607 resultados para Turbinas a vento
O objetivo desta Dissertação é propor uma geometria para um projétil de combate a incêndios. É utilizado o código de volume finito Star - CCM+R para calcular forças e momentos que atuam no projétil e é criado um código no MathematicaR para definir as caraterísticas da trajetória. O PRODASV 3 R é utilizado de modo a verificar e validar os modelos implementados. Inicialmente, o procedimento adotado consistiu em criar uma metodologia completa para uma munição existente que permitisse ser verificada e validada com a literatura disponível. Foi realizada uma extensa caraterização aerodinâmica através de CFD, a fim de se estabelecer o comportamento das forças e momentos que atuam nos projéteis e assim fornecer os dados necessários para o modelo 6 DOF. As forças e momentos dependem do ângulo de ataque. Concluiu-se que a cinta de travamento, a cinta de guiamento e o efeito de Coriolis eram desprezáveis quando comparados com os resultados obtidos. Na fase seguinte foram testadas seis geometrias diferentes, variando-se o comprimento e o nariz. Definiu-se para este projétil um a velocidade inicial de 100m/s, 10kg, concluindo-se que o comprimento total seria de 697,1mm e perfil semiesférico, com capacidade para transportar 7,5 dm3 no interior. Foram realizados testes com vento para avaliar a estabilidade em voo, e o software e processo de análise desenvolvido neste trabalho estão disponíveis, sendo um contributo para o projeto FIREND.
As construções em alvenaria em Portugal ainda hoje representam um marco importante na construção portuguesa, sobretudo pela importância histórica associada às edificações. Grande parte das principais baixas das cidades portuguesas são brindadas com grandes e imponentes edifícios em alvenaria, fazendo parte integrante de uma herança deixada de uma tecnologia construtiva que não tem merecido a devida atenção pelas várias entidades responsáveis pela construção em Portugal. É então premente uma mudança profunda na construção em Portugal, fomentando a adoção de métodos construtivos mais ecológicos. É esta premissa que motiva este trabalho. Neste trabalho estudam-se algumas metodologias modernas de cálculo, nomeadamente os procedimentos de cálculo para obtenção das forças horizontais a aplicar a cada parede vertical resistente, tendo por base os recentes regulamentos europeus. Este trabalho pretende também entender melhor o comportamento de vigas de alvenaria sujeitas a ações verticais no seu plano. Para a execução de vigas-lintel é normalmente usada armadura ordinária, pelo que é apresentado e proposto um novo método construtivo usando armadura prefabricada de junta como principal armação das vigas-lintel. Finalmente, é apresentada e descrita a solução preconizada para as vigas-lintel sobre as aberturas e vigas-cintas numa moradia executada ao abrigo de um projeto de investigação. Durante a fase experimental deste estudo, foram executadas vigas de alvenaria com dois sistemas de armadura, o proposto e o normalmente usado, com o objetivo de comparar os resultados e os modos de rotura, a fim de avaliar e validar o método proposto. As vantagens mais evidentes deste método são: rapidez de execução, redução dos materiais usados e menor necessidade de mão de obra qualificada no corte, dobragem e montagem das armaduras. Palavras-Chave: , , , , , ,
El doctor Barlo-Vento es seud. de Ildefonso Martínez y Fenández.
Mode of access: Internet.
A translation, with some changes, of the work published in Madrid in 1889 under title: Méjico contemporáneo, por Francisco de Prida y Arteaga y Rafael Pérez Vento.
Vol. 3-5, 7-8: 2. ed.
