972 resultados para relações Psicologia-Educação
This thesis has as an objective to think over the teachers` understanding of the school History of the Fundamental Teaching regarding the existent relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History, as well as to think over how these teachers see the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories. The work is based on the postulates of the qualitative research and on the characteristics of the ethnography of the school practice. The main procedures of data gathering were the documental analysis, the semi-structured interviews, the field diary and the observations of classes. The scientific perspective of the multiple references is an important source in this research. The participants of this work are two teachers of the school district of Natal who work in the field of the school History in two schools on the North Side of the city. The accomplished analysis point to significant indications that didn't occur continuous and regular teaching situations in the initial and continuing education of these teachers that clearly showed the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History. They also suggest that their understanding about the influence that their teaching practice gets from the history theories, is not still explicit. We understand that the relations between the history theories and the teaching of the school History are important for the initial and continuing education of these teachers who belong in this knowledge field, even when these relations are not explicitly pointed by the teachers, because they will always influence the teaching practice that the teachers of the school History build
This study focuses on the initial formation of the pedagogue in college, especially the formation that takes place in the Pedagogy Course. It is bound by the following question: what senses are attributed by the Pedagogy Trainees regarding the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the Pedagogic Practice knowledge developed in the Pedagogy Course of UESB, in order to build up teaching knowledge and practice? Therefore it aims to reflect on the relations between the Education Science framework and the Pedagogic Practice under the supervised classes that belong to the Pedagogy Course. It presents the implications and contextualizations concerning the pedagogue formation as a historic and cultural process, emphasizing the current moment of this formation. It is based on the idea that the senses trainees, future pedagogues, attribute to their own formation process reflect on the learning of theorical and practical knowledge that validates the process of teachers formation, especially the pedagogue formation. Accordingly, it believes that the senses attributed by the students of teachers initial formation courses regarding the Education Science knowledge and Pedagogic Practice knowledge are essential as organizers in the construction of teaching knowledge and practice while the supervised classes take place. The theorical and methodological option is based on the studies of Qualitative Epistemology by Gonzalez Rey. Empiric studies took place at the Pedagogy Course of Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), located in the city of Vitória da Conquista/Bahia. The students who took part in this research were six graduating ones, enrolled in the last two semesters of the referred course, stage when the supervised classes happen. The procedures used in the organization of collected information consist of analysis of documents such as the mentioned course curricular project and the students reports, besides interactive and provocative talks to the students. The results show the senses students attribute to Educational Science theorical basis to practice to Pedagogic Practice opportunity of feeling as if they were teachers and to the relation between Education Science and Pedagogic Practice opportunity of experiencing the relation between theory and practice. Besides, the theorizations students have about the relation between theory and practice in teachers formation are also presented. Consequently, it is emphasized that the supervised classes are the moments in which the trainees might understand the relations between thought and pedagogic practice, building the senses attributed to the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the ones of Pedagogic Practice as organizers in the teaching knowledge and practice. In this context, the trainees build some knowledge regarding what it means to be a teacher, which is not written or published, due to its subjective dimension, but circumscribed in their pedagogic practice while the supervised classes take place and when professional teaching practice becomes effective
This study focuses on the initial formation of the pedagogue in college, especially the formation that takes place in the Pedagogy Course. It is bound by the following question: what senses are attributed by the Pedagogy Trainees regarding the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the Pedagogic Practice knowledge developed in the Pedagogy Course of UESB, in order to build up teaching knowledge and practice? Therefore it aims to reflect on the relations between the Education Science framework and the Pedagogic Practice under the supervised classes that belong to the Pedagogy Course. It presents the implications and contextualizations concerning the pedagogue formation as a historic and cultural process, emphasizing the current moment of this formation. It is based on the idea that the senses trainees, future pedagogues, attribute to their own formation process reflect on the learning of theorical and practical knowledge that validates the process of teachers formation, especially the pedagogue formation. Accordingly, it believes that the senses attributed by the students of teachers initial formation courses regarding the Education Science knowledge and Pedagogic Practice knowledge are essential as organizers in the construction of teaching knowledge and practice while the supervised classes take