1000 resultados para basic red 51


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Este trabajo pretende realizar un acto de lectura e interpretación del texto de Enrique Vila-Matas París no se acaba nunca (2003). La lectura se sitúa desde la perspectiva concreta y delimitada de la red literaria que se teje en el novela. La metáfora de la red, atendiendo a sus tres acepciones: red como tejido, red como ardid y red como conexión, da las directrices del trabajo que intenta responder a estas cuestiones: a) qué hilos forman su tejido narrativo, b) cómo se configura la red, c) qué posibles mecanismos establecen la red como conexión. La lectura se inscribe en el doble marco de la intertextualidad y de la ironía. A través de las citas, alusiones y referencias literarias se destacan algunos procedimientos e intencionalidades en la configuración de la novelística de Enrique Vila-Matas, en su Manifiesto estético


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El projecte del grup de treball en el portafoli d’aprenentatge de l'estudiant de la UPC (GtPoE) ha tingut una durada d'un any i s'ha realitzat a la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya. Els objectius del projecte, que majoritàriament s’han assolit, han estat essencialment: (1) formació d'un grup d’interès per impulsar el portafoli i portafoli electrònic com a eines d'avaluació vàlides en el context nou de l'EEES, format per professors de la UPC i d’altres universitats que s’han volgut incorporar; (2) posta a punt i ús d’una plataforma intranet i web per a la coordinació del grup i exposició de materials; (3) realització de seminaris específics amb ponents expert en aquesta matèria per assolir les bases de la metodologia; (4) assaig per part de professors del grup de treball, d’experiències del portafoli de l’estudiant en assignatures tant obligatories com optatives en diversos centres de la UPC, i la introducció del portafoli de la carrera (o carpeta de competències) en l’EPSC; (5) adquirir documentació i referències bibliogràfiques sobre aquesta eina del portafoli i altres tècniques d’innovació docent; i (6), participar en congressos i jornades per explicar els resultats del projecte. Actualment, al final d’aquest projecte, el grup té 26 membres i la voluntat de continuar desenvolupant la tasca d’inserció del portafoli en els nous plans d’estudis. Així com també es treballa coordinadament amb els altres grups d’interès que s’han format al voltant de l’ICE de la UPC a l'entorn de la innovació docent, al mateix temps que es participa en les activitats que desenvolupa la RED E-Portfolio a nivell estatal amb objectius similars coordinada per professors de la UOC.


