953 resultados para Aberrant splicing


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Résumé : La majorité des souches de souris de laboratoire sont résistantes à l'infection par le parasite Leishmania major (L. major). A l'opposé, les souris de la souche BALB développent une maladie évolutive. La résistance et la sensibilité sont corrélées avec l'apparition de lymphocytes T CD4+ spécifiques du parasite, Th1 (de l'anglais T helper) ou Th2 respectivement. La réponse aberrante Th2 chez les souris de la souche BALB/c dépend, au moins en partie, de façon critique de la production rapide d'IL-4 suite à l'infection. Ce pic précoce d'IL-4 est produit par une population de lymphocytes T CD4+ restreinte aux molécules du MHC de classe II, exprimant les chaînes du récepteur des cellules T Vß4-Va8. Ces lymphocytes sont spécifiques d'un épitope de l'homologue Leishmania de la molécule RACK1 des mammifères, appelée LACK. Il a été clairement démontré que l'IL-4 rapidement produite par ces cellules T CD4+ Vß4-Va8 induit la maturation Th2 responsable de la sensibilité vis-à-vis de L. major. Des expériences ont été entreprises pour étudier la régulation de cette réponse précoce d'IL-4. Dans ce travail, nous avons documenté, dans les cellules provenant des ganglions de souris sensibles infectées par L. major, une augmentation de la transcription de l'ARNm de l'IL-2 qui précède la réponse précoce d'IL-4. La neutralisation de l'IL-2 durant les premiers jours d'infection induit la maturation des cellules Thl et la résistance vis-à-vis de L. major. Ces effets de l'anticorps anti-IL-2 neutralisant sont liés à sa capacité d'interférer avec la transcription rapide d'IL-4 des cellules CD4+ réactives à l'antigène LACK. Une augmentation similaire d'IL-2 survient chez les souris résistantes C57BL/6 qui sont incapables de générer la réponse précoce d'IL-4. Cependant, la protéiné LACK induit une transcription précoce d'IL-2 uniquement chez les souris sensibles. Des expériences de reconstitution utilisant des souris C.B.-17 SCID et des cellules T CD4+ réactives à LACK provenant de souris BALB/c IL-2-~démontrent un mode d'action autocrine de l'IL-2 sur la régulation de la réponse précoce d'IL4. Par conséquent, chez les souris C57BL/6, l'absence du pic précoce d'ARNm de l'IL-4 important pour la progression de la maladie paraît liée à l'incapacité des cellules T CD4+ réactives à LACK de produire de l'IL-2. Un rôle dans le contrôle de la production précoce d'IL-4 par les cellules T régulatrices CD4+CD25+ a été investigué en déplétant in vivo cette population de cellules. La déplétion induit une élévation du pic précoce de l'ARNm de l'IL-4 dans les ganglions drainant de souris BALB/c, ainsi qu'une exacerbation du cours de la maladie avec des taux augmentés d'IL-4 dans les ganglions. La réponse rapide d'IL-2 vis-à-vis de L. major est aussi significativement augmentée chez les souris BALB/c déplétées en cellules CD4+CD25+. De plus, nous avons démontré que le transfert de 10puissance(7) cellules provenant de la rate de souris BALB/c déplétées en cellules T régulatrices CD4+CD25+ rend les souris SCID sensibles à l'infection et permet la différentiation Th2. Au contraire, les souris SCID reconstituées avec 10' cellules de la rate de souris BALB/c contrôle sont résistantes à infection par L. major et développent une réponse Thl. Chez les souris SCID reconstituées avec des cellules de rate déplétées en cellules exprimant le marqueur CD25, le traitement avec un anticorps neutralisant l'IL-4 au moment de l'infection par L. major prévient le développement de la réponse Th2 et rend ces souris résistantes à l'infection. Ces résultats démontrent que les cellules T régulatrices CD4+CD25+ jouent un rôle dans la régulation du pic précoce d'IL-4 responsable du développement cellulaire Th2 dans ce modèle d'infection. Summary Mice from most strains are resistant to infection with Leishmania major (L. major). In contrast, BALB mice develop progressive disease. Resistance and susceptibility result from parasite-specific CD4+ Thl or Th2 cells, respectively. The aberrant Th2 response in BALB/c mice depends, at least in part, upon the production of IL-4 early after infection. The CD4+ T cells responsible for this early IL-4 response to L. major express a restricted TCR repertoire (Vß4-Va8) and respond to an I-Ad-restricted epitope of the Leishmania homologue of mammalian RACK1, designated LACK. The role of these cells and the IL-4 they produce for subsequent Th2 cell development and disease progression in BALB/c mice was demonstrated. Experiments have been undertaken to study the regulation of the rapid IL-4 production to L. major. In this report, we document an IL-2 mRNA burst, preceding the reported early IL-4 response, in draining lymph nodes of susceptible mice infected with L. major. Neutralization of IL-2 during the first days of infection redirected Thl cell maturation and resistance to L. major, through interference with the rapid IL-4 transcription in LACKreactive CD4+ cells. A burst of IL-2 transcripts also occurred in infected C57BL/6 mice that do not mount an early IL-4 response. However, although the LACK protein induced IL-2 transcripts in susceptible mice, it failed to trigger this response in resistant C57BL/6 mice. Reconstitution experiments using C.B.-17 SCID mice and LACK-reactive CD4+ T cells from IL-2-/- BALB/c mice showed that triggering of the early IL-4 response required autocrine IL2. Thus, in C57BL/6 mice, the inability of LACK-reactive CD4+ T cells to express early IL-4 mRNA transcription, important for disease progression, appears due to an incapacity of these cells to produce IL-2. A role for CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells in the control of this early IL-4 production was investigated by depleting in vivo this regulatory T cell population. Depletion induced an increase in the early burst of IL-4 mRNA in the draining lymph nodes of BALB/c mice, and exacerbated the course of disease with higher levels of IL-4 mRNA and protein in their lymph nodes. The rapid IL-2 response to L. major is also significantly enhanced in BALB/c mice depleted of CD4+CD25+ cells. We further showed that transfer of 10~ BALB/c spleen cells that were depleted of CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells rendered SCID mice susceptible to infection and allowed Th2 differentiation while SCID mice reconstituted with 10 control BALB/c spleen cells were resistant to infection with L. major and developed a Thl response. Treatment with a mAb against IL-4 upon infection with L. major in SCID mice reconstituted with CD25-depleted spleen cells prevented the development of Th2 polarization and rendered them resistant to infection. These results demonstrate that CD4+CD25+ regulatory T cells play a role in regulating the early IL-4 mRNA and the subsequent development of a Th2 response in this model of infection.


