570 resultados para Twist drills


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Accurate colour vision testing requires using the correct illumination. With the plethora of 'daylight' lamps available, is there a cost-effective alternative to the discontinued MacBeth Easel lamp? Smoking is a known risk factor for macula degeneration. As the macula is responsible for colour discrimination, any toxin that affects it has the potential to influence colour discrimination. Aims: To find a costeffective light source for colour vision testing. To investigate the effect of smoking on colour discrimination. To explore how deuteranomalous trichromats compare with normal trichromats. Methods: Using the Ishihara colour vision test subjects were classified into the groups: 'Normal/Control', 'Smoker/Test', and 'Case Study' (subjects who failed the screening test and did not smoke). They completed the Farnsworth Munsell 100 Hue test under each of the three light sources: Phillips EcoHalo Twist (tungsten halogen - THL), Kosnic KCF07ALU/GU10-865 (compact fluorescent- CFL), and Deal Guardian Ltd. GU103X2WA4B-60 (light-emitting diode - LED) Results: 42 subjects took part in the study: 18 in the Normal/Control group, 18 in the Smoker/Test group, and 6 in the Case Study group. For the Normal/Control group the total error scores (TESs) were significantly lower with the CFL than with the THL (p = 0.017) as it was for the Case Study group (p = 0.009). No significant differences were found between the Normal/Control group and the Smoker/Test group for each light source. Decision tree analysis found pack years to be a significant variable for TES. Discussion: All three light sources were comparable with previous studies. The CFL provided better colour discrimination than the LED despite them both being 6500 K. Deuteranomalous trichromats showed a greatest deviation than normal trichromats using the LED. Conclusions: The Kosnic KCF07ALU/GU10-865 is a cost-effective alternative for colour vision testing. Smoking appears to have an effect on colour vision, but requires further investigation.


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In this paper, we report a simple fibre laser torsion sensor system using an intracavity tilted fibre grating as a torsion encoded loss filter. When the grating is subjected to twist, it induces loss to the cavity, thus affecting the laser oscillation build-up time. By measuring the build-up time, both twist direction and angle on the grating can be monitored. Using a low-cost photodiode and a two-channel digital oscilloscope, we have characterised the torsion sensing capability of this fibre laser system and obtained a torsion sensitivity of ~412µs/(rad/m) in the dynamic range from -150° to +150°.


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When I started writing this paper, I thought I would only be writing about the parallel between the mathematical theory of inventory and production – as a familiar model of operations research – and liquidity management. And then during the writing process, predictably enough I must say, the scandals surrounding the Buda-Cash and Quaestor brokerages erupted. Likewise in this period, the debate about foreign currency lending gained fresh impetus; about who made which mistakes when, or whether there was anyone who didn’t make mistakes. The most surprising twist revealed in the Buda-Cash and Quaestor cases – beyond alleged losses running into several hundreds of billions of forints – was that all this could be accumulated in 15 years of selfless effort. And even if this information proves to be comment born of initial over-excitement, it still demands an explanation one way or another. If it’s true, then how can this be? And if it isn’t, then what made it appear as if this is what happened? The questions and contradictions are obvious. But the main questions are these: What do risk managers actually do? What do we pay them for? And how far can we trust them?


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The strong couplings between different degrees of freedom are believed to be responsible for novel and complex phenomena discovered in transition metal oxides (TMOs). The physical complexity is directly responsible for their tunability. Creating surfaces/interfaces add an additional ' man-made' twist, approaching the quantum phenomena of correlated materials. ^ The dissertation focused on the structural and electronic properties in proximity of surface of three prototype TMO compounds by using three complementary techniques: scanning tunneling microscopy, angle-resolved photoelectron spectroscopy and low energy electron diffraction, particularly emphasized the effects of broken symmetry and imperfections like defects on the coupling between charge and lattice degrees of freedom. ^ Ca1.5Sr0.5RuO4 is a layered ruthenate with square lattice and at the boundary of magnetic/orbital instability in Ca2-xSrxRuO4. That the substitution of Sr 2+ with Ca2+ causing RuO6 rotation narrows the dxy band width and changes the Fermi surface topology. Particularly, the γ(dxy) Fermi surface sheet exhibited hole-like in Ca1.5Sr0.5RuO4 in contrast to electron-like in Sr2RuO4, showing a strong charge-lattice coupling. ^ Na0.75CoO2 is a layered cobaltite with triangular lattice exhibiting extraordinary thermoelectric properties. The well-ordered CoO2-terminated surface with random Na distribution was observed. However, lattice constants of the surface are smaller than that in bulk. The surface density of states (DOS) showed strong temperature dependence. Especially, an unusual shift of the minimum DOS occurs below 230 K, clearly indicating a local charging effect on the surface. ^ Cd2Re2O7 is the first known pyrochlore oxide superconductor (Tc ∼ 1K). It exhibited an unusual second-order phase transition occurring at TS1 = 200 K and a controversial first-order transition at TS2 = 120 K. While bulk properties display large anomalies at TS1 but rather subtle and sample-dependent changes at TS2, the surface DOS near the EF show no change at T s1 but a substantial increase below TS2---a complete reversal as the signature for the transitions. We argued that crystal imperfections, mainly defects, which were considerably enhanced at the surface, resulted in the transition at TS2. ^