place. The theorical and methodological option is based on the studies of Qualitative Epistemology by Gonzalez Rey. Empiric studies took place at the Pedagogy Course of Universidade Estadual do Sudoeste da Bahia (UESB), located in the city of Vitória da Conquista/Bahia. The students who took part in this research were six graduating ones, enrolled in the last two semesters of the referred course, stage when the supervised classes happen. The procedures used in the organization of collected information consist of analysis of documents such as the mentioned course curricular project and the students reports, besides interactive and provocative talks to the students. The results show the senses students attribute to Educational Science theorical basis to practice to Pedagogic Practice opportunity of feeling as if they were teachers and to the relation between Education Science and Pedagogic Practice opportunity of experiencing the relation between theory and practice. Besides, the theorizations students have about the relation between theory and practice in teachers formation are also presented. Consequently, it is emphasized that the supervised classes are the moments in which the trainees might understand the relations between thought and pedagogic practice, building the senses attributed to the relation between the Education Science knowledge and the ones of Pedagogic Practice as organizers in the teaching knowledge and practice. In this context, the trainees build some knowledge regarding what it means to be a teacher, which is not written or published, due to its subjective dimension, but circumscribed in their pedagogic practice while the supervised classes take place and when professional teaching practice becomes effective
The need to research about meanings and relationships between individuals with Bachelor s degrees and Teaching can be considered an exercise capable of aiding in the comprehension of the very performance of the Bachelor as teacher. The guiding question of this study asks: what relationships are established by Bachelors, who are teachers, between their professional education and their performance as a teacher? My objective is to understand the meanings attributed by the Bachelor teachers to teaching at the university level, seeking indicators about the relationships established by them, between their professional education and being a teacher. For this, the methodology used was the Comprehensive Interview, which permits, through the individual s oral discourse, the interpretation of meanings and values expressed by the teachers about their actions. The research is done through oral discourse collected in interviews and from these I analyze the elements that are revealed, and those which help me in the development of this object of study. I understand that the contribution about the possibilities of action and continued education for Bachelors who act as instructors in Higher Education is increasingly necessary, through research, because through continuing education teachers can revisit their actions and reformulate meanings they attribute to teaching as a profession. I consider the debate about meanings about teaching and the relationships with the initial education is not only necessary in the investigation of the Bachelors who act as professors, but also the credentialed teachers, because the teacher s sense of identity and their professional development is constructed through a historical process and in relation to the alternative positioning in the contexts of which they are a part
The present study analyzes the expansion of Brazilian superior education, investigating how the public and the private sectors are inserted in this process, taking as analysis dimensions the philanthropic actions, the democratization and the mercantilism. The study had for general objective to analyze the dynamics of the expansion of superior education in Brazil, investigating how it configures the overlap between the public and the private in this process. More specifically was tried: a) to understand the process of participation of the non-state public, state and private sectors with lucrative goals in the expansion of superior education; b) to analyze the limits between the democratization and mercantilism in the process of expansion of superior education; c) to analyze the mechanisms that express the privatization in the process of expansion of superior education; d) to investigate, in a program of the government, how is materialized the overlap between the public and the private, in the expansion of superior education. In the development of the study, was adopted as theoretician and methodological way a historical and critical perspective, because is considered it allows to understand the mediations between the inquiry subject and the historical context in which it is developed, allowing, this way, the true explanation of the studied object. About the technician procedures, it was adopted documentary and bibliographical research. Also, secondary data were searched on the main governmental web sites (INEP, SISPROUNI, INEP, PNUD; IBGE) which produce statistics on superior education and sponsors of private institutions of superior education, as example ABMES and the Court of Accounts of the Union, amongst others. The study results had delineated a picture that allows to evidence that has been occurring, in the country, a process of expansion of superior education, marked for the articulated participation of the public state, private with lucrative ends and private without lucrative ends sectors, but it is distinguished in recent years the prevalence of the private sector with lucrative ends. In result, it is concluded that this process of expansion cannot be considered as dimension of the democratization because it occurs by means that move it away from the education as a right to be placed in the scope of the market, changing the right into a service that is appropriated by mercantile relations
