969 resultados para lab assignment
Angular distributions for the elastic scattering of (8)B, (7)Be, and (6)Li on a (12)C target have been measured at E(lab) = 25.8, 18.8, and 12.3 MeV, respectively. The analyses of these angular distributions have been performed in terms of the optical model using Woods-Saxon and double-folding type potentials. The effect of breakup in the elastic scattering of (8)B + (12)C is investigated by performing coupled-channels calculations with the continuum discretized coupled-channel method and cluster-model folding potentials. Total reaction cross sections were deduced from the elastic-scattering analysis and compared with published data on elastic scattering of other weakly and tightly bound projectiles on (12)C, as a function of energy. With the exception of (4)He and (16)O, the data can be described using a universal function for the reduced cross sections.
High precision measurements of the differential cross sections for pi(0) photoproduction at forward angles for two nuclei, (12)C and (208)Pb, have been performed for incident photon energies of 4.9-5.5 GeV to extract the pi(0) -> gamma gamma decay width. The experiment was done at Jefferson Lab using the Hall B photon tagger and a high-resolution multichannel calorimeter. The pi(0) -> gamma gamma decay width was extracted by fitting the measured cross sections using recently updated theoretical models for the process. The resulting value for the decay width is Gamma(pi(0) -> gamma gamma) = 7.82 +/- 0.14(stat) +/- 0.17(syst) eV. With the 2.8% total uncertainty, this result is a factor of 2.5 more precise than the current Particle Data Group average of this fundamental quantity, and it is consistent with current theoretical predictions.
Given a separable unital C*-algebra C with norm parallel to center dot parallel to, let E-n denote the Banach-space completion of the C-valued Schwartz space on R-n with norm parallel to f parallel to(2)=parallel to < f, f >parallel to(1/2), < f, g >=integral f(x)* g(x)dx. The assignment of the pseudodifferential operator A=a(x,D) with C-valued symbol a(x,xi) to each smooth function with bounded derivatives a is an element of B-C(R-2n) defines an injective mapping O, from B-C(R-2n) to the set H of all operators with smooth orbit under the canonical action of the Heisenberg group on the algebra of all adjointable operators on the Hilbert module E-n. In this paper, we construct a left-inverse S for O and prove that S is injective if C is commutative. This generalizes Cordes' description of H in the scalar case. Combined with previous results of the second author, our main theorem implies that, given a skew-symmetric n x n matrix J and if C is commutative, then any A is an element of H which commutes with every pseudodifferential operator with symbol F(x+J xi), F is an element of B-C(R-n), is a pseudodifferential operator with symbol G(x - J xi), for some G is an element of B-C(R-n). That was conjectured by Rieffel.
The low-lying doublet and quartet electronic states of the species SeF correlating with the first dissociation channel are investigated theoretically at a high-level of electronic correlation treatment, namely, the complete active space self-consistent field/multireference single and double excitations configuration interaction (CASSCF/MRSDCI) using a quintuple-zeta quality basis set including a relativistic effective core potential for the selenium atom. Potential energy curves for (Lambda+S) states and the corresponding spectroscopic properties are derived that allows for an unambiguous assignment of the only spectrum known experimentally as due to a spin-forbidden X (2)Pi-a (4)Sigma(-) transition, and not a A (2)Pi-X (2)Pi transition as assumed so far. For the bound excited doublets, yet unknown experimentally, this study is the first theoretical characterization of their spectroscopic properties. Also the spin-orbit coupling constant function for the X (2)Pi state is derived as well as the spin-orbit coupling matrix element between the X (2)Pi and a (4)Sigma(-) states. Dipole moment functions and vibrationally averaged dipole moments show SeF to be a very polar species. An overview of the lowest-lying spin-orbit (Omega) states completes this description. (C) 2010 American Institute of Physics. [doi: 10.1063/1.3426315]
This paper describes three-dimensional microfluidic paper-based analytical devices (3-D mu PADs) that can be programmed (postfabrication) by the user to generate multiple patterns of flow through them. These devices are programmed by pressing single-use 'on' buttons, using a stylus or a ballpoint pen. Pressing a button closes a small space (gap) between two vertically aligned microfluidic channels, and allows fluids to wick from one channel to the other. These devices are simple to fabricate, and are made entirely out of paper and double-sided adhesive tape. Programmable devices expand the capabilities of mu PADs and provide a simple method for controlling the movement of fluids in paper-based channels. They are the conceptual equivalent of field-programmable gate arrays (FPGAs) widely used in electronics.
