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Interventions in nature made by man are very common since the beginnings of human history, especially in the case regarding the storage of water. The construction of dams have been and still are fundamental in maintaining human life due to the vital importance that water plays. The size of these structures vary according to need, such as water catchment, fish-farming or electricity generation. Embankment dams are the most common type of these structures. Can be defined as dams natural material obtained from loan chambers located near the dam site. This type of barrier may be divided into earth dams and rockfill dams. The study area covers an earth dam located in Cordeirópolis (SP) and is essentially composed of diabases altered soil of the Serra Geral Formation of the Paraná Basin. With the aid of geophysics, more specifically of the Electrical Resistivity method, the aim is to check any water infiltration zones in the dam's body. Given the risks associated with water seepage in earth dams, that may generate breakdown structures, erosion, and consequently accidents and / or harmful factors in the nearby areas. One of the main structural problems married by water infiltration is the possible generation of pipes that could jeopardize the dam structure. This work aims to contribute towards the evaluation of the effectiveness of using an indirect technique of research and monitoring in aid to direct research techniques such as piezometers and drive stakes. The results are presented in the form of 2D and 3D geophysical models, the analysis shows a low resistivity zone with typical values of the presence of humidity originating upstream of the dam and downstream bottleneck trend, that are the basis for interpretation by percolation or not water in the dam
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
Studio relativo alle correlazioni tra sisma e icestream nella zona antartica della terra Vittoria. Si presentano inoltre due studi approfonditi relativi a due reti gps presenti nei pressi di Talos Dome e Dome Concordia. Inoltre è presente anche una descrizione completa del sistema gps e di tutti gli strumenti utilizzati in campagna
Vivemos um período de transformações políticas, econômicas, sociais e culturais que, a todo instante, nos impõe desafios. Neste contexto, nas últimas décadas, o uso da tecnologia tem sido ampliado na realização de diversas atividades cotidianas, na divulgação de informações, na comunicação, como forma de expressão e organização da sociedade. A escola, enquanto instituição social, precisa reconhecer esta nova realidade, esta diferente possibilidade de aquisição e transformação de saber, para que possa intervir, ressignificar e redirecionar sua ação, a fim de atender as demandas de seu tempo. O objetivo geral desta pesquisa, a partir da apresentação e análise de experiências realizadas com o uso de Tecnologias da Informação e Conhecimento, é o de refletir sobre como inserir estas ferramentas no processo de ensinar e aprender na escola a partir da visão de professores e alunos, visando a formação integral do educando. Deste modo, no desenvolvimento, entendemos como necessário conhecer e considerar o contexto histórico, bem como as perspectivas relacionadas a escola e seus protagonistas (professores e estudantes) na chamada Sociedade da Informação e do Conhecimento. Ressaltamos a importância do docente (sua formação) e seu papel de mediador nos processos de aprendizagem, assim como a recepção à tecnologia, observando função e espaço de atuação desta. Destacamos experiências com a utilização de TDIC, realizada por professores e alunos, como a produção de game, revistas científicas, escrita de histórias, produções artísticas, blogs, vlogs, discussões em grupos presentes em redes sociais. A metodologia utilizada nesta pesquisa é qualitativa, na modalidade de pesquisa-ação e narrativa, em função do envolvimento com o grupo e com as atividades desenvolvidas, nas quais os participantes compartilham com o pesquisador suas histórias pessoais e de aprendizagem relacionadas às ações ou às atividades que realiza, fornecendo informações e indícios relevantes sobre o seu processo de formação ao longo do tempo. A revisão de literatura foi realizada por meio de análise bibliográfica e documental em livros, teses, dissertações, periódicos específicos sobre o assunto, além de artigos publicados na Internet. A coleta de dados foi realizada a partir de conversas informais, entrevistas semiestruturadas e filmagem dos relatos. A análise foi realizada a partir da abordagem hermenêutico-fenomenológica, que busca descrever e interpretar fenômenos da experiência humana, a fim de investigar a essência por meio da identificação de temas. Os resultados apontam para a necessidade e possibilidade da ampliação da utilização de TDIC como recurso no processo de ensino e aprendizagem, por meio de formação, diálogo, interação, intencionalidade, expectativas, esperança e seus desdobramentos.