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Basal cell carcinoma (BCC) of the skin, the most common malignancy in individuals of mixed European descent, is increasing in incidence due to an aging population and sun exposure habits. The realization that aberrant activation of Hedgehog signaling is a pathognomonic feature of BCC development has opened the way for exciting progress toward understanding BCC biology and translation of this knowledge to the clinic. Genetic mouse models closely mimicking human BCCs have provided answers about the tumor cell of origin, and inhibition of Hedgehog signaling is emerging as a potentially useful targeted therapy for patients with advanced or multiple BCCs that have hitherto lacked effective treatment.


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To understand the biology and evolution of ruminants, the cattle genome was sequenced to about sevenfold coverage. The cattle genome contains a minimum of 22,000 genes, with a core set of 14,345 orthologs shared among seven mammalian species of which 1217 are absent or undetected in noneutherian (marsupial or monotreme) genomes. Cattle-specific evolutionary breakpoint regions in chromosomes have a higher density of segmental duplications, enrichment of repetitive elements, and species-specific variations in genes associated with lactation and immune responsiveness. Genes involved in metabolism are generally highly conserved, although five metabolic genes are deleted or extensively diverged from their human orthologs. The cattle genome sequence thus provides a resource for understanding mammalian evolution and accelerating livestock genetic improvement for milk and meat production.


