1000 resultados para raça fisiológica
The present research had as objective to evaluate the influence of raceme and fruit position on physiological quality of castor bean seeds (Ricinus communis L.) during storage of cultivar AL Guarany 2002. The treatments were: position of the raceme in plants (primary, secondary and tertiary) and position of fruit in racemes (low, medium and high). After fruit extraction, seeds were stored under environmental conditions for twelve months. The experimental design used was the completely randomized in a split-plot arrangement. Main plots consisted of the interaction raceme x fruit position and subplots were the storage time. Physiological quality was evaluated quarterly through tests of moisture content, germination and vigor (first count, accelerated aging, seedling length and seedling dry matter). Neither the position of racemes in the plant nor fruit in racemes does not affect germination of castor bean seeds. Dormancy of castor bean seeds decreases during storage, but also increases percentage of abnormal seedlings, seedling dry matter and root, hypocotyl and seedling total length.
En este trabajo se ha realizado un análisis de cuatro cuentos de Mia Couto (2005) pertenecientes al libro Cada homem é uma raça: O embondeiro que sonhava pássaros ; A princesa russa ; O pescador cego y A lenda da noiva e do forasteiro . El estudio, bajo la perspectiva de memoria y oralidad, mantiene en foco la observación sobre la transformación de los componentes de la realidad sociocultural e histórica de Mozambique en elementos de ficción literaria. Ese recorrido esclarece, en parte, la unidad orgánica que constituye la obra y que gira en torno de los elementos de la tradición, la memoria y la oralidad. Este punto es un importante marcador de diferencias, pues las sociedades escritas han dado menos importancia a lo que es transmitido oralmente, dejando lo que es tradición en un segundo plano. Se trata de una comprensión que acabó por provocar la distorsión del pensamiento sobre lo que es tradición oral, algo que no se resume a leyendas, cuentos de hadas, folclores y danzas. De esta manera ha de considerarse a la memoria inscripta en cada símbolo como algo que justifica al ser y que lo identifica como individuo poseedor de una historia colectiva
Brazil is one of the major centers of diversity for polyploid cotton plants; these plants belong to the genus Gossypium, which has three known species: G. hirsutum, G. barbadense and G. mustelinum. The Northeast is the only region where the three species occur, the last group being endemic. Northeast s cotton plants can be important sources of variability for genetic breeding. It is believed that great part of local diversity is being lost, due to economic, political, cultural and agricultural problems. In an attempt to mitigate this loss and delineate conservation strategies it is necessary to know how the species are found where they occur. The objective was to characterize and determine how plants are maintained in situ in the states of Maranhão, Piauí, Ceará, Rio Grande do Norte and Paraíba at the beginning of the XXI century. The in situ characterization of G. hirsutum and G. barbadense was conducted through structured interviews with the cotton plants owners and through the analysis of the environment. The data were collected during expeditions undertaken between the years 2004 to 2005. Twenty-two plants were collected in the state of Paraíba, forty-four in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, one hundred and forty-six in the state of Ceará, forty in the state of Maranhão and ninety-one plants in the state of Piauí. All plants collected in the states of Paraíba and Rio Grande do Norte belonged to moco type. Moco cotton plants also predominated in the other states, representing 92%, 62% and 78% of plants collected in Ceará, Piauí and Maranhão, respectively. The other cotton plants collected belong to the species G. barbadense. The cotton plants were found in situ as dooryard plants, roads side, feral populations, cultivation or local varieties. Great part were dooryard plants (45.2%), being major in Piauí and Maranhão. Cultivation predominated in Ceará; in Rio Grande do Norte feral populations were the most frequent and, in Paraíba, local varieties. The maintenance of moco plants is related, mainly, to the phytotherapic domestic use (20.9%) and to confection of lamp wicks (29.7%). Few inhabitants in Paraíba, Rio Grande do Norte, Piauí and none in Maranhão used harvest the plants, storage the seeds or gin; however, in Ceará, 40.5% of owners affirmed that they harvested and commercialized the fiber. It was found that the maintenance of species is dependent of the fragile cultural habits of local inhabitants, therefore the maintenance in situ is not a suitable way to conservation of genetic resources. The efforts must be directed to the continuity of collections, maintenance and characterization ex situ