This study The Dyad of knowledge and teaching practices: an inter-relational study deals with the relationship between conceptual knowledge on behalf of the teachers and their teaching practices. The research aims to investigate the relations amongst conceptual meanings related to the professor and the practices of three (03) Fundamental Cycle public schools teachers in Natal-Brazil. Thus, a collaborative research of qualitative nature was performed by us. It was based on collaboration and critical reflection, as well as the socialhistorical theoretical methodological principles of Ferreira (2009). This was acknowledged as an analytical support for the reflections that were realized on concepts related to teachers and teaching considering the archeology on these concepts. The methodological procedures and tools we used consisted of Formative Autobiographies, Reflexive Study, Collaborative Observation, as well as some Reflexive Sessions. The analysis framework was based on information obtained by these methodological procedures as well as the critical collaborative and reflexive procedures. The studies permitted us to widen our knowledge related to the conceptual meaning of teaching and teachers. But it was not always possible for us to (re)elaborate these meanings in the conceptual phase. This was only possible to understand once our Formative Autobiographies were analyzed. They reveal that the concept elaboration process is not a part of our own formative path. The time that was dedicated to that proved to not be enough. The concept elaboration process demands time, effort as well as life-long learning skills. This is not always possible to achieve in this part of the study, on the other hand, this was possible to acknowledge that in the different stages of our conceptual elaboration. The teaching practices that we analyzed were predominantly heterogeneous and were fundamented on meanings of concepts related to teachers and teaching, that were internalized beforehand, (re)elaborated according to the conflicted and contradictory situations. The reflexive and collaborative process that we experimented during the Reflexive Sessions pointed out the predominance of technical and practical reflection process. In some moments it was possible for us to critically reflect on teaching practices due to the collaborative mode that we experienced. The importance of collaboration for teaching formation and professional development of behalf of teachers in general is pointed out by this research. Also regarding this research it was possible to see that there was personal and professional growth, experiencing learning together to collaborative reflect, as well as to counter-argument, reformulate concepts and conceptions aiming to transform our teaching practice
The text aims to discuss the problems that this would be set: - What are the concepts of public school children about their right to primary education, as required step in the Basic Education? - What are conducted by children on the elementary school, in terms of its structure, teaching, and acquisitions provide for their users, especially when it comes to literacy? In order to answer these questions, we conducted within the qualitative a case study within twenty children of the early years of elementary public school, ten of the School Mauricio de Sousa and ten children of the School Monteiro Lobato. with construction procedures of data, we worked with observation, semi-directive interview, questionnaire and document analysis. In analyzing the data, two categories emerged: right to education and school for children. The first focuses on what children think about the legal guarantee to school, seeking to understand if they understand the educational area as a right and relate what the law says and the reality in which they participate. The category for school children, including their purposes, characteristics, space literacy and its relationship with the teacher. In this sense, we comment, taking as its founding, the speech of children in their schools, focusing on how they perceive the school in terms of its structure and functioning, relations with the knowledge and the other children. With regard to child rights, the appreciation of Brazilian children should be the basis of the struggle for a more just, democratic, nondiscriminatory. However, children show not recognize education as a right, but as one who deserves the credit, that is, those children who are always attentive, do not fight and do not complain. In interviews, children express a simple wish child that the school had toys. A school for children should be a place with its own characteristics: cheerful, lively, colorful, which included the same time, security and challenges. Children point to the hope that the course of action the teacher was guided by respect their differences in a more emotional, especially with regard to issues of authority and discipline of the group. The most important learning is for all subjects learning to read / write, differing in the idea of how to learn. Unfortunately, for some students, learning reading and writing appears as a difficult and enjoyable process is not perceived by some subjects up to recognize the instrumental writing. Finally, we point to the actors of the school to launch a more accurate to say that the children and how to outline your main locus of learning
