746 resultados para music export


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Over the last three decades, international agricultural trade has grown significantly. Technological advances in transportation logistics and storage have created opportunities to ship anything almost anywhere. Bilateral and multilateral trade agreements have also opened new pathways to an increasingly global market place. Yet, international agricultural trade is often constrained by differences in regulatory regimes. The impact of “regulatory asymmetry” is particularly acute for small and medium sized enterprises (SMEs) that lack resources and expertise to successfully operate in markets that have substantially different regulatory structures. As governments seek to encourage the development of SMEs, policy makers often confront the critical question of what ultimately motivates SME export behavior. Specifically, there is considerable interest in understanding how SMEs confront the challenges of regulatory asymmetry. Neoclassical models of the firm generally emphasize expected profit maximization under uncertainty, however these approaches do not adequately explain the entrepreneurial decision under regulatory asymmetry. Behavioral theories of the firm offer a far richer understanding of decision making by taking into account aspirations and adaptive performance in risky environments. This paper develops an analytical framework for decision making of a single agent. Considering risk, uncertainty and opportunity cost, the analysis focuses on the export behavior response of an SME in a situation of regulatory asymmetry. Drawing on the experience of fruit processor in Muzaffarpur, India, who must consider different regulatory environments when shipping fruit treated with sulfur dioxide, the study dissects the firm-level decision using @Risk, a Monte Carlo computational tool.


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In this work, we consider a simple model problem for the electromagnetic exploration of small perfectly conducting objects buried within the lower halfspace of an unbounded two–layered background medium. In possible applications, such as, e.g., humanitarian demining, the two layers would correspond to air and soil. Moving a set of electric devices parallel to the surface of ground to generate a time–harmonic field, the induced field is measured within the same devices. The goal is to retrieve information about buried scatterers from these data. In mathematical terms, we are concerned with the analysis and numerical solution of the inverse scattering problem to reconstruct the number and the positions of a collection of finitely many small perfectly conducting scatterers buried within the lower halfspace of an unbounded two–layered background medium from near field measurements of time–harmonic electromagnetic waves. For this purpose, we first study the corresponding direct scattering problem in detail and derive an asymptotic expansion of the scattered field as the size of the scatterers tends to zero. Then, we use this expansion to justify a noniterative MUSIC–type reconstruction method for the solution of the inverse scattering problem. We propose a numerical implementation of this reconstruction method and provide a series of numerical experiments.


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Agri-food supply chains extend beyond national boundaries, partially facilitated by a policy environment that encourages more liberal international trade. Rising concentration within the downstream sector has driven a shift towards “buyer-driven” global value chains (GVCs) extending internationally with global sourcing and the emergence of multinational key economic players that compete with increase emphasis on product quality attributes. Agri-food systems are thus increasingly governed by a range of inter-related public and private standards, both of which are becoming a priori mandatory, especially in supply chains for high-value and quality-differentiated agri-food products and tend to strongly affect upstream agricultural practices, firms’ internal organization and strategic behaviour and to shape the food chain organization. Notably, increasing attention has been given to the impact of SPS measures on agri-food trade and notably on developing countries’ export performance. Food and agricultural trade is the vital link in the mutual dependency of the global trade system and developing countries. Hence, developing countries derive a substantial portion of their income from food and agricultural trade. In Morocco, fruit and vegetable (especially fresh) are the primary agricultural export. Because of the labor intensity, this sector (especially citrus and tomato) is particularly important in terms of income and employment generation, especially for the female laborers hired in the farms and packing houses. Hence, the emergence of agricultural and agrifood product safety issues and the subsequent tightening of market requirements have challenged mutual gains due to the lack of technical and financial capacities of most developing countries.


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Food commodity prices fluctuations have important impacts on poverty and food insecurity across the world. Conventional models have not provided a complete picture of recent price spikes in agricultural commodity markets, while there is an urgent need for appropriate policy responses. Perhaps new approaches are needed in order to better understand international spill-overs, the feedback between the real and the financial sectors and also the link between food and energy prices. In this paper, we present results from a new worldwide dynamic model that provides short and long-run impulse responses of wheat international prices to various real shocks.


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Lo scopo di questa tesi è di esplorare l'importanza del concetto giapponese del "ma" nella musica tradizionale, in particolare in quella del compositore Tōru Takemitsu, tramite la traduzione del saggio "The concept of 'ma' and the music of Tōru Takemitsu" (Jonathan L. Chenette, 1982) dall'inglese all'italiano. L'elaborato partirà da un'introduzione generale sul concetto del "ma" nella mentalità giapponese, per proseguire con la biografia di Tōru Takemitsu e una panoramica dei motivi che hanno portato a scegliere la traduzione del saggio di Chenette. Dopo la traduzione in sé e per sé e il commento della stessa, sarà anche fornito in appendice un glossario inglese-italiano della terminologia musicale utilizzata dall'autore all'interno del saggio.


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La presente tesi si concentra sulla traduzione musicale, focalizzandosi in particolare sulla traduzione di canzoni popular. L’obiettivo è creare dei testi di arrivo cantabili in lingua inglese a partire da originali del gruppo musicale italiano Ministri, così da rendere esportabile il loro prodotto oltre i confini del mercato discografico nazionale. La struttura della tesi è composta da quattro capitoli e due appendici. Nel primo capitolo si individua la cornice all’interno del quale si muove il caso di studio selezionato e si inserisce l’attività di traduzione. Si analizzano nello specifico alcune caratteristiche essenziali della popular music, i suoi testi, gli attori e gli intermediari coinvolti. Nel secondo capitolo si analizza il caso di studio, passando in rassegna rapidamente la biografia, l’estetica e la modalità di comunicazione del gruppo, per poi approfondirne in maniera particolare una parte della produzione, con speciale enfasi sui testi verbali che vanno a costituire il materiale oggetto di traduzione. Nel terzo capitolo si individua nella teoria dello scopo la base teorica per la metodologia specifica della traduzione di canzoni. Quest’ultima rientra nella traduzione musicale, appartenente alle categorie di traduzione vincolata e multimediale. Nel quarto capitolo viene esposto l’obiettivo della traduzione e la metodologia specifica utilizzata per portarlo a termine, passando poi a un esteso commento delle problematiche traduttive individuate e delle strategie utilizzate per risolverle, apportando alcuni esempi per ogni caso. Infine, nella prima appendice vengono riportati integralmente i testi originali con le relative proposte di traduzione, mentre la seconda contiene un piccolo contributo di Federico Dragogna, chitarrista e principale autore dei Ministri, sotto forma di breve intervista.


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