947 resultados para Vascular Remodeling
This study investigated the neural regions involved in blood pressure reactions to negative stimuli and their possible modulation by attention. Twenty-four healthy human subjects (11 females; age = 24.75 ± 2.49 years) participated in an affective perceptual load task that manipulated attention to negative/neutral distractor pictures. fMRI data were collected simultaneously with continuous recording of peripheral arterial blood pressure. A parametric modulation analysis examined the impact of attention and emotion on the relation between neural activation and blood pressure reactivity during the task. When attention was available for processing the distractor pictures, negative pictures resulted in behavioral interference, neural activation in brain regions previously related to emotion, a transient decrease of blood pressure, and a positive correlation between blood pressure response and activation in a network including prefrontal and parietal regions, the amygdala, caudate, and mid-brain. These effects were modulated by attention; behavioral and neural responses to highly negative distractor pictures (compared with neutral pictures) were smaller or diminished, as was the negative blood pressure response when the central task involved high perceptual load. Furthermore, comparing high and low load revealed enhanced activation in frontoparietal regions implicated in attention control. Our results fit theories emphasizing the role of attention in the control of behavioral and neural reactions to irrelevant emotional distracting information. Our findings furthermore extend the function of attention to the control of autonomous reactions associated with negative emotions by showing altered blood pressure reactions to emotional stimuli, the latter being of potential clinical relevance.
The mechanisms of vascular calcifications in chronic renal failure are complex. Apart for clotting factors, vitamin K-dependent proteins include matrix Gla protein. Glutamic acid residues in matrix Gla protein are carboxylated by vitamin K-dependent gamma-carboxylase, which enables it to inhibit calcification. The purpose of this review is to discuss available evidence implicating vitamin K as a modifiable risk factor in the pathogenesis of vascular calcification in renal diseases.
A incidência do Acidente Vascular Cerebral (AVC) em Cabo Verde acompanha a tendência mundial, sendo uma das primeiras causas de morte; nos anos 2013 e 2014, é a primeira causa de morte entre as doenças do aparelho circulatório, isto justificado pelo aumento da esperança média de vida. Também tendo como influência a adoção de novos estilos e padrões de vida não saudáveis, e com o aumento dos fatores de risco que o avançar da idade acarreta. Sendo que a enfermagem como a base de qualquer organização de saúde, necessita fundamentar a sua prática em bases científicas, levando em consideração o individuo como um ser holístico. Desta forma, considerou-se pertinente desenvolver um estudo no âmbito do atendimento de urgência a um utente com Acidente Vascular Cerebral, tendo como objetivo principal identificar as dificuldades que os enfermeiros enfrentam no atendimento de urgência a um utente com AVC. No entanto para dar resposta ao estudo foram considerados outros pontos não menos importantes, tais como: aspetos utilizado no atendimento do AVC, as dificuldades e as estratégias na prestação do cuidado e as técnicas para superar os mesmos. Optou-se por um estudo do tipo fenomenológico, com base na metodologia qualitativo. Sendo que a população do estudo é constituído por 6 enfermeiros, que trabalham no serviço da urgência do Hospital Doutor Baptista de Sousa (HBS). Para que fosse possível recolher os dados, foi estabelecido como instrumento de recolha de dados um guião de entrevista semiestruturada. O tratamento dos dados foi efetuado através da análise de conteúdo. Os resultados dos dados recolhidos, foram apresentados através de quadros e daí retiradas as conclusões consideradas importantes para dar respostas aos objetivos estabelecidos. Uma das principais conclusões do estudo, realça o fato do serviço da urgência apresentar algumas dificuldades no tratamento dos utentes com AVC, devido a falta de alguns recursos materiais considerados indispensáveis, para o diagnóstico diferencial do AVC e assim a tomada de decisões para um tratamento adequado do mesmo. Sendo que, a enfermagem tem um papel pivô no atendimento dos pacientes com Acidente Vascular Cerebral, são esses profissionais que estabelecem o contato entre esses utentes e o resto da equipa multidisciplinar.
La malaltia cardiovascular és una de les principals causes de morbimortalitat. Els factors de risc cardiovasculars són diversos. Hi ha moltes guies de prevenció clínica i escales de risc. Malgrat l’existència de guies de pràctica clínica i millor identificació dels factors de risc, persisteix l’impacte negatiu cardiovascular. L’estudi enregistra aquests esdeveniments cardiovasculars en pacients que ingressen a urgències, durant tres anys, els factors de risc, els tractaments a l’ingrés i a l’alta i l’evolució i mortalitat durant l’ingrés. Compararà la població que ens ocupa amb d’altres i els tractaments. Detectarà el seguiment de les guies i circuits de millora.