This paper analyzes the policy of upgrading the teaching profession in relation to financing basic education, with a view to participation of the Union of Education Workers of Rio Grande do Norte - SINTE / RN and the state government in the implementation of Professional Base Salary the National Professional Teaching Public Basic Education - Law 11738/2008, the public state of Rio Grande do Norte. The participation of civil society, through the union movement presents itself as an important process of implementation of Professional Base Salary. The participation of SINTE / RN occurred since the fight to pass the plan, careers and Compensation (2006) until the implementation of the Base Salary (2009) highlighting the power relations established between the Union and State Government. To this end, there were actions such as public hearings and strikes by education professionals. In order to raise issues relevant to the issue of enhancement of teaching and participation of unions as a collective representation has been taken as a theoretical and methodological literature on the financing of basic education, enhancing teaching and participation as well as policy guidelines governing the career of teaching. Was used as a methodological procedure to document analysis and information gathering through semi-structured interviews. The results indicate the participation and the power relationship between the trade union movement and the state government in the implementation of the Base Salary. However, the current issues concerning the limitations of recovery of the teaching profession in order to implement the policy floor, not only merit of the state of Rio Grande do Norte, but the decisions that have been taken by the Supreme Court (STF) relating to the unconstitutionality of Action (ADI) filed by five governors. This fact greatly reduced the possibility of recovery of the teaching of the state, considering that the government was limited to decisions of the Supreme Court. Therefore, the enhancement of teaching remains a challenge for the union movement
This study investigates the manner in which the Activity Theory by Alexei Nikolaevich Leontiev contributed to the performance of a teacher who teaches History at the 8th year of elementary school, Escola Estadual Coronel Fernandes, in Luís Gomes - RN city. Her goal is to analyze the contributions of this theory in her teaching practice. It was opted by collaborative approach as formative strategy and was used as procedures for training of knowing the courses of study and thoughtful reflection sessions. It was used as techniques in the development of these cycles, the semistructured interview and the reflection sessions, the autoscopy and observation in real life. Regarding the theoretical foundation, held in these cycles, the teacher demonstrated to have appropriated some contributions from Activity Theory, besides relating them to her practice and understanding her importance to the improvement of teaching and learning of History. Concerning to the reflection sessions, the analysis showed that the participant has used of constructions of this theory and improved their practice, developing lessons of History so as to encourage student participation in oral and promote his integral development. The educational process, carried out on the practice of teacher, has shown an increase in her conscious learning that contributed to the improvement in their professional development. Before these findings, as needs for new thinking, this research recommends, especially the organization of teaching activities, based on this theory, which allows the teacher to improve the teaching and learning process contributing to student's full education
The present study examined the relations of power in the management of the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy, including the deliberate decisions on the School Council and School Fund, which guided the organization of the school. We sought to understand the management models that influenced the school organization, promoting contradictions in the decision making process. The school management is intensely marked by management models from the business logics as in the case of managerialism of bureaucracy. The formulation of educational policies based on managerialism has proposed a school-centered management with intense accountability of the school community in planning and monitoring the public services. The influences of these models subsidize hierarchical power relations that undermine the actions of decision-making of the collegiate bodies for the democratization of school management. To develop a research on the power, the investigation was based on studies of Bourdieu and Foucault. These authors understand the power in a relational system in a double sense, both in terms of discipline and the possibility of resistance. A theoreticalmethodological matrix was developed focusing on literature review, document analysis, structured interviews with twelve representatives of the segments belonging to the School Council and School Fund, as well as observations in meetings with the production of field notes. It was found that power relations experienced in the organization and activities of the school boards are marked by changes in public management over the years, promoting the contradictions between the concepts of corporate management originated in the business logics and the perspective of democratic management subsidized by official legislative documents at the national and state levels. The observations in meetings and analysis of the records showed that representatives related to management (president and manager of the school) have a privileged position with regard to exposure of their propositions, and are more likely to take a position in the political game of the collegiate bodies of work. It was also seen that the irregularity of meetings, particularly of the School Fund meetings, limits the experience of operation of the representatives in discussions concerning the planning and monitoring the actions of school management. Reports from representatives of the School Council showed that certain segments related to the management recognize their power of decision, however others have little interfere in the decision-making process in order to expound the desires of those who are represented by them. In the School Fund, the analysis of the records and interviews showed restricted moments of the meeting of representatives, and these only being aimed at choice or approval of the implementation plan prepared by the school management. The results showed no indications of moments of reflection to study the best chance for applicability of resources. This collegiate body (School Fund) has a questionable action when planning and monitoring the applicability of the financial resources of the School. To sum up, it was found that the Escola Estadual Presidente Kennedy still lives hierarchical power relations that undermine the institutionalization of democratic management in the various representative segments may take place in the game of political decision-making processes necessary for the organization of the school
