555 resultados para horne-zeilinger entanglement


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Dissertação de Mestrado, Neurociências Cognitivas e Neuropsicologia, Faculdade de Ciências Humanas e Sociais, Universidade do Algarve, 2015


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This article explores the use of mobile phones as portable remediated sound devices for mobile listening — from boom boxes to personal stereos and mp3 players. This mode of engaging the city through music playing and listening reveals a particular urban strategy and acoustic urban politics. It increases the sonic presence of mobile owners and plays a role in territorialisation dynamics, as well as in eliciting territorial controversies in public. These digital practices play a key role in the enactment of the urban mood and ambience, as well as in the modulation of people’s presence — producing forms of what Spanish architect Roberto González calls portable urbanism: an entanglement of the digital, the urban and the online that activates a map of a reality over the fabric of the city, apparently not so present, visible and audible


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Marine litter has become a worldwide environmental problem, tainting all ocean habitats. The abundance, distribution and composition of litter and its interactions with fauna were evaluated in the upper S. Vicente canyon using video images from 3 remote operated vehicle exploratory dives. Litter was present in all dives and the abundance was as high as 3.31 items100m(-1). Mean abundance of litter over rock bottom was higher than on soft substrate. Mean litter abundance was slightly higher than reported for other canyons on the Portuguese margin, but lower in comparison to more urbanized coastal areas of the world. Lost fishing gear was the prevalent type of litter, indicating that the majority of litter originates from maritime sources, mainly fishing activity. Physical contact with sessile fauna and entanglement of specimens were the major impacts of lost fishing gear. Based on the importance of this region for the local fishermen, litter abundance is expected to increase.


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En el presente artículo se desarrolla una investigación teórica que permite establecer un modelo matemático para cuantificar la influencia de la confianza de los gerentes en el proceso de presupuesto de capital, en particular sobre la Tasa Interna de Retorno. El Modelo permite concluir que el exceso de confianza es un factor que tiende a elevar esta tasa que esperan recibir los inversionistas tras invertir en determinados proyectos, generando así, en ciertas ocasiones, una toma de decisiones al interior de las empresas basada en cifras sesgadas, comprometiendo así los recursos de la misma.


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La perdurabilidad empresarial ha sido un tema recurrente en la literatura sobre dirección de empresas. A pesar de los avances, la liquidación de las empresas aumenta permanentemente. Buscando alternativas de mejora se estudia el caso de dos empresas cuadragenarias dedicadas a prestar servicios de consultoría en ingeniería eléctrica y civil que, en condiciones de crisis, implementaron acciones que les permitieron, no sólo mantenerse en el mercado sino también fortalecer su estructura financiera. Los resultados demostraron que un enfoque equilibrado caracterizado por la toma oportuna de decisiones y la definición e implementación de estrategias de negocio efectivas constituyen herramientas óptimas para asegurar un mayor grado de resiliencia empresarial.


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El presente artículo contribuye con la investigación de las Finanzas Corporativas del Comportamiento, rama de las finanzas corporativas que considera que el individuo que toma decisiones financieras no es completamente racional y que por hecho existen sesgos psicológicos que influyen en sus decisiones. Este documento se enfoca, desde el punto de vista conceptual y también mediante el análisis de un estudio de campo, en la influencia de la felicidad en las decisiones de inversión en activos de largo plazo para un grupo de siete gerentes ubicados en la ciudad de Bogotá en el año 2016. En el documento se abarca el concepto general de las finanzas corporativas del comportamiento, se define la felicidad y se presentan sub-variables determinantes para la felicidad del individuo como lo son: salud, balance vida/trabajo, educación y habilidades, conexiones sociales y medio ambiente. Finalmente se presenta cómo éstas afectan a los gerentes financieros en sus decisiones de acuerdo a la investigación realizada.


