984 resultados para 1995_01290202 TM-60 4302703


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Avaliou-se neste trabalho o crescimento de plantas de café cultivadas em um Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo, com diferentes valores de pH e contaminado com resíduos de picloram. O experimento foi instalado em esquema fatorial (2 x 9), sendo o primeiro fator dois tipos de solo (Latossolo Vermelho-Amarelo pH 4,4 e pH 6,2) e o segundo, nove doses de picloram (0, 20, 40, 60, 80, 100, 120, 140 e 160 g ha¹ ), no delineamento de blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. Aos 60 e 120 dias após aplicação do herbicida (DAP), procedeu-se à avaliação visual de intoxicação das plantas, área foliar, pelo método não destrutivo, do diâmetro do caule, por paquímetro, e da altura das plantas, bem como à contagem do número de folhas completamente expandidas. Aos 120 DAP, fez-se a determinação da massa da matéria seca da parte aérea, do caule e das raízes, além do comprimento das raízes e volume radicular. Concluiu-se que plantas de café recém-transplantadas em solos com resíduos do picloram têm redução no seu crescimento, o que pode ter reflexo na futura produtividade da cultura. Caso sejam feitas operações visando ao aumento do pH desses solos, aumenta-se o risco da ocorrência de carryover.


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Alguns herbicidas têm persistência longa no solo, o que pode levar à intoxicação de culturas sucessoras (carryover), plantadas em rotação. Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar a persistência do herbicida fomesafen em Argissolo Vermelho-Amarelo cultivado com feijão nos sistemas de plantio direto e convencional, caracterizando dois experimentos distintos. O delineamento utilizado foi o de blocos casualizados com quatro repetições, arranjados em parcelas subdivididas, em que as parcelas representavam as doses do herbicida (0,0, 125, 250 e 500 g ha-1) e as subparcelas, as épocas de coleta de solo (15, 30, 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135 e 150 dias após a aplicação dos herbicidas). As amostras de solo foram coletadas de 15 em 15 dias, nas entrelinhas centrais das parcelas, e transferidas para vasos plásticos de 280 cm³, onde se semeou o sorgo como indicador biológico da presença de fomesafen. Aos 21 dias após a emergência, avaliou-se a intoxicação das plantas, numa escala em que 0 (zero) representava a ausência total de sintomas e 100, a morte da planta. A produtividade do feijoeiro não foi alterada pelas doses do fomesafen, não havendo diferença entre os tratamentos. Com o aumento da dose de fomesafen, o período de sua persistência nas amostras de solo foi maior. A persistência do fomesafen no solo varia em função do sistema de plantio e da dose aplicada; o intervalo de segurança após sua aplicação em culturas sensíveis é menor quando se pratica o plantio direto.


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ABSTRACT One of the factors that can influence soybeans yield is the interference imposed by weeds. This research has aimed to determine the critical period of weed interference on cv. INT 6100 RRTM soybeans. The experiment was conducted under field conditions at Campo Mourão County, Parana State, in the 2013/2014 harvest, using randomized blocks, arranged in a 2 x 8 factorial, with four replications. In the first factor, the coexistence (period before weed interference) and control (total period of weed interference prevention) periods were assessed. The second factor consisted of management times of weed species (0, 7, 14, 28, 35, 49, 56 and 130 days after emergence - DAE). The evaluations performed were density and shoot dry matter of the weed community, height, number of pods, thousand grain weight and soybean yield. Among the weed species in soybean crops, there was predominance of eudicotyledonous ones (82%). The yield results allowed establishing, for cv. INT 6100 RRTM soybeans at Campo Mourão County, Parana State, a critical period for preventing interference between 24-38 DAE.


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Teemanumero: Tv-viihde.


