963 resultados para prostatic nodular hyperplasia


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El diagnóstico de cáncer de tiroides se ha incrementado y las posibilidades de detección de una enfermedad subclínica son altas, toda vez que disponemos de herramientas de detección más sensibles y de fácil acceso. Por ende, el clínico requiere conocer la historia natural del nódulo tiroideo y del carcinoma papilar de tiroides de bajo riesgo para brindar a su paciente el mejor tratamiento basado en la evidencia clínica. El objetivo de esta revision es reconocer los elementos clínicos que han condicionado el aumento inusitado de casos de cáncer de tiroides. Conclusión: El sobrediagnóstico del cáncer de tiroides es una realidad, que se posibilita por el uso extendido de biopsia por aspiración con aguja fina ((BACAF)) después de la detección de un nódulo tiroideo, en gran parte de manera incidental, sin acarrear la mayoría de las veces un mejor pronóstico después de su tratamiento.


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Introducción. En Colombia, el 80% de los pacientes con enfermedad renal crónica en hemodiálisis tienen fístula arteriovenosa periférica (FAV) que asegura el flujo de sangre durante la hemodiálisis (1), la variabilidad en el flujo de sangre en el brazo de la FAV hacia la parte distal, puede afectar la lectura de la oximetría de pulso (SpO2) (2), llevando a la toma de decisiones equivocadas por el personal de salud. El objetivo de este estudio es aclarar si existe diferencia entre la SpO2 del brazo de la FAV y el brazo contralateral. Materiales y métodos. Se realizó un estudio de correlación entre los valores de SpO2 del brazo con FAV contra el brazo sin FAV, de 40 pacientes que asistieron a hemodiálisis. La recolección de los datos se llevó a cabo, con un formato que incluyó el resultado de la pulsioximetria y variables asociadas, antes, durante y después de la hemodiálisis. Se comparó la mediana de los deltas de las diferencias con pruebas estadísticas T Student – Mann Whitney, aceptando un valor significativo de p < 0,05. Resultados. No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas de la SpO2 entre el brazo con FAV y el brazo sin FAV, antes, durante y después de la diálisis, sin embargo si se apreció una correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa. Conclusiones. Se encontró correlación positiva estadísticamente significativa, donde no hubo diferencias en el resultado la pulsioximetría entre el brazo con FAV y brazo sin FAV, por lo tanto es válido tomar la pulsioximetría en cualquiera de los brazos.


