999 resultados para anestesia geral
O material apresenta uma visão geral de subsistemas de entrada e saída (E/S) de dados, destacando seu gerenciamento. O texto traz também as atuações do Sistema Operacional nas operações de E/S (emitir comandos para os dispositivos, atender interrupções geradas pelos dispositivos, tratar erros nas operações desses dispositivos, prover uma interface para utilização dos dispositivos), os aspectos de hardware, os aspectos de software e seus objetivos (independência de dispositivo, nomeação uniforme; manipulação de erros; transferência síncrona (bloqueante) e assíncrona (orientada a interrupções); dispositivos compartilhados e dedicados). Por fim, destaca uma forma de estruturação do software de E/S através de: Tratadores de interrupção, controladores de dispositivos, software de E/S independente de dispositivo e Software de E/S ao nível do usuário.
O projecto Supervisão Pedagógica – Inspecção Geral de Educação surgiu mediante a procura da ligação entre a supervisão pedagógica e a inspecção geral de educação. É nosso desejo aferir como os docentes enquadram inspecção escolar e se a perspectivam como condicionantes, constrangimentos ou como processo facilitador da promoção de uma prática educativa de qualidade. Pretende-se perceber como visionam, docentes e inspectores a supervisão pedagógica e a inspecção geral de educação questionando sobre a possibilidade de ligação entre ambas como forma de redimensionar as práticas na procura da melhoria da qualidade educativa. Indiscutivelmente este estudo apresenta-se com um desafio que poderá transformarnos e ajudar-nos a perceber que poderá existir mais de um caminho a escolher na educação e que nem tudo é linear como nos apresenta o senso comum. O que importa perceber é que, efectivamente, não vivemos sós e na educação não poderá existir facilitismos, assim como individualismo de todas as instituições que (in)directamente influenciam o desenvolvimento do processo de saber e crescer dos alunos.
O regime eólico de uma região pode ser descrito por distribuição de frequências que fornecem informações e características extremamente necessárias para uma possível implantação de sistemas eólicos de captação de energia na região e consequentes aplicações no meio rural em regiões afastadas. Estas características, tais como a velocidade média anual, a variância das velocidades registradas e a densidade da potência eólica média horária, podem ser obtidas pela frequência de ocorrências de determinada velocidade, que por sua vez deve ser estudada através de expressões analíticas. A função analítica mais adequada para distribuições eólicas é a função de densidade de Weibull, que pode ser determinada por métodos numéricos e regressões lineares. O objetivo deste trabalho é caracterizar analítica e geometricamente todos os procedimentos metodológicos necessários para a realização de uma caracterização completa do regime eólico de uma região e suas aplicações na região de Botucatu - SP, visando a determinar o potencial energético para implementação de turbinas eólicas. Assim, foi possível estabelecer teoremas relacionados com a forma de caracterização do regime eólico, estabelecendo a metodologia concisa analiticamente para a definição dos parâmetros eólicos de qualquer região a ser estudada. Para o desenvolvimento desta pesquisa, utilizou-se um anemômetro da CAMPBELL.
Introdução: Estudos demonstram uma relação entre a queda da imunidade e o aumento da incidência de câncer. Objetivo: Comparar a incidência de câncer em pacientes infectados pelo HIV e em transplantados com a da população geral. Métodos: Foi realizada revisão sistemática com metanálise, combinando descritores específicos nas bases de dados Pubmed, Scielo, Cancerlit e Google Scholar, buscando alta sensibilidade para responder o objetivo da pesquisa. Os artigos considerados de alta qualidade metodológica por apresentarem todos os critérios de inclusão foram avaliados por metanálise. Resultados: Foram incluídos 25 estudos envolvendo 866776 pessoas com HIV/AIDS e transplantados, em que foram diagnosticados 21260 novos casos de carcinoma. Observou-se que o risco para o surgimento de novos casos de câncer foi maior entre indivíduos com HIV/AIDS (SIR= 4, IC95% 3,78-4,24) e entre os transplantados (SIR= 3,28, IC95% 3,06-3,52) quando comparado com a população em geral. Conclusão: A incidência similar em ambas as populações pesquisadas sugere que o comprometimento do sistema imune, comum em ambas, é responsável pelo risco aumentado de novos casos de câncer. Investimentos em pesquisas que desenvolvam estratégias de prevenção mais eficazes para os dois grupos são necessários, pois podem contribuir para a redução da incidência e para a diminuição da mortalidade.