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Nanomaterials are nowadays widely recognised as advantageous sensing tools due to their unique properties. Some natural nanomaterials, such as DNA or hyaluronic acid analysed in this PhD thesis, have an intrinsic biocompatibility that overcomes a series of issues in the field of sensing in biological environments. Therefore, the main aim of this project was to derivatize HA chains with luminescent dyes - both organic and metal complexes - in order to obtain natural polymer-based optical sensors. A derivatization of HA with these moieties was obtained and a photophysical characterization was provided. To prove their sensing ability towards nanomaterials, the interaction with. PluS Nanoparticles, featuring an outer PEG shell, was tested. It was mostly demonstrated that the main features of the luminophores used were present in the HA nanogels as well. For example, HA@Dansyl was proven to be a luminescent probe able to sense different environment polarities. Furthermore, in HA@PA the amount of excimers/monomers emission was found to be relatable to the degree of entanglement of HA chains, that changes upon interactions with nanoparticles. Moreover, two ruthenium bipyridyl derivatives were linked to HA and it was found out that HA interacts with long DNA sequences. Also, the presence of BPA, a small molecule of environmental concern, was detected using (i) an already studied hyaluronic acid derivative with rhodamine (HA@RB) , (ii) a dizinc ruthenium complex coordinating BPA to the metal centres, and (iii) a new probe constituted by PluSNPs@DEAC and HA@RB. Despite all the systems were found to be able to detect BPA, the latter probe presented advantages in terms of sensitivity. Furthermore, the chapter 2 of this thesis is focused on the detection of a NF-κB protein in PC3 cancer cells. via confocal microscopy by following a FRET signal variation on a triplex-hairpin derivatized with a FRET couple of dyes.


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This project discusses the relation between memory and graphic novels, mainly focusing on the ongoing narration of the Vietnam War. It adopts a diachronic and philological approach to reconstruct the history of the medium and its entanglement with war, be it as instrument of propaganda or as a memory project. It follows the development of the medium in Hearst and Pulitzer newspapers, analyzing how mass culture helped consolidating a persuasive ‘war mentality’. It reflects on the role that comics played in the creation of the myth of the ‘good war’. It also shows how the ‘god war’ pattern became increasingly contested during the Vietnam War, following the questioning of the traditional “American values” promoted by the counterculture of the time. Finally, it explores how the narration (and memory) of the Vietnam War has changed after September 11, 2001, and it describes the emergence of graphic narratives written by diasporic Vietnamese graphic artists.


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This dissertation explores the entanglement between the visionary capacity of feminist theory to shape sustainable futures and the active contribution of feminist speculative fiction to the conceptual debate about the climate crisis. Over the last few years, increasing critical attention has been paid to ecofeminist perspectives on climate change, that see as a core cause of the climate crisis the patriarchal domination of nature, considered to go hand in hand with the oppression of women. What remains to be thoroughly scrutinised is the linkage between ecofeminist theories and other ethical stances capable of countering colonising epistemologies of mastery and dominion over nature. This dissertation intervenes in the debate about the master narrative of the Anthropocene, and about the one-dimensional perspective that often characterises its literary representations, from a feminist perspective that also aims at decolonising the imagination; it looks at literary texts that consider patriarchal domination of nature in its intersections with other injustices that play out within the Anthropocene, with a particular focus on race, colonialism, and capitalism. After an overview of the linkages between gender and climate change and between feminism and environmental humanities, it introduces the genre of climate fiction examining its main tropes. In an attempt to find alternatives to the mainstream narrative of the Anthropocene (namely to its gender-neutrality, colour-blindness, and anthropocentrism), it focuses on contemporary works of speculative fiction by four Anglophone women authors that particularly address the inequitable impacts of climate change experienced not only by women, but also by sexualised, racialised, and naturalised Others. These texts were chosen because of their specific engagement with the relationship between climate change, global capitalism, and a flat trust in techno-fixes on the one hand, and structural inequalities generated by patriarchy, racism, and intersecting systems of oppression on the other.