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Als països desenvolupats, una de cada cinc persones morirà a causa del càncer. S'ha descrit que les cèl·lules canceroses presenten modificacions en els glicans presents a la superfície cel·lular i aquesta glicosilació anòmala podria reflectir-se en les glicoproteïnes de secreció. Per aquest motiu es planteja l'estudi de la glicosilació de dues proteïnes de secreció en situació normal i tumoral: la ribonucleasa pancreática humana (RNasa 1) i l'antigen prostàtic específic (PSA). La RNasa 1 és una glicoproteïna secretada majoritàriament pel pàncreas. S'ha desenvolupat un mètode immunològic per a detectar els nivells de RNasa 1 en sèrum. Malgrat la millora de la sensibilitat, respecte d'estudis anteriors, no s'han observat diferències significatives entre la concentració de RNasa 1 en sèrum de pacients control sans, afectats de neoplàsia pancreàtica, de pancreatitis o d'altres patologies. L'estudi de les estructures glucídiques de la RNasa 1, mitjançant assaigs immunològics, permet observar diferències importants en la glicosilació entre la situació normal i tumoral: Els antígens sialilats sLex i sLea només apareixen en la RNasa 1 de medi de cultiu de cèl·lules d'adenocarcinoma pancreàtic Capan-1 i MDAPanc-3 i l'antigen fucosilat Ley només apareix en la RNasa 1 de pàncreas de donant. S'ha purificat la RNasa 1 secretada per la línia MDAPanc-3, cosa que ha permès seqüenciar-ne les estructures glucídiques i comparar-les amb les de la RNasa 1 purificada del medi de les cèl·lules Capan-1 i de pàncreas de donant, corroborant els resultats abans esmentats. L'antigen prostàtic específic (PSA) és una glicoproteïna secretada principalment per la pròstata. Els seus nivells sèrics s'utilitzen actualment com a marcador del càncer de pròstata, però la seva especificitat no permet diferenciar clarament una situació benigna d'una maligna. La purificació i caracterització glucídica del PSA secretat per les cèl·lules de carcinoma prostàtic LNCaP mostren diferències molt clares amb la glicosilació que presenta el PSA purificat de plasma seminal de donant. Principalment, el PSA present en situació tumoral, purificat de les cèl·lules de carcinoma prostàtic, no conté àcid siàlic, però presenta nivells més alts de fucosilació que el PSA en situació normal. El PSA purificat de plasma seminal de donant sí que conté àcid siàlic. Aquests resultats s'han obtingut mitjançant assaigs immunològics amb detecció per lectines i s'han corroborat per seqüenciació glucídica. D'acord amb les estructures glucídiques que millor diferencien el PSA de situació normal i tumoral, s'ha portat a terme la caracterització glucídica de mostres biològiques que contenen PSA. S'han desenvolupat diferents assaigs immunològics de detecció per lectines o associats a l'activitat sialiltransferasa, amb un enriquiment previ en PSA per immunoadsorció indirecta o cromatografia per interacció tiofílica. Els resultats dels diferents assaigs permeten concloure que el PSA del sèrum de pacients de neoplàsia prostàtica presenten un contingut en àcid siàlic similar al del plasma seminal de donant, encara que són lleugerament menys sialilats. Aquests resultats s'adiuen amb els determinats sobre mostres de PSA purificat. La separació del PSA per electroforesi bidimensional mostra diverses formes amb pI àcid en el PSA de plasma seminal, explicades per la presència d'àcid siàlic. Es detecten formes de pI més bàsic que el teòric per al PSA en el secretat per les cèl·lules LNCaP, que correspon a formes pPSA. Al sèrum de pacients de neoplàsia prostàtica s'hi observen formes sialilades. Les proteïnes de secreció, RNasa 1 i PSA, es troben alterades a nivell glucídic en situació tumoral, cosa que podria ser d'utilitat per a finalitats diagnòstiques.


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A feedlot trial was conducted to determine the effect of dietary vitamin A concentration and roasted soybean (SB) inclusion on carcass characteristics, adipose tissue cellularity, and muscle fatty acid composition. Angus-crossbred steers (n = 168; 295 +/- 1.8 kg) were allotted to 24 pens (7 steers each). Four treatments, in a 2 x 2 factorial arrangement, were investigated: no supplemental vitamin A, no roasted soybeans (NANS); no vitamin A, roasted SB (20% of the diet on a DM basis; NASB); with supplemental (2,700 IU/kg) vitamin A, no roasted SB (WANS); and with supplemental vitamin A, roasted SB (WASB). Diets included high moisture corn, 5% corn silage, 10 to 20% supplement, and 20% roasted SB in the SB treatments on a DM basis. The calculated vitamin A concentration in the basal diet was < 1,300 IU/kg of DM. Blood samples (2 steers/pen) were collected for serum vitamin A determination. Steers were slaughtered after 168 d on feed. Carcass characteristics and LM composition were determined. Fatty acid composition of LM was analyzed, and adipose cellularity in the i.m. and s.c. depots was determined. No vitamin A x SB interactions were detected (P > 0.10) for cattle performance, carcass composition, or muscle fatty acid composition. Low vitamin A diets (NA) did not affect (P > 0.05) ADG, DMI, or G:F. Quality grade tended (P = 0.07) to be greater in NA steers. Marbling scores and the percentage of carcasses grading > or = Choice(-) were 10% greater for NA steers, although these trends were not significant (P = 0.11 and 0.13, respectively). Backfat thickness and yield grade were not affected (P > 0.26) by vitamin A supplementation. Composition of the LM was not affected (P > 0.15) by vitamin A or SB supplementation. Serum retinol at slaughter was 44% lower (P < 0.01) for steers fed NA than for steers supplemented with vitamin A (23.0 vs. 41.1 microg/dL). A vitamin A x SB interaction occurred (P < 0.05) for adipose cellularity in the i.m. depot; when no SB was fed, vitamin A supplementation decreased cell density and increased cell size. However, when SB was fed, vitamin A supplementation did not affect adipose cellularity. Adipose cellularity at the s.c. depot was not affected (P > 0.18) by vitamin A or SB treatments. Fatty acid profile of the LM was not affected by vitamin A (P > 0.05), but SB increased (P < 0.05) PUFA (7.88 vs. 4.30 g/100 g). It was concluded that feeding NA tended to increase marbling without affecting back-fat and yield grade. It appeared that NA induced hyperplasia in the i.m. but not in the s.c. fat depot.


