945 resultados para rearing ambient
Dos vários aspectos inerentes à aquicultura, a eutrofização devido ao manejo alimentar tem efeitos diretos no viveiro e no sistema aquático no qual ele está inserido. Neste contexto, o presente estudo objetivou analisar a qualidade da água do sistema aquático de um viveiro. em uma criação de tilápia do Nilo (Oreochromis niloticus), foram realizadas coletas de água em seis pontos do sistema aquático, durante um ciclo de engorda (seis meses), compreendendo a água de abastecimento, o viveiro, o efluente e sua mistura com as águas do sistema. Das variáveis ambientais analisadas nas amostras, a aplicação de uma análise de componentes principais revelou que as concentrações de clorofila-a, nitrogênio e fósforo total e o teor de matéria orgânica foram responsáveis pelas variações observadas no sistema durante o cultivo. Variações extrínsecas ao viveiro de cultivo deixaram evidente que o manejo deve ser aplicado a todo o sistema aquático, minimizando efeitos ambientais negativos.
The suitable operation of mobile robots when providing Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) services calls for robust object recognition capabilities. Probabilistic Graphical Models (PGMs) have become the de-facto choice in recognition systems aiming to e ciently exploit contextual relations among objects, also dealing with the uncertainty inherent to the robot workspace. However, these models can perform in an inco herent way when operating in a long-term fashion out of the laboratory, e.g. while recognizing objects in peculiar con gurations or belonging to new types. In this work we propose a recognition system that resorts to PGMs and common-sense knowledge, represented in the form of an ontology, to detect those inconsistencies and learn from them. The utilization of the ontology carries additional advantages, e.g. the possibility to verbalize the robot's knowledge. A primary demonstration of the system capabilities has been carried out with very promising results.
The aim of this study was to evaluate if the treatments with ceftiofur and amoxicillin are risk factors for the emergence of cephalosporin resistant (CR) E. coli in a pig farm during the rearing period. One hundred 7-day-old piglets were divided into two groups, a control (n = 50) group and a group parenterally treated with ceftiofur (n = 50). During the fattening period, both groups were subdivided in two. A second treatment with amoxicillin was administered in feed to two of the four groups, as follows: group 1 (untreated, n = 20), group 2 (treated with amoxicillin, n = 26), group 3 (treated with ceftiofur, n = 20), and group 4 (treated with ceftiofur and amoxicillin, n = 26). During treatment with ceftiofur, fecal samples were collected before treatment (day 0) and at days 2, 7, 14, 21, and 42 posttreatment, whereas with amoxicillin, the sampling was extended 73 days posttreatment. CR E. coli bacteria were selected on MacConkey agar with ceftriaxone (1 mg/liter). Pulsed-field gel electrophoresis (PFGE), MICs of 14 antimicrobials, the presence of cephalosporin resistance genes, and replicon typing of plasmids were analyzed. Both treatments generated an increase in the prevalence of CR E. coli, which was statistically significant in the treated groups. Resistance diminished after treatment. A total of 47 CR E. coli isolates were recovered during the study period; of these, 15 contained blaCTX-M-1, 10 contained blaCTX-M-14, 4 contained blaCTX-M-9, 2 contained blaCTX-M-15, and 5 contained blaSHV-12. The treatment with ceftiofur and amoxicillin was associated with the emergence of CR E. coli during the course of the treatment. However, by the time of finishing, CR E. coli bacteria were not recovered from the animals.
This article explores the use of mobile phones as portable remediated sound devices for mobile listening — from boom boxes to personal stereos and mp3 players. This mode of engaging the city through music playing and listening reveals a particular urban strategy and acoustic urban politics. It increases the sonic presence of mobile owners and plays a role in territorialisation dynamics, as well as in eliciting territorial controversies in public. These digital practices play a key role in the enactment of the urban mood and ambience, as well as in the modulation of people’s presence — producing forms of what Spanish architect Roberto González calls portable urbanism: an entanglement of the digital, the urban and the online that activates a map of a reality over the fabric of the city, apparently not so present, visible and audible
The synthesis of size-monodispersed indium nanoparticles via an innovative simultaneous phase transfer and ripening method is reported. The formation of nanoparticles occurs in a one-step process instead of well-known two-step phase transfer approaches. The synthesis involves the reduction of InCl3 with LiBH4 at ambient temperature and although the reduction occurs at room temperature, fine indium nanoparticles, with a mean diameter of 6.4 ± 0.4 nm, were obtained directly in non-polar n-dodecane. The direct synthesis of indium nanoparticles in n-dodecane facilitates their fast formation and enhances their size-monodispersity. In addition, the nanoparticles were highly stable for more than 2 months. The nanoparticles were characterised by dynamic light scattering (DLS), small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS), transmission electron microscopy (TEM), energy dispersive X-ray spectroscopy (EDS) and Fourier transform infrared (FT-IR) spectroscopy to determine their morphology, structure and phase purity.
