990 resultados para transfer problem


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This factsheet describes voice disorders such as 'hoarseness' in children and what parents can do to help their child with a voice problem.


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Antimicrobial resistance (AMR) associated with the food chain is currently a subject of major interest to many food chain stakeholders. In response safefood commissioned this report to update our knowledge of this area and to raise awareness of the issue. Its primary focus is on the food chain where it impacts consumer health. This review will inform and underpin any future action to be taken by safefood with regard to AMR.


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Résumé Rôle des paramètres sociopolitiques et des connaissances dans la gestion des risques hydrologiques¦La recherche analyse (1) la mise en oeuvre de la gestion des risques hydrologiques et (2) les connaissances dont disposent les acteurs sur ces derniers, ainsi que (3) les interdépendances entre ces deux volets. Au total, trois études de cas ont été réalisées dont deux études régionales (ville de Berne, commune de Saillon) et une étude sur un acteur spécifique (les corporations de digues dans le canton de Berne). Les données empiriques ont été obtenues par des entretiens oraux semi-directifs et des enquêtes écrites.¦La gestion des risques hydrologiques est fortement influencée par des paramètres sociopolitiques, c'est-à-dire par les intérêts et les objectifs des acteurs, par les rapports de force entre ceux-ci ainsi que par les processus de négociation et de décision. Dans la pratique, les démarches de gestion se restreignent toutefois majoritairement aux aspects physiques, techniques et administratifs des risques hydrologiques. La dimension sociopolitique est ainsi négligée, ce qui est source de conflits qui ralentissent considérablement la planification de la protection contre les crues, voire la bloquent même complètement. La gestion des risques hydrologiques est en outre largement focalisée sur la réduction des aléas. Lés débats sur la vulnérabilité sont nettement plus rares bien qu'ils soient indispensables lorsqu'il s'agit de traiter les risques de façon holistique.¦Etant donné l'importance de la dimension sociopolitique et de la vulnérabilité, il est nécessaire que les démarches prévues dans la gestion des risques hydrologiques soient reconsidérées et adaptées. De plus, une meilleure intégration de tous les acteurs concernés est primordiale afin de trouver des solutions qui soient acceptables pour une majorité. Pour l'instant, le recours à des instruments de négociation est insuffisant.¦Les connaissances des risques hydrologiques et de leur gestion peuvent être classées en quatre répertoires (connaissances du système, de l'événement, de l'intervention et connaissances sociopolitiques) qui influent tous sur la réduction des risques. Parmi les facteurs les plus importants susceptibles de déclencher des transformations se trouvent l'occurrence de crues, la réalisation d'études (portant sur les aléas, la vulnérabilité, les mesures, etc.), l'échange de connaissances entre les acteurs, ainsi que la recherche de solutions lors de la gestion.¦Les caractéristiques des connaissances varient considérablement selon les acteurs. L'appartenance à un groupe donné ne permet toutefois pas à elle seule de déterminer l'état des connaissances : tous les acteurs peuvent avoir des connaissances pertinentes pour la gestion des risques. Les différences entre les acteurs rendent pourtant la communication compliquée. Ce problème pourrait être atténué par des médiateurs qui assureraient un travail de traduction. Dans la pratique, de telles instances manquent généralement.¦La gestion et les connaissances des risques hydrologiques sont fortement interdépendantes. L'état et les caractéristiques des connaissances déterminent directement la qualité de la protection contre les crues. Des lacunes ou des imprécisions peuvent donc entraîner une gestion non adaptée aux risques présents. Afin d'éviter une telle situation, il est important que les connaissances sur les risques hydrologiques et sur les possibilités d'y faire face soient régulièrement remises à jour. Ne devant pas se restreindre à l'expérience de crues passées, il est impératif qu'elles contiennent aussi des réflexions prospectives et des scénarios novateurs.¦La gestion n'est pas seulement demandeuse en connaissances, elle est également susceptible d'en générer de nouvelles et d'élargir les connaissances existantes. Il convient donc de considérer la création et le transfert de connaissances comme une tâche centrale de la gestion des risques.¦Zusammenfassung Die Rolle der soziopolitischen Parameter und des Wissens im Umgang mit hydrologischen Risiken¦Die Arbeit untersucht drei Themenbereiche: (1) den soziopolitischen Umgang mit hydrologischen Risiken, (2) das Wissen, über das die Akteure bezüglich der Hochwasserrisiken verfügen sowie (3) die Wechselwirkungen zwischen diesen beiden Themenfeldern. Insgesamt wurden drei Fallstudien durchgeführt, darunter zwei regionale Studien (Stadt Bern, Gemeinde Saillon) und eine Untersuchung eines spezifischen Akteurs (Schwellenkorporationen im Kanton Bern). Die empirischen Daten wurden anhand von halbstandardisierten Interviews und schriftlichen Umfragen erhoben.¦Das Management hydrologischer Risiken ist stark von soziopolitischen Parametern beeinflusst, d.h. von Interessen und Zielvorstellungen der Akteure, von Machtverhältnissen und von Verhandlungs- und Entscheidungsprozessen. Die in der Praxis vorgesehenen Schritte zur Reduktion der Hochwasserrisiken beschränken sich jedoch meist auf die physischen, administrativen und technischen Aspekte der Risiken. Die Vernachlässigung ihrer soziopolitischen Dimension führt zu Konflikten, welche die Planung von Hochwasserschutzprojekten deutlich verlangsamen oder gar blockieren. Des Weiteren konzentriert sich das Risikomanagement im Wesentlichen auf die Reduktion der Gefahren. Gesellschaftliche Debatten zur Vulnerabilität sind deutlich seltener, obschon sie für einen umfassenden Umgang mit Risiken unabdingbar sind.