964 resultados para tradição lexicográfica
Universidade Estadual do Rio Grande do Norte
The tradition and living in African-Brazilian religious spaces, called yards, reveal how dynamic the reproduction and exchange of knowledge are, and that through their worldview, reveal ways of dealing with health and disease. The yards are culturally rich territories, in which people shape concepts, practices, and beliefs about health, disease and forms of healing, passed on from generation to generation through oral tradition. With the advent of HIV/AIDS from the 80s, a new challenge is established in the community of the yards and in the individual trajectories of people affected by the disease, who since an early age participate in this religious practice. The objective of this research is the analysis on the stigma in living with HIV/AIDS in yards of Umbanda in Fortaleza-Ceará, considering the (re)production of social dramas experienced by the community in question. During the investigation we adopted two basic parameters: the first one considers the understanding of the reproduction of stigma (or deteriorated identity) in relation to HIV/AIDS in its socio-historical dimension and its effects in the investigated context (Goffman, 1988). And the second one refers to the creation and reproduction of social dramas as a social experience carried through learning, handling and symbolic performance, which is reproduced in four stages: rupture, crisis, corrective action and reintegration (Turner, 1971)
In the Brazilian legal scenario, the study of taxation has traditionally been restricted to positivist analysis, concerned with investigating the formal aspects of the tax legal rule. Despite its relevance to the formation of the national doctrine of tax, such formalist tradition limits the discipline, separating it from reality and the socioeconomic context in which the Tax Law is inserted. Thus, the proposal of the dissertation is to examine the fundamentals and nature of taxation and tax legal rules from the perspective of Law and Economics (Economic Analysis of Law). For this purpose, the work initially reconnects the Tax Law and Science of Finance (or Public Finance) and Fiscal Policy, undertaking not only a legal analysis, but also economic and financial analysis of the theme. The Economics of Public Sector (or Modern Public Finance) will contribute to the research through topics such as market failures and economic theory of taxation, which are essential to an economic approach to Tax Law. The core of the work lies in the application of Law and Economics instruments in the study of taxation, analyzing the effects of tax rules on the economic system. Accordingly, the dissertation examines the fundamental assumptions that make up the Economic Analysis of Law (as the concept of economic efficiency and its relation to equity), relating them to the tax phenomenon. Due to the nature of the Brazilian legal system, any worth investigation or approach, including Law and Economics, could not pass off the Constitution. Thus, the constitutional rules will serve as a limit and a prerequisite for the application of Law and Economics on taxation, particularly the rules related to property rights, freedom, equality and legal certainty. The relationship between taxation and market failures receives prominent role, particularly due to its importance to the Law and Economics, as well as to the role that taxation plays in the correction of these failures. In addition to performing a review of taxation under the approach of Economic Analysis of Law, the research also investigates the reality of Brazilian tax system, applying the concepts developed in relevant cases and issues to the national scene, such as the relationship between taxation and development, the compliance costs of taxation, the tax evasion and the tax enforcement procedure. Given the above, it is intended to lay the groundwork for a general theory of Economic Analysis of Tax Law, contextualizing it with the Brazilian tax system
Les sociétés actuelles vivent des temps de vitesse, de l'individualisme, de l'absence d'enracinement historique: en harmonie avec le processus de formation de la civilisation du monde occidental contemporain profondément marqué par le paradigme de la globalisation. La pollution visuelle et sonore des grandes villes est, en même temps, l'expression de la pollution des sens et des affections humaines. En reflétant sur ce processus, la thèse discuter em faveur d'une formation réglée dans la logique du sensible qu'il a dans l'écouter près de la nature (Lévi-Strauss) un de leurs piliers épistémologiques ondamentales. Cette forme de penser et vivre reconnaît dans l'autoformation (Edgar Morin), et dans l'exercice de construction, par le sujet, de leurs propres paysages sonores (Murray Schafer), deux opérateurs cognitifs capables de nourrir les principes de la diversité, complexité, interdépendance et respect à la nature (Fritjof Capra). Dans le parcours argumentatif de la thèse gagnent emphase les savoirs de la tradition, les pratiques et les connaissances produites par les sociétés le plus proche de la nature qui, par des stratégies cognitives ouvertes et des polyphoniques, donnent importance aux facultés sensibles et à la complémentarité des deux itinéraires de la pensée: symbolique/mythologique/magique