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Most current research into therapeutic approaches to muscle diseases involves the use of the mouse as an experimental model. Furthermore, a major strategy to alleviate myopathic symptoms through enhancing muscle growth and regeneration is to inhibit the action of myostatin (Mstn), a transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) family member that inhibits muscle growth. Presently, however, no study has expanded the morphological analysis of mouse skeletal muscle beyond a few individual muscles of the distal hindlimb, through which broad conclusions have been based. Therefore, we have initially undertaken an expansive analysis of the skeletal musculature of the mouse forelimb and highlighted the species-specific differences between equivalent muscles of the rat, another prominently used experimental model. Subsequently, we examined the musculature of the forelimb in both young and old adult wild-type (mstn(+/+)) and myostatin null (mstn(-/-)) mice and assessed the potential beneficial and detrimental effects of myostatin deletion on muscle morphology and composition during the aging process. We showed that: (1) the forelimb muscles of the mouse display a more glycolytic phenotype than those of the rat; (2) in the absence of myostatin, the induced myofiber hyperplasia, hypertrophy, and glycolytic conversion all occur in a muscle-specific manner; and, importantly, (3) the loss of myostatin significantly alters the dynamics of postnatal muscle growth and impairs age-related oxidative myofiber conversion.


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Inhibition of myostatin signalling or its biological activity has recently emerged as a potential remedial approach against muscle wasting and degenerative diseases such as muscular dystrophies. In the present study we systemically administered a recombinant AAV8 vector expressing a mutated myostatin propeptide (AAV8ProMyo) to healthy mice in order to assess its impact on the histological, cellular and physiological properties of the skeletal muscle, exploiting the fact that myostatin is naturally inhibited by its own propeptide. We report that a single intravenous administration of AAV8ProMyo leads to increases in muscle mass of tibialis anterior, extensor digitorum longus and gastrocnemius muscles 8 weeks post-injection and tibialis anterior, gastrocnemius and rectus femoris muscles 17 weeks post-injection. Moreover, treatment resulted in muscle fibre hypertrophy but not hyperplasia, with IIB myofibres responding to the greatest extent following propeptide-induced myostatin inhibition. Additionally, myofibre nuclear: cytoplasmic ratio was decreased in the AAV8ProMyo treated animals. Importantly, the hypertrophic EDL muscle 8 weeks after AAV8ProMyo treatment did not show the dramatic decrease in specific force displayed by the germline myostatin null mice. (C) 2009 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Nucleolin is a multi-functional protein that is located to the nucleolus. In tissue Culture cells, the stability of nucleolin is related to the proliferation status of the cell. During development, rat cardiomyocytes proliferate actively with increases in the mass of the heart being due to both hyperplasia and hypertrophy. The timing of this shift in the phenotype of the myocyte from one capable of undergoing hyperplasia to one that can grow only by hypertrophy occurs within 4 days of post-natal development. Thus, cardiomyocytes are an ideal model system in which to study the regulation of nucleolin during growth in vivo. Using Western blot and quantitative RT-PCR (TaqMan) we found that the amount of nucleolin is regulated both at the level of transcription and translation during the development of the cardiomyocyte. However, in cells which had exited the cell cycle and were subsequently given a hypertrophic stimulus, nucleolin was regulated post-transcriptionally. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The purpose of this study was to determine the incidence of prostate cancer in patients who have an elevated referral prostate-specific antigen (PSA), which subsequently falls to within their normal age-specific reference range prior to prostate biopsy. The study demonstrated that of the 160 patients recruited, 21 (13%) had a repeat PSA level which had fallen back to within their normal range. Five of these 21 patients (24%) were diagnosed with prostate cancer following biopsy, two of whom had a benign prostate examination. The study, therefore, demonstrates that normalisation of the PSA level prior to biopsy does not exclude the presence of prostate cancer even when the prostate feels benign.


