766 resultados para students with disabilities


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This paper focuses on the methodological effectiveness of intergenerational collaborative drawing (ICD). A group of eight researchers trialled this particular approach to drawing, most of them for the first time. Each researcher drew with young children, peers and tertiary students, with drawings created over a period of six months. The eight researchers came together in a 'community of scholars' approach to this project because of two shared interests: (i) issues of social justice, access and equity; and (ii) arts-based education research methods. The researchers were curious how ICD might methodologically support their respective research processes. As knowledge and theory about young children becomes more complex, researchers need responsive methodological tools to ask new questions and conduct rigorous, ethical research. This partial account describes how drawing together might perform methodologically. The data reported here draws from the detailed field notes, drawings and reflections of the researchers. Conclusions arise from the analysis of these reflections, with the authors suggesting ways in which ICD might benefit research with young children.


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Health and hospital system reforms prioritise efficiency. However, initiatives can impact on people with new or existing disabilities who require time to maximise functional independence. With greater demands for shorter hospital stays social workers face increasing pressure to facilitate discharge. This paper reports findings from research identifying factors contributing to extended stays for adults with disabilities. We sought to better understand patient characteristics and discharge planning challenges by analysing a clinical data set of 80 patients and qualitative interviews with five experienced hospital social workers. Three key factors are identified: issues around rehabilitation services; assessment and planning for community care; and availability of and access to discharge options. Strategies to reduce length of stay are reported. We argue that building collaborative partnerships and working across multiple, complex systems and disciplines are vital to ensure these patients access appropriate community-based resources within the current health reform environment.


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Concept inventory tests are one method to evaluate conceptual understanding and identify possible misconceptions. The multiple-choice question format, offering a choice between a correct selection and common misconceptions, can provide an assessment of students' conceptual understanding in various dimensions. Misconceptions of some engineering concepts exist due to a lack of mental frameworks, or schemas, for these types of concepts or conceptual areas. This study incorporated an open textual response component in a multiple-choice concept inventory test to capture written explanations of students' selections. The study's goal was to identify, through text analysis of student responses, the types and categorizations of concepts in these explanations that had not been uncovered by the distractor selections. The analysis of the textual explanations of a subset of the discrete-time signals and systems concept inventory questions revealed that students have difficulty conceptually explaining several dimensions of signal processing. This contributed to their inability to provide a clear explanation of the underlying concepts, such as mathematical concepts. The methods used in this study evaluate students' understanding of signals and systems concepts through their ability to express understanding in written text. This may present a bias for students with strong written communication skills. This study presents a framework for extracting and identifying the types of concepts students use to express their reasoning when answering conceptual questions.


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Web-based technology is particularly well-suited to promoting active student involvement in the processes of learning. All students enrolled in a first-year educational psychology unit were required to complete ten weekly online quizzes, ten weekly student-generated questions and ten weekly student answers to those questions. Results of an online survey of participating students strongly support the viability and perceived benefits of such an instructional approach. Although students reported that the 30 assessments were useful and reasonable, the most common theme to emerge from the professional reflections of participating lecturers was that the marking of questions and answers was unmanageable.


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Practice learning accounts for half of the content of the bachelor of social work degree course requirements in Northern Ireland in their field education programmes and share a professional and ethical responsibility with practice teachers to provide appropriate learning environments to prepare students as competent and professional practitioners. The accreditation standards for practice learning require the placement to provide students with regular supervision and exposure to a range of learning strategies, but there is little research that actually identifies the types of placements offering this learning and the key activities provided. This paper builds on an Australian study and surveys social work students in two programmes in Northern Ireland about their exposure to a range of learning activities, how frequently they were provided and how it compares to what is required by the Northern Ireland practice standards. The results indicated that, although most students were satisfied with the supervision and support they received during their placement, the frequency of supervision and type of learning activities varied according to different settings, year levels and who provided the learning opportunities.


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Field placements provide social work students with the opportunity to integrate their classroom learning with the knowledge and skills used in various human service programs. The supervision structure that has most commonly been used is the intensive one-to-one, clinical teaching model. However, this model is being challenged by significant changes in educational and industry sectors, which have led to an increased use of alternative fieldwork structures and supervision arrangements, including task supervision, group supervision, external supervision, and shared supervisory arrangements. This study focuses on identifying models of supervision and student satisfaction with their learning experiences and the supervision received on placement. The study analysed responses to a questionnaire administered to 263 undergraduate social work students enrolled in three different campuses in Australia after they had completed their first or final field placement. The study identified that just over half of the placements used the traditional one student to one social work supervisor model. A number of “emerging” models were also identified, where two or more social workers were involved in the professional supervision of the student. High levels of dissatisfaction were reported by those students who received external social work supervision. Results suggest that students are more satisfied across all aspects of the placement where there is a strong on-site social work presence.


