959 resultados para Web access characterization
VANTI, Nadia. Mapeamento das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior da Região Nordeste do Brasil na Web. Informação & informação, Londrina, v. 15, p. 55-67, 2010
This paper describes the development and evaluation of web-based museum trails for university-level design students to access on handheld devices in the Victoria and Albert Museum (V&A) in London. The trails offered students a range of ways of exploring the museum environment and collections, some encouraging students to interpret objects and museum spaces in lateral and imaginative ways, others more straightforwardly providing context and extra information. In a three-stage qualitative evaluation programme, student feedback showed that overall the trails enhanced students’ knowledge of, interest in, and closeness to the objects. However, the trails were only partially successful from a technological standpoint due to device and network problems. Broader findings suggest that technology has a key role to play in helping to maintain the museum as a learning space which complements that of universities as well as schools. This research informed my other work in visitor-constructed learning trails in museums, specifically in the theoretical approach to data analysis used, in the research design, and in informing ways to structure visitor experiences in museums. It resulted in a conference presentation, and more broadly informed my subsequent teaching practice.
The business system known as Pyramid does today not provide its user with a reasonable system regarding case management for support issues. The current system in place requires the customer to contact its provider via telephone to register new cases. In addition to this, current system doesn’t include any way for the user to view any of their current cases without contacting the provider.A solution to this issue is to migrate the current case management system from a telephone contact to a web based platform, where customers could easier access their current cases, but also directly through the website create new cases. This new system would reduce the time required to manually manage each individual case, for both customer and provider, resulting in an overall reduction in cost for both parties.The result is a system divided into two different sections, the first one is an API created in Pyramid that acts as a web service, and the second one a website which customers can connect to. The website will allow users to overview their current cases, but also the option to create new cases directly through the site. All the information used to the website is obtained through the web service inside Pyramid. Analyzing the final design of the system, the developers where able to conclude both positive and negative aspects of the systems’ final design. If the platform chosen was the optimal choice or not, and also what can be include if the system is further developed, will be discussed.The development process and the method used during development will also be analyzed and discussed, what positive and negative aspects that where encountered. In addition to this the cause and effect of a development team smaller than the suggested size will also be analyzed. Lastly an analysis of actions that could’ve been made in order to prevent certain issues from occurring will.
Nervous system disorders are associated with cognitive and motor deficits, and are responsible for the highest disability rates and global burden of disease. Their recovery paths are vulnerable and dependent on the effective combination of plastic brain tissue properties, with complex, lengthy and expensive neurorehabilitation programs. This work explores two lines of research, envisioning sustainable solutions to improve treatment of cognitive and motor deficits. Both projects were developed in parallel and shared a new sensible approach, where low-cost technologies were integrated with common clinical operative procedures. The aim was to achieve more intensive treatments under specialized monitoring, improve clinical decision-making and increase access to healthcare. The first project (articles I – III) concerned the development and evaluation of a web-based cognitive training platform (COGWEB), suitable for intensive use, either at home or at institutions, and across a wide spectrum of ages and diseases that impair cognitive functioning. It was tested for usability in a memory clinic setting and implemented in a collaborative network, comprising 41 centers and 60 professionals. An adherence and intensity study revealed a compliance of 82.8% at six months and an average of six hours/week of continued online cognitive training activities. The second project (articles IV – VI) was designed to create and validate an intelligent rehabilitation device to administer proprioceptive stimuli on the hemiparetic side of stroke patients while performing ambulatory movement characterization (SWORD). Targeted vibratory stimulation was found to be well tolerated and an automatic motor characterization system retrieved results comparable to the first items of the Wolf Motor Function Test. The global system was tested in a randomized placebo controlled trial to assess its impact on a common motor rehabilitation task in a relevant clinical environment (early post-stroke). The number of correct movements on a hand-to-mouth task was increased by an average of 7.2/minute while the probability to perform an error decreased from 1:3 to 1:9. Neurorehabilitation and neuroplasticity are shifting to more neuroscience driven approaches. Simultaneously, their final utility for patients and society is largely dependent on the development of more effective technologies that facilitate the dissemination of knowledge produced during the process. The results attained through this work represent a step forward in that direction. Their impact on the quality of rehabilitation services and public health is discussed according to clinical, technological and organizational perspectives. Such a process of thinking and oriented speculation has led to the debate of subsequent hypotheses, already being explored in novel research paths.
