964 resultados para spore dosimetry


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The aim of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness of 2% peracetic acid for the disinfection of gutta-percha cones contaminated in vitro with Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus mutans, Candida albicans and Bacillus subtilus (in spore form). Two hundred and twenty-five gutta-percha cones were contaminated with standardized suspensions of each microorganism and incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 h. The cones were divided into 10 experimental groups (n = 15), according to the microorganism tested and disinfection testing times. The disinfection procedure consisted of immersing each cone in a plastic tube containing the substance. The specimens remained in contact with the substance for 1 or 2.5 minutes. Afterwards, each cone was transferred to a 10% sodium thiosulphate solution (Na2S2O3) to neutralize the disinfectant. Microbial biofilms adhering to the cones were dispersed by agitation. Aliquots of 0.1 ml of the suspensions obtained were plated on Sabouraud dextrose agar, or brain and heart infusion agar, and incubated at 37 degrees C for 24 h. The results were expressed in colony forming units (CFU/ml) and the data were submitted to the Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test (level of significance at 0.05). A significant reduction was observed, after 1 minute of exposure, in the test solution for C. albicans (p = 0.0190), S. aureus (p = 0.0001), S. mutans (p = 0.0001), B. subtilis (p = 0.0001), and E. coli (p = 0.0001). After 2.5 minutes of exposure, 100% of the microbial inocula were eliminated. It was concluded that the 2% peracetic acid solution was effective against the biofilms of the tested microorganisms on gutta-percha cones at 1 minute of exposure.


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Poucos estudos foram desenvolvidos no Brasil sobre a doença hérnia das crucíferas, causada por Plasmodiophora brassicae. Realizou-se testes de severidade da doença causada por diferentes populações do patógeno em espécies de brássicas (couve-flor, couve-chinesa suscetível, couve-chinesa resistente, brócolis e repolho). As populações de P. brassicae foram obtidas de raízes de brássicas infectadas originárias de algumas regiões produtoras no Brasil. Os testes de severidade foram realizados em casa de vegetação (25±2ºC) mediante inoculações, no colo de cada planta com 2 mL da suspensão de esporos do patógeno, na concentração de 107 esporos mL-1. As avaliações ocorreram 35 dias após a inoculação. em laboratório foi realizada a extração de DNA dessas populações e análises de PCR-RAPD para a comparação das características genéticas. As populações obtidas nas regiões de Carandaí MG e Colombo PR mostraram-se mais agressivas, manifestando patogenicidade até mesmo em cultivar considerada resistente. Entretanto, não foi observado um padrão genético específico quanto ao local de origem das populações avaliadas, sugerindo que mesmo em locais distantes e com diferenças quanto à severidade, tais populações são geneticamente semelhantes.