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This dissertation is a study of customer relationship management theory and practice. Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is a business strategy whereby companies build strong relationships with existing and prospective customers with the goal of increasing organizational profitability. It is also a learning process involving managing change in processes, people, and technology. CRM implementation and its ramifications are also not completely understood as evidenced by the high number of failures in CRM implementation in organizations and the resulting disappointments. ^ The goal of this dissertation is to study emerging issues and trends in CRM, including the effect of computer software and the accompanying new management processes on organizations, and the dynamics of the alignment of marketing, sales and services, and all other functions responsible for delivering customers a satisfying experience. ^ In order to understand CRM better a content analysis of more than a hundred articles and documents from academic and industry sources was undertaken using a new methodological twist to the traditional method. An Internet domain name (http://crm.fiu.edu) was created for the purpose of this research by uploading an initial one hundred plus abstracts of articles and documents onto it to form a knowledge database. Once the database was formed a search engine was developed to enable the search of abstracts using relevant CRM keywords to reveal emergent dominant CRM topics. The ultimate aim of this website is to serve as an information hub for CRM research, as well as a search engine where interested parties can enter CRM-relevant keywords or phrases to access abstracts, as well as submit abstracts to enrich the knowledge hub. ^ Research questions were investigated and answered by content analyzing the interpretation and discussion of dominant CRM topics and then amalgamating the findings. This was supported by comparisons within and across individual, paired, and sets-of-three occurrences of CRM keywords in the article abstracts. ^ Results show that there is a lack of holistic thinking and discussion of CRM in both academics and industry which is required to understand how the people, process, and technology in CRM impact each other to affect successful implementation. Industry has to get their heads around CRM and holistically understand how these important dimensions affect each other. Only then will organizational learning occur, and overtime result in superior processes leading to strong profitable customer relationships and a hard to imitate competitive advantage. ^


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To help lawyers uncover jurors' attitudes and predict verdict, litigation experts recommend that attorneys encourage jurors to repeatedly express their attitudes during voir dire. While social cognitive literature has established that repeated expression of attitudes increases accessibility and behavior predictability, the persuasive twist on the method exercised in trials deserves empirical investigation. Only one study has examined the use of repeated expression within a legal context with the results finding that the tactic increased accessibility, but did not influence the attitude verdict relationship. This dissertation reexamines the ability of civil attitudes to predict verdict in a civil trial and investigates the use of repeated expression as a persuasive tactic utilized by both parties (Plaintiff and Defense) within a civil voir dire in an attempt to increase attitudinal strength, via accessibility, and change attitudes to better predict verdict. This project also explores potential moderators, repetition by the opposing party and the use of a forewarning, to determine their ability to counter the effects of repeated expression on attitudes and verdict.^ This dissertation project asked subjects to take on the role of jurors in a civil case. During the voir dire questioning session, the number of times the participants were solicited to express their attitudes towards litigation crisis by both parties was manipulated (one vs. five). Also manipulated was the inclusion of a forewarning statement from the plaintiff, within which mock jurors were cautioned about the repeated tactics that the defense may use to influence their attitudes. Subsequently, participants engaged in a response latency task which measured the accessibility of their attitudes towards various case-related issues. After reading a vignette of a fictitious personal injury case, participants rendered verdict decisions and responded to an attitude evaluation scale. Exploratory factor analyses, Probit regressions, and path analyses were used to analyze the data. Results indicated that the act of repeated expression influenced both the accessibility and value of litigation crisis attitudes thus increasing the attitude-verdict relationship, but only when only one party engaged in it. Furthermore, the forewarning manipulation did moderate the effect of repeated expression on attitude change and verdict, supporting our hypothesis.^


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto com especialização em Treino Desportivo – Futebol


