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Il existe actuellement de nombreuses preuves démontrant que des facteurs génétiques et environnementaux interagissent pendant des périodes spécifiques du développement pour rendre une personne vulnérable aux troubles psychologiques via diverses adaptations physiologiques. Cette thèse porte sur l'impact de l’adversité prénatale (représentée par le petit poids à la naissance, PPN) et de l’adversité postnatale précoce (symptômes dépressifs maternels et comportements maternels négatifs), sur le développement du cerveau, particulièrement les régions fronto-limbiques impliquées dans le traitement des émotions, pendant l'enfance et l'adolescence. Des jumeaux monozygotes (MZ) sont utilisés, lorsque possible, afin de contrôler pour les effets génétiques. Les chapitres 1 et 2 présentent les résultats de la vérification de l'hypothèse que l’adversité prénatale et postnatale précoce sont associées à une altération du fonctionnement des régions fronto-limbique tels que l’amygdale, l’hippocampe, l’insula, le cortex cingulaire antérieur et le cortex préfrontal, en réponse à des stimuli émotifs chez des enfants et des adolescents. On observe que les symptômes dépressifs maternels sont associés à une activation plus élevée des régions fronto-limbiques des enfants en réponse à la tristesse. Les résultats de l’étude avec des adolescents suggèrent que le PPN, les symptômes dépressifs et les comportements maternels négatifs sont associés à une fonction altérée des régions fronto-limbiques en réponse à des stimuli émotionnels. Chez les jumeaux MZ on observe également que la discordance intra-paire de PPN et de certains comportements maternels est associée à une discordance intra-paire du fonctionnement du cerveau et que ces altérations diffèrent selon le sexe. Le chapitre 3 présente les résultats de la vérification de l'hypothèse que l’adversité prénatale et postnatale précoce sont associées à un volume total réduit du cerveau et de l’hypothèse que les comportements maternels peuvent servir de médiateur ou de modérateur de l'association entre le PPN et le volume du cerveau. Avec des jumeaux MZ à l’adolescence on observe a) que le PPN est effectivement associé à une diminution du volume total du cerveau et b) que la discordance intra-paire de PPN est associée à une discordance du volume du cerveau. En somme, cette thèse présente un ensemble de résultats qui soutiennent deux hypothèses importantes pour comprendre les effets de l’environnement sur le développement du cerveau : que l’environnement prénatal et postnatal précoce ont un impact sur le développement du cerveau indépendamment du code génétique et que les mécanismes impliqués peuvent différer entre les garçons et les filles. Finalement, l’ensemble de ces résultats sont discutés à la lumière des autres travaux de recherche dans ce domaine et des avenues à explorer pour de la recherche ultérieure sont proposées.
Semantic memory recruits an extensive neural network including the left inferior prefrontal cortex (IPC) and the left temporoparietal region, which are involved in semantic control processes, as well as the anterior temporal lobe region (ATL) which is considered to be involved in processing semantic information at a central level. However, little is known about the underlying neuronal integrity of the semantic network in normal aging. Young and older healthy adults carried out a semantic judgment task while their cortical activity was recorded using magnetoencephalography (MEG). Despite equivalent behavioral performance, young adults activated the left IPC to a greater extent than older adults, while the latter group recruited the temporoparietal region bilaterally and the left ATL to a greater extent than younger adults. Results indicate that significant neuronal changes occur in normal aging, mainly in regions underlying semantic control processes, despite an apparent stability in performance at the behavioral level.
Ma thèse porte sur les représentations de curanderismo dans Chicana/o textes. Une tradition de guérison, une vision du monde, un système de croyances et de pratiques d'origines diverses, curanderismo répond aux besoins médicaux, religieux, culturels, sociaux et politiques des Chicanas/os à la fois sur le plan individuel et communautaire. Dans mon analyse de textes littéraires (Bless Me, Ultima de Rudolfo Anaya, les poèmes sélectionnés de Pat Mora, The Hungry Woman: A Mexican Medea de Cherríe Moraga) et du cours académique sur curanderismo enseigné à l'Université du Nouveau-Mexique à Albuquerque, que j’approche comme un texte culturel, curanderismo reflète les façons complexes et souvent ambiguës de représenter Chicana/o recherche d'identité, d’affirmation de soi et d’émancipation, résultat d'une longue histoire de domination et de discrimination de Chicana/o aux Etats-Unis. Dans les textes que j’aborde dans ma thèse curanderismo assume le rôle d'une puissante métaphore qui réunit une variété de valeurs, attitudes, concepts et notions dans le but ultimede célébrer le potentiel de soi-même.
The effect of various processing parameters, such as nip gap, friction ratio and roll temperature, on the tensile properties of short Kevlar aramid fibre-thermoplastic polyurethane composite has been investigated and the tensile and tear fracture surfaces have been characterised using a scanning electron microscope. A nip gap of 0.45 mm, a friction ratio of 1.15 and a roll temperature of 62°C was found to give optimum mechanical properties. Scanning electron microscopy study revealed a higher extent of fibre orientation in the milling direction in the above condition.