Talking about body and beauty seems fairly familiar to physical education. We understand that the body language in the area provides many meanings over the appearance, beauty and aesthetics, thus requiring the need of criticism and the need to interrogate her to realize how physical education has been re-signified. For this purpose, considering the multiplicity of meanings that surround the body and beauty, we discussed the implications that this brings to the area of Physical Education, analyzing the conception of body and beauty in the studies in this area, at the masters level, from some questions: What conceptions of body and beauty have been discussed in the studies of physical education at the masters level? What is the relationship between the meanings of body and beauty products analyzed and identified in the models of beauty outlined in Physical Education? We understand the importance of this research and its contribution to the epistemological analysis of existing studies. And, mainly because there is a lack of studies that discuss these productions. For construction of this text and for our reflections, we rely on thoughts like David Le Breton, Claude Levi- Strauss, Michel Foucault, Maurice Merleau-Ponty, Ana Marcia Silva, Carmen Smith, Isabel Mendes, Karenin Porpino Nobrega and flounder. The present study is characterized as a qualitative research, and content analysis proposed by Laurence Bardin (1977) for data processing. The corpus was composed of eight essays in the area of Physical Education, published in the CAPES Theses Database for the period 2004 to 2008, selected from the subject and body beauty. The initial reading allowed us to select meaningful units and guide our discussions on two main themes, which make up the two chapters of the work. In the first chapter, entitled Body, beauty and culture, as evidenced understandings of body, nature and culture that are present in the work is considered. In the second chapter, Standard Body Transformations and beauty, we present the concepts of body and beauty found in the dissertation, focusing on the mutability of representations of the models of beauty in body singularities in the relations of power-knowledge and the importance given the body in society, especially with regard to physical education professionals. We have thus found that, considering the dissertations analyzed, the understanding of body and beauty has been resignified, when dealing with other aesthetic conceptions that consider the uniqueness expressed in the human body and the culture of which the individual belongs
This paper treats confessional printings as a non formal space for the female education. It reflects on the importance of the woman s role to the diffusion of Protestantism in general, and its Presbyterian trend in particular, besides commenting on the proliferation of printings at the First Republic and its relation with education. In this study, Brazilian Northeastern is seen as a relevant space to the diffusion of Protestantism in Brazil; especially on what concerns the relations between Rio Grande do Norte and Pernambuco. Thereby some fountains were fundamental, as the confessional printings, that is, newspapers, magazines, prospects and other materials recollected in archives located in Natal/RN and Recife/PE, and São Paulo. It was also provided a brief incursion on Portuguese confessional printings kept in Oporto, PT. New Cultural History was chosen as theoretic-methodological guide, franchising ways inside the history of book and reading with the help of concepts like Interdependence, Social Configuration (ELIAS, 1993, 1994) and Representation (CHARTIER, 1990), considering that the survey worked out culture-manufactured products that is, intentional materials. It is well known that publishing, or better, the dissemination of printed material used to be associated to Protestants missionary practices since Reform began and, as what concerns the investigated period, in Portuguese and Brazilian lands indistinctly. Printing material in general books, booklets, fragments, as well as the press itself played a central role in divulging reformed ideas, their social options and the means of being and intervening in the world. In this regard, the confessional printings established themselves as an educative, although non schooled, informal space, but, all considered, relevant, seen that they dialogue with another important demand of that social group: formal, literate education. Because it dealt with the diffusion of a printed culture supported by the written word, it required of that group a different modus operandi: formal education. The first letters schools at first, then the high schools later represented spaces established for the circulation of printing material in order that they should be read, divulged and comprehended. This survey intends at last to take a look at Protestantism which, in this context of self-affirmation, reserved a specific place to woman by working out a non formal educational proposal disseminated by printing material. Three models were highlighted in the reformed proposal: Christian education in itself, household education, whose references of motherhood and care towards the neighbor were present and, at last, education to the public space, with emphasis on the practice of teaching. This study also offers a brief dialogue between Brazil and Portugal because, when some periodic printing, book or something like that got to be published in one margin of the Atlantic Ocean, the other margin surely was affected by that feat, received it, divulged it, corroborating the argument in support of the circulation of these printings. It was not only the same language that survived in both maritime coasts; some protestant specificities also crossed out along that sea