ALVES, Ana Paula de Melo et al. Synthesis and characterization of hybrids derived from vermiculite chloropropyl and aliphatic diamines. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, v.87, n. 3, p.771–774, 2007.
MELO, D. M. A. et al. Synthesis and charactezarion of lanthanum and yttrium doped Fe2O3 pigments. Cerâmica, São Paulo, v. 53, p. 79-82, 2007.
Authentication plays an important role in how we interact with computers, mobile devices, the web, etc. The idea of authentication is to uniquely identify a user before granting access to system privileges. For example, in recent years more corporate information and applications have been accessible via the Internet and Intranet. Many employees are working from remote locations and need access to secure corporate files. During this time, it is possible for malicious or unauthorized users to gain access to the system. For this reason, it is logical to have some mechanism in place to detect whether the logged-in user is the same user in control of the user's session. Therefore, highly secure authentication methods must be used. We posit that each of us is unique in our use of computer systems. It is this uniqueness that is leveraged to "continuously authenticate users" while they use web software. To monitor user behavior, n-gram models are used to capture user interactions with web-based software. This statistical language model essentially captures sequences and sub-sequences of user actions, their orderings, and temporal relationships that make them unique by providing a model of how each user typically behaves. Users are then continuously monitored during software operations. Large deviations from "normal behavior" can possibly indicate malicious or unintended behavior. This approach is implemented in a system called Intruder Detector (ID) that models user actions as embodied in web logs generated in response to a user's actions. User identification through web logs is cost-effective and non-intrusive. We perform experiments on a large fielded system with web logs of approximately 4000 users. For these experiments, we use two classification techniques; binary and multi-class classification. We evaluate model-specific differences of user behavior based on coarse-grain (i.e., role) and fine-grain (i.e., individual) analysis. A specific set of metrics are used to provide valuable insight into how each model performs. Intruder Detector achieves accurate results when identifying legitimate users and user types. This tool is also able to detect outliers in role-based user behavior with optimal performance. In addition to web applications, this continuous monitoring technique can be used with other user-based systems such as mobile devices and the analysis of network traffic.
A utilização das TIC ocupam um lugar cada vez mais importante nas nossas escolas, marcado sobretudo pela evolução das tecnologias e pela utilização em contexto educativo de muitas ferramentas da Web 2.0. Esse facto é muito notório na disciplina de Educação Visual e Tecnológica, de carácter eminentemente prático, onde é permitido explorar várias ferramentas digitais para abordagem de conteúdos da disciplina e para a criação de produtos gráficos e plásticos. Com o aparecimento da Web 2.0 e a disponibilização de milhares de novas ferramentas digitais aos utilizadores da Internet, estimula-se um interesse cada vez maior na adoção de metodologias e estratégias com recurso a estes media e que suportem uma aprendizagem mais eficaz e motivadora para os alunos, articulando-se os suportes tradicionais de EVT com os novos media digitais. Neste contexto, o presente estudo é o resultado duma investigação-ação realizada no âmbito do Programa Doutoral em Multimédia em Educação da Universidade de Aveiro onde se implementou a integração de ferramentas da Web, Web 2.0 e Software Livre em contexto educativo na disciplina de EVT, na qual poderiam ser utilizadas tanto as técnicas tradicionais de realização mais usuais na disciplina como a integração e articulação com as ferramentas digitais, suportadas por software livre (e outros de utilização gratuita), a Web e a Web 2.0 para suporte ao ensino e aprendizagem dos diversos conteúdos e áreas de exploração da disciplina. Este estudo, desenhado em três ciclos, envolveu num primeiro momento a constituição de uma comunidade de prática de professores alargada, sendo criadas seis turmas de formação que reuniram um total de 112 professores que pretendiam integrar as ferramentas digitais em EVT. Para além da pesquisa, análise, seleção e catalogação destas 430 ferramentas digitais recenseadas, produziram-se 371 manuais de apoio à utilização das mesmas, sendo estes recursos disponibilizados no espaço do EVTdigital. Num segundo ciclo, decorrente da avaliação realizada, foi criada a distribuição EVTux para simplificar o acesso e utilização das ferramentas digitais em contexto de EVT. Finalmente, o terceiro ciclo, decorre da eliminação da disciplina de EVT do currículo do 2º ciclo do ensino básico e a sua substituição por duas novas disciplinas, tendo-se realizada a respetiva análise de conteúdo das metas curriculares e produzido a aplicação As ferramentas digitais do Mundo Visual, concebida para contextualizar e indexar as ferramentas digitais selecionadas para a nova disciplina de Educação Visual.Os resultados deste estudo apontam claramente para a possibilidade de integrar na disciplina de Educação Visual e Tecnológica (ou no presente momento, em Educação Visual) ferramentas digitais para abordagem aos conteúdos e áreas de exploração, bem como a possibilidade de se constituírem facilmente comunidades de prática (como foi o caso) que possam colaborar na catalogação destas ferramentas no contexto específico da disciplina e para a necessidade sentida pelos professores em obter informação e formação que os possa atualizar quanto à integração das TIC no currículo. Apresentam-se, ainda, as limitações deste estudo que passaram sobretudo pelo impacto negativo que a eliminação da disciplina provocou na motivação dos docentes e a sua consequente participação no decorrer de algumas fases do trabalho, e ainda da dificuldade de gestão de uma equipa de professores colaboradores tão numerosa e diversificada. Nesse sentido, são também apresentadas sugestões para estudos futuros.
Peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) play quite diverse and important roles in monitoring immune homeostasis. Thus, these subset of blood cells may provide access to potential physiological relevant biomolecules, namely proteins. For this reason, PBMCs represent a promising biological sample in scientific research, particularly as a source of potential biological markers discovery of the most diverse diseases. Prior studies of proteomic characterization of PBMCs from healthy individuals lack either the identification of a large number of proteins or its quantification in a way that is compatible with the search of potential biomarker candidates. Therefore, this study aimed to provide a comprehensive PBMCs proteome characterisation as well as to create a SWATH library. It was also evaluated if by using the BD Vacutainer® CPT™ tubes for PBMCs isolation, it would be possible to identify a larger number of immunologically relevant proteins in comparison to plasma samples. The enrichment test assay revealed that it is possible to identify more immune-related proteins from isolated PBMCs than from plasma. Moreover, the majority of the quantified proteins with an “immune system” GO term assigned is present in higher amounts in PBMCs samples. 2D LC-MS/MS proved to be the best approach to use in qualitative analysis of PBMCs and in the construction of a SWATH library, since it resulted in an increase of both identified and quantified proteins (66.3% and 16.9%, respectively) in comparison to 1D LC-MS/MS. A total of 2071 proteins were identified and it was possible to quantify 922 different proteins among six distinct samples. From these proteins, 445 were commom between all individuals. In conclusion, this work provides a comprehensive PBMCs proteome dataset that will be useful in further studies that focus on the search for potential biological markers of various pathologies in these cells. Additionally, SWATH-MS proved to be a reproducible and effective acquisition method to quantify PBMCs proteins.
VANTI, Nadia. Mapeamento das Instituições Federais de Ensino Superior da Região Nordeste do Brasil na Web. Informação & informação, Londrina, v. 15, p. 55-67, 2010
El trabajo de graduación describe el desarrollo de una Aplicación web desarrollada para la Asociación cooperativa de producción pesquera y servicios múltiples “Bocana Lempa - Jaltepec de R.L”, en el Cantón las Mesas del municipio de Tecoluca del departamento de San Vicente, con dicha aplicación se automatizaron los procesos de las áreas de comercialización y administración de la cooperativa, los cuales son, Activo fijo, Recursos Humanos, Facturación, Inventario y el desarrollo de una página web a la que accesan los clientes para la realización de pedidos. Con el desarrollo de dicha aplicación se ha obtenido una mayor agilización en los procesos, los cuales conllevan a adquirir mayores logros entre los cuales podemos mencionar: información detallada de los movimientos de inventario, presentación de informes, mejoras en el control de activo fijo, salarios, vacaciones, permisos de los empleados, registro de pedidos realizados desde la página web, impresión de facturas y la reducción del tiempo en el desarrollo de los procesos. SUMMARY The graduation work describes the development of a web application developed for the cooperative association of fish production and multiple services "Bocana Lempa - Jaltepec RL" in the Canton Tables Township Tecoluca the department of San Vicente, with such application they automated processes as the marketing and administration of the cooperative, which are, fixed Assets, Human Resources, Billing, Inventory and development of a website that access to customers for ordering. With the development of this application has gained greater streamlining processes, which lead to acquire greater achievements among which include: detailed information on inventory movements, reporting, improved control of fixed assets, wages holidays, permits employees record orders made from the website, print invoices and time reduction in development processes. Keywords : Online ordering , fixed assets, payroll employees , billing, control fishing. The graduation work describes the development of a web application developed for the cooperative association of fish production and multiple services "Bocana Lempa - Jaltepec RL" in the Canton Tables Township Tecoluca the department of San Vicente, with such application they automated processes as the marketing and administration of the cooperative, which are, fixed Assets, Human Resources, Billing, Inventory and development of a website that access to customers for ordering. With the development of this application has gained greater streamlining processes, which lead to acquire greater achievements among which include: detailed information on inventory movements, reporting, improved control of fixed assets, wages holidays, permits employees record orders made from the website, print invoices and time reduction in development processes.
