951 resultados para tema
Pós-graduação em Filosofia - FFC
The current study aims to examine the training potential of an extension project, to work with the issue of sexuality in the daily school environment, as well as the redefinition of values and prejudices on the part of students. Sexuality relates to the pursuit of pleasure, manifested from birth to death. It is believed that the school environment is permeated with sexuality and the school can not deny its role in informing and training young people to experience it sensibly and safe. The extension project in question is intended to constitute as training space for Biological Sciences undergraduates at a public university, to provide conditions for reflection and subjectification of issues related to sexuality, favoring the training of more qualified teachers to deal with the subject in school environment. We used a qualitative methodology, using as instruments to collect data: questionnaires consisting of open-ended questions answered by members and former members of the design and analysis of mentoring records of supervision. It appears that participation in the project is perceived as significant and indicated as responsible for changes in conceptions, prejudices, stereotypes and attitudes regarding the theme of sexuality. Participants feel better prepared to work with the theme in their teaching practice.
Practices of violence such as physical and verbal aggression, provocations, humiliations and exclusion that occur mainly among young people in schools are named as bullying and the aim of this qualitative-descriptive study was to investigate how this phenomenon is represented by magazines directed to teenage girls. The analysis was conducted in fifteen articles of four Brazilian magazines: Capricho, Todateen, Atrevida and Yes Teen through thematic categories: 1) Definitions and explanations about bullying; 2) Magazines’ proposals to the confrontation against bullying (2.1 Campaigns and orientations against bullying; 2.2 Advices about how to act in the presence of bullying; 2.3 Examples of “overcoming” to people who suffered bullying and 2.4 Advices given to people who practice bullying). It was identified the presence of hierarchies, stereotypes and the incentive to competition. There is the predominance of normative and excluding patterns, advices that individualize the issue and lack of critical reflection.
Pode-se observar nos últimos anos o crescente uso do termo intercultural(idade) nos discursos educacionais, sobretudo os que tratam da língua estrangeira. Esse termo vem ganhando espaço nos Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais (PCNs), nas Orientações Curriculares, no Programa Nacional do Livro Didático (PNLD), nos prefácios dos livros didáticos e nas inúmeras investigações acadêmicas publicadas sobre educação. Longe de ser um ensino focado exclusivamente nas estruturas formais, metalinguísticas, nas habilidades comunicativas, na preparação para o mercado de trabalho ou vestibulares, o ensino intercultural tem como objetivo o desenvolvimento de outros aspectos no sujeito aprendiz, como citado nas Orientações Curriculares do ensino médio de 2006: “ter consciência, entender e aceitar esses novos valores e crenças presentes em diferentes grupos sociais”. Se combater esses fatores por si só não é uma tarefa fácil para o professor de línguas, este ainda conta não raras vezes com a falta de formação adequada sobre o assunto, com a influência homogeneizante da mídia, e muitas vezes somente pode recorrer aos materiais didáticos, previamente selecionados pela instituição escolar. Nesse sentido, o objetivo de nosso trabalho é descrever e analisar de que maneira os livros de espanhol do ensino médio escolhidos pelo PNLD-2012, a saber, Síntesis, El arte de leer español e Enlaces, tratam a questão da interculturalidade. A fim de limitarmos o nosso corpus, optamos por analisá-los por um tema comum – o tema alimentação. Essa escolha justifica-se, pois os três livros didáticos escolhidos apresentam uma lição exclusiva para essa temática e acreditamos ser um valioso objeto de reflexões culturais, uma vez que a alimentação de cada comunidade nos remete aos contextos geográfico, econômico, histórico e às necessidades físicas dos habitantes de cada região.
Eça de Queirós published in Gazeta de Notícias, the text “Theme for verses I and II” in April 2nd and 3rd in 1893 . From part II, it was taken an excerpt and published as a short story under the title “The maid” when this text was a part of the book Short Stories (12 stories, some of them handwritten, from 1874 to 1897) gathered by his friend, Luís de Magalhães, and published in 1903, under the year of 1902. Since then, the text ”The maid” is present in many editons of Eça de Queirós’ short stories without any mention to its primary source, the newspaper Gazeta de Notícias (Rio de Janeiro), or even the other part of the text in which it was originally in. The objective of these short considerations is reflecting if the short story, known as “The maid”, should be read as an excerpt of the original text as it has been done since 1902, or it should be put in its original context, joining the two parts of the text “Theme for verses I and II”.