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Field placements provide social work students with the opportunity to integrate their classroom learning with the knowledge and skills used in various human service programs. The supervision structure that has most commonly been used is the intensive one-to-one, clinical teaching model. However, this model is being challenged by significant changes in educational and industry sectors, which have led to an increased use of alternative fieldwork structures and supervision arrangements, including task supervision, group supervision, external supervision, and shared supervisory arrangements. This study focuses on identifying models of supervision and student satisfaction with their learning experiences and the supervision received on placement. The study analysed responses to a questionnaire administered to 263 undergraduate social work students enrolled in three different campuses in Australia after they had completed their first or final field placement. The study identified that just over half of the placements used the traditional one student to one social work supervisor model. A number of “emerging” models were also identified, where two or more social workers were involved in the professional supervision of the student. High levels of dissatisfaction were reported by those students who received external social work supervision. Results suggest that students are more satisfied across all aspects of the placement where there is a strong on-site social work presence.


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As práticas pedagógicas e processo de ensino e aprendizagem do aluno com deficiência intelectual no ensino comum são o objeto de estudo desta tese. Esta teve por finalidade analisar as estratégias pedagógicas e os suportes educacionais oferecidos para alunos com deficiência intelectual, refletir e elaborar, de forma colaborativa com a equipe pedagógica, ações educativas para a organização do processo de ensino e aprendizagem desse aluno. Para responder à questão inicial do estudo, participamos sistematicamente como pesquisadora do cotidiano escolar do aluno em sala de aula e em outros contextos da rotina das professoras, como reuniões de planejamento, estudos de caso e conselhos de classe. As interfaces metodológicas qualitativas adotadas foram o estudo de caso etnográfico para a 1 etapa e a pesquisa-ação colaborativa para a 2 etapa. Na 1 etapa, fomos a campo para conhecer os processos estabelecidos para a escolarização de três alunos com deficiência intelectual, em anos de escolaridade diferentes, e envolveu 15 profissionais do 1 segmento do ensino fundamental. A partir da análise de conteúdo dos registros do diário de campo, da observação participante, das entrevistas semiestruturadas e filmagens em sala de aula, organizamos as reflexões e análises sobre como é compreendida a deficiência intelectual, as relações que se estabelecem com a aprendizagem e as práticas pedagógicas que envolveram os três alunos. Na segunda etapa, fomos a campo para colaborar com seus atores a partir da proposta do ensino colaborativo, respaldadas pelo referencial histórico-cultural. As ações colaborativas junto às professoras de sala de aula e da sala de recursos multifuncionais (SRM) foram desenvolvidas tendo o aluno Ian como sujeito das reflexões e análises sobre o processo de ensino e aprendizagem. Como resultados do estudo observamos que a presença do aluno com deficiência intelectual na escola comum ainda é motivo de estranhamento. O formato da estrutura curricular indica o quanto é difícil garantir processos de ensino e aprendizagem para o aluno com deficiência intelectual. Apesar do perfil diferenciado na formação das professoras, dúvidas sobre como organizar o ensino para esse aluno eram comuns em seus relatos. A partir da colaboração estabelecida, na 2 etapa do estudo, entre as professoras especialistas (da SRM e pesquisadora) e as professoras de sala de aula, observamos essas ampliarem a iniciativa na organização/adequação de atividades, em suas áreas de conhecimento específicas, considerando a participação e forma pela qual o aluno poderia adquirir o conhecimento trabalhado. Nesse contexto, percebemos a relevância da complementaridade entre estratégias pedagógicas para garantir o ensino, a participação e a aprendizagem do aluno, tanto em sala de aula quanto na SRM. As práticas favoreceram o aluno na medida em que as condições de ensino, para sua aprendizagem, passaram a ser conhecidas e consideradas. A mediação planejada, intencional e desafiadora, em todos os ambientes da escola, foi fundamental para que compreendêssemos como organizar o ensino para a aprendizagem de Ian. Sob essas condições observamos Ian demonstrar sua capacidade para elaborar conceitos cotidianos e complexos, em diferentes áreas do currículo escolar.