The hematological responses in tuvira (Gymnotus aff. inaequilabiatus) after clove oil anesthesia at different concentrations were evaluated in this study. Fish (n = 25) with average length of 26.8 +/- 2.4 cm and weighing 94.4 +/- 23.6 g were separated in five groups composed with five animals each and submitted individually to respective concentrations of clove oil: 40, 80, 120, 160 and 200 mg L-1. After anesthetic recuperation, the blood samples collection were performed, as well as complete hemogram. The results were submitted to analysis of variance, Tukey test (P<0.05) and Sperman's correlation analysis. There was an increase (P<0.05) on hematocrit, red blood cells count, thrombocytes count and in the values of neutrophils with increasing of clove oil concentrations. In addition, positive correlation (P<0.05) were observed on total leukocytes, as well as negative linear correlation (P<0.05) for mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC). The clove oil anesthesia on tuvira cause hematological changes with an effect dose-dependent. These changes should be considered mainly in future studies designed to establish the reference values of hematologic variables for this specie.
One of the greatest challenges of demography, nowadays, is to obtain estimates of mortality, in a consistent manner, mainly in small areas. The lack of this information, hinders public health actions and leads to impairment of quality of classification of deaths, generating concern on the part of demographers and epidemiologists in obtaining reliable statistics of mortality in the country. In this context, the objective of this work is to obtain estimates of deaths adjustment factors for correction of adult mortality, by States, meso-regions and age groups in the northeastern region, in 2010. The proposal is based on two lines of observation: a demographic one and a statistical one, considering also two areas of coverage in the States of the Northeast region, the meso-regions, as larger areas and counties, as small areas. The methodological principle is to use the General Equation and Balancing demographic method or General Growth Balance to correct the observed deaths, in larger areas (meso-regions) of the states, since they are less prone to breakage of methodological assumptions. In the sequence, it will be applied the statistical empirical Bayesian estimator method, considering as sum of deaths in the meso-regions, the death value corrected by the demographic method, and as reference of observation of smaller area, the observed deaths in small areas (counties). As results of this combination, a smoothing effect on the degree of coverage of deaths is obtained, due to the association with the empirical Bayesian Estimator, and the possibility of evaluating the degree of coverage of deaths by age groups at counties, meso-regions and states levels, with the advantage of estimete adjustment factors, according to the desired level of aggregation. The results grouped by State, point to a significant improvement of the degree of coverage of deaths, according to the combination of the methods with values above 80%. Alagoas (0.88), Bahia (0.90), Ceará (0.90), Maranhão (0.84), Paraíba (0.88), Pernambuco (0.93), Piauí (0.85), Rio Grande do Norte (0.89) and Sergipe (0.92). Advances in the control of the registry information in the health system, linked to improvements in socioeconomic conditions and urbanization of the counties, in the last decade, provided a better quality of information registry of deaths in small areas
Brazil since its first republican constitution has adopted systems of laws control. The review activity was given to three state powers or functions state, Executive, Legislative and Judiciary. However, it appears that in the country along the constitutional history, has stood considerably the jurisdictional control of the most important control. Initially, back in 1891, Brazil adopted the jurisdictional control of diffuse from U.S, whose role in monitoring of standards is delivered to all organs of the judiciary, which may face a case, put on trial, ascertain whether or not the possibility of applying a law, removing its impact in case of unconstitutionality. In 1969, entered in the second legal model of judicial review, the concentrated control of constitutionality, whose inspiration comes from the positivist theory of Hans Kelsen, and was adopted by the Austrian Constitution of 1920. According to the abstract control the supervision of law is given to a Court or Constitutional Court, responsible for the analysis of the legal constitutionality independent of its application to a specific case. In Brazil the role of concentrated control was handed over exclusively to the Supreme Court, which serves as the Constitutional Court, which accumulates that function with other constitutionally provided jurisdiction. Throughout this period, from 1891 until today, Brazil has maintained a dual system of judicial control of legal constitutionality, where they coexist and harmonize the diffuse control exercised by any organ of the Judiciary, and concentrated control of competence the Supreme Court. However, one must recognize that with the advent of the Federal Constitution of 1988, the concentrated control has emerged on the national stage due to two important factors: the expansion of the legal capacity to sue and the inclusion of other ways control, besides the already known Direct Claim of Unconstitutionality. This concentrated control and projection of the Supreme Court s attempt to become a true constitutional court, led to a relative weakening of diffuse control even when performed by the Brazilian Constitutional Court. In order to become a true constitutional court, all decisions handed down by the Supreme in the exercise of constitutional jurisdiction should have the same weight and the same measure, or at least bring improvement to similar effects, once is the responsible for the final word when it comes to constitutional interpretation. Thus, the writs of certiorari and stare decisis were responsible for profound changes in the diffuse control, allowing the Supreme Court can strengthen its decisions even in the diffuse control. These two institutions have substantially changed the legal status of diffuse control, allowing an extension of the effects of decisions handed down by the Supreme Court, so that you can no longer be said that the effects of this control to restrict the disputing parties in the process