¦Angesichts der Bedeutung der soziopolitischen Dimension und der Vulnerabilität ist es notwendig, dass die Vorgehensweise im Risikomanagement überdacht und angepasst wird. Zudem ist eine bessere Integration aller betroffener Akteure unablässig, um mehrheitsfähige Lösungen zu finden. Zur Zeit ist der Rückgriff auf entsprechende Instrumente ungenügend.¦Das Wissen über hydrologische Risiken und deren Management kann in vier Repertoires eingeteilt werden (Systemwissen, Ereigniswissen, Interventionswissen, soziopolitisches Wissen), die alle bei der Reduktion von Risiken bedeutsam sind. Zu den wichtigsten Faktoren, die Wissenstransformationen auslösen, gehören Hochwasserereignisse, die Durchführung von Studien (zu Gefahren, zur Vulnerabilität, zu Massnahmen usw.), der Wissensaustausch zwischen Akteuren und die Suche nach Lösungen während des Risikomanagements.¦Die Merkmale der Wissensformen unterschieden sich stark zwischen den verschiedenen Akteuren. Die Zugehörigkeit eines Akteurs zu einer bestimmten Gruppe ist jedoch kein ausreichendes Kriterium, um dessen Wissensstand zu bestimmen: Alle Akteure können über Wissen verfügen, das für den Umgang mit Risiken relevant ist. Die Unterschiede zwischen den Akteuren gestalten die Kommunikation allerdings schwierig. Das Problem liesse sich entschärfen, indem Mediatoren eingesetzt würden, die als Übersetzer und Vermittler agierten. In der Praxis fehlen solche Instanzen weitgehend.¦Zwischen dem Umgang mit hydrologischen Risken und dem Wissen bestehen enge Wechselwirkungen. Der Zustand und die Eigenschaften der Wissensformen bestimmen direkt die Qualität des Hochwasserschutzes. Lückenhaftes und unpräzises Wissen kann demnach zu einem Risikomanagement führen, das den tatsächlichen Gegebenheiten nicht angepasst ist. Um eine solche Situation zu verhindern, muss das Wissen über Risiken und Hochwasserschutz regelmässig aktualisiert werden. Dabei darf es sich nicht auf die Erfahrung vergangener Hochwasser beschränken, sondern hat auch vorausschauende Überlegungen und neuartige Szenarien einzubeziehen.¦Das Risikomanagement benötigt nicht nur Wissen, es trägt auch dazu bei, neues Wissen zu t generieren und bestehendes zu erweitern. Die Erarbeitung und der Transfer von Wissen sind deshalb als zentrale Aufgaben des Risikomanagements zu betrachten.¦Abstract¦The role of socio-political parameters and of knowledge in the management of hydrological risks¦The purpose of the thesis is to analyse (1) the socio-political management of hydrological risks, (2) the knowledge about hydrological risks, and (3) the interaction between risk management and knowledge. Three case studies were carried out, two at a regional level (city of Berne, village of Saillon) and one about a specific stakeholder (the dyke corporations in the canton of Berne). Empirical data were collected by the means of semi-structured interviews and surveys.¦The management of hydrological risks is highly influenced by socio-political issues, i.e. by interests and goals of stakeholders, by the balance of power between stakeholders, as well as by negotiations and decision-making processes. In practice, however, risk management is mainly constrained by physical, technical, and administrative aspects. The neglect of the socio-political dimension may thus be the source of conflicts which significantly delay the planning and implementation of flood protection measures, or even stop them. Furthermore, risk management mostly concentrates on hazard reduction. Discussions on vulnerability issues are less frequent although they are fundamental for treating risks in a holistic manner.¦Because of the importance of the social-political dimension and of vulnerability issues, it is necessary that the common approach of managing hydrological risks is reconsidered and adapted. Moreover, the integration of all stakeholders that are concerned with hydrological risks is essential for finding solutions which are supported by a majority. For instance, the application of appropriate negotiation instruments is insufficient.¦Knowledge about hydrological risks and their management can be classified into four categories (system knowledge, event knowledge, intervention knowledge, socio-political knowledge) which are all influencing the reduction of risks. Among the most important factors that are likely to trigger knowledge transformations, one can point out flood events, studies about risk parameters (hazards, vulnerability, protection measures, etc.), knowledge exchange between stakeholders, and the search for solutions during risk management.¦The characteristics of knowledge vary considerably between stakeholders. The affiliation to a specific group is thus not a sufficient criterion to determine the quality of a stakeholder's knowledge: every stakeholder may have knowledge that is relevant for risk management. However, differences between stakeholders complicate the communication. This problem could be attenuated by mediators which ensure the translation between stakeholders. In practice, such instances are generally lacking.¦The management and knowledge of hydrological risks are highly interdependent. The state and the characteristics of the four categories of knowledge determine directly the quality of flood protection. Gaps and imprecison may thus lead to forms of management which are not adapted to the actual risks. This kind of situation can be avoided by updating regularly the knowledge about hydrological risks and about protection measures. However, knowledge must not be restricted to the experience of past floods. On the contrary, it is indispensable also to involve prospective reflections and new scenarios.¦Risk management does not only require knowledge, it may also generate new knowledge and enlarge existing knowledge. The creation and the transfer of knowledge has thus to be seen as a central task in risk management.