O contexto batista é predominantemente marcado por lideranças masculinas, destinando às mulheres apenas lugares e comportamentos socialmente estabelecidos, como a casa, o cuidado, a maternidade, a submissão, entre outras características que enfatizam a hierarquia de gênero. Mesmo diante do desenvolvimento econômico e da ocupação que as mulheres estão conquistando no campo público, a igreja e principalmente as igrejas batistas, permanecem fundadas em alicerces que exaltam o poder masculino em detrimento do lugar que deve ser ocupado pelas mulheres, ou seja, onde elas decidirem atuar. Caso elas decidam atuar num campo predominantemente masculino, terão que lidar com a desconstrução de um pensamento socialmente permeado de dominação masculina e com a árdua construção de um pensamento que vise a igualdade de gênero. O objeto desta pesquisa é o ministério pastoral feminino no contexto batista brasileiro. O texto analisa o discurso das Pastoras Batistas do Estado de São Paulo e o discurso dos líderes da Ordem dos Pastores Batistas de São Paulo (OPBB-SP) a respeito do ministério pastoral feminino e a não filiação de mulheres na OPBB-SP. A importância deste trabalho é a de demostrar as relações de micro poder existentes entre pastores e pastoras e concomitantemente as desigualdades dentro do contexto batista com relação ao ministério pastoral feminino. Essa afirmação se consolida por meio das análises das entrevistas semiestruturadas que realizei na pesquisa de campo, com sete pastoras batistas do Estado de São Paulo, bem como com três líderes da OPPB-SP. Esta é uma pesquisa qualitativa, em que foram analisados documentos oficiais da igreja, como pautas de convenções, atas, sites institucionais, periódicos e documentos não oficiais encontrados em redes sociais, blogs, jornais online, entre outros. Posso afirmar que as pastoras batistas estão se mobilizando para cumprir sua vocação, usando argumentos transcendentes que impedem qualquer pessoa de desafiar ou duvidar de seu chamado pastoral, pois: “O vento sopra onde quer; ouve-se o ruído, mas não sabes de onde vem, nem para onde vai. Assim acontece com aquele(a) que nasceu do Espírito.” (João 3.8).
In this dissertation we propose a Teaching Unit of Physics to teach content through environmental discussions of the greenhouse effect and global warming. This teaching unit is based on a problem-methodological intervention from the application of the method of the Arch of Charles Maguerez. The methodological foundations of the thesis are embedded in action research and this is structured in five chapters: the first chapter deals with the Physical Environment (FMA) as a subject in Degree Courses in Physics in Brazil, bringing the concern of how this discipline has been taught. We started the first chapter explaining the reasons behind the inclusion of the discipline of Physical Environment in a Physics Degree Courses. Then we did a search on the websites of Institutions of Higher Education, to know of the existence or not of this discipline on curricular. We then analyzed the menus to see what bibliographies are being adopted and what content of Physics are being worked, and how it has been done. The courses surveyed were those of Federal and Federal Institutes Universities. Thus ended the first chapter. Given the inseparability between studies in Physics Teaching and studies on competencies, skills and significant learning, wrote the second chapter. In this chapter we discuss the challenge of converting information into knowledge. Initially on initial teacher training, because even if this is not our focus, the study is a discipline on the upper reaches, therefore, offered to future teachers. Then we talked about the culture of knowledge, where we emphasize the use of a teaching approach that promotes meanings taught by content and make sense to the student. We finished the third chapter, making some considerations on skills and abilities, in order to identify what skills and competencies were developed and worked during and after the implementation of Curriculum Unit. The third chapter is the result of a literature review and study of the radioactive EarthSun interaction. The subjects researched approach from the generation of energy in the sun to topics stain solar coronal mass ejections, solar wind, black body radiation, Wien displacement law, Stefan-Boltzmann Law, greenhouse effect and global warming. This chapter deals with material support for the teacher of the aforementioned discipline. The fourth chapter talks about the arc method of Charles Maguerez; Here we explain the structure of each of the five steps of the Arc and how to use them in teaching. We also show another version of this method adapted by Bordenave. In the fifth and final chapter brought a description of how the method of Arc was used in physics classes of Environment, with students majoring in Physics IFRN Campus Santa Cruz. Here, in this chapter, a transcript of classes to show how was the application of a problem-based methodology in the teaching of content proposed for Physics Teaching Unit from the environmental discussion about the greenhouse effect and global warming phenomena
In this thesis used four different methods in order to diagnose the precipitation extremes on Northeastern Brazil (NEB): Generalized Linear Model s via logistic regression and Poisson, extreme value theory analysis via generalized extre me value (GEV) and generalized Pareto (GPD) distributions and Vectorial Generalized Linea r Models via GEV (MVLG GEV). The logistic regression and Poisson models were used to identify the interactions between the precipitation extremes and other variables based on the odds ratios and relative risks. It was found that the outgoing longwave radiation was the indicator variable for the occurrence of extreme precipitation on eastern, northern and semi arid NEB, and the relative humidity was verified on southern NEB. The GEV and GPD distribut ions (based on the 95th percentile) showed that the location and scale parameters were presented the maximum on the eastern and northern coast NEB, the GEV verified a maximum core on western of Pernambuco influenced by weather systems and topography. The GEV and GPD shape parameter, for most regions the data fitted by Weibull negative an d Beta distributions (ξ < 0) , respectively. The levels and return periods of GEV (GPD) on north ern Maranhão (centerrn of Bahia) may occur at least an extreme precipitation event excee ding over of 160.9 mm /day (192.3 mm / day) on next 30 years. The MVLG GEV model found tha t the zonal and meridional wind components, evaporation and Atlantic and Pacific se a surface temperature boost the precipitation extremes. The GEV parameters show the following results: a) location ( ), the highest value was 88.26 ± 6.42 mm on northern Maran hão; b) scale ( σ ), most regions showed positive values, except on southern of Maranhão; an d c) shape ( ξ ), most of the selected regions were adjusted by the Weibull negative distr ibution ( ξ < 0 ). The southern Maranhão and southern Bahia have greater accuracy. The level period, it was estimated that the centern of Bahia may occur at least an extreme precipitatio n event equal to or exceeding over 571.2 mm/day on next 30 years.