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Este estudo teve como objetivo a análise de um curso de capacitação profissional para alunos com deficiência intelectual numa escola especial. Os objetivos específicos foram: a) analisar o desenvolvimento social e o desempenho dos alunos nas atividades do curso; b) investigar as expectativas dos alunos e seus familiares em relação ao papel da escola especial no contexto da capacitação profissional; c) compartilhar o conhecimento produzido na escola especial e na universidade sobre alternativas pedagógicas para o ensino de alunos com deficiência intelectual. Para atender aos objetivos foi realizado um estudo de caso por meio da metodologia da pesquisa-ação, a qual consistiu de um trabalho colaborativo entre a pesquisadora e a professora da turma. Entre os procedimentos incluem-se observações das atividades do curso; entrevistas com a professora, funcionário da escola, alunos do curso e seus familiares. A análise dos dados destacou como aspectos relevantes: o desenvolvimento de uma proposta diferenciada de formação profissional para este alunado, a investimento pessoal da professora em uma capacitação para aprender a ensinar em um novo contexto, e a inciativa da escola de buscar parcerias para implementação de mudanças no seu escopo de atuação enquanto instituição especializada. A escuta dos alunos, seus familiares e uma profissional da escola colaborou para a proposição de novas ações dentro do contexto investigado. Nos dados obtidos também se evidenciou que as atividades de aula planejadas pela professora do curso foram determinantes para o bom desempenho dos alunos, sobretudo por serem realizadas no contexto real onde tais ações se executam. O trabalho colaborativo da pesquisadora e da professora viabilizando a elaboração de um plano individual de acompanhamento para os alunos no treinamento pode ser apontado como uma alternativa para o planejamento do processo de transição para a vida pós-escola. Entre outros aspectos, as entrevistas com os responsáveis indicaram a necessidade de um trabalho mais pontual da equipe da escola com as famílias sobre a perspectiva de vida pós-escolar dos alunos. De forma mais geral, o estudo de caso demonstrou que a escola especial, tem procurado encontrar caminhos para sua ressignificação por meio da aproximação e parceria com a universidade. Os dados obtidos permitem concluir que a formação continuada dos professores para atuar na capacitação profissional de alunos com deficiência intelectual é um processo que necessita do trabalho colaborativo de diferentes atores, conforme apontado pela própria professora do curso analisado.


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PDFs sin acceso a petición de la autora


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No atual cenário sóciotécnico, com a expansão das tecnologias digitais em rede, novos espaçostempos culturais estão se formando. A cibercultura tem possibilitado, e potencializado, lógicas outras de valorização e participação dos indivíduos que, agora podem, sobretudo, produzir conteúdos e informações. Neste contexto, os surdos estão se apropriando e habitando os diferentes ambientes da internet. Mesmo nos espaços que não tenham sido pensados e preparados para o acesso dos internautas surdos, eles estão lançando mão de suas táticas de praticantes e estão se autorizando nas redes. Isso tem favorecido a inclusão de pessoas com deficiência nas mais diversas áreas, dentre elas, a educação superior. Em consonância com os princípios da educação inclusiva, a legislação brasileira assegura o direito dos estudantes surdos de receber instrução em sua primeira língua, e prevê que sejam garantidas as condições adequadas de ensino, inclusive no ensino superior, presencial ou à distância. Considerando a diversidade dentrofora da escola, e tendo em vista que o acesso à educação, informação e comunicação é um direito inerente a todos; abordamos em nossa pesquisa os aspectos legais, tecnológicos e pedagógicos envolvidos em nossa busca por garantir acessibilidade à educação superior online para um estudante surdo. Tendo como pressupostos a abordagem multirreferencial (Ardoino), da pesquisa-formação (Macedo, Santos, Josso) e as pesquisas nos/dos/com os cotidianos (Certeau, Alves, Oliveira), nossa pesquisa aborda os princípios de acessibilidade e usabilidade na web (Ferreira e Nunes), bem como nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem. Acompanhamos, ao longo de dois semestres letivos, um estudante surdo, e com baixa visão, matriculado no curso de Pedagogia à Distância da Faculdade de Educação da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), em parceria com o Consórcio Cederj. Nossa pesquisa procurou responder, dentre outras questões: Como tornar acessível, para os surdos, um curso de graduação à distância? Quais são as adaptações que o Cederj já garante aos estudantes surdos? Quais são as adaptações necessárias para se promover a inclusão efetiva das pessoas surdas nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem, ultrapassando a mera tradução de materiais didáticos e promovendo Educação online? Como resultados, apresentamos os principais obstáculos à efetiva inclusão desse estudante; suas táticas e usos para transpor as barreiras encontradas; além de sugestões de interfaces online, conteúdos e situações de aprendizagem para desenho didático acessíveis nos ambientes virtuais de aprendizagem.


