805 resultados para Tensions


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Northern Ireland has been considered a conflict-resolution success story. The 1998 Belfast/Good Friday Agreement provided a framework for managing a long-standing ethnonational conflict, and has ushered in relative political stability. The consociational features of the Northern Ireland Assembly can be seen either as necessary for managing conflict or as institutionalizing sectarianism so that politics along leftright lines cannot emerge. Although there is evidence for the development of a Northern Irish identity to counter competing British and Irish identities, Northern Ireland is a long way from transcending the sectarian structures that shape almost all aspects of social and political life. Northern Ireland remains segregated along religious lines and is also prone to tensions around the anniversaries of atrocities and the public use of symbols and rituals. The failure to systematically deal with the past through public information recovery and truth-telling mechanisms also seems to have hindered progress toward reconciliation.


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From March 1999 to August 2000, the authors were involved in simultaneous internal and external evaluations of the social civic and political education (SCaPE) project in Northern Ireland. This project was a major initiative established by the Citizenship Foundation, the Northern Ireland Council for the Curriculum, Examination and Assessment (CCEA), and the School of Education at the University of Ulster at Coleraine. It was a 2-year project in 25 secondary schools established to design, develop, pilot and evaluate a new programme of social, civic and political education for Northern Ireland. It also aimed to serve as a model for future Citizenship curriculum developments throughout Northern Ireland and elsewhere. This paper describes the background to the project, the design and conduct of the two evaluations, and the links between them. It outlines the main conclusions of each evaluation and describes the way SCaPE has since evolved into a mainstream curriculum development project. The final part of the paper analyses the key opportunities, tensions and challenges involved in running such evaluations at a critical time in the history of Northern Ireland a time when innovation is both necessary and controversial. It argues that, especially in such circumstances, evaluation cannot be conducted from a neutral, objective standpoint, and that it is incumbent on evaluators to recognise the emotional, personal and political commitment they make to the projects in which they are engaged.


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Transitional justice is concerned with the legal and social processes established to deal with the legacy of violence in post-conflict and post-authoritarian contexts. These processes are essentially creatures of law they are established by statute, their work is molded and shaped by lawyers, and their outcomes are benchmarked against what is or is not acceptable in domestic and international law. Concerns have mounted in recent years about the dominance of legalism within the field and the instrumentalization of those most directly affected by past violence. A commonly prescribed but as yet largely empirically untested corrective is that transitional justice theory and practice must become more open to interdisciplinary insights and perspectives. The interview in different guises, contexts and settings is at the heart of most transitional justice processes. As a historian now working in a School of Law I reflect in this article on the theoretical and practical intersections between law, history, and the interview. Drawing on more than 200 interviews concerning the Northern Ireland conflict and six other international case studies I concentrate in particular on interview-based initiatives that purport to be victim-centered. Having identified three interrelated risks - the manipulation of victim voice by vested interests, the affording of authority to particular voices, and the reification or freezing of identity - and having related these to the constraints of legal mechanisms and a wider failure to manage victims expectations, I argue that a greater familiarity with oral history theory and praxis can usefully illuminate the tensions between legal and historical approaches to engaging voice, and ultimately offer guidance to the shared challenge of victim-centered transitional justice.


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The macrosystem refers to the overarching patterns that influence behavior at each level of the social ecology (Bronfenbrenner, 1977), making it a necessary component for assessing human development in contexts of political violence. This article proposes a method for systematically measuring the macrosystem in Northern Ireland that allows for a subnational analysis, multiple time units, and indicators of both low-level violence and positive relations. Articles were randomly chosen for each weekday in 2006-2011 from two prominent Northern Irish newspapers and coded according to their reflection of positive relations and political tensions between Catholics and Protestants. The newspaper data were then compared to existing macro-level measurements in Northern Ireland. We found that the newspaper data provided a more nuanced understanding of fluctuations in intergroup relations than the corresponding measures. This has practical implications for peacebuilding and advances our methods for assessing the impact of macro-level processes on individual development.