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CREB is a cAMP-responsive nuclear DNA-binding protein that binds to cAMP response elements and stimulates gene transcription upon activation of the cAMP signalling pathway. The protein consists of an amino-terminal transcriptional transactivation domain and a carboxyl-terminal DNA-binding domain (bZIP domain) comprised of a basic region and a leucine zipper involved in DNA recognition and dimerization, respectively. Recently, we discovered a testis-specific transcript of CREB that contains an alternatively spliced exon encoding multiple stop codons. CREB encoded by this transcript is a truncated protein lacking the bZIP domain. We postulated that the antigen detected by CREB antiserum in the cytoplasm of germinal cells is the truncated CREB that must also lack its nuclear translocation signal (NTS). To test this hypothesis we prepared multiple expression plasmids encoding carboxyl-terminal deletions of CREB and transiently expressed them in COS-1 cells. By Western immunoblot analysis as well as immunocytochemistry of transfected cells, we show that CREB proteins truncated to amino acid 286 or shorter are sequestered in the cytoplasm, whereas a CREB of 295 amino acids is translocated into the nucleus. Chimeric CREBs containing a heterologous NTS fused to the first 248 or 261 amino acids of CREB are able to drive the translocation of the protein into the nucleus. Thus, the nine amino acids in the basic region involved in DNA recognition between positions 287 and 295 (RRKKKEYVK) of CREB contain the NTS. Further, mutation of the lysine at position 290 in CREB to an asparagine diminishes nuclear translocation of the protein.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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Early production of IL-4 by LACK-reactive Vbeta4-Valpha8 CD4(+) T cells instructs aberrant Th2 cell development and susceptibility to Leishmania major in BALB / c mice. This was demonstrated using Vbeta4(+)-deficient BALB / c mice as a result of chronic infection with MMTV (SIM), a mouse mammary tumor virus expressing a Vbeta4-specific superantigen. The early IL-4 response was absent in these mice which develop a Th1 response to L. major. Here, we studied the functional plasticity of LACK-reactive Vbeta4-Valpha8 CD4(+) T cells using BALB/ c mice inoculated with L. major shortly after infection with MMTV (SIM), i. e. before deletion of Vbeta4(+) cells. These mice fail to produce the early IL-4 response to L. major and instead exhibit an IFN-gamma response that occurs within LACK-reactive Vbeta4-Valpha8 CD4(+) T cells. Neutralization of IFN-gamma restores the production of IL-4 by these cells. These data suggest that the functional properties of LACK-reactive Vbeta4-Valpha8 CD4(+) T cells are not irreversibly fixed.


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BACKGROUND: Invasion and metastasis are two important hallmarks of malignant tumors caused by complex genetic and epigenetic alterations. The present study investigated the contribution of aberrant methylation profiles of cancer related genes, APC, BIN1, BMP6, BRCA1, CST6, ESR-b, GSTP1, P14 (ARF), P16 (CDKN2A), P21 (CDKN1A), PTEN, and TIMP3, in the matched axillary lymph node metastasis in comparison to the primary tumor tissue and the adjacent normal tissue from the same breast cancer patients to identify the potential of candidate genes methylation as metastatic markers. METHODS: The quantitative methylation analysis was performed using the SEQUENOM's EpiTYPER? assay which relies on matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time-of-flight mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF MS). RESULTS: The quantitative DNA methylation analysis of the candidate genes showed higher methylation proportion in the primary tumor tissue than that of the matched normal tissue and the differences were significant for the APC, BIN1, BMP6, BRCA1, CST6, ESR-b, P16, PTEN and TIMP3 promoter regions (P<0.05). Among those candidate methylated genes, APC, BMP6, BRCA1 and P16 displayed higher methylation proportion in the matched lymph node metastasis than that found in the normal tissue (P<0.05). The pathway analysis revealed that BMP6, BRCA1 and P16 have a role in prevention of neoplasm metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: The results of the present study showed methylation heterogeneity between primary tumors and metastatic lesion. The contribution of aberrant methylation alterations of BMP6, BRCA1 and P16 genes in lymph node metastasis might provide a further clue to establish useful biomarkers for screening metastasis.


