979 resultados para 1988-1994
da a conocer el estado de la contaminación marina en el periodo comprendido entre 1994 a 1995 en diferentes áreas del litoral peruano. En el trabajo se consideraron las principales fuentes terrestres de contaminación provenientes de los desechos domésticos e industriales, plaguicidas organoclorados, hidrocarburos de petróleo y metales pesados. Así mismo se evaluaron los efectos de ellos sobre el macrobentos en las áreas estudiadas, contrastando con ensayos de corta duración de toxicidad letal y utilizando zoeas de Emerita analoga con hidrocarburos y metales pesados. Las bahías de Callao y Chimbote mostraron mayor contaminación por desechos domésticos e industriales, con deterioro de la calidad microbiológica determinándose altos niveles de contaminación fecal. En ninguna de las áreas marinas hubo presencia de Vibrio cholerae toxigénico. En lo que se refiere a los plaguicidas se detectaron 3 tipos de DDT 's en la zona del Callao. En la evaluación de los efectos de la contaminación sobre las comunidades marinas del macrozoobentos tanto de sustrato blando como rocoso de las áreas de Chimbote, Huacho, Pisco e Ilo se ha determinado que la comunidad béntica de sustrato rocoso situada al norte de bahía Ferrol, Chimbote muestra una moderada perturbación al igual que las comunidades de sustratos blandos de las bahías de Paracas e Ite.
Resultados de los análisis comparativo de los cruceros de prospección acústica realizados entre 1983 y 1994 por el Instituto del Mar del Perú (IMARPE), cubriendo un área explorada de 1.255.000 mn2 aproximadamente desde 3°20 'S a 18°20 'S y hasta los 150 mn de la costa. De éstos se deduce que la abundancia, distribución geográfica y batimétrica del recurso jurel (Trachurus picturatus murphyi) se presentaron muy variables. En 1983, 1987 y 1993 se observaron las mayores biomasas, con densidades altas, en gran parte del área explorada, distribuyéndose batimétricamente hasta profundidades de 240 metros a consecuencia de la penetración de aguas ecuatoriales por efecto de los fenómenos El Niño 1982 - 83, 1987 y 1992. Durante toda esta fase, los desembarques anuales de las capturas representaron en promedio sólo el 7% de la cuotas de capturas permisibles, valor como el de una especie subexplotada.
Estudio sobre la pesca artesanal, el nivel de extracción, captura y el impacto que esta produce en los recursos pesqueros en 12 caletas a los largo de la costa peruana.
Se presentan las series de tiempo mensuales de las Temperaturas Superficiales de Mar (TSM) de 9 estaciones costeras localizadas a lo lardo de la costa peruana, para el periodo enero 1950 - abril 1988 y un análisis preliminar de su variabilidad espacial y temporal.
Indications et limites de la thoracoscopie en 1994. [Indications and limits of thracoscopy in 1994.]
Reléguée au rang de moyen diagnostique occasionnel avec l'avènement de la streptomycine dès 1945, la thoracoscopie a repris depuis trois à cinq ans un rôle prépondérant dans l'armement du chirurgien thoracique, comme moyen diagnostique et surtout comme outil thérapeutique. Dans cet article, nous faisons le point quant à la place actuelle de la thoracoscopie face aux différentes pathologies thoraciques, pulmonaires, médiastinales et oesophagiennes. Dans certaines indications (pneumothorax, infiltrats pulmonaires diffus, nodule pulmonaire isolé), cette technique en pleine expansion a déjà clairement démontré sa supériorité. Dans d'autres cas, en particulier dans les affections néoplasiques, son application est encore le sujet de controverses.
Collection : Journal officiel de la République française ; 1194
Coach: Garney Henley Team (Alphabetically): Bruce Adams, Frank Capretta, Kevin Farrow, David Dennis, Rob Demott, Brian Hayden, Peter Kaija, Steve Kolenko, Leacoft Panton, Kevin Rome, Kevin Stevinson, Glen Tone, Moe Willoughby
Don Chapman was a Silver Badger, a unique distinction given to the first class of Brock University students upon their graduation in 1967 and 1968. Mr. Chapman was an active participant in the student life during his years at Brock University. After graduation he continued to take an active role as a member of the alumni of Brock University. Mr. Chapman was a teacher at St. John’s-Kilmarnock School, Waterloo, Ont., until his death in 2005.
Frank Reynolds graduated from Brock University in 1970. While a student at Brock Mr. Reynolds was active in student life, as editor of the student newspaper and as president of the student union. He also produced other student publications, including yearbooks. In 1970 he organized the Rock at Brock, which brought various rock groups to the university campus.
The purpose of this qualitative multi-case study was to examine the interpretation of environmental sustainability (ES) within the Olympic 11 Movement. Two research questions guided the inquiry - first, how has the concept of ES been defined by the International Olympic Committee (lOC), and second, how has the concept of ES been defined and enacted by the Organizing Committees ofthe Olympic Games (OCOGs)? During the past two decades, the International Olympic Committee (lOC) established several policies and programs related to ES. Its actions reflect a broader trend of environmentalism within economic and social spheres around the world (Milton-Smith, 2002). Despite the numerous initiatives, the Olympic Games continue to cause significant environmental damage. Frey, et al. (2007) argued that the Olympic Movement contradicts the fundamental premises of ES because the Games are hosted in a two week time period, are situated in a confined area, and accumulate operating and infrastructure costs in the billions of dollars. Further, Etzion (2007) stated "there is positive and significant correlation between firm siz~ and environmental performance" (p. 642) and in the context of the Olympics the sizeimpact relation is striking. Since 1972, the year the UN launched its international environmental awareness efforts, the Summer Olympics grew to 201 nations (39% increase), 10,500 athletes (32% increase), 28 sports (30% increase), and 302 events (43% increase) (Johnson, 2004; Girginov & Parry, 2005; Upegui, 2008). The proliferation of Games activities counters the ES principles that exist within many of the IOC declarations, policies and programs.
On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
On spine : The Grand Lodge of Canada in the Province of Ontario.
This study aimed to uncover the incorporation of transformative pedagogies into the social studies curriculum. This educational approach aims to educate students about a variety of forms of oppression based on race, gender, sexuality, class, ethnicity, and culture, through the use of dialogue to uncover the students' understanding and personal experience with these concepts. This study examined the impact of discussing these topics in a grade 11 class of 22 White students (of various cultural, ethnic, and religious backgrounds). The teacher, Kelvin, and two of his students were interviewed and his class was observed on four occasions over a 2-week period. Based on the data I collected, I argue that a range of emancipatory teaching approaches should be used in critical classroom discourse. These different approaches emphasize the importance of critical thinking, the ability to recognize and combat oppression, the understanding and respect of different cultures, and the ability to recognize the impact of gender and sexuality on the past and present. These are life skills that extend beyond the curriculum (Freire, 1970; Giroux, 1988; hooks, 1994). This study fills a theory to practice gap in the research literature on transformative practice within Canadian contexts. The findings are important for several reasons. Firstly, they illustrated how the teacher's ideology and personal history affect hislher teaching and learning philosophies and approach to teaching. This has implications for the overall classroom environment, what students learn, and how teachers are trained. Secondly, this study provided a glimpse of what transformative pedagogy could look like from a pragmatic standpoint and demonstrated the complexity of using these multiple approaches in the classroom.