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This chapter explores the ghost story on television, and particularly the tensions between the medium and the genre. Television has long been seen as a nearly-supernatural medium, an association that the very term 'medium' enhances. In particular, the very intimacy of television, and its domestic presence, have led to it being considered to be a suitable and effective venue for the ghost story, while at the same time concerns have risen over it being too effective at conveying horror into the home. The ghost story is thus one of the genres where the tensions between the medium's aesthetic possibilities and desire for censorship can be most clearly seen. As such, there is a recurring use of the ghost story in relation to different techniques of special effects and narrative on television, some more effective than others, and the presence of the ghost story on television waxes and wanes as different styles become more or less popular, and different narrative forms, such as single play or serial or series, become more or less dominant. Drawing on examples primarily from a British and US context, this chapter outlines the history of the ghost story on television and demonstrates how the tensions in presentation, narrative and considerations of the viewer have influenced the many changes that have taken place within the genre.


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This multimethod case study of a Greek vocational school explored teachers culture (including beliefs about education, teachers role, and students nature) using the concept of Pupil Control Ideology to explain problems of disengagement and low morale among staff and students, as well as tensions in relationships. A prominent custodial culture was identified in the school using a functional/apolitical pedagogy to transmit legitimate knowledge to students whose working-class background did not produce desired outcomes. This generated deficit views of students, teachers sympathy, and a seemingly caring school ethos which was, nevertheless, oppressive. Students failings were naturalised and vocational education misinterpreted as merely a streaming device in a system honouring academic achievement and middle-class ways. Teachers were blind to these cultural subtleties, believing they acted rationally and altruistically. A humanistic subculture emphasising student empowerment and social transformation consisted of a minority of teachers and was rather marginalised. This disallowed meaningful dialogue and the identification of an alternative rationale for the sector, generating strong feelings of futility. Positive change in this school necessitated the deconstruction and (subsequent) reconstruction of custodial teachers worldview as embedded in their practice.


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The UKs Royal Town Planning Institute (RTPI) has celebrated its centenary in 2014, marking 100 years of close relationships between university-based planning schools and a professional body focused on planning practice. During this period, the context for university education and the very idea of planning have changed dramatically contributing to a continual renegotiation of the relationships between the planning profession and the educational institutions it accredits. These changes have been particularly pronounced in the last 10 years where a number of factors have forced a rapid change in the nature of planjavascript:void(0);ning education in the UK. This has included a boom and then slump in the number of planning students linked to the dynamics of national economic situation, a reorganization of many planning school curricula, and their merger with cognate disciplines such as geography and an increased focus on research output, rather than professional engagement as the key indicator of institutional success. This last factor adds a particularly new dimension to the profession-university relationship, which could potentially lead to either straining of tensions or a synergy through research-led teaching that could significantly benefit both. This chapter will briefly review the evolution of UK planning schools and of the main ideas informing planning education. It will then describe the current profile of UK planning schools, based on an extensive national survey conducted on behalf of the Royal Town Planning Institute. The paper will then critically review the main challenges and opportunities facing UK planning schools in the context of changes in both planning practice and higher education. It will then move on to the concept of research-led teaching, drawing on current practice in the UK and review how well this concept serves students and the idea of developing reflective planning practitioners. Finally, the paper will seek to draw broad lessons from the experience of the UK and reflect on the type of planning education that can best serve planning professions in a variety of international contexts in the future.


