917 resultados para estimativa e predição de desempenhos
With the growing demand of data traffic in the networks of third generation (3G), the mobile operators have attempted to focus resources on infrastructure in places where it identifies a greater need. The channeling investments aim to maintain the quality of service especially in dense urban areas. WCDMA - HSPA parameters Rx Power, RSCP (Received Signal Code Power), Ec/Io (Energy per chip/Interference) and transmission rate (throughput) at the physical layer are analyzed. In this work the prediction of time series on HSPA network is performed. The collection of values of the parameters was performed on a fully operational network through a drive test in Natal - RN, a capital city of Brazil northeastern. The models used for prediction of time series were the Simple Exponential Smoothing, Holt, Holt Winters Additive and Holt Winters Multiplicative. The objective of the predictions of the series is to check which model will generate the best predictions of network parameters WCDMA - HSPA.
The understanding of the occurrence and flow of groundwater in the subsurface is of fundamental importance in the exploitation of water, just like knowledge of all associated hydrogeological context. These factors are primarily controlled by geometry of a certain pore system, given the nature of sedimentary aquifers. Thus, the microstructural characterization, as the interconnectivity of the system, it is essential to know the macro properties porosity and permeability of reservoir rock, in which can be done on a statistical characterization by twodimensional analysis. The latter is being held on a computing platform, using image thin sections of reservoir rock, allowing the prediction of the properties effective porosity and hydraulic conductivity. For Barreiras Aquifer to obtain such parameters derived primarily from the interpretation of tests of aquifers, a practice that usually involves a fairly complex logistics in terms of equipment and personnel required in addition to high cost of operation. Thus, the analysis and digital image processing is presented as an alternative tool for the characterization of hydraulic parameters, showing up as a practical and inexpensive method. This methodology is based on a flowchart work involving sampling, preparation of thin sections and their respective images, segmentation and geometric characterization, three-dimensional reconstruction and flow simulation. In this research, computational image analysis of thin sections of rocks has shown that aquifer storage coefficients ranging from 0,035 to 0,12 with an average of 0,076, while its hydrogeological substrate (associated with the top of the carbonate sequence outcropping not region) presents effective porosities of the order of 2%. For the transport regime, it is evidenced that the methodology presents results below of those found in the bibliographic data relating to hydraulic conductivity, mean values of 1,04 x10-6 m/s, with fluctuations between 2,94 x10-6 m/s and 3,61x10-8 m/s, probably due to the larger scale study and the heterogeneity of the medium studied.
In this work we have investigated some aspects of the two-dimensional flow of a viscous Newtonian fluid through a disordered porous medium modeled by a random fractal system similar to the Sierpinski carpet. This fractal is formed by obstacles of various sizes, whose distribution function follows a power law. They are randomly disposed in a rectangular channel. The velocity field and other details of fluid dynamics are obtained by solving numerically of the Navier-Stokes and continuity equations at the pore level, where occurs actually the flow of fluids in porous media. The results of numerical simulations allowed us to analyze the distribution of shear stresses developed in the solid-fluid interfaces, and find algebraic relations between the viscous forces or of friction with the geometric parameters of the model, including its fractal dimension. Based on the numerical results, we proposed scaling relations involving the relevant parameters of the phenomenon, allowing quantifying the fractions of these forces with respect to size classes of obstacles. Finally, it was also possible to make inferences about the fluctuations in the form of the distribution of viscous stresses developed on the surface of obstacles.