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A utilização agrícola de biossólidos tem sido muito incentivada, mas, como esses resíduos apresentam composição química variada, o valor agronômico e os efeitos sobre características indicadoras de qualidade do solo precisam ser avaliados caso a caso, a fim de estabelecer normas de segurança para uso desses materiais. Neste trabalho foram avaliadas características biológicas, após a aplicação, por dois anos consecutivos, de doses crescentes (0, 6, 12, 18 e 24 t ha-1 base seca) de um biossólido gerado por uma indústria de fibras e resinas PET e da adubação mineral completa no cultivo de milho, em um Cambissolo distrófico, comparados aos de uma área adjacente, sob Brachiaria sp. e sem cultivo nos últimos 10 anos, usada como referência. Os valores de C e N da biomassa microbiana, a respiração basal e as atividades das enzimas urease e beta-glicosidase e da hidrólise do diacetato de fluoresceína (FDA) aumentaram, enquanto a atividade da fosfatase ácida diminuiu com a elevação das doses de biossólido, porém estas não tiveram efeito sobre o quociente metabólico (qCO2). A diminuição da atividade da fosfatase se deveu ao aumento da disponibilidade de P no solo, não caracterizando efeito adverso da aplicação do biossólido. Com aplicação de 12 t ha-1 de biossólido (recomendação agronômica), a respiração e a hidrólise da FDA foram maiores e a atividade da fosfatase foi menor que a obtida no solo com adubação mineral, mas as demais características avaliadas não diferiram entre estes tratamentos. A colonização micorrízica de Brachiaria sp. não diferiu entre plantas de crescimento espontâneo nas parcelas anteriormente cultivadas com milho e aquelas da área adjacente. Apesar do menor número de esporos, verificou-se enriquecimento de espécies de fungos micorrízicos arbusculares (FMAs) nas parcelas cultivadas. O carbono orgânico (Corg) e a biomassa microbiana apresentaram alta correlação com os demais parâmetros avaliados, indicando que as alterações na quantidade e qualidade da matéria orgânica, promovidas pela aplicação do biossólido, refletiram na dinâmica da microbiota e influenciaram positivamente os parâmetros biológicos de qualidade do solo.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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In this work, we present an approach for neutron fluence measurements based on natural thorium thin films and natural uranium-doped glasses calibrated through natural uranium thin films to be used for dating with the Fission-Track Method (FTM). This neutron dosimetry approach allows the employment of FTM even when dating is carried out using low neutron themalization facilities. Besides, it makes possible the determination of the Th/U ratio of the mineral to be dated. Durango apatite which is often employed in FTM as an age standard was analyzed. This apatite presented a fairly high Th/U ratio, 29.9 +/- 1.7. Th fissions were 18%, 12% and 10% of the total for irradiations where thermal to fast neutron flux ratios were 2.4, 4.4 and 5,2, respectively. These results show that Th fission must be considered for this apatite, when not well-thermalized irradiation facilities are used. The ratio between spontaneous and induced track length, L(S)/L(1), close to 0.89, indicates a certain amount of rejuvenation of the age of Durango apatite. Therefore, its apparent age should be corrected, the application of a technique based on track-length measurements produced a corrected age of 29.7 +/- 1.1 Ma, consistent with the independent reference age of this apatite (31.4 +/- 0.5 Ma). This result represents a support for viability of the neutron dosimetry approach studied in this work for FTM.(C) 2002 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Groups of Wistar rats were fed with ration doped with uranyl nitrate at concentration A ranging from 0.5 to 100 ppm, starting after the weaning period and lasting until the postpuberty period when the animals were sacrificed. Uranium in the ashes of bones was determined by neutron activation analysis. It was found that the uranium concentration in the bones. as a function of A, exhibits a change in its slope at similar to20 ppm-a probable consequence of the malfunctioning of kidneys. The uranium transfer coefficient was obtained and an analytical expression was fitted into the data. thus allowing extrapolation down to low doses. Internal and localized doses were calculated. Absorbed doses exceeded the critical dose. even for the lowest uranium dosage.


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Alternaria brown spot, caused by Alternaria alternata, causes yield losses and fruit blemishes on many tangerines and their hybrids in most citrus areas of the world where susceptible cultivars are grown. Although the conditions affecting infection and disease severity are known, little information is available on inoculum production on infected tissue. We found that sporulation on leaves began about 10 days after symptoms developed, was abundant from 20 to 40 days, and declined thereafter. Conidial production was far greater on leaf than on fruit or twig lesions. Spore production per unit area of leaf lesion was greater on the more susceptible hybrids, Minneola and Orlando tangelos, than on the less susceptible Murcott tangor. At 74% relative humidity, conidial production on leaf lesions was low, but it was abundant at 85, 92.5, 96, and 100%. Application of Q(o)I or copper fungicides, but not ferbam, suppressed sporulation on leaf lesions for about 14 to 21 days after application. Additional applications did not appear to be more effective than a single spray in reducing inoculum production.


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In vitro inhibition of the of spores germination of Alternaria solani by iprodione, chlorothalonil, and anilazine at different dosages was studied. The highest concentration of active ingredient studied for each fungicide was equivalent to that recommended for the control of the early blight, under field conditions: 0.75; 1.80 and 1.44 g, respectively, of iprodione, chlorothalonil and anilazine per litre of water. A series of two-fold diluitions of each original concentration was studied in additional nine experiments. Eah of the three fungicides showed total in vitro spore inhibition at the highest rate, at six hours of incubation. At nine hours, only analazine mantained its full inhibition activity. The inhibition activity of iprodione decreased suddenly after 1/2 dilution, so that at the 1/8 dilution a total loss of inhibitory activity was observed. Chlorothalonil showed a progressive and slighter decrease of its activity as the dilution rate increased.Analizine showed a high inhibitory activity at higher dilutions, without any loss up to 1/128 dilution. Even at 1/512 dilution, its activity was so high that only 20% of spore germination was observed at six or nine hours of incubation.