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This paper presents a survey conducted through collaborative work, which took place in a suburb school in the city of Uberlandia-MG. The research is characterized as case study and has a qualitative approach. Had the objective to look for different strategies of teaching and learning through the use of technology in pedagogical practice. Regarding the methodology in this research, we analyzed the work with the support of blogs, whose pages were used for student records and discussions directed to the geometry content. The students who were attending the fifth (5th) year of elementary school were invited to participate in this project. However, the research subjects were only those students who accepted the invitation to participate in the study through statement signed by parents. The project was developed with 30 students in the second half of 2014 and another 30 in the first half of 2015. The physical space at school, where most of the project activities were done was at the computer lab. In the process of compiling the data, at school, the following instruments were used: field notes produced by the entire project team, photographs and footage of the activities produced in the computer lab and in classroom (recorded by the research team) questionnaires, interviews, virtual space records: the blogs. The results of this research mainly focused on the analysis of the fifth year student‟s productions records in blogs. Regarding the conclusion, the research has shown that blogs, software and differentiated dynamic studies attracted the student‟s attention, leaving them mostly instigated by the unknown. Gradually, students built their own knowledge from their mistakes and successes. The entire work process enabled the computer lab to be an environment that is used not just to solving computerized and tedious drills. The blogs production work in groups, developed in students the reading and writing of both the mother language as symbols and mathematical nomenclature. The interaction between students became noticeable throughout the project, since it provided the student‟s personal growth, respect, tolerance and mutual cooperation. In this sense, we concluded that the project greatly contributed to the students' literacy process in the mother language, mathematics and computer literacy.


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In gastric cancer (GC), the main subtypes (diffuse and intestinal types) differ in pathological characteristics, with diffuse GC exhibiting early disseminative and invasive behaviour. A distinctive feature of diffuse GC is loss of intercellular adhesion. Although widely attributed to mutations in the CDH1 gene encoding E-cadherin, a significant percentage of diffuse GC do not harbor CDH1 mutations. We found that the expression of the actin-modulating cytoskeletal protein, gelsolin, is significantly higher in diffuse-type compared to intestinal-type GCs, using immunohistochemical and microarray analysis. Furthermore, in GCs with wild-type CDH1, gelsolin expression correlated inversely with CDH1 gene expression. Downregulating gelsolin using siRNA in GC cells enhanced intercellular adhesion and E-cadherin expression, and reduced invasive capacity. Interestingly, hepatocyte growth factor (HGF) induced increased gelsolin expression, and gelsolin was essential for HGF-medicated cell scattering and E-cadherin transcriptional repression through Snail, Twist and Zeb2. The HGF-dependent effect on E-cadherin was found to be mediated by interactions between gelsolin and PI3K-Akt signaling. This study reveals for the first time a function of gelsolin in the HGF/cMet oncogenic pathway, which leads to E-cadherin repression and cell scattering in gastric cancer. Our study highlights gelsolin as an important pro-disseminative factor contributing to the aggressive phenotype of diffuse GC.


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Statistics published by the National Health Service Litigation Authority relating to ten years of maternity claims provoke a sharp intake of breath. The total value of these claims over the first decade of the 21st century was £3,117,649,888 (NHS Litigation Authority 2012). The United Kingdom is not the only country to witness an astronomical increase in the level of litigation relating to maternity services. As far afield as Saudi Arabia (Henary et al 2012) and the United States (Berkowitz 2011), reports are being published of the demands on maternity budgets as a result of dissatisfaction with care received during pregnancy, labour and birth. The papers referenced above attribute adverse outcomes to negligence, misdiagnosis, surgical blunders and inefficient administration. Berkowitz(2011:7) suggests that what is needed is wholesale and whole-hearted adoption of ‘…electronic fetal monitoring [EFM] certification for all staff working on their Labor and Delivery floor, protocols for managing common clinical scenarios, simulation drills for dealing with uncommon dangerous events, and pre-procedure checklists’. The NHS Litigation Authority (2012:5) recommends that Trusts ‘…engage with the risk management process at all levels; provide suitable learning and training; ensure appropriate supervision and support; have in place up-to-date protocols and guidance with which staff are familiar; learn lessons from claims’. It is relatively easy to ensure that staff are sent on fetal heart rate (FHR) training days (although whether use of EFM produces better outcomes has, of course, never been clearly demonstrated (Alfirevic et al 2013) and that protocols for managing events during labour and birth are drawn up and even put into practice. It’s uncertain, however, whether doing so will make the problem of maternity litigation go away. There is something ‘rotten in the state of Denmark’ that is fuelling women’s dissatisfaction and which ‘the system’ has not been able to get its head round.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Relatório de Estágio apresentado para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Desporto com especialização em Treino Desportivo – Futebol