Diesel fuel is one of leading petroleum products marketed in Brazil, and has its quality monitored by specialized laboratories linked to the National Agency of Petroleum, Natural Gas and Biofuels - ANP. The main trial evaluating physicochemical properties of diesel are listed in the resolutions ANP Nº 65 of December 9th, 2011 and Nº 45 of December 20th, 2012 that determine the specification limits for each parameter and methodologies of analysis that should be adopted. However the methods used although quite consolidated, require dedicated equipment with high cost of acquisition and maintenance, as well as technical expertise for completion of these trials. Studies for development of more rapid alternative methods and lower cost have been the focus of many researchers. In this same perspective, this work conducted an assessment of the applicability of existing specialized literature on mathematical equations and artificial neural networks (ANN) for the determination of parameters of specification diesel fuel. 162 samples of diesel with a maximum sulfur content of 50, 500 and 1800 ppm, which were analyzed in a specialized laboratory using ASTM methods recommended by the ANP, with a total of 810 trials were used for this study. Experimental results atmospheric distillation (ASTM D86), and density (ASTM D4052) of diesel samples were used as basic input variables to the equations evaluated. The RNAs were applied to predict the flash point, cetane number and sulfur content (S50, S500, S1800), in which were tested network architectures feed-forward backpropagation and generalized regression varying the parameters of the matrix input in order to determine the set of variables and the best type of network for the prediction of variables of interest. The results obtained by the equations and RNAs were compared with experimental results using the nonparametric Wilcoxon test and Student's t test, at a significance level of 5%, as well as the coefficient of determination and percentage error, an error which was obtained 27, 61% for the flash point using a specific equation. The cetane number was obtained by three equations, and both showed good correlation coefficients, especially equation based on aniline point, with the lowest error of 0,816%. ANNs for predicting the flash point and the index cetane showed quite superior results to those observed with the mathematical equations, respectively, with errors of 2,55% and 0,23%. Among the samples with different sulfur contents, the RNAs were better able to predict the S1800 with error of 1,557%. Generally, networks of the type feedforward proved superior to generalized regression.
The transport of people and goods contributes to the deterioration of the environment in urban areas because of the generation of pollution, such as, air, noise, soil, water or visual degradation. The heavy vehicles that use diesel as fuel are mainly responsible for the emission of nitrogen oxides (NOx) and particulate matter (PM), contributing to participation of the transport sector in air pollution. In addition, there is emission of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) whose main component is carbon dioxide (CO2). In most major cities, public transportation is often considered as a less polluting alternative compared to the private vehicle, in view of the potential to reduce, per passenger, the emissions of GHG and air pollutants. The study area was the city of Uberlândia and the objects of study were the trunk lines of the Sistema Integrado de Transporte (SIT). The emissions of NOx, PM and CO2 were estimated through the bottom-up approach which used the route of each bus line and also fuel consumption obtained through simulation from the TSIS software. The software has some result limitations, there are no report about the emission of pollutants by bus, and it is not able to change specifications for the fuel used by the fleet. The results obtained through calculations of pollutants and GHG emission by the bottom-up approach show that the emission is higher when using fuel comsuption obtained in simulation than using distance. For the results considering fuel and distance there was a reduction in emissions comparing ethanol and diesel.
In several areas of health professionals (pediatricians, nutritionists, orthopedists, endocrinologists, dentists, etc.) are used in the assessment of bone age to diagnose growth disorders in children. Through interviews with specialists in diagnostic imaging and research done in the literature, we identified the TW method - Tanner and Whitehouse as the most efficient. Even achieving better results than other methods, it is still not the most used, due to the complexity of their use. This work presents the possibility of automation of this method and therefore that its use more widespread. Also in this work, they are met two important steps in the evaluation of bone age, identification and classification of regions of interest. Even in the radiography in which the positioning of the hands were not suitable for TW method, the identification algorithm of the fingers showed good results. As the use AAM - Active Appearance Models showed good results in the identification of regions of interest even in radiographs with high contrast and brightness variation. It has been shown through appearance, good results in the classification of the epiphysis in their stages of development, being chosen the average epiphysis finger III (middle) to show the performance. The final results show an average percentage of 90% hit and misclassified, it was found that the error went away just one stage of the correct stage.