BACKGROUND: Coronary endothelial function is abnormal in patients with established coronary artery disease and was recently shown by MRI to relate to the severity of luminal stenosis. Recent advances in MRI now allow the noninvasive assessment of both anatomic and functional (endothelial function) changes that previously required invasive studies. We tested the hypothesis that abnormal coronary endothelial function is related to measures of early atherosclerosis such as increased coronary wall thickness. METHODS AND RESULTS: Seventeen arteries in 14 healthy adults and 17 arteries in 14 patients with nonobstructive coronary artery disease were studied. To measure endothelial function, coronary MRI was performed before and during isometric handgrip exercise, an endothelial-dependent stressor, and changes in coronary cross-sectional area and flow were measured. Black blood imaging was performed to quantify coronary wall thickness and indices of arterial remodeling. The mean stress-induced change in cross-sectional area was significantly higher in healthy adults (13.5%±12.8%, mean±SD, n=17) than in those with mildly diseased arteries (-2.2%±6.8%, P<0.0001, n=17). Mean coronary wall thickness was lower in healthy subjects (0.9±0.2 mm) than in patients with coronary artery disease (1.4±0.3 mm, P<0.0001). In contrast to healthy subjects, stress-induced changes in cross-sectional area, a measure of coronary endothelial function, correlated inversely with coronary wall thickness in patients with coronary artery disease (r=-0.73, P=0.0008). CONCLUSIONS: There is an inverse relationship between coronary endothelial function and local coronary wall thickness in patients with coronary artery disease but not in healthy adults. These findings demonstrate that local endothelial-dependent functional changes are related to the extent of early anatomic atherosclerosis in mildly diseased arteries. This combined MRI approach enables the anatomic and functional investigation of early coronary disease.
Photodynamic therapy (PDT) is an effective clinical treatment for a number of different cancers. PDT can induce hypoxia and inflammation, pro-angiogenic side effects, which may counteract its angio-occlusive mechanism. The combination of PDT with anti-angiogenic drugs offers a possibility for improved anti-tumour outcome. We used two tumour models to test the effects of the clinically approved angiostatic tyrosine kinase inhibitors sunitinib, sorafenib and axitinib in combination with PDT, and compared these results with the effects of bevacizumab, the anti-VEGF antibody, for the improvement of PDT. Best results were obtained from the combination of PDT and low-dose axitinib or sorafenib. Molecular analysis by PCR revealed that PDT in combination with axitinib suppressed VEGFR-2 expression in tumour vasculature. Treatment with bevacizumab, although effective as monotherapy, did not improve PDT outcome. In order to test for tumour vessel normalization effects, axitinib was also applied prior to PDT. The absence of improved PDT outcome in these experiments, as well as the lack of increased oxygenation in axitinib-treated tumours, suggests that vascular normalization did not occur. The current data imply that there is a future for certain anti-angiogenic agents to further improve the efficacy of photodynamic anti-cancer therapy.
In superficial venous insufficiency, surgery remains the treatment of choice. Endovenous therapies are a minimal invasive alternative, whose long-term results are not demonstrated yet. In the treatment of abdominal aortic aneurysm, endovascular repair (EVAR) and laparoscopic approach are comparatively studied with open repair, to define their precise indications. In occlusive arterial disease, endovascular treatment offers inferior results in term of durability and patency, however with a decrease in morbidity and mortality.
PURPOSE: Determine the effect of repeated intravitreal injections of ranibizumab (0.5 mg; 0.05 ml) on retrobulbar blood flow velocities (BFVs) using ultrasound imaging quantification in twenty patients with exudative age-related macular degeneration treated for 6 months. METHODS: Visual acuity (ETDRS), central macular thickness (OCT), peak-systolic, end-diastolic and mean-BFVs in central retinal (CRA), temporal posterior ciliary (TPCA) and ophthalmic (OA) arteries were measured before, 2 days, 3 weeks and 6 months after the first injection. Patients were examined monthly and received 1-5 additional injections depending on ophthalmologic examination results. RESULTS: Six months after the first injection, a significant increase in visual acuity 50.9 ± 25.9 versus 44.4 ± 21.7 (p < 0.01) and decrease in mean central macular thickness 267 ± 74 versus 377 ± 115 μm (p < 0.001) were observed compared to baseline. Although mean-BFVs decreased by 16%±3% in CRA and 20%±5% in TPCA (p < 0.001) 2 days after the first injection, no significant change was seen thereafter. Mean-BFVs in OA decreased by 19%±5% at week 3 (p < 0.001). However, the smallest number of injections (two injections) was associated with the longest time interval between the last injection and month 6 (20 weeks) and with the best return to baseline levels for mean-BFVs in CRA, suggesting that ranibizumab had reversible effects on native retinal vascular supply after its discontinuation. Moreover, a significant correlation between the number of injections and percentage of changes in mean-BFVs in CRA was observed at month 6 (R = 0.74, p < 0.001) unlike TPCA or OA. CONCLUSION: Ranibizumab could impair the native choroidal and retinal vascular networks, but its effect seems reversible after its discontinuation.