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To determine the intra-individual (physiological) variation of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) measurements in men after a benign prostatic biopsy. Sixty-four men were prospectively assessed, all of whom had a benign prostatic biopsy within the preceding 13 months. The degree of intra-individual variability was established by calculating the coefficient of variation on four PSA levels obtained from each patient weekly over a month. Six patients were subsequently diagnosed with prostate cancer and their data are presented separately. In the remaining 58 patients the median (range) individual mean PSA value was 6.3 (0.5-34.1) ng/mL. The median (range) coefficient of variation within the group was 9.5 (2.4-76.1)%. There was a clear linear relationship between mean PSA level and the standard deviation. In 48 of the 63 patients analysed, the coefficient of variation for serum PSA values in the group as a whole was greater than the variation claimed for the assay technique. The significance of the linear relationship between PSA and the standard deviation is discussed, with particular reference to those men who had a benign prostate biopsy.


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The human pathogen enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) O157:H7 colonizes human and animal gut via formation of attaching and effacing lesions. EHEC strains use a type III secretion system to translocate a battery of effector proteins into the mammalian host cell, which subvert diverse signal transduction pathways implicated in actin dynamics, phagocytosis, and innate immunity. The genomes of sequenced EHEC O157: H7 strains contain two copies of the effector protein gene nleH, which share 49% sequence similarity with the gene for the Shigella effector OspG, recently implicated in inhibition of migration of the transcriptional regulator NF-kappa B to the nucleus. In this study we investigated the role of NleH during EHEC O157: H7 infection of calves and lambs. We found that while EHEC Delta nleH colonized the bovine gut more efficiently than the wild-type strain, in lambs the wild-type strain exhibited a competitive advantage over the mutant during mixed infection. Using the mouse pathogen Citrobacter rodentium, which shares many virulence factors with EHEC O157: H7, including NleH, we observed that the wild-type strain exhibited a competitive advantage over the mutant during mixed infection. We found no measurable differences in T-cell infiltration or hyperplasia in colons of mice inoculated with the wild-type or the nleH mutant strain. Using NF-kappa B reporter mice carrying a transgene containing a luciferase reporter driven by three NF-kappa B response elements, we found that NleH causes an increase in NF-kappa B activity in the colonic mucosa. Consistent with this, we found that the nleH mutant triggered a significantly lower tumor necrosis factor alpha response than the wild-type strain.


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Myostatin is a member of the transformating growth factor-_ (TGF-_) superfamily of proteins and is produced almost exclusively in skeletal muscle tissue, where it is secreted and circulates as a serum protein. Myostatin acts as a negative regulator of muscle mass through the canonical SMAD2/3/4 signaling pathway. Naturally occurring myostatin mutants exhibit a ‘double muscling’ phenotype in which muscle mass is dramatically increased as a result of both hypertrophy and hyperplasia. Myostatin is naturally inhibited by its own propeptide; therefore, we assessed the impact of adeno associated virus-8 (AAV8) myostatin propeptide vectors when systemically introduced in MF-1 mice. We noted a significant systemic increase in muscle mass in both slow and fast muscle phenotypes, with no evidence of hyperplasia; however, the nuclei-to- cytoplasm ratio in all myofiber types was significantly reduced. An increase in muscle mass in slow (soleus) muscle led to an increase in force output; however, an increase in fast (extensor digitorum longus [EDL]) muscle mass did not increase force output. These results suggest that the use of gene therapeutic regimens of myostatin inhibition for age-related or disease-related muscle loss may have muscle-specific effects.