Objectives: To discuss how current research in the area of smart homes and ambient assisted living will be influenced by the use of big data. Methods: A scoping review of literature published in scientific journals and conference proceedings was performed, focusing on smart homes, ambient assisted living and big data over the years 2011-2014. Results: The health and social care market has lagged behind other markets when it comes to the introduction of innovative IT solutions and the market faces a number of challenges as the use of big data will increase. First, there is a need for a sustainable and trustful information chain where the needed information can be transferred from all producers to all consumers in a structured way. Second, there is a need for big data strategies and policies to manage the new situation where information is handled and transferred independently of the place of the expertise. Finally, there is a possibility to develop new and innovative business models for a market that supports cloud computing, social media, crowdsourcing etc. Conclusions: The interdisciplinary area of big data, smart homes and ambient assisted living is no longer only of interest for IT developers, it is also of interest for decision makers as customers make more informed choices among today's services. In the future it will be of importance to make information usable for managers and improve decision making, tailor smart home services based on big data, develop new business models, increase competition and identify policies to ensure privacy, security and liability.
The Iowa Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Ambient Water Monitoring Program provides consistent, unbiased information about the condition of Iowa’s water resources to support decisions affecting the development, management and protection of these resources. To strengthen its services, the program worked with a variety of stakeholders and other DNR programs to develop a five-year strategy for Iowa’s ambient water monitoring efforts. The strategy identifies opportunities to improve the program’s effectiveness in several categories: monitoring objectives, sampling design, data management, products and services, and program evaluation and coordination. Iowa DNR managers and technical staff will use the new strategy to guide decisions affecting the ambient monitoring program over the next five years. The strategy should also serve as a robust informational resource for stakeholders, policy makers, legislators and the public.
This report summarizes the results of groundwater monitoring that took place from October 2014 - April 2015. Raw, untreated groundwater was sampled from forty-five municipal wells generall characterized as vulnerable to contamination from surface activities. Samples were analyzed for basic water quality parameters, nutrients, atrazine and two of its breakdown products, chloroacetanilide herbicides and their ethanesulfonic and oxanalic acid degradates, and a suite of sixteen pharmaceutical compounds.
This report summarizes the results of groundwater quality monitoring conducted at 68 public water supply wells in Iowa between October 2015 and March 2016. Raw groundwater samples were analyzed for basic water quality parameters, nutrients, atrazine and its degradates, and chloroacetanilide herbicides and their ethanesulfonic and oxanilic acid degradates. In addition, a subset of samples were analyzed for radionuclides including gross alpha and gross beta radioactivity, radium-226, and radium-228.
During its history, several significant earthquakes have shaken the Lower Tagus Valley (Portugal). These earthquakes were destructive; some strong earthquakes were produced by large ruptures in offshore structures located southwest of the Portuguese coastline, and other moderate earthquakes were produced by local faults. In recent years, several studies have successfully obtained strong-ground motion syntheses for the Lower Tagus Valley using the finite difference method. To confirm the velocity model of this sedimentary basin obtained from geophysical and geological data, we analysed the ambient seismic noise measurements by applying the horizontal to vertical spectral ratio (HVSR) method. This study reveals the dependence of the frequency and amplitude of the low-frequency (HVSR) peaks (0.2–2 Hz) on the sediment thickness. We have obtained the depth of the Cenozoic basement along a profile transversal to the basin by the inversion of these ratios, imposing constraints from seismic reflection, boreholes, seismic sounding and gravimetric and magnetic potentials. This technique enables us to improve the existing three-dimensional model of the Lower Tagus Valley structure. The improved model will be decisive for the improvement of strong motion predictions in the earthquake hazard analysis of this highly populated basin. The methodology discussed can be applied to any other sedimentary basin.
O Montado, em Portugal, é um complexo sistema silvopastoril de uso da terra, tipicamente Mediterrânico, com diversos estratos de vegetação, incluindo sobreiro e azinheira em várias densidades, onde é frequente a criação de gado. Esta actividade pecuária beneficia das pastagens no sob-coberto, de algumas espécies arbustivas e também das bolotas que caem do coberto arbóreo, contribuindo para evitar a invasão da pastagem por matos. No entanto, dependendo da sua gestão, este gado pode comprometer a regeneração do sistema. Nos últimos 20 anos, os subsídios no âmbito da Política Agrícola Comum da União Europeia têm promovido a criação de gado bovino em detrimento de outras espécies e raças mais leves, bem como a intensificação desta produção. Esta intensificação pode impossibilitar a regeneração natural das árvores ameaçando o equilíbrio do Montado. Por esta razão é necessária uma avaliação focada na criação de gado bovino e nos seus impactos sobre o sistema. O objectivo deste estudo foi obter uma melhor compreensão do funcionamento de uma exploração silvopastoril num sistema de Montado, através da aplicação do Método de Avaliação Emergética e do cálculo de índices emergéticos. Pretende-se assim compreender a melhor forma de o gerir, bem como conceber estratégias que maximizem o fluxo de emergia na exploração. Uma comparação deste método com a avaliação económica permitiu perceber em que aspectos esta pode ser complementada pelo método da avaliação emergética. O método da avaliação emergética permite a avaliação de sistemas multifuncionais complexos à escala de uma