BACKGROUND AND PURPOSE: To investigate the effect of chronic hyperglycemia on cerebral microvascular remodeling using perfusion computed tomography. METHODS: We retrospectively identified 26 patients from our registry of 2453 patients who underwent a perfusion computed tomographic study and had their hemoglobin A1c (HbA1c) measured. These 26 patients were divided into 2 groups: those with HbA1c>6.5% (n=15) and those with HbA1c≤6.5% (n=11). Perfusion computed tomographic studies were processed using a delay-corrected, deconvolution-based software. Perfusion computed tomographic values were compared between the 2 patient groups, including mean transit time, which relates to the cerebral capillary architecture and length. RESULTS: Mean transit time values in the nonischemic cerebral hemisphere were significantly longer in the patients with HbA1c>6.5% (P=0.033), especially in the white matter (P=0.005). Significant correlation (R=0.469; P=0.016) between mean transit time and HbA1c level was observed. CONCLUSIONS: Our results from a small sample suggest that chronic hyperglycemia may be associated with cerebral microvascular remodeling in humans. Additional prospective studies with larger sample size are required to confirm this observation.
OBJECTIVES: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is associated with considerable cardiovascular morbidity that has not yet been directly compared with other diseases with known cardiovascular risk. METHODS: Two hundred and forty-one patients of the multicentre Swiss SLE cohort study (SSCS) were cross-sectionally assessed for coronary heart disease (CHD), cerebrovascular disease (CVD) and peripheral artery disease (PAD). SLE patients were compared with a cohort of 193 patients with type-1 diabetes mellitus being followed at the University Hospital Basel. A subgroup analysis of 50 age- and sex-matched patients from the University Hospital Basel was performed. RESULTS: Of patients within the SSCS 13.3% had one or more vascular events: 8.3% CHD, 5% CVD and 1.2% PAD. In type-1 diabetes mellitus patients, 15% had vascular events: 9.3% CHD, 3.1% CVD and 5.6% PAD. In the matched subgroup, 26% of SLE patients had vascular events (14% CHD) compared with 12% in type-1 DM patients (2% CHD). Cardiovascular risk factors were similar in both groups. Vascular events in SLE patients were associated with age, longer disease duration, dyslipidaemia, and hypertension. CONCLUSION: Cardiovascular morbidity in SLE is at least as frequent as in age- and sex-matched type-1 diabetes mellitus patients. Therefore, aggressive screening and management of cardiovascular risk factors should be performed.
Background: Since the rate of histologically 'negative' appendices still ranges between 15 and 20%, appendicitis in 'borderline' cases remains a challenging disease. As previously described, cell adhesion molecule expression correlates with different stages of appendicitis. Therefore, it was of interest to determine whether the 'negative' appendix correlated with the absence of E-selectin or vascular cell adhesion molecule-1 (VCAM-1). Methods: Nineteen grossly normal appendices from a series of 120 appendectomy specimens from patients with suspected appendicitis were analysed in frozen sections for the expression of E-selectin and VCAM-1. As control, 5 normal appendices were stained. Results: This study showed a coexpression of E-selectin and VCAM-1 in endothelial cells in early and recurrent appendicitis. In patients with symptoms for less than 6 h, only E-selectin was detected. Cases with fibrosis and luminal obliteration were only positive for VCAM-1. In cases of early appendicitis with symptoms of less than 6 h duration, a discordance between histological and immunohistochemical results was found. Conclusions: This report indicates that E-selectin and VCAM-1 expression could be useful parameters in the diagnosis of appendicitis in borderline cases.