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This study investigated the immunodetection of PCNA in epithelial components of dental follicles associated with impacted third molars without radiographical and morphological signs of pathosis. A total of 105 specimens of dental follicles associated with impacted third molars with incomplete rhizogenesis (between Nolla`s stage 6 and 9) were surgically removed from 56 patients. Epithelial cell proliferating was determined by using immunohistochemical labeling. Statistical analysis was performed using the Fisher exact test. Of the 105 dental follicles collected, 6 were PCNA-positive (approximate to 6%). The specimens with squamous metaplasia and epithelial hyperplasia had higher rates of positivity for PCNA, as well as those with proliferative remnants of odontogenic epithelium. In conclusion, this study shows that dental follicles at this stage of development have low proliferative potential, but suggests that squamous metaplasia, hyperplasia of the epithelial lining and presence of proliferative odontogenic epithelial rests in the connective tissue may be early signs of developing lesions of odontogenic origin.


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Insulin replacement is the only effective therapy to manage hyperglycemia in type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1DM). Nevertheless, intensive insulin therapy has inadvertently led to insulin resistance. This study investigates mechanisms involved in the insulin resistance induced by hyperinsulinization. Wistar rats were rendered diabetic by alloxan injection, and 2 weeks later received saline or different doses of neutral protamine Hagedorn insulin (1.5, 3, 6, and 9 U/day) over 7 days. Insulinopenic-untreated rats and 6U- and 9U-treated rats developed insulin resistance, whereas 3U-treated rats revealed the highest grade of insulin sensitivity, but did not achieve good glycemic control as 6U- and 9U-treated rats did. This insulin sensitivity profile was in agreement with glucose transporter 4 expression and translocation in skeletal muscle, and insulin signaling, phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase/glucose-6-phosphatase expression and glycogen storage in the liver. Under the expectation that insulin resistance develops in hyperinsulinized diabetic patients, we believe insulin sensitizer approaches should be considered in treating T1DM. Journal of Endocrinology (2011) 211, 55-64


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The aim of this work was to analyse C4 genotypes, C4 protein levels, phenotypes and genotypes in patients with the classical form of 21-hydroxylase deficiency. Fifty-four patients from 46 families (36 female, 18 male; mean age 10.8 years) with different clinical manifestations (31 salt-wasting; 23 simple-virilizing) were studied. Taq I Southern blotting was used to perform molecular analysis of the C4/CYP21 gene cluster and the genotypes were defined according to gene organization within RCCX modules. Serum C4 isotypes were assayed by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. The results revealed 12 different haplotypes of the C4/CYP21 gene cluster. Total functional activity of the classical pathway (CH50) was reduced in individuals carrying different genotypes because of low C4 concentrations (43% of all patients) to complete or partial C4 allotype deficiency. Thirteen of 54 patients presented recurrent infections affecting the respiratory and/or the urinary tracts, none of them with severe infections. Low C4A or C4B correlated well with RCCX monomodular gene organization, but no association between C4 haplotypes and recurrent infections or autoimmunity was observed. Considering this redundant gene cluster, C4 seems to be a well-protected gene segment along the evolutionary process.


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Inside the `cavernous sinus` or `parasellar region` the human internal carotid artery takes the shape of a siphon that is twisted and torqued in three dimensions and surrounded by a network of veins. The parasellar section of the internal carotid artery is of broad biological and medical interest, as its peculiar shape is associated with temperature regulation in the brain and correlated with the occurrence of vascular pathologies. The present study aims to provide anatomical descriptions and objective mathematical characterizations of the shape of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery in human infants and its modifications during ontogeny. Three-dimensional (3D) computer models of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery of infants were generated with a state-of-the-art 3D reconstruction method and analysed using both traditional morphometric methods and novel mathematical algorithms. We show that four constant, demarcated bends can be described along the infant parasellar section of the internal carotid artery, and we provide measurements of their angles. We further provide calculations of the curvature and torsion energy, and the total complexity of the 3D skeleton of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery, and compare the complexity of this in infants and adults. Finally, we examine the relationship between shape parameters of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery in infants, and the occurrence of intima cushions, and evaluate the reliability of subjective angle measurements for characterizing the complexity of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery in infants. The results can serve as objective reference data for comparative studies and for medical imaging diagnostics. They also form the basis for a new hypothesis that explains the mechanisms responsible for the ontogenetic transformation in the shape of the parasellar section of the internal carotid artery.