The germination of cotton seeds and the seedlings emergency are generally delayed and reduced by the salinity. Although the cotton is considered a tolerant culture, it can suffer substantial reductions in regarding its growth and production when exposed to salinity condition. The aims of this study went evaluate the effect of the saline stress in the germination phase to four cotton genotypes (BRS Rubi, BRS Safira, BRS 201 and CNPA 187 8H), using different osmotic potentials generated with increment of sodium chloride (NaCl). The saline stress was simulated using NaCl aqueous solutions in the potentials: 0.0 (Control); -0.2; -0.4; -0.6; -0.8 and -1.0 MPa. The treatments were monitored by means of tests for analysis of seeds, germination, first counting, speed germination index, length of shoot, radicle length, dry weigth of embrionic axis and shoot/radicle ratio. The tests for germination, first counting and index of germination speed were accomplished using 50 seeds for repetition and for the study of length of shoot, radicle length, dry weigth of embrionic axis and shoot/radicle ratio were used 20 seeds by repetition. For both tests four repetitions were accomplished by genotype for each one of the potentials. The seeds of each repetition were involved in papers Germitest humidified with NaCl solution corresponding to the potential. The repetitions of both tests were maintained in a germinator with saturated humidity. The analysis were initiate four days after the induction of the saline stress. The evaluations of the first three variables analyzed were accomplished daily; the seeds were remove and counted when its germinated. For the length tests just the repetitions corresponding to the potential of NaCl 0,0 MPa were analysis 4 days after the beginning of the induction of the saline stress. The analysis of the repetitions of the potentials -0,2 and -0,4 and of the potentials -0,6, -0,8 and -1,0 MPa they were accomplished with 12 and 20 days, respectively. For accomplishment of the analisis of this test the shoot of the 20 plantules of each repetition was separate from the radicle and both parts were measured. The statistical analyses were performed using the GENMOD and GLM procedures of the SAS. For the variable germination, the cultivates CNPA 187 8H and BRS Safira stood out for the potential -0.8 MPa, with averages of 89% and 81%, respectively. The test of speed germination index to cultivate BRS Safira presented the largest averages for the two higher saline potentials. It was observed that the increase of the saline potential reduces the germination percentage and speed germination index. For each day of evaluation it was verified that the increase of the saline potential causes a reduction of the length both of the shoot and of the radicle. The radicle tends to grow more than the shoot until the potential -0,4 MPa
The shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei has been grown in highly variable environments, especially in relation to salinity and water temperature. The adjustment to such conditions mainly involves changes in behavior, physiology, particularly in the immune response. This may consequently reduce the welfare of these animals. Despite the widespread farming of the species, little is known about their behavioral and physiological responses under stressful conditions. Thus, the objective of this study was to assess the influence of different salinities and temperatures in the behavior of the marine shrimp L. vannamei, and its relation to the total hemocytes count. In the laboratory, juvenile shrimp were kept in glass aquaria with a closed water recirculation system, continuous aeration and filtration, and under a 12:12 h light/dark cycle. Behavioral observations occurred 1, 4, 7 and 10 h after the start of each phase (light or dark). To assess the influence of salinity, shrimp were first acclimated and then observed at 2, 30 or 50 ppm salinity water, while temperatures tested were 18, 28 and 33 ° C. At the end of each experiment (30 days), shrimp hemolymph was collected for subsequent total hemocytes count (THC), a parameter used to assess stress. In general, feeding behavior was modified under lower salinity and temperature, with reduced values in feeding, exploration and digestive tract filling. Inactivity and burrowing were prevalent under extreme conditions water salinity and temperature, respectively: 2 and 50 ppm and 18 and 33 ° C; crawling was also less frequent under these conditions. In regards to light/dark cycle, shrimp were more active during the dark phase (crawling and swimming), while burrowing was higher during the light phase, regardless of salinity or temperature of the water. Inactivity behavior did not vary according to the light/dark cycle. Moreover, the total hemocytes count (THC) was reduced under 2 and 50 ppm salinity and 18 ° C temperature. Farming of L. vannamei under extremely low or high salinities and low temperatures is harmful. This suggests the species must be cultivated in salinities closer to those of the sea as well as at high temperatures, which seems to be ideal for a management focused on animal welfare, therefore, producing healthier shrimp
Estudamos o comportamento da artéria testicular, o número e a distribuição dos vasos penetrantes em 30 pares de testículos de búfalos da raça Murrah (Bubalus bubalis), com idade entre 8 meses e 5 anos, procedentes da região de Ilha Solteira, no Estado de São Paulo, mediante a análise de moldes obtidos pela injeção de vinil, na artéria testicular e em seguida corrosão do órgão em ácido sulfúrico a 30%. Encontramos mais freqüentemente (68,4%) a artéria testicular cedendo dois ramos, o cranial e o caudal, com participação equivalente de ambos os ramos na vascularização do órgão (35,0%), ou com predominância do ramo cranial (21,7%) ou do ramo caudal (11,7%). em outros arranjos, a artéria testicular cede três ramos: o cranial, o médio e o caudal (20,0%) ou ainda número variável de ramos craniais (4 a 7) e caudais (3 a 5) (11,6%) para a vascularização arterial do testículo.