A crescente demanda por recursos naturais e a conseqüente perda de qualidade e quantidade dos mesmos, indica a necessidade do desenvolvimento de alternativas, nas diversas áreas do conhecimento e das atividades humanas. No caso dos agroecossistemas, as práticas convencionais provocaram ao longo do tempo a degradação do solo e dos recursos hídricos, a perda da biodiversidade e a desestruturação dos ecossistemas, que culminaram em desequilíbrios globais de balanço hídrico e temperatura. O presente estudo visa analisar o potencial de utilização de Sistemas Agroflorestais (SAFs). SAFs são práticas de manejo da terra há muito tempo conhecidas, que associam, deliberadamente, árvores com culturas agrícolas temporárias, permanentes e/ou animais simultaneamente ou sucedendo-se temporalmente no espaço; obtendo os benefícios de proteção ambiental e de produção proporcionados pelas árvores. Para a realização do estudo foram utilizadas as bases cartográficas digitalizadas das características ambientais (solo, topografia, hidrologia e clima) do município e as mesmas foram sobrepostas através do Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG). As características ambientais de São Carlos, indicam a necessidade da adoção de sistemas de produção sustentáveis, capazes de conservar a qualidade e a quantidade do solo e dos recursos hídricos disponíveis, bem como sua biodiversidade, por isso apresenta grande aptidão para a utilização dos SAFs e uma ampla variedade de espécies com potencial de uso. A prioridade de adoção de SAFs é para áreas degradadas e subutilizadas, áreas de preservação ambiental e adjacentes, reservas legais e áreas suscetíveis à erosão. Sugere-se novos estudos, em campo, para comprovação dos resultados teóricos obtidos.
Tese de doutoramento, Ciências do Ambiente, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Ciências, 2016
Pt. 1. Vocabolario domestico. Ed. 2 riv. dall'autore.--pt. 2. Vocabolario metodico d'arti e mestieri.--pt. 3. postuma. Il vocabolario dei veicoli su terra ... acqua ... vocaboli mercantili ... zecca ... cavalcare [ed. Amedeo Peyron]
This dissertation describes the construction of a alternative didactic incorporating a historical approach with the use of the Roman abacus for teaching multiplication to students of 2nd year of elementary school, through activities ranging from the representation of numbers to multiplying with the Roman abacus, for learning the multiplication algorithm. Qualitative research was used as a methodological approach since the research object fits the goals of this research mode. Concerning the procedures, the research can be seen as a teaching experiment developed within the school environment. The instruments used for data collection were: observation, logbook, questionnaires, interviews and document analysis. The processing and analysis of data collected through the activities were classified and quantified in tables for easy viewing, interpretation, understanding, analysis of data and then transposed to charts. The analysis confirmed the research objectives and contributed to indicate the pedagogical use of the Roman abacus for teaching multiplication algorithm through several activities. Thus, it can be considered that this educational product will have important contributions for the teaching of this mathematical content, in Basic Education, particularly regarding to the multiplication process
In this work, we present our understanding about the article of Aksoy [1], which uses Markov chains to model the flow of intermittent rivers. Then, we executed an application of his model in order to generate data for intermittent streamflows, based on a data set of Brazilian streams. After that, we build a hidden Markov model as a proposed new approach to the problem of simulation of such flows. We used the Gamma distribution to simulate the increases and decreases in river flows, along with a two-state Markov chain. The motivation for us to use a hidden Markov model comes from the possibility of obtaining the same information that the Aksoy’s model provides, but using a single tool capable of treating the problem as a whole, and not through multiple independent processes
Data Visualization is widely used to facilitate the comprehension of information and find relationships between data. One of the most widely used techniques for multivariate data (4 or more variables) visualization is the 2D scatterplot. This technique associates each data item to a visual mark in the following way: two variables are mapped to Cartesian coordinates so that a visual mark can be placed on the Cartesian plane; the others variables are mapped gradually to visual properties of the mark, such as size, color, shape, among others. As the number of variables to be visualized increases, the amount of visual properties associated to the mark increases as well. As a result, the complexity of the final visualization is higher. However, increasing the complexity of the visualization does not necessarily implies a better visualization and, sometimes, it provides an inverse situation, producing a visually polluted and confusing visualization—this problem is called visual properties overload. This work aims to investigate whether it is possible to work around the overload of the visual channel and improve insight about multivariate data visualized through a modification in the 2D scatterplot technique. In this modification, we map the variables from data items to multisensoriy marks. These marks are composed not only by visual properties, but haptic properties, such as vibration, viscosity and elastic resistance, as well. We believed that this approach could ease the insight process, through the transposition of properties from the visual channel to the haptic channel. The hypothesis was verified through experiments, in which we have analyzed (a) the accuracy of the answers; (b) response time; and (c) the grade of personal satisfaction with the proposed approach. However, the hypothesis was not validated. The results suggest that there is an equivalence between the investigated visual and haptic properties in all analyzed aspects, though in strictly numeric terms the multisensory visualization achieved better results in response time and personal satisfaction.