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La presente tesi di dottorato si propone di ricostruire criticamente la riflessione postcoloniale sullo spazio, riconoscendo nella critica postcoloniale l’introduzione di una fondamentale interrogazione degli spazi che sviluppa cartografie concettuali originali. Il lavoro si concentra sulla duplice operazione svolta dagli studi postcoloniali rispetto al tema degli spazi, riguardando, da una parte, le istanze critiche volte a condannare e contraddire le diverse spazialità del dominio coloniale; dall’altra, elaborando in risposta delle alternative concettuali forti, tali da offrire nuove immagini e strumenti per ripensare in modo abilitante gli spazi politici per il presente globale. Rispecchiando questo duplice indirizzo, la tesi si divide in due parti, precedute da un capitolo introduttivo, volto a presentare una strategia di fondo del pensiero postcoloniale sugli spazi, quella di un "entanglement" atto a ingarbugliare produttivamente fra loro le spazialità sottoposte a divisione e segregazione da parte del dominio coloniale (capitolo 1). A seguire, una pars destruens indaga la contestazione postcoloniale di specifiche spazialità coloniali, (capitolo 2); e discute la critica postcoloniale mossa alla geografia e alla cartografia moderne, in quanto strumenti di potere/sapere coloniale, atti alla costruzione di uno spazio globale strutturalmente asimmetrico, a cui consegue però, da parte postcoloniale, l’elaborazione di contro-cartografie critiche (capitolo 3). Segue una pars construens, dedicata a due concetti-chiave della riflessione postcoloniale sullo spazio, ovvero il pianeta, indagato come “sovrascrittura del globo”, la riflessione sul quale inoltre si fa occasione, da parte del pensiero postcoloniale, per intercettare istanze ecologiche urgenti e, insieme, riflettere sul problema del cosmopolitismo (capitolo 4); e il confine, la cui ricca e complessa ri-significazione in una prospettiva postcoloniale viene qui ricostruita nelle sue molte dimensioni (capitolo 5). Seguono delle conclusioni a fare un riassunto e un bilancio degli argomenti così ripercorsi, mettendo in luce in particolare i temi della dislocazione, della diaspora e della traduzione.


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The First Cataract region (Egypt) has always played a crucial role as a border area and a crossroads for cultures and people living in adjacent landscapes. The region has its central point in the modern city of Aswan, but it extends up to the Kom Ombo Plain in the north and reaches the Bab el-Kalabsha in the south. Its eastern and western limits cannot be defined with the same precision, given that they are located in deserts. This research focused on the landscape analysis of the region intended as a complex entanglement of archaeological evidence in a geographical and natural environment whose changes impacted and, simultaneously, were influenced by human activities. Settlement patterns and land use can give interesting information on how these relationships worked from a diachronic perspective and how they shaped the region’s characteristics. To understand the links between the human presence and its evidence and the landscape of the First Cataract region, the integration of various datasets was needed, from historical and archaeological ones to the remote sensing observation of large areas. An area corresponding to ca. 18.000 km2 has been selected for this research. The chronological framework has been chosen to cover a considerable period, from the beginning of the 5th millennium BCE to the 7th century AD. Multi-temporality and multifunctionality appear as two essential aspects when the archaeological evidence of the First Cataract region is considered in its geographical and topographical setting as a general context for settlement patterns and resource exploitation analyses. A combination of remote sensing data and topographical materials has been integrated with archaeological evidence to obtain information about resource exploitation strategies and settlement adaptation from a diachronic perspective.