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Motivation. The study of human brain development in itsearly stage is today possible thanks to in vivo fetalmagnetic resonance imaging (MRI) techniques. Aquantitative analysis of fetal cortical surfacerepresents a new approach which can be used as a markerof the cerebral maturation (as gyration) and also forstudying central nervous system pathologies [1]. However,this quantitative approach is a major challenge forseveral reasons. First, movement of the fetus inside theamniotic cavity requires very fast MRI sequences tominimize motion artifacts, resulting in a poor spatialresolution and/or lower SNR. Second, due to the ongoingmyelination and cortical maturation, the appearance ofthe developing brain differs very much from thehomogenous tissue types found in adults. Third, due tolow resolution, fetal MR images considerably suffer ofpartial volume (PV) effect, sometimes in large areas.Today extensive efforts are made to deal with thereconstruction of high resolution 3D fetal volumes[2,3,4] to cope with intra-volume motion and low SNR.However, few studies exist related to the automatedsegmentation of MR fetal imaging. [5] and [6] work on thesegmentation of specific areas of the fetal brain such asposterior fossa, brainstem or germinal matrix. Firstattempt for automated brain tissue segmentation has beenpresented in [7] and in our previous work [8]. Bothmethods apply the Expectation-Maximization Markov RandomField (EM-MRF) framework but contrary to [7] we do notneed from any anatomical atlas prior. Data set &Methods. Prenatal MR imaging was performed with a 1-Tsystem (GE Medical Systems, Milwaukee) using single shotfast spin echo (ssFSE) sequences (TR 7000 ms, TE 180 ms,FOV 40 x 40 cm, slice thickness 5.4mm, in plane spatialresolution 1.09mm). Each fetus has 6 axial volumes(around 15 slices per volume), each of them acquired inabout 1 min. Each volume is shifted by 1 mm with respectto the previous one. Gestational age (GA) ranges from 29to 32 weeks. Mother is under sedation. Each volume ismanually segmented to extract fetal brain fromsurrounding maternal tissues. Then, in-homogeneityintensity correction is performed using [9] and linearintensity normalization is performed to have intensityvalues that range from 0 to 255. Note that due tointra-tissue variability of developing brain someintensity variability still remains. For each fetus, ahigh spatial resolution image of isotropic voxel size of1.09 mm is created applying [2] and using B-splines forthe scattered data interpolation [10] (see Fig. 1). Then,basal ganglia (BS) segmentation is performed on thissuper reconstructed volume. Active contour framework witha Level Set (LS) implementation is used. Our LS follows aslightly different formulation from well-known Chan-Vese[11] formulation. In our case, the LS evolves forcing themean of the inside of the curve to be the mean intensityof basal ganglia. Moreover, we add local spatial priorthrough a probabilistic map created by fitting anellipsoid onto the basal ganglia region. Some userinteraction is needed to set the mean intensity of BG(green dots in Fig. 2) and the initial fitting points forthe probabilistic prior map (blue points in Fig. 2). Oncebasal ganglia are removed from the image, brain tissuesegmentation is performed as described in [8]. Results.The case study presented here has 29 weeks of GA. Thehigh resolution reconstructed volume is presented in Fig.1. The steps of BG segmentation are shown in Fig. 2.Overlap in comparison with manual segmentation isquantified by the Dice similarity index (DSI) equal to0.829 (values above 0.7 are considered a very goodagreement). Such BG segmentation has been applied on 3other subjects ranging for 29 to 32 GA and the DSI hasbeen of 0.856, 0.794 and 0.785. Our segmentation of theinner (red and blue contours) and outer cortical surface(green contour) is presented in Fig. 3. Finally, torefine the results we include our WM segmentation in theFreesurfer software [12] and some manual corrections toobtain Fig.4. Discussion. Precise cortical surfaceextraction of fetal brain is needed for quantitativestudies of early human brain development. Our workcombines the well known statistical classificationframework with the active contour segmentation forcentral gray mater extraction. A main advantage of thepresented procedure for fetal brain surface extraction isthat we do not include any spatial prior coming fromanatomical atlases. The results presented here arepreliminary but promising. Our efforts are now in testingsuch approach on a wider range of gestational ages thatwe will include in the final version of this work andstudying as well its generalization to different scannersand different type of MRI sequences. References. [1]Guibaud, Prenatal Diagnosis 29(4) (2009). [2] Rousseau,Acad. Rad. 13(9), 2006, [3] Jiang, IEEE TMI 2007. [4]Warfield IADB, MICCAI 2009. [5] Claude, IEEE Trans. Bio.Eng. 51(4) (2004). [6] Habas, MICCAI (Pt. 1) 2008. [7]Bertelsen, ISMRM 2009 [8] Bach Cuadra, IADB, MICCAI 2009.[9] Styner, IEEE TMI 19(39 (2000). [10] Lee, IEEE Trans.Visual. And Comp. Graph. 3(3), 1997, [11] Chan, IEEETrans. Img. Proc, 10(2), 2001 [12] Freesurfer,http://surfer.nmr.mgh.harvard.edu.