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The Scottish National Drugs Strategy requires the 22 regional Drug Action Teams to prepare and submit to the Scottish Executive annual action plans for tackling drug misuse in their areas. These plans should address national and local priorities, including their contribution to the achievement of national targets. These comprise three parts: Part A provides an overview of the DAT structures and working; Part B provides detailed information on current local services and Part C reports plans for 2003/04.This resource was contributed by The National Documentation Centre on Drug Use.


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The transfer factor for carbon monoxide (TLCO) is widely used in pulmonary function laboratories because it represents a unique non-invasive window on pulmonary microcirculation. The TLCO is the product of two primary measurements, the alveolar volume (VA) and the CO transfer coefficient (KCO). This test is most informative when VA and KCO are examined, together with their product TLCO. In a normal lung, a low VA due to incomplete expansion is associated with an elevated KCO, resulting in a mildly reduced TLCO. Thus, in case of low VA, a seemingly "normal KCO" must be interpreted as an abnormal gas transfer. The most common clinical conditions associated with an abnormal TLCO are characterised by a limited number of patterns for VA and KCO: incomplete lung expansion, discrete loss of alveolar units, diffuse loss of alveolar units, emphysema, pulmonary vascular disorders, high pulmonary blood volume, alveolar haemorrhage.


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A survey of medical ambulatory practice was carried out in February-March 1981 in the two Swiss cantons of Vaud and Fribourg (total population: 700,000), in which 205 physicians participated. The methodology used was inspired from the U.S. National Ambulatory Medical Care Survey, the data collection instrument of which was adapted to our conditions; in addition, data were gathered on all referrals prescribed by 154 physicians during two weeks. (The instruments used are presented.) The potential and limits of this type of survey are discussed, as well as the representativity of the participating physicians and of the recorded visits, which are a systematic sample of over 43,000 visits.