et empirique/technique/rationnel (Edgar Morin). Proche d'une perspective autobiographique, la thèse se présente dans la forme narrative d'un registre avec des évocations poétiques, philosophiques et musicales germées de l'écouter d'un paysage particulier, la Lagon du Piató, localisé dans la région de l'Assu (Rio Grande do Norte) et, en particulier, des récits et des évocations de mémoire d'un de leurs habitants auxlesquels nous pourrions appeler d'un philosophe de la nature , Francisco Lucas da Silva (Chico Lucas). Ensuite, ils sont décrits non-place (Marc-Augé) des scénarios métropolitains, en discutant ainsi les excès de pollution sonore, visuelle et de l'afection. En ayant comme estimé une éducation complexe ancrée dans non séparation il entre réforme de l'éducation et reforme de la pensée, de la formation et autoformation (Edgar Morin), à la fin, la thèse propose des ateliers d'expérimentation de l'écouter sensible entre des jeunes et des enfants sur le contexte scolaire, en pariant dans les futures générations (Ilya Prigogine) pour la reconstruction d'un monde plus juste et solidaire
This work aims to analyze the relationship among culture, education and rhetoric on the sermons of the Priest Antonio Vieira (1608-1697). It discusses the presence of oratory on the Western teaching since its Greek origins until the formation of the Ratio Studiorum in 17th-century. Brazilian society is defined as baroque and the rhetoric arises as element essential in the elaboration of the social imaginary speeches and, occupying as an essencial element in the elaboration of discursese and social imaginaries, occupying the centre of controversies, about questions like reason and the faith, ethics and the politics, the nature of the Indian and African peoples, even over the own construction of the modern subject. In this context the vieira´s preaching discharges the functions of kerigma (preaching), didachê (education) and politics (action). The research consisted in a finicky reading over five of these sermons that were returned in the presence of different audiences. The pulpit was the cathedra where Vieira used his sermons as a manner of social mobilization that aimed not only teaching a determined knowledge of reality, but altering cruel situations like Indian and poor people slavery in his epoch. Education by Vieira consist in a tension between utopian hopes and urgencies of practice. The rhetorical tradition affirms the interdependence of technical ethics and politics aspects. To know is not enough is necessary to convince and to move, realizating passage from theorical to practical liverly. It presupposes still the preoccupation with the solidity of argumentation and of reasoning, a wide cultural formation, the requirement of a civic ethics and, mainly, the adequacy between content and the specifics of audience
From the investigation, analysis, discussion and pondering about the activities developed by the lndians from the Porteira hamlet, members of the Xerente community, in the Tocantins state, we developed an investigative and descriptive study about the reality of this people with the aim of helping in the conceptual formation and in the reorientation of the pedagogical practice of the local teachers. In this sense, the undertaken research involved the teachers, the main representatives and experts in that cultural tradition, in order to investigate how the everyday activities (agriculture, food handling, assets distribution among the community members, etc.) and the cultural tradition (log race, body painting, clan division, Xerente numeration, Indian myths and histories, etc.), may enable the contextualization of the mathematics teaching in the lndian School Srêmtôwê of this hamlet, under a more transversal and globalizing perspective of the local and school knowledge. We based this research in the sociocultural conceptions of knowledge generation proposed by D Ambrosio (1990; 2002); Vergani (2007); Oliveras (1996); Gerdes (1991; 2002); Bishop (1999) e Sebastiani Ferreira (1997; 2004). ln the process of this study we propose some viable ways so that the Indian teachers may reorganize their classroom knowledge and actions, based in the strengthening of their history and culture. The observation of some social practices and knowledge as well as of the Xerente traditions helped us to point some possibilities of projection of a didacticalpedagogical dimension of these activities and practices, in the development of the school mathematical knowledge in this community
La séparation entre les deux cultures (Snow, 1995) a battu la compréhension du monde, a influencé l'éducation à tous les niveaux et a fragmenté les êtres humains dans leur façon de penser et de produire des connaissances. L'accumulation des connaissances héritées dès la naissance de la science moderne au XVIIe siècle, n'a pas été suffisantes pour relever les nouveaux défis du monde contemporain (Morin, 2000, 2001, 2002a). Maintenant c est le temps de chercher une nouvelle compréhension du monde et des nouveaux façon de comprendre et résoudre les événements et problèmes de l'âge moderne. La Pédagogie de la fraternité écologique "est défendue et construite à partir d'un point de référence cosmologique nouvelle, basée sur le grand récit de l'univers, et inspirés par la vie fraternelle, l'amour, la poésie