In the present studies it is clear that Bacillus pumilus xylanase is having the characteristic suited for an industrial enzyme (xylanases that are active and stable at elevated temperatures and alkaline pH are needed). SSF production of xylanases and its application appears to be an innovative technology where the fermented substrate is the enzyme source that is used directly in the bleaching process without a prior downstream processing. The direct use of SSF enzymes in bleaching is a relatively new biobleaching approach. This can certainly benefit the bleaching process to lower the xylanase production costs and improve the economics and viability of the biobleaching technology. The application of enzymes to the bleaching process has been considered as an environmentally friendly approach that can reduce the negative impact on the environment exerted by the use of chlorine-based bleaching agents. It has been demonstrated that pretreatment of kraft pulp with xylanase prior to bleaching (biobleaching) can facilitate subsequent removal of lignin by bleaching chemicals, thereby, reducing the demand for elemental chlorine or improving final paper brightness. Using this xylanase pre-treatment, has resulted in an increased of brightness (8.5 Unit) when compared to non-enzymatic treated bleached pulp prepared using identical conditions. Reduction of the consumption of active chlorine can be achieved which results in a decrease in the toxicity, colour, chloride and absorbable organic halogen (AOX) levels of bleaching effluents. The xylanase treatment improves drainage, strength properties and the fragility of pulps, and also increases the brightness of pulps. This positive result shows that enzyme pre-treatment facilitates the removal of chromophore fragments of pulp there by making the process more environment friendly
This work is aimed at building an adaptable frame-based system for processing Dravidian languages. There are about 17 languages in this family and they are spoken by the people of South India.Karaka relations are one of the most important features of Indian languages. They are the semabtuco-syntactic relations between verbs and other related constituents in a sentence. The karaka relations and surface case endings are analyzed for meaning extraction. This approach is comparable with the borad class of case based grammars.The efficiency of this approach is put into test in two applications. One is machine translation and the other is a natural language interface (NLI) for information retrieval from databases. The system mainly consists of a morphological analyzer, local word grouper, a parser for the source language and a sentence generator for the target language. This work make contributios like, it gives an elegant account of the relation between vibhakthi and karaka roles in Dravidian languages. This mapping is elegant and compact. The same basic thing also explains simple and complex sentence in these languages. This suggests that the solution is not just ad hoc but has a deeper underlying unity. This methodology could be extended to other free word order languages. Since the frame designed for meaning representation is general, they are adaptable to other languages coming in this group and to other applications.
Cephalopods are utilized as an important food item in various countries because of its delicacy as raw consumed food. Mainly sepia and loligo are consumed raw by Japanese and Russians. The freshness of the products is very important when the product is consumed raw. The major species that dominate our squid catch are Loligo duvaucelii and Doryteuthis sibogae. There is a noticeable difference in the quality of both the species. The needle squid (Doryteuthis sibogae ) contributes about 35% of the total squid landing. Due to the fast deterioration , a major portion of the needle squid, which is caught during the first few hauls, is thrown back to sea. The catch in the last hauls only are taken to the landing centers. At present the needle squid is processed as blanched rings and the desired quality is not obtained if it is processed as whole, whole cleaned or as tubes. In this study an attempt is made to investigate the biochemical characteristics in both the species of squid in relation to their quality and, the process control measures to be adopted. The effect of various treatments on their quality and the changes in proteolytic and lysosomal enzymes under various processing conditions are also studied in detail.Thus this study can provide the seafood industry with relevant suggestions and solutions for effective utilization of both the species of squid with emphasis on needle squid.
The goal of this work was developing a query processing system using software agents. Open Agent Architecture framework is used for system development. The system supports queries in both Hindi and Malayalam; two prominent regional languages of India. Natural language processing techniques are used for meaning extraction from the plain query and information from database is given back to the user in his native language. The system architecture is designed in a structured way that it can be adapted to other regional languages of India. . This system can be effectively used in application areas like e-governance, agriculture, rural health, education, national resource planning, disaster management, information kiosks etc where people from all walks of life are involved.
This research project explores the utilization of cardanol in various capacities for rubber processing. Cardanol is a phenol with a long side chain in the meta position of the benzene ring. It is obtained by the vacuum distillation of cashew Hut shell liquid (CNSL) which is a cheap agro-byproduct. In this study, the plasticizer property of cardanol was investigated in silica filled and HAF black filled NR, NBR, EPDM and CR by comparing cure characteristics and mechanical properties of vulcanizates containing conventional plasticizer with those containing cardanol as plasticizer. The co-activator, antioxidant and accelerator properties were investigated in gum samples of NR, NBR, EPDM and CR by comparing the properties of vulcanizates which contain conventional co-activator, antioxidant and accelerator with those in which each of them was replaced by cardanol. The general effectiveness of cardanol was investigated by determination of cure time , measurement of physical and mechanical properties, ageing studies, crosslink density, extractability, FTIR spectra, TGA etc.The results show that cardanol can be a substitute for aromatic oil in both silica filled and HAF black filled NR. Again, it can replace dioctyl phthalate in both silica filled and HAF black filled NBR. Similarly, cardanol Can replace naphthenic oil in silica filled as well as HAF black filled EPDM and CR. The cure characteristics and mechanical properties are comparable in all the eight cases. The co-activator property of cardanol is comparable to stearic acid in all the four rubbers. The cure characteristics and mechanical properties in this case are also comparable. The antioxidant ,property of cardanol is comparable to TQ in all the four rubbers. The antioxidant property of cardanol is comparable to TQ in all the four case of NBR and EPDM.The accelerator property of cardarlol is comparable with CBS in the case of NBR and EPDM. No accelerator property is observed in the case of NR. The accelerator property of cardanol in CR is not negligible when compared with TMTD.
International School of Photonics, Cochin University of Science and Technology