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A análise da atividade enzimática da redutase do nitrato baseou-se no método do ensaio in vivo, que foi padronizado para os tecidos foliares e radiculares do abacaxizeiro cultivado in vitro. As maiores atividades enzimáticas foram obtidas quando se empregou como meio de reação uma solução tampão fosfato 0,1 M, contendo KNO3 100 mM e 3% de n-propanol, a faixa de pH ótimo foi de 6,5 a 7,5. O tempo de incubação foi de 60 min a 30 °C. Essa padronização mostrou-se muito importante para a análise do ritmo diurno da redutase do nitrato em abacaxizeiro, visto que as condições de ensaio in vivo dessa enzima variam muito entre diferentes espécies vegetais. As folhas apresentaram as maiores atividades na presença de luz. As raízes mostraram atividade da redutase do nitrato também na ausência de luminosidade em níveis semelhantes aos observados na presença de luz. A atividade observada nas raízes foi sempre superior à das folhas, sugerindo que as raízes têm um importante papel na redução do nitrato nas condições de cultivo in vitro. O acúmulo de nitrato observado durante o ciclo diurno, nas folhas, evidenciou que a presença desse íon ocorreu em maiores níveis durante o período luminoso, estabelecendo uma correlação positiva com a atividade da redutase do nitrato. Entretanto, nas raízes, as maiores concentrações foram observadas na ausência de luz. Nesse caso, discute-se a possibilidade de outros fatores, além do nitrato, estarem contribuindo positivamente, induzindo uma elevada atividade enzimática na presença de luz.


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Este artigo apresenta reflexões sobre as possibilidades e as dificuldades do estudo de festas religiosas através da interpretação de um texto de Robert Hertz (um dos pesquisadores da Escola Francesa de Sociologia), originalmente publicado em 1913, que versa sobre a festa de São Besso, um evento religioso que ocorre nos alpes italianos. O objetivo do presente trabalho é destacar as pistas que Hertz deixou abertas em seu estudo e sugerir maneiras de nos apropriarmos de seus insights em nossas análises atuais.


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The objective of this thesis was to evaluate whether a more extensive mammography screening programme (TurkuMSP) conducted by the city of Turku, had an effect on breast cancer (BC) incidence, survival, or mortality in years 1987 to 2009. Despite the fact that some studies have suggested a 20 percent reduction in BC mortality due to mammography screening, there are findings of harm to subjects, which are claimed to negate the benefits of screening. Thus, the aims of this study are most pertinent. A total of 176 908 screening examinations were performed in 36 000 women aged 40−74 during the years 1987−1997. In all, 685 primary BCs were found in the screened women, either screen-detected (n=531) or during screening intervals (n=154). Survival and BC recurrence rate of women with screen-detected BC was compared to 184 women with clinical BCs detected among individuals who did not take part in the screening. The invitation interval, which may influence the outcome, was studied in the age group 40 to 49 by inviting those born in even calendar years annually for mammography screening and those born in odd years, triennially. In addition, BC incidence and mortality in the total female population of Turku aged 40 to 84 years was compared with the respective figures of Helsinki and the rest of Finland, both during the pre-screening era (1976-1986) and the screening era (1987-2009). The study was designed to compare women by age groups, because women aged 50 to 59 were generally screened in all of Finland, whereas only in Turku women aged 40 to 49 and 60 to 74 were screened in addition. Data regarding cancer recurrence were derived from the Finnish Cancer Registry and data on deaths were collected from Statistics Finland. In survival analyses, screened women with invasive BC had a significantly higher survival rate than the women with clinical BC. The survival benefit started to appear already during the first follow-up years and was evident in all age groups. A marginal survival extension was also seen in screened women when BC had spread to ipsilateral axillary nodes already at diagnosis. Recurrence-free survival rate after BC treatment was significantly more favorable among the screened women compared with women with BC found clinically. The screening invitation interval did not significantly influence BC mortality in the subset of women aged 40 to 49 years. There were no consistent differences in the changes of BC incidence between Turku and the comparison areas during the screening era. In Turku, the BC mortality incidence in women aged 55−69 years was significantly lower during the screening era (from 1987 to 1997) compared with the pre-screening era, whereas no such change was found in the city of Helsinki or Tampere. When comparing the changes in incidence-based BC mortality during years 1987 to 2009 in Turku to those of Helsinki and the rest of Finland, there was a suggestion of more than 20 percent lower mortality in Turku among oldest age group (75-84 years) compared with the reference residential areas, but the differences were not consistently significant. Interpretation of the study results should be made with caution because there were no random control groups, and on the other hand, the number of cases in subgroups was fairly low to yield definite conclusions. Also due to the many statistical analyses, some of the findings may be due to chance. The results are, however, suggestive for a decrease of BC mortality in the elderly age groups due to wide mammography screening. This finding needs confirmation in further studies before recommending an expansion of mammography screening to women up to the age of 74 years