et la sagesse de saint François d'Assise (Italie , sec. XII-XIII) et l'expérience des connaissances traditionnelles et la «logique du sensible» (Lévi-Strauss) de Francisco da Silva Lucas, un résident de la communauté de Areia Branca, sur les rives du lac Piató dans la ville de Assu, Rio Grande do Norte. Une épistémologie fondée sur le grand récit de l'Univers rachetera des relations fraternelles entre l'homme et la nature. À partir de ces références j ai elaboré une nouvelle formation pour les éducateurs, «formation interdisciplinaire pour enseigner de l'éducation», dans lequel je développe ce que j'appelle «Architecture transdisciplinaire de savoir pour la formation des enseignants, fondé sur les principes de la complexité et de la transdisciplinarité. Nous comprenons que notre rôle est plus large intégrant l'homme dans l'histoire de l'univers, car le bien de la terre et le bienêtre de la communauté humaine sur terre peut être le point que rejoindra l'enseignement de l'avenir
By means of the Pastoral one an Education celebrated in the body and the laugh, visible is unmasked by means of cançonetas and of the licentious gesticulations of the jokers of this idleness. For such, we support ourselves in the phenomenological of Merleau-Ponty, the tradition and transmission of the verbal as it is conceived by Paul Zumthor, as well as in the phenomenology of the memory of the jokers and in the studies of cultural history and the philosophy of the body. The objective research to argue the body and the laugh as learning of the culture, as well as carrying through the production of a cartography of the potiguar pastoral ones, in the direction to argue the elements of the licentious gesticulations for the look and of cançonetas for hearing. The research is of phenomenological nature and when appealing the Phenomenology as an attitude, recognizes our look on the phenomenon, what if we show for while searching citizens and we assume the reduction and the lived world as methodological boarding to think the searched phenomenon. As he was evidenced in this study, one searched to dimensional the reach of a reflection centered in the body and the laugh through the listening of cançonetas of the Pastoral one and the vision through the licentious gestures; a reflection centered in the body of the joker of Pastoral
On analyse une expérience de l enseignement de philosophie dans l enseignement secondaire par la littérature. La scène d intervention a été l Institut Fédéral d Éducation, Science et Technologie du Rio Grande do Norte (IFRN), dans l année 2008. L étude à caractère qualitatif a adopté un modèle de recherche participant, dans laquelle le chercheur a intervenu dans son propre contexte de classe. On a utilisé l investigation d un ouvrage existentialiste de Jean-Paul Sartre, le roman La Nausée, comme contribution méthodologique pour l enseignement de philosophie. On a adopté le recours de la littérature avec contenu philosophique à partir de la proposition apportée para les Paramètres Curriculaires Nationaux pour l Enseignement Secondaire (PCNEM) : celle qu on ne doit ni avoir la prétention de former de philosophes professionnels ni banaliser la philosophie auprès des élèves. En partant du principe que l existentialisme a été un courant philosophique qui a utilisé la littérature entant qu expression d idées philosophiques, on a envisagé le potentiel pédagogique du voisinage communicant entre la philosophie et la littérature que lie l expérience littéraire avec les textes qui montrent aussi la discussion philosophique. L idée force a été celle de traiter concepts philosophiques a partir de la littérature comme invitation à la réflexion, en analysant l élément ludique dans la littérature comme jeu de la pensée. La pensée considérée comme action ludique arriverait parmi l idéal d en chercher de meilleures manières à comprendre la réalité en étant cet idéal esthétique assumé dans l effort d imprimer sens au chaos des expériences. Les situations pédagogiques en classe comptent fréquemment avec moment de dialogue a propos des problèmes existentiels affrontés par le protagoniste du roman, Antoine Roquentin, considérés comme questions philosophiques et débattues par l investigation dialogique tout suite après la lecture des parties du livre. Dans ce sens, on a cherché à suivre les marches de la méthode socratique dans lequel questionner e questionner à soi même soient les moles propulseurs de la réflexion philosophique. L investigation dialogique a été étendue pendant cinq rencontres de quatre-vingt-dix minutes interprétés par une analyse discursive qui a essayé d établir des rapports entre le discours de l enseignant et des élèves avec le discours de la tradition philosophique. Cette recherche a aussi envisagé à produire une réflexion sur la pratique de l auteur lui-même de l étude. Celui-ci peut-être soit l objectif le plus largement atteint : prendre conscience de l importance de la formation d un enseignant réflexif qui associe dans sa praxis le savoir faire avec la critique honnête de sa propre capacité professionnel