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There has been a long debate since the introduction of blood analysis prior to major sports events, to find out whether blood samples should be analysed right away on the site of competition or whether they should be transported and analysed in an anti-doping laboratory. Therefore, it was necessary to measure blood samples and compare the results obtained right after the blood withdrawal with those obtained after a few hours delay. Furthermore, it was interesting to determine the effect of temperature on the possible deterioration of red blood cell analytes used for testing recombinant erythropoietin abuse. Healthy volunteers were asked to give two blood samples and one of these was kept at room temperature whereas the second one was put into a refrigerator. On a regular basis, the samples were rolled for homogenisation and temperature stabilisation and were analysed with the same haematological apparatus. The results confirmed that blood controls prior to competition should be performed as soon as possible with standardised pre-analytical conditions to avoid too many variations notably on the haematocrit and the reticulocyte count. These recommendations should ideally also be applied to the all the blood controls compulsory for the medical follow up, otherwise unexplainable values could be misinterpreted and could for instance lead to a period of incapacity.


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We define a new version of the exterior derivative on the basic forms of a Riemannian foliation to obtain a new form of basic cohomology that satisfies Poincaré duality in the transversally orientable case. We use this twisted basic cohomology to show relationships between curvature, tautness, and vanishing of the basic Euler characteristic and basic signature.


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In this paper we prove a formula for the analytic index of a basic Dirac-type operator on a Riemannian foliation, solving a problem that has been open for many years. We also consider more general indices given by twisting the basic Dirac operator by a representation of the orthogonal group. The formula is a sum of integrals over blowups of the strata of the foliation and also involves eta invariants of associated elliptic operators. As a special case, a Gauss-Bonnet formula for the basic Euler characteristic is obtained using two independent proofs.


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The electrostatic surface charge and surface tension of mononuclear cells/monocytes obtained from young and adult marsupials (Didelphis marsupialis) were investigated by using cationized ferritin and colloidal iron hydroxyde, whole cell electrophoresis, and measurements of contact angles. Anionic sites were found distributed throughout the entire investigated cell surfaces. The results revealed that the anionic character of the cells is given by electrostatic charges corresponding to -18.8 mV (cells from young animals) and -29.3 mV (cells from adult animals). The surface electrostatic charge decreased from 10 to 65.2% after treatment of the cells with each one of trypsin, neuraminidase and phospholipase C. The hydrophobic nature of the mononuclear cell surfaces studied by using the contact angle method revealed that both young and adult cells possess cell surfaces of high hidrofilicity since the angles formed with drops of saline water were 42.5°and 40.8°, respectively. Treatment of the cells with trypsin or neuraminidase rendered their surfaces more hydrophobic, suggesting that sialic acid-containing glycoproteins are responsible for most of the hydrophilicity observed in the mononuclear cell surfaces from D. marsupialis.


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Among the various determinants of treatment response, the achievement of sufficient blood levels is essential for curing malaria. For helping us at improving our current understanding of antimalarial drugs pharmacokinetics, efficacy and toxicity, we have developed a liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method (LC-MS/MS) requiring 200mul of plasma for the simultaneous determination of 14 antimalarial drugs and their metabolites which are the components of the current first-line combination treatments for malaria (artemether, artesunate, dihydroartemisinin, amodiaquine, N-desethyl-amodiaquine, lumefantrine, desbutyl-lumefantrine, piperaquine, pyronaridine, mefloquine, chloroquine, quinine, pyrimethamine and sulfadoxine). Plasma is purified by a combination of protein precipitation, evaporation and reconstitution in methanol/ammonium formate 20mM (pH 4.0) 1:1. Reverse-phase chromatographic separation of antimalarial drugs is obtained using a gradient elution of 20mM ammonium formate and acetonitrile both containing 0.5% formic acid, followed by rinsing and re-equilibration to the initial solvent composition up to 21min. Analyte quantification, using matrix-matched calibration samples, is performed by electro-spray ionization-triple quadrupole mass spectrometry by selected reaction monitoring detection in the positive mode. The method was validated according to FDA recommendations, including assessment of extraction yield, matrix effect variability, overall process efficiency, standard addition experiments as well as antimalarials short- and long-term stability in plasma. The reactivity of endoperoxide-containing antimalarials in the presence of hemolysis was tested both in vitro and on malaria patients samples. With this method, signal intensity of artemisinin decreased by about 20% in the presence of 0.2% hemolysed red-blood cells in plasma, whereas its derivatives were essentially not affected. The method is precise (inter-day CV%: 3.1-12.6%) and sensitive (lower limits of quantification 0.15-3.0 and 0.75-5ng/ml for basic/neutral antimalarials and artemisinin derivatives, respectively). This is the first broad-range LC-MS/MS assay covering the currently in-use antimalarials. It is an improvement over previous methods in terms of convenience (a single extraction procedure for 14 major antimalarials and metabolites reducing significantly the analytical time), sensitivity, selectivity and throughput. While its main limitation is investment costs for the equipment, plasma samples can be collected in the field and kept at 4 degrees C for up to 48h before storage at -80 degrees C. It is suited to detecting the presence of drug in subjects for screening purposes and quantifying drug exposure after treatment. It may contribute to filling the current knowledge gaps in the pharmacokinetics/pharmacodynamics relationships of antimalarials and better define the therapeutic dose ranges in different patient populations.