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PURPOSE: To investigate the mechanism(s) of resistance to the RAF-inhibitor vemurafenib, we conducted a comprehensive analysis of the genetic alterations occurring in metastatic lesions from a patient with a BRAF(V600E)-mutant cutaneous melanoma who, after a first response, underwent subsequent rechallenge with this drug. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: We obtained blood and tissue samples from a patient diagnosed with a BRAF(V600E)-mutant cutaneous melanoma that was treated with vemurafenib and achieved a near-complete response. At progression, he received additional lines of chemo/immunotherapy and was successfully rechallenged with vemurafenib. Exome and RNA sequencing were conducted on a pretreatment tumor and two subcutaneous resistant metastases, one that was present at baseline and previously responded to vemurafenib (PV1) and one that occurred de novo after reintroduction of the drug (PV2). A culture established from PV1 was also analyzed. RESULTS: We identified two NRAS-activating somatic mutations, Q61R and Q61K, affecting two main subpopulations in the metastasis PV1 and a BRAF alternative splicing, involving exons 4-10, in the metastasis PV2. These alterations, known to confer resistance to RAF inhibitors, were tumor-specific, mutually exclusive, and were not detected in pretreatment tumor samples. In addition, the oncogenic PIK3CA(H1047R) mutation was detected in a subpopulation of PV1, but this mutation did not seem to play a major role in vemurafenib resistance in this metastasis. CONCLUSIONS: This work describes the coexistence within the same patient of different molecular mechanisms of resistance to vemurafenib affecting different metastatic sites. These findings have direct implications for the clinical management of BRAF-mutant melanoma. Clin Cancer Res; 19(20); 5749-57. ©2013 AACR.


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Vuonna 2004 hitsauksen menetelmäkoestandardisarjauusiutui. Tällöin havaittiin yrityksessä kokeiden kattavuuden olevan jatkossa eräiltä osin puutteellista. Tällä työllä paneudutaan PPTH Norden Oy:n Ylivieskan tehtaan palkinvalmistuksen laadunvarmistuksessa hitsausohjeiden ajan tasalla pitämiseen sekä helppoon ja virheettömään käyttöön. Ohjeistuksen käytettävyyttä ja saatavuutta haluttiin samalla parantaa aikaisempaa helpommaksi hiljattain käyttöön otetun toimintajärjestelmän avulla. Tuloksena tehdystä työstä on Ylivieskan tehtaallakäytössä toimintajärjestelmässä palkinvalmistuksen päivitetty, selkeä ja helppokäyttöinen hitsausohjeistus. Sama operaatio toistetaan myöhemmin PPTH:n muillakin tehtailla. Työn tekemisen aikana nousi esiin kolme kehityskohdetta. WQ palkkien hitsausta on syytä kehittää laatupoikkeamien vähentämiseksi ja sen tehokkuuden parantamista kannattaa tutkia. Jatkohitsaukseen on aihetta hankkia työtä helpottavia apuvälineitä.


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Alternative RNA processing of LMNA pre-mRNA produces three main protein isoforms, that is, lamin A, progerin, and lamin C. De novo mutations that favor the expression of progerin over lamin A lead to Hutchinson-Gilford progeria syndrome (HGPS), providing support for the involvement of LMNA processing in pathological aging. Lamin C expression is mutually exclusive with the splicing of lamin A and progerin isoforms and occurs by alternative polyadenylation. Here, we investigate the function of lamin C in aging and metabolism using mice that express only this isoform. Intriguingly, these mice live longer, have decreased energy metabolism, increased weight gain, and reduced respiration. In contrast, progerin-expressing mice show increased energy metabolism and are lipodystrophic. Increased mitochondrial biogenesis is found in adipose tissue from HGPS-like mice, whereas lamin C-only mice have fewer mitochondria. Consistently, transcriptome analyses of adipose tissues from HGPS and lamin C-only mice reveal inversely correlated expression of key regulators of energy expenditure, including Pgc1a and Sfrp5. Our results demonstrate that LMNA encodes functionally distinct isoforms that have opposing effects on energy metabolism and lifespan in mammals.