An important factor in crop production is the nutrient liberation matching the growth rates, so these combined effects together with plant development can reach the best results. In this work, the times of nitrogen application (topdressing) were tested in the rate of 120 kg ha(-1) of N, applied at 20 (T20), 25 (T25), 30 (T30), 35 (T35) and 40 (T40) days after emergency in eight cultivars of pea (Pisum sativum L) (Maria, Kodama, Mikado, Flavia, Luiza, Amelia, Dileta and Marina). Here, the aim was to evaluate the effect of these treatments on yield and seed quality in Cerrado Region. After harvest, the seeds were submitted to the quality tests (germination tests, electric conductivity and emergency under field conditions). The results showed that the peas crops are not influenced by the N timing application. Amongst the eight cultivars studied, the best productivity were for Mariana, Mikado, Amelia, Maria and Flavia and the lowest yield was for Kodama cultivar. The cultivar Mikado showed the best results for the quality tests.
Foram utilizadas 30 vacas da raça Guzerá (10 por tratamento), suplementadas no pré-parto (PRE), pós-parto (POS) e sem suplementação (SS) com os objetivos de avaliar no pós-parto as variações do peso corporal (PC), do escore de condição corporal (ECC) (1 = muito magra a 9 = muito gorda) e dos níveis plasmáticos de colesterol total (NPCT), o índice de prenhez (IP) até 112 dias pós-parto e a viabilidade econômica dos tratamentos PRE e POS, que constou de 1 kg/dia/animal de concentrado (16% PB; 3000 kcal ED/kg). O PC e o ECC foram obtidos a cada 28 dias, e colheitas de sangue semanalmente para análise dos NPCT até 112 dias pós-parto. O PC e o ECC tiveram interação dias pós-parto x tratamento. O tratamento PRE aumentou o PC e o ECC das vacas ao parto: 477,80 kg e 6,20 respectivamente, em comparação com os tratamentos POS e SS de 453,37 kg e 5,5; 447,57 kg e 5,28, respectivamente. O PC e o ECC do tratamento PRE foi superior de 28 a 84 dias comparado ao SS, enquanto o tratamento POS foi superior apenas de 84 a 112 dias pós-parto. O tratamento POS não diferiu do PRE no PC de 56 a 112 dias pós-parto e no ECC de 28 a 112 dias pós-parto. O tratamento POS proporcionou aumento do PC e ECC das vacas, já os tratamentos PRE e SS perderam PC e ECC até 112 dias pós-parto. O PC e ECC dos tratamentos PRE, POS e SS aos 112 dias pós-parto foram de 457,79 kg e 5,38; 461,87 kg e 5,66; 436,57 kg e 4,78, respectivamente. Os NPCT tiveram efeito dos dias pós-parto, mas não de tratamento, aumentando com os dias pós-parto. Os IP não foram influenciados pelos tratamentos PRE, POS e SS com 50,00; 62,20 e 57,14%, respectivamente. Economicamente a suplementação não foi viável.
This study aims to determine the amount of nutrients and toxic elements in aquatic macrophytes of species Eichhornia crassipes present in River Apodi/Mossoró - RN and check some of the possibilities of using the biomass produced, based on the influence of space - temporal and physiological absorption of nutrients by plants. For this, was determined: Leaf area, Leaf wet mass, Leaf dry mass, Real humidity, Apparent humidity, Ash, Total nitrogen, Crude protein, Calcium, Magnesium, Potassium, Total phosphorus, Sodium, Iron, Copper, Manganese, Zinc, Nickel, Cobalt, Aluminum, Cadmium, Lead and Total chromium at different times, 2 sampling points and 2 parts of plants (leaves and roots). The results show that the levels of nutrients, protein and toxic elements present in plant tissue of Eichhornia crassipes are influenced by spatial, temporal and physiological variability. In general, because the maximum values in the dry matter for total nitrogen (4.4088 g/100g), crude protein (27.5549 g/100g), total phosphorus (0.642 g/100 g), calcium (1.444 g/100g), magnesium (0.732 g/100 g), potassium (7.51 g/100 g), copper (4.4279 mg/100g), manganese (322.668 mg/100g), sodium (1.39 g/100g), iron (194.169 mg/100g) and zinc (3.5836 mg/100g), there was the possibility of using biomass of Eichhornia crassipes for various purposes such as in food animal, products production for human consumption, organic fertilizers, fabrication of brick low cost, and crafts. For all these applications requires a control of the levels of substances in plant tissue. Based on the levels of nutrients and crude protein, the younger plants (0 Month) would be best to have their biomass used. Moreover, one factor that contributes to the use of larger plants (6 Months), the levels of toxic elements which have significantly small or below the detection limit. Therefore, further studies quantifying the biomass produced/m2 at 0 and 6 months are needed for a more correct choice for the best time of harvest
Information regarding the use of growth regulators in sunn hemp is still scarce, especially on the physiologic quality of seeds and growth seedlings. In this aspect, product knowledge and application rate stands out as relevant factors in production of quality seeds. This work aimed to evaluated the effect of the foliar application of growth regulators (mepiquat chloride, etil-trinexapac and paclobutrazol) in different rates (0; 75; 150; 225 and 300 g ha(-1)), on the physiological quality of seeds and growth seedlings of Crotalaria juncea cultivated in no-tillage system. The treatments were disposed in randomized complete block design in factorial scheme 3 x 5 (regulators x rates of application), with four replications. The results were submitted to the variance analysis, with the growth regulators compared by Tukey test and the rates for polynomial regression. Not if recommended the application of mepiquat chloride in sunn hemp culture by reducing the potential of seeds germination and dry biomass of seedlings. The etil-trinexapac must be applied in rate of 300 g ha(-1), based on the reduction of moisture content and the electrical conductivity of seeds, the greater total length of seedlings and dry biomass of seedlings. The paclobutrazol must be applied in rate of 75 g ha(-1), considering the potential and speed of seeds germination.