exploração individual, fornecendo informação extra em relação à avaliação económica como a renovabilidade dos inputs do sistema, ou a quantidade de fluxos livres da natureza que é valorada por preços de mercado. Este método permite a integração das emternalidades e das externalidades à contabilização económica, transformando uma avaliação tendencialmente separada do seu sistema mais vasto, numa avaliação de um sistema em conexão com aqueles mais vastos nos quais se integra; Abstract: The Montado, in Portugal, is a complex silvo-pastoral system of land use, typically Mediterranean, with different strata of vegetation, including cork and holm oaks in various densities, and where cattle rearing is common. This stockfarm benefits from the herbaceous layer under the trees, as well as from some species in the shrub layer, and also from the acorns faling down from the tree cover, while contributing to prevent the invasion of pastures by shrubs. Nevertheless, depending on its management, livestock can affect the system regeneration. Over the past 20 years, subsidies of the European Union's common agricultural policy have promoted the cattle rearing at expense of other lighter species and breeds, as well as its intensification. This intensification may impair the natural regeneration of trees threatening the balance of the Montado. Therefore an assessment focused on cattle and their impact on the system is required. The purpose of this study was to obtain a better understanding of the functioning of a silvo-pastoral farm in a Montado system, by applying the emergy evaluation method and through the calculation of emergy indices. It is intended to understand the best way to manage and design strategies that maximize the emergy flow on the farm. A comparison of this method with the economic evaluation allowed to realize in what aspects it can be complemented by the emergy evaluation method. The emergy evaluation method alows the assessment of complex multi-functional systems at the scale of an individual farm, providing extra information in relation to economic avaluation as the renewability of the inputs to a system and the amount of free flows of nature that is valued by market prices. This method allows the integration of the emternalities and the externalities to the economic accounting, transforming an evaluation tended separated from its wider system, in an evaluation of a system in connection with the larger ones on which it is incorporated.
The research project is focused on the investigation of the polymorphism of crystalline molecular material for organic semiconductor applications under non-ambient conditions, and the solid-state characterization and crystal structure determination of the different polymorphic forms. In particular, this research project has tackled the investigation and characterization of the polymorphism of perylene diimides (PDIs) derivatives at high temperatures and pressures, in particular N,N’-dialkyl-3,4,9,10-perylendiimide (PDI-Cn, with n = 5, 6, 7, 8). These molecules are characterized by excellent chemical, thermal, and photostability, high electron affinity, strong absorption in the visible region, low LUMO energies, good air stability, and good charge transport properties, which can be tuned via functionalization; these features make them promising n-type organic semiconductor materials for several applications such as OFETs, OPV cells, laser dye, sensors, bioimaging, etc. The thermal characterization of PDI-Cn was carried out by a combination of differential scanning calorimetry, variable temperature X-ray diffraction, hot-stage microscopy, and in the case of PDI-C5 also variable temperature Raman spectroscopy. Whereas crystal structure determination was carried out by both Single Crystal and Powder X-ray diffraction. Moreover, high-pressure polymorphism via pressure-dependent UV-Vis absorption spectroscopy and high-pressure Single Crystal X-ray diffraction was carried out in this project. A data-driven approach based on a combination of self-organizing maps (SOM) and principal component analysis (PCA) is also reported was used to classify different π-stacking arrangements of PDI derivatives into families of similar crystal packing. Besides the main project, in the framework of structure-property analysis under non-ambient conditions, the structural investigation of the water loss in Pt- and Pd- based vapochromic potassium/lithium salts upon temperature, and the investigation of structure-mechanical property relationships in polymorphs of a thienopyrrolyldione endcapped oligothiophene (C4-NT3N) are reported.
The lower crustal structure beneath the Western Alps -- including the Moho -- bears the signature of past and present geodynamic processes. It has been the subject of many studies until now. However, its current knowledge still leaves significant open questions. In order to derive new information, independent from previous determinations, here I wish to address this topic using a different method --- ambient seismic noise autocorrelation --- that is for the first time applied to reveal Moho depth in the Western Alps. Moho reflections are identified by picking reflectivity changes in ambient seismic noise autocorrelations. The seismic data is retrieved from more than 200 broadband seismic stations, from the China--Italy--France Alps (CIFALPS) linear seismic network, and from a subset of the AlpArray Seismic Network (AASN). The automatically-picked reflectivity changes along the CIFALPS transect in the southwestern Alps show the best results in the 0.5--1 Hz frequency band. The autocorrelation reflectivity profile of the CIFALPS transect shows a steeper subduction profile,~55 to ~70 km, of the European Plate underneath the Adriatic Plate. The dense spacing of the CIFALPS network facilitates the detection of lateral continuity of crustal structure, and of the Ivrea mantle wedge reaching shallow crustal depths in the southwestern Alps. The data of the AASN stations are filtered in the 0.4--1 and 0.5--1 Hz frequency bands. Although the majority of the stations give the same Moho depth for the different frequency bands, the few stations with different Moho depths shows the care that has to be taken when choosing the frequency band for filtering the autocorrelation stacks. The new Moho depth maps by using the AASN stations are a compilation of the first and second picked reflectivity changes. The results show the complex crust-mantle structure with clear differences between the northwestern and southwestern Alps.