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The human PFKFB3 is composed of 19 exons spanning genomic region about 90,6 Kb (GenBank). Alternative splicing variants have been reported. The main variants corresponding to mRNAs of 4453 bp and 4224 bp for the variant 1 u-PFK2 (NM_004566.3) and variant 2 i-PFK2 (NM_001145443.1), respectively...


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The nuclear matrix, a proteinaceous network believed to be a scaffolding structure determining higher-order organization of chromatin, is usually prepared from intact nuclei by a series of extraction steps. In most cell types investigated the nuclear matrix does not spontaneously resist these treatments but must be stabilized before the application of extracting agents. Incubation of isolated nuclei at 37C or 42C in buffers containing Mg++ has been widely employed as stabilizing agent. We have previously demonstrated that heat treatment induces changes in the distribution of three nuclear scaffold proteins in nuclei prepared in the absence of Mg++ ions. We studied whether different concentrations of Mg++ (2.0-5 mM) affect the spatial distribution of nuclear matrix proteins in nuclei isolated from K562 erythroleukemia cells and stabilized by heat at either 37C or 42C. Five proteins were studied, two of which were RNA metabolism-related proteins (a 105-kD component of splicing complexes and an RNP component), one a 126-kD constituent of a class of nuclear bodies, and two were components of the inner matrix network. The localization of proteins was determined by immunofluorescent staining and confocal scanning laser microscope. Mg++ induced significant changes of antigen distribution even at the lowest concentration employed, and these modifications were enhanced in parallel with increase in the concentration of the divalent cation. The different sensitivity to heat stabilization and Mg++ of these nuclear proteins might reflect a different degree of association with the nuclear scaffold and can be closely related to their functional or structural role.


