback from undergraduate students. The pedagogy of the course and projects is discussed with reference to experiential, project-based and collaborative learning. The practical work complements traditional lectures and tutorials, and provides opportunities which cannot be learnt in the classroom, real or virtual. Student feedback demonstrates a strong interest for the project phases of the course. This was associated with greater motivation for the course, leading in turn to lower failure rates. In terms of learning outcomes, the primary aim is to enable students to deliver a professional report as the final product, where physical model data are compared to ideal-fluid flow calculations and real-fluid flow analyses. Thus the students are exposed to a professional design approach involving a high level of expertise in fluid mechanics, with sufficient academic guidance to achieve carefully defined learning goals, while retaining sufficient flexibility for students to construct there own learning goals. The overall pedagogy is a blend of problem-based and project-based learning, which reflects academic research and professional practice. The assessment is a mix of peer-assessed oral presentations and written reports that aims to maximise student reflection and development. Student feedback indicated a strong motivation for courses that include a well-designed project component.


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The nature of an experiment involving 204 residents is outlined and the results are reported and analysed. Two consecutive surveys of the respondents provide data about their stated knowledge of 23 wildlife species present in tropical Australia, most of which exclusively occur there. In addition, these surveys provide data about the willingness of respondents to pay for the conservation of those species belonging to three taxa; reptiles, mammals, and birds. Thus it is possible to compare the respondents’ stated knowledge of the species with their willingness to pay for their conservation, and to draw relevant inferences from this. From the initial survey and these associations, interesting relationships can be observed between those variables (knowledge and willingness to pay). The second survey was completed after the respondents’ knowledge of the species was experimentally increased and became more balanced. This is shown to result in increased dispersion (greater discrimination) in willingness to contribute to conservation of the different species in the set of wildlife species considered. Both theoretical and policy conclusions are drawn from the results.


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Reviews the ecological status of the mahogany glider and describes its distribution, habitat and abundance, life history and threats to it. Three serial surveys of Brisbane residents provide data on the knowledge of respondents about the mahogany glider. The results provide information about the attitudes of respondents to the mahogany glider, to its conservation and relevant public policies and about variations in these factors as the knowledge of participants of the mahogany glider alters. Similarly data is provided and analysed about the willingness to pay of respondents to conserve the mahogany glider. Population viability analysis is applied to estimate the required habitat area for a minimum viable population of the mahogany glider to ensure at least a 95% probability of its survival for 100 years. Places are identified in Queensland where the requisite minimum area of critical habitat can be conserved. Using the survey results as a basis, the likely willingness of groups of Australians to pay for the conservation of the mahogany glider is estimated and consequently their willingness to pay for the minimum required area of its habitat. Methods for estimating the cost of protecting this habitat are outlined. Australia-wide benefits seem to exceed the costs. Establishing a national park containing the minimum viable population of the mahogany glider is an appealing management option. This would also be beneficial in conserving other endangered wildlife species. Therefore, additional economic benefits to those estimated on account of the mahogany glider itself can be obtained.


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The nonlinear response of a chaotic system to a chaotic variation in a system parameter is investigated experimentally. Clear experimental evidence of frequency entrainment of the chaotic oscillations is observed. We show that analogous to the frequency locking between coupled periodic oscillations, this effect is generic for coupled chaotic systems.


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A hydride cold-trapping technique was developed and optimised for the measurement of urinary arsenic metabolites. The analytical precision of the method was found to be 6.1, 4.0 and 4.8% (n = 5) for inorganic arsenic (As-i), monomethylarsonate (MMA) and dimethylarsinate (DMA), respectively, with recoveries close to 100%, The detection limits were 1.0, 1.3 and 3 ng for As-i, MMA and DMA, respectively. The method was then used to analyse urine samples obtained from three groups of workers for occupational exposure in three companies where copper chrome arsenate was used for timber treatment. The results were compared with those for a normal control group of laboratory workers. Arsenic and its metabolites were also measured in experimental rats given 5 mg As kg(-1) body mass by oral gavage in the form of sodium arsenite, calcium arsenite or sodium arsenate. Occupational workers showed a significantly higher excretion of As-i, Up to two fold increases of urinary As-i excretion in rats compared with control rats were also observed in animals dosed with various forms of arsenicals. The method is suitable for the measurement of arsenic metabolites in urine of both humans and experimental animals.