This research aims at analyzing the indicators of impact and relevance - total of published articles, average of citations, total number of citations and index h of the most productive researchers in the Metric Studies field, within periods of the Scopus base by means of a correlation study, determining the best equation of regression of index h due to the total of citations, as well as to all other indicators under analysis. As research procedure, we used the search terms bibliometr* OR scientometr* OR infometr* OR webometr* OR informetr* OR webmemetr* OR paentometr*, obtaining 36 researchers as the most productive ones. For each indicator, the following descriptive statistics were calculated: maximum, minimum, average, standard deviation and coefficient of variation. The coefficient of correlation of Pearson was calculated and adjusted to the equation of regression of index h due to the total of citations. The equation of multiple regression was identified, from index h due to the other indicators. Concluding, we highlight the need for a matching of such indicators to broadly describe a researcher's multifaceted profile, seeing the complementarity of information provided by the indicators of productivity and impact, from distinctive nature.
This is a bibliometric study on the evolution of research on the topic Strategy as Social Practice, from 2009 to 2014. The general objective is to produce bibliometric indicators that show how scientific studies on the strategy as social practice They have evolved in the Brazilian scene. It was considered as a database articles published on the topic in scientific events EnANPAD and 3Es, both of ANPAD - National Association of Graduate Studies and Research in Administration. Studies in strategy have a traditional and historical approach, rooted in the determination of strategies based on scientific knowledge acquired by the managers of the senior management of organizations. Opposing this trend, there are emerging studies in strategy, seeking to evaluate the strategic practice within organizations in various areas, and on some occasions without a decision expected by the traditional approach strategy. To this end, it conducted a theoretical study, descriptive and quantitative approach being used bibliometrics as a research method. They were selected and analyzed 53 articles using descriptive statistical techniques. The results show that studies on the subject are recent and still needs more specific and aligned studies determining the strategy as a social practice
This paper presents a historical retrospective concerning data from a research in Astronomy Education in Brazil, after 1973. It was organized on the basis of the speech analysis of national researchers considered references in this field by their peers. Furthermore, it was elaborated on the basis of other studies from the areas of Science Education, Physics and Astronomy. This historical overview was developed in order to facilitate understanding of the contexts in which the interviewed researchers have developed professionally. Moreover, we attempted to recover the memory of the growing field of research in Astronomy Education in the country. We believe that the history presented can help those trying to understand the past in an attempt to resolve current and future demands.
A proposta apresentada busca discutir as potencialidades que uma sequência didática baseada nos eixos teóricos de Divulgação Científica e da concepção educacional de Paulo Freire, teve para uma formação problematizadora de alunos de uma escola no Brasil. Considerando formação como meio da interação entre sujeitos e com o mundo, viabilizada pelo questionamento da realidade e enfrentamento dos problemas da prática social e intervenção direta no mundo, a problematização da Divulgação Científica no ensino formal permite proporcionar discussões que representam a possibilidade de relação de seu conteúdo geral, do conhecimento científico e de esferas do mundo vivido. Em nosso caso, essa possibilidade viabilizou o tratamento de conhecimentos relacionados ao conceito de modelos atômicos além de enfatizar as potencialidades do planejamento interdisciplinar.