The inclusion of local suppliers in production chains has considerable impact on its performance, but most notably in its main actors. The results of this process may be of different kinds and can be analyzed from economic or institutional approaches. This study aimed to verify the existence of different performances of Petrobras due to the inclusion of local suppliers in the oil and gas production chain in the state of Rio Grande do Norte, from the viewpoints of transaction costs and the Institutional Theory. In order to this, were made the characterization of the PROMINP, the description of its actions and results, the mapping of its institutional context of reference, and identification of results obtained by Petrobras in terms of transaction costs and legitimacy. The theoretical framework is based on authors dealing with industrial concentration, as like Marshall, Krugman, Porter and Schmitz, from the sociological perspective of neoinstitucional theory, as like DiMaggio and Powell and Scott and Meyer, and transaction costs, as like Williamson. This is a qualitative research, with data collection done by consulting secondary fonts and semi-structured interviews with nineteen actors of three groups, namely: actors involved in actions of the program, representatives of enterprises and representative of Petrobras. To analyze the content was used the Suchman s model (1995) for categories associated with strategies of legitimation and fourteen variables associated with the three variables assets specificity, bounded rationality and opportunism (Williamson, 1995, 1989) in the case of transaction costs. The results indicate that PROMINP has achieved its objectives by encouraging the increased participation of local companies in the oil and gas production chain, reflecting in the economic development of the state. The Redepetro/RN, fostered and built upon the interaction of the participants, is presented as a solution of continuity to the participation of enterprises in the chain, after the closure of the actions of the program. PROMINP demands responses to coercive, legislative and regulatory pressures of the organizational field, whose institutional context of reference is wide. From the point of view of legitimacy, through strategies to gain cognitive legitimacy and maintaining pragmatic legitimacy, Petrobras can manipulate the environment, ensuring the compliance of the constituents to their technical and institutional demands. Enterprises, in turn, respond to the demands through compliance with technical demands, mainly through the certification of processes, and cultural changes. There aren t clear gains related to the transaction costs, however, gains in legitimacy can be seen as a cumulative capital that can serve as a competitive differential that generates economic gains. In terms of theoretical findings, it was found that, due to its explanatory power for actions that are difficult to explain only in economic terms, Institutional Theory may be used as theoretical support concurrent with other theories. TCE model has limitations in explaining the program actions. In the case, it s emphasized that Petrobras doesn t seek only economic efficiency, but has in its mission the commitment to social development.
A predição de links em redes sociais tem sido objeto de estudo em um crescente número de artigos científicos e comerciais devido à grande oferta de bases de dados com representações das relações entre pessoas e também devido à facilidade de acesso a recursos computacionais para análise dessas redes. Prever conexões em redes sociais acadêmicas contribui para o crescimento científico, facilitando a colaboração entre pesquisadores com potencial de contribuição mútua. Este trabalho busca identificar as características das redes levam a uma maior eficiência na predição de links feita por algoritmos baseados na topologia. As características serão isoladas conjuntos de dados e alguns experimentos serão repetidos com diferentes algoritmos para buscar identificar tendências. As análises feitas neste trabalho poderão ajudar a compreender melhor a dinâmica das redes sociais acadêmicas e também contribuir na escolha dos melhores algoritmos de predição de link para cada tipo de rede social.
Atualmente, a disponibilização de informações alimentares e nutricionais em estabelecimentos da área de alimentação não é obrigatória. Porém, os consumidores podem, fácil e rapidamente, obter informações precisas em sites confiáveis ou por meio de aplicativos sobre a composição nutricional e calórica de alimentos. Estudos recentes mostram a importância não só do controle da ingestão diária de calorias, mas também do consumo de carboidratos, que são os nutrientes mais responsáveis por elevar o nível de glicose no sangue. O objetivo deste trabalho é propor um modelo para reconhecimento de alimentos em imagens de refeições por meio de técnicas de Processamento Digital de Imagens, possibilitando assim, a estimativa dos valores nutricionais, calóricos e glicêmicos dos alimentos identificados. Serão analisadas imagens de refeições e mediante reconhecimento, serão estimados os valores calóricos, nutricionais e glicêmicos de cada alimento identificado e da refeição. O procedimento de construção do artefato será conduzido pelo método Design Science Research. O resultado esperado com a finalização do trabalho é o modelo de reconhecimento de alimentos em imagens de refeições e de disponibilização de informações nutricionais, calóricas e glicêmicas validado.