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Background: Multiple Sclerosis (MS) is an autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that affects most commonly young women in their childbearing age. Previous studies have shown that MS relapse rate usually reduces during pregnancy and increases again after delivery. Patients with MS and their treating physicians are interested to know more about the risks the disease can cause to pregnancy and how pregnancy affects the disease. The reasons for increased relapse rate after delivery are not entirely clear, but loss of pregnancy related immune tolerance and changes in the hormonal status at the time of delivery seem to be of relevance. Aims and methods: The aims of this study were to follow the natural course of MS during and after pregnancy, evaluate pregnancy related risks among MS patients, follow the inflammatory response of MS patients during and after pregnancy and clarify the risk of relevant co-morbidities known to affect other autoimmune diseases after pregnancy and compare these results to healthy controls. This study was a part of a prospective nation-wide follow-up study of 60 Finnish MS patients. All eligible MS patients were enrolled in the study during the years 2003-2005. A prospective followup continued from early pregnancy until six months postpartum. MS relapses, EDSS scores and obstetric details were recorded. Blood samples were obtained from the patients at early, middle, and late pregnancy, after delivery and one month, three months and six months postpartum. Results: MS patients were no more likely to experience pregnancy or delivery complications than the Finnish mothers in general. The need of instrumental assistance, however, was higher among mothers with MS. Disease activity followed the course seen in previous studies. The majority of mothers (90.2%) breastfed their babies. Contrary to previous results, breastfeeding did not protect MS patients from disease worsening after delivery in present study. Mothers with active pre-pregnancy disease chose to breastfeed less frequently and started medication instead. MS patients presented with higher prevalence of elevated thyroid autoantibodies postpartum than healthy controls, but the rate of thyroid hormonal dysfunction was similar as that of healthy controls. The mode of delivery nor the higher rate of tissue damage assessed with C-reactive protein concentration were not predictive of postpartum relapses. The prevalence of gestational diabetes was slightly higher among mothers with MS compared to Finnish mothers in general, but postpartum depression was observed in similar rates. MS patients presented with significantly lower serum concentrations of vitamin D during pregnancy and postpartum than healthy controls. Conclusions: Childbearing can be regarded as safe for mothers with MS as it is for healthy mothers in general. Breastfeeding can be recommended, but it should be done only after careful evaluation of the individual risk for postpartum disease activation. Considering MS patients tend to develop thyroid antibody positivity after delivery more often than healthy controls and that certain treatments can predispose MS patients to thyroid hormonal dysfunction, we recommend MS mothers to be screened for thyroid abnormalities during pregnancy and after delivery. Increased risk for gestational diabetes should be kept in mind when following MS mothers and glucose tolerance test in early pregnancy should be considered. Adequate vitamin D supplementation is essential for MS mothers also during pregnancy and postpartum period.