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MCM-41 materials of six different pore diameters were prepared and characterized using X-ray diffraction, transmission electron microscopy, helium pycnometry, small-angle neutron scattering, and gas adsorption (argon at 77.4 and 87.4 K, nitrogen and oxygen at 77.4 K, and carbon dioxide at 194.6 K). A recent molecular continuum model of the authors, previously used for adsorption of nitrogen at 77.4 K, was applied here for adsorption of argon, oxygen, and carbon dioxide. While model predictions of single-pore adsorption isotherms for argon and oxygen are in satisfactory agreement with experimental data, significant deviation was found for carbon dioxide, most likely due to its high quadrupole moment. Predictions of critical pore diameter, below which reversible condensation occurs: were possible by the model and found to be consistent with experimental estimates, for the adsorption of the various gases. On the other hand, existing models such as the Barrett-Joyner-Halenda (BJH), Saito-Foley, and Dubinin-Astakhov models were found to be inadequate, either predicting an incorrect pore diameter or not correlating the isotherms adequately. The wall structure of MCM-41 appears to be close to that of amorphous silica, as inferred from our skeletal density measurements.


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Control of chaos in the single-mode optically pumped far-infrared (NH3)-N-15 laser is experimentally demonstrated using continuous time-delay control. Both the Lorenz spiral chaos and the detuned period-doubling chaos exhibited by the laser have been controlled. While the laser is in the Lorenz spiral chaos regime the chaos has been controlled both such that the laser output is cw, with corrections of only a fraction of a percent necessary to keep it there, and to period one. The laser has also been controlled while in the period-doubling chaos regime, to both the period-one and -two states.


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The present study was designed to examine the main and interactive effects of task demands, work control, and task information on levels of adjustment. Task demands, work control, and task information were manipulated in an experimental setting where participants completed a letter-sorting activity (N = 128). Indicators of adjustment included measures of positive mood, participants' perceptions of task performance, and task satisfaction. Results of the present study provided some support for the main effects of objective task demands, work control, and task information on levels of adjustment. At the subjective level of analysis, there was some evidence to suggest that work control and task information interacted in their effects on levels of adjustment. There was minimal support for the proposal that work control and task information would buffer the negative effects of task demands on adjustment. There was, however, some evidence to suggest that the stress-buffering role of subjective work control was more marked at high, rather than low, levels of subjective task information.


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An experimental study on the ternary system PbO-ZnO-SiO2, in air by high-temperature equilibration and quenching techniques followed by electron probe X-ray microanalysis was carried out as part of the wider research program on the six-component system PbO-ZnO-SiO2-CaO-FeO-Fe2O3, which combines experimental and thermodynamic computer modeling techniques to characterize zinc and lead industrial slags. Liquidus and solidus data were reported for all primary phase fields in the system PbO-ZnO-SiO2 in the temperature range 640 degrees C to 1400 degrees C (913 to 1673 K).


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Crack tip strain maps have been measured for AISI 4340 high strength steel. No significant creep was observed. The measured values of CTOD were greater than expected from the HRR model. Crack tip branching was observed in every experiment. The direction of crack branching was in the same direction as a major ridge'' of epsilon(yy) strain, which in turn was in the same direction as predicted by the HRR model. Furthermore, the measured magnitudes of the epsilon(y)y strain in this same direction were in general greater than the values predicted by the HRR model. This indicates more plasticity in the crack tip region than expected from the HRR model. This greater plasticity could be related to the larger than expected CTOD values. The following discrepancies between the measured strain fields for AISI 4340 and the HRR predictions are noteworthy: (1) The crack branching. (2) Values of CTOD significantly higher than predicted by HRR. (3) The major ridge'' of epsilon(yy) strain an angle of about 60 degrees with the direction of overall propagation of the fatigue precrack, in which the measured magnitudes of the epsilon(yy) strain were greater than the values predicted by the HRR model. (4) Asymmetric shape of the plastic zone as measured by the epsilon(yy) strain. (5) Values of shear strain gamma(xy) significantly higher than predicted by the HRR model. (C) 1999 Kluwer Academic Publishers.