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Progressive pseudorheumatoid dysplasia (PPRD) is a genetic, non-inflammatory arthropathy caused by recessive loss of function mutations in WISP3 (Wnt1-inducible signaling pathway protein 3; MIM 603400), encoding for a signaling protein. The disease is clinically silent at birth and in infancy. It manifests between the age of 3 and 6 years with joint pain and progressive joint stiffness. Affected children are referred to pediatric rheumatologists and orthopedic surgeons; however, signs of inflammation are absent and anti-inflammatory treatment is of little help. Bony enlargement at the interphalangeal joints progresses leading to camptodactyly. Spine involvement develops in late childhood and adolescence leading to short trunk with thoracolumbar kyphosis. Adult height is usually below the 3rd percentile. Radiographic signs are relatively mild. Platyspondyly develops in late childhood and can be the first clue to the diagnosis. Enlargement of the phalangeal metaphyses develops subtly and is usually recognizable by 10 years. The femoral heads are large and the acetabulum forms a distinct "lip" overriding the femoral head. There is a progressive narrowing of all articular spaces as articular cartilage is lost. Medical management of PPRD remains symptomatic and relies on pain medication. Hip joint replacement surgery in early adulthood is effective in reducing pain and maintaining mobility and can be recommended. Subsequent knee joint replacement is a further option. Mutation analysis of WISP3 allowed the confirmation of the diagnosis in 63 out of 64 typical cases in our series. Intronic mutations in WISP3 leading to splicing aberrations can be detected only in cDNA from fibroblasts and therefore a skin biopsy is indicated when genomic analysis fails to reveal mutations in individuals with otherwise typical signs and symptoms. In spite of the first symptoms appearing in early childhood, the diagnosis of PPRD is most often made only in the second decade and affected children often receive unnecessary anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive treatments. Increasing awareness of PPRD appears to be essential to allow for a timely diagnosis. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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Résumé Le présent travail de thèse a fait face au défi de lier les changements transcriptionnels dans les neurones du système nerveux central au développement de l'addiction aux drogues. I1 est connu que l'apprentissage induit des modifications au niveau de la structure du cerveau, principalement en changeant la manière dont les neurones sont interconnectés par des synapses. De plus en plus d'évidences soutiennent un scénario selon lequel l'activité neuronale déclenche des cascades de signalisation intracellulaire qui ciblent des facteurs de transcription. Ces derniers peuvent activer la transcription de gènes spécifiques qui codent pour des protéines nécessaires au renforcement des synapses mémorisant ainsi la nouvelle information. Puisque l'addiction peut être considérée comme une forme aberrante d'apprentissage, et que les modifications synaptiques sont connues pour être impliquées dans le processus d'addiction, nous essayons de décrire des mécanismes transcriptionels étant à la base des changements synaptiques induits par les drogues. Comme modèle nous utilisons des cultures primaires des neurones de striatum, d'hippocampe et de cortex de souris ainsi que des tranches de cerveau de rat. Une des caractéristiques communes de quasiment toutes les substances addictives est de pouvoir activer le système mésolimbique dopaminergique provoquant la libération de dopamine sur les neurones du striatum (du noyau accumbens). Dans ce travail de thèse nous démontrons que dans des cultures du striatum, la dopamine induit le facteur de transcription C/EBPβ qui, à son tour, provoque l'expression du gène codant pour la substance P. Ce mécanisme pourrait potentiellement contribuer à la tolérance envers les drogues puisqu'il fait partie d'une rétroaction (feed-back) sur les cellules produisant la dopamine. Etant donné que ces résultats montrent l'importance de C/EBPβ dans la psychopathologie de l'addiction, nous avons également décidé d'étudier les mécanismes fondamentaux de l'activation de la transcription par C/EBPβ. Nos expériences démontrent que trois isoformes activatrices de la famille C/EBP recrutent le coactivateur CBP et provoquent en même temps sa phosphorylation. Enfin, nous montrons que les coactivateurs nommés TORC, nouvellement découverts et clonés, sont capables de détecter la coïncidence d'un signal cAMP et d'une entrée de calcium dans des neurones. Par conséquent les TORCs pourraient contribuer à détecter la coïncidence d'un signal glutamate et d'un signal dopamine dans les neurones de striatum, ce qui pourrait être important pour associer les effets hédonistes de la drogue à l'information contextuelle (par exemple à l'environnement où la drogue a été consommée). Nous sommes les premiers à observer que les TORCs sont nécessaires pour la potentiation à long terme dans l'hippocampe. Summary The present thesis work faced the challenge to link the development of drug addiction to transcriptional changes in the neurons of the central nervous system. Experience and learning are known to induce structural modifications in the brain, and these changes are thought to occur mainly in the way neurons are interconnected by synapses. More and more evidences point to a scenario in which neuronal activity would activate signalization cascades that impinge on transcription factors, which, in turn, would activate genes necessary for the reinforcement of synapses coding for new informations. Given that drug addiction can be considered as an aberrant form of learning and is thought to involve synaptic modifications, we try to elucidate some of the transcriptional mechanisms that could underlie drug-induced synaptic changes. As a model system, we use primary cultures of striatal, cortical and hippocampal neurons dissected from mouse embryos as well as brain slices from rats. One of the common features of virtually all drugs of abuse is to activate the mesocorticolimbic dopaminergic system that results in the release of dopamine onto the neurons of the striatum (nucleus accumbens). In this thesis work we show that in striatal cultures, dopamine induces the transcription factor C/EBPβ that in turn drives the expression of the gene coding for substance P. This mechanism is likely to be important for the drug-induced tolerance in the brain since it might be a part of a feedback acting on dopaminergic neurons. Given the suspected importance of C/EBPβ in drug addiction, we also try to elucidate some aspects of the basic mechanisms by which the C/EBP family activates transcription. We show that three activating members of the C/EBP family recruit the coactivator CBP and trigger its phosphorylation. Finally, we demonstrate that the newly discovered and cloned transcriptional coactivators, named TORCs (transducers of regulated CREB activity) are able to detect the coincidence of a calcium and a cAMP signal in the central nervous system. This way, TORCs could contribute to the detection of a coincidence between a glutamate and a dopamine signal in striatal neurons - a process that is suggested to be important for an association between the rewarding effect of a drug and contextual information (such as the environment where the drug had been taken). We demonstrate that TORCs are required for hippocampal LTP.