1. Un premier apport de notre travail consiste à proposer un cadre théorique, analytique et conceptuel original, permettant d'approcher la notion de qualité des publications en SHS (sciences humaines et sociales) et en sciences de la communication de façon à la fois holistique et dynamique, en tant qu'elle fait l'objet de descriptions et de jugements multiples, émis par une diversité de parties prenantes, au sein et en dehors des milieux académiques. Pour ce faire, il s'agira de considérer la qualité dans ses différentes dimensions constitutives (approche holistique) tout en l'inscrivant dans le cadre d'évolutions tendancielles en matière de publication scientifique (approche dynamique) et en tenant compte de la qualité telle qu'elle est prescrite, souhaitée et mise en oeuvre par les différentes parties prenantes (chercheurs et entités prescriptrices, aux niveaux politique et managérial). En croisant de façon systématique ces trois approches - approche multidimensionnelle, rapport aux prescrits et aux souhaits, et étude des évolutions tendancielles -, il s’avérera possible d'évaluer l'incidence des différentes tendances en matière de publication scientifique – i.e. tendances à la massification, à l'internationalisation, à l' « exotérisation » (i.e. à l'ouverture vers le monde extérieur, au-delà des pairs), à la « gestionnarisation » (i.e. à l'usage des publications dans la gestion dela recherche et des chercheurs, en particulier en situation d'évaluation), à la commercialisation et à l' « enlignement » (i.e. à la mise en ligne, sur Internet) – ainsi que des prescriptions managériales et politiques qui les initient, les stimulent ou les prolongent à des degrés divers, sur la qualité de l'activité même de publier, et sur celle des différents types génériques et spécifiques d'objets publiés.2. En appliquant cette triple approche aux SHS et, plus particulièrement, au cas des sciences de la communication, nous montrerons comment la plupart des évolutions tendancielles qui sont discutées ici ainsi que des prescrits politiques et managériaux qui y affèrent aboutissent à valoriser principalement, en situation d'évaluation de la recherche et des chercheurs, la publication d'un grand nombre d'articles dans des revues savantes internationales de premier plan, destinés avant tout aux pairs, et à dévaloriser les publications, ouvertes à des publics plus locaux, rédigées en langue vernaculaire, ou qui se consacreraient à la résolution de problèmes de société. En particulier, à la faveur de la tendance à la « gestionnarisation » des publications, l'article de revue savante internationale de premier plan, ainsi que les citations qui lui sont faites par les seuls pairs, sont posés en indicateurs de performance de tout premier plan, « fixant » ainsi les pratiques de recherche et de publication des chercheurs. Cette « fixion » sera d'autant plus marquée que les indicateurs bibliométriques, à l'échelon national, seront intégrés à des processus de financement public de la recherche fondés sur les performances, et que, à l'échelon international, les indicateurs joueront un rôle prépondérant dans l'établissement des rankings des universités ainsi que des benchmarks des systèmes nationaux et régionaux de recherche. Pour autant, des prescriptions politiques sont également édictées, principalement au niveau européen, dans l'optique de la mise en oeuvre, au sein de l'Espace européen de la recherche et, dans une moindre mesure, de l'Espace européen de l'enseignement supérieur, d'une économie de la connaissance compétitive à l'échelon global et, plus particulièrement, d'un « mode 2 » de production des connaissances, qui insistent sur l'importance de davantage valoriser les résultats de la recherche, interdisciplinaire et coopérative, auprès de parties prenantes extra-académiques. En résulte une relation paradoxale entre la tendance à l'exotérisation de la recherche et des publications, et les prescrits de gestionnarisation des publications, ainsi qu'entre les prescriptions qui les sous-tendent respectivement.3. Or l'enquête que nous avons menée auprès des membres de trois sociétés savantes internationales en sciences de la communication montre combien les chercheurs de cette discipline ont désormais bien intégré les critères de qualité promus par les prescrits politiques et managériaux soutenant l'instauration d'une nouvelle « culture de la publication », à la croisée des tendances à la massification, à l'internationalisation et à la gestionnarisation des publications. Pour autant, des entretiens approfondis menés auprès de chercheurs en sciences de la communication actifs en Belgique francophone et néerlandophone n'en révèlent pas moins que ces derniers développent une attitude foncièrement