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A presente pesquisa tem por objetivo analisar a interação de alunos com deficiência intelectual com a linguagem escrita num ambiente virtual de aprendizagem desenvolvido com a finalidade de implementar atividades de letramento. Baseando-se nos fundamentos da teoria sócio-histórica sobre cultura, aprendizagem e desenvolvimento, o presente estudo almeja trazer contribuições para os estudos sobre alfabetização e letramento de pessoas com deficiência intelectual, com a utilização de instrumentos culturais de aprendizagem da cibercultura. Foram seguidos os princípios da abordagem qualitativa, tendo em vista a necessidade de observar e reconhecer os sujeitos em sua individualidade, considerando-os em seu meio sócio-cultural. O referencial metodológico utilizado é a pesquisa-ação crítico-colaborativa. Os resultados do estudo foram organizados em quatro categorias: histórico escolar relatos de sobrevivência; a proteção das famílias; os professores e a construção de uma prática; o uso da tecnologia possibilidades de resgate cultural. As duas primeiras buscam analisar fatores relacionados ao histórico escolar e familiar, que forneçam indícios para a compreensão da constituição dos sujeitos (alunos) como adolescentes ou jovens que não sabem ler e as duas últimas discutem a construção das práticas de letramento, no que diz respeito ao envolvimento dos professores e às possibilidades de aproximação dos alunos com deficiência intelectual à cultura, proporcionadas pelo uso do computador. O ambiente virtual de aprendizagem possibilitou o desenvolvimento de uma prática pedagógica voltada para atender às necessidades educacionais especiais destes alunos e compreender as características de seu processo de internalização da escrita, a partir da mediação do instrumento cultural de aprendizagem e da ação do professor.


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Self-conscious emotions (guilt, shame, embarrassment, pride, etc) are social emotions, and involve complex appraisals of how one’s behavior has been evaluated by the self and other people according to some value standards. Self-conscious emotions play an important role in human life by arousing and regulating human action tendencies, feeling and thoughts, which can promote people to work hard in achievement and task fields, maintain good interpersonal relationship according with social morality and expectation. The present study aimed to examine complex self-conscious emotional understanding capabilities in junior middle school students with and without learning disabilities, how the self-conscious emotions generate, and relationship between self-conscious emotions and self-representation in academic and interpersonal fields. Situational experimental methods were used in this research, and the results would give further supports for learning disabilities intervention. The main results of present research are as follows. 1. The study included 4 parts and 6 experiments. The aim of study 1 was to explore whether juveniles with learning disabilities understood complex self-conscious emotions differently from juveniles without learning disabilities. We surveyed the self-conscious emotions understanding of 37 learning disabilities and 45 non-learning disabilities with the emotional situation stories. The results indicated that the self-conscious emotional recognition in others for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities in different emotional recognition tasks. Moreover, children with learning disabilities were more inclined to recognize emotions in themselves as elemental emotions, however, children without learning disabilities were more inclined to recognize emotions in themselves as self-conscious emotions. 2. The aim of study 2 was to explore the generative mechanism of self-conscious emotions in academic and interpersonal fields with the method of situational experiments, namely to examine whether the self-discrepancy could cause self-conscious emotions for learning disabilities. 84 learning disabilities (in experiment 1) and 80 learning disabilities (in experiment 2) participated in the research, and the results were as follows. (1) Self discrepancy caused participants’ self-conscious emotions effectively in academic and interpersonal fields. One’s own and parents’ perspercive on the actual-ideal self-discrepancy both produced dejection-related emotions (shame、embarrassment) and agitation-related emotions (guilt). (2)In academic fields, children with learning disabilities caused higher level negative self-conscious emotions (embarrassment, shame, and guilt) and lower level positive self-conscious emotion (pride). However, there were no differences of self-conscious emotions for children with and without learning disabilities in non-academic fields. 3. The aim of study 3 was to explore what influence had self-conscious emotions on self-representation for learning disabilities with the method of situational experiments. 57 learning disabilities (in experiment 1) and 67 learning disabilities (in experiment 2) participated in the research, and the results were as follows. (1)The negative self-conscious for learning disabilities could influence their positive or negative academic and positive interpersonal self-representation stability, the ways in which self-evaluation of ability mediate these effects. However, there was no significant effect for the negative self-conscious and self-evaluation of ability predicting negative interpersonal self-representation stability. (2)The stability level of positive academic and interpersonal self-representation for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities. There was no significant difference of the negative interpersonal self-representation stability for children with and without learning disabilities in the positive self-conscious valence condition. However, the stability level of negative interpersonal self-representation for learning disabilities was lower than that of non-learning disabilities in the negative self-conscious valence condition. 4. The aim of study 4 was to explore the intervention effects for self-conscious emotions training course on emotional comprehension cability. 65 learning disabilities (34 in experimental group, and 31 in control group) participated in the research. The results showed that self-conscious emotions course boosted the self-conscious emotions apprehensive level for children with learning disabilities.