Um sistema de predição de alarmes com a finalidade de auxiliar a implantação de uma política de manutenção preditiva industrial e de constituir-se em uma ferramenta gerencial de apoio à tomada de decisão é proposto neste trabalho. O sistema adquire leituras de diversos sensores instalados na planta, extrai suas características e avalia a saúde do equipamento. O diagnóstico e prognóstico implica a classificação das condições de operação da planta. Técnicas de árvores de regressão e classificação não-supervisionada são utilizadas neste artigo. Uma amostra das medições de 73 variáveis feitas por sensores instalados em uma usina hidrelétrica foi utilizada para testar e validar a proposta. As medições foram amostradas em um período de 15 meses.
The assessment of building thermal performance is often carried out using HVAC energy consumption data, when available, or thermal comfort variables measurements, for free-running buildings. Both types of data can be determined by monitoring or computer simulation. The assessment based on thermal comfort variables is the most complex because it depends on the determination of the thermal comfort zone. For these reasons, this master thesis explores methods of building thermal performance assessment using variables of thermal comfort simulated by DesignBuilder software. The main objective is to contribute to the development of methods to support architectural decisions during the design process, and energy and sustainable rating systems. The research method consists on selecting thermal comfort methods, modeling them in electronic sheets with output charts developed to optimize the analyses, which are used to assess the simulation results of low cost house configurations. The house models consist in a base case, which are already built, and changes in thermal transmittance, absorptance, and shading. The simulation results are assessed using each thermal comfort method, to identify the sensitivity of them. The final results show the limitations of the methods, the importance of a method that considers thermal radiance and wind speed, and the contribution of the chart proposed
La agricultura ha estado ligada al desarrollo de las comunidades humanas. A trav?s de diferentes tecnolog?as, se ha logrado mediante pruebas, el desarrollo de programas productivos que han tratado de resolver los problemas de abastecimiento de alimentos, in ?xito, al pretender producir sin contemplar las repercusiones que se obtienen al tener programas sin control ambiental, ni mucho menos inocuidad en el producto. Por ello las diferentes corrientes de agricultura alternativa, que han surgido en la d?cada de los a?os 0, han sido una respuesta con un modelo de producci?n denominado ?Revoluci?n arde". Dada la historia, se promueve para este proyecto la utilizaci?n de las Buenas Pr?cticas agr?colas (BPA's) que incrementa la producci?n del predio mediante la optimizaci?n de so de recursos y asocio de cultivos, que en este caso es la siembra de hortalizas entre callejones de los c?tricos, para obtener cosechas alternadas, adem?s del ascenso de las mismas de los dos cultivos asociados, mediante tecnolog?as ecol?gicas de precisi?n. Para el predio LA LUNA localizado en la Vereda Potrerito del municipio de Jamando Valle, de propiedad de la COOPERATIVA TRASCENDER, se levant? el plano topogr?fico (planimetr?a-altimetria), y a parta- de ?ste de desarrollaron con tecnolog?as SIG, los tapas de variabilidad espacial de las caracter?sticas del suelo, adem?s se dise?? el programa de BPA's por sitio espec?fico para el predio la LUNA que comprende los cultivos de frijol y c?tricos, el cual se dise?? de la manera m?s ecol?gica a nuestro alcance, realizando un manejo de suelos, agua, fertilizaci?n, plagas y enfermedades integrados. Se dise?? el programa de manera que sea auto-sostenible, contemplando la producci?n s insumos agr?colas mediante la Biof?brica, con producci?n de compostaje a partir de elementos provenientes de la misma finca, as? generando un manejo adecuado de los asiduos s?lidos.