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Background: The 22q11.2 deletion syndrome is the most frequent genomic disorder with an estimated frequency of 1/4000 live births. The majority of patients (90%) have the same deletion of 3 Mb (Typically Deleted Region, TDR) that results from aberrant recombination at meiosis between region specific low-copy repeats (LCRs). Methods: As a first step towards the characterization of recombination rates and breakpoints within the 22q11.2 region we have constructed a high resolution recombination breakpoint map based on pedigree analysis and a population-based historical recombination map based on LD analysis. Results: Our pedigree map allows the location of recombination breakpoints with a high resolution (potential recombination hotspots), and this approach has led to the identification of 5 breakpoint segments of 50 kb or less (8.6 kb the smallest), that coincide with historical hotspots. It has been suggested that aberrant recombination leading to deletion (and duplication) is caused by low rates of Allelic Homologous Recombination (AHR) within the affected region. However, recombination rate estimates for 22q11.2 region show that neither average recombination rates in the 22q11.2 region or within LCR22-2 (the LCR implicated in most deletions and duplications), are significantly below chromosome 22 averages. Furthermore, LCR22-2, the repeat most frequently implicated in rearrangements, is also the LCR22 with the highest levels of AHR. In addition, we find recombination events in the 22q11.2 region to cluster within families. Within this context, the same chromosome recombines twice in one family; first by AHR and in the next generation by NAHR resulting in an individual affected with the del22q11.2 syndrome. Conclusion: We show in the context of a first high resolution pedigree map of the 22q11.2 region that NAHR within LCR22 leading to duplications and deletions cannot be explained exclusively under a hypothesis of low AHR rates. In addition, we find that AHR recombination events cluster within families. If normal and aberrant recombination are mechanistically related, the fact that LCR22s undergo frequent AHR and that we find familial differences in recombination rates within the 22q11.2 region would have obvious health-related implications.


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Sertoli cells (SCs), the only somatic cells within seminiferous tubules, associate intimately with developing germ cells. They not only provide physical and nutritional support but also secrete factors essential to the complex developmental processes of germ cell proliferation and differentiation. The SC transcriptome must therefore adapt rapidly during the different stages of spermatogenesis. We report comprehensive genome-wide expression profiles of pure populations of SCs isolated at 5 distinct stages of the first wave of mouse spermatogenesis, using RNA sequencing technology. We were able to reconstruct about 13 901 high-confidence, nonredundant coding and noncoding transcripts, characterized by complex alternative splicing patterns with more than 45% comprising novel isoforms of known genes. Interestingly, roughly one-fifth (2939) of these genes exhibited a dynamic expression profile reflecting the evolving role of SCs during the progression of spermatogenesis, with stage-specific expression of genes involved in biological processes such as cell cycle regulation, metabolism and energy production, retinoic acid synthesis, and blood-testis barrier biogenesis. Finally, regulatory network analysis identified the transcription factors endothelial PAS domain-containing protein 1 (EPAS1/Hif2α), aryl hydrocarbon receptor nuclear translocator (ARNT/Hif1β), and signal transducer and activator of transcription 1 (STAT1) as potential master regulators driving the SC transcriptional program. Our results highlight the plastic transcriptional landscape of SCs during the progression of spermatogenesis and provide valuable resources to better understand SC function and spermatogenesis and its related disorders, such as male infertility.