Stabilization ponds are biological treatment systems in that stabilization of organic matter is performed by the bacterial oxidation and / or reduction of photosynthetic algae. This study aimed to monitor and evaluate the efficiency of stabilization ponds in the Rio Grande do Norte State. Collections were made of the treated effluent, made directly in the output boxes of facultative lagoons and maturation (M1 and M2) and raw sewage (EB) that arrived at the stations. The variables analyzed were: pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, total suspended solids, chlorophyll "a", apparent color, total phosphorus, organic nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen, Kjeldahl nitrogen, turbidity, cyanobacteria density and concentrations of microcystin. Variance analysis (ANOVA one way) observing the premises using the Tukey test, so as to check differences between treatments. The evaluate the stations found to COD removals in the bands of 48,8% (Pipa) to 75,8% (Caiçara Rio do Vento) and 57,5% (Pipa) to 83,0% (Santo Antônio), respectively. The mean concentrations of cyanobacteria varied from LFs density of 62,545 cels.mL-1 (Pedro Velho Roça) cels.mL-1 to 2,669,048 (Ponta Negra), while the final effluent showed range between 9,072 Cels.mL- 1 (Pedro Velho Roça) to 1,899,981 cels.mL-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) and the average concentrations of microcystin the final effluent ranged from 0.02 μg.L-1 (Ponta Negra) to 0.15 μg.L-1 (Macau – Ilha de Santana) at the studied the stations.
The developed study proposes a new computer modeling efficient and easy to apply in usual project situations to evaluate the interaction between masonry panels and support structure. The proposed model simulates the behavior of the wall exclusively using frame finite elements, thus compounding an equivalent frame. The validation was performed in two ways: firstly, through the analysis of various panels of generic plans, comparing the results obtained from equivalent frame model with the ones from a reference model, which uses shell finite elements in discretization of the walls; and in a second step, comparing with the results of the experimental model of Rosenhaupt. The analyzes considered the linear elastic behavior for materials and consisted basically in the evaluation of vertical displacements and efforts in support beams, and tensions at the base of walls. Was also evaluated, from flat and threedimensional modeling of some walls from a real project, important aspects of the wall-beam interaction, e.g.: the presence of openings of doors and windows, arranged in any position; conditions of support and linking of beams; interference of moorings between walls; and consideration of wind action. The analysis of the achieved results demonstrated the efficiency of the proposed modeling, since they have very similar aspects in the distribution of stresses and efforts, always with intensities slightly larger than those of the reference and experimental models.
The pioneering work proposed by Skumanich (1972) has shown that the projected mean rotational velocity < v sini > for solar type stars follows a rotation law decreases with the time given by t −1/2 , where t is the stellar age. This relationship is consistent with the theories of the angular momentum loss through the ionized stellar wind, which in turn is coupled to the star through its magnetic field. Several authors (e.g.: Silva et al. 2013 and de Freitas et al. 2014) have analyzed the possible matches between the rotational decay and the profile of the velocity distribution. These authors came to a simple heuristic relationship, but did not build a direct path between the exponent of the rotational decay (j) and the exponent of the distribution of the rotational velocity (q). The whole theoretical scenario has been proposed using an efficient and strong statistical mechanics well known as non-extensive statistical mechanics. The present dissertation proposes effectively to close this issue by elaborating a theoretical way to modify the q-Maxwellians’ distributions into q-Maxwellians with physics links extracted from the theory of magnetic braking. In order to test our distributions we have used the GenevaCapenhagen Survey data with approximately 6000 F and G field stars limited by age. As a result, we obtained that the exponents of the decay law and distribution follow a similar relationship to that proposed by Silva et al. (2013).