Changes in vascular structure that accompany hypertension may contribute to hypertensive end-organ damage. Both the macrovascular and microvascular levels should be considered, as interactions between them are believed to be critically important. Regarding the macrocirculation, the article first reviews basic concepts of vascular biomechanics, such as arterial compliance, arterial distensibility, and stress-strain relationships of arterial wall material, and then reviews how hypertension affects the properties of conduit arteries, particularly examining evidence that it accelerates the progressive stiffening that normally occurs with advancing age. High arterial stiffness may increase central systolic and pulse pressure by two different mechanisms: 1) Abnormally high pulse wave velocity may cause pressure waves reflected in the periphery to reach the central aorta in systole, thus augmenting systolic pressure; 2) In the elderly, the interaction of the forward pressure wave with high arterial stiffness is mostly responsible for abnormally high pulse pressure. At the microvascular level, hypertensive disease is characterized by inward eutrophic or hypertrophic arteriolar remodeling and capillary rarefaction. These abnormalities may depend in part on the abnormal transmission of highly pulsatile blood pressure into microvascular networks, especially in highly perfused organs with low vascular resistance, such as the kidney, heart, and brain, where it contributes to hypertensive end-organ damage.
BACKGROUND: The excess in cardiovascular risk in patients with rheumatoid arthritis provides a strong rationale for early therapeutical interventions. In view of the similarities between atherosclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis and the proven benefit of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors in atherosclerotic vascular disease, it was the aim of the present study to delineate the impact of ramipril on endothelial function as well as on markers of inflammation and oxidative stress in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. METHODS AND RESULTS: Eleven patients with rheumatoid arthritis were included in this randomized, double-blind, crossover study to receive ramipril in an uptitration design (2.5 to 10 mg) for 8 weeks followed by placebo, or vice versa, on top of standard antiinflammatory therapy. Endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated dilation of the brachial artery, markers of inflammation and oxidative stress, and disease activity were investigated at baseline and after each treatment period. Endothelial function assessed by flow-mediated dilation increased from 2.85+/-1.49% to 4.00+/-1.81% (P=0.017) after 8 weeks of therapy with ramipril but did not change with placebo (from 2.85+/-1.49% to 2.84+/-2.47%; P=0.88). Although systolic blood pressure and heart rate remained unaltered, diastolic blood pressure decreased slightly from 78+/-7 to 74+/-6 mm Hg (P=0.03). Tumor necrosis factor-alpha showed a significant inverse correlation with flow-mediated dilation (r=-0.408, P=0.02), and CD40 significantly decreased after ramipril therapy (P=0.049). CONCLUSIONS: Angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition with 10 mg/d ramipril for 8 weeks on top of current antiinflammatory treatment markedly improved endothelial function in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. This finding suggests that angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibition may provide a novel strategy to prevent cardiovascular events in these patients.
In the European GLORIA project, 12 summits (treeline to nival belt) were inventoried in three regions of Switzerland: two in the Swiss National Park Graubünden and one in Valais. Vascular plants were recorded in all three regions and bryophytes and lichens were recorded only in Valais. On each summit, vegetation and temperature data were sampled using sampling protocols for the GLORIA project (Global Observation Research Initiative in Alpine environment) on large summit sections and in clusters of four 1x1-m quadrats. We observed a general decrease of species richness for all three systematic groups with increasing elevation in the summit sections, but only for vascular plants in the quadrats. In Valais, there was higher species richness for vascular plants than for bryophytes and lichens on the lower summits, but as the decrease in species richness was less pronounced for cryptogams, the latter were more numerous than vascular plants on the highest summit. Vascular species showed a clear shift of the dominant life form with elevation, with chamaephytes replacing hemicryptophytes. Bryophytes and lichens showed a weak trend among the life forms at the summit section scale, but a stronger shift of the dominant forms was seen in the quadrats, with cushion replacing turf bryophytes and crustaceous replacing fruticose lichens. Altogether, these results sustain the temperature-physiographic hypothesis to explain the species richness decrease along the altitudinal gradient: the harsh climatic conditions of the alpine-nival belts act as a filter for species, but the diminishing diversity of microhabitats is also an important factor. Because cryptogams depend more on humidity than temperature and more on smaller microhabitats than vascular plants, the decrease of species richness is more gradual with elevation for bryophytes and lichens.
Phytohormones have been implicated in vascular development in various ways, but their precise function and the extent of their influence is still controversial. Recent results from experimental manipulation of developing organs and Arabidopsis developmental genetics support a role for polar auxin flow in cell axis formation within the vascular system and, interestingly, also in the embryonic establishment of the plant body axis. Vascular responses to auxin transport inhibition indicate patterns of auxin distribution during leaf development and new technologies may enable these predictions to be tested within the near future. Moreover, recently discovered Arabidopsis axialisation mutants seem to identify essential genes that relay auxin signals in vascular development. A first gene in this class, MONOPTEROS (MP) has been cloned and encodes a transcription factor capable of binding to auxin response elements in the control regions of auxin regulated genes. Molecular identification of further axialisation genes may provide access to a mechanistic understanding of plant cell axis formation.