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Considerable interest in renewable energy has increased in recent years due to the concerns raised over the environmental impact of conventional energy sources and their price volatility. In particular, wind power has enjoyed a dramatic global growth in installed capacity over the past few decades. Nowadays, the advancement of wind turbine industry represents a challenge for several engineering areas, including materials science, computer science, aerodynamics, analytical design and analysis methods, testing and monitoring, and power electronics. In particular, the technological improvement of wind turbines is currently tied to the use of advanced design methodologies, allowing the designers to develop new and more efficient design concepts. Integrating mathematical optimization techniques into the multidisciplinary design of wind turbines constitutes a promising way to enhance the profitability of these devices. In the literature, wind turbine design optimization is typically performed deterministically. Deterministic optimizations do not consider any degree of randomness affecting the inputs of the system under consideration, and result, therefore, in an unique set of outputs. However, given the stochastic nature of the wind and the uncertainties associated, for instance, with wind turbine operating conditions or geometric tolerances, deterministically optimized designs may be inefficient. Therefore, one of the ways to further improve the design of modern wind turbines is to take into account the aforementioned sources of uncertainty in the optimization process, achieving robust configurations with minimal performance sensitivity to factors causing variability. The research work presented in this thesis deals with the development of a novel integrated multidisciplinary design framework for the robust aeroservoelastic design optimization of multi-megawatt horizontal axis wind turbine (HAWT) rotors, accounting for the stochastic variability related to the input variables. The design system is based on a multidisciplinary analysis module integrating several simulations tools needed to characterize the aeroservoelastic behavior of wind turbines, and determine their economical performance by means of the levelized cost of energy (LCOE). The reported design framework is portable and modular in that any of its analysis modules can be replaced with counterparts of user-selected fidelity. The presented technology is applied to the design of a 5-MW HAWT rotor to be used at sites of wind power density class from 3 to 7, where the mean wind speed at 50 m above the ground ranges from 6.4 to 11.9 m/s. Assuming the mean wind speed to vary stochastically in such range, the rotor design is optimized by minimizing the mean and standard deviation of the LCOE. Airfoil shapes, spanwise distributions of blade chord and twist, internal structural layup and rotor speed are optimized concurrently, subject to an extensive set of structural and aeroelastic constraints. The effectiveness of the multidisciplinary and robust design framework is demonstrated by showing that the probabilistically designed turbine achieves more favorable probabilistic performance than those of the initial baseline turbine and a turbine designed deterministically.


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The electronic properties of bilayer graphene strongly depend on relative orientation of the two atomic lattices. Whereas Bernal-stacked graphene is most commonly studied, a rotational mismatch between layers opens up a whole new field of rich physics, especially at small interlayer twist. Here we report on magnetotransport measurements on twisted graphene bilayers, prepared by folding of single layers. These reveal a strong dependence on the twist angle, which can be estimated by means of sample geometry. At small rotation, superlattices with a wavelength in the order of 10 nm arise and are observed by friction atomic force microscopy. Magnetotransport measurements in this small-angle regime show the formation of satellite Landau fans. These are attributed to additional Dirac singularities in the band structure and discussed with respect to the wide range of interlayer coupling models.


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Measuring the extent to which a piece of structural timber has distorted at a macroscopic scale is fundamental to assessing its viability as a structural component. From the sawmill to the construction site, as structural timber dries, distortion can render it unsuitable for its intended purposes. This rejection of unusable timber is a considerable source of waste to the timber industry and the wider construction sector. As such, ensuring accurate measurement of distortion is a key step in addressing ineffciencies within timber processing. Currently, the FRITS frame method is the established approach used to gain an understanding of timber surface profile. The method, while reliable, is dependent upon relatively few measurements taken across a limited area of the overall surface, with a great deal of interpolation required. Further, the process is unavoidably slow and cumbersome, the immobile scanning equipment limiting where and when measurements can be taken and constricting the process as a whole. This thesis seeks to introduce LiDAR scanning as a new, alternative approach to distortion feature measurement. In its infancy as a measurement technique within timber research, the practicalities of using LiDAR scanning as a measurement method are herein demonstrated, exploiting many of the advantages the technology has over current approaches. LiDAR scanning creates a much more comprehensive image of a timber surface, generating input data multiple magnitudes larger than that of the FRITS frame. Set-up and scanning time for LiDAR is also much quicker and more flexible than existing methods. With LiDAR scanning the measurement process is freed from many of the constraints of the FRITS frame and can be done in almost any environment. For this thesis, surface scans were carried out on seven Sitka spruce samples of dimensions 48.5x102x3000mm using both the FRITS frame and LiDAR scanner. The samples used presented marked levels of distortion and were relatively free from knots. A computational measurement model was created to extract feature measurements from the raw LiDAR data, enabling an assessment of each piece of timber to be carried out in accordance with existing standards. Assessment of distortion features focused primarily on the measurement of twist due to its strong prevalence in spruce and the considerable concern it generates within the construction industry. Additional measurements of surface inclination and bow were also made with each method to further establish LiDAR's credentials as a viable alternative. Overall, feature measurements as generated by the new LiDAR method compared well with those of the established FRITS method. From these investigations recommendations were made to address inadequacies within existing measurement standards, namely their reliance on generalised and interpretative descriptions of distortion. The potential for further uses of LiDAR scanning within timber researches was also discussed.