The constant necessity for new sources of renewable energy is increasingly promoting the increase of investments in this area. Among other sources, the wind power has been becoming prominent. It is important to promote the search for the improvement of the technologies involved in the topologies of the wind turbines, seeking for alternatives which enhance the gotten performance, despite the irregularity of the wind speed. This study presents a new system for speed control, in this case applied to the wind turbines - the Electromagnetic Frequency Regulator (EFR). One of the most used devices in some topologies is the mechanical gearboxes which, along with a short service life, often represent sources of noise and defects. The EFR does not need these transmission boxes, representing a technological advancement, using for that an adapted induction machine, in which the stator becomes mobile, supportive to the axis of the turbine. In the topology used in this study, the EFR also allows us to leave out the usage of the eletronic converters to establish the coupling between the generator and the electrical grid. It also the reason why it provides the possibility of obtaining the generation in alternating current, with constant voltage and frequency, where there is no electrical grid. Responsable for the mechanical speed control of the generator, the EFR can be useful in other transmission systems in which the mechanical speed control output is the objective. In addition, the EFR operates through the combination of two inputs, a mechanical and other electrical. It multiplies the possibilities of application because it is able to synergistic coupling between different arrays of energy, and, for such reasons, it enables the various sources of energy involved to be uncoupled from the network, being the synchronous generator responsible for the system connection with the electrical grid, simplifying the control strategies on the power injected in it. Experimental and simulation results are presented through this study, about a wind turbine, validating the proposal related to the efficience in the speed control of the system for different wind conditions.
The maned wolf (Chrysocyon brachyurus Illiger 1815) is the biggest canid in South America and it is considered a “near threatened” species by IUCN. Because of its nocturnal, territorial and solitary habits, there are still many understudied aspects of their behavior in natural environments, including acoustic communication. In its vocal repertoire, the wolf presents a longdistance call named “roar-bark” which, according to literature, functions for spacing maintenance between individuals and/or communication between members of the reproductive pair inside the territory. In this context, this study aimed: 1) to compare four methods for detecting maned wolf’s roar-barks in recordings made in a natural environment, in order to elect the most efficient one for our project; 2) to understand the night emission pattern of these vocalizations, verifying possible weather and moon phases influences in roarbark’s emission rates; and 3) to test Passive Acoustic Monitoring as a tool to identify the presence of maned wolves in a natural environment. The study area was the Serra da Canastra National Park (Minas Gerais, Brazil), where autonomous recorders were used for sound acquisition, recording all night (from 06pm to 06am) during five days in December/2013 and every day from April to July/2014. Roar-barks’ detection methods were tested and compared regarding time needed to analyze files, number of false positives and number of correctly identified calls. The mixed method (XBAT + manual) was the most efficient one, finding 100% of vocalizations in almost half of the time the manual method did, being chosen for our data analysis. By studying roarbarks’ temporal variation we verified that the wolves vocalize more in the early hours of the evening, suggesting an important social function for those calls at the beginning of its period of most intense activity. Average wind speed negatively influenced vocalization rate, which may indicate lower sound reception of recorders or a change in behavioral patterns of wolves in high speed wind conditions. A better understanding of seasonal variation of maned wolves’ vocal activity is required, but our study already shows that it is possible to detect behavioral patterns of wild animals only by sound, validating PAM as a tool in this species’ conservation.
In this work we propose the development of an ultrasonic anemometer using distance sensors. The wind is an important tool for studying the dynamics of the atmosphere, changes in climate and agricultural crops meteorological variable. Thus it is necessary advances in studies that provide increasingly characterizing the behavior of the wind. Currently there are several types of anemometers to measure wind speed, among which stands out due to the ultrasonic anemometer accuracy in measurements. But this device has a high cost difficult to use. Therefore, we sought to lower the cost of the ultrasonic anemometer, developing an apparatus capable of measuring wind velocity using distance sensors. In this type of anemometer wind speed is measured based on the transit time of the ultrasonic pulse, in this same distance sensors to space technique measures. Here various assemblies seeking the best configuration which could use the distance sensor to measure wind speed were made. Arrangements bulkhead and separate transducers are examples of worked assemblies that will be detailed in chapter 3. With the measures collected (with and without wind) histograms, which show the distribution of records transit time of the sound wave for each case were generated. Two of the studied configurations show favorable results regarding the use of the distance sensor as the wind speed.