!Acre! Un lugar místico marcado por las luchas y conquistas que traen en su historia las bellezas de sus riquezas naturales y la diversidad cultural. Este es el escenario en que se constituye ese trabajo como resultado de estudios sobre la implantación de una universidad en la región del Alto Juruá-Acre, denominada de Universidad de la Floresta. Esta surge como proceso de fortalecimiento y expansión del Campus de la Universidad Federal de Acre, en el município de Cruzeiro del Sul. Envuelto por los movimientos sociales que cambiaron los rumbos de su historia, incluyendo la identidad acreana, Acre resguarda a sus hijos el derecho de exigir conciencia ecológica y desarrollo con la preservación de la floresta y de la sustentabilidad. Así, los movimientos como empates, socioambientalismo y florestanía impulsionarán el proyecto de implantación de la Universidad de la floresta, donde el reconocimiento de los saberes de las poblaciones tradicionales y el convívio diário de eses pueblos con la naturaleza representa un nuevo paradigma para el concepto de universidad. Todo eso apunta para una nueva forma de pensar y sistematizar la educación. Para el desarrollo del análisis sobre la implantación de esra universidad me fundamenté en los princípios referendados por el abordaje de la complejidad a travéz de los pensamientos de grandes sábios, entre los cuales destaco Edgar Morin, Claude Lévi-Straus y Conceição Almeida. Para transitar metodológicamente opté por trillar en caminos futiristas, donde mi escrita se construye a partir de mi punto de vista, de mi sentir y de mis conversaciones con la Floresta. De esta forma, presento los princípios y la estructura interinstitucional de la universidad de la Floresta, formada por tres grandes ejes: Centro de formación y tecnologías de la Floresta CEFLORA, Instituto de la Biodiversidad y Manejo Sustentable de los recursos Naturales IB y el Campus UFAC / Floresta. Estas tres unidades deverán funcionar de modo integrado componiendo el tripé enseñanza, pesquisa y extensión de la Universidad de la Floresta. Por fin, delante de la especificidad de esta universidad y de sus propuestas, afirmo la importancia de interactuar los saberes de la tradición a los saberes de la academia como forma de valorizar lLa cultura de los pueblos de la floresta
Le thème de cette dissertation est l Histoire de l éducation de la femme. Une analyse des pratiques culturelles de la professeur Anayde da Costa Beiriz (1905-1930), dans le contexte paraibanais du début du XXe siècle, est proposée. Le référentiel théoricométhodologique de l Histoire Culturelle est utilisé, pour aller contre l histoire passée sous silence dans le canon traditionnel. Basée sur le concept de représentation (Chartier, 1990), rompant avec les anciennes idées de sens intrinsèque, absolu, unique, liée aux pratiques complexes, multiples et différenciées, qui construisent le monde comme représentation. Basée aussi sur le concept de configuration (Elias, 1980), en comprenant que apparemment individu et société sont deux objets qui existent indépendamment, mais en vérité, se rapportent à deux niveaux inséparables du monde social, sont unis par des liens d interdépendance. Un dialogue est recherché entre le passé et le présent et les différentes dimensions: historique, sociale, politique et culturelle vécues par la professeur Anayde Beiriz. Pour obtenir des informations sur ses pratiques culturelles, une recherche des marques de cette histoire dans de multiples sources est effectuée: dans la bibliographie disponible parmi les domaines de la littérature, de l histoire, dês sciences sociales et de l éducation; dans des archives de l Institut Historique et Géographique de la Paraiba et de Natal; dans les Bibliothèques de l Université Fédérale de la Paraiba et du Rio Grande do Norte et chez des bouquinistes. L inventaire comprend: des périodiques, la législation en vigueur, des écrits de contemporains, dês témoignages oraux de parents, des lettres et des photos. On comprend de cette façon, que l idée d éplucher au travers de cette étude, des aspects qui n ont pas encore été vus et rappelés, peut non seulement répondre à nos doutes, mais, peut à partir de la réflexion qui se fait, se traduire par une nouvelle compréhension de cette histoire. En conclusion, des significations multiples sont contenues dans le processus d insertion de la femme dans l éducation à partir des Écoles Normales, qui englobent les relations de genre, l histoire du pouvoir, de la morale, de surpassement, des luttes et insatisfactions. On perçoit l héritage de résistances et de conquêtes. Cela a été sous l inspiration des airs de la modernité avec la Belle Époque, en répercutant dans le monde et aussi dans la Parahyba du Nord, que s est concrétisée la formation sociale de la professeur Anayde Beiriz et des femmes de son temps. L analyse de l écriture de soi confirme le discours normatif du contrôle moral social, le joug et les préjugés soufferts par Anayde Beiriz et l éducation différencié de genre qui ont déterminé ses habitudes et coutumes. C est-àdire, pour la femme, la permanence dans l espace privé, la retenue, l anoblissement des tâches ménagères et de la maternité comme sa plus haute aspiration, le support moral de la famille, la préservation de la tradition et la perpétuation des règles religieuses