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Introduction: The presence of intra-articular basic calcium phosphate (BCP) crystals, including OCP, carbonated-apatite, hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate crystals, is associated with severe osteoarthritis and destructive arthropathies such as Milwaukee shoulder. Although BCP crystals displayed, in vitro, mitogenic, anabolic and catabolic responses, their intra-articular effect was never assessed.Objective: To determine the effects of OCP crystals in joints in vivo.Methods: OCP crystals (200 ug in 20 ml PBS) were injected into the right knee joint (the contra-lateral knee joint injected with 20 ul of PBS serving as a control) of wild-type mice treated or not by the IL1R antagonist Anakinra or mice deficient for the inflammasome proteins ASC and NALP3. 4 days and 17 days after crystal injection, mice were sacrificed and knee joints dissected. Histological scoring for synovial inflammation and characterisation of macrophages, neutrophils and T cells were performed. Technetium (Tc) uptake was measured at 6h, 1 and 4 days after OCP injection. Cartilage degradation was evaluated by Safranin O staining and VDIPEN immunohistochemistry. Intra-articular localisation of injected OCP crystals was evidenced by Von Kossa staining.Results: The intra-articular localisation of injected OCP crystals was evidenced by Von Kossa staining performed on non-decalcified samples embedded in methyl-metacrylate. Injection of OCP crystals into knee joints led at day 4 to an inflammatory response with intense macrophage staining and also some neutrophil recruitment in the synovial membrane. This synovitis was not accompanied by increased Tc uptake into the knee joint, Tc uptake being similar in OCP crystal injected knee or control knee at all time points investigated (6h, 1 day, 4 days). The histological modifications persisted over 17 days, with an additional fibrosis evidenced at this later time-point. The OCP crystal-induced synovitis was totally IL-1a and IL-1 independent as shown by the absence of inhibitory effects of anakinra injected into wild-type mice. Accordingly, OCP crystal-induced synovitis was similar in ASC-/- and NALP3-/- mice as no alterations of inflammation were demonstrated between these mice groups. Concerning cartilage matrix degradation, OCP crystals induced a strong breakdown of proteoglycans 4 and 17 days after injection, as measured by loss of red staining from Safranin O-stained sections of cartilage surfaces. In addition, we also measured advanced cartilage matrix destruction mediated by MMPs, as evidenced by VDIPEN staining of cartilage. OCP-mediated cartilage degradation was similar in all experimental conditions tested (WT+Anakinra, or ASC or NALP3 deficient mice).Conclusion: These data indicate in vivo that the intra-articular presence of OCP crystals is associated with cartilage destruction along with synovial inflammation. This is an interesting and new model of destructive arthropathy related to BCP crystals which will allow to assess new therapies in this disease.