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Stigma is defined as a sign of disgrace or discredit that sets a person apart from others. Stigmatized individuals had been significantly influenced by their group-based stigma. Through the methods of laboratory experiment and questionnaire surveys, the current study started with examining the attitudes of middle school students to the students with learning disabilities (LD), systemly explored the characteristics of perceived stigma and self-stigma of LD students, the mechanism that the influences of stigma on students with LD, and the mental control required to cope with the stigma. The results of the present studies had significant implications for the understanding of the LD phenomenon and the intervention of LD adolescents. The results indicate that: 1. Generally, middle school students had negative implicit attitude and negative explicit attitudes towards the LD students. The effect size of the phenomenon of this study is large. The LD students showed a more positive attitude than others on the explicit attitude measure; all students consistently had negative attitudes toward LD students on the implicit attitude indices, in addition, no group differences and gender differences were observed in the implicit attitude. 2. Eight hundred and seventy two students were surveyed to test the reliability and validity of the new developed perceived stigma scale and self-stigma scale. Both questionnaires showed sufficient content validity, construct validity, criterion-related validity and adequate internal consistency reliability. Then, both questionnaires were administered to student with high academic achievement (high achiever), students with middle academic achievement (middle achiever), and LD students. Results revealed that the LD students mildly stigmatized by the social culture. The LD students had more stigma perception and self-stigma than the middle achievers and high achievers. The results also indicated that there were more stigma perception and self-stigma for LD students in grade two than that of LD students in grade one and grade three; meanwhile, male LDstudent hade more stigma perception and self-stigma than female LD students in all grades. 3. A latent variable path analysis was conducted to investigate how the stigma affect the academic goals using the data collected from 186 LD students. The results suggested that the LD-related stigma did not have direct influence on academic goals. The LD-related stigma indirectly influenced the academic goals through mediating effects of self-stigma and academic efficacy. 4. Stereotype threat could have some influences on the relationship between the task feedback and self-esteem. The results of study using eighty-four LD students showed that: when the negative stereotype was not primed, the self-esteem of the LD students was significantly influenced by the feedback of the task: an enhance self-esteem following a positive feedback and a lower self-esteem following a negative feedback. When the negative stereotype was primed, there was no significantly difference between the positive feedback group and negative feedback group. All the results showed that priming the negative stereotype could weaken the influence of feedback to the self-esteem of LD students. 5. There was more cognitive and behavioral control when LD students tried to cope with the stigma by concealing negative academic achievement during an individual interview with an unfamilar expert. The LD students whose academic achievements could be concealed had more thought suppression and thought intrusion and reported more self-monitoring behavior than the participants in the other experimental conditions.


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Children with disabilities are at greater risk of developing mental health problems than their peers, yet the emotional well-being of this group is largely overlooked and there is scant literature about children with a mobility disability. This study examined the retrospective experiences of growing up with mobility disability. The sample comprised of 16-25 year olds with mobility disability. A thematic analysis, informed by grounded theory was used. Themes identified included a common socio educational journey, conflict between care and independence in school and the impact of being singled out because of disability out side school. The result was a range of psycho-social issues that affected participants view of themselves and the world around them. The study also looked at what the participants found helpful in dealing with the emotional impact of their disability. Whilst some sought help through talking therapies, others found involvement in disability sport was helpful.