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Low-molecular-weight (LMW) gels are a versatile class of soft materials that gained increasing interest over the last few decades. They are made of a small percentage, often lower than 1.0 %, of organic molecules called gelators, dispersed in a liquid medium. Such molecules have a molecular weight usually lower than 1 kDa. The gelator molecules start to interact after the addition of a trigger, and form fibres, whose entanglement traps the solvent through capillary forces. A plethora of LMW gelators have been designed, including short peptides. Such gelators present several advantages: the synthesis is easy and can be easily scaled up; they are usually biocompatible and biodegradable; the gelation phenomenon can be rationalised by making small variation on the peptide scaffold; they find application in several fields. In this thesis, an overview of several peptide based LMW gels is presented. In each study, the gelation conditions were carefully studied, and the final materials were thoroughly investigated. First, the gelation ability of a fluorinated phenylalanine was assessed, to understand how the presence of a rigid moiety and the presence of fluorine may influence the gelation. In this context, a method for the dissolution of sensitive gelators was studied. Then, the control over the gel formation was studied both over time and space, taking advantage of either the pH-annealing of the gel or the reaction-diffusion of a hydrolysing reagent. Some gels were probed for various applications. Due to their ability of trapping water and organic solvents, we used gels for trapping pollutants dissolved in water, as well as a medium for the controlled release of either fragrances or bioactive compounds. Finally, the interaction of the gel matrix with a light-responsive molecule was assessed to understand wether the gel properties or the interaction of the additive with light were affected.


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Oggigiorno il concetto di informazione è diventato cruciale in fisica, pertanto, siccome la migliore teoria che abbiamo per compiere predizioni riguardo l'universo è la meccanica quantistica, assume una particolare importanza lo sviluppo di una versione quantistica della teoria dell'informazione. Questa centralità è confermata dal fatto che i buchi neri hanno entropia. Per questo motivo, in questo lavoro sono presentati elementi di teoria dell'informazione quantistica e della comunicazione quantistica e alcuni sono illustrati riferendosi a modelli quantistici altamente idealizzati della meccanica di buco nero. In particolare, nel primo capitolo sono forniti tutti gli strumenti quanto-meccanici per la teoria dell'informazione e della comunicazione quantistica. Successivamente, viene affrontata la teoria dell'informazione quantistica e viene trovato il limite di Bekenstein alla quantità di informazione chiudibile entro una qualunque regione spaziale. Tale questione viene trattata utilizzando un modello quantistico idealizzato della meccanica di buco nero supportato dalla termodinamica. Nell'ultimo capitolo, viene esaminato il problema di trovare un tasso raggiungibile per la comunicazione quantistica facendo nuovamente uso di un modello quantistico idealizzato di un buco nero, al fine di illustrare elementi della teoria. Infine, un breve sommario della fisica dei buchi neri è fornito in appendice.


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Al contrario dei computer classici, i computer quantistici lavorano tramite le leggi della meccanica quantistica, e pertanto i qubit, ovvero l'unità base di informazione quantistica, possiedono proprietà estremamente interessanti di sovrapposizione ed entanglement. Queste proprietà squisitamente quantistiche sono alla base di innumerevoli algoritmi, i quali sono in molti casi più performanti delle loro controparti classiche. Obiettivo di questo lavoro di tesi è introdurre dal punto di vista teorico la logica computazionale quantistica e di riassumere brevemente una classe di tali algoritmi quantistici, ossia gli algoritmi di Quantum Phase Estimation, il cui scopo è stimare con precisione arbitraria gli autovalori di un dato operatore unitario. Questi algoritmi giocano un ruolo cruciale in vari ambiti della teoria dell'informazione quantistica e pertanto verranno presentati anche i risultati dell'implementazione degli algoritmi discussi sia su un simulatore che su un vero computer quantistico.


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Quantum clock models are statistical mechanical spin models which may be regarded as a sort of bridge between the one-dimensional quantum Ising model and the one-dimensional quantum XY model. This thesis aims to provide an exhaustive review of these models using both analytical and numerical techniques. We present some important duality transformations which allow us to recast clock models into different forms, involving for example parafermions and lattice gauge theories. Thus, the notion of topological order enters into the game opening new scenarios for possible applications, like topological quantum computing. The second part of this thesis is devoted to the numerical analysis of clock models. We explore their phase diagram under different setups, with and without chirality, starting with a transverse field and then adding a longitudinal field as well. The most important observables we take into account for diagnosing criticality are the energy gap, the magnetisation, the entanglement entropy and the correlation functions.