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Munasarjasyöpä on Suomessa tappavin ja toiseksi yleisin gynekologinen syöpä, lisäksi se on kymmenenneksi yleisin naisten syöpä. Yli 90% munasarjasyövistä on epiteeliperäisiä ja morfologisista alatyypeistä yleisin on seroosi syöpä. Serooseista syövistä yli 90 % on korkean riskin eli high grade –syöpää. Vaikka uudet hoidot ovat pidentäneet potilaan selviytymistä, niin kaiken kaikkiaan kokonaisennuste ei kuitenkaan ole parantunut viimeisen vuosikymmenen aikana. Aikaisin havaittu paikallinen epiteeliperäinen munasarjasyöpä on parannettavissa kirurgialla. Yli 2/3 epiteliaalisista munasarjasyövistä diagnosoidaan vasta levinneessä vaiheessa, jolloin viiden vuoden selviytyvyys potilailla on vain noin 30 %. Aiemmin munasarjasyöpien arveltiin olevan lähtöisin munasarjojen pintaepiteelistä, mutta uusimpien tutkimusten mukaan kyseessä on niin molekulaarisesti kuin etiologisesti ryhmä eri syöpiä, jotka ilmenevät samassa anatomisessa paikassa. Syventävässä työssäni tutkin munasarjasyövän käyttäytymistä ennustavia merkkiaineita Merkkiaineita tutkimalla pyritään tulevaisuudessa ennustamaan paremmin syöpien käyttäytymistä ja antamaan potilaille parempia täsmähoitoja. Syventävien opintojeni tarkoituksena oli tutkia munasarjasyöpää kirjallisuuteen tutustumalla ja tutkimalla retrospektiivistä vuosien 2001–2007 munasarjapotilasaineistoa. Keräsimme toisen tutkijan kanssa aineistoon 356 potilaan tiedot, joista 310 sisällytettiin tekemiini tilastoihin. Lisäksi tutkin kiinnostavia munasarjasyövän käyttäytymiseen mahdollisesti liittyviä merkkiaineita (EGFR, HER2, P53 JA ALDH1) uudessa 48 potilaan aineistossa ja selvitin proteiinien merkitystä taudin kulussa ja ennusteessa. 310 potilaan aineiston tulokset olivat sopusoinnussa aiempiin julkaisuihin. Aineistomme munasarjasyövistä 60 % on seroosia high grade –syöpää ja 67 % syövistä on levinneen vaiheen eli luokan III-IV tauteja. 48 potilaan immunohistokemiallisissa värjäyksissä mielenkiintoisin tulos on se, että Her2 :n värjäytymisintensiteetti korreloi kääntäen vahvaan ALDH1-värjäykseen eli se on korkea, kun ALDH1 on matala (korrelaatio -0.425; p=0.00994) Vastaavasti Her2 :n intensiteetin ollessa korkea ALDH1/heikko-soluja on paljon (p=0.00975). Tällaista tutkimus tulosta ei aiemmin ole esitetty. Tämä kiinnostava tulos tulee jatkossa varmistaa laajemmassa aineistossa.


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Vuoden 2015 alusta lähtien työvoiman palvelukeskukset (TYP) tulevat lakisääteiseksi palveluksi, joka ulottuu kaikkiin kuntiin. Viimeistään vuoden 2016 alussa uuden palveluverkon on määrä aloittaa toimintansa. Tämä selvitys antaa tiedollista pohjaa uudistustyölle. Selvityksessä tarkastellaan nykyisten palvelukeskusten asiakasrakennetta ja arvioidaan asiakasprosesseja Uudenmaan TYP:eissä. Uudenmaan TYP:eissä on yhteensä kuukauden aikana ollut asiakkaita reilut 9000. Heistä 60 % on miehiä, joskin naisten osuus on ollut koko ajan kasvussa. Alle 25-vuotiaita on noin 15 % asiakaskunnasta ja maahanmuuttajia 15 %. Keskiasteen koulutuksen saaneiden osuus on kasvanut koko ajan, mutta edelleen liki puolella asiakkaista on vain perusasteen koulutus takanaan. Nuorilla perusasteen koulutus on 61 %:lla. Onnistunut asiakasprosessi perustuu asiakkaan ja työntekijöiden väliselle toimivalle vuorovaikutukselle. TYP:in näkökulmasta tuloksellisia prosesseja ovat sellaiset, joissa asiakkaalle saatiin pitkäkestoinen ratkaisu, oli se sitten työkyvyttömyys eläke tai työllistyminen. Myös kuntoutuminen ja työelämävalmiuksien parantuminen ovat myönteisiä tuloksia, mutta toistaiseksi näitä tuloksia tunnistavia mittareita ei ole ollut laajamittaisesti käytössä. Avoimille työmarkkinoille onnistuivat työllistymään verrattain nuoret asiakkaat, joilla oli hyvä pohjakoulutus ja/tai jotka kasvattivat osaamistaan asiakasprosessin aikana. Palkkatuettua työtä käytettiin runsaasti, mutta asiakkuus ei yleensä päättynyt siihen, vaan asiakasta autettiin heti tukityöjakson päätyttyä taas eteenpäin. Tulevaisuudessa tarvitaan tiiviimpää työnantajayhteistyötä sekä työkaluja asiakkaiden motivaation ja toimijuuden lisäämiseksi. Asiakkaiden osaamiseen on panostettava, sillä peruskoulupohjalta on hankala työllistyä kestävästi.