Our research aims to analyze some institutions of primary education in so-called First Republic in Natal/RN, when they were considered high standard institutions on training, dissemination and creation of national identity and republican traditions. Thus, we investigated to try to understand the creation of the new man and the invention of new traditions to confirm the status of republican modernity in two schools in Natal, the Colegio Americano, a private one, and a standard model of school, Augusto Severo, which is a public one. As a basis we have the history of institutions to analyze, paying close attention to consider the use of imitation in cultural patrimony as well as the use of strategies to distinguish. The concept of ownership follows, for present purposes, their focus of study on observation of diverse and contrasting use of these cultural objects, texts, readings and ideas from research institutions. For analysis of the link which occurs within the school environment, in every period of its history, we used the concept of school culture as a set of rules and practices which define knowledge to teach and conduct the introject. A culture that incorporates the school to keep a set with other religious cultures, political and popular of its time and space. In this sense, the educational institutions which we studied while showing what kind of in this work by preparing cultures, codes, different practices, and specific individuals they have, they were in important locations to provide modern cultural appropriation as a strategy for educational innovation and a factor of rationality and efficiency which could be observed and controlled, so gradually the modern school education was organized to produce its own society. As a challenge of affirmation and incorporating diverse social experiences to produce the modern, civilized man of the Republican time, the school, as part of the social life, which is singular in its practices, not only the set of reforms, decrees, laws and projects, but also as expressions of concept about life and society in terms of material, symbolic and cultural symbols in the social context in modernization. We focused on these two schools, because inside the wide cultural and material status of the city, they were the first republic schools which had the goal of having men and woman together culturally , with a view to adapting them to the modern movement to make them civilized / educated / rational . On this view, we would emphasize that this statement needs a reinvention as a new way through what is made at the schools which production of new spaces, practices, rites and what represents school, making and expressing a new identity, modern, different of the old symbols of the Empire. For this, nothing better than the organization of schooling, emphasizing on educating the individual and his/her responsibilities with the order and progress. We need to understand the past as a result of conflicts, including strengths and limitations within the historical and social context, and the invention of tradition as a process of formalization and ritualization of acts which want to perpetuate, as a reference to a group identity. These are practices and social educative representations which support the understanding of pedagogical and educational ideas at this historical moment, making a new way of being and doing in the Republican universe
A tese tem como objetivo descrever e analisar características e princípios dos padrões das rendas de bilro de modo a estabelecer relações com a Matemática escolar, principalmente, no que se refere aos tópicos como Geometria, simetria, isometria, área, perímetro, entre outros. Desse modo, elaboramos atividades didáticas, com base na Matemática explorada nos padrões da criação da renda de bilro, visando concretizar um exercício investigatório nas aulas de Matemática, de modo que, sejam estabelecidas relações conceituais entre a prática investigada e os conteúdos da Matemática escolar. Para satisfazer esses objetivos, buscamos apoio metodológico na pesquisa bibliográfica, do tipo documental em catálogos como o da Professora Valdelice Girão (1984) e também o de Dawson (1984). Realizamos também a pesquisa empírica durante as visitas ao Museu do Ceará e ao Centro das Rendeiras na Prainha, em Aquiraz, no Ceará. Para realizar as atividades didáticas, apoiamo-nos em Mendes (2009). Consideramos relevante essa abordagem de ensino porque pressupõe a experiência direta do aprendiz com situações reais vivenciadas, nas quais a abordagem instrucional é centrada no aluno. Desse modo, concluímos que para o ensino de conteúdos como Geometria, simetria, isometria, relação entre perímetro e área, entre outros que são abordados na Educação Básica, os modelos decorrentes da criação renda de bilro e outros modelos já descritos na tradição cearense podem ser usados como artefato cultural na criação de atividades didáticas