ambivalente envers la culture du « publish or perish » et à l'égard de prescriptions qui sur-valorisent les revues savantes internationales de premier plan, en situation d'évaluation de la recherche et des chercheurs. D'une part, en effet, les chercheurs avec qui nous nous sommes entretenus estiment que la nouvelle culture de la publication joue un rôle bénéfique dans la professionnalisation et dans le développement d'une culture véritablement scientifique dans les sciences de la communication. Partant, la plupart d'entre eux développent des stratégies visant à aligner leurs pratiques de publication sur les prescrits. D'autre part, plusieurs répondants n'en regrettent pas moins le caractère réducteur de la survalorisation des revues savantes internationales de premier plan dans l'évaluation, et souhaitent qu'une plus grande diversité de types de publication soit prise en compte par les évaluateurs. Afin de concilier « qualité prescrite » et « qualité souhaitée » dans la qualité de leur activité effective de publication et dans celle des objets effectivement publiés (« qualité réelle »), il arrive dès lors à ces chercheurs de « bricoler » avec les prescriptions. Par ailleurs, la plupart des répondants, davantage cependant en FédérationWallonie-Bruxelles qu'en Flandre, où le financement public de la recherche est d'ores et déjà fondé en partie sur des indicateurs bibliométriques et revue-métriques, regrettent le manque d'explicite dans la formulation des prescriptions – ces dernières prenant régulièrement la forme de « scripts » plus indirects et/ou implicites, plutôt que de normes et de règles stricto sensu –, ainsi que l'absence de seuil quantitatif minimal à atteindre.4. Il nous semble par conséquent, dans une optique plus normative, que le dépôt systématique des différents types de publication produits par les chercheurs en SHS et en sciences de la communication sur des répertoires numériques institutionnels (Open Access Green) serait de nature à (contribuer à) résoudre le paradoxe des prescriptions en matière de « qualité prescrite », ainsi que l'ambivalence des perceptions des chercheurs en matière de « qualité souhaitée ». En effet, le dépôt des publications sur des répertoires institutionnels ouvre des opportunités inédites de renouveler la conversation savante qui se structure autour des objets publiés, au sein de la communauté argumentative (Kommunikationsgemeinschaft) des pairs, par le biais notamment de la revue par les pairs ouverte et grâce à la possibilité de commenter ad libitum les publications disséminées en Open Access. mais également en rendant les résultats de la recherche aisément accessibles et ré-utilisables par des parties prenantes extra-académiques. Les opportunités liées au dépôt des publications sur des répertoires Open Access (Green), en termes de qualité tant épistémique que pragmatiquede ces dernières, seront d'autant plus fécondes que le dépôt des travaux sur les répertoires institutionnels s'articulera à l'usage, par le chercheur, des instruments idoines, génériques ou dédiés, du Web participatif (Wikis, blogues, micro-blogues, réseaux sociaux, outils de partage de signets et de listes bibliographiques). Par ailleurs, les dépôts numériques fonctionnent désormais en tant qu'« outils de transparence », susceptibles de donner davantage de visibilité à des productions de recherche et des types de publication diversifiés. En situation d'évaluation de la recherche et des chercheurs, le recours aux dépôts institutionnels - pour autant qu'un mandat prescrive le dépôt de tous les travaux produits par les chercheurs de l'institution – permettrait aux évaluateurs de fonder leur jugement sur une gamme plus large et plus représentative de types de publication et de formes de communication en SHS et en sciences de la communication. De plus, grâce à la dissémination en Open Access, en conjonction avec l'usage d'une diversité d'outils du Web participatif, il devient mieux possible de soumettre les différents types de publication archivés et publiés en libre accès à des indicateurs de performance eux-mêmes diversifiés – bibliométriques, mais également « webométriques » et « altmétriques » -, fondés sur les articles plutôt que sur les revues et mieux adaptés à la diversité de leurs impacts, tant au sein qu'en dehors du cercle des pairs.5. Partant, l'Open Access (Green) nous apparaît in fine comme étant doté d'un potentiel important, en matière d'intégration de la recherche et des chercheurs en SHS et en sciences de la communication à la mise en place – au-delà d'une économie de la connaissance - d'une véritable société de la connaissance, ainsi qu'aux processus d'innovation techno-industrielle, sociale et intellectuelle qui la sous-tendent.