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The assessment of groundwater conditions within an unconfined aquifer with a periodic boundary condition is of interest in many hydrological and environmental problems. A two-dimensional numerical model for density dependent variably saturated groundwater flow, SUTRA (Voss, C.I., 1984. SUTRA: a finite element simulation model for saturated-unsaturated, fluid-density dependent ground-water flow with energy transport or chemically reactive single species solute transport. US Geological Survey, National Center, Reston, VA) is modified in order to be able to simulate the groundwater flow in unconfined aquifers affected by a periodic boundary condition. The basic flow equation is changed from pressure-form to mixed-form. The model is also adjusted to handle a seepage-face boundary condition. Experiments are conducted to provide data for the groundwater response to the periodic boundary condition for aquifers with both vertical and sloping faces. The performance of the numerical model is assessed using those data. The results of pressure- and mixed-form approximations are compared and the improvement achieved through the mixed-form of the equation is demonstrated. The ability of the numerical model to simulate the water table and seepage-face is tested by modelling some published experimental data. Finally the numerical model is successfully verified against present experimental results to confirm its ability to simulate complex boundary conditions like the periodic head and the seepage-face boundary condition on the sloping face. (C) 1999 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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The evolution of a positive genetic correlation between male and female components of mate recognition systems will result as a consequence of assortative mating and, in particular, is central to a number of theories of sexual selection. Although the existence of such genetic correlations has been investigated in a number of taxa, it has yet to be shown that such correlations evolve and whether they may evolve as rapidly as suggested by sexual selection models. In this study, I used a hybridization experiment to disrupt natural mate recognition systems and then observed the subsequent evolutionary dynamics of the genetic correlation between male and female components for 56 generations in hybrids between Drosophila serrata and Drosophila birchii. The genetic correlation between male and female components evolved from 0.388 at generation 5 to 1.017 at generation 37 and then declined to -0.040 after a further 19 generations. These results indicated that the genetic basis of the mate recognition system in the hybrid populations evolved rapidly. The initial rapid increase in the genetic correlation was consistent with the classic assumption that male and female components will coevolve under sexual selection. The subsequent decline in genetic correlation may be attributable to the fixation of major genes or, alternatively, may be a result of a cyclic evolutionary change in mate recognition.


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The removal of chemicals in solution, by overland flow from agricultural land has the potential to be a significant source of chemical loss from zero-till and surface mulched farming systems. The objective of this study was to determine the magnitude of solute loss by surface runoff from agricultural systems. Previous experiments have enhanced the understanding of the exchange process, but the initial soil conditions together with the tracer application method in these experiments have meant that in some cases the results have limited applicability to field situations. In this study, two different sets of experiments were carried out to determine the magnitude of solute loss by surface runoff. These experiments entailed the surface application of bromide to (1) field scale plots 18 m long by 2 m wide and (2) repacked soil cores 236 mm in diameter; followed by the application of simulated rainfall in both cases. The most substantial finding of the field experiments was that the quantities of solute in surface runoff varied greatly with soil type and structure (0.07-14.9% of the applied bromide). Also, on some soils, large quantities of tracer were measured in the surface runoff even after several hours of infiltration. The experiments on soil cores showed that soil structure plays an important role in the quantity of chemical that may be transported in the surface runoff. These field results showed that, in certain systems, solute movement by overland flow is an important transport mechanism, which should be considered when budgeting for chemical loss. (C) 2000 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.