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The Northern Ireland peace process is often eulogized as a successful model of conflict transformation. Although the process exhibited many of the problems that beset other societies seeking to move from conflict to a negotiated peace (including disagreements over the functioning of institutions and the meanings of cultural symbols, unresolved issues relating to the effects of political violence on victims and survivors and society at large; and the residual presence of violent and political spoiler groups), the resilience of political dialogue has proven remarkable.<br/>This collection revisits the promise of a truly historic opportunity for a new beginning a decade and a half on from the signing of the Belfast/Good Friday Agreement in 1998. The book will bring together academics from across a number of disciplines, including management and organizational behaviour, law, politics, sociology, archaeology and literature.<br/><br/>The different contributions aim to assess what impact it has made in the legal, policy, and institutional areas it specifically targeted: political reform, human rights and equality provision, working through legacies of the past (including police reform, prisoner release and victims' rights) and the building of new relationships within the island of Ireland and between Ireland and Britain. With the emergence of first-time voters who had no direct experience of the violence the book explores what the Agreement offers for future generations.<br/><br/>The book is the culmination of a 12-month research project sponsored by the British Academy and Leverhulme that addressed the following aspects of the peace process:<br/>Peace walls: The euphemistically named peace walls remain one of the most visible reminders of Northern Irelands divisions and they are famously the only material manifestations of the conflict that have grown in number and extent since the 1998 Agreement. They were originally placed between antagonistic neighbouring communities often at their request at times of heightened tensions. Research under this theme explored the lack of ongoing engagement with their continuing presences, evolving meanings and impact on the communities that reside beside them needs to be overtly addressed.<br/>Cultural division: Cultural differences have often been seen as lying at the heart of the Irish problem. Despite this, art and artists have increasingly been seen as having the potential to develop new discourses. Research explored the following questions: What role can the arts play in re-imagining the spaces opened up by the promises of the 1998 Agreement? What implication does the confrontation with the legacies of conflict have for artistic practices? What impact do the arts have on constructions of identity, on narratives of history, and on electoral politics?<br/>Institutional transformation: This strand of research explored the significance of the process of organizational change which followed the establishment of the 1998 on political and other public policy institutions such as the police and prison services. It suggested that the experience and lessons learned from such periods of transition have much to contribute to how Northern Ireland begins to address political polarization in other areas of public service infrastructure, chiefly around the sectarian monoliths of education and housing.<br/>Working through the past: Legacy issues have gained increasing prominence since 1998: issues to do with public symbolism (particularly relating to the flying of flags and parading), defining victimhood, securing victims rights, recovery of the disappeared, reintegrating ex- prisoners back into society, and the possibilities for truth recovery and reconciliation have all acquired salient and emotive force. Although the 1998 Agreement promised to honour the dead through a new beginning, it is increasingly unclear as to whether an agreed narrative about the past is possible or even worthwhile pursuing. Research under this theme looked at the complex relationship between memory, commemoration and violence; how commemorative events are performed, organized, policed and represented. It also addressed the fraught issue of how to come to terms with Northern Irelands divided and bloodied past.<br/><br/>The editors are in the process of guiding contributors to adapt their papers, which were presented to a series of workshops on the above themes, to the purposes of the book. In particular, the contributors will be guided to focus on the related aims of assessing the extent of change that has occurred and providing an assessment of what remains to be done. To that end, contributors are asked to engage directly with the questions that close the Introduction, namely: To what extent has the promise of the 1998 Agreement been fulfilled? To what extent has the 1998 Agreement given rise to forms of exclusion? To what extent has the 1998 Agreement shaped new forms of debate, dispute and engagement? In the absence of that guidance having been sent out yet, the outlines below are, for the time being, the abstracts of their original papers.


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As escolas do 1 ciclo e os jardins-de-infncia confrontaram-se recentemente com a obrigatoriedade de se organizarem em associao com outras escolas do 2 e 3 ciclos do ensino bsico atravs dos chamados Agrupamentos de Escolas. Estes Agrupamentos (verticais) podero ser entendidos como funcionando num certo modelo de rede piramidal ou seja, cria-se um centro de deciso a escola-sede do Agrupamento (por norma, uma escola do 2 e 3 ciclo do ensino bsico, com os seus rgos de gesto de topo) relativamente ao qual se afiliam uma srie de escolas perifricas, designadamente da educao prescolar e do 1 ciclo do ensino bsico. Procuraremos, neste estudo, problematizar a situao perifrica destes estabelecimentos de educao e de ensino, tendo em conta a complexidade das regulaes e tenses a que esto sujeitos e que colocam no centro das atenes a figura do Coordenador de estabelecimento. com base num estudo de caso sobre um Agrupamento de Escolas, situado no norte do pas, que procurmos perceber qual o papel que os Coordenadores de estabelecimento assumem ao nvel da gesto intermdia do Agrupamento, analisando em particular a sua condio de lderes perifricos deste tipo de organizao escolar.