Recent research has revealed that the majority of Biology teachers believe the practice of experimental activities as a didactical means would be the solution for the improvement of the Biology teaching-learning process. There are, however, studies which signal the lack of efficiency in such practice lessons as far as building scientific knowledge is concerned. It is also said that despite the enthusiasm on the teachers‟ part, such classes are rarely taught in high school. Several studies point pedagogical difficulties as well as nonexistence of a minimal infrastructure needed in laboratories as cause of low frequency in experimental activities. The poor teacher performance in terms of planning and development of classes; the large number of students per class; lack of financial stimulus for teachers are other reasons to be taken into account among others, in which can also be included difficulties of epistemological nature. That means an unfavorable eye of the teacher towards experimental activities. Our study aimed to clarify if such scenario is generalized in high schools throughout the state of Rio Grande do Norte Brazil. During our investigation a sample of twenty teaching institutions were used. They were divided in two groups: in the first group, five IFRN- Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia do Rio Grande do Norte schools. Two of those in Natal, and the other three from the country side. The second group is represented by fifteen state schools belonging to the Natal metropolitan area. The objectives of the research were to label schools concerning laboratory facilities; to identify difficulties pointed by teachers when performing experiment classes, and to become familiar with the conceptions of the teachers in regarding biology experiment classes. To perform such task, a questionnaire was used as instrument of data collecting. It contained multiple choice, essay questions and a semi-structured interview with the assistance of a voice recorder. The data analysis and the in loco observation allowed the conclusion that the federal schools do present better facilities for the practice of experimental activities when compared to state schools. Another aspect pointed is the fact that teachers of federal schools have more time available for planning the experiments; they are also better paid and are given access a career development, which leads to better salaries. All those advantages however, do not show a significantly higher frequency regarding the development of experiments when compared to state school teachers. Both teachers of federal and state schools pointed infra-structure problems such as the availability of reactants, equipments and consumption supplies as main obstacle to the practice of experiments in biology classes. Such fact leads us to conclude that maybe there are other problems not covered by the questionnaire such as poor ability to plan and execute experimental activities. As far as conceptions about experimental activities, it was verified in the majority of the interviewees a inductive-empiric point of view of science possibly inherited during their academic formation and such point of view reflected on the way they plan and execute experiments with students
O objetivo deste trabalho é fazer uma proposta de intervenção na Controladoria Geral do Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, com o intuito de fortalecê-la, tendo como base a Emenda Constitucional nº 45/2009, que propõe a inserção das macrofunções do Controle Interno: Auditoria Governamental, Controladoria, Corregedoria, Ouvidoria e Carreiras Específicas para os órgãos de Controle Interno. Para dar suporte a proposta, foi feita uma revisão da literatura sobre controles públicos, controle interno governamental, macrofunções do controle interno e sobre carreiras públicas no Brasil. Para propor as mudanças foram realizados dois diagnósticos no órgão, por meio de entrevistas, e constatados problemas na área de gestão organizacional e de pessoal. Diante dos resultados apresentados por meio dos diagnósticos, foram propostas mudanças e feitas comparações entre a estrutura atual e a proposta, procurando evidenciar a vantagem da última sobre a primeira, em termos de eficiência operacional, economia de meio, economia de execução, amplitude no atendimento a população, proteção e combate à corrupção, fomento ao controle social, promoção da cidadania e justiça social
O artigo - um exame hermenêutico do livro Essais sur l'enseignement en général, et sur celui des mathématiques en particulier, de 1805, de Sylvestre-François Lacroix, enfatizando sua segunda parte, na qual o autor discute seu Curso de Matemática Elementar, uma série de manuais escolares elaborados para a Escola Central das Quatro Nações - tem sua fundamentação ligada à Hermenêutica de Profundidade de Thompson conjugada a procedimentos de investigação textual sugeridos por Genette quanto aos paratextos editoriais. Defende que o livro de Lacroix é uma obra auto-referencial, de cunho claramente autobiográfico, que responde mais aos ideais iluministas da França do Setecentos que às perspectivas do século XIX, quando a obra circulou, tendo sido reeditada por quatro vezes, sob Napoleão, na primeira metade do Oitocentos. Raramente focalizado em trabalhos de pesquisa, o livro - cujas edições estão disponíveis eletronicamente - tem uma única tradução, ainda inédita, para o português.