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Mecânica, 2015.
Background Biofloc technology (BFT), a rearing method with little or no water exchange, is gaining popularity in aquaculture. In the water column, such systems develop conglomerates of microbes, algae and protozoa, together with detritus and dead organic particles. The intensive microbial community presents in these systems can be used as a pond water quality treatment system, and the microbial protein can serve as a feed additive. The current problem with BFT is the difficulty of controlling its bacterial community composition for both optimal water quality and optimal shrimp health. The main objective of the present study was to investigate microbial diversity of samples obtained from different culture environments (Biofloc technology and clear seawater) as well as from the intestines of shrimp reared in both environments through high-throughput sequencing technology. Results Analyses of the bacterial community identified in water from BFT and “clear seawater” (CW) systems (control) containing the shrimp Litopenaeus stylirostris revealed large differences in the frequency distribution of operational taxonomic units (OTUs). Four out of the five most dominant bacterial communities were different in both culture methods. Bacteria found in great abundance in BFT have two principal characteristics: the need for an organic substrate or nitrogen sources to grow and the capacity to attach to surfaces and co-aggregate. A correlation was found between bacteria groups and physicochemical and biological parameters measured in rearing tanks. Moreover, rearing-water bacterial communities influenced the microbiota of shrimp. Indeed, the biofloc environment modified the shrimp intestine microbiota, as the low level (27 %) of similarity between intestinal bacterial communities from the two treatments. Conclusion This study provides the first information describing the complex biofloc microbial community, which can help to understand the environment-microbiota-host relationship in this rearing system.
In the Guaymas Basin, the presence of cold seeps and hydrothermal vents in close proximity, similar sedimentary settings and comparable depths offers a unique opportunity to assess and compare the functioning of these deep-sea chemosynthetic ecosystems. The food webs of five seep and four vent assemblages were studied using stable carbon and nitrogen isotope analyses. Although the two ecosystems shared similar potential basal sources, their food webs differed: seeps relied predominantly on methanotrophy and thiotrophy via the Calvin-Benson-Bassham (CBB) cycle and vents on petroleum-derived organic matter and thiotrophy via the CBB and reductive tricarboxylic acid (rTCA) cycles. In contrast to symbiotic species, the heterotrophic fauna exhibited high trophic flexibility among assemblages, suggesting weak trophic links to the metabolic diversity of chemosynthetic primary producers. At both ecosystems, food webs did not appear to be organised through predator-prey links but rather through weak trophic relationships among co-occurring species. Examples of trophic or spatial niche differentiation highlighted the importance of species-sorting processes within chemosynthetic ecosystems. Variability in food web structure, addressed through Bayesian metrics, revealed consistent trends across ecosystems. Food-web complexity significantly decreased with increasing methane concentrations, a common proxy for the intensity of seep and vent fluid fluxes. Although high fluid-fluxes have the potential to enhance primary productivity, they generate environmental constraints that may limit microbial diversity, colonisation of consumers and the structuring role of competitive interactions, leading to an overall reduction of food-web complexity and an increase in trophic redundancy. Heterogeneity provided by foundation species was identified as an additional structuring factor. According to their biological activities, foundation species may have the potential to partly release the competitive pressure within communities of low fluid-flux habitats. Finally, ecosystem functioning in vents and seeps was highly similar despite environmental differences (e.g. physico-chemistry, dominant basal sources) suggesting that ecological niches are not specifically linked to the nature of fluids. This comparison of seep and vent functioning in the Guaymas basin thus provides further supports to the hypothesis of continuity among deep-sea chemosynthetic ecosystems.