Aiming to know the population dynamics of horn fly on cattle in the municipality of Selviria, MS, Brazil, a study was conducted from March 2004 to June 2005 in the Education, Research and Extension Farm, from Unesp - Campus de Ilha Solteira, located in the municipality of Selviria, MS. It was used IS cows of the Guzera breed and 15 crossbred (Guzera X Holstein-Friesian), respectively 3 and 4 years old, naturally infested. During the experimental period these animals did not receive any insecticide treatment. Visual fly counting by on back region of the animals was carried out at 14 day interval. The horn fly showed two peaks of infestation during the year, one in April and another in October. In the months of highest infestation, the average number of flies did not exceed a 104. The months in which was significant difference between crossbred and Guzera breed was in April, May, August and September 2004 and February, March and April 2005, always with crossbred with higher infestation. In the region studied Haematobia irritans was present throughout the year.
The high quality of seed trading for producers is very important to obtain high productivity. The aim of this work was to evaluate the effects of different periods of artificial seed aging on contents of sugars, proteins, amino acids and ions, on imbibition solution of electrical conductivity test, as well as its relationships with standard germination and vigor in bean seeds at the Perola cultivar. The research was carried out at the Laboratory of Seed Analysis - Faculdade de Engenharia - Unesp - Campus de Ilha Solteira. The experimental design was in completely randomized blocks. The seeds were submitted to eight accelerated aging conditions (zero, 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144 and 168 hours). The seed germination, seed vigor and leakage contents in exudates of bulk conductivity were Influenced by the increase in the time of seed exposition to accelerated aging. After seventy-two hours of exposition to the aging, a considerable decline in seed germination and vigor was observed. There was also an increase of leakage contents, such as amino acids, sugars, potassium and phosphorus ions. The increase of leakage contents is inversely related to seeds germination and vigor.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar comparativamente as características de carcaça e a composição corporal de machos jovens da raça Nelore não-castrados, filhos de touros com diferencial positivo (Linhagem Seleção) ou nulo (Linhagem Controle) para ganho de peso aos 378 dias de idade. Utilizaram-se informações de 92 zebuínos Nelore, com peso de abate médio de 456,00 kg, sendo 51 animais pertencentes à Linhagem Seleção e 41 animais da Linhagem Controle, foram criados em pastagens cultivadas até os 18 meses, quando foram alocados nos dois sistemas de terminação, de forma a compor grupos homogêneos quanto ao peso e filiação. Os animais de confinamento receberam, em baias individuais, ração para possibilitar ganhos de 1,0 kg/cab/dia. Antes do abate, os animais foram submetidos a jejum e pesados, quando se obteve o peso de abate. Após o armazenamento das carcaças em câmara fria, obteve-se a seção da 9ª-10ª-11ª costelas. Não houve efeito significativo de linhagem para nenhuma das características analisadas, exceto para a porcentagem de ossos, sendo que os animais da Linhagem Seleção superaram os animais da Linhagem Controle. O regime de terminação apresentou efeito significativo para a quase totalidade das características estudadas, com exceção para as características de composição corporal. Não houve efeito significativo de interação entre linhagem e terminação. As classes de idade apresentaram efeito significativo para as características peso de abate, peso de carcaça quente, peso da gordura renal-pélvica-ingüinal, porcentagem de músculo, gordura e osso.