Shaping the Luso-Brazilian space in Portuguese America was through constant conflicts between different individuals and institutions. Regarding to land ownership, such conflicts were aggravated, depending on the individuals involved and their context. The captaincy of Rio Grande, there is conflict over land ownership Cidade dos Veados and Olho d' Água Azul and its stakeholders: priests of the Society of missionaries of the village Guajiru; indian mission Guajiru; and members of Carneiro da Cunha family. In 1725, the jesuit mission Guajiru requested a league of land at a place called Cidade dos Veados for the indians of his mission claiming that the land that the mission had was not sufficient for the subsistence of the same. In 1727, priest requested another league of land in place Olho d'Água Azul, stating that the mission had more than 192 couples. Both lands were properly required for the mission guajiru. however, in 1760, with the changes imposed by the indian directorate ombudsman responsible for investigating indigenous possessions realized that the indians did not occupy the two lands requested in the 1720s , due to the fact João Carneiro da Cunha has taken possession of the same. As a result, the impasse over land are ligth. This conflict over land ownership Cidade dos Veados and Olho d'Água Azul, we intend to highlight in particular the motivations and mindsets about possessory property of each party involved. We seek to understand the motivations of each group involved allowed the use of specific strategies and set out to try to take possession of the lands of the Cidade dos Veados e Olho d'Água Azul
The present study aims to evaluate the potential use of bagasse ash from sugar cane (CBC) as a flux, replacing phyllite and/or feldspar in standard industrial mass production of enameled porcelain, verifying the possibility of the CBC contribute to the overall reduction of the coefficient of thermal expansion of the ceramic mass. To this end, as a result of the research, we characterized the raw material components of the standard mass (clay, phyllite, kaolin, feldspar, quartz and talc) and the residue of BCC, by testing by XRF, XRD, AG, DTA and ATG. Specimens (CDP) were manufactured in the dimensions of 100 mm x 50 mm x 8 mm in uniaxial matrix under compaction pressure of 33 MPa, assembled in batches of 3 units subsequently sintered at temperatures of 1150°C to 1210°C by varying the Rating Scale at 10°C, heating and cooling ramp of 50°C/min and 25°C/min, with levels of 1 min, 3 min, 5 min, 8 min, 10 min, 15 min, 30 min and 60 min. analyzing the results of the physical properties of water absorption (WA), linear firing shrinkage (LFS), dilatometric analysis (DTA), flexural strain (SFT) and SEM of the sintered bodies in order to verify the adequacy of CDP to ISO 13006, ISO 10545, NBR 13816 standards; NBR 13817 and NBR 13818. The study showed that the formulations that best suit the requirements of the standards are:. G4 - which was applied in 10% of replacing the CBC phyllite, sintering temperature 1210 ° C for 10 min and porch, and F3 - with application of 7.5% of CBC to replace the feldspar in the sintering temperatures of 1190°C, 1200°C and 1210°C for 10 min and porch. These formulations showed better performance regarding the formation of primary and secondary mullite, with considerable reduction of cracks and pores, meeting the prerequisites of standards for glazed porcelain. The results shows that the use of the CBC as a flux in the preparation of porcelain mass meets standard parameters for the manufacture of the product, and thereby can reduce environmental impact and the cost of production. Therefore, it is recommended to use this residue in the ceramics industry, due to its industrial, commercial and collaborative viability for sustainability.