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PURPOSE OF REVIEW: The mechanisms involved in the formation of red blood cell (RBC) microparticles in vivo as well as during erythrocyte storage are reviewed, and the potential role of microparticles in transfusion medicine is described. RECENT FINDINGS: Microparticles release is an integral part of the erythrocyte ageing process, preventing early removal of RBCs. Proteomics analyses have outlined the key role of band 3-ankyrin anchoring complex and the occurrence of selective RBC membrane remodelling mechanisms in microparticles formation. The presence of several RBC antigens, expressed on microparticles, has been demonstrated. The potential deleterious effects of RBC microparticles in transfused recipients, including hypercoagulability, microcirculation impairment and immunosuppression, are discussed. SUMMARY: Formation and role of RBC microparticles are far from being completely understood. Combining various approaches to elucidate these mechanisms could improve blood product quality and transfusion safety. Implementation of RBC microparticles as biomarkers in the laboratory routine needs to overcome technical barriers involved in their analysis.


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INTRODUCTION: Central nervous system prophylaxis of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia has dropped rates of relapses but has been associated with neurotoxicity and imaging abnormalities. Predictors of neurotoxicity are lacking, because of inconsistency between clinical symptoms and imaging. Some have suggested that cerebrospinal fluid myelin basic protein (MBP) levels to be of potential interest. A retrospective analysis of MBP levels in correlation with clinical and radiologic data is presented. MATERIALS AND METHODS: MBP levels obtained at the time of intrathecals, charts, and neuroradiology reports were retrospectively analyzed. Academic achievement data were obtained from phone contacts with patients and families. RESULTS: We retrieved 1248 dosages of MBP in 83 patients, 381 neurologic examinations in 34 patients and 69 neuroradiologic investigations in 27 patients. Fifty-two patients had abnormal MBP levels. Radiologic anomalies were present in 47% of those investigated, 14% of them having school difficulties. Proportions of patients with school difficulties in the groups with abnormal MBP levels but no radiologic anomalies or with no radiologic investigations were 0% and 3%, respectively, which was lower than in the group of patients with normal MBP levels (100%, 22%, and 5%, respectively). DISCUSSION: Notwithstanding the retrospective character of our study, we conclude that there is limited usefulness of systematic dosage of MBP as indicator of treatment-induced neurotoxicity in acute lymphoblastic leukemia patients.


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PURPOSE: We characterized the pupil responses that reflect rod, cone, and melanopsin function in a genetically homogeneous cohort of patients with autosomal dominant retinitis pigmentosa (adRP). METHODS: Nine patients with Gly56Arg mutation of the NR2E3 gene and 12 control subjects were studied. Pupil and subjective visual responses to red and blue light flashes over a 7 log-unit range of intensities were recorded under dark and light adaptation. The pupil responses were plotted against stimulus intensity to obtain red-light and blue-light response curves. RESULTS: In the dark-adapted blue-light stimulus condition, patients showed significantly higher threshold intensities for visual perception and for a pupil response compared to controls (P = 0.02 and P = 0.006, respectively). The rod-dependent, blue-light pupil responses decreased with disease progression. In contrast, the cone-dependent pupil responses (light-adapted red-light stimulus condition) did not differ between patients and controls. The difference in the retinal sensitivity to blue and red stimuli was the most sensitive parameter to detect photoreceptor dysfunction. Unexpectedly, the melanopsin-mediated pupil response was decreased in patients (P = 0.02). CONCLUSIONS: Pupil responses of patients with NR2E3-associated adRP demonstrated reduced retinal sensitivity to dim blue light under dark adaptation, presumably reflecting decreased rod function. Rod-dependent pupil responses were quantifiable in all patients, including those with non-recordable scotopic electroretinogram, and correlated with the extent of clinical disease. Thus, the chromatic pupil light reflex can be used to monitor photoreceptor degeneration over a larger range of disease progression compared to standard electrophysiology.