In this work a downscaled multicommuted flow injection analysis setup for photometric determination is described. The setup consists of a flow system module and a LED based photometer, with a total internal volume of about 170 mu L The system was tested by developing an analytical procedure for the photometric determination of iodate in table salt using N,N-diethyl-henylenediamine (DPD) as the chromogenic reagent. Accuracy was accessed by applying the paired r-test between results obtained using the proposed procedure and a reference method, and no significant difference at the 95% confidence level was observed. Other profitable features, such as a low reagent consumption of 7.3 mu g DPD per determination: a linear response ranging from 0.1 up to 3.0 m IO(3)(-), a relative standard deviation of 0.9% (n = 11) for samples containing 0.5 m IO(3)(-), a detection limit of 17 mu g L(-1) IO(3)(-), a sampling throughput of 117 determination per hour, and a waste generation 600 mu L per determination, were also achieved. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In 2003-2004, several food items were purchased from large commercial outlets in Coimbra, Portugal. Such items included meats (chicken, pork, beef), eggs, rice, beans and vegetables (tomato, carrot, potato, cabbage, broccoli, lettuce). Elemental analysis was carried out through INAA at the Technological and Nuclear Institute (ITN, Portugal), the Nuclear Energy Centre for Agriculture (CENA, Brazil), and the Nuclear Engineering Teaching Lab of the University of Texas at Austin (NETL, USA). At the latter two, INAA was also associated to Compton suppression. It can be concluded that by applying Compton suppression (1) the detection limits for arsenic, copper and potassium improved; (2) the counting-statistics error for molybdenum diminished; and (3) the long-lived zinc had its 1115-keV photopeak better defined. In general, the improvement sought by introducing Compton suppression in foodstuff analysis was not significant. Lettuce, cabbage and chicken (liver, stomach, heart) are the richest diets in terms of human nutrients.
Long-term assessments of species assemblages are valuable tools for detecting species ecological preferences and their dispersal tracks, as well as for assessing the possible effects of alien species on native communities. Here we report a 50-year-long study on population dynamics of the four species of land flatworms (Platyhelminthes, Tricladida, Terricola) that have colonized or become extinct in a 70-year-old Atlantic Forest regrowth remnant through the period 1955-2006. On the one hand, the two initially most abundant species, which are native to the study site, Notogynaphallia ernesti and Geoplana multicolor have declined over decades and at present do not exist in the forest remnant. The extinction of these species is most likely related with their preference for open vegetation areas, which presently do not exist in the forest remnant. On the other hand, the neotropical Geoplaninae 1 and the exotic Endeavouria septemlineata were detected in the forest only very recently. The long-term study allowed us to conclude that Geoplaninae 1 was introduced into the study area, although it is only known from the study site. Endeavouria septemlineata, an active predator of the exotic giant African snail, is originally known from Hawaii. This land flatworm species was observed repeatedly in Brazilian anthropogenic areas, and this is the first report of the species in relatively well preserved native forest, which may be evidence of an ongoing adaptive process. Monitoring of its geographic spread and its ecological role would be a good practice for preventing potential damaging effects, since it also feeds on native mollusk fauna, as we observed in lab conditions.
Okuno, NM, Perandini, LAB, Bishop, D, Simoes, HG, Pereira, G, Berthoin, S, Kokubun, E, and Nakamura, FY. Physiological and perceived exertion responses at intermittent critical power and intermittent maximal lactate steady state. J Strength Cond Res 25(7): 2053-2058, 2011-The aim of this study was to compare the power outputs of the intermittent critical power (CPi) with the intermittent maximal lactate steady state (MLSSi) and to compare the physiological and perceptual responses exercising at CPi and MLSSi. Ten subjects performed intermittent trials on a cycle ergometer to determine CPi and MLSSi using 30: 30 seconds of effort and pause. The oxygen uptake ((V) over dotO(2)), heart rate (HR), blood lactate concentration ([Lac]), and rating of perceived exertion (RPE) responses were compared during 30-minute cycling at CPi and MLSSi. The CPi (267 6 45 W) was similar to MLSSi (254 6 39 W), and they were correlated (r = 0.88; p<0.05). The (V) over dotO(2) and HR responses stabilized throughout exercising at CPi (2.52 +/- 0.52 L.min(-1); 156 +/- 8 b.min(-1)) and MLSSi (2.41 +/- 0.32 L.min(-1); 152 +/- 10 b.min(-1)). These physiological variables were similar between conditions. However, the [Lac] and RPE were higher from the middle to the end of exercise duration at CPi ([Lac] = 6.9 +/- 2.6 mM; RPE = 17.1 +/- 2.1 a.u.) compared to MLSSi ([Lac] = 5.1 +/- 0.9 mM; RPE = 15.7 +/- 1.8 a.u.). Therefore, CPi intensity determined from 30: 30 seconds of effort and rest periods on a cycle ergometer is equivalent to the MLSSi, and there is a physiological steady state throughout both exercise intensities, although the [Lac] and RPE responses at CPi are higher than at MLSSi. Thus, the CPi and MLSSi may be used as tools for intermittent training evaluation and prescription.