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No presente trabalho prope-se estudar a tenso superficial de vrios perfluorocarbonetos lineares, cclicos, aromticos e [alfa]-substitudos bem como lquidos inicos com o catio imidazolium em comum. Apesar do seu interesse inerente, informao sobre esta propriedade para os compostos seleccionados escassa e quando disponvel apresenta discrepncias considerveis entre si. As medies foram realizadas no intervalo de temperaturas (283 to 353) K usando o mtodo do anel de Du Noy. Para os fluorocarbonetos, os dados experimentais demonstram que a estrutura molecular o factor primordial no comportamento da superfcie uma vez que os fluorocarbonetos aromticos apresentam a tenso superficial mais elevada, seguida pelos fluorocarbonetos cclicos e substitudos. Os perfluorocarbonetos lineares apresentam os menores valores de tenso superficial, aumentando ligeiramente com o aumento do nmero de carbonos. Os lquidos inicos estudados foram seleccionados com o objectivo de fornecerem um estudo compreensivo sobre a influncia do tamanho da cadeia alqulica do catio, o nmero de substituies no catio e a influncia do anio. A influncia do contedo de gua na tenso superficial foi estudada em funo da temperatura e da fraco molar de gua para o liquido inico mais hidrofbico, [omim][PF6], e para o mais higroscpico, [bmim][PF6]. As funes termodinmicas de superfcie, como a entropia e entalpia de superfcie, foram derivadas a partir da dependncia da tenso superficial com a temperatura. Os dados obtidos para o fluorocarbonetos foram comparados com a correlao proposta por Faizullin, apresentando um desvio inferior a 4 % e demonstrando a sua aplicabilidade para com esta classe de compostos. A metodologia adoptada neste trabalho requer o conhecimento das densidades dos compostos de modo a aplicar a necessria correco hidrosttica. Contudo, para os lquidos inicos esta informao limitada ou mesmo inexistente. Por este motivo realizaram-se medies de densidade em funo da presso (0.10 < p/MPa < 10.0) e da temperatura (293.15 < T/K < 393.15). Desta dependncia, as propriedades termodinmicas, tais como compressibilidade isotrmica, expansividade isobrica, coeficiente trmico da presso e dependncia da capacidade calorfica com a presso foram investigadas. A influncia do teor de gua na densidade foi tambm estudada para o lquido inico mais hidrofbico, [omim][PF6]. Um modelo simples de volume-ideal foi aplicado de forma preditiva para os volumes molares dos lquidos inicos, em condies ambientais, descrevendo bem os dados experimentais. ABSTRACT: This work aims at studying the surface tension of some linear, cyclic, aromatic, [alfa]-substituted perfluorocarbons and imidazolium based ionic liquids. Despite its fundamental interest, information about this property for these compounds is scarce and the available data present strong discrepancies among each other. The measurements were carried out in the temperature range (283 to 353) K with the Du Noy ring method. For the fluorocarbons, the analysis of the experimental data shows that the molecular structure is the main factor in the surface since the aromatic fluorocompounds present the highest surface tensions, followed by the cyclic and substituted fluorocompounds. The linear n-perfluoroalkanes exhibit the lowest surface tension values, slightly increasing with the carbon number. The set of selected ionic liquids was chosen to provide a comprehensive study of the influence of the cation alkyl chain length, the number of cation substitutions and the anion on the properties under study. The influence of water content in the surface tension was studied for several ILs as a function of the temperature as well as a function of water mole fraction, for the most hydrophobic IL investigated, [omim][PF6], and one hygroscopic IL, [bmim][PF6]. The surface thermodynamic functions such as surface entropy and enthalpy were derived from the temperature dependence of the surface tension values. The perfluorocarbons experimental data were compared against the Faizullin correlation, and it is shown that this correlation describes the measured surface tensions with deviations inferior to 4 %. The methodology adopted in this work requires the knowledge of the densities of the compounds under study in order to apply an hydrostatic correction. However, for ionic liquids these information is scarse and in some cases unavailable. Therefore, experimental measurements of the pressure (0.10 < p/MPa < 10.0) and temperature (293.15 < T/K < 393.15) dependence of the density and derived thermodynamic properties, such as the isothermal compressibility, the isobaric expansivity, the thermal pressure coefficient, and the pressure dependence of the heat capacity of several imidazolium-based ionic were determined. The influence of water content in the density was also studied for the most hydrophobic IL used, [omim][PF6]. A simple ideal-volume model was employed for the prediction of the imidazolium molar volumes at ambient conditions, which proved to agree well with the experimental results.