In current upbringing production, children are often conceived as rightful subjects, and concrete and singular people, marked by specificities that schools must respect, mainly their personal wholeness, their care and attention needs, as well as their abilities to learn and produce culture. In the educational practices frame, routine is considered to have a definitive roll in time, space and activities structuring, as with actions and relations of subjects involved. In that perspective, this research aims to analyze routines of zero to two years old children in the upbringing context, relating to their childish specificities. Anchored in the qualitative approach, a Case Study was developed, according the procedures of daily routine observation and semi-structured interviews with six nursery teachers of CMEI Centro Municipal de Educação Infantil, Natal-RN, the research field. The data analysis was based in Speech Analysis principles. The teachers utterances regarding routine and it s roll in the frame revealed significances related to control/regulation of actions theirs and students aiming to streamline tasks; learning relative to routine itself, time and school practices. Thus, prospects of discipline and exercise of power of teachers over students surges, reducing their possibilities to participate. These conceptions reflect the daily routine of the kids and their teachers. By analyzing the methods of routine operation in the time/space/activities frame of CMEI, it was possible to perceive its homogenization of actions and rhythms, not only of the group s children, but the whole institution, which creates, many times, a controlling character that contains/prevents children s initiative. However, it was also possible to observe that in routine recesses, when it s relaxed, and other spaces, times and actions are provided, kids have the opportunity to experience and create different ways of action and relation with time, materials, other kids and teachers, being, as such, respected their specificities. We highlight the importance of reflections regarding routine in upbringing context, as to comprehend it s functions and the need for it s construction to take a multiple character that respects the plurality of situations and singularities of children as persons
This study approaches the relations of family and school, from the perspective of the family. It aims to analyze the meanings attributed by family to the school as a space for plural relationships, and understand the relations that these mothers constitute culturally with schools and their everyday pedagogical practices. When we seek to understand this problematic, it was established as guiding principles of the search in/from/with everyday life. Accordingly, we focused on, as main interlocutors, mothers and authors such as Certeau (1994), Morin (2000) and Freire (1978), among others, on the understanding that cultural diversity is an essential element of the complex relationship between family and public school, because they come from different cultural contexts. In the course of the research it was made the use of the procedure of dialogic conversation as a production process and information analysis. The current analysis highlights that families observe the difference between cultural and report that they are from different socio-political context set by the school, they came from rural areas and their lives were marked by the struggle for survival, and the work activity has been present since their childhood. For the families that participated in this research the school is/was not part of the cultural repertoire significance in their lives and it feels that they attribute to them, are in negotiations with their symbolic universe. The mothers hold a speech of a schoolar binding and pertencing, but the school has the time as possible in their daily lives. Thus, the dynamics of family and school relationships, is configured as complex, and the ambiguity in maternal speech marks a thinking/doing about the school in which they demonstrate ways of making the common man, involving the art of duplicity of the saying and doing, gimmnicks and antidiscipline
The present paper is a doctorate thesis, in the area of Education, that has as a goal to describe and to reflect on the construction/systematization of a relation between family and institution of Childhood Education, in favor of sharing the care and education actions of children, in the context of creation of a County Center of Childhood Education, located in the city of Natal-RN. Our intension with this paper is to share some of the ideas and actions collectively constructed by this experience, with the intention of bringing a contribution for the thematic debates concerning Childhood Education - as modality of education, in a general way; and the relations between families and Institutions of Childhood Education, in a more specific way. The paper presented here is endorsed by the postulates of the qualitative research with characteristics of a research-action, having as main instruments of the data construction the open or half-structuralized interviews, the personal notebook of registers, the participant s index cards characterizing the children and comments. Authors as Aries (1981); Bassedas, Huguet and Solé (1999); Bhering and Blatchford (1999); Brasil (1998); Bujes (2001); Didonet (2002 - 2003); Formosinho (2007); Gómez (2000); Heywood (2004); Kramer (2005); Marchesi and Martín (2003); Marschal and Zohar (2006); Thiollent (2004); Tiriba (2006), amongst others, had theoretically based this paper. The experience described here points to the possibilities of sharing the care and education actions between family and Institution of Childhood Education, emphasizing the relevance of participative praxis in the interior of the institution, so that its job can propitiate this sharing with the families, throughout activities as meetings, lectures, workshops, participation in didactic projects, open expositions to the community, commemorative parties and valuation of the local culture, amongst other chances of dialogue and interaction between the educative institution and the families