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The pathogenic activity of Metarhizium anisopliae on Boophilus microplus females was assessed using five fungal isolates. Groups of 8 engorged ticks collected from cattle on free pasture were inoculated by immersion for 5 seconds in a spore suspension containing 2.5 x 10(8) conidia/ml. The groups were transferred to moist chambers in which they were maintained at 27 +/- 1 degreesC for about 15 days, their mortality being determined every 2, or occasionally 3, days. The isolate that produced the best results in this assay was used to inoculate female ticks with spore suspensions containing 0, 7.5 x 105, 7.5 x 10(6), 7.5 x 10(7) and 7.5 x 10(8) conidia/ml, under the same conditions as described above. The pathogenic action of M. anisopliae on engorged females was clearly demonstrated. Isolates E9 and AM were more effective, causing high tick mortality as well as reduced oviposition. The concentration of 7.5 x 10(8) conidia/ml was the most effective, with the fungus sporulating on 91.1% of the ticks. Mean percent oviposition was highest in the control treatment and lowest in the treatment with 7.5 x 10(8) conidia/ml.


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The castor bean plant is a tropical species and is subject to various diseases, which cause great losses. Among these diseases, the gray mold (Botryotinia ricini) is one of the most important. The fungus spore production was evaluated in the media of cultures BDA; Oats-Agar; Mazeina-Agar; Rice-Agar; castor-bean crushed leaves-agar (FM), FM-CaCO3; V8 juice to 5% (V8-5%); V8-10%; V8-20% and tomato juice at 5% (TJ-5%); TJ-10% and TJ-20%. The production of spore in different media of cultures was evaluated at 8(th) days of incubation. The data were analyzed using the comparison of means, through the test Tukey a 5% probability, and the data processed for (X + 1) (0.5). All means of crops tested were able to produce conidia, but the best results was obtained with the culture medium V8-20% (5.7 x 10(6) conidia/mL) and BDA (3.5 x 10(6) conidia/mL).


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The Southwest region of the Bahia state in Brazil hosts the largest uranium reserve of the country (100 kton in uranium, only), plus the cities of Caetite, Lagoa Real and Igapora. In this work, aim was at the investigation of uranium burdens on residents of these cities by using teeth as bioindicators, as a contribution for possible radiation protection measures. Thus, a total of 41 human teeth were collected, plus 50 from an allegedly uranium free area (the control region). Concentrations of uranium in teeth from residents of 5- to 87-y old were determined by means of a high-resolution inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometer (ICP-MS). The highest uranium concentration in teeth was measured from samples belonging to residents of Caetite (median equal to 16 ppb). Assuming that the uranium concentrations in teeth and bones are similar within 10-20% (for children and young adults), it concluded that uranium body levels in residents of Caetite are at least one order of magnitude higher than the worldwide average. This finding led to conclude that daily ingestion of uranium, from food and water, is equally high.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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The synthesis of polygalacturonases (PG) is known to be influenced by Aspergillus growth conditions, namely, environmental factors and pectin content in the cultivation medium containing a mixed carbon source. Optimal conditions were attained at a temperature of 30 A degrees C and an initial pH of 4.5. PG activity (3.29 and 2.48 U/mL) was determined after a two-day culture of Aspergillus sp. HC1 and Aspergillus sp. CC1, respectively, in a basic medium containing 2% citrus pectin as the sole carbon source. The addition of glucose (2% w/v) to the basic medium led to a 2-fold increase in PG production. However, enzyme synthesis was repressed when a higher concentration of glucose was used in the medium containing the mixed carbon source. Spores from the two fungi were immobilized in a 3% Ca-alginate system and the mechanical strength of the gel beads allowed the use of this process system 6-fold longer (288 h) than the free culture. In the Aspergillus sp. CC1 immobilized system, PG production increased nearly 10-fold in the medium with 2% glucose added (5.95 U/mL) in comparison to the medium without sugar (0.55 U/mL). The results demonstrate that a different response in activity was produced by free and entrapped spore systems. PG production remained approximately constant throughout the six 48 h cycles in the medium containing citrus pectin (2% w/v) as the sole carbon source.