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As medidas polticas tornam-se palco dos processos de apropriao e recepo que se desenvolvem a vrios nveis, especificamente, na escola, na sociedade civil e na comunidade cientfica. A escola apresenta-se, neste processo, como um dos cenrios em que alunos, pais e, em especial, os professores surgem como actores que reinterpretam o discurso oficial, reconhecendo nele potencialidades e limites, em face das suas expectativas, concepes e prticas, e que procedem sua transposio pedaggica, atravs dos objectivos que seleccionam, dos objectos que lem, das actividades e dos recursos mobilizados. A relevncia social da leitura, a sua centralidade e transversalidade curriculares, assim como o investimento poltico no domnio da promoo leitora, na escola, atravs da criao do Plano Nacional de Leitura, fazem desta medida poltica, um campo privilegiado para a anlise dos modos de recepo desenvolvidos pelos professores. Enquadrado numa perspectiva descritiva e interpretativa da investigao em Didctica, assumindo a importncia da construo pessoal e colectiva da leitura e dos leitores num quadro escolar, este estudo baseia-se no pressuposto de que a promoo da leitura, na escola, tendo como referncia o PNL, ter de se ancorar no conhecimento sobre os modos de recepo desta medida poltica. Partindo de um desenho metodolgico assente num estudo de caso, recolhemos dados, de natureza qualitativa e quantitativa, que nos permitem conhecer e interpretar a relao de um agrupamento de escolas do ensino bsico com as prticas de leitura realizadas no mbito do PNL. O percurso de anlise e reflexo que construmos durante este estudo permitiu-nos sobretudo evidenciar a receptividade s propostas polticas, de nvel global, actualizadas numa lgica de especificidade local. Constituem lugares de maior adeso, por parte dos professores, o reconhecimento das potencialidades do PNL, especificamente, o alargamento do fundo bibliogrfico, o aumento das prticas de leitura, o maior conhecimento de diferentes gneros textuais e a possibilidade de integrar o livro nas prticas de leitura. O processo de interpretao destas propostas aparece contudo atravessado por tenses e ambiguidades. Entre os lugares de resistncia, verifica-se uma certa dificuldade em desenvolver competncias de leitura, de diversificao de textos e de modos de os ler. O estudo pretende constituir um contributo para o alargamento do conhecimento sobre os processos de construo escolar da leitura, de recepo desenvolvidos pelos professores, no mbito do PNL, apresentando igualmente pistas para a avaliao das possibilidades de desenvolvimento e consecuo desta medida poltica, assim como para a definio de polticas de formao contnua de professores.


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No presente trabalho, analisamos atravs das respectivas narrativas, a formao e ao de dois diferentes grupos de Educadores de Infncia, um brasileiro e um portugus. A formao e o exerccio profissional sero analisados no contexto de dois jardins de infncia, no Rio de Janeiro (pblico) e em Aveiro (semi-privado/Instituio Privada de Solidariedade Social). Selecionamos Brasil e Portugal devido s semelhanas das circunstncias em que as respectivas prticas profissionais/pedaggicas ocorrem: lngua, tradies, modos similares do fazer em Educao de Infncia. Analisamos as opinies das educadoras, todas a exercer a profisso h mais de cinco anos, visando esclarecer as singularidades e aspectos em comum na formao e na prtica profissional dessas docentes de ambos os pases. Alm disso, almejamos elucidar as dificuldades, tenses e questes que forjaram o respectivo percurso, em ordem a identificar a forma como gerem o conhecimento acadmico e o conhecimento baseado na experincia, e a sua prpria prtica pedaggica, e (em ordem) a analisar as relaes que promovem com as crianas, as suas famlias e outros agentes educativos envolvidos. Finalmente, pretendemos refletir sobre o modo como as educadoras lidam com as mudanas em curso neste mundo globalizado, com as transformaes sociais e econmicas, com os novos meios de informao e produo do conhecimento, assim como com as alteraes nos valores e costumes do universo multicultural dos nossos dias.