This paper aims to study evolution of increase, distribution and classification of pits in 310S austenitic stainless steels obtained in the state as-received and heat-treated under different exposure times in saline. This work applicability has been based on a technique development for morphologic characterization of localized corrosion associated with description aspects of shapes, size and population-specific parameters. Methodology has been consisted in the following steps: specimens preparation, corrosion tests via salt spray in different conditions, microstructural analysis, pits profiles analysis and images analysis, digital processing and image analysis in order to characterize the pits distribution, morphology and size. Results obtained in digital processing and profiles image analysis have been subjected to statistical analysis using median as parameter in the alloy as received and treated. The alloy as received displays the following morphology: hemispheric pits> transition region A> transition region B> irregular> conic. The pits amount in the treated alloy at each exposure time is: transition region B> hemispherical> transition region A> conic> irregular.
Biopulping fundamentals, technology and mechanisms are reviewed in this article. Mill evaluation of Eucalyptus grandis wood chips biotreated by Ceriporiopsis subvermispora on a 50-tonne pilot-plant demonstrated that equivalent energy savings can be obtained in lab- and mill-scale biopulping. Some drawbacks concerning limited improvements in pulp strength and contamination of the chip pile with opportunist fungi have been observed. The use of pre-cultured wood chips as inoculum seed for the biotreatment process minimized contamination problems related to the use of blended mycelium and corn-steep liquor in the inoculation step. Alkaline wash restored part of the brightness in biopulps and marketable brightness values were obtained by one-stage bleaching with 5% H2O2 when bio-TMP pulps were under evaluation. Considering the current scenario, the understanding of biopulping mechanisms has gained renewed attention because more resistant and competitive fungal species could be selected with basis on a function-directed screening project. A series of studies aimed to elucidate structural changes in lignin during wood biodegradation by C. subvermispora had indicated that lignin depolymerization occurs during initial stages of wood biotreatment. Aromatic hydroxyls did not increase with the split of aryl-ether linkages, suggesting that the ether-cleavage-products remain as quitione-type structures. On the other hand, cellulose is more resistant to the attack by C subvermispora. MnP-initiated lipid peroxidation reactions have been proposed to explain degradation of non-phenolic lignin substructures by C subvermispora, while the lack of cellobiohydrolases and the occurrence of systems able to suppress Fenton`s reaction in the cultures have explained non-efficient cellulose degradation by this biopulping fungus. (C) 2007 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
This paper analyses an optical network architecture composed by an arrangement of nodes equipped with multi-granular optical cross-connects (MG-OXCs) in addition to the usual optical cross-connects (OXCs). Then, selected network nodes can perform both waveband as well as traffic grooming operations and our goal is to assess the improvement on network performance brought by these additional capabilities. Specifically, the influence of the MG-OXC multi-granularity on the blocking probability is evaluated for 16 classes of service over a network based on the NSFNet topology. A mechanism of fairness in bandwidth capacity is also added to the connection admission control to manage the blocking probabilities of all kind of bandwidth requirements. Comprehensive computational simulation are carried out to compare eight distinct node architectures, showing that an adequate combination of waveband and single-wavelength ports of the MG-OXCs and OXCs allow a more efficient operation of a WDM optical network carrying multi-rate traffic.
Surface heat treatment in glasses and ceramics, using CO(2) lasers, has attracted the attention of several researchers around the world due to its impact in technological applications, such as lab-on-a-chip devices, diffraction gratings and microlenses. Microlens fabrication on a glass surface has been studied mainly due to its importance in optical devices (fiber coupling, CCD signal enhancement, etc). The goal of this work is to present a systematic study of the conditions for microlens fabrications, along with the viability of using microlens arrays, recorded on the glass surface, as bidimensional codes for product identification. This would allow the production of codes without any residues (like the fine powder generated by laser ablation) and resistance to an aggressive environment, such as sterilization processes. The microlens arrays were fabricated using a continuous wave CO(2) laser, focused on the surface of flat commercial soda-lime silicate glass substrates. The fabrication conditions were studied based on laser power, heating time and microlens profiles. A He-Ne laser was used as a light source in a qualitative experiment to test the viability of using the microlenses as bidimensional codes.
This paper presents a study on the compressive behavior of steel fiber-reinforced concrete. In this study, an analytical model for stress-strain curve for steel fiber-reinforced concrete is derived for concretes with strengths of 40 MPa and 60 MPa at the age of 28 days. Those concretes were reinforced with steel fibers with hooked ends 35 mm long and with aspect ratio of 65. The analytical model was compared with some experimental stress-strain curves and with some models reported in technical literature. Also, the accuracy of the proposed stress-strain curve was evaluated by comparison of the area under stress-strain curve. The results showed good agreement between analytical and experimental data and the benefits of the using of fibers in the compressive behavior of concrete.