A partir de una concepción de la educación como una obra de arte, la disertación revela los estudios realizados en una escuela de la comunidad de Areia Branca Piató, en la Laguna de Piató en Assú, Estado de Rio Grande do Norte. Como una forma de hacer dialogar conocimientos científicos y saberes tradicionales, la investigación establece el intercambio de saberes y afectos sobre todo por intermedio del intelectual de la tradición Francisco Lucas da Silva. Para construir un conocimiento pertinente (Edgar Morin), el que forma parte de un contexto, buscamos aquí la comprensión de una pedagogía viva e imaginativa. La disertación encontró en la Laguna un laboratorio vivo para pensar en una enseñanza educativa y para ejercer el pensamiento complejo. A partir de estudios e investigaciones anteriores, pude organizar lo que considero que se constituye como constelaciones de saberes que permiten dar continuidad a ese eje de investigación que empezó desde 1986 en el Grupo de Estudios de la Complejidad GRECOM. En la construcción de este trabajo, pude aprender valores que creo que son importantes para una educación compleja: la humildad delante de la vida; la abertura para diferentes lenguajes del mundo; el diálogo con la naturaleza; la apuesta en nuestras creencias; el sueño de resignificar a la realidad a partir del lazo entre la profundidad de nuestro ser y el mundo; el uso pleno de nuestras potencialidades imaginativas y creativas; y, finalmente, la vivencia intensa de los sentidos. Partiendo de ese aprendizaje, la investigación teórico‐práctica tuvo como elemento central el desarrollo de talleres sobre el tema del agua con alumnos de la enseñanza básicas de diversas series, y con la participación activa de dos profesoras de la comunidad de Areia Branca Piató. Fueron llevadas adelante experiencias que contemplaron una visión sistémica de la naturaleza, las fotografías, los atelieres, las clases de campo, el arte de educar, la narración de historias y sobre todo las enseñanzas del intelectual de la tradición Francisco Lucas da Silva
This work has its genesis in the life of a teacher. It contemplates the report of a great story that expresses the political will of anonymous people who sought/seek to overcome challenges and prejudices, a joint effort to make real the right to literacy. The reported story was developed in the Pedagogic Clinic Teacher Heitor Carrilho, Natal-RN which, concerned about the sentence of 'unable to learn the written language' attributed to children and young public school students, decided to invest in overcoming prejudices and fight against school failure of these underprivileged. The problem that motivated the study was thus set up: What particularities characterize a pedagogical practice which aims to teach literacy to children and youth from public schools, considered not capable of learning the written language? What theoretical and methodological procedures are shown as a boost to literacy in the development of a pedagogical practice systematically targeted to reflect the perspective of educating those students in public schools? Aiming to answer these questions, we conducted a qualitative research having as methodology, Life Stories and Research/Formation. For the construction of the data, it was decided to use the participative observation, semi-structured interviews and document analysis. Guided by the principles of content analysis the data analysis was built, from which emerged two categories: theoretical and methodological procedures aligned to the major axes of literacy and Procedures of the specific theoretical and methodological fundamentals of literacy. As subsets of the transverse procedures others were seized: didactic-pedagogic procedures; social affective procedures. Regarding these ones, the research shows the importance of the teacher to build a relationship of listening to the students and their families in order to organize the pedagogical work, looking at multiple dimensions of the subject: the intellect, the creative, the affective, moral, noting that between the methodology and didactics or as part of it, the links built represent great opportunities to promote literacy. Regarding the specific procedures, others were built: procedures that emphasize oral communication, procedures that favor writing and procedures that privilege reading. Under these procedures, the results of research show that you can only promote literacy if the teacher provides the students effective conditions of understanding the principles of alphabetical notation from the use of various kinds of texts, leading them to comprehend and use them in different contexts. Therefore, instructors must meet the learners' prior knowledge, their language, and the learning real needs that will bring new challenges consistent with their possibilities. The research confirms the importance of the Educational Support extra school. However, it is essential to emphasize that it is a function of the school to promote literacy for all students in the early years of schooling. It is recorded, however, that for the implementation of this desire, we must break the school model characterized by a rigid tradition, in which there is only room for those who learn the content taught in a minimum time. Unfortunately, despite the discourse of inclusion and ensuring the right to education, the school remains exclusive and selective separating the school learning of interpersonal relations and social integration and performance. On the one hand, research showed the difficulties of conducting studies and/or strategies that address the particularities of children and young people believed not capable of learning. On the other hand, the political commitment and motivation have increased the perception that it is possible to mitigate the existing deficits in the educational context, beginning with the everyday teaching practice, in which new knowledge can be learned, methodologies can be improved and, despite everything, the educational success can be built