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A avaliao do desempenho docente tem vindo a adquirir uma centralidade crescente nos contextos educativos. Para alm de razes mais abrangentes que tm a ver com a importncia gradual que a avaliao adquire nas polticas educativas, considera-se que a avaliao do desempenho docente contribui para a melhoria da qualidade do trabalho docente, das aprendizagens e dos resultados escolares dos alunos. As alteraes do Estatuto da Carreira Docente introduziram, a partir de 2007, a par com um novo e mais exigente sistema de avaliao, a diviso da carreira em duas categorias professor e professor titular. Os professores titulares passaram a desempenhar funes de avaliao e coordenao dos seus colegas. Estas mudanas trouxeram alteraes significativas na carreira, na profisso e no trabalho docente. O propsito deste estudo foi pesquisar, do ponto de vista da anlise organizacional, o modo como foi percecionado pelos docentes o processo de avaliao do desempenho (relativo ao ciclo 2007-2009), centrando-nos, em particular, no papel desempenhado pelos professores titulares num modelo de avaliao por pares e num quadro legal de verticalizao da carreira docente. Desenvolvemos este estudo num agrupamento de escolas da zona centro do territrio continental portugus seguindo uma metodologia de estudo de caso. Como principais concluses, e tendo em conta as lgicas organizacionais de que partimos, ressalta-se: i) ao nvel da lgica burocrtica, a burocratizao e morosidade do concurso dos professores titulares, a complexidade dos procedimentos conducentes implementao do sistema de avaliao e o formalismo na construo dos respetivos instrumentos; ii) dentro da lgica conflitual, as tenses decorrentes da discordncia com a diviso da carreira entre professor e professor titular, a atribuio aos professores titulares da funo avaliativa, no tendo estes sido reconhecidos pelos seus pares com legitimidade para os avaliar, e a existncia de conflitos entre os diversos intervenientes; iii) na lgica artificial, o facto de este sistema de avaliao no ter implicado alteraes significativas nas prticas, tendo em conta a exgua adeso dos professores avaliao da componente cientifico-pedaggica, a ritualizao de processos e o restringir-se ao cumprimento dos requisitos mnimos.


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This study is about the troubles encountered by one researcher in getting qualitative research on partnerships between families, in disadvantaged situations and educators in toddler day care settings and how they affect the quality of care as perceived by parents and educators. The study focuses on the conflicts and tensions as perceived by families and educators. A secondary goal of the study is to develop a greater understanding of how day care training programs might incorporate the findings to prepare day care educators to work with families in disadvantaged circumstances. The study is done through a qualitative lens using an ecological framework. The study spans a three month period and is set up in a non-profit, parent-controlled day care center. Detailed 'narratives of experience' are constructed from the participants' reflections on the events. Three main barriers or conflicts have emerged from the study. They are time, fear and a difference in perceptions between the families and the educators. The thesis concludes with advice to researchers who may be contemplating setting up a similar study and some suggestions are proposed for day care training programs. These suggestions include reflections of the researcher and how she implemented changes in her own teaching.


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Ce mmoire est le fruit dune rflexion portant sur la pulsion qui mhabite de sans cesse crer de nouveaux objets, ainsi que sur les rapports que jentretiens avec mes objets dart et les objets manufacturs qui nous entourent. Elle sest construite peu peu, dans un aller-retour entre production latelier et retour critique. Au cours des deux dernires annes, jai cherch, par lentremise de sculptures et duvres installatives, comprendre ma fascination pour le fait de vivre dans une socit dont lactivit fondamentale semble tre une transformation constante dnergie et de matire. Dans un premier temps, jy dresse plusieurs constats relatifs mon positionnement comme artiste face aux diffrents discours sur lart. Essentiellement, je dveloppe lide que je nai pas besoin de rgler le cas de lart, dun point de vue thorique, pour faire de lart. Dans la seconde partie, je rflchis sur diffrentes caractristiques de ma dmarche : le fait que je cherche crer des objets qui sinsrent et se comportent dans le rel comme des anomalies, que ma dmarche est permable tout ce qui constitue mon exprience de vie, ou encore que jactive en manipulant de faon intuitive du matriel charg de significations multiples. Dans un troisime temps, je prsente la nature de limaginaire qui mhabite et explique la faon dont ce dernier influence ma manire de faire de lart et la morphologie de mes uvres. Vient ensuite un chapitre dans lequel je me penche sur mon pass de designer industriel et de musicien, dans lequel jillustre la faon dont ces deux expriences de cration, bien que fort diffrentes de lart contemporain, influencent ma pratique actuelle. Finalement, je ferai une reprsentation schmatise des concepts, des mthodes et des dynamiques luvre dans mon processus cratif. Cette multitude de regards diffrents sur ma pratique permettra de faire ressortir, tout au long de ce mmoire, que ma dmarche est nourrie par une srie de tensions que je cherche rconcilier, sans vraiment y parvenir, et que cest cette impossibilit qui me pousse constamment crer des nouvelles uvres. Bien que mes uvres soient souvent interprtes comme des commentaires sur lactualit, le prsent mmoire na pas comme point central lactualit, mais bien mon travail de cration, la faon dont il fonctionne, ce quoi il est reli, etc. Je ne me pose pas la question pourquoi et comment transformons-nous lnergie et la matire? , mais plutt comment puis-je transformer le monde en transformant autrement lnergie et la matire?