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BACKGROUND: Occupational risks, the present nuclear threat, and the potential danger associated with nuclear power have raised concerns regarding the metabolism of plutonium in pregnant women. OBJECTIVE: We measured plutonium levels in the milk teeth of children born between 1951 and 1995 to assess the potential risk that plutonium incorporated by pregnant women might pose to the radiosensitive tissues of the fetus through placenta transfer. METHODS: We used milk teeth, whose enamel is formed during pregnancy, to investigate the transfer of plutonium from the mother's blood plasma to the fetus. We measured plutonium using sensitive sector field inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry techniques. We compared our results with those of a previous study on strontium-90 ((90)Sr) released into the atmosphere after nuclear bomb tests. RESULTS: Results show that plutonium activity peaks in the milk teeth of children born about 10 years before the highest recorded levels of plutonium fallout. By contrast, (90)Sr, which is known to cross the placenta barrier, manifests differently in milk teeth, in accordance with (90)Sr fallout deposition as a function of time. CONCLUSIONS: These findings demonstrate that plutonium found in milk teeth is caused by fallout that was inhaled around the time the milk teeth were shed and not from any accumulation during pregnancy through placenta transfer. Thus, plutonium may not represent a radiologic risk for the radiosensitive tissues of the fetus.


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Powerpoint presentation by Rob Pridequx from the National Audit office


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This factsheet describes voice disorders such as 'hoarseness' in children and what parents can do to help their child with a voice problem.


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Genomic islands, large potentially mobile regions of bacterial chromosomes, are a major contributor to bacteria evolution. Here, we investigated the fitness cost and phenotypic differences between the bacterium Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO1 and a derivative carrying one integrated copy of the clc element, a 103-kb genomic island [and integrative and conjugative element (ICE)] originating in Pseudomonas sp. strain B13 and a close relative of genomic islands found in clinical and environmental isolates of P. aeruginosa. By using a combination of whole genome transcriptome profiling, phenotypic arrays, competition experiments, and biofilm formation studies, only few differences became apparent, such as reduced biofilm growth and fourfold stationary phase repression of genes involved in acetoin metabolism in PAO1 containing the clc element. In contrast, PAO1 carrying the clc element acquired the capacity to grow on 3-chlorobenzoate and 2-aminophenol as sole carbon and energy substrates. No fitness loss >1% was detectable in competition experiments between PAO1 and PAO1 carrying the clc element. The genes from the clc element were not silent in PAO1, and excision was observed, although transfer of clc from PAO1 to other recipient bacteria was reduced by two orders of magnitude. Our results indicate that newly acquired mobile DNA not necessarily invoke an important fitness cost on their host. Absence of immediate detriment to the host may have contributed to the wide distribution of genomic islands like clc in bacterial genomes


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This paper shows how instructors can use the problem‐based learning method to introduce producer theory and market structure in intermediate microeconomics courses. The paper proposes a framework where different decision problems are presented to students, who are asked to imagine that they are the managers of a firm who need to solve a problem in a particular business setting. In this setting, the instructors’ role isto provide both guidance to facilitate student learning and content knowledge on a just‐in‐time basis


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Background The 'database search problem', that is, the strengthening of a case - in terms of probative value - against an individual who is found as a result of a database search, has been approached during the last two decades with substantial mathematical analyses, accompanied by lively debate and centrally opposing conclusions. This represents a challenging obstacle in teaching but also hinders a balanced and coherent discussion of the topic within the wider scientific and legal community. This paper revisits and tracks the associated mathematical analyses in terms of Bayesian networks. Their derivation and discussion for capturing probabilistic arguments that explain the database search problem are outlined in detail. The resulting Bayesian networks offer a distinct view on the main debated issues, along with further clarity. Methods As a general framework for representing and analyzing formal arguments in probabilistic reasoning about uncertain target propositions (that is, whether or not a given individual is the source of a crime stain), this paper relies on graphical probability models, in particular, Bayesian networks. This graphical probability modeling approach is used to capture, within a single model, a series of key variables, such as the number of individuals in a database, the size of the population of potential crime stain sources, and the rarity of the corresponding analytical characteristics in a relevant population. Results This paper demonstrates the feasibility of deriving Bayesian network structures for analyzing, representing, and tracking the database search problem. The output of the proposed models can be shown to agree with existing but exclusively formulaic approaches. Conclusions The proposed Bayesian networks allow one to capture and analyze the currently most well-supported but reputedly counter-intuitive and difficult solution to the database search problem in a way that goes beyond the traditional, purely formulaic expressions. The method's graphical environment, along with its computational and probabilistic architectures, represents a rich package that offers analysts and discussants with additional modes of interaction, concise representation, and coherent communication.