The reservoirs are water sources built along the fluvial basins, between rivers and dams made by concrete or earth. In Brazil they are built for different purposes, standing out the generation of energy (hydroelectric power station), flowing regulation, water reserves and flooding control, therefore they have played and still play an important role in the modern society.In the Northeastern semiarid region, they are typically used to supply cities and as a source of food.In the state of Rio Grande do Norte, the large reservoirs are intended for the same purpose.The cities settled in the riverbanks, or which have river channels crossing them, face flooding related problems. In the city of Macaíba-RN, flooding occurred systematically during the rainy season, causing great inconvenience to the local population.As product of the collective claim Tabatinga Reservoir in Jundiaí river was built, upstream of the city. Facing this background, this thesis aimed to assess the sócio-environmental quality of this reservoir.To achieve this goal, methodologies pointed to assess water quality along with the aplication of a questionnaire were used aimed to verify the quality of water and to know the perception of the residents from urban and rural área settled near to the reservoir was performed. The results showed the existence of conflicts of residents of rural communities and the presence of the reservoir, while for the city's population, the reservoir is considered not only the right solution to solve flooding in urban areas, but also as economic source for the rural population. Considering the water source assessment, this study concluded that the Tabatinga Reservoir is unfit for human use, due to the presence of metals of toxicological significance with the potential to elicit damage to the genetic material of individuals that use water from this reservoir, leading to cause serious risks to health population.
High dependability, availability and fault-tolerance are open problems in Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA). The possibility of generating software applications by integrating services from heterogeneous domains, in a reliable way, makes worthwhile to face the challenges inherent to this paradigm. In order to ensure quality in service compositions, some research efforts propose the adoption of verification techniques to identify and correct errors. In this context, exception handling is a powerful mechanism to increase SOA quality. Several research works are concerned with mechanisms for exception propagation on web services, implemented in many languages and frameworks. However, to the extent of our knowledge, no works found evaluates these mechanisms in SOA with regard to the .NET framework. The main contribution of this paper is to evaluate and to propose exception propagation mechanisms in SOA to applications developed within the .NET framework. In this direction, this work: (i)extends a previous study, showing the need to propose a solution to the exception propagation in SOA to applications developed in .NET, and (ii) show a solution, based in model obtained from the results found in (i) and that will be applied in real cases through of faults injections and AOP techniques.
The electrical ceramic insulators industry, uses noble raw materials such as siliceous and aluminous clays of white burning, in order to provide plasticity of the mass and contribute to electrical and mechanical properties required of the product, and feldspar with the flux function In literature references the composition of the masses indicates that the clay participates in percentage between 20 and 32, and feldspar 8 to 35, these materials have significant cost. In this research was performed the total replacement of commercial clay, for white burning clay from Santa Luzia region in southern Bahia and partial replacement of feldspar by ash residue of husk conilon coffee burning, from extreme south of Bahia. The objective of replacement these raw materials is to aver its technical feasibility and call attention for the embryo pole of ceramic industry for the existing in the south and extreme south of Bahia, which has significant reserves of noble raw materials such as clay white burning, kaolin, quartz and feldspar, and generates significant volume of gray husk conilon coffee as alternate flux. Clay Santa Luzia is prima noble material whose current commercial application is the production of white roofing. The residue of coffee husk ash is discarded near of production sites and is harmful to the environment. Phase diagrams and statistic design of experiments, were used for optimization and cost savings in research. The results confirmed the expectations of obtaining electrical ceramic insulators, with white burning clay of Santa Luzia and partial replacement up to 35.4% of feldspar, by treaty residue of conilon ash coffee husk burning. The statistic design that showed best results was for formulation with percentages of: clay 26.4 to 30.4%; kaolin 14.85 to 17.1%; feldspar 12.92 to 16.96%; R2 residue 7.08 to 9.2% and Quartz 32.5 to 38.75%, relative to the total mass of the mixture. The best results indicated; 0.2 to 1.4% apparent porosity , water absorption 0.1 to 0.7%, flexural strength 35 to 45MPa , dielectric strength 35-41 kV/cm , the transverse resistivity 8x109 2.5x1010 Ω.cm and for the dielectric constant ε/ε0 7 to 10.4, specification parameters for manufacturing ceramic electrical insulators of low and medium voltage.