In this work, the paper of Campos and Dorea [3] was detailed. In that article a Kernel Estimator was applied to a sequence of random variables with general state space, which were independent and identicaly distributed. In chapter 2, the estimator´s properties such as asymptotic unbiasedness, consistency in quadratic mean, strong consistency and asymptotic normality were verified. In chapter 3, using R software, numerical experiments were developed in order to give a visual idea of the estimate process
Processing in the visual system starts in the retina. Its complex network of cells with different properties enables for parallel encoding and transmission of visual information to the lateral geniculate nucleus (LGN) and to the cortex. In the retina, it has been shown that responses are often accompanied by fast synchronous oscillations (30 - 90 Hz) in a stimulus-dependent manner. Studies in the frog, rabbit, cat and monkey, have shown strong oscillatory responses to large stimuli which probably encode global stimulus properties, such as size and continuity (Neuenschwander and Singer, 1996; Ishikane et al., 2005). Moreover, simultaneous recordings from different levels in the visual system have demonstrated that the oscillatory patterning of retinal ganglion cell responses are transmitted to the cortex via the LGN (Castelo-Branco et al., 1998). Overall these results suggest that feedforward synchronous oscillations contribute to visual encoding. In the present study on the LGN of the anesthetized cat, we further investigate the role of retinal oscillations in visual processing by applying complex stimuli, such as natural visual scenes, light spots of varying size and contrast, and flickering checkerboards. This is a necessary step for understanding encoding mechanisms in more naturalistic conditions, as currently most data on retinal oscillations have been limited to simple, flashed and stationary stimuli. Correlation analysis of spiking responses confirmed previous results showing that oscillatory responses in the retina (observed here from the LGN responses) largely depend on the size and stationarity of the stimulus. For natural scenes (gray-level and binary movies) oscillations appeared only for brief moments probably when receptive fields were dominated by large continuous, flat-contrast surfaces. Moreover, oscillatory responses to a circle stimulus could be broken with an annular mask indicating that synchronization arises from relatively local interactions among populations of activated cells in the retina. A surprising finding in this study was that retinal oscillations are highly dependent on halothane anesthesia levels. In the absence of halothane, oscillatory activity vanished independent of the characteristics of the stimuli. The same results were obtained for isoflurane, which has similar pharmacological properties. These new and unexpected findings question whether feedfoward oscillations in the early visual system are simply due to an imbalance between excitation and inhibition in the retinal networks generated by the halogenated anesthetics. Further studies in awake behaving animals are necessary to extend these conclusions
Some studies reported in the literature that emotional factors and quality of life may be involved both in aetiology, as in the progression of Temporomandibular disorders (TMD). Proposition: The purpose of this study is to observe a possible association between different forms of anxiety, quality of life and general health of patients diagnosed as carriers of various types and levels of Temporomandibular Dysfunction. Methodology: The sample consisted of 60 patients diagnosed as carriers of TMJD origin of muscle, joint, or both, with different levels of severity (mild TMD, moderate and severe). The patients were diagnosed with TMD-RDC (Research Diagnostic Criteria) to assess the type of dysfunction (muscle or joint) and by the Protocol of Fonseca to verify the degree of dysfunction (mild, moderate or severe). To evaluate the psychosocial aspects were used three self-applied, with the purpose of obtaining information about the general health (General Health Questionnaire - GHQ), the type of anxiety (Trait Anxiety Inventory-State - STAI) and quality of life (World Health Organization Quality Of Life Short WHOQOL-brief). Results: There was a correlation between all indicators studied in several forms of TMD with varying degrees of commitment. Quality of life appeared linked to the type and the level of TMD: Muscular and Articular TMD (p = 0,037), Disk Displacement With Reduction (p = 0.01) and Mild TMD (p = 0.042). The General Health showed association with the level of TMD, with the exception of the stress factor (p = 0.78). For the analysis of the types and levels to Severe Muscular TMD had a statistically significant indicator of the quality of life (p = 0049). The anxiety only showed association with the level of TMD (p = 0,047 for anxiety-trait). Conclusion: Besides the limitations of the study, it was concluded that anxiety, quality of life and general health are important psychosocial indicators, which are linked to several forms of TMD in different levels of severity
O presente artigo avalia a formação e o funcionamento do Conselho Geral da Província de São Paulo durante o Primeiro Império. Organismo previsto na Constituição de 1824, com funções que podem ser consideradas um embrião do Poder Legislativo provincial, organizou-se efetivamente na província de São Paulo em 1828, quando o governo de D. Pedro I já se desgastava. O significado de sua existência no contexto das dinâmicas centrífugas e centrípetas atuantes na primeira construção do Estado no Brasil independente constituem o principal objetivo da presente análise.
Muitos professores buscam, em textos jornalísticos, revistas ou jornais, matérias com conteúdo científico para utilizarem como material de apoio em classe. Será que o conteúdo científico contido nesse material é, realmente, aproveitável? O discurso utilizado pelos jornalistas promove o conhecimento científico sobre os assuntos que discutem? Assim, este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar, quanto ao conteúdo científico, didático e acessível, matérias das revistas semanais de conteúdo geral mais lidas do país, Veja e Época, publicadas em 2008, com o tema Meio Ambiente. Os resultados permitiram concluir que os textos apresentados pela revista Veja promovem um discurso científico aproveitável do ponto de vista didático, podendo ser utilizados em sala de aula como material de apoio e complementar pelos professores.