Meaningful learning occurs when new knowledge to be aggregated are grounded in other students already possess. In preparing didactic sequences for teaching concepts, one should take into account these concepts and knowledge to produce more effective and lasting learning, and build new concepts that will become subsumes for subsequent learning. This research was developed in a subproject linked to institutional Scholarship Program Initiation to Teaching (PIBID) of a Universidade Estadual Paulista. The proposal is based on the articulation of the Public School and the University, strengthening the initial training of undergraduates, and continued teacher network, improving the quality of education. The proposed work is based on interdisciplinary research and teaching by investigation. Undergraduates in Biology, Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry jointly propose interdisciplinary teaching activities and investigative applied to high school students of Public School partner. To survey the views of these students on the theme Water, they were asked to draw up an essay entitled "The importance of water", with the aim of organizing information for planning a teaching strategy that articulates the disciplines of training of undergraduates. In this paper we present a qualitative analysis of these essays, performed based on content analysis. The analysis allowed to identify existing concepts in students' cognitive structure and classify them into adequate and inadequate compared to scientifically accepted concepts. Several misconceptions were raised indicating the need to produce didactic sequences that in addition to working the concepts presented in the curriculum of disciplines take into consideration the possibility of more meaningful learning. This research produced the elucidation of existing concepts, indicating where deficiencies were larger. One major contribution was the realization that concepts that may be considered by teachers as simple and already acquired by the students often come so misguided in their explanations. From the results obtained, integrated activities have been planned and implemented, and more relevant to the needs of students aiming to recover and enrich the knowledge they possessed, encouraging the use of scientific concepts and their application to daily living situations.
Education is a basic right of every citizen guaranteed by the Federal Constitution of 1988, so that everyone is able to exercise their civil, political, economic and social. But in Brazil, this right has not yet been effected in all its concreteness and current privatization strategy have brought change to the right to education. Recent research from GREPPE (Group of Studies and Research in Educational Policy) identify different modalities of privatization of basic education, with emphasis on the privatization of supply, management and organization of the pedagogical work through the adoption of private educational systems. This study aimed to identify and discuss how the issue of privatization of education in Brazil is currently being treated in journal articles contained in the database SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online. SciELO is an electronic library covering a selected collection of Brazilian scientific journals. The research is qualitative and the same descriptors privatization were used + education
Este artigo tem como objetivo central apresentar resultados de estudo destinado a investigar as principais questões e desafios em torno da temática da liderança e seu desenvolvimento, na contemporaneidade, segundo a perspectiva de altos executivos de grandes empresas brasileiras. Considerando tal propósito, seus objetivos específicos podem ser assim descritos: 1. investigar sentidos atribuídos e estilos de liderança articulados à vivência e prática dos executivos investigados; 2. investigar temas-chave ao desenvolvimento de lideranças no atual contexto dos negócios e das organizações; 3. identificar tendências, novos temas e desafios em torno da temática da liderança, no contemporâneo. Como referencial teórico cabe salientar revisão de literatura envolvendo descrição evolutiva dos estudos sobre a temática, com destaque para as principais correntes e abordagens teórico-metodológico-conceituais. Em termos metodológicos, a pesquisa que subsidiou os resultados deste estudo pode ser caracterizada como de natureza qualitativa e caráter descritivo, tendo seus dados primários derivados de entrevistas semiestruturadas e em profundidade realizadas com 13 altos executivos de grandes corporações, nacionais e internacionais, situadas nos estados de São Paulo e Minas Gerais. Após tratamento dos dados, com o auxílio do software de tratamento qualitativo NVivo 8, foi possível agrupar os principais temas e desafios identificados em torno da liderança em três temas-chave: Sentidos, Competências, Estilos e Desafios associados à Liderança no Contemporâneo; Desenvolvimento de Lideranças; Liderança e Contexto Capacitante. O estudo possibilitou, também, identificar atributos de competência e estilos de liderança requeridos como respostas ao atual contexto dos negócios e das organizações, segundo a perspectiva dos executivos entrevistados. Concomitantemente, foi possível constatar novos desafios e preocupações em relação à temática da liderança, como, por exemplo, lidar com as novas gerações - em especial a chamada Geração Y - que, em breve, deverão assumir posições-chave nas organizações, em decorrência da aposentadoria dos Baby Boomers. Em suma, os achados permitem, a partir da perspectiva dos próprios atores diretamente envolvidos na problemática da liderança, no contexto empresarial, a emergência de questões e desafios a serem contemplados em novas agendas de desenvolvimento e linhas de pesquisa sobre o tema.